mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 02:31:50 +03:00
[ IDE ] intro command (#2502)
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ New in Version 2 of the protocol are:
Replace the previous proof search result with the next proof search result.
``(:intro LINE NAME)``
Returns the non-empty list of valid saturated constructors that can be used in the hole
at line ``LINE`` named ``NAME``.
Possible Replies
@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ modules =
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ export
extend : (x : Name) -> Binder (tm vars) -> Env tm vars -> Env tm (x :: vars)
extend x = (::) {x}
length : Env tm xs -> Nat
length [] = 0
@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ export
defaultKindedName : Name -> KindedName
defaultKindedName nm = MkKindedName Nothing nm nm
funKindedName : Name -> KindedName
funKindedName nm = MkKindedName (Just Func) nm nm
Show KindedName where show = show . rawName
@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ process (AddClause l n)
process (AddMissing l n)
= do todoCmd "add-missing"
pure $ REPL $ Edited $ DisplayEdit emptyDoc
process (Intro l h) =
do replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process
$ Editing
$ Intro False (fromInteger l) (UN $ Basic h) {- hole name -}
process (Refine l h expr) =
do let Right (_, _, e) = runParser (Virtual Interactive) Nothing expr aPTerm
| Left err => pure $ REPL $ REPLError (pretty0 $ show err)
@ -377,6 +381,8 @@ displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (DisplayEdit xs))
= printIDEResult outf i $ AString $ show xs
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (EditError x))
= printIDEError outf i x
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (MadeIntro is))
= printIDEResult outf i $ AnIntroList is
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (MadeLemma lit name pty pappstr))
= printIDEResult outf i $ AMetaVarLemma $ MkMetaVarLemma
{ application = pappstr
@ -2361,6 +2361,7 @@ parserCommandsForHelp =
, editLineNameArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["ml", "makelemma"]) MakeLemma "Make lemma for term <n> defined on line <l>"
, editLineNameArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["mc", "makecase"]) MakeCase "Make case on term <n> defined on line <l>"
, editLineNameArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["mw", "makewith"]) MakeWith "Add with expression on term <n> defined on line <l>"
, editLineNameArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["intro"]) Intro "Introduce unambiguous constructor in hole <n> defined on line <l>"
, editLineNamePTermArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["refine"]) Refine "Refine hole <h> with identifier <n> on line <l> and column <c>"
, editLineNameCSVArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["ps", "proofsearch"]) ExprSearch "Search for a proof"
, noArgCmd (ParseREPLCmd ["psnext"]) (Editing ExprSearchNext) "Show next proof"
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import TTImp.Elab.Local
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.Interactive.ExprSearch
import TTImp.Interactive.GenerateDef
import TTImp.Interactive.Intro
import TTImp.Interactive.MakeLemma
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Unelab
@ -487,6 +488,27 @@ processEdit (AddClause upd line name)
if upd
then updateFile (addClause c (integerToNat (cast line)))
else pure $ DisplayEdit (pretty0 c)
processEdit (Intro upd line hole)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
-- Grab the hole's definition (and check it is not a solved hole)
[(h, hidx, hgdef)] <- lookupCtxtName hole (gamma defs)
| _ => pure $ EditError ("Could not find hole named" <++> pretty0 hole)
let Hole args _ = definition hgdef
| _ => pure $ EditError (pretty0 hole <++> "is not a refinable hole")
let (lhsCtxt ** (env, htyInLhsCtxt)) = underPis (cast args) [] (type hgdef)
(iintrod :: iintrods) <- intro hidx hole env htyInLhsCtxt
| [] => pure $ EditError "Don't know what to do."
pintrods <- traverseList1 pterm (iintrod ::: iintrods)
syn <- get Syn
let brack = elemBy (\x, y => dropNS x == dropNS y) hole (bracketholes syn)
let introds = map (show . pretty . ifThenElse brack (addBracket replFC) id) pintrods
if upd
then case introds of
introd ::: [] => updateFile (proofSearch hole introd (integerToNat (cast (line - 1))))
_ => pure $ EditError "Don't know what to do"
else pure $ MadeIntro introds
processEdit (Refine upd line hole e)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
-- First we grab the hole's definition (and check it is not a solved hole)
@ -1238,6 +1260,7 @@ mutual
= printResult $ pretty0 (relit lit (show name ++ " : " ++ show pty ++ "\n") ++ pappstr)
displayResult (Edited (MadeWith lit wapp)) = printResult $ pretty0 $ showSep "\n" (map (relit lit) wapp)
displayResult (Edited (MadeCase lit cstr)) = printResult $ pretty0 $ showSep "\n" (map (relit lit) cstr)
displayResult (Edited (MadeIntro is)) = printResult $ pretty0 $ showSep "\n" (toList is)
displayResult (OptionsSet opts) = printResult (vsep (pretty0 <$> opts))
-- do not use a catchall so that we are warned when a new constructor is added
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ data EditResult : Type where
MadeLemma : Maybe String -> Name -> IPTerm -> String -> EditResult
MadeWith : Maybe String -> List String -> EditResult
MadeCase : Maybe String -> List String -> EditResult
MadeIntro : List1 String -> EditResult
public export
data MissedResult : Type where
@ -180,29 +180,33 @@ mutual
"rangeFromThenTo" => pure $ PRange fc (unbracket l) (Just $ unbracket m) (unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
sugarAppM (PApp fc (PApp _ (PRef opFC (MkKindedName nt (NS ns nm) rn)) l) r) =
if builtinNS == ns
then case nameRoot nm of
"Pair" => pure $ PPair fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"MkPair" => pure $ PPair fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"DPair" => case unbracket r of
PLam _ _ _ n _ r' => pure $ PDPair fc opFC n (unbracket l) (unbracket r')
_ => Nothing
"Equal" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"===" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"~=~" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
else case nameRoot nm of
"::" => case sugarApp (unbracket r) of
PList fc nilFC xs => pure $ PList fc nilFC ((opFC, unbracketApp l) :: xs)
_ => Nothing
":<" => case sugarApp (unbracket l) of
PSnocList fc nilFC xs => pure $ PSnocList fc nilFC
(xs :< (opFC, unbracketApp r))
_ => Nothing
"rangeFromTo" => pure $ PRange fc (unbracket l) Nothing (unbracket r)
"rangeFromThen" => pure $ PRangeStream fc (unbracket l) (Just $ unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
if builtinNS == ns then
case nameRoot nm of
"Pair" => pure $ PPair fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"MkPair" => pure $ PPair fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"DPair" => case unbracket r of
PLam _ _ _ n _ r' => pure $ PDPair fc opFC n (unbracket l) (unbracket r')
_ => Nothing
"Equal" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"===" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
"~=~" => pure $ PEq fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
else if dpairNS == ns then
case nameRoot nm of
"MkDPair" => pure $ PDPair fc opFC (unbracket l) (PImplicit opFC) (unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
case nameRoot nm of
"::" => case sugarApp (unbracket r) of
PList fc nilFC xs => pure $ PList fc nilFC ((opFC, unbracketApp l) :: xs)
_ => Nothing
":<" => case sugarApp (unbracket l) of
PSnocList fc nilFC xs => pure $ PSnocList fc nilFC
(xs :< (opFC, unbracketApp r))
_ => Nothing
"rangeFromTo" => pure $ PRange fc (unbracket l) Nothing (unbracket r)
"rangeFromThen" => pure $ PRangeStream fc (unbracket l) (Just $ unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
sugarAppM tm =
-- refolding natural numbers if the expression is a constant
let Nothing = extractNat 0 tm
@ -600,6 +600,7 @@ data EditCmd : Type where
CaseSplit : Bool -> Int -> Int -> Name -> EditCmd
AddClause : Bool -> Int -> Name -> EditCmd
Refine : Bool -> Int -> (hole : Name) -> (expr : PTerm) -> EditCmd
Intro : Bool -> Int -> (hole : Name) -> EditCmd
ExprSearch : Bool -> Int -> Name -> List Name -> EditCmd
ExprSearchNext : EditCmd
GenerateDef : Bool -> Int -> Name -> Nat -> EditCmd
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ data IDECommand
| AddClause Integer String
-- deprecated: | AddProofClause
| AddMissing Integer String
| Refine Integer String String
| Intro Integer String -- line, hole name
| Refine Integer String String -- line, hole name, expression
| ExprSearch Integer String Hints Bool
| ExprSearchNext
| GenerateDef Integer String
@ -84,6 +85,8 @@ getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-missing", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom
= Just $ AddMissing line n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ ExprSearch l n (MkHints []) False
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "intro", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom h])
= Just $ Intro l h
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "refine", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom h, StringAtom n])
= Just $ Refine l h n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n, hs])
@ -156,7 +159,8 @@ putIDECommand (NameAt cmd (Just (line, col))) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "name-at",
putIDECommand (CaseSplit line col n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom line, IntegerAtom col, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (AddClause line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-clause", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (AddMissing line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-missing", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (Refine line hole name) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "refine", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom hole, StringAtom name])
putIDECommand (Intro line hole) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "intro", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom hole])
putIDECommand (Refine line hole name) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "refine", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom hole, StringAtom name])
putIDECommand (ExprSearch line n hints mode) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n, toSExp hints, getMode mode])
getMode : Bool -> SExp
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Protocol.SExp
import Protocol.IDE.Holes
import Protocol.IDE.FileContext
import Data.List1
import Data.Maybe
%default total
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ record MetaVarLemma where
SExpable MetaVarLemma where
toSExp mvl = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "metavariable-lemma"
toSExp mvl = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "metavariable-lemma"
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "replace-metavariable", StringAtom mvl.application ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "definition-type", StringAtom mvl.lemma ]
@ -68,9 +69,9 @@ SExpable MetaVarLemma where
FromSExpable MetaVarLemma where
fromSExp (SExpList [ SymbolAtom "metavariable-lemma"
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "replace-metavariable", StringAtom application ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "definition-type", StringAtom lemma ]
]) = Just $ MkMetaVarLemma {application, lemma}
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "replace-metavariable", StringAtom application ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "definition-type", StringAtom lemma ]
]) = Just $ MkMetaVarLemma {application, lemma}
fromSExp _ = Nothing
public export
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ data Result =
| AHoleList (List HoleData)
| ANameList (List String)
| AnOptionList (List REPLOption)
| AnIntroList (List1 String)
SExpable Result where
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ SExpable Result where
toSExp (AHoleList holes) = toSExp holes
toSExp (ANameList names) = SExpList (map SymbolAtom names)
toSExp (AnOptionList opts) = toSExp opts
toSExp (AnIntroList iss) = toSExp iss
-- This code is not efficient. Usually the client knows what kind of
-- result to expect based on the request it issued.
@ -143,4 +145,6 @@ FromSExpable Result where
| Just nl => pure $ ANameList nl
let Nothing = fromSExp sexp
| Just optl => pure $ AnOptionList optl
let Nothing = fromSExp sexp
| Just optl => pure $ AnIntroList optl
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Protocol.SExp
import Data.List
import Data.List1
%default total
@ -112,6 +113,16 @@ FromSExpable a => FromSExpable (List a) where
fromSExp (SExpList sexps) = traverse fromSExp sexps
fromSExp _ = Nothing
SExpable a => SExpable (List1 a) where
toSExp xs
= SExpList (map toSExp (toList xs))
FromSExpable a => FromSExpable (List1 a) where
fromSExp (SExpList (sexp :: sexps)) = traverse fromSExp (sexp ::: sexps)
fromSExp _ = Nothing
SExpable a => SExpable (Maybe a) where
toSExp Nothing = SExpList []
@ -121,70 +121,6 @@ findAllVars (Bind _ x (PLet _ _ _ _) sc)
= x :: findAllVars sc
findAllVars _ = []
unique : List String -> List String -> Int -> List Name -> String
unique [] supply suff usedns = unique supply supply (suff + 1) usedns
unique (str :: next) supply suff usedns
= let var = mkVarN str suff in
if UN (Basic var) `elem` usedns
then unique next supply suff usedns
else var
mkVarN : String -> Int -> String
mkVarN x 0 = x
mkVarN x i = x ++ show i
defaultNames : List String
defaultNames = ["x", "y", "z", "w", "v", "s", "t", "u"]
getArgName : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Name ->
List Name -> -- explicitly bound names (possibly coming later),
-- so we don't invent a default
-- name that duplicates it
List Name -> -- names bound so far
NF vars -> Core String
getArgName defs x bound allvars ty
= do defnames <- findNames ty
pure $ getName x defnames allvars
lookupName : Name -> List (Name, a) -> Core (Maybe a)
lookupName n [] = pure Nothing
lookupName n ((n', t) :: ts)
= if !(getFullName n) == !(getFullName n')
then pure (Just t)
else lookupName n ts
notBound : String -> Bool
notBound x = not $ UN (Basic x) `elem` bound
findNames : NF vars -> Core (List String)
findNames (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ _ _) _)
= pure (filter notBound ["f", "g"])
findNames (NTCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(lookupName n (NameMap.toList (namedirectives defs))) of
Nothing => pure (filter notBound defaultNames)
Just ns => pure (filter notBound ns)
findNames ty = pure (filter notBound defaultNames)
getName : Name -> List String -> List Name -> String
getName (UN (Basic n)) defs used = unique (n :: defs) (n :: defs) 0 used
getName _ defs used = unique defs defs 0 used
getArgNames : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List Name -> Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Core (List String)
getArgNames defs bound allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ p ty) sc)
= do ns <- case p of
Explicit => pure [!(getArgName defs x bound allvars !(evalClosure defs ty))]
_ => pure []
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc False))
pure $ ns ++ !(getArgNames defs bound (map (UN . Basic) ns ++ allvars) env sc')
getArgNames defs bound allvars env val = pure []
explicitlyBound : Defs -> NF [] -> Core (List Name)
explicitlyBound defs (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ _ _) sc)
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Idris.REPL.Opts
import Idris.Syntax
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.TTImp.Functor
import TTImp.Unelab
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
module TTImp.Interactive.Intro
import Core.Core
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Core.TT.Views
import Core.Unify
import Idris.Desugar
import Idris.REPL.Opts
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Unelab
import TTImp.Utils
%default covering
{lhsCtxt : _ }
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs}
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo}
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata}
{auto u : Ref UST UState}
{auto r : Ref ROpts REPLOpts}
(hidx : Int)
(hole : Name)
(env : Env Term lhsCtxt)
introLam : Name -> RigCount -> Term lhsCtxt -> Core IRawImp
introLam x rig ty = do
ty <- unelab env ty
defs <- get Ctxt
new_hole <- uniqueHoleName defs [] (nameRoot hole)
let iintrod = ILam replFC rig Explicit (Just x) ty (IHole replFC new_hole)
pure iintrod
introCon : Name -> Term lhsCtxt -> Core (List IRawImp)
introCon n ty = do
defs <- get Ctxt
ust <- get UST
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure []
-- for now we only handle types with a unique constructor
let TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ cs _ = definition gdef
| _ => pure []
let gty = gnf env ty
ics <- for cs $ \ cons => do
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cons (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
let nargs = lengthExplicitPi $ fst $ snd $ underPis (-1) [] (type gdef)
new_hole_names <- uniqueHoleNames defs nargs (nameRoot hole)
let new_holes = PHole replFC True <$> new_hole_names
let pcons = papply replFC (PRef replFC cons) new_holes
res <- catch
(do -- We're desugaring it to the corresponding TTImp
icons <- desugar AnyExpr lhsCtxt pcons
ccons <- checkTerm hidx {-is this correct?-} InExpr [] (MkNested []) env icons gty
newdefs <- get Ctxt
ncons <- normaliseHoles newdefs env ccons
icons <- unelab env ncons
pure (Just icons))
(\ _ => pure Nothing)
put Ctxt defs -- reset the context, we don't want any updates
put UST ust
pure res
pure (catMaybes ics)
intro : Term lhsCtxt -> Core (List IRawImp)
-- structural cases
intro (Bind _ x (Let _ _ ty val) sc) = toList <$> intro (subst val sc)
intro (TDelayed _ _ t) = intro t
-- interesting ones
intro (Bind _ x (Pi _ rig Explicit ty) _) = pure <$> introLam x rig ty
intro t = case getFnArgs t of
(Ref _ (TyCon _ ar) n, _) => introCon n t
_ => pure []
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module TTImp.Utils
import Core.Context
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.Env
import Core.Value
import TTImp.TTImp
import Data.List
@ -11,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.String
import Idris.Syntax
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Utils.String
%default covering
@ -542,3 +545,68 @@ uniqueHoleNames defs = go [] where
go acc (S n) hole = do
hole' <- uniqueHoleName defs acc hole
go (hole' :: acc) n hole'
unique : List String -> List String -> Int -> List Name -> String
unique [] supply suff usedns = unique supply supply (suff + 1) usedns
unique (str :: next) supply suff usedns
= let var = mkVarN str suff in
if UN (Basic var) `elem` usedns
then unique next supply suff usedns
else var
mkVarN : String -> Int -> String
mkVarN x 0 = x
mkVarN x i = x ++ show i
getArgName : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Name ->
List Name -> -- explicitly bound names (possibly coming later),
-- so we don't invent a default
-- name that duplicates it
List Name -> -- names bound so far
NF vars -> Core String
getArgName defs x bound allvars ty
= do defnames <- findNames ty
pure $ getName x defnames allvars
lookupName : Name -> List (Name, a) -> Core (Maybe a)
lookupName n [] = pure Nothing
lookupName n ((n', t) :: ts)
= if !(getFullName n) == !(getFullName n')
then pure (Just t)
else lookupName n ts
notBound : String -> Bool
notBound x = not $ UN (Basic x) `elem` bound
defaultNames : List String
defaultNames = ["x", "y", "z", "w", "v", "s", "t", "u"]
findNames : NF vars -> Core (List String)
findNames (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ _ _) _)
= pure (filter notBound ["f", "g"])
findNames (NTCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(lookupName n (NameMap.toList (namedirectives defs))) of
Nothing => pure (filter notBound defaultNames)
Just ns => pure (filter notBound ns)
findNames ty = pure (filter notBound defaultNames)
getName : Name -> List String -> List Name -> String
getName (UN (Basic n)) defs used = unique (n :: defs) (n :: defs) 0 used
getName _ defs used = unique defs defs 0 used
getArgNames : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List Name -> Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Core (List String)
getArgNames defs bound allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ p ty) sc)
= do ns <- case p of
Explicit => pure [!(getArgName defs x bound allvars !(evalClosure defs ty))]
_ => pure []
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc False))
pure $ ns ++ !(getArgNames defs bound (map (UN . Basic) ns ++ allvars) env sc')
getArgNames defs bound allvars env val = pure []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user