Use version number field in ipkg

Packages are now installed in a directory with their version number.
On adding a package directory, we now look in a local 'depends'
directory first (to allow packages to be installed locally to another
project) before the global install directory.
Dependencies can have version bounds (details yet to be implemented) and
we pick the package with the highest version number that matches.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2021-02-27 14:15:19 +00:00
parent f334a050b7
commit 1052c41a3c
16 changed files with 195 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ REPL/IDE mode changes:
* Added `:search` command, which searches for functions by type
* `:load`/`:l` and `:cd` commands now only accept paths surrounded by double quotes
Other changes:
* The `version` field in `.ipkg` files is now used. Packages are installed into
a directory which includes its version number, and dependencies can give
version number ranges.
* Idris now looks in the current working directory, under a subdirectory
`depends` for local installations of packages before looking globally.
Changes since Idris 2 v0.2.1

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
[ ] Change version number (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) in Makefile
[ ] Change version numbers in doc listings
[ ] Change version numbers in prelude, base, contrib, network ipkgs
[ ] Update bootstrap chez and racket
[ ] Tag on github with version number (in the form vX.Y.Z)
[ ] Run release script

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package base
version = 0.3.0
modules = Control.App,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package contrib
version = 0.3.0
modules = Control.ANSI,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package network
version = 0.3.0
opts = "-p contrib"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package prelude
version = 0.3.0
opts = "--no-prelude"

View File

@ -2035,6 +2035,12 @@ setBuildDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->build_dir = dir } defs)
setDependsDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
setDependsDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->depends_dir = dir } defs)
setOutputDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Maybe String -> Core ()
setOutputDir dir

View File

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ data Error : Type where
GenericMsg : FC -> String -> Error
TTCError : TTCErrorMsg -> Error
FileErr : String -> FileError -> Error
CantFindPackage : String -> Error
LitFail : FC -> Error
LexFail : FC -> String -> Error
ParseFail : (Show token, Pretty token) =>
@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ Show Error where
show (GenericMsg fc str) = show fc ++ ":" ++ str
show (TTCError msg) = "Error in TTC file: " ++ show msg
show (FileErr fname err) = "File error (" ++ fname ++ "): " ++ show err
show (CantFindPackage fname) = "Can't find package " ++ fname
show (LitFail fc) = show fc ++ ":Can't parse literate"
show (LexFail fc err) = show fc ++ ":Lexer error (" ++ show err ++ ")"
show (ParseFail fc err toks) = "Parse error (" ++ show err ++ "): " ++ show toks
@ -378,6 +380,7 @@ getErrorLoc (BadRunElab loc _ _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (GenericMsg loc _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (TTCError _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc (FileErr _ _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc (CantFindPackage _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc (LitFail loc) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (LexFail loc _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (ParseFail loc _ _) = Just loc

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ record Dirs where
working_dir : String
source_dir : Maybe String -- source directory, relative to working directory
build_dir : String -- build directory, relative to working directory
depends_dir : String -- local dependencies directory, relative to working directory
output_dir : Maybe String -- output directory, relative to working directory
prefix_dir : String -- installation prefix, for finding data files (e.g. run time support)
extra_dirs : List String -- places to look for import files
@ -37,10 +38,11 @@ outputDirWithDefault d = fromMaybe (build_dir d </> "exec") (output_dir d)
public export
toString : Dirs -> String
toString d@(MkDirs wdir sdir bdir odir dfix edirs ldirs ddirs) =
toString d@(MkDirs wdir sdir bdir ldir odir dfix edirs ldirs ddirs) =
unlines [ "+ Working Directory :: " ++ show wdir
, "+ Source Directory :: " ++ show sdir
, "+ Build Directory :: " ++ show bdir
, "+ Local Depend Directory :: " ++ show ldir
, "+ Output Directory :: " ++ show (outputDirWithDefault d)
, "+ Installation Prefix :: " ++ show dfix
, "+ Extra Directories :: " ++ show edirs
@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ getCG : Options -> String -> Maybe CG
getCG o cg = lookup (toLower cg) (availableCGs o)
defaultDirs : Dirs
defaultDirs = MkDirs "." Nothing "build" Nothing
defaultDirs = MkDirs "." Nothing "build" "depends" Nothing
"/usr/local" ["."] [] []
defaultPPrint : PPrinter

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import IdrisPaths
import Idris.Env
import Idris.Version
import Core.Name.Namespace
import Core.Options
import Data.List
@ -40,6 +41,46 @@ export
Show DirCommand where
show LibDir = "--libdir"
public export
data PkgVersion = MkPkgVersion (List Nat)
Show PkgVersion where
show (MkPkgVersion vs) = showSep "." (map show vs)
Eq PkgVersion where
MkPkgVersion p == MkPkgVersion q = p == q
Ord PkgVersion where
-- list ordering gives us what we want
compare (MkPkgVersion p) (MkPkgVersion q) = compare p q
-- version must be >= lowerBound and <= upperBound
-- Do we want < and > as well?
public export
record PkgVersionBounds where
constructor MkPkgVersionBounds
lowerBound : Maybe PkgVersion
upperBound : Maybe PkgVersion
anyBounds : PkgVersionBounds
anyBounds = MkPkgVersionBounds Nothing Nothing
current : PkgVersionBounds
current = let (maj,min,patch) = semVer version
version = Just (MkPkgVersion [maj, min, patch]) in
MkPkgVersionBounds version version
inBounds : PkgVersion -> PkgVersionBounds -> Bool
inBounds v bounds
= maybe True (\v' => v >= v') bounds.lowerBound &&
maybe True (\v' => v <= v') bounds.upperBound
||| CLOpt - possible command line options
public export
data CLOpt

View File

@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ updateEnv
-- for the tests means they test the local version not the installed
-- version
defs <- get Ctxt
addPkgDir "prelude"
addPkgDir "base"
addPkgDir "prelude" anyBounds
addPkgDir "base" anyBounds
addDataDir (prefix_dir (dirs (options defs)) </>
("idris2-" ++ showVersion False version) </> "support")
addLibDir (prefix_dir (dirs (options defs)) </>

View File

@ -406,6 +406,8 @@ perror (TTCError msg)
<++> parens (pretty "the most likely case is that the ./build directory in your current project contains files from a previous build of idris2 or the idris2 executable is from a different build than the installed .ttc files")
perror (FileErr fname err)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "File error in" <++> pretty fname <++> colon) <++> pretty (show err)
perror (CantFindPackage fname)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Can't find package " <++> pretty fname)
perror (LitFail fc)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Can't parse literate.") <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (LexFail fc msg)

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public export
record PkgDesc where
constructor MkPkgDesc
name : String
version : String
version : PkgVersion
authors : String
maintainers : Maybe String
license : Maybe String
@ -68,10 +68,13 @@ record PkgDesc where
preclean : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run before cleaning
postclean : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after cleaning
installDir : PkgDesc -> String
installDir p = name p ++ "-" ++ show (version p)
Show PkgDesc where
show pkg = "Package: " ++ name pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Version: " ++ version pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Version: " ++ show (version pkg) ++ "\n" ++
"Authors: " ++ authors pkg ++ "\n" ++
maybe "" (\m => "Maintainers: " ++ m ++ "\n") (maintainers pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "License: " ++ m ++ "\n") (license pkg) ++
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ Show PkgDesc where
initPkgDesc : String -> PkgDesc
initPkgDesc pname
= MkPkgDesc pname "0" "Anonymous" Nothing Nothing
= MkPkgDesc pname (MkPkgVersion [0,0]) "Anonymous" Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
[] []
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data DescField : Type where
PVersion : FC -> String -> DescField
PVersion : FC -> PkgVersion -> DescField
PAuthors : FC -> String -> DescField
PMaintainers : FC -> String -> DescField
PLicense : FC -> String -> DescField
@ -130,8 +133,7 @@ data DescField : Type where
field : String -> Rule DescField
field fname
= strField PVersion "version"
<|> strField PAuthors "authors"
= strField PAuthors "authors"
<|> strField PMaintainers "maintainers"
<|> strField PLicense "license"
<|> strField PBrief "brief"
@ -150,6 +152,13 @@ field fname
<|> strField PPostinstall "postinstall"
<|> strField PPreclean "preclean"
<|> strField PPostclean "postclean"
<|> do start <- location
ignore $ exactProperty "version"
vs <- sepBy1 dot' integerLit
end <- location
pure (PVersion (MkFC fname start end)
(MkPkgVersion (map fromInteger vs)))
<|> do ignore $ exactProperty "depends"
ds <- sep packageName
@ -255,7 +264,7 @@ addDeps : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
addDeps pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
traverse_ addPkgDir (depends pkg)
traverse_ (\p => addPkgDir p anyBounds) (depends pkg)
processOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
@ -325,8 +334,8 @@ copyFile src dest
writeToFile dest buf
installFrom : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> String -> ModuleIdent -> Core ()
installFrom pname builddir destdir ns
String -> String -> ModuleIdent -> Core ()
installFrom builddir destdir ns
= do let ttcfile = joinPath (reverse $ unsafeUnfoldModuleIdent ns)
let ttcPath = builddir </> "ttc" </> ttcfile <.> "ttc"
@ -368,18 +377,17 @@ install pkg opts -- not used but might be in the future
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version
True <- coreLift $ changeDir installPrefix
| False => throw $ InternalError $ "Can't change directory to " ++ installPrefix
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll (name pkg)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll (installDir pkg)
| Left err => throw $ InternalError $ unlines
[ "Can't make directory " ++ name pkg
[ "Can't make directory " ++ installDir pkg
, show err ]
True <- coreLift $ changeDir (name pkg)
| False => throw $ InternalError $ "Can't change directory to " ++ name pkg
True <- coreLift $ changeDir (installDir pkg)
| False => throw $ InternalError $ "Can't change directory to " ++ installDir pkg
-- We're in that directory now, so copy the files from
-- srcdir/build into it
traverse_ (installFrom (name pkg)
(srcdir </> build)
(installPrefix </> name pkg)) toInstall
traverse_ (installFrom (srcdir </> build)
(installPrefix </> installDir pkg)) toInstall
coreLift_ $ changeDir srcdir
runScript (postinstall pkg)
@ -643,4 +651,4 @@ findIpkg fname
dropHead str (x :: xs)
= if x == str then xs else x :: xs
loadDependencies : List String -> Core ()
loadDependencies = traverse_ addPkgDir
loadDependencies = traverse_ (\p => addPkgDir p anyBounds)

View File

@ -14,19 +14,88 @@ import Idris.Version
import IdrisPaths
import Data.List
import Data.So
import Data.Strings
import System
import System.Directory
%default covering
-- Get a list of all the candidate directories that match a package spec
-- in a given path. Return an empty list on file error (e.g. path not existing)
candidateDirs : String -> String -> PkgVersionBounds ->
IO (List (String, PkgVersion))
candidateDirs dname pkg bounds
= do Right d <- openDir dname
| Left err => pure []
getFiles d []
toVersionNum : String -> List Nat
toVersionNum str
= case span (/= '.') str of
(num, rest) =>
case strM rest of
StrNil => [stringToNatOrZ num]
StrCons _ rest =>
(stringToNatOrZ num :: toVersionNum rest)
getVersion : String -> (String, PkgVersion)
getVersion str
= case span (/= '-') str of
(name, ver) => case strM ver of
StrNil => (name, MkPkgVersion [0])
StrCons _ ver =>
(name, MkPkgVersion (toVersionNum ver))
_ => (str, MkPkgVersion [0])
-- Return a list of paths that match the version spec
-- (full name, version string)
-- We'll order by version string that the highest version number is the
-- one we use
getFiles : Directory -> List (String, PkgVersion) ->
IO (List (String, PkgVersion))
getFiles d acc
= do Right str <- dirEntry d
| Left err => pure (reverse acc)
let (pkgdir, ver) = getVersion str
if pkgdir == pkg && inBounds ver bounds
then getFiles d (((dname </> str), ver) :: acc)
else getFiles d acc
-- TODO: Version numbers on dependencies
addPkgDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core ()
addPkgDir p
String -> PkgVersionBounds -> Core ()
addPkgDir p bounds
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addExtraDir (prefix_dir (dirs (options defs)) </>
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version </> p)
let globaldir = prefix_dir (dirs (options defs)) </>
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version
let depends = depends_dir (dirs (options defs))
Just srcdir <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
let localdir = srcdir </> depends
-- Get candidate directories from the global install location,
-- and the local package directory
locFiles <- coreLift $ candidateDirs localdir p bounds
globFiles <- coreLift $ candidateDirs globaldir p bounds
-- If there's anything locally, use that and ignore the global ones
let allFiles = if isNil locFiles
then globFiles
else locFiles
-- Sort in reverse order of version number
let sorted = sortBy (\x, y => compare (snd y) (snd x)) allFiles
-- From what remains, pick the one with the highest version number.
-- If there's none, report it
-- (TODO: Can't do this quite yet due to idris2 build system...)
case sorted of
[] => pure () -- throw (CantFindPackage p)
((p, _) :: ps) => addExtraDir p
dirOption : Dirs -> DirCommand -> Core ()
dirOption dirs LibDir
@ -78,7 +147,7 @@ preOptions (Directive d :: opts)
= do setSession (record { directives $= (d::) } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (PkgPath p :: opts)
= do addPkgDir p
= do addPkgDir p anyBounds
preOptions opts
preOptions (SourceDir d :: opts)
= do setSourceDir (Just d)

View File

@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ data Token
| Equals
| DotSepIdent (Maybe Namespace) String
| Separator
| Dot
| Space
| StringLit String
| IntegerLit Integer
public export
Show Token where
@ -33,8 +35,10 @@ Show Token where
show Equals = "Equals"
show (DotSepIdent ns n) = "DotSepIdentifier: " ++ show ns ++ "." ++ show n
show Separator = "Separator"
show Dot = "Dot"
show Space = "Space"
show (StringLit s) = "StringLit: " ++ s
show (IntegerLit i) = "IntegerLit: " ++ show i
public export
Pretty Token where
@ -43,8 +47,10 @@ Pretty Token where
pretty Equals = "Equals"
pretty (DotSepIdent ns n) = "DotSepIdentifier:" <++> pretty ns <+> dot <+> pretty n
pretty Separator = "Separator"
pretty Dot = "Dot"
pretty Space = "Space"
pretty (StringLit s) = "StringLit:" <++> pretty s
pretty (IntegerLit i) = "IntegerLit:" <++> pretty i
equals : Lexer
equals = is '='
@ -52,6 +58,9 @@ equals = is '='
separator : Lexer
separator = is ','
dot : Lexer
dot = is '.'
rawTokens : TokenMap Token
rawTokens =
[ (equals, const Equals)
@ -59,8 +68,10 @@ rawTokens =
, (namespacedIdent, uncurry DotSepIdent . mkNamespacedIdent)
, (identAllowDashes, DotSepIdent Nothing)
, (separator, const Separator)
, (dot, const Dot)
, (spacesOrNewlines, const Space)
, (stringLit, \s => StringLit (stripQuotes s))
, (intLit, \i => IntegerLit (cast i))

View File

@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ stringLit = terminal "Expected string"
StringLit str => Just str
_ => Nothing)
integerLit : Rule Integer
integerLit = terminal "Expected string"
(\x => case x.val of
IntegerLit i => Just i
_ => Nothing)
namespacedIdent : Rule (Maybe Namespace, String)
namespacedIdent = terminal "Expected namespaced identifier"
@ -70,6 +77,13 @@ packageName = terminal "Expected package name"
else Nothing
_ => Nothing)
dot' : Rule ()
dot' = terminal "Expected dot"
(\x => case x.val of
Dot => Just ()
_ => Nothing)
sep' : Rule ()
sep' = terminal "Expected separator"
(\x => case x.val of