Everything but the IDE protocol

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Edwin Brady 2020-05-17 15:56:45 +01:00
parent ea41bb9abe
commit 14d480b971
21 changed files with 5559 additions and 0 deletions

src/Compiler/ANF.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
module Compiler.ANF
import Compiler.LambdaLift
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
%default covering
-- Convert the lambda lifted form to ANF, with variable names made explicit.
-- i.e. turn intermediate expressions into let bindings. Every argument is
-- a variable as a result.
public export
data AVar : Type where
ALocal : Int -> AVar
ANull : AVar
public export
data ANF : Type where
AV : FC -> AVar -> ANF
AAppName : FC -> Name -> List AVar -> ANF
AUnderApp : FC -> Name -> (missing : Nat) -> (args : List AVar) -> ANF
AApp : FC -> (closure : AVar) -> (arg : AVar) -> ANF
ALet : FC -> (var : Int) -> ANF -> ANF -> ANF
ACon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> List AVar -> ANF
AOp : FC -> PrimFn arity -> Vect arity AVar -> ANF
AExtPrim : FC -> Name -> List AVar -> ANF
AConCase : FC -> AVar -> List AConAlt -> Maybe ANF -> ANF
AConstCase : FC -> AVar -> List AConstAlt -> Maybe ANF -> ANF
APrimVal : FC -> Constant -> ANF
AErased : FC -> ANF
ACrash : FC -> String -> ANF
public export
data AConAlt : Type where
MkAConAlt : Name -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> (args : List Int) ->
ANF -> AConAlt
public export
data AConstAlt : Type where
MkAConstAlt : Constant -> ANF -> AConstAlt
public export
data ANFDef : Type where
MkAFun : (args : List Int) -> ANF -> ANFDef
MkACon : (tag : Maybe Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> ANFDef
MkAForeign : (ccs : List String) -> (fargs : List CFType) ->
CFType -> ANFDef
MkAError : ANF -> ANFDef
Show AVar where
show (ALocal i) = "v" ++ show i
show ANull = "[__]"
Show ANF where
show (AV _ v) = show v
show (AAppName fc n args)
= show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AUnderApp fc n m args)
= "<" ++ show n ++ " underapp " ++ show m ++ ">(" ++
showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AApp fc c arg)
= show c ++ " @ (" ++ show arg ++ ")"
show (ALet fc x val sc)
= "%let v" ++ show x ++ " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
show (ACon fc n t args)
= "%con " ++ show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AOp fc op args)
= "%op " ++ show op ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (toList (map show args)) ++ ")"
show (AExtPrim fc p args)
= "%extprim " ++ show p ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AConCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
show (AConstCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
show (APrimVal _ x) = show x
show (AErased _) = "___"
show (ACrash _ x) = "%CRASH(" ++ show x ++ ")"
Show AConAlt where
show (MkAConAlt n t args sc)
= "%conalt " ++ show n ++
"(" ++ showSep ", " (map showArg args) ++ ") => " ++ show sc
showArg : Int -> String
showArg i = "v" ++ show i
Show AConstAlt where
show (MkAConstAlt c sc)
= "%constalt(" ++ show c ++ ") => " ++ show sc
Show ANFDef where
show (MkAFun args exp) = show args ++ ": " ++ show exp
show (MkACon tag arity)
= "Constructor tag " ++ show tag ++ " arity " ++ show arity
show (MkAForeign ccs args ret)
= "Foreign call " ++ show ccs ++ " " ++
show args ++ " -> " ++ show ret
show (MkAError exp) = "Error: " ++ show exp
data AVars : List Name -> Type where
Nil : AVars []
(::) : Int -> AVars xs -> AVars (x :: xs)
data Next : Type where
nextVar : {auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
Core Int
= do i <- get Next
put Next (i + 1)
pure i
lookup : {idx : _} -> (0 p : IsVar x idx vs) -> AVars vs -> Int
lookup First (x :: xs) = x
lookup (Later p) (x :: xs) = lookup p xs
bindArgs : {auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
List ANF -> Core (List (AVar, Maybe ANF))
bindArgs [] = pure []
bindArgs (AV fc var :: xs)
= do xs' <- bindArgs xs
pure $ (var, Nothing) :: xs'
bindArgs (AErased fc :: xs)
= do xs' <- bindArgs xs
pure $ (ANull, Nothing) :: xs'
bindArgs (x :: xs)
= do i <- nextVar
xs' <- bindArgs xs
pure $ (ALocal i, Just x) :: xs'
letBind : {auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
FC -> List ANF -> (List AVar -> ANF) -> Core ANF
letBind fc args f
= do bargs <- bindArgs args
pure $ doBind [] bargs
doBind : List AVar -> List (AVar, Maybe ANF) -> ANF
doBind vs [] = f (reverse vs)
doBind vs ((ALocal i, Just t) :: xs)
= ALet fc i t (doBind (ALocal i :: vs) xs)
doBind vs ((var, _) :: xs) = doBind (var :: vs) xs
toVect : (n : Nat) -> List a -> Maybe (Vect n a)
toVect Z [] = Just []
toVect (S k) (x :: xs)
= do xs' <- toVect k xs
pure (x :: xs')
toVect _ _ = Nothing
mlet : {auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
FC -> ANF -> (AVar -> ANF) -> Core ANF
mlet fc (AV _ var) sc = pure $ sc var
mlet fc val sc
= do i <- nextVar
pure $ ALet fc i val (sc (ALocal i))
anfArgs : {vars : _} ->
{auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
FC -> AVars vars ->
List (Lifted vars) -> (List AVar -> ANF) -> Core ANF
anfArgs fc vs args f
= do args' <- traverse (anf vs) args
letBind fc args' f
anf : {vars : _} ->
{auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
AVars vars -> Lifted vars -> Core ANF
anf vs (LLocal fc p) = pure $ AV fc (ALocal (lookup p vs))
anf vs (LAppName fc n args)
= anfArgs fc vs args (AAppName fc n)
anf vs (LUnderApp fc n m args)
= anfArgs fc vs args (AUnderApp fc n m)
anf vs (LApp fc f a)
= anfArgs fc vs [f, a]
(\args => case args of
[fvar, avar] => AApp fc fvar avar
_ => ACrash fc "Can't happen (AApp)")
anf vs (LLet fc x val sc)
= do i <- nextVar
let vs' = i :: vs
pure $ ALet fc i !(anf vs val) !(anf vs' sc)
anf vs (LCon fc n t args)
= anfArgs fc vs args (ACon fc n t)
anf vs (LOp {arity} fc op args)
= do args' <- traverse (anf vs) (toList args)
letBind fc args'
(\args => case toVect arity args of
Nothing => ACrash fc "Can't happen (AOp)"
Just argsv => AOp fc op argsv)
anf vs (LExtPrim fc p args)
= anfArgs fc vs args (AExtPrim fc p)
anf vs (LConCase fc scr alts def)
= do scr' <- anf vs scr
alts' <- traverse (anfConAlt vs) alts
def' <- traverseOpt (anf vs) def
mlet fc scr' (\x => AConCase fc x alts' def')
anf vs (LConstCase fc scr alts def)
= do scr' <- anf vs scr
alts' <- traverse (anfConstAlt vs) alts
def' <- traverseOpt (anf vs) def
mlet fc scr' (\x => AConstCase fc x alts' def')
anf vs (LPrimVal fc c) = pure $ APrimVal fc c
anf vs (LErased fc) = pure $ AErased fc
anf vs (LCrash fc err) = pure $ ACrash fc err
anfConAlt : {vars : _} ->
{auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
AVars vars -> LiftedConAlt vars -> Core AConAlt
anfConAlt vs (MkLConAlt n t args sc)
= do (is, vs') <- bindArgs args vs
pure $ MkAConAlt n t is !(anf vs' sc)
bindArgs : (args : List Name) -> AVars vars' ->
Core (List Int, AVars (args ++ vars'))
bindArgs [] vs = pure ([], vs)
bindArgs (n :: ns) vs
= do i <- nextVar
(is, vs') <- bindArgs ns vs
pure (i :: is, i :: vs')
anfConstAlt : {vars : _} ->
{auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
AVars vars -> LiftedConstAlt vars -> Core AConstAlt
anfConstAlt vs (MkLConstAlt c sc)
= pure $ MkAConstAlt c !(anf vs sc)
toANF : LiftedDef -> Core ANFDef
toANF (MkLFun args scope sc)
= do v <- newRef Next (the Int 0)
(iargs, vsNil) <- bindArgs args []
let vs : AVars args = rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral args) in
(iargs', vs) <- bindArgs scope vs
pure $ MkAFun (iargs ++ reverse iargs') !(anf vs sc)
bindArgs : {auto v : Ref Next Int} ->
(args : List Name) -> AVars vars' ->
Core (List Int, AVars (args ++ vars'))
bindArgs [] vs = pure ([], vs)
bindArgs (n :: ns) vs
= do i <- nextVar
(is, vs') <- bindArgs ns vs
pure (i :: is, i :: vs')
toANF (MkLCon t a ns) = pure $ MkACon t a
toANF (MkLForeign ccs fargs t) = pure $ MkAForeign ccs fargs t
toANF (MkLError err)
= do v <- newRef Next (the Int 0)
pure $ MkAError !(anf [] err)

src/Compiler/Common.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
module Compiler.Common
import Compiler.ANF
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.LambdaLift
import Compiler.VMCode
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.TTC
import Utils.Binary
import Data.IOArray
import Data.List
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Strings
import System.Directory
import System.Info
import System.File
||| Generic interface to some code generator
public export
record Codegen where
constructor MkCG
||| Compile an Idris 2 expression, saving it to a file.
compileExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
||| Execute an Idris 2 expression directly.
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
-- Say which phase of compilation is the last one to use - it saves time if
-- you only ask for what you need.
public export
data UsePhase = Cases | Lifted | ANF | VMCode
Eq UsePhase where
(==) Cases Cases = True
(==) Lifted Lifted = True
(==) ANF ANF = True
(==) VMCode VMCode = True
(==) _ _ = False
Ord UsePhase where
compare x y = compare (tag x) (tag y)
tag : UsePhase -> Int
tag Cases = 0
tag Lifted = 0
tag ANF = 0
tag VMCode = 0
public export
record CompileData where
constructor MkCompileData
mainExpr : CExp [] -- main expression to execute. This also appears in
-- the definitions below as MN "__mainExpression" 0
namedDefs : List (Name, FC, NamedDef)
lambdaLifted : List (Name, LiftedDef)
-- ^ lambda lifted definitions, if required. Only the top level names
-- will be in the context, and (for the moment...) I don't expect to
-- need to look anything up, so it's just an alist.
anf : List (Name, ANFDef)
-- ^ lambda lifted and converted to ANF (all arguments to functions
-- and constructors transformed to either variables or Null if erased)
vmcode : List (Name, VMDef)
-- ^ A much simplified virtual machine code, suitable for passing
-- to a more low level target such as C
||| compile
||| Given a value of type Codegen, produce a standalone function
||| that executes the `compileExpr` method of the Codegen
compile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Codegen ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compile {c} cg tm out
= do makeExecDirectory
d <- getDirs
logTime "Code generation overall" $
compileExpr cg c (exec_dir d) tm out
||| execute
||| As with `compile`, produce a functon that executes
||| the `executeExpr` method of the given Codegen
execute : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Codegen -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
execute {c} cg tm
= do makeExecDirectory
d <- getDirs
executeExpr cg c (exec_dir d) tm
pure ()
-- If an entry isn't already decoded, get the minimal entry we need for
-- compilation, and record the Binary so that we can put it back when we're
-- done (so that we don't obliterate the definition)
getMinimalDef : ContextEntry -> Core (GlobalDef, Maybe Binary)
getMinimalDef (Decoded def) = pure (def, Nothing)
getMinimalDef (Coded bin)
= do b <- newRef Bin bin
cdef <- fromBuf b
refsRList <- fromBuf b
let refsR = map fromList refsRList
fc <- fromBuf b
mul <- fromBuf b
name <- fromBuf b
let def
= MkGlobalDef fc name (Erased fc False) [] [] [] [] mul
[] Public (MkTotality Unchecked IsCovering)
[] Nothing refsR False False True
None cdef Nothing []
pure (def, Just bin)
-- ||| Recursively get all calls in a function definition
getAllDesc : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> -- calls to check
IOArray (Int, Maybe Binary) ->
-- which nodes have been visited. If the entry is
-- present, it's visited. Keep the binary entry, if
-- we partially decoded it, so that we can put back
-- the full definition later.
-- (We only need to decode the case tree IR, and
-- it's expensive to decode the whole thing)
Defs -> Core ()
getAllDesc [] arr defs = pure ()
getAllDesc (n@(Resolved i) :: rest) arr defs
= do Nothing <- coreLift $ readArray arr i
| Just _ => getAllDesc rest arr defs
case !(lookupContextEntry n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => getAllDesc rest arr defs
Just (_, entry) =>
do (def, bin) <- getMinimalDef entry
addDef n def
let refs = refersToRuntime def
if multiplicity def /= erased
then do coreLift $ writeArray arr i (i, bin)
let refs = refersToRuntime def
refs' <- traverse toResolvedNames (keys refs)
getAllDesc (refs' ++ rest) arr defs
else getAllDesc rest arr defs
getAllDesc (n :: rest) arr defs
= getAllDesc rest arr defs
getNamedDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core (Maybe (Name, FC, NamedDef))
getNamedDef n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just def => case namedcompexpr def of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just d => pure (Just (n, location def, d))
replaceEntry : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(Int, Maybe Binary) -> Core ()
replaceEntry (i, Nothing) = pure ()
replaceEntry (i, Just b)
= do addContextEntry (Resolved i) b
pure ()
natHackNames : List Name
= [UN "prim__add_Integer",
UN "prim__sub_Integer",
UN "prim__mul_Integer",
NS ["Prelude"] (UN "natToInteger"),
NS ["Prelude"] (UN "integerToNat")]
-- Hmm, these dump functions are all very similar aren't they...
dumpCases : Defs -> String -> List Name ->
Core ()
dumpCases defs fn cns
= do cstrs <- traverse dumpCase cns
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile fn (fastAppend cstrs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr fn err)
pure ()
fullShow : Name -> String
fullShow (DN _ n) = show n
fullShow n = show n
dumpCase : Name -> Core String
dumpCase n
= case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure ""
Just d =>
case namedcompexpr d of
Nothing => pure ""
Just def => pure (fullShow n ++ " = " ++ show def ++ "\n")
dumpLifted : String -> List (Name, LiftedDef) -> Core ()
dumpLifted fn lns
= do let cstrs = map dumpDef lns
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile fn (fastAppend cstrs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr fn err)
pure ()
fullShow : Name -> String
fullShow (DN _ n) = show n
fullShow n = show n
dumpDef : (Name, LiftedDef) -> String
dumpDef (n, d) = fullShow n ++ " = " ++ show d ++ "\n"
dumpANF : String -> List (Name, ANFDef) -> Core ()
dumpANF fn lns
= do let cstrs = map dumpDef lns
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile fn (fastAppend cstrs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr fn err)
pure ()
fullShow : Name -> String
fullShow (DN _ n) = show n
fullShow n = show n
dumpDef : (Name, ANFDef) -> String
dumpDef (n, d) = fullShow n ++ " = " ++ show d ++ "\n"
dumpVMCode : String -> List (Name, VMDef) -> Core ()
dumpVMCode fn lns
= do let cstrs = map dumpDef lns
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile fn (fastAppend cstrs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr fn err)
pure ()
fullShow : Name -> String
fullShow (DN _ n) = show n
fullShow n = show n
dumpDef : (Name, VMDef) -> String
dumpDef (n, d) = fullShow n ++ " = " ++ show d ++ "\n"
-- Find all the names which need compiling, from a given expression, and compile
-- them to CExp form (and update that in the Defs).
-- Return the names, the type tags, and a compiled version of the expression
getCompileData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
UsePhase -> ClosedTerm -> Core CompileData
getCompileData phase tm_in
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sopts <- getSession
let ns = getRefs (Resolved (-1)) tm_in
tm <- toFullNames tm_in
natHackNames' <- traverse toResolvedNames natHackNames
-- make an array of Bools to hold which names we've found (quicker
-- to check than a NameMap!)
asize <- getNextEntry
arr <- coreLift $ newArray asize
logTime "Get names" $ getAllDesc (natHackNames' ++ keys ns) arr defs
let entries = mapMaybe id !(coreLift (toList arr))
let allNs = map (Resolved . fst) entries
cns <- traverse toFullNames allNs
-- Do a round of merging/arity fixing for any names which were
-- unknown due to cyclic modules (i.e. declared in one, defined in
-- another)
rcns <- filterM nonErased cns
logTime "Merge lambda" $ traverse_ mergeLamDef rcns
logTime "Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef rcns
logTime "Forget names" $ traverse_ mkForgetDef rcns
compiledtm <- fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)
let mainname = MN "__mainExpression" 0
(liftedtm, ldefs) <- liftBody mainname compiledtm
namedefs <- traverse getNamedDef rcns
lifted_in <- if phase >= Lifted
then logTime "Lambda lift" $ traverse lambdaLift rcns
else pure []
let lifted = (mainname, MkLFun [] [] liftedtm) ::
ldefs ++ concat lifted_in
anf <- if phase >= ANF
then logTime "Get ANF" $ traverse (\ (n, d) => pure (n, !(toANF d))) lifted
else pure []
vmcode <- if phase >= VMCode
then logTime "Get VM Code" $ pure (allDefs anf)
else pure []
defs <- get Ctxt
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping case trees to " ++ f
dumpCases defs f rcns)
(dumpcases sopts)
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping lambda lifted defs to " ++ f
dumpLifted f lifted)
(dumplifted sopts)
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping ANF defs to " ++ f
dumpANF f anf)
(dumpanf sopts)
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping VM defs to " ++ f
dumpVMCode f vmcode)
(dumpvmcode sopts)
-- We're done with our minimal context now, so put it back the way
-- it was. Back ends shouldn't look at the global context, because
-- it'll have to decode the definitions again.
traverse_ replaceEntry entries
pure (MkCompileData compiledtm
(mapMaybe id namedefs)
lifted anf vmcode)
nonErased : Name -> Core Bool
nonErased n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure True
pure (multiplicity gdef /= erased)
-- Some things missing from Prelude.File
||| check to see if a given file exists
exists : String -> IO Bool
exists f
= do Right ok <- openFile f Read
| Left err => pure False
closeFile ok
pure True
-- Parse a calling convention into a backend/target for the call, and
-- a comma separated list of any other location data.
-- e.g. "scheme:display" - call the scheme function 'display'
-- "C:puts,libc,stdio.h" - call the C function 'puts' which is in
-- the library libc and the header stdio.h
-- Returns Nothing if the string is empty (which a backend can interpret
-- however it likes)
parseCC : String -> Maybe (String, List String)
parseCC "" = Nothing
parseCC str
= case span (/= ':') str of
(target, "") => Just (trim target, [])
(target, opts) => Just (trim target,
map trim (getOpts
(assert_total (strTail opts))))
getOpts : String -> List String
getOpts "" = []
getOpts str
= case span (/= ',') str of
(opt, "") => [opt]
(opt, rest) => opt :: getOpts (assert_total (strTail rest))
dylib_suffix : String
= cond [(os `elem` ["windows", "mingw32", "cygwin32"], "dll"),
(os == "darwin", "dylib")]
locate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core (String, String)
locate libspec
= do -- Attempt to turn libspec into an appropriate filename for the system
let fname
= case words libspec of
[] => ""
[fn] => if '.' `elem` unpack fn
then fn -- full filename given
else -- add system extension
fn ++ "." ++ dylib_suffix
(fn :: ver :: _) =>
-- library and version given, build path name as
-- appropriate for the system
cond [(dylib_suffix == "dll",
fn ++ "-" ++ ver ++ ".dll"),
(dylib_suffix == "dylib",
fn ++ "." ++ ver ++ ".dylib")]
(fn ++ "." ++ dylib_suffix ++ "." ++ ver)
fullname <- catch (findLibraryFile fname)
(\err => -- assume a system library so not
-- in our library path
pure fname)
pure (fname, fullname)
copyLib : (String, String) -> Core ()
copyLib (lib, fullname)
= if lib == fullname
then pure ()
else do Right bin <- coreLift $ readFromFile fullname
| Left err => throw (FileErr fullname err)
Right _ <- coreLift $ writeToFile lib bin
| Left err => throw (FileErr lib err)
pure ()

src/Compiler/LambdaLift.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
module Compiler.LambdaLift
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
%default covering
public export
data Lifted : List Name -> Type where
LLocal : {idx : Nat} -> FC -> (0 p : IsVar x idx vars) -> Lifted vars
-- A known function applied to exactly the right number of arguments,
-- so the runtime can Just Go
LAppName : FC -> Name -> List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
-- A known function applied to too few arguments, so the runtime should
-- make a closure and wait for the remaining arguments
LUnderApp : FC -> Name -> (missing : Nat) ->
(args : List (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
-- A closure applied to one more argument (so, for example a closure
-- which is waiting for another argument before it can run).
-- The runtime should add the argument to the closure and run the result
-- if it is now fully applied.
LApp : FC -> (closure : Lifted vars) -> (arg : Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LLet : FC -> (x : Name) -> Lifted vars ->
Lifted (x :: vars) -> Lifted vars
LCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LOp : {arity : _} ->
FC -> PrimFn arity -> Vect arity (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LExtPrim : FC -> (p : Name) -> List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LConCase : FC -> Lifted vars ->
List (LiftedConAlt vars) ->
Maybe (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LConstCase : FC -> Lifted vars ->
List (LiftedConstAlt vars) ->
Maybe (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LPrimVal : FC -> Constant -> Lifted vars
LErased : FC -> Lifted vars
LCrash : FC -> String -> Lifted vars
public export
data LiftedConAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkLConAlt : Name -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> (args : List Name) ->
Lifted (args ++ vars) -> LiftedConAlt vars
public export
data LiftedConstAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkLConstAlt : Constant -> Lifted vars -> LiftedConstAlt vars
public export
data LiftedDef : Type where
-- We take the outer scope and the function arguments separately so that
-- we don't have to reshuffle de Bruijn indices, which is expensive.
-- This should be compiled as a function which takes 'args' first,
-- then 'reverse scope'.
-- (Sorry for the awkward API - it's to do with how the indices are
-- arranged for the variables, and it oculd be expensive to reshuffle them!
-- See Compiler.ANF for an example of how they get resolved to names)
MkLFun : (args : List Name) -> -- function arguments
(scope : List Name) -> -- outer scope
Lifted (scope ++ args) -> LiftedDef
MkLCon : (tag : Maybe Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> (nt : Maybe Nat) -> LiftedDef
MkLForeign : (ccs : List String) ->
(fargs : List CFType) ->
CFType ->
MkLError : Lifted [] -> LiftedDef
{vs : _} -> Show (Lifted vs) where
show (LLocal {idx} _ p) = "!" ++ show (nameAt idx p)
show (LAppName fc n args)
= show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (LUnderApp fc n m args)
= "<" ++ show n ++ " underapp " ++ show m ++ ">(" ++
showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (LApp fc c arg)
= show c ++ " @ (" ++ show arg ++ ")"
show (LLet fc x val sc)
= "%let " ++ show x ++ " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
show (LCon fc n t args)
= "%con " ++ show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (LOp fc op args)
= "%op " ++ show op ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (toList (map show args)) ++ ")"
show (LExtPrim fc p args)
= "%extprim " ++ show p ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (LConCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
show (LConstCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
show (LPrimVal _ x) = show x
show (LErased _) = "___"
show (LCrash _ x) = "%CRASH(" ++ show x ++ ")"
{vs : _} -> Show (LiftedConAlt vs) where
show (MkLConAlt n t args sc)
= "%conalt " ++ show n ++
"(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ") => " ++ show sc
{vs : _} -> Show (LiftedConstAlt vs) where
show (MkLConstAlt c sc)
= "%constalt(" ++ show c ++ ") => " ++ show sc
Show LiftedDef where
show (MkLFun args scope exp)
= show args ++ show (reverse scope) ++ ": " ++ show exp
show (MkLCon tag arity pos)
= "Constructor tag " ++ show tag ++ " arity " ++ show arity ++
maybe "" (\n => " (newtype by " ++ show n ++ ")") pos
show (MkLForeign ccs args ret)
= "Foreign call " ++ show ccs ++ " " ++
show args ++ " -> " ++ show ret
show (MkLError exp) = "Error: " ++ show exp
data Lifts : Type where
record LDefs where
constructor MkLDefs
basename : Name -- top level name we're lifting from
defs : List (Name, LiftedDef) -- new definitions we made
nextName : Int -- name of next definition to lift
genName : {auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
Core Name
= do ldefs <- get Lifts
let i = nextName ldefs
put Lifts (record { nextName = i + 1 } ldefs)
pure $ mkName (basename ldefs) i
mkName : Name -> Int -> Name
mkName (NS ns b) i = NS ns (mkName b i)
mkName (UN n) i = MN n i
mkName (DN _ n) i = mkName n i
mkName n i = MN (show n) i
unload : FC -> Lifted vars -> List (Lifted vars) -> Core (Lifted vars)
unload fc f [] = pure f
unload fc f (a :: as) = unload fc (LApp fc f a) as
makeLam : {auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
{vars : _} ->
FC -> (bound : List Name) ->
CExp (bound ++ vars) -> Core (Lifted vars)
makeLam fc bound (CLam _ x sc') = makeLam fc (x :: bound) sc'
makeLam {vars} fc bound sc
= do scl <- liftExp sc
n <- genName
ldefs <- get Lifts
put Lifts (record { defs $= ((n, MkLFun vars bound scl) ::) } ldefs)
-- TODO: an optimisation here would be to spot which variables
-- aren't used in the new definition, and not abstract over them
-- in the new definition. Given that we have to do some messing
-- about with indices anyway, it's probably not costly to do.
pure $ LUnderApp fc n (length bound) (allVars vars)
allPrfs : (vs : List Name) -> List (Var vs)
allPrfs [] = []
allPrfs (v :: vs) = MkVar First :: map weaken (allPrfs vs)
-- apply to all the variables. 'First' will be first in the last, which
-- is good, because the most recently bound name is the first argument to
-- the resulting function
allVars : (vs : List Name) -> List (Lifted vs)
allVars vs = map (\ (MkVar p) => LLocal fc p) (allPrfs vs)
liftExp : {vars : _} ->
{auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
CExp vars -> Core (Lifted vars)
liftExp (CLocal fc prf) = pure $ LLocal fc prf
liftExp (CRef fc n) = pure $ LAppName fc n [] -- probably shouldn't happen!
liftExp (CLam fc x sc) = makeLam fc [x] sc
liftExp (CLet fc x _ val sc) = pure $ LLet fc x !(liftExp val) !(liftExp sc)
liftExp (CApp fc (CRef _ n) args) -- names are applied exactly in compileExp
= pure $ LAppName fc n !(traverse liftExp args)
liftExp (CApp fc f args)
= unload fc !(liftExp f) !(traverse liftExp args)
liftExp (CCon fc n t args) = pure $ LCon fc n t !(traverse liftExp args)
liftExp (COp fc op args)
= pure $ LOp fc op !(traverseArgs args)
traverseArgs : Vect n (CExp vars) -> Core (Vect n (Lifted vars))
traverseArgs [] = pure []
traverseArgs (a :: as) = pure $ !(liftExp a) :: !(traverseArgs as)
liftExp (CExtPrim fc p args) = pure $ LExtPrim fc p !(traverse liftExp args)
liftExp (CForce fc tm) = liftExp (CApp fc tm [CErased fc])
liftExp (CDelay fc tm) = liftExp (CLam fc (MN "act" 0) (weaken tm))
liftExp (CConCase fc sc alts def)
= pure $ LConCase fc !(liftExp sc) !(traverse liftConAlt alts)
!(traverseOpt liftExp def)
liftConAlt : CConAlt vars -> Core (LiftedConAlt vars)
liftConAlt (MkConAlt n t args sc) = pure $ MkLConAlt n t args !(liftExp sc)
liftExp (CConstCase fc sc alts def)
= pure $ LConstCase fc !(liftExp sc) !(traverse liftConstAlt alts)
!(traverseOpt liftExp def)
liftConstAlt : CConstAlt vars -> Core (LiftedConstAlt vars)
liftConstAlt (MkConstAlt c sc) = pure $ MkLConstAlt c !(liftExp sc)
liftExp (CPrimVal fc c) = pure $ LPrimVal fc c
liftExp (CErased fc) = pure $ LErased fc
liftExp (CCrash fc str) = pure $ LCrash fc str
liftBody : {vars : _} ->
Name -> CExp vars -> Core (Lifted vars, List (Name, LiftedDef))
liftBody n tm
= do l <- newRef Lifts (MkLDefs n [] 0)
tml <- liftExp {l} tm
ldata <- get Lifts
pure (tml, defs ldata)
lambdaLiftDef : Name -> CDef -> Core (List (Name, LiftedDef))
lambdaLiftDef n (MkFun args exp)
= do (expl, defs) <- liftBody n exp
pure ((n, MkLFun args [] expl) :: defs)
lambdaLiftDef n (MkCon t a nt) = pure [(n, MkLCon t a nt)]
lambdaLiftDef n (MkForeign ccs fargs ty) = pure [(n, MkLForeign ccs fargs ty)]
lambdaLiftDef n (MkError exp)
= do (expl, defs) <- liftBody n exp
pure ((n, MkLError expl) :: defs)
-- Return the lambda lifted definitions required for the given name.
-- If the name hasn't been compiled yet (via CompileExpr.compileDef) then
-- this will return an empty list
-- An empty list an error, because on success you will always get at least
-- one definition, the lifted definition for the given name.
lambdaLift : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core (List (Name, LiftedDef))
lambdaLift n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs) | Nothing => pure []
let Just cexpr = compexpr def | Nothing => pure []
lambdaLiftDef n cexpr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Chez
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Name
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Utils.Hex
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System
import System.Info
%default covering
pathLookup : IO String
= do path <- getEnv "PATH"
let pathList = split (== ':') $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x | p <- pathList,
x <- ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme"]]
e <- firstExists candidates
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env scheme" e
findChez : IO String
= do Just chez <- getEnv "CHEZ" | Nothing => pathLookup
pure chez
-- Given the chez compiler directives, return a list of pairs of:
-- - the library file name
-- - the full absolute path of the library file name, if it's in one
-- of the library paths managed by Idris
-- If it can't be found, we'll assume it's a system library and that chez
-- will thus be able to find it.
findLibs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List String -> Core (List (String, String))
findLibs ds
= do let libs = mapMaybe (isLib . trim) ds
traverse locate (nub libs)
isLib : String -> Maybe String
isLib d
= if isPrefixOf "lib" d
then Just (trim (substr 3 (length d) d))
else Nothing
escapeQuotes : String -> String
escapeQuotes s = pack $ foldr escape [] $ unpack s
escape : Char -> List Char -> List Char
escape '"' cs = '\\' :: '\"' :: cs
escape c cs = c :: cs
schHeader : String -> List String -> String
schHeader chez libs
= (if os /= "windows" then "#!" ++ chez ++ " --script\n\n" else "") ++
"(import (chezscheme))\n" ++
"(case (machine-type)\n" ++
" [(i3le ti3le a6le ta6le) (load-shared-object \"libc.so.6\")]\n" ++
" [(i3osx ti3osx a6osx ta6osx) (load-shared-object \"libc.dylib\")]\n" ++
" [(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt) (load-shared-object \"msvcrt.dll\")]\n" ++
" [else (load-shared-object \"libc.so\")])\n\n" ++
showSep "\n" (map (\x => "(load-shared-object \"" ++ escapeQuotes x ++ "\")") libs) ++ "\n\n" ++
"(let ()\n"
schFooter : String
schFooter = ")"
showChezChar : Char -> String -> String
showChezChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showChezChar c
= if c < chr 32 || c > chr 126
then (("\\x" ++ asHex (cast c) ++ ";") ++)
else strCons c
showChezString : List Char -> String -> String
showChezString [] = id
showChezString ('"'::cs) = ("\\\"" ++) . showChezString cs
showChezString (c ::cs) = (showChezChar c) . showChezString cs
chezString : String -> String
chezString cs = strCons '"' (showChezString (unpack cs) "\"")
tySpec : NamedCExp -> Core String
-- Primitive types have been converted to names for the purpose of matching
-- on types
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Int") _ []) = pure "int"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "String") _ []) = pure "string"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Double") _ []) = pure "double"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Char") _ []) = pure "char"
tySpec (NmCon fc (NS _ n) _ [_])
= cond [(n == UN "Ptr", pure "void*")]
(throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show n ++ " to foreign function")))
tySpec (NmCon fc (NS _ n) _ [])
= cond [(n == UN "Unit", pure "void"),
(n == UN "AnyPtr", pure "void*")]
(throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show n ++ " to foreign function")))
tySpec ty = throw (GenericMsg (getFC ty) ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show ty ++ " to foreign function"))
handleRet : String -> String -> String
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor chezString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet _ op = mkWorld op
getFArgs : NamedCExp -> Core (List (NamedCExp, NamedCExp))
getFArgs (NmCon fc _ (Just 0) _) = pure []
getFArgs (NmCon fc _ (Just 1) [ty, val, rest]) = pure $ (ty, val) :: !(getFArgs rest)
getFArgs arg = throw (GenericMsg (getFC arg) ("Badly formed c call argument list " ++ show arg))
chezExtPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String
chezExtPrim i CCall [ret, NmPrimVal fc (Str fn), fargs, world]
= do args <- getFArgs fargs
argTypes <- traverse tySpec (map fst args)
retType <- tySpec ret
argsc <- traverse (schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0) (map snd args)
pure $ handleRet retType ("((foreign-procedure #f " ++ show fn ++ " ("
++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") " ++ retType ++ ") "
++ showSep " " argsc ++ ")")
chezExtPrim i CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= pure "(error \"bad ffi call\")"
-- throw (InternalError ("C FFI calls must be to statically known functions (" ++ show fn ++ ")"))
chezExtPrim i GetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _]
= do structsc <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 struct
pure $ "(ftype-ref " ++ s ++ " (" ++ fld ++ ") " ++ structsc ++ ")"
chezExtPrim i GetField [_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad getField\")"
chezExtPrim i SetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _, val, world]
= do structsc <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 struct
valsc <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 val
pure $ mkWorld $
"(ftype-set! " ++ s ++ " (" ++ fld ++ ") " ++ structsc ++
" " ++ valsc ++ ")"
chezExtPrim i SetField [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad setField\")"
chezExtPrim i SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"chez\""
chezExtPrim i prim args
= schExtCommon chezExtPrim chezString i prim args
-- Reference label for keeping track of loaded external libraries
data Loaded : Type where
-- Label for noting which struct types are declared
data Structs : Type where
cftySpec : FC -> CFType -> Core String
cftySpec fc CFUnit = pure "void"
cftySpec fc CFInt = pure "int"
cftySpec fc CFString = pure "string"
cftySpec fc CFDouble = pure "double"
cftySpec fc CFChar = pure "char"
cftySpec fc CFPtr = pure "void*"
cftySpec fc (CFFun s t) = pure "void*"
cftySpec fc (CFIORes t) = cftySpec fc t
cftySpec fc (CFStruct n t) = pure $ "(* " ++ n ++ ")"
cftySpec fc t = throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show t ++
" to foreign function"))
cCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
String -> FC -> (cfn : String) -> (clib : String) ->
List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret
= do loaded <- get Loaded
lib <- if clib `elem` loaded
then pure ""
else do (fname, fullname) <- locate clib
copyLib (appdir ++ dirSep ++ fname, fullname)
put Loaded (clib :: loaded)
pure $ "(load-shared-object \""
++ escapeQuotes fname
++ "\")\n"
argTypes <- traverse (\a => cftySpec fc (snd a)) args
retType <- cftySpec fc ret
let call = "((foreign-procedure #f " ++ show cfn ++ " ("
++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") " ++ retType ++ ") "
++ showSep " " !(traverse buildArg args) ++ ")"
pure (lib, case ret of
CFIORes _ => handleRet retType call
_ => call)
mkNs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Maybe String)
mkNs i [] = []
mkNs i (CFWorld :: xs) = Nothing :: mkNs i xs
mkNs i (x :: xs) = Just ("cb" ++ show i) :: mkNs (i + 1) xs
applyLams : String -> List (Maybe String) -> String
applyLams n [] = n
applyLams n (Nothing :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " #f)") as
applyLams n (Just a :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " " ++ a ++ ")") as
getVal : String -> String
getVal str = "(vector-ref " ++ str ++ "1)"
mkFun : List CFType -> CFType -> String -> String
mkFun args ret n
= let argns = mkNs 0 args in
"(lambda (" ++ showSep " " (mapMaybe id argns) ++ ") " ++
(applyLams n argns ++ ")")
notWorld : CFType -> Bool
notWorld CFWorld = False
notWorld _ = True
callback : String -> List CFType -> CFType -> Core String
callback n args (CFFun s t) = callback n (s :: args) t
callback n args_rev retty
= do let args = reverse args_rev
argTypes <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (filter notWorld args)
retType <- cftySpec fc retty
pure $
"(let ([c-code (foreign-callable #f " ++
mkFun args retty n ++
" (" ++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") " ++ retType ++ ")])" ++
" (lock-object c-code) (foreign-callable-entry-point c-code))"
buildArg : (Name, CFType) -> Core String
buildArg (n, CFFun s t) = callback (schName n) [s] t
buildArg (n, _) = pure $ schName n
schemeCall : FC -> (sfn : String) ->
List Name -> CFType -> Core String
schemeCall fc sfn argns ret
= let call = "(" ++ sfn ++ " " ++ showSep " " (map schName argns) ++ ")" in
case ret of
CFIORes _ => pure $ mkWorld call
_ => pure call
-- Use a calling convention to compile a foreign def.
-- Returns any preamble needed for loading libraries, and the body of the
-- function call.
useCC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
String -> FC -> List String -> List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
useCC appdir fc [] args ret
= throw (GenericMsg fc "No recognised foreign calling convention")
useCC appdir fc (cc :: ccs) args ret
= case parseCC cc of
Nothing => useCC appdir fc ccs args ret
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
Just ("C", [cfn, clib]) => cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret
Just ("C", [cfn, clib, chdr]) => cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret
_ => useCC appdir fc ccs args ret
-- For every foreign arg type, return a name, and whether to pass it to the
-- foreign call (we don't pass '%World')
mkArgs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Name, Bool)
mkArgs i [] = []
mkArgs i (CFWorld :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, False) :: mkArgs i cs
mkArgs i (c :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, True) :: mkArgs (i + 1) cs
mkStruct : {auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
CFType -> Core String
mkStruct (CFStruct n flds)
= do defs <- traverse mkStruct (map snd flds)
strs <- get Structs
if n `elem` strs
then pure (concat defs)
else do put Structs (n :: strs)
pure $ concat defs ++ "(define-ftype " ++ n ++ " (struct\n\t"
++ showSep "\n\t" !(traverse showFld flds) ++ "))\n"
showFld : (String, CFType) -> Core String
showFld (n, ty) = pure $ "[" ++ n ++ " " ++ !(cftySpec emptyFC ty) ++ "]"
mkStruct (CFIORes t) = mkStruct t
mkStruct (CFFun a b) = do mkStruct a; mkStruct b
mkStruct _ = pure ""
schFgnDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
String -> FC -> Name -> NamedDef -> Core (String, String)
schFgnDef appdir fc n (MkNmForeign cs args ret)
= do let argns = mkArgs 0 args
let allargns = map fst argns
let useargns = map fst (filter snd argns)
argStrs <- traverse mkStruct args
retStr <- mkStruct ret
(load, body) <- useCC appdir fc cs (zip useargns args) ret
defs <- get Ctxt
pure (load,
concat argStrs ++ retStr ++
"(define " ++ schName !(full (gamma defs) n) ++
" (lambda (" ++ showSep " " (map schName allargns) ++ ") " ++
body ++ "))\n")
schFgnDef _ _ _ _ = pure ("", "")
getFgnCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
String -> (Name, FC, NamedDef) -> Core (String, String)
getFgnCall appdir (n, fc, d) = schFgnDef appdir fc n d
startChez : String -> String
startChez target = unlines
[ "#!/bin/sh"
, ""
, "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(dirname \"" ++ target ++ "\")\""
, "\"" ++ target ++ "\" \"$@\""
||| Compile a TT expression to Chez Scheme
compileToSS : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
String -> ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSS c appdir tm outfile
= do ds <- getDirectives Chez
libs <- findLibs ds
traverse_ copyLib libs
cdata <- getCompileData Cases tm
let ndefs = namedDefs cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt
l <- newRef {t = List String} Loaded ["libc", "libc 6"]
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
fgndefs <- traverse (getFgnCall appdir) ndefs
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme chezExtPrim chezString) ndefs
let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs)
main <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 ctm
chez <- coreLift findChez
support <- readDataFile "chez/support.ss"
let scm = schHeader chez (map snd libs) ++
support ++ code ++
concat (map fst fgndefs) ++
main ++ schFooter
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift $ chmodRaw outfile 0o755
pure ()
||| Compile a Chez Scheme source file to an executable, daringly with runtime checks off.
compileToSO : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(appDirRel : String) -> (outSsAbs : String) -> Core ()
compileToSO appDirRel outSsAbs
= do let tmpFileAbs = appDirRel ++ dirSep ++ "compileChez"
chez <- coreLift $ findChez
let build= "#!" ++ chez ++ " --script\n" ++
"(parameterize ([optimize-level 3]) (compile-program \"" ++
outSsAbs ++ "\"))"
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile tmpFileAbs build
| Left err => throw (FileErr tmpFileAbs err)
coreLift $ chmodRaw tmpFileAbs 0o755
coreLift $ system tmpFileAbs
pure ()
makeSh : String -> String -> Core ()
makeSh outShRel outAbs
= do Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outShRel (startChez outAbs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr outShRel err)
pure ()
||| Chez Scheme implementation of the `compileExpr` interface.
compileExpr : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr makeitso c execDir tm outfile
= do let appDirRel = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ "_app"
coreLift $ mkdirs (splitDir appDirRel)
Just cwd <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
let outSsAbs = cwd ++ dirSep ++ appDirRel ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ ".ss"
let outSoAbs = cwd ++ dirSep ++ appDirRel ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ ".so"
compileToSS c appDirRel tm outSsAbs
logTime "Make SO" $ when makeitso $ compileToSO appDirRel outSsAbs
let outShRel = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile
makeSh outShRel (if makeitso then outSoAbs else outSsAbs)
coreLift $ chmodRaw outShRel 0o755
pure (Just outShRel)
||| Chez Scheme implementation of the `executeExpr` interface.
||| This implementation simply runs the usual compiler, saving it to a temp file, then interpreting it.
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
executeExpr c execDir tm
= do Just sh <- compileExpr False c execDir tm "_tmpchez"
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "compileExpr returned Nothing")
coreLift $ system sh
pure ()
||| Codegen wrapper for Chez scheme implementation.
codegenChez : Codegen
codegenChez = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Core.Context
import Core.Name
import Core.TT
import Data.Bool.Extra
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
import System.Info
%default covering
firstExists : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
firstExists [] = pure Nothing
firstExists (x :: xs) = if !(exists x) then pure (Just x) else firstExists xs
schString : String -> String
schString s = concatMap okchar (unpack s)
okchar : Char -> String
okchar c = if isAlphaNum c || c =='_'
then cast c
else "C-" ++ show (cast {to=Int} c)
schName : Name -> String
schName (NS ns n) = showSep "-" ns ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (UN n) = schString n
schName (MN n i) = schString n ++ "-" ++ show i
schName (PV n d) = "pat--" ++ schName n
schName (DN _ n) = schName n
schName (RF n) = "rf--" ++ schString n
schName (Nested (i, x) n) = "n--" ++ show i ++ "-" ++ show x ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (CaseBlock x y) = "case--" ++ show x ++ "-" ++ show y
schName (WithBlock x y) = "with--" ++ show x ++ "-" ++ show y
schName (Resolved i) = "fn--" ++ show i
schConstructor : (String -> String) -> Name -> Maybe Int -> List String -> String
schConstructor _ _ (Just t) args
= "(vector " ++ show t ++ " " ++ showSep " " args ++ ")"
schConstructor schString n Nothing args
= "(vector " ++ schString (show n) ++ " " ++ showSep " " args ++ ")"
||| Generate scheme for a plain function.
op : String -> List String -> String
op o args = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ showSep " " args ++ ")"
||| Generate scheme for a boolean operation.
boolop : String -> List String -> String
boolop o args = "(or (and " ++ op o args ++ " 1) 0)"
||| Generate scheme for a primitive function.
schOp : PrimFn arity -> Vect arity String -> String
schOp (Add IntType) [x, y] = op "b+" [x, y, "63"]
schOp (Sub IntType) [x, y] = op "b-" [x, y, "63"]
schOp (Mul IntType) [x, y] = op "b*" [x, y, "63"]
schOp (Div IntType) [x, y] = op "b/" [x, y, "63"]
schOp (Add ty) [x, y] = op "+" [x, y]
schOp (Sub ty) [x, y] = op "-" [x, y]
schOp (Mul ty) [x, y] = op "*" [x, y]
schOp (Div IntegerType) [x, y] = op "quotient" [x, y]
schOp (Div ty) [x, y] = op "/" [x, y]
schOp (Mod ty) [x, y] = op "remainder" [x, y]
schOp (Neg ty) [x] = op "-" [x]
schOp (ShiftL ty) [x, y] = op "blodwen-shl" [x, y]
schOp (ShiftR ty) [x, y] = op "blodwen-shr" [x, y]
schOp (BAnd ty) [x, y] = op "blodwen-and" [x, y]
schOp (BOr ty) [x, y] = op "blodwen-or" [x, y]
schOp (BXOr ty) [x, y] = op "blodwen-xor" [x, y]
schOp (LT CharType) [x, y] = boolop "char<?" [x, y]
schOp (LTE CharType) [x, y] = boolop "char<=?" [x, y]
schOp (EQ CharType) [x, y] = boolop "char=?" [x, y]
schOp (GTE CharType) [x, y] = boolop "char>=?" [x, y]
schOp (GT CharType) [x, y] = boolop "char>?" [x, y]
schOp (LT StringType) [x, y] = boolop "string<?" [x, y]
schOp (LTE StringType) [x, y] = boolop "string<=?" [x, y]
schOp (EQ StringType) [x, y] = boolop "string=?" [x, y]
schOp (GTE StringType) [x, y] = boolop "string>=?" [x, y]
schOp (GT StringType) [x, y] = boolop "string>?" [x, y]
schOp (LT ty) [x, y] = boolop "<" [x, y]
schOp (LTE ty) [x, y] = boolop "<=" [x, y]
schOp (EQ ty) [x, y] = boolop "=" [x, y]
schOp (GTE ty) [x, y] = boolop ">=" [x, y]
schOp (GT ty) [x, y] = boolop ">" [x, y]
schOp StrLength [x] = op "string-length" [x]
schOp StrHead [x] = op "string-ref" [x, "0"]
schOp StrTail [x] = op "substring" [x, "1", op "string-length" [x]]
schOp StrIndex [x, i] = op "string-ref" [x, i]
schOp StrCons [x, y] = op "string-cons" [x, y]
schOp StrAppend [x, y] = op "string-append" [x, y]
schOp StrReverse [x] = op "string-reverse" [x]
schOp StrSubstr [x, y, z] = op "string-substr" [x, y, z]
-- `e` is Euler's number, which approximates to: 2.718281828459045
schOp DoubleExp [x] = op "exp" [x] -- Base is `e`. Same as: `pow(e, x)`
schOp DoubleLog [x] = op "log" [x] -- Base is `e`.
schOp DoubleSin [x] = op "sin" [x]
schOp DoubleCos [x] = op "cos" [x]
schOp DoubleTan [x] = op "tan" [x]
schOp DoubleASin [x] = op "asin" [x]
schOp DoubleACos [x] = op "acos" [x]
schOp DoubleATan [x] = op "atan" [x]
schOp DoubleSqrt [x] = op "sqrt" [x]
schOp DoubleFloor [x] = op "floor" [x]
schOp DoubleCeiling [x] = op "ceiling" [x]
schOp (Cast IntType StringType) [x] = op "number->string" [x]
schOp (Cast IntegerType StringType) [x] = op "number->string" [x]
schOp (Cast DoubleType StringType) [x] = op "number->string" [x]
schOp (Cast CharType StringType) [x] = op "string" [x]
schOp (Cast IntType IntegerType) [x] = x
schOp (Cast DoubleType IntegerType) [x] = op "exact-floor" [x]
schOp (Cast CharType IntegerType) [x] = op "char->integer" [x]
schOp (Cast StringType IntegerType) [x] = op "cast-string-int" [x]
schOp (Cast IntegerType IntType) [x] = x
schOp (Cast DoubleType IntType) [x] = op "exact-floor" [x]
schOp (Cast StringType IntType) [x] = op "cast-string-int" [x]
schOp (Cast CharType IntType) [x] = op "char->integer" [x]
schOp (Cast IntegerType DoubleType) [x] = op "exact->inexact" [x]
schOp (Cast IntType DoubleType) [x] = op "exact->inexact" [x]
schOp (Cast StringType DoubleType) [x] = op "cast-string-double" [x]
schOp (Cast IntType CharType) [x] = op "integer->char" [x]
schOp (Cast from to) [x] = "(blodwen-error-quit \"Invalid cast " ++ show from ++ "->" ++ show to ++ "\")"
schOp BelieveMe [_,_,x] = x
schOp Crash [_,msg] = "(blodwen-error-quit (string-append \"ERROR: \" " ++ msg ++ "))"
||| Extended primitives for the scheme backend, outside the standard set of primFn
public export
data ExtPrim = CCall | SchemeCall
| NewIORef | ReadIORef | WriteIORef
| NewArray | ArrayGet | ArraySet
| GetField | SetField
| VoidElim
| SysOS | SysCodegen
| Unknown Name
Show ExtPrim where
show CCall = "CCall"
show SchemeCall = "SchemeCall"
show NewIORef = "NewIORef"
show ReadIORef = "ReadIORef"
show WriteIORef = "WriteIORef"
show NewArray = "NewArray"
show ArrayGet = "ArrayGet"
show ArraySet = "ArraySet"
show GetField = "GetField"
show SetField = "SetField"
show VoidElim = "VoidElim"
show SysOS = "SysOS"
show SysCodegen = "SysCodegen"
show (Unknown n) = "Unknown " ++ show n
||| Match on a user given name to get the scheme primitive
toPrim : Name -> ExtPrim
toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
= cond [(n == UN "prim__schemeCall", SchemeCall),
(n == UN "prim__cCall", CCall),
(n == UN "prim__newIORef", NewIORef),
(n == UN "prim__readIORef", ReadIORef),
(n == UN "prim__writeIORef", WriteIORef),
(n == UN "prim__newArray", NewArray),
(n == UN "prim__arrayGet", ArrayGet),
(n == UN "prim__arraySet", ArraySet),
(n == UN "prim__getField", GetField),
(n == UN "prim__setField", SetField),
(n == UN "void", VoidElim),
(n == UN "prim__os", SysOS),
(n == UN "prim__codegen", SysCodegen)
(Unknown pn)
toPrim pn = Unknown pn
mkWorld : String -> String
mkWorld res = res -- MkIORes is a newtype now! schConstructor 0 [res, "#f"] -- MkIORes
schConstant : (String -> String) -> Constant -> String
schConstant _ (I x) = show x
schConstant _ (BI x) = show x
schConstant schString (Str x) = schString x
schConstant _ (Ch x)
= if (the Int (cast x) >= 32 && the Int (cast x) < 127)
then "#\\" ++ cast x
else "(integer->char " ++ show (the Int (cast x)) ++ ")"
schConstant _ (Db x) = show x
schConstant _ WorldVal = "#f"
schConstant _ IntType = "#t"
schConstant _ IntegerType = "#t"
schConstant _ StringType = "#t"
schConstant _ CharType = "#t"
schConstant _ DoubleType = "#t"
schConstant _ WorldType = "#t"
schCaseDef : Maybe String -> String
schCaseDef Nothing = ""
schCaseDef (Just tm) = "(else " ++ tm ++ ")"
schArglist : List Name -> String
schArglist [] = ""
schArglist [x] = schName x
schArglist (x :: xs) = schName x ++ " " ++ schArglist xs
used : Name -> NamedCExp -> Bool
used n (NmLocal fc n') = n == n'
used n (NmRef _ _) = False
used n (NmLam _ _ sc) = used n sc
used n (NmLet _ _ v sc) = used n v || used n sc
used n (NmApp _ f args) = used n f || anyTrue (map (used n) args)
used n (NmCon _ _ _ args) = anyTrue (map (used n) args)
used n (NmOp _ _ args) = anyTrue (toList (map (used n) args))
used n (NmExtPrim _ _ args) = anyTrue (map (used n) args)
used n (NmForce _ t) = used n t
used n (NmDelay _ t) = used n t
used n (NmConCase _ sc alts def)
= used n sc || anyTrue (map (usedCon n) alts)
|| maybe False (used n) def
used n (NmConstCase _ sc alts def)
= used n sc || anyTrue (map (usedConst n) alts)
|| maybe False (used n) def
used n _ = False
usedCon : Name -> NamedConAlt -> Bool
usedCon n (MkNConAlt _ _ _ sc) = used n sc
usedConst : Name -> NamedConstAlt -> Bool
usedConst n (MkNConstAlt _ sc) = used n sc
parameters (schExtPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String,
schString : String -> String)
showTag : Name -> Maybe Int -> String
showTag n (Just i) = show i
showTag n Nothing = schString (show n)
schConAlt : Int -> String -> NamedConAlt -> Core String
schConAlt i target (MkNConAlt n tag args sc)
= pure $ "((" ++ showTag n tag ++ ") "
++ bindArgs 1 args !(schExp i sc) ++ ")"
bindArgs : Int -> (ns : List Name) -> String -> String
bindArgs i [] body = body
bindArgs i (n :: ns) body
= if used n sc
then "(let ((" ++ schName n ++ " " ++ "(vector-ref " ++ target ++ " " ++ show i ++ "))) "
++ bindArgs (i + 1) ns body ++ ")"
else bindArgs (i + 1) ns body
schConUncheckedAlt : Int -> String -> NamedConAlt -> Core String
schConUncheckedAlt i target (MkNConAlt n tag args sc)
= pure $ bindArgs 1 args !(schExp i sc)
bindArgs : Int -> (ns : List Name) -> String -> String
bindArgs i [] body = body
bindArgs i (n :: ns) body
= if used n sc
then "(let ((" ++ schName n ++ " " ++ "(vector-ref " ++ target ++ " " ++ show i ++ "))) "
++ bindArgs (i + 1) ns body ++ ")"
else bindArgs (i + 1) ns body
schConstAlt : Int -> String -> NamedConstAlt -> Core String
schConstAlt i target (MkNConstAlt c exp)
= pure $ "((equal? " ++ target ++ " " ++ schConstant schString c ++ ") " ++ !(schExp i exp) ++ ")"
-- oops, no traverse for Vect in Core
schArgs : Int -> Vect n NamedCExp -> Core (Vect n String)
schArgs i [] = pure []
schArgs i (arg :: args) = pure $ !(schExp i arg) :: !(schArgs i args)
schExp : Int -> NamedCExp -> Core String
schExp i (NmLocal fc n) = pure $ schName n
schExp i (NmRef fc n) = pure $ schName n
schExp i (NmLam fc x sc)
= do sc' <- schExp i sc
pure $ "(lambda (" ++ schName x ++ ") " ++ sc' ++ ")"
schExp i (NmLet fc x val sc)
= do val' <- schExp i val
sc' <- schExp i sc
pure $ "(let ((" ++ schName x ++ " " ++ val' ++ ")) " ++ sc' ++ ")"
schExp i (NmApp fc x [])
= pure $ "(" ++ !(schExp i x) ++ ")"
schExp i (NmApp fc x args)
= pure $ "(" ++ !(schExp i x) ++ " " ++ showSep " " !(traverse (schExp i) args) ++ ")"
schExp i (NmCon fc x tag args)
= pure $ schConstructor schString x tag !(traverse (schExp i) args)
schExp i (NmOp fc op args)
= pure $ schOp op !(schArgs i args)
schExp i (NmExtPrim fc p args)
= schExtPrim i (toPrim p) args
schExp i (NmForce fc t) = pure $ "(" ++ !(schExp i t) ++ ")"
schExp i (NmDelay fc t) = pure $ "(lambda () " ++ !(schExp i t) ++ ")"
schExp i (NmConCase fc sc [] def)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
defc <- maybe (pure "'erased") (schExp i) def
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) "
++ defc ++ ")"
schExp i (NmConCase fc sc [alt] Nothing)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) " ++
!(schConUncheckedAlt (i+1) n alt) ++ ")"
schExp i (NmConCase fc sc alts Nothing)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) (case (vector-ref " ++ n ++ " 0) "
++ !(showAlts n alts) ++
showAlts : String -> List NamedConAlt -> Core String
showAlts n [] = pure ""
showAlts n [alt]
= pure $ "(else " ++ !(schConUncheckedAlt (i + 1) n alt) ++ ")"
showAlts n (alt :: alts)
= pure $ !(schConAlt (i + 1) n alt) ++ " " ++
!(showAlts n alts)
schExp i (NmConCase fc sc alts def)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
defc <- maybe (pure Nothing) (\v => pure (Just !(schExp i v))) def
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) (case (vector-ref " ++ n ++ " 0) "
++ showSep " " !(traverse (schConAlt (i+1) n) alts)
++ schCaseDef defc ++ "))"
schExp i (NmConstCase fc sc alts Nothing)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) (cond "
++ !(showConstAlts n alts)
++ "))"
showConstAlts : String -> List NamedConstAlt -> Core String
showConstAlts n [] = pure ""
showConstAlts n [MkNConstAlt c exp]
= pure $ "(else " ++ !(schExp (i + 1) exp) ++ ")"
showConstAlts n (alt :: alts)
= pure $ !(schConstAlt (i + 1) n alt) ++ " " ++
!(showConstAlts n alts)
schExp i (NmConstCase fc sc alts def)
= do defc <- maybe (pure Nothing) (\v => pure (Just !(schExp i v))) def
tcode <- schExp (i+1) sc
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) (cond "
++ showSep " " !(traverse (schConstAlt (i+1) n) alts)
++ schCaseDef defc ++ "))"
schExp i (NmPrimVal fc c) = pure $ schConstant schString c
schExp i (NmErased fc) = pure "'erased"
schExp i (NmCrash fc msg) = pure $ "(blodwen-error-quit " ++ show msg ++ ")"
-- Need to convert the argument (a list of scheme arguments that may
-- have been constructed at run time) to a scheme list to be passed to apply
readArgs : Int -> NamedCExp -> Core String
readArgs i tm = pure $ "(blodwen-read-args " ++ !(schExp i tm) ++ ")"
fileOp : String -> String
fileOp op = "(blodwen-file-op (lambda () " ++ op ++ "))"
-- External primitives which are common to the scheme codegens (they can be
-- overridden)
schExtCommon : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String
schExtCommon i SchemeCall [ret, NmPrimVal fc (Str fn), args, world]
= pure $ mkWorld ("(apply " ++ fn ++" "
++ !(readArgs i args) ++ ")")
schExtCommon i SchemeCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= pure $ mkWorld ("(apply (eval (string->symbol " ++ !(schExp i fn) ++")) "
++ !(readArgs i args) ++ ")")
schExtCommon i NewIORef [_, val, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(box " ++ !(schExp i val) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i ReadIORef [_, ref, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(unbox " ++ !(schExp i ref) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i WriteIORef [_, ref, val, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(set-box! "
++ !(schExp i ref) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i val) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i NewArray [_, size, val, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(make-vector " ++ !(schExp i size) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i val) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i ArrayGet [_, arr, pos, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(vector-ref " ++ !(schExp i arr) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i pos) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i ArraySet [_, arr, pos, val, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(vector-set! " ++ !(schExp i arr) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i pos) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i val) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i VoidElim [_, _]
= pure "(display \"Error: Executed 'void'\")"
schExtCommon i SysOS []
= pure $ show os
schExtCommon i (Unknown n) args
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile unknown external primitive " ++ show n))
schExtCommon i prim args
= throw (InternalError ("Badly formed external primitive " ++ show prim
++ " " ++ show args))
schDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> NamedDef -> Core String
schDef n (MkNmFun args exp)
= pure $ "(define " ++ schName !(getFullName n) ++ " (lambda (" ++ schArglist args ++ ") "
++ !(schExp 0 exp) ++ "))\n"
schDef n (MkNmError exp)
= pure $ "(define (" ++ schName !(getFullName n) ++ " . any-args) " ++ !(schExp 0 exp) ++ ")\n"
schDef n (MkNmForeign _ _ _) = pure "" -- compiled by specific back end
schDef n (MkNmCon t a _) = pure "" -- Nothing to compile here
-- Convert the name to scheme code
-- (There may be no code generated, for example if it's a constructor)
getScheme : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(schExtPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String) ->
(schString : String -> String) ->
(Name, FC, NamedDef) -> Core String
getScheme schExtPrim schString (n, fc, d)
= schDef schExtPrim schString n d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Name
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Utils.Hex
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System
import System.Info
%default covering
-- TODO Look for gsi-script, then gsi
findGSI : IO String
findGSI =
do env <- getEnv "GAMBIT_GSI"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S gsi-script" env
-- TODO Look for gsc-script, then gsc
findGSC : IO String
findGSC =
do env <- getEnv "GAMBIT_GSC"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S gsc-script" env
schHeader : String
schHeader = "(declare (block)
(inlining-limit 450)
(not safe)
showGambitChar : Char -> String -> String
showGambitChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showGambitChar c
= if c < chr 32 -- XXX
then (("\\x" ++ asHex (cast c) ++ ";") ++)
else strCons c
showGambitString : List Char -> String -> String
showGambitString [] = id
showGambitString ('"'::cs) = ("\\\"" ++) . showGambitString cs
showGambitString (c::cs) = (showGambitChar c) . showGambitString cs
gambitString : String -> String
gambitString cs = strCons '"' (showGambitString (unpack cs) "\"")
-- Primitive types have been converted to names for the purpose of matching
-- on types
tySpec : NamedCExp -> Core String
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Int") _ []) = pure "int"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "String") _ []) = pure "UTF-8-string"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Double") _ []) = pure "double"
tySpec (NmCon fc (UN "Char") _ []) = pure "char"
tySpec (NmCon fc (NS _ n) _ [_])
= cond [(n == UN "Ptr", pure "(pointer void)")]
(throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show n ++ " to foreign function")))
tySpec (NmCon fc (NS _ n) _ [])
= cond [(n == UN "Unit", pure "void"),
(n == UN "AnyPtr", pure "(pointer void)")]
(throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show n ++ " to foreign function")))
tySpec ty = throw (GenericMsg (getFC ty) ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show ty ++ " to foreign function"))
handleRet : String -> String -> String
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor gambitString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet _ op = mkWorld op
getFArgs : NamedCExp -> Core (List (NamedCExp, NamedCExp))
getFArgs (NmCon fc _ (Just 0) _) = pure []
getFArgs (NmCon fc _ (Just 1) [ty, val, rest]) = pure $ (ty, val) :: !(getFArgs rest)
getFArgs arg = throw (GenericMsg (getFC arg) ("Badly formed c call argument list " ++ show arg))
gambitPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String
gambitPrim i CCall [ret, NmPrimVal fc (Str fn), fargs, world]
= do args <- getFArgs fargs
argTypes <- traverse tySpec (map fst args)
retType <- tySpec ret
argsc <- traverse (schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0) (map snd args)
pure $ handleRet retType ("((c-lambda (" ++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") "
++ retType ++ " " ++ show fn ++ ") "
++ showSep " " argsc ++ ")")
gambitPrim i CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= pure "(error \"bad ffi call\")"
gambitPrim i GetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _]
= do structsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 struct
pure $ "(" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ " " ++ structsc ++ ")"
gambitPrim i GetField [_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad getField\")"
gambitPrim i SetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _, val, world]
= do structsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 struct
valsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 val
pure $ mkWorld $
"(" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ "-set! " ++ structsc ++ " " ++ valsc ++ ")"
gambitPrim i SetField [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad setField\")"
gambitPrim i SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"gambit\""
gambitPrim i prim args
= schExtCommon gambitPrim gambitString i prim args
-- Reference label for keeping track of loaded external libraries
data Loaded : Type where
-- Label for noting which struct types are declared
data Structs : Type where
cftySpec : FC -> CFType -> Core String
cftySpec fc CFUnit = pure "void"
cftySpec fc CFInt = pure "int"
cftySpec fc CFString = pure "UTF-8-string"
cftySpec fc CFDouble = pure "double"
cftySpec fc CFChar = pure "char"
cftySpec fc CFPtr = pure "(pointer void)"
cftySpec fc (CFIORes t) = cftySpec fc t
cftySpec fc (CFStruct n t) = pure $ n ++ "*/nonnull"
cftySpec fc (CFFun s t) = funTySpec [s] t
funTySpec : List CFType -> CFType -> Core String
funTySpec args (CFFun CFWorld t) = funTySpec args t
funTySpec args (CFFun s t) = funTySpec (s :: args) t
funTySpec args retty
= do rtyspec <- cftySpec fc retty
argspecs <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (reverse args)
pure $ "(function (" ++ showSep " " argspecs ++ ") " ++ rtyspec ++ ")"
cftySpec fc t = throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show t ++
" to foreign function"))
cCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
FC -> (cfn : String) -> (clib : String) ->
List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
cCall fc cfn clib args ret
= do -- loaded <- get Loaded
-- lib <- if clib `elem` loaded
-- then pure ""
-- else do (fname, fullname) <- locate clib
-- copyLib (fname, fullname)
-- put Loaded (clib :: loaded)
-- pure ""
argTypes <- traverse (\a => cftySpec fc (snd a)) args
retType <- cftySpec fc ret
let call = "((c-lambda (" ++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") "
++ retType ++ " " ++ show cfn ++ ") "
++ showSep " " !(traverse buildArg args) ++ ")"
pure ("", case ret of -- XXX
CFIORes _ => handleRet retType call
_ => call)
mkNs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Maybe String)
mkNs i [] = []
mkNs i (CFWorld :: xs) = Nothing :: mkNs i xs
mkNs i (x :: xs) = Just ("cb" ++ show i) :: mkNs (i + 1) xs
applyLams : String -> List (Maybe String) -> String
applyLams n [] = n
applyLams n (Nothing :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " #f)") as
applyLams n (Just a :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " " ++ a ++ ")") as
mkFun : List CFType -> CFType -> String -> String
mkFun args ret n
= let argns = mkNs 0 args in
"(lambda (" ++ showSep " " (mapMaybe id argns) ++ ") "
++ (applyLams n argns ++ ")")
notWorld : CFType -> Bool
notWorld CFWorld = False
notWorld _ = True
callback : String -> List CFType -> CFType -> Core String
callback n args (CFFun s t) = callback n (s :: args) t
callback n args_rev retty
= do let args = reverse args_rev
argTypes <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (filter notWorld args)
retType <- cftySpec fc retty
pure $ mkFun args retty n -- FIXME Needs a top-level c-define
buildArg : (Name, CFType) -> Core String
buildArg (n, CFFun s t) = callback (schName n) [s] t
buildArg (n, _) = pure $ schName n
schemeCall : FC -> (sfn : String) ->
List Name -> CFType -> Core String
schemeCall fc sfn argns ret
= let call = "(" ++ sfn ++ " " ++ showSep " " (map schName argns) ++ ")" in
case ret of
CFIORes _ => pure $ mkWorld call
_ => pure call
-- Use a calling convention to compile a foreign def.
-- Returns any preamble needed for loading libraries, and the body of the
-- function call.
useCC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
FC -> List String -> List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
useCC fc [] args ret
= throw (GenericMsg fc "No recognised foreign calling convention")
useCC fc (cc :: ccs) args ret
= case parseCC cc of
Nothing => useCC fc ccs args ret
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
Just ("C", [cfn, clib]) => cCall fc cfn clib args ret
Just ("C", [cfn, clib, chdr]) => cCall fc cfn clib args ret
_ => useCC fc ccs args ret
-- For every foreign arg type, return a name, and whether to pass it to the
-- foreign call (we don't pass '%World')
mkArgs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Name, Bool)
mkArgs i [] = []
mkArgs i (CFWorld :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, False) :: mkArgs i cs
mkArgs i (c :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, True) :: mkArgs (i + 1) cs
mkStruct : {auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
CFType -> Core String
mkStruct (CFStruct n flds)
= do defs <- traverse mkStruct (map snd flds)
strs <- get Structs
if n `elem` strs
then pure (concat defs)
else do put Structs (n :: strs)
pure $ concat defs ++ "(define-c-struct " ++ n ++ " "
++ showSep " " !(traverse showFld flds) ++ ")\n"
showFld : (String, CFType) -> Core String
showFld (n, ty) = pure $ "(" ++ n ++ " " ++ !(cftySpec emptyFC ty) ++ ")"
mkStruct (CFIORes t) = mkStruct t
mkStruct (CFFun a b) = do mkStruct a; mkStruct b
mkStruct _ = pure ""
schFgnDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
FC -> Name -> NamedDef -> Core (String, String)
schFgnDef fc n (MkNmForeign cs args ret)
= do let argns = mkArgs 0 args
let allargns = map fst argns
let useargns = map fst (filter snd argns)
argStrs <- traverse mkStruct args
retStr <- mkStruct ret
(load, body) <- useCC fc cs (zip useargns args) ret
defs <- get Ctxt
pure (load,
concat argStrs ++ retStr ++
"(define " ++ schName !(full (gamma defs) n) ++
" (lambda (" ++ showSep " " (map schName allargns) ++ ") " ++
body ++ "))\n")
schFgnDef _ _ _ = pure ("", "")
getFgnCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
(Name, FC, NamedDef) -> Core (String, String)
getFgnCall (n, fc, d) = schFgnDef fc n d
-- TODO Include libraries from the directives
compileToSCM : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSCM c tm outfile
= do cdata <- getCompileData Cases tm
let ndefs = namedDefs cdata
-- let tags = nameTags cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt
l <- newRef {t = List String} Loaded []
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
fgndefs <- traverse getFgnCall ndefs
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme gambitPrim gambitString) ndefs
let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs) ++
concat (map fst fgndefs)
main <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 ctm
support <- readDataFile "gambit/support.scm"
foreign <- readDataFile "gambit/foreign.scm"
let scm = showSep "\n" [schHeader, support, foreign, code, main]
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
pure ()
-- TODO Include external libraries on compilation
compileExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr c execDir tm outfile
= do let outn = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
gsc <- coreLift findGSC
ok <- coreLift $ system (gsc ++ " -exe " ++ outn)
if ok == 0
then pure (Just outfile)
else pure Nothing
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
executeExpr c execDir tm
= do let tmp = execDir ++ dirSep ++ "_tmpgambit"
let outn = tmp ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
gsi <- coreLift findGSI
coreLift $ system (gsi ++ " " ++ outn)
pure ()
codegenGambit : Codegen
codegenGambit = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Core.Options
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Name
import Core.TT
import Utils.Hex
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Nat
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System
import System.Info
%default covering
findRacket : IO String
findRacket =
do env <- getEnv "RACKET"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env racket" env
findRacoExe : IO String
findRacoExe =
do env <- getEnv "RACKET_RACO"
pure $ (fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env raco" env) ++ " exe"
schHeader : String -> String
schHeader libs
= "#lang racket/base\n" ++
"(require racket/math)\n" ++ -- for math ops
"(require racket/system)\n" ++ -- for system
"(require srfi/19)\n" ++ -- for file handling and data
"(require ffi/unsafe ffi/unsafe/define)\n" ++ -- for calling C
libs ++
"(let ()\n"
schFooter : String
schFooter = ")"
showRacketChar : Char -> String -> String
showRacketChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showRacketChar c
= if c < chr 32 || c > chr 126
then (("\\u" ++ pad (asHex (cast c))) ++)
else strCons c
pad : String -> String
pad str
= case isLTE (length str) 4 of
Yes _ => pack (List.replicate (minus 4 (length str)) '0') ++ str
No _ => str
showRacketString : List Char -> String -> String
showRacketString [] = id
showRacketString ('"'::cs) = ("\\\"" ++) . showRacketString cs
showRacketString (c ::cs) = (showRacketChar c) . showRacketString cs
racketString : String -> String
racketString cs = strCons '"' (showRacketString (unpack cs) "\"")
racketPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String
racketPrim i CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile C FFI calls to Racket yet"))
racketPrim i GetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _]
= do structsc <- schExp racketPrim racketString 0 struct
pure $ "(" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ " " ++ structsc ++ ")"
racketPrim i GetField [_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad getField\")"
racketPrim i SetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _, val, world]
= do structsc <- schExp racketPrim racketString 0 struct
valsc <- schExp racketPrim racketString 0 val
pure $ mkWorld $
"(set-" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ "! " ++ structsc ++ " " ++ valsc ++ ")"
racketPrim i SetField [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad setField\")"
racketPrim i SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"racket\""
racketPrim i prim args
= schExtCommon racketPrim racketString i prim args
-- Reference label for keeping track of loaded external libraries
data Loaded : Type where
-- Label for noting which struct types are declared
data Structs : Type where
-- Label for noting which foreign names are declared
data Done : Type where
cftySpec : FC -> CFType -> Core String
cftySpec fc CFUnit = pure "_void"
cftySpec fc CFInt = pure "_int"
cftySpec fc CFString = pure "_string/utf-8"
cftySpec fc CFDouble = pure "_double"
cftySpec fc CFChar = pure "_int8"
cftySpec fc CFPtr = pure "_pointer"
cftySpec fc (CFIORes t) = cftySpec fc t
cftySpec fc (CFStruct n t) = pure $ "_" ++ n ++ "-pointer"
cftySpec fc (CFFun s t) = funTySpec [s] t
funTySpec : List CFType -> CFType -> Core String
funTySpec args (CFFun CFWorld t) = funTySpec args t
funTySpec args (CFFun s t) = funTySpec (s :: args) t
funTySpec args retty
= do rtyspec <- cftySpec fc retty
argspecs <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (reverse args)
pure $ "(_fun " ++ showSep " " argspecs ++ " -> " ++ rtyspec ++ ")"
cftySpec fc t = throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show t ++
" to foreign function"))
loadlib : String -> String -> String
loadlib libn ver
= "(define-ffi-definer define-" ++ libn ++
" (ffi-lib \"" ++ libn ++ "\" " ++ ver ++ "))\n"
getLibVers : String -> (String, String)
getLibVers libspec
= case words libspec of
[] => ("", "")
[fn] => case span (/='.') libspec of
(root, rest) => (root, "")
(fn :: vers) =>
(fst (span (/='.') fn),
"'(" ++ showSep " " (map show vers) ++ " #f)" )
cToRkt : CFType -> String -> String
cToRkt CFChar op = "(integer->char " ++ op ++ ")"
cToRkt _ op = op
rktToC : CFType -> String -> String
rktToC CFChar op = "(char->integer " ++ op ++ ")"
rktToC _ op = op
handleRet : CFType -> String -> String
handleRet CFUnit op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor racketString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet ret op = mkWorld (cToRkt ret op)
cCall : {auto f : Ref Done (List String) } ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
FC -> (cfn : String) -> (clib : String) ->
List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
cCall fc cfn libspec args ret
= do loaded <- get Loaded
bound <- get Done
let (libn, vers) = getLibVers libspec
lib <- if libn `elem` loaded
then pure ""
else do put Loaded (libn :: loaded)
ldata <- locate libspec
copyLib ldata
pure (loadlib libn vers)
argTypes <- traverse (\a => do s <- cftySpec fc (snd a)
pure (a, s)) args
retType <- cftySpec fc ret
cbind <- if cfn `elem` bound
then pure ""
else do put Done (cfn :: bound)
pure $ "(define-" ++ libn ++ " " ++ cfn ++
" (_fun " ++ showSep " " (map snd argTypes) ++ " -> " ++
retType ++ "))\n"
let call = "(" ++ cfn ++ " " ++
showSep " " !(traverse useArg argTypes) ++ ")"
pure (lib ++ cbind, case ret of
CFIORes rt => handleRet rt call
_ => call)
mkNs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Maybe (String, CFType))
mkNs i [] = []
mkNs i (CFWorld :: xs) = Nothing :: mkNs i xs
mkNs i (x :: xs) = Just ("cb" ++ show i, x) :: mkNs (i + 1) xs
applyLams : String -> List (Maybe (String, CFType)) -> String
applyLams n [] = n
applyLams n (Nothing :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " #f)") as
applyLams n (Just (a, ty) :: as)
= applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " " ++ cToRkt ty a ++ ")") as
mkFun : List CFType -> CFType -> String -> String
mkFun args ret n
= let argns = mkNs 0 args in
"(lambda (" ++ showSep " " (map fst (mapMaybe id argns)) ++ ") " ++
(applyLams n argns ++ ")")
notWorld : CFType -> Bool
notWorld CFWorld = False
notWorld _ = True
callback : String -> List CFType -> CFType -> Core String
callback n args (CFFun s t) = callback n (s :: args) t
callback n args_rev retty
= do let args = reverse args_rev
argTypes <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (filter notWorld args)
retType <- cftySpec fc retty
pure $ mkFun args retty n
useArg : ((Name, CFType), String) -> Core String
useArg ((n, CFFun s t), _) = callback (schName n) [s] t
useArg ((n, ty), _)
= pure $ rktToC ty (schName n)
schemeCall : FC -> (sfn : String) ->
List Name -> CFType -> Core String
schemeCall fc sfn argns ret
= let call = "(" ++ sfn ++ " " ++ showSep " " (map schName argns) ++ ")" in
case ret of
CFIORes _ => pure $ mkWorld call
_ => pure call
-- Use a calling convention to compile a foreign def.
-- Returns any preamble needed for loading libraries, and the body of the
-- function call.
useCC : {auto f : Ref Done (List String) } ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
FC -> List String -> List (Name, CFType) -> CFType -> Core (String, String)
useCC fc [] args ret
= throw (GenericMsg fc "No recognised foreign calling convention")
useCC fc (cc :: ccs) args ret
= case parseCC cc of
Nothing => useCC fc ccs args ret
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
Just ("C", [cfn, clib]) => cCall fc cfn clib args ret
Just ("C", [cfn, clib, chdr]) => cCall fc cfn clib args ret
_ => useCC fc ccs args ret
-- For every foreign arg type, return a name, and whether to pass it to the
-- foreign call (we don't pass '%World')
mkArgs : Int -> List CFType -> List (Name, Bool)
mkArgs i [] = []
mkArgs i (CFWorld :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, False) :: mkArgs i cs
mkArgs i (c :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, True) :: mkArgs (i + 1) cs
mkStruct : {auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
CFType -> Core String
mkStruct (CFStruct n flds)
= do defs <- traverse mkStruct (map snd flds)
strs <- get Structs
if n `elem` strs
then pure (concat defs)
else do put Structs (n :: strs)
pure $ concat defs ++ "(define-cstruct _" ++ n ++ " ("
++ showSep "\n\t" !(traverse showFld flds) ++ "))\n"
showFld : (String, CFType) -> Core String
showFld (n, ty) = pure $ "[" ++ n ++ " " ++ !(cftySpec emptyFC ty) ++ "]"
mkStruct (CFIORes t) = mkStruct t
mkStruct (CFFun a b) = do mkStruct a; mkStruct b
mkStruct _ = pure ""
schFgnDef : {auto f : Ref Done (List String) } ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
FC -> Name -> NamedDef -> Core (String, String)
schFgnDef fc n (MkNmForeign cs args ret)
= do let argns = mkArgs 0 args
let allargns = map fst argns
let useargns = map fst (filter snd argns)
argStrs <- traverse mkStruct args
retStr <- mkStruct ret
(load, body) <- useCC fc cs (zip useargns args) ret
defs <- get Ctxt
pure (concat argStrs ++ retStr ++ load,
"(define " ++ schName !(full (gamma defs) n) ++
" (lambda (" ++ showSep " " (map schName allargns) ++ ") " ++
body ++ "))\n")
schFgnDef _ _ _ = pure ("", "")
getFgnCall : {auto f : Ref Done (List String) } ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
(Name, FC, NamedDef) -> Core (String, String)
getFgnCall (n, fc, d) = schFgnDef fc n d
compileToRKT : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToRKT c tm outfile
= do cdata <- getCompileData Cases tm
let ndefs = namedDefs cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt
f <- newRef {t = List String} Done empty
l <- newRef {t = List String} Loaded []
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
fgndefs <- traverse getFgnCall ndefs
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme racketPrim racketString) ndefs
let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs)
main <- schExp racketPrim racketString 0 ctm
support <- readDataFile "racket/support.rkt"
let scm = schHeader (concat (map fst fgndefs)) ++
support ++ code ++
"(void " ++ main ++ ")\n" ++
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift $ chmodRaw outfile 0o755
pure ()
compileExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr c execDir tm outfile
= do let outSs = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ ".rkt"
let outBin = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile
compileToRKT c tm outSs
raco <- coreLift findRacoExe
ok <- coreLift $ system (raco ++ " -o " ++ outBin ++ " " ++ outSs)
if ok == 0
then pure (Just outfile)
else pure Nothing
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
executeExpr c execDir tm
= do let tmp = execDir ++ dirSep ++ "_tmpracket"
let outn = tmp ++ ".rkt"
compileToRKT c tm outn
racket <- coreLift findRacket
coreLift $ system (racket ++ " " ++ outn)
pure ()
codegenRacket : Codegen
codegenRacket = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr

src/Compiler/VMCode.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
module Compiler.VMCode
import Compiler.ANF
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
%default covering
public export
data Reg : Type where
RVal : Reg
Loc : Int -> Reg
Discard : Reg
-- VM instructions - first Reg is where the result goes, unless stated
-- otherwise.
-- As long as you have a representation of closures, and an 'apply' function
-- which adds an argument and evaluates if it's fully applied, then you can
-- translate this directly to a target language program.
public export
data VMInst : Type where
DECLARE : Reg -> VMInst
START : VMInst -- start of the main body of the function
ASSIGN : Reg -> Reg -> VMInst
MKCON : Reg -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> (args : List Reg) -> VMInst
MKCLOSURE : Reg -> Name -> (missing : Nat) -> (args : List Reg) -> VMInst
MKCONSTANT : Reg -> Constant -> VMInst
APPLY : Reg -> (f : Reg) -> (a : Reg) -> VMInst
CALL : Reg -> (tailpos : Bool) -> Name -> (args : List Reg) -> VMInst
OP : Reg -> PrimFn arity -> Vect arity Reg -> VMInst
EXTPRIM : Reg -> Name -> List Reg -> VMInst
CASE : Reg -> -- scrutinee
(alts : List (Either Int Name, List VMInst)) -> -- based on constructor tag
(def : Maybe (List VMInst)) ->
CONSTCASE : Reg -> -- scrutinee
(alts : List (Constant, List VMInst)) ->
(def : Maybe (List VMInst)) ->
PROJECT : Reg -> (value : Reg) -> (pos : Int) -> VMInst
NULL : Reg -> VMInst
ERROR : String -> VMInst
public export
data VMDef : Type where
MkVMFun : (args : List Int) -> List VMInst -> VMDef
MkVMError : List VMInst -> VMDef
Show Reg where
show RVal = "RVAL"
show (Loc i) = "v" ++ show i
show Discard = "DISCARD"
Show VMInst where
show (DECLARE r) = "DECLARE " ++ show r
show START = "START"
show (ASSIGN r v) = show r ++ " := " ++ show v
show (MKCON r t args)
= show r ++ " := MKCON " ++ show t ++ " (" ++
showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (MKCLOSURE r n m args)
= show r ++ " := MKCLOSURE " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show m ++ " (" ++
showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (MKCONSTANT r c) = show r ++ " := MKCONSTANT " ++ show c
show (APPLY r f a) = show r ++ " := " ++ show f ++ " @ " ++ show a
show (CALL r t n args)
= show r ++ " := " ++ (if t then "TAILCALL " else "CALL ") ++
show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (OP r op args)
= show r ++ " := " ++ "OP " ++
show op ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show (toList args)) ++ ")"
show (EXTPRIM r n args)
= show r ++ " := " ++ "EXTPRIM " ++
show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (CASE scr alts def)
= "CASE " ++ show scr ++ " " ++ show alts ++ " {default: " ++ show def ++ "}"
show (CONSTCASE scr alts def)
= "CASE " ++ show scr ++ " " ++ show alts ++ " {default: " ++ show def ++ "}"
show (PROJECT r val pos)
= show r ++ " := PROJECT(" ++ show val ++ ", " ++ show pos ++ ")"
show (NULL r) = show r ++ " := NULL"
show (ERROR str) = "ERROR " ++ show str
Show VMDef where
show (MkVMFun args body) = show args ++ ": " ++ show body
show (MkVMError err) = "Error: " ++ show err
toReg : AVar -> Reg
toReg (ALocal i) = Loc i
toReg ANull = Discard
toVM : (tailpos : Bool) -> (target : Reg) -> ANF -> List VMInst
toVM t Discard _ = []
toVM t res (AV fc (ALocal i))
= [ASSIGN res (Loc i)]
toVM t res (AAppName fc n args)
= [CALL res t n (map toReg args)]
toVM t res (AUnderApp fc n m args)
= [MKCLOSURE res n m (map toReg args)]
toVM t res (AApp fc f a)
= [APPLY res (toReg f) (toReg a)]
toVM t res (ALet fc var val body)
= toVM False (Loc var) val ++ toVM t res body
toVM t res (ACon fc n tag args)
= [MKCON res tag (map toReg args)]
toVM t res (AOp fc op args)
= [OP res op (map toReg args)]
toVM t res (AExtPrim fc p args)
= [EXTPRIM res p (map toReg args)]
toVM t res (AConCase fc (ALocal scr) alts def)
= [CASE (Loc scr) (map toVMConAlt alts) (map (toVM t res) def)]
projectArgs : Int -> List Int -> List VMInst
projectArgs i [] = []
projectArgs i (arg :: args)
= PROJECT (Loc arg) (Loc scr) i :: projectArgs (i + 1) args
toVMConAlt : AConAlt -> (Either Int Name, List VMInst)
toVMConAlt (MkAConAlt n (Just tag) args code)
= (Left tag, projectArgs 0 args ++ toVM t res code)
toVMConAlt (MkAConAlt n Nothing args code)
= (Right n, projectArgs 0 args ++ toVM t res code)
toVM t res (AConstCase fc (ALocal scr) alts def)
= [CONSTCASE (Loc scr) (map toVMConstAlt alts) (map (toVM t res) def)]
toVMConstAlt : AConstAlt -> (Constant, List VMInst)
toVMConstAlt (MkAConstAlt c code)
= (c, toVM t res code)
toVM t res (APrimVal fc c)
= [MKCONSTANT res c]
toVM t res (AErased fc)
= [NULL res]
toVM t res (ACrash fc err)
= [ERROR err]
toVM t res _
= [NULL res]
findVars : VMInst -> List Int
findVars (ASSIGN (Loc r) _) = [r]
findVars (MKCON (Loc r) _ _) = [r]
findVars (MKCLOSURE (Loc r) _ _ _) = [r]
findVars (MKCONSTANT (Loc r) _) = [r]
findVars (APPLY (Loc r) _ _) = [r]
findVars (CALL (Loc r) _ _ _) = [r]
findVars (OP (Loc r) _ _) = [r]
findVars (EXTPRIM (Loc r) _ _) = [r]
findVars (CASE _ alts d)
= concatMap findVarAlt alts ++ fromMaybe [] (map (concatMap findVars) d)
findVarAlt : (Either Int Name, List VMInst) -> List Int
findVarAlt (t, code) = concatMap findVars code
findVars (CONSTCASE _ alts d)
= concatMap findConstVarAlt alts ++ fromMaybe [] (map (concatMap findVars) d)
findConstVarAlt : (Constant, List VMInst) -> List Int
findConstVarAlt (t, code) = concatMap findVars code
findVars (PROJECT (Loc r) _ _) = [r]
findVars _ = []
declareVars : List Int -> List VMInst -> List VMInst
declareVars got code
= let vs = concatMap findVars code in
declareAll got vs
declareAll : List Int -> List Int -> List VMInst
declareAll got [] = START :: code
declareAll got (i :: is)
= if i `elem` got
then declareAll got is
else DECLARE (Loc i) :: declareAll (i :: got) is
toVMDef : ANFDef -> Maybe VMDef
toVMDef (MkAFun args body)
= Just $ MkVMFun args (declareVars args (toVM True RVal body))
toVMDef (MkAError body)
= Just $ MkVMError (declareVars [] (toVM True RVal body))
toVMDef _ = Nothing
allDefs : List (Name, ANFDef) -> List (Name, VMDef)
allDefs = mapMaybe (\ (n, d) => do d' <- toVMDef d; pure (n, d'))

src/Data/StringTrie.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module Data.StringTrie
import Data.These
import Data.StringMap
%default total
-- prefix tree specialised to use `String`s as keys
public export
record StringTrie a where
constructor MkStringTrie
node : These a (StringMap (StringTrie a))
public export
Show a => Show (StringTrie a) where
show (MkStringTrie node) = assert_total $ show node
public export
Functor StringTrie where
map f (MkStringTrie node) = MkStringTrie $ assert_total $ bimap f (map (map f)) node
public export
empty : StringTrie a
empty = MkStringTrie $ That empty
public export
singleton : List String -> a -> StringTrie a
singleton [] v = MkStringTrie $ This v
singleton (k::ks) v = MkStringTrie $ That $ singleton k (singleton ks v)
-- insert using supplied function to resolve clashes
public export
insertWith : List String -> (Maybe a -> a) -> StringTrie a -> StringTrie a
insertWith [] f (MkStringTrie nd) =
MkStringTrie $ these (This . f . Just) (Both (f Nothing)) (Both . f . Just) nd
insertWith (k::ks) f (MkStringTrie nd) =
MkStringTrie $ these (\x => Both x (singleton k end)) (That . rec) (\x => Both x . rec) nd
end : StringTrie a
end = singleton ks (f Nothing)
rec : StringMap (StringTrie a) -> StringMap (StringTrie a)
rec sm = maybe (insert k end sm) (\tm => insert k (insertWith ks f tm) sm) (lookup k sm)
public export
insert : List String -> a -> StringTrie a -> StringTrie a
insert ks v = insertWith ks (const v)
-- fold the trie in a depth-first fashion performing monadic actions on values, then keys
-- note that for `Both` the action on node values will be performed first because of `bitraverse` implementation
public export
foldWithKeysM : (Monad m, Monoid b) => (List String -> m b) -> (List String -> a -> m b) -> StringTrie a -> m b
foldWithKeysM {a} {m} {b} fk fv = go []
go : List String -> StringTrie a -> m b
go ks (MkStringTrie nd) =
bifold <$> bitraverse
(fv ks)
(\sm => foldlM
(\x, (k, vs) => do let ks' = ks++[k]
y <- assert_total $ go ks' vs
z <- fk ks'
pure $ x <+> y <+> z)
(toList sm))

src/Data/These.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module Data.These
%default total
public export
data These a b = This a | That b | Both a b
public export
fromEither : Either a b -> These a b
fromEither = either This That
public export
these : (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> These a b -> c
these l r lr (This a) = l a
these l r lr (That b) = r b
these l r lr (Both a b) = lr a b
public export
bimap : (f : a -> b) -> (g : c -> d) -> These a c -> These b d
bimap f g (This a) = This (f a)
bimap f g (That b) = That (g b)
bimap f g (Both a b) = Both (f a) (g b)
public export
(Show a, Show b) => Show (These a b) where
showPrec d (This x) = showCon d "This" $ showArg x
showPrec d (That x) = showCon d "That" $ showArg x
showPrec d (Both x y) = showCon d "Both" $ showArg x ++ showArg y
public export
Functor (These a) where
map = bimap id
public export
mapFst : (f : a -> b) -> These a c -> These b c
mapFst f = bimap f id
public export
bifold : Monoid m => These m m -> m
bifold (This a) = a
bifold (That b) = b
bifold (Both a b) = a <+> b
public export
bitraverse : Applicative f => (a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> These a b -> f (These c d)
bitraverse f g (This a) = [| This (f a) |]
bitraverse f g (That b) = [| That (g b) |]
bitraverse f g (Both a b) = [| Both (f a) (g b) |]

src/Idris/CommandLine.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
module Idris.CommandLine
import IdrisPaths
import Idris.Version
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Strings
import System
%default total
public export
data PkgCommand
= Build
| Install
| Clean
Show PkgCommand where
show Build = "--build"
show Install = "--install"
show Clean = "--clean"
show REPL = "--repl"
public export
data DirCommand
= LibDir -- show top level package directory
Show DirCommand where
show LibDir = "--libdir"
||| CLOpt - possible command line options
public export
data CLOpt
||| Only typecheck the given file
CheckOnly |
||| The output file from the code generator
OutputFile String |
||| Execute a given function after checking the source file
ExecFn String |
||| Use a specific code generator (default chez)
SetCG String |
||| Don't implicitly import Prelude
NoPrelude |
||| Show the installation prefix
ShowPrefix |
||| Display Idris version
Version |
||| Display help text
Help |
||| Suppress the banner
NoBanner |
||| Run Idris 2 in quiet mode
Quiet |
||| Run Idris 2 in verbose mode (cancels quiet if it's the default)
Verbose |
||| Add a package as a dependency
PkgPath String |
||| Build or install a given package, depending on PkgCommand
Package PkgCommand String |
||| Show locations of data/library directories
Directory DirCommand |
||| The input Idris file
InputFile String |
||| Whether or not to run in IdeMode (easily parsable for other tools)
IdeMode |
||| Whether or not to run IdeMode (using a socket instead of stdin/stdout)
IdeModeSocket String |
||| Run as a checker for the core language TTImp
Yaffle String |
||| Dump metadata from a .ttm file
Metadata String |
||| Dump cases before compiling
DumpCases String |
||| Dump lambda lifted defs before compiling
DumpLifted String |
||| Dump ANF defs before compiling
DumpANF String |
||| Dump VM code defs before compiling
DumpVMCode String |
||| Run a REPL command then exit immediately
RunREPL String |
FindIPKG |
Timing |
DebugElabCheck |
ActType : List String -> Type
ActType [] = List CLOpt
ActType (a :: as) = String -> ActType as
record OptDesc where
constructor MkOpt
flags : List String
argdescs : List String
action : ActType argdescs
help : Maybe String
options : List OptDesc
options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
(Just "Exit after checking source file"),
MkOpt ["--output", "-o"] ["file"] (\f => [OutputFile f, Quiet])
(Just "Specify output file"),
MkOpt ["--exec", "-x"] ["name"] (\f => [ExecFn f, Quiet])
(Just "Execute function after checking source file"),
MkOpt ["--no-prelude"] [] [NoPrelude]
(Just "Don't implicitly import Prelude"),
MkOpt ["--codegen", "--cg"] ["backend"] (\f => [SetCG f])
(Just "Set code generator (default chez)"),
MkOpt ["--package", "-p"] ["package"] (\f => [PkgPath f])
(Just "Add a package as a dependency"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode"] [] [IdeMode]
(Just "Run the REPL with machine-readable syntax"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket"] [] [IdeModeSocket "localhost:38398"]
(Just "Run the ide socket mode on default host and port (localhost:38398)"),
MkOpt ["--ide-mode-socket-with"] ["host:port"] (\hp => [IdeModeSocket hp])
(Just "Run the ide socket mode on given host and port"),
MkOpt ["--prefix"] [] [ShowPrefix]
(Just "Show installation prefix"),
MkOpt ["--paths"] [] [BlodwenPaths]
(Just "Show paths"),
MkOpt ["--build"] ["package file"] (\f => [Package Build f])
(Just "Build modules/executable for the given package"),
MkOpt ["--install"] ["package file"] (\f => [Package Install f])
(Just "Install the given package"),
MkOpt ["--clean"] ["package file"] (\f => [Package Clean f])
(Just "Clean intermediate files/executables for the given package"),
MkOpt ["--libdir"] [] [Directory LibDir]
(Just "Show library directory"),
MkOpt ["--no-banner"] [] [NoBanner]
(Just "Suppress the banner"),
MkOpt ["--quiet", "-q"] [] [Quiet]
(Just "Quiet mode; display fewer messages"),
MkOpt ["--verbose"] [] [Verbose]
(Just "Verbose mode (default)"),
MkOpt ["--version", "-v"] [] [Version]
(Just "Display version string"),
MkOpt ["--help", "-h", "-?"] [] [Help]
(Just "Display help text"),
MkOpt ["--timing"] [] [Timing]
(Just "Display timing logs"),
MkOpt ["--find-ipkg"] [] [FindIPKG]
(Just "Find and use an .ipkg file in a parent directory"),
MkOpt ["--client"] ["REPL command"] (\f => [RunREPL f])
(Just "Run a REPL command then quit immediately"),
-- Internal debugging options
MkOpt ["--yaffle", "--ttimp"] ["ttimp file"] (\f => [Yaffle f])
Nothing, -- run ttimp REPL rather than full Idris
MkOpt ["--ttm" ] ["ttimp file"] (\f => [Metadata f])
Nothing, -- dump metadata information from the given ttm file
MkOpt ["--dumpcases"] ["output file"] (\f => [DumpCases f])
Nothing, -- dump case trees to the given file
MkOpt ["--dumplifted"] ["output file"] (\f => [DumpLifted f])
Nothing, -- dump lambda lifted trees to the given file
MkOpt ["--dumpanf"] ["output file"] (\f => [DumpANF f])
Nothing, -- dump ANF to the given file
MkOpt ["--dumpvmcode"] ["output file"] (\f => [DumpVMCode f])
Nothing, -- dump VM Code to the given file
MkOpt ["--debug-elab-check"] [] [DebugElabCheck]
Nothing -- do more elaborator checks (currently conversion in LinearCheck)
optUsage : OptDesc -> String
optUsage d
= maybe "" -- Don't show anything if there's no help string (that means
-- it's an internal option)
(\h => " " ++
let optshow = showSep "," (flags d) ++ " " ++
showSep " " (map (\x => "<" ++ x ++ ">") (argdescs d)) in
optshow ++ pack (List.replicate (minus 26 (length optshow)) ' ')
++ h ++ "\n") (help d)
showSep : String -> List String -> String
showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x :: xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs
versionMsg : String
versionMsg = "Idris 2, version " ++ showVersion True version
usage : String
usage = versionMsg ++ "\n" ++
"Usage: idris2 [options] [input file]\n\n" ++
"Available options:\n" ++
concatMap optUsage options
processArgs : String -> (args : List String) -> List String -> ActType args ->
Either String (List CLOpt, List String)
processArgs flag [] xs f = Right (f, xs)
processArgs flag (a :: as) [] f
= Left $ "Missing argument <" ++ a ++ "> for flag " ++ flag
processArgs flag (a :: as) (x :: xs) f
= processArgs flag as xs (f x)
matchFlag : (d : OptDesc) -> List String ->
Either String (Maybe (List CLOpt, List String))
matchFlag d [] = Right Nothing -- Nothing left to match
matchFlag d (x :: xs)
= if x `elem` flags d
then do args <- processArgs x (argdescs d) xs (action d)
Right (Just args)
else Right Nothing
findMatch : List OptDesc -> List String ->
Either String (List CLOpt, List String)
findMatch [] [] = Right ([], [])
findMatch [] (f :: args) = Right ([InputFile f], args)
findMatch (d :: ds) args
= case !(matchFlag d args) of
Nothing => findMatch ds args
Just res => Right res
parseOpts : List OptDesc -> List String -> Either String (List CLOpt)
parseOpts opts [] = Right []
parseOpts opts args
= do (cl, rest) <- findMatch opts args
cls <- assert_total (parseOpts opts rest) -- 'rest' smaller than 'args'
pure (cl ++ cls)
getOpts : List String -> Either String (List CLOpt)
getOpts opts = parseOpts options opts
export covering
getCmdOpts : IO (Either String (List CLOpt))
getCmdOpts = do (_ :: opts) <- getArgs
| _ => pure (Left "Invalid command line")
pure $ getOpts opts
portPart : String -> Maybe String
portPart p = if p == ""
then Nothing
else Just $ assert_total $ prim__strTail p
||| Extract the host and port to bind the IDE socket to
public export
ideSocketModeHostPort : List CLOpt -> (String, Int)
ideSocketModeHostPort [] = ("localhost", 38398)
ideSocketModeHostPort (IdeModeSocket hp :: _) =
let (h, p) = Strings.break (== ':') hp
port = fromMaybe 38398 (portPart p >>= parsePositive)
host = if h == "" then "localhost" else h
in (host, port)
ideSocketModeHostPort (_ :: rest) = ideSocketModeHostPort rest

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.CaseSplit
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Unlit
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils
import Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import System.File
%default covering
getLine : Nat -> List String -> Maybe String
getLine Z (l :: ls) = Just l
getLine (S k) (l :: ls) = getLine k ls
getLine _ [] = Nothing
toStrUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
(Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
toStrUpdate (UN n, term)
= do clause <- pterm term
pure [(n, show (bracket clause))]
bracket : PTerm -> PTerm
bracket tm@(PRef _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PList _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PPair _ _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PUnit _) = tm
bracket tm@(PComprehension _ _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PPrimVal _ _) = tm
bracket tm = PBracketed emptyFC tm
toStrUpdate _ = pure [] -- can't replace non user names
dump : SourcePart -> String
dump (Whitespace str) = str
dump (Name n) = n
dump (HoleName n) = "?" ++ n
dump LBrace = "{"
dump RBrace = "}"
dump Equal = "="
dump (Other str) = str
data UPD : Type where
doUpdates : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List (String, String) -> List SourcePart ->
Core (List SourcePart)
doUpdates defs ups [] = pure []
doUpdates defs ups (LBrace :: xs)
= case dropSpace xs of
Name n :: RBrace :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: RBrace :: rest)))
Name n :: Equal :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups rest))
_ => pure (LBrace :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
dropSpace : List SourcePart -> List SourcePart
dropSpace [] = []
dropSpace (RBrace :: xs) = RBrace :: xs
dropSpace (Whitespace _ :: xs) = dropSpace xs
dropSpace (x :: xs) = x :: dropSpace xs
doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: xs)
= case lookup n ups of
Nothing => pure (Name n :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
Just up => pure (Other up :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
doUpdates defs ups (HoleName n :: xs)
= do used <- get UPD
n' <- uniqueName defs used n
put UPD (n' :: used)
pure $ HoleName n' :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
doUpdates defs ups (x :: xs)
= pure $ x :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
-- State here is a list of new hole names we generated (so as not to reuse any).
-- Update the token list with the string replacements for each match, and return
-- the newly generated strings.
updateAll : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List (List (String, String)) ->
Core (List String)
updateAll defs l [] = pure []
updateAll defs l (rs :: rss)
= do l' <- doUpdates defs rs l
rss' <- updateAll defs l rss
pure (concat (map dump l') :: rss')
-- Turn the replacements we got from 'getSplits' into a list of actual string
-- replacements
getReplaces : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List (Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
getReplaces updates
= do strups <- traverse toStrUpdate updates
pure (concat strups)
showImpossible : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
RawImp -> Core String
showImpossible lhs
= do clause <- pterm lhs
pure (show clause ++ " impossible")
-- Given a list of updates and a line and column, find the relevant line in
-- the source file and return the lines to replace it with
updateCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List ClauseUpdate -> Int -> Int ->
Core (List String)
updateCase splits line col
= do opts <- get ROpts
case mainfile opts of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "No file loaded")
Just f =>
do Right file <- coreLift $ readFile f
| Left err => throw (FileErr f err)
let thisline = getLine (integerToNat (cast line)) (lines file)
case thisline of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "File too short!")
Just l =>
do let valid = mapMaybe getValid splits
let bad = mapMaybe getBad splits
if isNil valid
then traverse showImpossible bad
else do rs <- traverse getReplaces valid
let stok = tokens l
defs <- get Ctxt
u <- newRef UPD (the (List String) [])
updateAll defs stok rs
getValid : ClauseUpdate -> Maybe (List (Name, RawImp))
getValid (Valid _ ups) = Just ups
getValid _ = Nothing
getBad : ClauseUpdate -> Maybe RawImp
getBad (Impossible lhs) = Just lhs
getBad _ = Nothing
fnName : Bool -> Name -> String
fnName lhs (UN n)
= if isIdentNormal n then n
else if lhs then "(" ++ n ++ ")"
else "op"
fnName lhs (NS _ n) = fnName lhs n
fnName lhs (DN s _) = s
fnName lhs n = show n
getClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Int -> Name -> Core (Maybe String)
getClause l n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just (loc, nidx, envlen, ty) <- findTyDeclAt (\p, n => onLine (l-1) p)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
n <- getFullName nidx
argns <- getEnvArgNames defs envlen !(nf defs [] ty)
Just srcLine <- getSourceLine l
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let (mark, src) = isLitLine srcLine
pure (Just (indent mark loc ++ fnName True n ++ concat (map (" " ++) argns) ++
" = ?" ++ fnName False n ++ "_rhs"))
indent : Maybe String -> FC -> String
indent (Just mark) fc
= relit (Just mark) $ pack (replicate (integerToNat (cast (max 0 (snd (startPos fc) - 1)))) ' ')
indent Nothing fc = pack (replicate (integerToNat (cast (snd (startPos fc)))) ' ')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.MakeClause
import Core.Name
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Unlit
import Data.List
import Data.Nat
import Data.Strings
-- Implement make-with and make-case from the IDE mode
showRHSName : Name -> String
showRHSName n
= let fn = show (dropNS n) in
if any isOpChar (unpack fn)
then "op"
else fn
makeWith : Name -> String -> String
makeWith n srcline
= let (markerM, src) = isLitLine srcline
isrc : (Nat, String) =
case span isSpace src of
(spc, rest) => (length spc, rest)
indent = fst isrc
src = snd isrc
lhs = pack (readLHS 0 (unpack src)) in
mkWithArg markerM indent lhs ++ "\n" ++
mkWithPat markerM indent lhs ++ "\n"
readLHS : (brackets : Nat) -> List Char -> List Char
readLHS Z ('=' :: rest) = []
readLHS n ('(' :: rest) = '(' :: readLHS (S n) rest
readLHS n ('{' :: rest) = '{' :: readLHS (S n) rest
readLHS n (')' :: rest) = ')' :: readLHS (pred n) rest
readLHS n ('}' :: rest) = '}' :: readLHS (pred n) rest
readLHS n (x :: rest) = x :: readLHS n rest
readLHS n [] = []
pref : Maybe String -> Nat -> String
pref mark ind = relit mark $ pack (replicate ind ' ')
mkWithArg : Maybe String -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithArg mark indent lhs
= pref mark indent ++ lhs ++ "with (_)"
mkWithPat : Maybe String -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithPat mark indent lhs
= pref mark (indent + 2) ++ lhs ++ "| with_pat = ?" ++
showRHSName n ++ "_rhs"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
||| Slightly different lexer than the source language because we are more free
||| as to what can be identifiers, and fewer tokens are supported. But otherwise,
||| we can reuse the standard stuff
module Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Text.Parser
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Support
import Text.Lexer
import Utils.String
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
%hide Text.Lexer.symbols
%hide Parser.Lexer.symbols
symbols : List String
symbols = ["(", ":", ")"]
ideTokens : TokenMap Token
ideTokens =
map (\x => (exact x, Symbol)) symbols ++
[(digits, \x => Literal (cast x)),
(stringLit, \x => StrLit (stripQuotes x)),
(identAllowDashes, \x => NSIdent [x]),
(space, Comment)]
idelex : String -> Either (Int, Int, String) (List (TokenData Token))
idelex str
= case lex ideTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
[MkToken l c EndInput])
(_, fail) => Left fail
notComment : TokenData Token -> Bool
notComment t = case tok t of
Comment _ => False
_ => True
sexp : Rule SExp
= do symbol ":"; exactIdent "True"
pure (BoolAtom True)
<|> do symbol ":"; exactIdent "False"
pure (BoolAtom False)
<|> do i <- intLit
pure (IntegerAtom i)
<|> do str <- strLit
pure (StringAtom str)
<|> do symbol ":"; x <- unqualifiedName
pure (SymbolAtom x)
<|> do symbol "("
xs <- many sexp
symbol ")"
pure (SExpList xs)
ideParser : {e : _} ->
String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
ideParser str p
= case idelex str of
Left err => Left $ LexFail err
Right toks =>
case parse p toks of
Left (Error err []) =>
Left $ ParseFail err Nothing []
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left $ ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t))
(map tok (t :: ts))
Right (val, _) => Right val
parseSExp : String -> Either ParseError SExp
parseSExp inp
= ideParser inp (do c <- sexp; eoi; pure c)

src/Idris/IDEMode/REPL.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.REPL
import Compiler.Scheme.Chez
import Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.InitPrimitives
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.Unify
import Idris.Desugar
import Idris.Error
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
import Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Idris.IDEMode.SyntaxHighlight
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.ProcessDecls
import Utils.Hex
import System
-- import Idris.Socket
-- import Idris.Socket.Data
socketToFile : Socket -> IO (Either String File)
socketToFile (MkSocket f _ _ _) = do
file <- map FHandle $ foreign FFI_C "fdopen" (Int -> String -> IO Ptr) f "r+"
if !(ferror file) then do
pure (Left "Failed to fdopen socket file descriptor")
else pure (Right file)
initIDESocketFile : String -> Int -> IO (Either String File)
initIDESocketFile h p = do
osock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
case osock of
Left fail => do
putStrLn (show fail)
putStrLn "Failed to open socket"
exit 1
Right sock => do
res <- bind sock (Just (Hostname h)) p
if res /= 0
pure (Left ("Failed to bind socket with error: " ++ show res))
else do
res <- listen sock
if res /= 0
pure (Left ("Failed to listen on socket with error: " ++ show res))
else do
putStrLn (show p)
res <- accept sock
case res of
Left err =>
pure (Left ("Failed to accept on socket with error: " ++ show err))
Right (s, _) =>
socketToFile s
getChar : File -> IO Char
getChar (FHandle h) = do
if !(fEOF (FHandle h)) then do
putStrLn "Alas the file is done, aborting"
exit 1
else do
chr <- map cast $ foreign FFI_C "fgetc" (Ptr -> IO Int) h
if !(ferror (FHandle h)) then do
putStrLn "Failed to read a character"
exit 1
else pure chr
getFLine : File -> IO String
getFLine (FHandle h) = do
str <- prim_fread h
if !(ferror (FHandle h)) then do
putStrLn "Failed to read a line"
exit 1
else pure str
getNChars : File -> Nat -> IO (List Char)
getNChars i Z = pure []
getNChars i (S k)
= do x <- getChar i
xs <- getNChars i k
pure (x :: xs)
-- Read 6 characters. If they're a hex number, read that many characters.
-- Otherwise, just read to newline
getInput : File -> IO String
getInput f
= do x <- getNChars f 6
case fromHexChars (reverse x) of
Nothing =>
do rest <- getFLine f
pure (pack x ++ rest)
Just num =>
do inp <- getNChars f (cast num)
pure (pack inp)
process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
IDECommand -> Core REPLResult
process (Interpret cmd)
= interpret cmd
process (LoadFile fname _)
= Idris.REPL.process (Load fname) >>= outputSyntaxHighlighting fname
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
= Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
process (TypeOf n (Just (l, c)))
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (TypeAt (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
process (CaseSplit l c n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (CaseSplit False (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
process (AddClause l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (AddClause False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (ExprSearch l n hs all)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch False (fromInteger l) (UN n)
(map UN hs) all))
process (GenerateDef l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (GenerateDef False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeLemma l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeLemma False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeCase l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeCase False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeWith l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeWith False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process Version
= Idris.REPL.process ShowVersion
process (Metavariables _)
= Idris.REPL.process Metavars
process GetOptions
= Idris.REPL.process GetOpts
processCatch : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
IDECommand -> Core REPLResult
processCatch cmd
= do c' <- branch
u' <- get UST
s' <- get Syn
o' <- get ROpts
catch (do res <- process cmd
pure res)
(\err => do put Ctxt c'
put UST u'
put Syn s'
put ROpts o'
msg <- perror err
pure $ REPLError msg)
idePutStrLn : File -> Integer -> String -> Core ()
idePutStrLn outf i msg
= send outf (SExpList [SymbolAtom "write-string",
toSExp msg, toSExp i])
returnFromIDE : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
returnFromIDE outf i msg
= do send outf (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return", msg, toSExp i])
printIDEResult : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
printIDEResult outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "ok", toSExp msg])
printIDEResultWithHighlight : File -> Integer -> SExp -> Core ()
printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "ok", toSExp msg
-- TODO return syntax highlighted result
, SExpList []])
printIDEError : File -> Integer -> String -> Core ()
printIDEError outf i msg = returnFromIDE outf i (SExpList [SymbolAtom "error", toSExp msg ])
SExpable REPLEval where
toSExp EvalTC = SymbolAtom "typecheck"
toSExp NormaliseAll = SymbolAtom "normalise"
toSExp Execute = SymbolAtom "execute"
SExpable REPLOpt where
toSExp (ShowImplicits impl) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "show-implicits", toSExp impl ]
toSExp (ShowNamespace ns) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "show-namespace", toSExp ns ]
toSExp (ShowTypes typs) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "show-types", toSExp typs ]
toSExp (EvalMode mod) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "eval", toSExp mod ]
toSExp (Editor editor) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "editor", toSExp editor ]
toSExp (CG str) = SExpList [ SymbolAtom "cg", toSExp str ]
sexpName : Name -> SExp
sexpName n = SExpList [ StringAtom (show n), SExpList [], SExpList [] ]
displayIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
File -> Integer -> REPLResult -> Core ()
displayIDEResult outf i (REPLError err) = printIDEError outf i err
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x Nothing) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x (Just y)) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (Printed xs) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (TermChecked x y) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (FileLoaded x) = printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorsBuildingFile x errs) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error(s) building file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ (showSep "\n" $ map show errs)
displayIDEResult outf i NoFileLoaded = printIDEError outf i "No file can be reloaded"
displayIDEResult outf i (CurrentDirectory dir) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "Current working directory is '" ++ dir ++ "'"
displayIDEResult outf i CompilationFailed = printIDEError outf i "Compilation failed"
displayIDEResult outf i (Compiled f) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "File " ++ f ++ " written"
displayIDEResult outf i (ProofFound x) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
--displayIDEResult outf i (Missed cases) = printIDEResult outf i $ showSep "\n" $ map handleMissing cases
displayIDEResult outf i (CheckedTotal xs) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" $ map (\ (fn, tot) => (show fn ++ " is " ++ show tot)) xs
displayIDEResult outf i (FoundHoles []) = printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (FoundHoles xs) = printIDEResult outf i $ holesSexp
holesSexp : SExp
holesSexp = SExpList $ map sexpName xs
displayIDEResult outf i (LogLevelSet k) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "Set loglevel to " ++ show k
displayIDEResult outf i (OptionsSet opts) = printIDEResult outf i optionsSexp
optionsSexp : SExp
optionsSexp = SExpList $ map toSExp opts
displayIDEResult outf i (VersionIs x) = printIDEResult outf i versionSExp
semverSexp : SExp
semverSexp = case (semVer x) of
(maj, min, patch) => SExpList (map toSExp [maj, min, patch])
tagSexp : SExp
tagSexp = case versionTag x of
Nothing => SExpList [ StringAtom "" ]
Just t => SExpList [ StringAtom t ]
versionSExp : SExp
versionSExp = SExpList [ semverSexp, tagSexp ]
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (DisplayEdit xs)) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (EditError x)) = printIDEError outf i x
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (MadeLemma lit name pty pappstr)) =
printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ (relit lit $ show name ++ " : " ++ show pty ++ "\n") ++ pappstr
displayIDEResult outf i _ = pure ()
handleIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
File -> Integer -> REPLResult -> Core ()
handleIDEResult outf i Exited = idePutStrLn outf i "Bye for now!"
handleIDEResult outf i other = displayIDEResult outf i other
loop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core ()
= do res <- getOutput
case res of
REPL _ => printError "Running idemode but output isn't"
IDEMode idx inf outf => do
inp <- coreLift $ getInput inf
end <- coreLift $ fEOF inf
if end then pure ()
else case parseSExp inp of
Left err =>
do printIDEError outf idx ("Parse error: " ++ show err)
Right sexp =>
case getMsg sexp of
Just (cmd, i) =>
do updateOutput i
res <- processCatch cmd
handleIDEResult outf i res
Nothing =>
do printIDEError outf idx ("Unrecognised command: " ++ show sexp)
updateOutput : Integer -> Core ()
updateOutput idx
= do IDEMode _ i o <- getOutput
| _ => pure ()
setOutput (IDEMode idx i o)
replIDE : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core ()
replIDE = throw (InternalError "Not implemented yet")
-- = do res <- getOutput
-- case res of
-- REPL _ => printError "Running idemode but output isn't"
-- IDEMode _ inf outf => do
-- send outf (version 2 0)
-- loop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.SyntaxHighlight
import Core.Context
import Core.InitPrimitives
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Data.List
data Decoration : Type where
Typ : Decoration
Function : Decoration
Data : Decoration
Keyword : Decoration
Bound : Decoration
SExpable Decoration where
toSExp Typ = SymbolAtom "type"
toSExp Function = SymbolAtom "function"
toSExp Data = SymbolAtom "data"
toSExp Keyword = SymbolAtom "keyword"
toSExp Bound = SymbolAtom "bound"
record Highlight where
constructor MkHighlight
location : FC
name : Name
isImplicit : Bool
key : String
decor : Decoration
docOverview : String
typ : String
ns : String
SExpable FC where
toSExp (MkFC fname (startLine, startCol) (endLine, endCol))
= SExpList [ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "filename", StringAtom fname ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "start", IntegerAtom (cast startLine + 1), IntegerAtom (cast startCol + 1) ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "end", IntegerAtom (cast endLine + 1), IntegerAtom (cast endCol + 1) ]
toSExp EmptyFC = SExpList []
SExpable Highlight where
toSExp (MkHighlight loc nam impl k dec doc t ns)
= SExpList [ toSExp loc
, SExpList [ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "name", StringAtom (show nam) ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "namespace", StringAtom ns ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "decor", toSExp dec ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "implicit", toSExp impl ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "key", StringAtom k ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "doc-overview", StringAtom doc ]
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "type", StringAtom t ]
inFile : String -> (FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) -> Bool
inFile fname (MkFC file _ _, _) = file == fname
||| Output some data using current dialog index
printOutput : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
SExp -> Core ()
printOutput msg
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ => pure ()
IDEMode i _ f =>
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "output",
msg, toSExp i])
outputHighlight : {auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Highlight -> Core ()
outputHighlight h =
printOutput $ SExpList [ SymbolAtom "ok"
, SExpList [ SymbolAtom "highlight-source"
, toSExp hlt
hlt : List Highlight
hlt = [h]
outputNameSyntax : {auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
(FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) -> Core ()
outputNameSyntax (fc, (name, _, term)) =
let dec = case term of
(Local fc x idx y) => Just Bound
-- See definition of NameType in Core.TT for possible values of Ref's nametype field
-- data NameType : Type where
-- Bound : NameType
-- Func : NameType
-- DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
-- TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
(Ref fc Bound name) => Just Bound
(Ref fc Func name) => Just Function
(Ref fc (DataCon tag arity) name) => Just Data
(Ref fc (TyCon tag arity) name) => Just Typ
(Meta fc x y xs) => Just Bound
(Bind fc x b scope) => Just Bound
(App fc fn arg) => Just Bound
(As fc x as pat) => Just Bound
(TDelayed fc x y) => Nothing
(TDelay fc x ty arg) => Nothing
(TForce fc x y) => Nothing
(PrimVal fc c) => Just Typ
(Erased fc imp) => Just Bound
(TType fc) => Just Typ
hilite = Prelude.map (\ d => MkHighlight fc name False "" d "" (show term) "") dec
in maybe (pure ()) outputHighlight hilite
outputSyntaxHighlighting : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto opts : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String ->
REPLResult ->
Core REPLResult
outputSyntaxHighlighting fname loadResult = do
allNames <- filter (inFile fname) . names <$> get MD
-- decls <- filter (inFile fname) . tydecls <$> get MD
_ <- traverse outputNameSyntax allNames -- ++ decls)
pure loadResult

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
||| Tokenise a source line for easier processing
module Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine
import Parser.Lexer
import Text.Lexer
public export
data SourcePart
= Whitespace String
| Name String
| HoleName String
| LBrace
| RBrace
| Equal
| Other String
holeIdent : Lexer
holeIdent = is '?' <+> identNormal
srcTokens : TokenMap SourcePart
srcTokens =
[(identNormal, Name),
(holeIdent, \x => HoleName (assert_total (prim__strTail x))),
(space, Whitespace),
(is '{', const LBrace),
(is '}', const RBrace),
(is '=', const Equal),
(any, Other)]
tokens : String -> List SourcePart
tokens str
= case lex srcTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(srctoks, (l, c, rest)) =>
map tok srctoks ++ (if rest == "" then [] else [Other rest])

src/Idris/Main.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
module Main
import Core.Binary
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Directory
import Core.InitPrimitives
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.Desugar
import Idris.IDEMode.REPL
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Package
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.ProcessIdr
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.SetOptions
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System
import Yaffle.Main
import IdrisPaths
%default covering
yprefix : String
yprefix = "/home/edwin/.idris2" -- TODO! unsafePerformIO (foreign FFI_C "getIdris2_prefix" (IO String))
findInput : List CLOpt -> Maybe String
findInput [] = Nothing
findInput (InputFile f :: fs) = Just f
findInput (_ :: fs) = findInput fs
-- Add extra library directories from the "BLODWEN_PATH"
-- environment variable
updatePaths : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core ()
= do bprefix <- coreLift $ getEnv "IDRIS2_PREFIX"
the (Core ()) $ case bprefix of
Just p => setPrefix p
Nothing => setPrefix yprefix
bpath <- coreLift $ getEnv "IDRIS2_PATH"
the (Core ()) $ case bpath of
Just path => do traverse_ addExtraDir (map trim (split (==pathSep) path))
Nothing => pure ()
bdata <- coreLift $ getEnv "IDRIS2_DATA"
the (Core ()) $ case bdata of
Just path => do traverse_ addDataDir (map trim (split (==pathSep) path))
Nothing => pure ()
blibs <- coreLift $ getEnv "IDRIS2_LIBS"
the (Core ()) $ case blibs of
Just path => do traverse_ addLibDir (map trim (split (==pathSep) path))
Nothing => pure ()
-- IDRIS2_PATH goes first so that it overrides this if there's
-- any conflicts. In particular, that means that setting IDRIS2_PATH
-- for the tests means they test the local version not the installed
-- version
defs <- get Ctxt
addPkgDir "prelude"
addPkgDir "base"
addDataDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version ++ dirSep ++ "support")
addLibDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version ++ dirSep ++ "lib")
Just cwd <- coreLift $ currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
addLibDir cwd
updateREPLOpts : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core ()
= do opts <- get ROpts
ed <- coreLift $ getEnv "EDITOR"
case ed of
Just e => put ROpts (record { editor = e } opts)
Nothing => pure ()
showInfo : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs}
-> {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts}
-> List CLOpt
-> Core Bool
showInfo Nil = pure False
showInfo (BlodwenPaths :: _)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
iputStrLn (toString (dirs (options defs)))
pure True
showInfo (_::rest) = showInfo rest
tryYaffle : List CLOpt -> Core Bool
tryYaffle [] = pure False
tryYaffle (Yaffle f :: _) = do yaffleMain f []
pure True
tryYaffle (c :: cs) = tryYaffle cs
tryTTM : List CLOpt -> Core Bool
tryTTM [] = pure False
tryTTM (Metadata f :: _) = do dumpTTM f
pure True
tryTTM (c :: cs) = tryTTM cs
banner : String
banner = " ____ __ _ ___ \n" ++
" / _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \\ \n" ++
" / // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version " ++ showVersion True version ++ "\n" ++
" _/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/ https://www.idris-lang.org \n" ++
" /___/\\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/ Type :? for help \n" ++
"\n" ++
"Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!"
checkVerbose : List CLOpt -> Bool
checkVerbose [] = False
checkVerbose (Verbose :: _) = True
checkVerbose (_ :: xs) = checkVerbose xs
stMain : List CLOpt -> Core ()
stMain opts
= do False <- tryYaffle opts
| True => pure ()
False <- tryTTM opts
| True => pure ()
defs <- initDefs
c <- newRef Ctxt defs
s <- newRef Syn initSyntax
m <- newRef MD initMetadata
setWorkingDir "."
let ide = ideMode opts
let ideSocket = ideModeSocket opts
let outmode = if ide then IDEMode 0 stdin stdout else REPL False
let fname = findInput opts
o <- newRef ROpts (REPLOpts.defaultOpts fname outmode)
finish <- showInfo opts
if finish
then pure ()
else do
-- If there's a --build or --install, just do that then quit
done <- processPackageOpts opts
when (not done) $
do True <- preOptions opts
| False => pure ()
when (checkVerbose opts) $ -- override Quiet if implicitly set
setOutput (REPL False)
u <- newRef UST initUState
session <- getSession
when (not $ nobanner session) $
iputStrLn banner
fname <- if findipkg session
then findIpkg fname
else pure fname
the (Core ()) $ case fname of
Nothing => logTime "Loading prelude" $
when (not $ noprelude session) $
Just f => logTime "Loading main file" $
(loadMainFile f >>= displayErrors)
doRepl <- postOptions opts
if doRepl then
if ide || ideSocket then
if not ideSocket
then do
setOutput (IDEMode 0 stdin stdout)
replIDE {c} {u} {m}
else do
throw (InternalError "Not implemeted yet")
-- let (host, port) = ideSocketModeHostPort opts
-- f <- coreLift $ initIDESocketFile host port
-- case f of
-- Left err => do
-- coreLift $ putStrLn err
-- coreLift $ exit 1
-- Right file => do
-- setOutput (IDEMode 0 file file)
-- replIDE {c} {u} {m}
else do
repl {c} {u} {m}
-- exit with an error code if there was an error, otherwise
-- just exit
do ropts <- get ROpts
case errorLine ropts of
Nothing => pure ()
Just _ => coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
-- Run any options (such as --version or --help) which imply printing a
-- message then exiting. Returns wheter the program should continue
quitOpts : List CLOpt -> IO Bool
quitOpts [] = pure True
quitOpts (Version :: _)
= do putStrLn versionMsg
pure False
quitOpts (Help :: _)
= do putStrLn usage
pure False
quitOpts (ShowPrefix :: _)
= do putStrLn yprefix
pure False
quitOpts (_ :: opts) = quitOpts opts
main : IO ()
main = do Right opts <- getCmdOpts
| Left err =>
do putStrLn err
putStrLn usage
continue <- quitOpts opts
if continue
coreRun (stMain opts)
(\err : Error =>
do putStrLn ("Uncaught error: " ++ show err)
exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
(\res => pure ())
else pure ()

src/Idris/Package.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
module Idris.Package
import Compiler.Common
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Directory
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Data.List
import Data.StringMap
import Data.Strings
import Data.StringTrie
import Data.These
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.ProcessIdr
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.SetOptions
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Support
import Utils.Binary
import System
import Text.Parser
import IdrisPaths
%default covering
record PkgDesc where
constructor MkPkgDesc
name : String
version : String
authors : String
maintainers : Maybe String
license : Maybe String
brief : Maybe String
readme : Maybe String
homepage : Maybe String
sourceloc : Maybe String
bugtracker : Maybe String
depends : List String -- packages to add to search path
modules : List (List String, String) -- modules to install (namespace, filename)
mainmod : Maybe (List String, String) -- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
executable : Maybe String -- name of executable
options : Maybe (FC, String)
sourcedir : Maybe String
prebuild : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run before building
postbuild : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after building
preinstall : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after building, before installing
postinstall : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after installing
preclean : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run before cleaning
postclean : Maybe (FC, String) -- Script to run after cleaning
Show PkgDesc where
show pkg = "Package: " ++ name pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Version: " ++ version pkg ++ "\n" ++
"Authors: " ++ authors pkg ++ "\n" ++
maybe "" (\m => "Maintainers: " ++ m ++ "\n") (maintainers pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "License: " ++ m ++ "\n") (license pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Brief: " ++ m ++ "\n") (brief pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "ReadMe: " ++ m ++ "\n") (readme pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "HomePage: " ++ m ++ "\n") (homepage pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "SourceLoc: " ++ m ++ "\n") (sourceloc pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "BugTracker: " ++ m ++ "\n") (bugtracker pkg) ++
"Depends: " ++ show (depends pkg) ++ "\n" ++
"Modules: " ++ show (map snd (modules pkg)) ++ "\n" ++
maybe "" (\m => "Main: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (mainmod pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Exec: " ++ m ++ "\n") (executable pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Opts: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (options pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "SourceDir: " ++ m ++ "\n") (sourcedir pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Prebuild: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (prebuild pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Postbuild: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (postbuild pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Preinstall: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (preinstall pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Postinstall: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (postinstall pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Preclean: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (preclean pkg) ++
maybe "" (\m => "Postclean: " ++ snd m ++ "\n") (postclean pkg)
initPkgDesc : String -> PkgDesc
initPkgDesc pname
= MkPkgDesc pname "0" "Anonymous" Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
[] []
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing
data DescField : Type where
PVersion : FC -> String -> DescField
PAuthors : FC -> String -> DescField
PMaintainers : FC -> String -> DescField
PLicense : FC -> String -> DescField
PBrief : FC -> String -> DescField
PReadMe : FC -> String -> DescField
PHomePage : FC -> String -> DescField
PSourceLoc : FC -> String -> DescField
PBugTracker : FC -> String -> DescField
PDepends : List String -> DescField
PModules : List (FC, List String) -> DescField
PMainMod : FC -> List String -> DescField
PExec : String -> DescField
POpts : FC -> String -> DescField
PSourceDir : FC -> String -> DescField
PPrebuild : FC -> String -> DescField
PPostbuild : FC -> String -> DescField
PPreinstall : FC -> String -> DescField
PPostinstall : FC -> String -> DescField
PPreclean : FC -> String -> DescField
PPostclean : FC -> String -> DescField
field : String -> Rule DescField
field fname
= strField PVersion "version"
<|> strField PAuthors "authors"
<|> strField PMaintainers "maintainers"
<|> strField PLicense "license"
<|> strField PBrief "brief"
<|> strField PReadMe "readme"
<|> strField PHomePage "homepage"
<|> strField PSourceLoc "sourceloc"
<|> strField PBugTracker "bugtracker"
<|> strField POpts "options"
<|> strField POpts "opts"
<|> strField PSourceDir "sourcedir"
<|> strField PPrebuild "prebuild"
<|> strField PPostbuild "postbuild"
<|> strField PPreinstall "preinstall"
<|> strField PPostinstall "postinstall"
<|> strField PPreclean "preclean"
<|> strField PPostclean "postclean"
<|> do exactIdent "depends"; symbol "="
ds <- sepBy1 (symbol ",") unqualifiedName
pure (PDepends ds)
<|> do exactIdent "modules"; symbol "="
ms <- sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do start <- location
ns <- nsIdent
end <- location
pure (MkFC fname start end, ns))
pure (PModules ms)
<|> do exactIdent "main"; symbol "="
start <- location
m <- nsIdent
end <- location
pure (PMainMod (MkFC fname start end) m)
<|> do exactIdent "executable"; symbol "="
e <- unqualifiedName
pure (PExec e)
getStr : (FC -> String -> DescField) -> FC ->
String -> Constant -> EmptyRule DescField
getStr p fc fld (Str s) = pure (p fc s)
getStr p fc fld _ = fail $ fld ++ " field must be a string"
strField : (FC -> String -> DescField) -> String -> Rule DescField
strField p f
= do start <- location
exactIdent f
symbol "="
c <- constant
end <- location
getStr p (MkFC fname start end) f c
parsePkgDesc : String -> Rule (String, List DescField)
parsePkgDesc fname
= do exactIdent "package"
name <- unqualifiedName
fields <- many (field fname)
pure (name, fields)
data ParsedMods : Type where
data MainMod : Type where
addField : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto p : Ref ParsedMods (List (FC, List String))} ->
{auto m : Ref MainMod (Maybe (FC, List String))} ->
DescField -> PkgDesc -> Core PkgDesc
addField (PVersion fc n) pkg = pure $ record { version = n } pkg
addField (PAuthors fc a) pkg = pure $ record { authors = a } pkg
addField (PMaintainers fc a) pkg = pure $ record { maintainers = Just a } pkg
addField (PLicense fc a) pkg = pure $ record { license = Just a } pkg
addField (PBrief fc a) pkg = pure $ record { brief = Just a } pkg
addField (PReadMe fc a) pkg = pure $ record { readme = Just a } pkg
addField (PHomePage fc a) pkg = pure $ record { homepage = Just a } pkg
addField (PSourceLoc fc a) pkg = pure $ record { sourceloc = Just a } pkg
addField (PBugTracker fc a) pkg = pure $ record { bugtracker = Just a } pkg
addField (PDepends ds) pkg = pure $ record { depends = ds } pkg
-- we can't resolve source files for modules without knowing the source directory,
-- so we save them for the second pass
addField (PModules ms) pkg = do put ParsedMods ms
pure pkg
addField (PMainMod loc n) pkg = do put MainMod (Just (loc, n))
pure pkg
addField (PExec e) pkg = pure $ record { executable = Just e } pkg
addField (POpts fc e) pkg = pure $ record { options = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PSourceDir fc a) pkg = pure $ record { sourcedir = Just a } pkg
addField (PPrebuild fc e) pkg = pure $ record { prebuild = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PPostbuild fc e) pkg = pure $ record { postbuild = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PPreinstall fc e) pkg = pure $ record { preinstall = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PPostinstall fc e) pkg = pure $ record { postinstall = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PPreclean fc e) pkg = pure $ record { preclean = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addField (PPostclean fc e) pkg = pure $ record { postclean = Just (fc, e) } pkg
addFields : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List DescField -> PkgDesc -> Core PkgDesc
addFields xs desc = do p <- newRef ParsedMods []
m <- newRef MainMod Nothing
added <- go {p} {m} xs desc
setSourceDir (sourcedir added)
ms <- get ParsedMods
mmod <- get MainMod
pure $ record { modules = !(traverse toSource ms)
, mainmod = !(traverseOpt toSource mmod)
} added
toSource : (FC, List String) -> Core (List String, String)
toSource (loc, ns) = pure (ns, !(nsToSource loc ns))
go : {auto p : Ref ParsedMods (List (FC, List String))} ->
{auto m : Ref MainMod (Maybe (FC, List String))} ->
List DescField -> PkgDesc -> Core PkgDesc
go [] dsc = pure dsc
go (x :: xs) dsc = go xs !(addField x dsc)
runScript : Maybe (FC, String) -> Core ()
runScript Nothing = pure ()
runScript (Just (fc, s))
= do res <- coreLift $ system s
when (res /= 0) $
throw (GenericMsg fc "Script failed")
addDeps : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
addDeps pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
traverse_ addPkgDir (depends pkg)
processOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Maybe (FC, String) -> Core ()
processOptions Nothing = pure ()
processOptions (Just (fc, opts))
= do let Right clopts = getOpts (words opts)
| Left err => throw (GenericMsg fc err)
preOptions clopts
pure ()
compileMain : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Name -> String -> String -> Core ()
compileMain mainn mmod exec
= do m <- newRef MD initMetadata
u <- newRef UST initUState
loadMainFile mmod
compileExp (PRef replFC mainn) exec
pure ()
build : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core (List Error)
build pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addDeps pkg
processOptions (options pkg)
runScript (prebuild pkg)
let toBuild = maybe (map snd (modules pkg))
(\m => snd m :: map snd (modules pkg))
(mainmod pkg)
[] <- buildAll toBuild
| errs => pure errs
case executable pkg of
Nothing => pure ()
Just exec =>
do let Just (mainns, mmod) = mainmod pkg
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg emptyFC "No main module given")
let mainn = NS ["Main"] (UN "main")
compileMain mainn mmod exec
runScript (postbuild pkg)
pure []
copyFile : String -> String -> IO (Either FileError ())
copyFile src dest
= do Right buf <- readFromFile src
| Left err => pure (Left err)
writeToFile dest buf
installFrom : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> String -> List String -> Core ()
installFrom _ _ _ [] = pure ()
installFrom pname builddir destdir ns@(m :: dns)
= do let ttcfile = showSep dirSep (reverse ns)
let ttcPath = builddir ++ dirSep ++ "ttc" ++ dirSep ++ ttcfile ++ ".ttc"
let destPath = destdir ++ dirSep ++ showSep dirSep (reverse dns)
let destFile = destdir ++ dirSep ++ ttcfile ++ ".ttc"
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs (reverse dns)
| Left err => throw (FileErr pname err)
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Installing " ++ ttcPath ++ " to " ++ destPath
Right _ <- coreLift $ copyFile ttcPath destFile
| Left err => throw (FileErr pname err)
pure ()
-- Install all the built modules in prefix/package/
-- We've already built and checked for success, so if any don't exist that's
-- an internal error.
install : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
install pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let build = build_dir (dirs (options defs))
runScript (preinstall pkg)
let toInstall = maybe (map fst (modules pkg))
(\m => fst m :: map fst (modules pkg))
(mainmod pkg)
Just srcdir <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
-- Make the package installation directory
let installPrefix = dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++
dirSep ++ "idris2-" ++ showVersion False version
True <- coreLift $ changeDir installPrefix
| False => throw (FileErr (name pkg) FileReadError)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs [name pkg]
| Left err => throw (FileErr (name pkg) err)
True <- coreLift $ changeDir (name pkg)
| False => throw (FileErr (name pkg) FileReadError)
-- We're in that directory now, so copy the files from
-- srcdir/build into it
traverse (installFrom (name pkg)
(srcdir ++ dirSep ++ build)
(installPrefix ++ dirSep ++ name pkg)) toInstall
coreLift $ changeDir srcdir
runScript (postinstall pkg)
-- Data.These.bitraverse hand specialised for Core
bitraverseC : (a -> Core c) -> (b -> Core d) -> These a b -> Core (These c d)
bitraverseC f g (This a) = [| This (f a) |]
bitraverseC f g (That b) = [| That (g b) |]
bitraverseC f g (Both a b) = [| Both (f a) (g b) |]
-- Prelude.Monad.foldlM hand specialised for Core
foldlC : Foldable t => (a -> b -> Core a) -> a -> t b -> Core a
foldlC fm a0 = foldl (\ma,b => ma >>= flip fm b) (pure a0)
-- Data.StringTrie.foldWithKeysM hand specialised for Core
foldWithKeysC : Monoid b => (List String -> Core b) -> (List String -> a -> Core b) -> StringTrie a -> Core b
foldWithKeysC {a} {b} fk fv = go []
go : List String -> StringTrie a -> Core b
go ks (MkStringTrie nd) =
map bifold $ bitraverseC
(fv ks)
(\sm => foldlC
(\x, (k, vs) =>
do let ks' = ks++[k]
y <- assert_total $ go ks' vs
z <- fk ks'
pure $ x <+> y <+> z)
(StringMap.toList sm))
Semigroup () where
(<+>) _ _ = ()
Monoid () where
neutral = ()
clean : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
clean pkg
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let build = build_dir (dirs (options defs))
let exec = exec_dir (dirs (options defs))
runScript (preclean pkg)
let pkgmods = maybe
(map fst (modules pkg))
(\m => fst m :: map fst (modules pkg))
(mainmod pkg)
let toClean : List (List String, String)
= mapMaybe (\ks => case ks of
[] => Nothing
(x :: xs) => Just (xs, x)) pkgmods
Just srcdir <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
let builddir = srcdir ++ dirSep ++ build ++ dirSep ++ "ttc"
let execdir = srcdir ++ dirSep ++ exec
-- the usual pair syntax breaks with `No such variable a` here for some reason
let pkgTrie = the (StringTrie (List String)) $
foldl (\trie, ksv =>
let ks = Builtin.fst ksv
v = Builtin.snd ksv
insertWith (reverse ks) (maybe [v] (v::)) trie) empty toClean
foldWithKeysC (deleteFolder builddir)
(\ks => map concat . traverse (deleteBin builddir ks))
deleteFolder builddir []
maybe (pure ()) (\e => delete (execdir ++ dirSep ++ e))
(executable pkg)
runScript (postclean pkg)
delete : String -> Core ()
delete path = do Right () <- coreLift $ fileRemove path
| Left err => throw (FileErr (name pkg) err)
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Removed: " ++ path
deleteFolder : String -> List String -> Core ()
deleteFolder builddir ns = delete $ builddir ++ dirSep ++ showSep dirSep ns
deleteBin : String -> List String -> String -> Core ()
deleteBin builddir ns mod
= do let ttFile = builddir ++ dirSep ++ showSep dirSep ns ++ dirSep ++ mod
delete $ ttFile ++ ".ttc"
delete $ ttFile ++ ".ttm"
-- Just load the 'Main' module, if it exists, which will involve building
-- it if necessary
runRepl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgDesc -> Core ()
runRepl pkg
= do addDeps pkg
processOptions (options pkg)
throw (InternalError "Not implemented")
processPackage : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PkgCommand -> String -> Core ()
processPackage cmd file
= do Right (pname, fs) <- coreLift $ parseFile file
(do desc <- parsePkgDesc file
pure desc)
| Left err => throw (ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc file err) err)
pkg <- addFields fs (initPkgDesc pname)
case cmd of
Build => do [] <- build pkg
| errs => coreLift (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
pure ()
Install => do [] <- build pkg
| errs => coreLift (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
install pkg
Clean => clean pkg
REPL => runRepl pkg
rejectPackageOpts : List CLOpt -> Core Bool
rejectPackageOpts (Package cmd f :: _)
= do coreLift $ putStrLn ("Package commands (--build, --install, --clean, --repl) must be the only option given")
pure True -- Done, quit here
rejectPackageOpts (_ :: xs) = rejectPackageOpts xs
rejectPackageOpts [] = pure False
-- If there's a package option, it must be the only option, so reject if
-- it's not
processPackageOpts : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List CLOpt -> Core Bool
processPackageOpts [Package cmd f]
= do processPackage cmd f
pure True
processPackageOpts opts = rejectPackageOpts opts
-- find an ipkg file in one of the parent directories
-- If it exists, read it, set the current directory to the root of the source
-- tree, and set the relevant command line options before proceeding
findIpkg : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto r : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Maybe String -> Core (Maybe String)
findIpkg fname
= do Just (dir, ipkgn, up) <- coreLift findIpkgFile
| Nothing => pure fname
coreLift $ changeDir dir
Right (pname, fs) <- coreLift $ parseFile ipkgn
(do desc <- parsePkgDesc ipkgn
pure desc)
| Left err => throw (ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc ipkgn err) err)
pkg <- addFields fs (initPkgDesc pname)
setSourceDir (sourcedir pkg)
processOptions (options pkg)
loadDependencies (depends pkg)
case fname of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just src =>
do let src' = showSep dirSep (up ++ [src])
setSource src'
opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { mainfile = Just src' } opts)
pure (Just src')
dropHead : String -> List String -> List String
dropHead str [] = []
dropHead str (x :: xs)
= if x == str then xs else x :: xs
loadDependencies : List String -> Core ()
loadDependencies = traverse_ addPkgDir

src/Idris/REPL.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
module Idris.REPL
import Compiler.Scheme.Chez
import Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.InitPrimitives
import Core.LinearCheck
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.Termination
import Core.TT
import Core.Unify
import Parser.Unlit
import Idris.Desugar
import Idris.Error
import Idris.IDEMode.CaseSplit
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Idris.IDEMode.MakeClause
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.Resugar
import public Idris.REPLCommon
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.Interactive.ExprSearch
import TTImp.Interactive.GenerateDef
import TTImp.Interactive.MakeLemma
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.ProcessDecls
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Stream
import Data.Strings
import System
%default covering
showInfo : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> Core ()
showInfo (n, idx, d)
= do coreLift $ putStrLn (show (fullname d) ++ " ==> " ++
show !(toFullNames (definition d)))
coreLift $ putStrLn (show (multiplicity d))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Erasable args: " ++ show (eraseArgs d))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Detaggable arg types: " ++ show (safeErase d))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Specialise args: " ++ show (specArgs d))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Inferrable args: " ++ show (inferrable d))
case compexpr d of
Nothing => pure ()
Just expr => coreLift $ putStrLn ("Compiled: " ++ show expr)
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Refers to: " ++
show !(traverse getFullName (keys (refersTo d))))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Refers to (runtime): " ++
show !(traverse getFullName (keys (refersToRuntime d))))
when (not (isNil (sizeChange d))) $
let scinfo = map (\s => show (fnCall s) ++ ": " ++
show (fnArgs s)) !(traverse toFullNames (sizeChange d)) in
coreLift $ putStrLn $
"Size change: " ++ showSep ", " scinfo
isHole : GlobalDef -> Maybe Nat
isHole def
= case definition def of
Hole locs _ => Just locs
PMDef pi _ _ _ _ =>
case holeInfo pi of
NotHole => Nothing
SolvedHole n => Just n
_ => Nothing
showCount : RigCount -> String
showCount = elimSemi
" 0 "
" 1 "
(const " ")
impBracket : Bool -> String -> String
impBracket False str = str
impBracket True str = "{" ++ str ++ "}"
showName : Name -> Bool
showName (UN "_") = False
showName (MN _ _) = False
showName _ = True
tidy : Name -> String
tidy (MN n _) = n
tidy n = show n
showEnv : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Name -> Nat -> Term vars ->
Core (List (Name, String), String)
showEnv defs env fn (S args) (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) sc)
= showEnv defs env fn args (subst val sc)
showEnv defs env fn (S args) (Bind fc x b sc)
= do ity <- resugar env !(normalise defs env (binderType b))
let pre = if showName x
then REPL.showCount (multiplicity b) ++
impBracket (implicitBind b) (tidy x ++ " : " ++ show ity) ++ "\n"
else ""
(envstr, ret) <- showEnv defs (b :: env) fn args sc
pure ((x, pre) :: envstr, ret)
implicitBind : Binder (Term vars) -> Bool
implicitBind (Pi _ Explicit _) = False
implicitBind (Pi _ _ _) = True
implicitBind (Lam _ Explicit _) = False
implicitBind (Lam _ _ _) = True
implicitBind _ = False
showEnv defs env fn args ty
= do ity <- resugar env !(normalise defs env ty)
pure ([], "-------------------------------------\n" ++
nameRoot fn ++ " : " ++ show ity)
showHole : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Name -> Nat -> Term vars ->
Core String
showHole gam env fn args ty
= do (envs, ret) <- showEnv gam env fn args ty
pp <- getPPrint
let envs' = if showImplicits pp
then envs
else dropShadows envs
pure (concat (map snd envs') ++ ret)
dropShadows : List (Name, a) -> List (Name, a)
dropShadows [] = []
dropShadows ((n, ty) :: ns)
= if n `elem` map fst ns
then dropShadows ns
else (n, ty) :: dropShadows ns
displayType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> (Name, Int, GlobalDef) ->
Core String
displayType defs (n, i, gdef)
= maybe (do tm <- resugar [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] (type gdef))
pure (show (fullname gdef) ++ " : " ++ show tm))
(\num => showHole defs [] n num (type gdef))
(isHole gdef)
getEnvTerm : {vars : _} ->
List Name -> Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
(vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars'))
getEnvTerm (n :: ns) env (Bind fc x b sc)
= if n == x
then getEnvTerm ns (b :: env) sc
else (_ ** (env, Bind fc x b sc))
getEnvTerm _ env tm = (_ ** (env, tm))
displayTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> ClosedTerm ->
Core String
displayTerm defs tm
= do ptm <- resugar [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] tm)
pure (show ptm)
displayPatTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> ClosedTerm ->
Core String
displayPatTerm defs tm
= do ptm <- resugarNoPatvars [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] tm)
pure (show ptm)
displayClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
Core String
displayClause defs (vs ** (env, lhs, rhs))
= do lhstm <- resugar env !(normaliseHoles defs env lhs)
rhstm <- resugar env !(normaliseHoles defs env rhs)
pure (show lhstm ++ " = " ++ show rhstm)
displayPats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Defs -> (Name, Int, GlobalDef) ->
Core String
displayPats defs (n, idx, gdef)
= case definition gdef of
PMDef _ _ _ _ pats
=> do ty <- displayType defs (n, idx, gdef)
ps <- traverse (displayClause defs) pats
pure (ty ++ "\n" ++ showSep "\n" ps)
_ => pure (show n ++ " is not a pattern matching definition")
setOpt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
REPLOpt -> Core ()
setOpt (ShowImplicits t)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint (record { showImplicits = t } pp)
setOpt (ShowNamespace t)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint (record { fullNamespace = t } pp)
setOpt (ShowTypes t)
= do opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { showTypes = t } opts)
setOpt (EvalMode m)
= do opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { evalMode = m } opts)
setOpt (Editor e)
= do opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { editor = e } opts)
setOpt (CG e)
= case getCG e of
Just cg => setCG cg
Nothing => iputStrLn "No such code generator available"
getOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core (List REPLOpt)
getOptions = do
pp <- getPPrint
opts <- get ROpts
pure $ [ ShowImplicits (showImplicits pp), ShowNamespace (fullNamespace pp)
, ShowTypes (showTypes opts), EvalMode (evalMode opts)
, Editor (editor opts)
findCG : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core Codegen
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case codegen (session (options defs)) of
Chez => pure codegenChez
Racket => pure codegenRacket
Gambit => pure codegenGambit
anyAt : (FC -> Bool) -> FC -> a -> Bool
anyAt p loc y = p loc
printClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Maybe String -> Nat -> ImpClause ->
Core String
printClause l i (PatClause _ lhsraw rhsraw)
= do lhs <- pterm lhsraw
rhs <- pterm rhsraw
pure (relit l (pack (replicate i ' ') ++ show lhs ++ " = " ++ show rhs))
printClause l i (WithClause _ lhsraw wvraw csraw)
= do lhs <- pterm lhsraw
wval <- pterm wvraw
cs <- traverse (printClause l (i + 2)) csraw
pure ((relit l ((pack (replicate i ' ') ++ show lhs ++ " with (" ++ show wval ++ ")\n")) ++
showSep "\n" cs))
printClause l i (ImpossibleClause _ lhsraw)
= do lhs <- pterm lhsraw
pure (relit l (pack (replicate i ' ') ++ show lhs ++ " impossible"))
lookupDefTyName : Name -> Context ->
Core (List (Name, Int, (Def, ClosedTerm)))
lookupDefTyName = lookupNameBy (\g => (definition g, type g))
public export
data EditResult : Type where
DisplayEdit : List String -> EditResult
EditError : String -> EditResult
MadeLemma : Maybe String -> Name -> PTerm -> String -> EditResult
updateFile : {auto r : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
(List String -> List String) -> Core EditResult
updateFile update
= do opts <- get ROpts
let Just f = mainfile opts
| Nothing => pure (DisplayEdit []) -- no file, nothing to do
Right content <- coreLift $ readFile f
| Left err => throw (FileErr f err)
coreLift $ writeFile (f ++ "~") content
coreLift $ writeFile f (unlines (update (lines content)))
pure (DisplayEdit [])
rtrim : String -> String
rtrim str = reverse (ltrim (reverse str))
addClause : String -> Nat -> List String -> List String
addClause c Z xs = rtrim c :: xs
addClause c (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: addClause c k xs
addClause c (S k) [] = [c]
caseSplit : String -> Nat -> List String -> List String
caseSplit c Z (x :: xs) = rtrim c :: xs
caseSplit c (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: caseSplit c k xs
caseSplit c _ [] = [c]
proofSearch : Name -> String -> Nat -> List String -> List String
proofSearch n res Z (x :: xs) = replaceStr ("?" ++ show n) res x :: xs
replaceStr : String -> String -> String -> String
replaceStr rep new "" = ""
replaceStr rep new str
= if isPrefixOf rep str
then new ++ pack (drop (length rep) (unpack str))
else assert_total $ strCons (prim__strHead str)
(replaceStr rep new (prim__strTail str))
proofSearch n res (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: proofSearch n res k xs
proofSearch n res _ [] = []
addMadeLemma : Maybe String -> Name -> String -> String -> Nat -> List String -> List String
addMadeLemma lit n ty app line content
= addApp lit line [] (proofSearch n app line content)
-- Put n : ty in the first blank line
insertInBlank : Maybe String -> List String -> List String
insertInBlank lit [] = [relit lit $ show n ++ " : " ++ ty ++ "\n"]
insertInBlank lit (x :: xs)
= if trim x == ""
then ("\n" ++ (relit lit $ show n ++ " : " ++ ty ++ "\n")) :: xs
else x :: insertInBlank lit xs
addApp : Maybe String -> Nat -> List String -> List String -> List String
addApp lit Z acc rest = reverse (insertInBlank lit acc) ++ rest
addApp lit (S k) acc (x :: xs) = addApp lit k (x :: acc) xs
addApp _ (S k) acc [] = reverse acc
processEdit : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
EditCmd -> Core EditResult
processEdit (TypeAt line col name)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
glob <- lookupCtxtName name (gamma defs)
res <- the (Core String) $ case glob of
[] => pure ""
ts => do tys <- traverse (displayType defs) ts
pure (showSep "\n" tys)
Just (n, num, t) <- findTypeAt (\p, n => within (line-1, col-1) p)
| Nothing => if res == ""
then throw (UndefinedName (MkFC "(interactive)" (0,0) (0,0)) name)
else pure (DisplayEdit [res])
if res == ""
then pure (DisplayEdit [ nameRoot n ++ " : " ++
!(displayTerm defs t)])
else pure (DisplayEdit []) -- ? Why () This means there is a global name and a type at (line,col)
processEdit (CaseSplit upd line col name)
= do let find = if col > 0
then within (line-1, col-1)
else onLine (line-1)
OK splits <- getSplits (anyAt find) name
| SplitFail err => pure (EditError (show err))
lines <- updateCase splits (line-1) (col-1)
if upd
then updateFile (caseSplit (unlines lines) (integerToNat (cast (line - 1))))
else pure $ DisplayEdit lines
processEdit (AddClause upd line name)
= do Just c <- getClause line name
| Nothing => pure (EditError (show name ++ " not defined here"))
if upd
then updateFile (addClause c (integerToNat (cast line)))
else pure $ DisplayEdit [c]
processEdit (ExprSearch upd line name hints all)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
syn <- get Syn
let brack = elemBy (\x, y => dropNS x == dropNS y) name (bracketholes syn)
case !(lookupDefName name (gamma defs)) of
[(n, nidx, Hole locs _)] =>
do tms <- exprSearch replFC name []
defs <- get Ctxt
restms <- traverse (normaliseHoles defs []) tms
itms <- the (Core (List PTerm))
(traverse (\tm =>
do let (_ ** (env, tm')) = dropLams locs [] tm
resugar env tm') restms)
if all
then pure $ DisplayEdit (map show itms)
else case itms of
[] => pure $ EditError "No search results"
(x :: xs) =>
let res = show (the PTerm (if brack
then addBracket replFC x
else x)) in
if upd
then updateFile (proofSearch name res (integerToNat (cast (line - 1))))
else pure $ DisplayEdit [res]
[(n, nidx, PMDef pi [] (STerm tm) _ _)] =>
case holeInfo pi of
NotHole => pure $ EditError "Not a searchable hole"
SolvedHole locs =>
do let (_ ** (env, tm')) = dropLams locs [] tm
itm <- resugar env tm'
let res = show (the PTerm (if brack
then addBracket replFC itm
else itm))
if upd
then updateFile (proofSearch name res (integerToNat (cast (line - 1))))
else pure $ DisplayEdit [res]
[] => pure $ EditError $ "Unknown name " ++ show name
_ => pure $ EditError "Not a searchable hole"
dropLams : {vars : _} ->
Nat -> Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
(vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars'))
dropLams Z env tm = (_ ** (env, tm))
dropLams (S k) env (Bind _ _ b sc) = dropLams k (b :: env) sc
dropLams _ env tm = (_ ** (env, tm))
processEdit (GenerateDef upd line name)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just (_, n', _, _) <- findTyDeclAt (\p, n => onLine line p)
| Nothing => pure (EditError ("Can't find declaration for " ++ show name ++ " on line " ++ show line))
case !(lookupDefExact n' (gamma defs)) of
Just None =>
(do Just (fc, cs) <- makeDef (\p, n => onLine line p) n'
| Nothing => processEdit (AddClause upd line name)
Just srcLine <- getSourceLine line
| Nothing => pure (EditError "Source line not found")
let (markM, srcLineUnlit) = isLitLine srcLine
let l : Nat = integerToNat (cast (snd (startPos fc)))
ls <- traverse (printClause markM l) cs
if upd
then updateFile (addClause (unlines ls) (integerToNat (cast line)))
else pure $ DisplayEdit ls)
(\err => pure $ EditError $ "Can't find a definition for " ++ show n' ++ ": " ++ show err)
Just _ => pure $ EditError "Already defined"
Nothing => pure $ EditError $ "Can't find declaration for " ++ show name
processEdit (MakeLemma upd line name)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
syn <- get Syn
let brack = elemBy (\x, y => dropNS x == dropNS y) name (bracketholes syn)
case !(lookupDefTyName name (gamma defs)) of
[(n, nidx, Hole locs _, ty)] =>
do (lty, lapp) <- makeLemma replFC name locs ty
pty <- pterm lty
papp <- pterm lapp
opts <- get ROpts
let pappstr = show (the PTerm (if brack
then addBracket replFC papp
else papp))
Just srcLine <- getSourceLine line
| Nothing => pure (EditError "Source line not found")
let (markM,_) = isLitLine srcLine
let markML : Nat = length (fromMaybe "" markM)
if upd
then updateFile (addMadeLemma markM name (show pty) pappstr
(max 0 (integerToNat (cast (line - 1)))))
else pure $ MadeLemma markM name pty pappstr
_ => pure $ EditError "Can't make lifted definition"
processEdit (MakeCase upd line name)
= pure $ EditError "Not implemented yet"
processEdit (MakeWith upd line name)
= do Just l <- getSourceLine line
| Nothing => pure (EditError "Source line not available")
pure $ DisplayEdit [makeWith name l]
public export
data MissedResult : Type where
CasesMissing : Name -> List String -> MissedResult
CallsNonCovering : Name -> List Name -> MissedResult
AllCasesCovered : Name -> MissedResult
public export
data REPLResult : Type where
Done : REPLResult
REPLError : String -> REPLResult
Executed : PTerm -> REPLResult
RequestedHelp : REPLResult
Evaluated : PTerm -> (Maybe PTerm) -> REPLResult
Printed : List String -> REPLResult
TermChecked : PTerm -> PTerm -> REPLResult
FileLoaded : String -> REPLResult
ErrorLoadingFile : String -> FileError -> REPLResult
ErrorsBuildingFile : String -> List Error -> REPLResult
NoFileLoaded : REPLResult
CurrentDirectory : String -> REPLResult
CompilationFailed: REPLResult
Compiled : String -> REPLResult
ProofFound : PTerm -> REPLResult
Missed : List MissedResult -> REPLResult
CheckedTotal : List (Name, Totality) -> REPLResult
FoundHoles : List Name -> REPLResult
OptionsSet : List REPLOpt -> REPLResult
LogLevelSet : Nat -> REPLResult
VersionIs : Version -> REPLResult
Exited : REPLResult
Edited : EditResult -> REPLResult
execExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
PTerm -> Core REPLResult
execExp ctm
= do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] (PApp replFC (PRef replFC (UN "unsafePerformIO")) ctm)
inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
(tm, ty) <- elabTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimp Nothing
tm_erased <- linearCheck replFC linear True [] tm
execute !findCG tm_erased
pure $ Executed ctm
compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PTerm -> String -> Core REPLResult
compileExp ctm outfile
= do inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] (PApp replFC (PRef replFC (UN "unsafePerformIO")) ctm)
(tm, gty) <- elabTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimp Nothing
tm_erased <- linearCheck replFC linear True [] tm
ok <- compile !findCG tm_erased outfile
maybe (pure CompilationFailed)
(pure . Compiled)
loadMainFile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String -> Core REPLResult
loadMainFile f
= do resetContext
Right res <- coreLift (readFile f)
| Left err => do setSource ""
pure (ErrorLoadingFile f err)
errs <- logTime "Build deps" $ buildDeps f
updateErrorLine errs
setSource res
case errs of
[] => pure (FileLoaded f)
_ => pure (ErrorsBuildingFile f errs)
||| Process a single `REPLCmd`
||| Returns `REPLResult` for display by the higher level shell which
||| is invoking this interactive command processing.
process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
REPLCmd -> Core REPLResult
process (Eval itm)
= do opts <- get ROpts
case evalMode opts of
Execute => do execExp itm; pure (Executed itm)
_ =>
do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] itm
inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
-- a TMP HACK to prioritise list syntax for List: hide
-- foreign argument lists. TODO: once the new FFI is fully
-- up and running we won't need this. Also, if we add
-- 'with' disambiguation we can use that instead.
catch (do hide replFC (NS ["PrimIO"] (UN "::"))
hide replFC (NS ["PrimIO"] (UN "Nil")))
(\err => pure ())
(tm, gty) <- elabTerm inidx (emode (evalMode opts)) [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimp Nothing
defs <- get Ctxt
opts <- get ROpts
let norm = nfun (evalMode opts)
ntm <- norm defs [] tm
itm <- resugar [] ntm
logTermNF 5 "Normalised" [] ntm
if showTypes opts
then do ty <- getTerm gty
ity <- resugar [] !(norm defs [] ty)
pure (Evaluated itm (Just ity))
else pure (Evaluated itm Nothing)
emode : REPLEval -> ElabMode
emode EvalTC = InType
emode _ = InExpr
nfun : {vs : _} ->
REPLEval -> Defs -> Env Term vs -> Term vs -> Core (Term vs)
nfun NormaliseAll = normaliseAll
nfun _ = normalise
process (Check (PRef fc fn))
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName fn (gamma defs)) of
[] => throw (UndefinedName fc fn)
ts => do tys <- traverse (displayType defs) ts
pure (Printed tys)
process (Check itm)
= do inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] itm
(tm, gty) <- elabTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimp Nothing
defs <- get Ctxt
itm <- resugar [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] tm)
ty <- getTerm gty
ity <- resugar [] !(normaliseScope defs [] ty)
pure (TermChecked itm ity)
process (PrintDef fn)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName fn (gamma defs)) of
[] => throw (UndefinedName replFC fn)
ts => do defs <- traverse (displayPats defs) ts
pure (Printed defs)
process Reload
= do opts <- get ROpts
case mainfile opts of
Nothing => pure NoFileLoaded
Just f => loadMainFile f
process (Load f)
= do opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { mainfile = Just f } opts)
-- Clear the context and load again
loadMainFile f
process (CD dir)
= do setWorkingDir dir
workDir <- getWorkingDir
pure (CurrentDirectory workDir)
process CWD
= do workDir <- getWorkingDir
pure (CurrentDirectory workDir)
process Edit
= do opts <- get ROpts
case mainfile opts of
Nothing => pure NoFileLoaded
Just f =>
do let line = maybe "" (\i => " +" ++ show (i + 1)) (errorLine opts)
coreLift $ system (editor opts ++ " " ++ f ++ line)
loadMainFile f
process (Compile ctm outfile)
= compileExp ctm outfile
process (Exec ctm)
= execExp ctm
process Help
= pure RequestedHelp
process (ProofSearch n_in)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
[(n, i, ty)] <- lookupTyName n_in (gamma defs)
| [] => throw (UndefinedName replFC n_in)
| ns => throw (AmbiguousName replFC (map fst ns))
tm <- search replFC top False 1000 n ty []
itm <- resugar [] !(normaliseHoles defs [] tm)
pure $ ProofFound itm
process (Missing n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)) of
[] => throw (UndefinedName replFC n)
ts => map Missed $ traverse (\fn =>
do tot <- getTotality replFC fn
the (Core MissedResult) $ case isCovering tot of
MissingCases cs =>
do tms <- traverse (displayPatTerm defs) cs
pure $ CasesMissing fn tms
NonCoveringCall ns_in =>
do ns <- traverse getFullName ns_in
pure $ CallsNonCovering fn ns
_ => pure $ AllCasesCovered fn)
(map fst ts)
process (Total n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)) of
[] => throw (UndefinedName replFC n)
ts => map CheckedTotal $
traverse (\fn =>
do checkTotal replFC fn
tot <- getTotality replFC fn >>= toFullNames
pure $ (fn, tot))
(map fst ts)
process (DebugInfo n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
traverse_ showInfo !(lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs))
pure Done
process (SetOpt opt)
= do setOpt opt
pure Done
process GetOpts
= do opts <- getOptions
pure $ OptionsSet opts
process (SetLog lvl)
= do setLogLevel lvl
pure $ LogLevelSet lvl
process Metavars
= do ms <- getUserHoles
pure $ FoundHoles ms
process (Editing cmd)
= do ppopts <- getPPrint
-- Since we're working in a local environment, don't do the usual
-- thing of printing out the full environment for parameterised
-- calls or calls in where blocks
setPPrint (record { showFullEnv = False } ppopts)
res <- processEdit cmd
setPPrint ppopts
pure $ Edited res
process Quit
= pure Exited
process NOP
= pure Done
process ShowVersion
= pure $ VersionIs version
processCatch : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
REPLCmd -> Core REPLResult
processCatch cmd
= do c' <- branch
u' <- get UST
s' <- get Syn
o' <- get ROpts
catch (do ust <- get UST
r <- process cmd
pure r)
(\err => do put Ctxt c'
put UST u'
put Syn s'
put ROpts o'
pure $ REPLError !(display err)
parseEmptyCmd : EmptyRule (Maybe REPLCmd)
parseEmptyCmd = eoi *> (pure Nothing)
parseCmd : EmptyRule (Maybe REPLCmd)
parseCmd = do c <- command; eoi; pure $ Just c
parseRepl : String -> Either ParseError (Maybe REPLCmd)
parseRepl inp
= case fnameCmd [(":load ", Load), (":l ", Load), (":cd ", CD)] inp of
Nothing => runParser Nothing inp (parseEmptyCmd <|> parseCmd)
Just cmd => Right $ Just cmd
-- a right load of hackery - we can't tokenise the filename using the
-- ordinary parser. There's probably a better way...
getLoad : Nat -> (String -> REPLCmd) -> String -> Maybe REPLCmd
getLoad n cmd str = Just (cmd (trim (substr n (length str) str)))
fnameCmd : List (String, String -> REPLCmd) -> String -> Maybe REPLCmd
fnameCmd [] inp = Nothing
fnameCmd ((pre, cmd) :: rest) inp
= if isPrefixOf pre inp
then getLoad (length pre) cmd inp
else fnameCmd rest inp
interpret : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String -> Core REPLResult
interpret inp
= case parseRepl inp of
Left err => pure $ REPLError (show err)
Right Nothing => pure Done
Right (Just cmd) => processCatch cmd
replCmd : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String -> Core ()
replCmd "" = pure ()
replCmd cmd
= do res <- interpret cmd
displayResult res
repl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core ()
= do ns <- getNS
opts <- get ROpts
coreLift (putStr (prompt (evalMode opts) ++ showSep "." (reverse ns) ++ "> "))
inp <- coreLift getLine
end <- coreLift $ fEOF stdin
if end
then do
-- start a new line in REPL mode (not relevant in IDE mode)
coreLift $ putStrLn ""
iputStrLn "Bye for now!"
else do res <- interpret inp
handleResult res
prompt : REPLEval -> String
prompt EvalTC = "[tc] "
prompt NormaliseAll = ""
prompt Execute = "[exec] "
handleMissing : MissedResult -> String
handleMissing (CasesMissing x xs) = show x ++ ":\n" ++ showSep "\n" xs
handleMissing (CallsNonCovering fn ns) = (show fn ++ ": Calls non covering function"
++ (case ns of
[f] => " " ++ show f
_ => "s: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)))
handleMissing (AllCasesCovered fn) = show fn ++ ": All cases covered"
handleResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} -> REPLResult -> Core ()
handleResult Exited = iputStrLn "Bye for now!"
handleResult other = do { displayResult other ; repl }
displayResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} -> REPLResult -> Core ()
displayResult (REPLError err) = printError err
displayResult (Evaluated x Nothing) = printResult $ show x
displayResult (Evaluated x (Just y)) = printResult $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayResult (Printed xs) = printResult (showSep "\n" xs)
displayResult (TermChecked x y) = printResult $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayResult (FileLoaded x) = printResult $ "Loaded file " ++ x
displayResult (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printError $ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayResult (ErrorsBuildingFile x errs) = printError $ "Error(s) building file " ++ x -- messages already displayed while building
displayResult NoFileLoaded = printError "No file can be reloaded"
displayResult (CurrentDirectory dir) = printResult ("Current working directory is '" ++ dir ++ "'")
displayResult CompilationFailed = printError "Compilation failed"
displayResult (Compiled f) = printResult $ "File " ++ f ++ " written"
displayResult (ProofFound x) = printResult $ show x
displayResult (Missed cases) = printResult $ showSep "\n" $ map handleMissing cases
displayResult (CheckedTotal xs) = printResult $ showSep "\n" $ map (\ (fn, tot) => (show fn ++ " is " ++ show tot)) xs
displayResult (FoundHoles []) = printResult $ "No holes"
displayResult (FoundHoles [x]) = printResult $ "1 hole: " ++ show x
displayResult (FoundHoles xs) = printResult $ show (length xs) ++ " holes: " ++
showSep ", " (map show xs)
displayResult (LogLevelSet k) = printResult $ "Set loglevel to " ++ show k
displayResult (VersionIs x) = printResult $ showVersion True x
displayResult (RequestedHelp) = printResult displayHelp
displayResult (Edited (DisplayEdit [])) = pure ()
displayResult (Edited (DisplayEdit xs)) = printResult $ showSep "\n" xs
displayResult (Edited (EditError x)) = printError x
displayResult (Edited (MadeLemma lit name pty pappstr)) = printResult (relit lit (show name ++ " : " ++ show pty ++ "\n") ++ pappstr)
displayResult (OptionsSet opts) = printResult $ showSep "\n" $ map show opts
displayResult _ = pure ()
displayHelp : String
displayHelp =
showSep "\n" $ map cmdInfo help
makeSpace : Nat -> String
makeSpace n = pack $ take n (repeat ' ')
col : Nat -> Nat -> String -> String -> String -> String
col c1 c2 l m r =
l ++ (makeSpace $ c1 `minus` length l) ++
m ++ (makeSpace $ c2 `minus` length m) ++ r
cmdInfo : (List String, CmdArg, String) -> String
cmdInfo (cmds, args, text) = " " ++ col 16 12 (showSep " " cmds) (show args) text
displayErrors : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} -> REPLResult -> Core ()
displayErrors (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printError $ "File error in " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayErrors _ = pure ()

src/Idris/SetOptions.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
module Idris.SetOptions
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Version
import IdrisPaths
import System
-- TODO: Version numbers on dependencies
addPkgDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core ()
addPkgDir p
= do defs <- get Ctxt
addExtraDir (dir_prefix (dirs (options defs)) ++ dirSep ++
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version ++ dirSep ++ p)
dirOption : Dirs -> DirCommand -> Core ()
dirOption dirs LibDir
= coreLift $ putStrLn
(dir_prefix dirs ++ dirSep ++ "idris2-" ++ showVersion False version ++ dirSep)
-- Options to be processed before type checking. Return whether to continue.
preOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List CLOpt -> Core Bool
preOptions [] = pure True
preOptions (NoBanner :: opts)
= do setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
-- These things are processed later, but imply nobanner too
preOptions (OutputFile _ :: opts)
= do setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (ExecFn _ :: opts)
= do setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (IdeMode :: opts)
= do setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (CheckOnly :: opts)
= do setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (Quiet :: opts)
= do setOutput (REPL True)
preOptions opts
preOptions (NoPrelude :: opts)
= do setSession (record { noprelude = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (SetCG e :: opts)
= case getCG e of
Just cg => do setCG cg
preOptions opts
Nothing =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn "No such code generator"
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Code generators available: " ++
showSep ", " (map fst availableCGs)
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
preOptions (PkgPath p :: opts)
= do addPkgDir p
preOptions opts
preOptions (Directory d :: opts)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
dirOption (dirs (options defs)) d
pure False
preOptions (Timing :: opts)
= do setLogTimings True
preOptions opts
preOptions (DebugElabCheck :: opts)
= do setDebugElabCheck True
preOptions opts
preOptions (RunREPL _ :: opts)
= do setOutput (REPL True)
setSession (record { nobanner = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (FindIPKG :: opts)
= do setSession (record { findipkg = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (DumpCases f :: opts)
= do setSession (record { dumpcases = Just f } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (DumpLifted f :: opts)
= do setSession (record { dumplifted = Just f } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (DumpANF f :: opts)
= do setSession (record { dumpanf = Just f } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (DumpVMCode f :: opts)
= do setSession (record { dumpvmcode = Just f } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (_ :: opts) = preOptions opts
-- Options to be processed after type checking. Returns whether execution
-- should continue (i.e., whether to start a REPL)
postOptions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List CLOpt -> Core Bool
postOptions [] = pure True
postOptions (OutputFile outfile :: rest)
= do compileExp (PRef (MkFC "(script)" (0, 0) (0, 0)) (UN "main")) outfile
postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (ExecFn str :: rest)
= do execExp (PRef (MkFC "(script)" (0, 0) (0, 0)) (UN str))
postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (CheckOnly :: rest)
= do postOptions rest
pure False
postOptions (RunREPL str :: rest)
= do replCmd str
pure False
postOptions (_ :: rest) = postOptions rest
ideMode : List CLOpt -> Bool
ideMode [] = False
ideMode (IdeMode :: _) = True
ideMode (_ :: xs) = ideMode xs
ideModeSocket : List CLOpt -> Bool
ideModeSocket [] = False
ideModeSocket (IdeModeSocket _ :: _) = True
ideModeSocket (_ :: xs) = ideModeSocket xs