mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 01:01:59 +03:00
desugar autobind properly
This commit is contained in:
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ checkConflictingFixities isPrefix exprFC opn
toTokList : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PTerm -> Core (List (Tok OpStr PTerm))
toTokList (POp fc opFC opn l r)
toTokList (POp fc opFC _ opn l r)
= do precInfo <- checkConflictingFixities False fc opn
rtoks <- toTokList r
pure (Expr l :: Op fc opFC opn precInfo :: rtoks)
@ -308,8 +308,16 @@ mutual
[apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "~=~")) [l', r']]
desugarB side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugarB side ps e
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc opFC op l r)
-- desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC (PRef namefc n@(UN _)) ty r)
-- = do ty' <- desugarB side ps ty
-- r' <- desugarB side ps r
-- pure $ apply (IVar opFC dpairname)
-- [ty', ILam namefc top Explicit (Just n) ty' r']
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC (Just nm) op l r)
= desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC Nothing op l
$ PLam (virtualiseFC opFC) top Explicit nm (PImplicit opFC) r)
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC Nothing op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc opFC Nothing op l r)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
= do ts <- toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
@ -322,12 +330,12 @@ mutual
[] =>
desugarB side ps
(PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc opFC op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
(POp fc opFC Nothing op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
(prec :: _) => desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
desugarB side ps (PSectionR fc opFC arg op)
= desugarB side ps
(PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc opFC op arg (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
(POp fc opFC Nothing op arg (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
desugarB side ps (PSearch fc depth) = pure $ ISearch fc depth
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (BI x))
= case !fromIntegerName of
@ -325,15 +325,41 @@ mutual
decoratedSymbol fname "]"
pure (map (\ n => (boundToFC fname n, n.val)) $ forget ns)
opExpr : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExpr q fname indents
opBinder : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (PTerm, PTerm)
opBinder fname indents
= do loc <- bounds (do x <- UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (x, ty))
(nm, ty) <- pure loc.val
pure (PRef (boundToFC fname loc) nm, ty)
autobindOp : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
autobindOp q fname indents
= do bindRes <- bounds $ parens fname (opBinder fname indents)
(bindName, bindExpr) <- pure $ bindRes.val
continue indents
op <- bounds iOperator
e <- bounds (expr q fname indents)
pure (POp (boundToFC fname $ mergeBounds bindRes e)
(boundToFC fname op)
(Just $ bindName)
opExprBase : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExprBase q fname indents
= do l <- bounds (appExpr q fname indents)
(if eqOK q
then do r <- bounds (continue indents *> decoratedSymbol fname "=" *> opExpr q fname indents)
then do r <- bounds (continue indents
*> decoratedSymbol fname "="
*> opExprBase q fname indents)
pure $
let fc = boundToFC fname (mergeBounds l r)
opFC = virtualiseFC fc -- already been highlighted: we don't care
in POp fc opFC (UN $ Basic "=") l.val r.val
in POp fc opFC Nothing (UN $ Basic "=") l.val r.val
else fail "= not allowed")
(do b <- bounds $ do
@ -346,9 +372,13 @@ mutual
(op, r) <- pure b.val
let fc = boundToFC fname (mergeBounds l b)
let opFC = boundToFC fname op
pure (POp fc opFC op.val l.val r))
pure (POp fc opFC Nothing op.val l.val r))
<|> pure l.val
opExpr : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExpr q fname indents = opExprBase q fname indents
<|> autobindOp q fname indents
dpairType : OriginDesc -> WithBounds t -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
dpairType fname start indents
= do loc <- bounds (do x <- UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
@ -981,6 +1011,7 @@ mutual
<|> defaultImplicitPi fname indents
<|> forall_ fname indents
<|> implicitPi fname indents
<|> autobindOp pdef fname indents
<|> explicitPi fname indents
<|> lam fname indents
@ -332,7 +332,11 @@ mutual
prettyPrec d (PDotted _ p) = dot <+> prettyPrec d p
prettyPrec d (PImplicit _) = "_"
prettyPrec d (PInfer _) = annotate Hole $ "?"
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ op x y) =
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ (Just ab) op left right) =
group $ parens (pretty ab <++> ":" <++> pretty left)
<++> prettyOp op
<++> pretty right
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ Nothing op x y) =
parenthesise (d >= App) $
group $ pretty x
<++> prettyOp op
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mkOp tm@(PApp fc (PApp _ (PRef opFC kn) x) y)
-- to know if the name is an operator or not, it's enough to check
-- that the fixity context contains the name `(++)`
let rootName = UN (Basic (nameRoot raw))
let asOp = POp fc opFC kn (unbracketApp x) (unbracketApp y)
let asOp = POp fc opFC Nothing kn (unbracketApp x) (unbracketApp y)
if not (null (lookupName rootName (infixes syn)))
then pure asOp
else case dropNS raw of
@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ cleanPTerm ptm
cleanNode : IPTerm -> Core IPTerm
cleanNode (PRef fc nm) =
PRef fc <$> cleanKindedName nm
cleanNode (POp fc opFC op x y) =
(\ op => POp fc opFC op x y) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (POp fc opFC abi op x y) =
(\ op => POp fc opFC abi op x y) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (PPrefixOp fc opFC op x) =
(\ op => PPrefixOp fc opFC op x) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (PSectionL fc opFC op x) =
@ -138,7 +138,10 @@ mutual
-- Operators
POp : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
POp : (full, opFC : FC) ->
-- If the operator is autobind, we expect a pterm for the bound name
(isAutobind : Maybe (PTerm' nm)) ->
OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
PPrefixOp : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
PSectionL : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
PSectionR : (full, opFC : FC) -> PTerm' nm -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm
@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ mutual
getPTermLoc (PDotted fc _) = fc
getPTermLoc (PImplicit fc) = fc
getPTermLoc (PInfer fc) = fc
getPTermLoc (POp fc _ _ _ _) = fc
getPTermLoc (POp fc _ _ _ _ _) = fc
getPTermLoc (PPrefixOp fc _ _ _) = fc
getPTermLoc (PSectionL fc _ _ _) = fc
getPTermLoc (PSectionR fc _ _ _) = fc
@ -808,7 +811,9 @@ parameters {0 nm : Type} (toName : nm -> Name)
showPTermPrec d (PDotted _ p) = "." ++ showPTermPrec d p
showPTermPrec _ (PImplicit _) = "_"
showPTermPrec _ (PInfer _) = "?"
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ op x y) = showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d y
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ Nothing op x y) = showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d y
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ (Just nm) op x y)
= "(" ++ showPTermPrec d nm ++ " : " ++ showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d y ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (PPrefixOp _ _ op x) = showOpPrec d op ++ showPTermPrec d x
showPTermPrec d (PSectionL _ _ op x) = "(" ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d x ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (PSectionR _ _ x op) = "(" ++ showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ ")"
@ -99,9 +99,12 @@ mapPTermM f = goPTerm where
>>= f
goPTerm t@(PImplicit _) = f t
goPTerm t@(PInfer _) = f t
goPTerm (POp fc opFC x y z) =
POp fc opFC x <$> goPTerm y
<*> goPTerm z
goPTerm (POp fc opFC autobindInfo x y z) =
POp fc opFC
<$> traverseOpt f autobindInfo
<*> pure x
<*> goPTerm y
<*> goPTerm z
>>= f
goPTerm (PPrefixOp fc opFC x y) =
PPrefixOp fc opFC x <$> goPTerm y
@ -434,8 +437,8 @@ mapPTerm f = goPTerm where
= f $ PDotted fc $ goPTerm x
goPTerm t@(PImplicit _) = f t
goPTerm t@(PInfer _) = f t
goPTerm (POp fc opFC x y z)
= f $ POp fc opFC x (goPTerm y) (goPTerm z)
goPTerm (POp fc opFC autoBindInfo opName y z)
= f $ POp fc opFC (map f autoBindInfo) opName (goPTerm y) (goPTerm z)
goPTerm (PPrefixOp fc opFC x y)
= f $ PPrefixOp fc opFC x $ goPTerm y
goPTerm (PSectionL fc opFC x y)
@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ substFC fc = mapPTerm $ \case
PDotted _ x => PDotted fc x
PImplicit _ => PImplicit fc
PInfer _ => PInfer fc
POp _ _ x y z => POp fc fc x y z
POp _ _ ab nm l r => POp fc fc ab nm l r
PPrefixOp _ _ x y => PPrefixOp fc fc x y
PSectionL _ _ x y => PSectionL fc fc x y
PSectionR _ _ x y => PSectionR fc fc x y
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ getFnArgs embed fts = go fts [] where
go (PAutoApp fc f t) = go f . (Auto fc t ::)
go (PNamedApp fc f n t) = go f . (Named fc n t ::)
go (PBracketed fc f) = go f
go (POp fc opFC op l r) = (PRef opFC op,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
-- we don't care about the binder info here
go (POp fc opFC _ op l r) = (PRef opFC op,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
go (PEq fc l r) = (PRef fc $ embed eqName,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
-- ambiguous, picking the type constructor here
go (PPair fc l r) = (PRef fc $ embed pairname,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
autobind infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
-- same as
-- MkS : (1 x : ty) -> S x
Reference in New Issue
Block a user