[ refactor ] Move HTML docs specific code into its own module

This commit is contained in:
Johann Rudloff 2021-04-29 10:47:31 +02:00
parent af26a73504
commit 0b9831e3c5
3 changed files with 105 additions and 95 deletions

src/Idris/Doc/HTML.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
module Idris.Doc.HTML
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Directory
import Data.Strings
import Parser.Lexer.Source
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.HTML
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.SimpleDocTree
import Idris.DocString
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.Version
getNS : Name -> String
getNS (NS ns _) = show ns
getNS _ = ""
hasNS : Name -> Bool
hasNS (NS _ _) = True
hasNS _ = False
tryCanonicalName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Maybe Name)
tryCanonicalName fc n with (hasNS n)
tryCanonicalName fc n | True
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)) of
[(n, _, _)] => pure $ Just n
_ => pure Nothing
tryCanonicalName fc n | False = pure Nothing
packageInternal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core Bool
packageInternal (NS ns _) =
do let mi = nsAsModuleIdent ns
catch ((const True) <$> nsToSource emptyFC mi) (\_ => pure False)
packageInternal _ = pure False
prettyNameRoot : Name -> String
prettyNameRoot n =
let root = nameRoot n in
if isOpName n then "(" ++ root ++ ")" else root
renderHtml : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
SimpleDocTree IdrisDocAnn ->
Core String
renderHtml STEmpty = pure neutral
renderHtml (STChar c) = pure $ cast c
renderHtml (STText _ text) = pure text
renderHtml (STLine _) = pure "<br>"
renderHtml (STAnn Declarations rest) = pure $ "<dl class=\"decls\">" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dl>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Decl n) rest) = pure $ "<dt id=\"" ++ (htmlEscape $ show n) ++ "\">" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dt>"
renderHtml (STAnn DocStringBody rest) = pure $ "<dd>" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dd>"
renderHtml (STAnn DCon rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<span class=\"name constructor\">" <+> resthtml <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn (TCon n) rest) = do
pure $ "<span class=\"name type\">" <+> (prettyNameRoot n) <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Fun n) rest) = do
pure $ "<span class=\"name function\">" <+> (prettyNameRoot n) <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn Header rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<b>" <+> resthtml <+> "</b>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Syntax (SynRef n)) rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
Just cName <- tryCanonicalName emptyFC n
| Nothing => pure $ "<span class=\"implicit\">" <+> resthtml <+> "</span>"
True <- packageInternal cName
| False => pure $ "<span class=\"type resolved\" title=\"" <+> (htmlEscape $ show cName) <+> "\">" <+> (htmlEscape $ nameRoot cName) <+> "</span>"
pure $ "<a class=\"type\" href=\"" ++ (htmlEscape $ getNS cName) ++ ".html#" ++ (htmlEscape $ show cName) ++ "\">" <+> (htmlEscape $ nameRoot cName) <+> "</a>"
renderHtml (STAnn ann rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<!-- ann ignored START -->" ++ resthtml ++ "<!-- ann END -->"
renderHtml (STConcat docs) = pure $ fastConcat !(traverse renderHtml docs)
docDocToHtml : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Doc IdrisDocAnn ->
Core String
docDocToHtml doc =
let dt = SimpleDocTree.fromStream $ layoutUnbounded doc in
renderHtml dt
htmlPreamble : String -> String -> String -> String
htmlPreamble title root class = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">"
++ "<title>" ++ htmlEscape title ++ "</title>"
++ "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" ++ root ++ "styles.css\"></head>"
++ "<body class=\"" ++ class ++ "\">"
++ "<header><strong>Idris2Doc</strong> : " ++ htmlEscape title
++ "<nav><a href=\"" ++ root ++ "index.html\">Index</a></nav></header>"
++ "<div class=\"container\">"
htmlFooter : String
htmlFooter = "</div><footer>Produced by Idris 2 version " ++ (showVersion True version) ++ "</footer></body></html>"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Strings
import Data.These
import Parser.Lexer.Source
import Parser.Package
import System
import System.Directory
@ -25,21 +24,18 @@ import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.StringTrie
import Libraries.Text.Parser
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.HTML
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.SimpleDocTree
import Libraries.Utils.Binary
import Libraries.Utils.String
import Libraries.Utils.Path
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.Doc.HTML
import Idris.DocString
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.ProcessIdr
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.REPL.Common
import Idris.REPL.Opts
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.SetOptions
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
@ -416,77 +412,6 @@ check pkg opts =
runScript (postbuild pkg)
pure []
getNS : Name -> String
getNS (NS ns _) = show ns
getNS _ = ""
hasNS : Name -> Bool
hasNS (NS _ _) = True
hasNS _ = False
tryCanonicalName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Maybe Name)
tryCanonicalName fc n with (hasNS n)
tryCanonicalName fc n | True
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)) of
[(n, _, _)] => pure $ Just n
_ => pure Nothing
tryCanonicalName fc n | False = pure Nothing
packageInternal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core Bool
packageInternal (NS ns _) =
do let mi = nsAsModuleIdent ns
catch ((const True) <$> nsToSource emptyFC mi) (\_ => pure False)
packageInternal _ = pure False
prettyNameRoot : Name -> String
prettyNameRoot n =
let root = nameRoot n in
if isOpName n then "(" ++ root ++ ")" else root
renderHtml : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
SimpleDocTree IdrisDocAnn ->
Core String
renderHtml STEmpty = pure neutral
renderHtml (STChar c) = pure $ cast c
renderHtml (STText _ text) = pure text
renderHtml (STLine _) = pure "<br>"
renderHtml (STAnn Declarations rest) = pure $ "<dl class=\"decls\">" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dl>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Decl n) rest) = pure $ "<dt id=\"" ++ (htmlEscape $ show n) ++ "\">" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dt>"
renderHtml (STAnn DocStringBody rest) = pure $ "<dd>" <+> !(renderHtml rest) <+> "</dd>"
renderHtml (STAnn DCon rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<span class=\"name constructor\">" <+> resthtml <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn (TCon n) rest) = do
pure $ "<span class=\"name type\">" <+> (prettyNameRoot n) <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Fun n) rest) = do
pure $ "<span class=\"name function\">" <+> (prettyNameRoot n) <+> "</span>"
renderHtml (STAnn Header rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<b>" <+> resthtml <+> "</b>"
renderHtml (STAnn (Syntax (SynRef n)) rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
Just cName <- tryCanonicalName emptyFC n
| Nothing => pure $ "<span class=\"implicit\">" <+> resthtml <+> "</span>"
True <- packageInternal cName
| False => pure $ "<span class=\"type resolved\" title=\"" <+> (htmlEscape $ show cName) <+> "\">" <+> (htmlEscape $ nameRoot cName) <+> "</span>"
pure $ "<a class=\"type\" href=\"" ++ (htmlEscape $ getNS cName) ++ ".html#" ++ (htmlEscape $ show cName) ++ "\">" <+> (htmlEscape $ nameRoot cName) <+> "</a>"
renderHtml (STAnn ann rest) = do
resthtml <- renderHtml rest
pure $ "<!-- ann ignored START -->" ++ resthtml ++ "<!-- ann END -->"
renderHtml (STConcat docs) = pure $ fastConcat !(traverse renderHtml docs)
docDocToHtml : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Doc IdrisDocAnn ->
Core String
docDocToHtml doc =
let ds = layoutUnbounded doc
dt = SimpleDocTree.fromStream ds in
renderHtml dt
makeDoc : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
@ -514,13 +439,13 @@ makeDoc pkg opts =
addImport (MkImport emptyFC False mod ns)
defs <- get Ctxt
names <- allNames (gamma defs)
let allNs = filter (inNS ns) names
allNs <- filterM (visible defs) allNs
let allInNamespace = filter (inNS ns) names
visibleNames <- filterM (visible defs) allInNamespace
writeHtml $ htmlPreamble (show mod) "../" "namespace"
writeHtml ("<h1>" ++ show mod ++ "</h1>")
writeHtml ("<dl class=\"decls\">")
ignore $ for (sort allNs) (\name => do
ignore $ for (sort visibleNames) (\name => do
doc <- getDocsForName emptyFC name
writeHtml !(docDocToHtml doc)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.HTML
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Idris.Version
htmlEscape : String -> String
htmlEscape s = fastAppend $ reverse $ go [] s
@ -36,17 +34,3 @@ htmlEscape s = fastAppend $ reverse $ go [] s
(safe, rest) => let c = assert_total (strIndex rest 0)
escaped = htmlQuote c in
go (escaped::safe::acc) (assert_total $ strTail rest)
htmlPreamble : String -> String -> String -> String
htmlPreamble title root class = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">"
++ "<title>" ++ htmlEscape title ++ "</title>"
++ "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" ++ root ++ "styles.css\"></head>"
++ "<body class=\"" ++ class ++ "\">"
++ "<header><strong>Idris2Doc</strong> : " ++ htmlEscape title
++ "<nav><a href=\"" ++ root ++ "index.html\">Index</a></nav></header>"
++ "<div class=\"container\">"
htmlFooter : String
htmlFooter = "</div><footer>Produced by Idris 2 version " ++ (showVersion True version) ++ "</footer></body></html>"