mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 15:13:37 +03:00
Refactor %builtin
* Stub for future 'identity' optimisation I plan to add this later, but I'm using for now for NaturalToInteger and IntegerToNatural * Refactor `%builtin` fixes #1799 - automatically optimise all Natural shaped things - NaturalToInteger and IntegerToNatural now use new `Identity` flag (internal use only for now) which signals the function is identity at runtime * Use NaturalToInteger and IntegerToNatural for Nat and Fin Also define show fin in terms of finToInteger, for speed * Fix name handling for %builtin * [ tests ] fixes + #1799 * remove %builtin from libs Add back after next version * Use resolved names where convenient
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ modules =
@ -60,11 +60,6 @@ finToNat : Fin n -> Nat
finToNat FZ = Z
finToNat (FS k) = S $ finToNat k
Show (Fin n) where
show = show . finToNat
||| `finToNat` is injective
finToNatInjective : (fm : Fin k) -> (fn : Fin k) -> (finToNat fm) = (finToNat fn) -> fm = fn
@ -84,6 +79,12 @@ finToInteger : Fin n -> Integer
finToInteger FZ = 0
finToInteger (FS k) = 1 + finToInteger k
-- %builtin NaturalToInteger Data.Fin.finToInteger
Show (Fin n) where
show = show . finToInteger
Cast (Fin n) Integer where
cast = finToInteger
@ -168,6 +169,8 @@ fromInteger : (x : Integer) -> {n : Nat} ->
fromInteger {n} x {prf} with (integerToFin x n)
fromInteger {n} x {prf = ItIsJust} | Just y = y
-- %builtin IntegerToNatural Data.Fin.fromInteger
||| Convert an Integer to a Fin in the required bounds/
||| This is essentially a composition of `mod` and `fromInteger`
public export
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ integerToNat x
then Z
else S (assert_total (integerToNat (prim__sub_Integer x 1)))
-- %builtin IntegerToNatural Prelude.Types.integerToNat
-- Define separately so we can spot the name when optimising Nats
||| Add two natural numbers.
||| @ x the number to case-split on
@ -99,6 +101,8 @@ natToInteger (S k) = 1 + natToInteger k
-- integer (+) may be non-linear in second
-- argument
-- %builtin NaturalToInteger Prelude.Types.natToInteger
||| Counts the number of elements that satify a predicate.
public export
count : (Foldable t) => (predicate : a -> Bool) -> (t a) -> Nat
@ -211,93 +211,51 @@ natHack =
-- get all transformation from %builtin pragmas
builtinMagic : Ref Ctxt Defs => Core (forall vars. CExp vars -> CExp vars)
builtinMagic = do
defs <- get Ctxt
let b = defs.builtinTransforms
let nats = foldMap builtinMagicNat $ values b.natTyNames
let natToInts = map natToIntMagic $ toList b.natToIntegerFns
let intToNats = map intToNatMagic $ toList b.integerToNatFns
pure $ magic $ natHack ++ nats ++ natToInts ++ intToNats
builtinMagicNat : NatBuiltin -> List Magic
builtinMagicNat cons =
[ MagicCCon cons.zero 0
(\ fc, [] => CPrimVal fc (BI 0))
, MagicCCon cons.succ 1
(\ fc, [k] => CApp fc (CRef fc (UN "prim__add_Integer")) [CPrimVal fc (BI 1), k])
] -- TODO: add builtin pragmas for Nat related functions (to/from Integer, add, mult, minus, compare)
natToIntMagic : (Name, NatToInt) -> Magic
natToIntMagic (fn, MkNatToInt arity natIdx) =
MagicCRef fn arity
(\ _, _, args => index natIdx args)
intToNatMagic : (Name, IntToNat) -> Magic
intToNatMagic (fn, MkIntToNat arity intIdx) =
MagicCRef fn arity
(\ fc, fc', args => CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS typesNS (UN "prim__integerToNat"))) [index intIdx args])
builtinMagic = pure $ magic natHack
isNatCon : (zeroMap : NameMap ZERO) ->
(succMap : NameMap SUCC) ->
Name -> Bool
isNatCon zs ss n = isJust (lookup n zs) || isJust (lookup n ss)
data NextSucc : Type where
newSuccName : {auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} -> Core Name
newSuccName = do
x <- get NextSucc
put NextSucc $ x + 1
pure $ MN "succ" x
natBranch : (zeroMap : NameMap ZERO) ->
(succMap : NameMap SUCC) ->
CConAlt vars -> Bool
natBranch zs ss (MkConAlt n _ _ _ _) = isNatCon zs ss n
natBranch : CConAlt vars -> Bool
natBranch (MkConAlt n ZERO _ _ _) = True
natBranch (MkConAlt n SUCC _ _ _) = True
natBranch _ = False
trySBranch :
(succMap : NameMap SUCC) ->
CExp vars ->
CConAlt vars ->
Maybe (CExp vars)
trySBranch ss n (MkConAlt nm _ _ [arg] sc)
= do guard $ isJust $ lookup nm ss
let fc = getFC n
pure (CLet fc arg True (magic__natUnsuc fc fc [n]) sc)
trySBranch _ _ _ = Nothing
trySBranch : CExp vars -> CConAlt vars -> Maybe (CExp vars)
trySBranch n (MkConAlt nm SUCC _ [arg] sc)
= Just (CLet (getFC n) arg True (magic__natUnsuc (getFC n) (getFC n) [n]) sc)
trySBranch _ _ = Nothing
tryZBranch :
(zeroMap : NameMap ZERO) ->
CConAlt vars ->
Maybe (CExp vars)
tryZBranch zs (MkConAlt n _ _ [] sc)
= do guard $ isJust $ lookup n zs
pure sc
tryZBranch _ _ = Nothing
tryZBranch : CConAlt vars -> Maybe (CExp vars)
tryZBranch (MkConAlt n ZERO _ [] sc) = Just sc
tryZBranch _ = Nothing
getSBranch :
(succMap : NameMap SUCC) ->
CExp vars ->
List (CConAlt vars) ->
Maybe (CExp vars)
getSBranch ss n [] = Nothing
getSBranch ss n (x :: xs) = trySBranch ss n x <+> getSBranch ss n xs
getSBranch : CExp vars -> List (CConAlt vars) -> Maybe (CExp vars)
getSBranch n [] = Nothing
getSBranch n (x :: xs) = trySBranch n x <+> getSBranch n xs
getZBranch :
(zeroMap : NameMap ZERO) ->
List (CConAlt vars) ->
Maybe (CExp vars)
getZBranch zs [] = Nothing
getZBranch zs (x :: xs) = tryZBranch zs x <+> getZBranch zs xs
getZBranch : List (CConAlt vars) -> Maybe (CExp vars)
getZBranch [] = Nothing
getZBranch (x :: xs) = tryZBranch x <+> getZBranch xs
-- Rewrite case trees on Nat to be case trees on Integer
builtinNatTree' : (zeroMap : NameMap ZERO) ->
(succMap : NameMap SUCC) ->
CExp vars -> CExp vars
builtinNatTree' zs ss (CConCase fc sc alts def)
= if any (natBranch zs ss) alts
then let defb = maybe (CCrash fc "Nat case not covered") id def
scase = maybe defb id (getSBranch ss sc alts)
zcase = maybe defb id (getZBranch zs alts) in
CConstCase fc sc [MkConstAlt (BI 0) zcase] (Just scase)
else CConCase fc sc alts def
builtinNatTree' zs ss t = t
builtinNatTree : Ref Ctxt Defs => Core (CExp vars -> CExp vars)
builtinNatTree = do
defs <- get Ctxt
let b = defs.builtinTransforms
pure $ builtinNatTree' b.natZNames b.natSNames
builtinNatTree : {auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} -> CExp vars -> Core (CExp vars)
builtinNatTree (CConCase fc sc@(CLocal _ _) alts def)
= pure $ if any natBranch alts
then let defb = fromMaybe (CCrash fc "Nat case not covered") def
salt = maybe defb id (getSBranch sc alts)
zalt = maybe defb id (getZBranch alts) in
CConstCase fc sc [MkConstAlt (BI 0) zalt] (Just salt)
else CConCase fc sc alts def
builtinNatTree (CConCase fc sc alts def)
= do x <- newSuccName
pure $ CLet fc x True sc
!(builtinNatTree $ CConCase fc (CLocal fc First) (map weaken alts) (map weaken def))
builtinNatTree t = pure t
enumTree : CExp vars -> CExp vars
enumTree (CConCase fc sc alts def)
@ -330,6 +288,7 @@ dconFlag n
toCExpTm : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
(magic : forall vars. CExp vars -> CExp vars) ->
Name -> Term vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
@ -341,6 +300,9 @@ mutual
fl <- dconFlag cn
case fl of
ENUM => pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
ZERO => pure $ CPrimVal fc (BI 0)
SUCC => do x <- newSuccName
pure $ CLam fc x $ COp fc (Add IntegerType) [CPrimVal fc (BI 1), CLocal fc First]
_ => pure $ CCon fc cn fl (Just tag) []
toCExpTm m n (Ref fc (TyCon tag arity) fn)
= pure $ CCon fc fn TYCON Nothing []
@ -382,6 +344,7 @@ mutual
toCExp : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
(magic : forall vars. CExp vars -> CExp vars) ->
Name -> Term vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
@ -404,6 +367,7 @@ mutual
conCases : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CConAlt vars))
conCases n [] = pure []
@ -432,6 +396,7 @@ mutual
constCases : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CConstAlt vars))
constCases n [] = pure []
@ -449,6 +414,7 @@ mutual
-- once.
getNewType : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
FC -> CExp vars ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp vars))
@ -500,6 +466,7 @@ mutual
getDef : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp vars))
getDef n [] = pure Nothing
@ -511,6 +478,7 @@ mutual
toCExpTree : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTree n alts@(Case _ x scTy (DelayCase ty arg sc :: rest))
@ -524,6 +492,7 @@ mutual
toCExpTree' : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref NextSucc Int} ->
Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy alts@(ConCase _ _ _ _ :: _))
@ -535,8 +504,8 @@ mutual
def <- getDef n alts
if isNil cases
then pure (fromMaybe (CErased fc) def)
else pure $ enumTree $ !builtinNatTree $
CConCase fc (CLocal fc x) cases def
else pure $ enumTree !(builtinNatTree $
CConCase fc (CLocal fc x) cases def)
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy alts@(DelayCase _ _ _ :: _))
= throw (InternalError "Unexpected DelayCase")
toCExpTree' n (Case fc x scTy alts@(ConstCase _ _ :: _))
@ -731,6 +700,7 @@ toCDef n ty _ None
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered undefined name " ++ show !(getFullName n))
toCDef n ty erased (PMDef pi args _ tree _)
= do let (args' ** p) = mkSub 0 args erased
s <- newRef NextSucc 0
comptree <- toCExpTree n tree
pure $ toLam (externalDecl pi) $ if isNil erased
then MkFun args comptree
@ -794,6 +764,7 @@ compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
ClosedTerm -> Core (CExp [])
compileExp tm
= do m <- builtinMagic
s <- newRef NextSucc 0
exp <- toCExp m (UN "main") tm
pure exp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Compiler.Identity
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
getArg : FC -> Nat -> (args : List Name) -> Maybe (CExp args)
getArg _ _ [] = Nothing
getArg fc Z (a :: _) = Just $ CLocal fc First
getArg fc (S k) (_ :: as) = weaken <$> getArg fc k as
idCDef : Nat -> CDef -> Maybe CDef
idCDef idx (MkFun args exp) = MkFun args <$> getArg (getFC exp) idx args
idCDef _ def = Just def
setIdentity : Ref Ctxt Defs => Name -> Core ()
setIdentity fn = do
log "compiler.identity" 10 $ "processing identity flag for: " ++ show fn
defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact fn defs.gamma
| Nothing => pure ()
log "compiler.identity" 25 $ "flags for " ++ show fn ++ ": " ++ show gdef.flags
let Just flg@(Identity idx) = find isId gdef.flags
| _ => pure ()
log "compiler.identity" 5 $ "found identity flag for: " ++ show fn ++ ", " ++ show idx
++ "\n\told def: " ++ show gdef.compexpr
let Just cdef = the _ $ gdef.compexpr >>= idCDef idx
| Nothing => pure ()
log "compiler.identity" 15 $ "new def: " ++ show cdef
unsetFlag EmptyFC fn flg -- other optimisations might mess with argument counts
setCompiled fn cdef
isId : DefFlag -> Bool
isId (Identity _) = True
isId _ = False
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.CaseOpts
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Identity
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
@ -522,6 +523,7 @@ compileAndInlineAll
cns <- filterM nonErased ns
traverse_ compileDef cns
traverse_ setIdentity cns
transform 3 cns -- number of rounds to run transformations.
-- This seems to be the point where not much useful
-- happens any more.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import public Libraries.Utils.Binary
||| (Increment this when changing anything in the data format)
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 58
ttcVersion = 59
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ data ConInfo = DATACON -- normal data constructor
| NOTHING -- nothing of an option shaped thing
| JUST -- just of an option shaped thing
| RECORD -- record constructor (no tag)
Show ConInfo where
@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ Show ConInfo where
show NOTHING = "[nothing]"
show JUST = "[just]"
show RECORD = "[record]"
show ZERO = "[zero]"
show SUCC = "[succ]"
Eq ConInfo where
@ -46,6 +50,8 @@ Eq ConInfo where
JUST == JUST = True
ZERO == ZERO = True
SUCC == SUCC = True
_ == _ = False
@ -199,6 +199,9 @@ data DefFlag
| ConType ConInfo
-- Is it a special type of constructor, e.g. a nil or cons shaped
-- thing, that can be compiled specially?
| Identity Nat
-- Is it the identity function at runtime?
-- The nat represents which argument the function evaluates to
Eq DefFlag where
@ -212,6 +215,7 @@ Eq DefFlag where
(==) (PartialEval x) (PartialEval y) = x == y
(==) AllGuarded AllGuarded = True
(==) (ConType x) (ConType y) = x == y
(==) (Identity x) (Identity y) = x == y
(==) _ _ = False
@ -226,6 +230,7 @@ Show DefFlag where
show (PartialEval _) = "partialeval"
show AllGuarded = "allguarded"
show (ConType ci) = "contype " ++ show ci
show (Identity x) = "identity " ++ show x
public export
data SizeChange = Smaller | Same | Unknown
@ -669,58 +674,6 @@ Show BuiltinType where
show NaturalToInteger = "NaturalToInteger"
show IntegerToNatural = "IntegerToNatural"
-- Token types to make it harder to get the constructor names
-- the wrong way round.
public export data ZERO = MkZERO
public export data SUCC = MkSUCC
||| Record containing names of 'Nat'-like constructors.
public export
record NatBuiltin where
constructor MkNatBuiltin
zero : Name
succ : Name
||| Record containing information about a NatToInteger function.
public export
record NatToInt where
constructor MkNatToInt
natToIntArity : Nat -- total number of arguments
natIdx : Fin natToIntArity -- index into arguments of the 'Nat'-like argument
||| Record containing information about a IntegerToNat function.
public export
record IntToNat where
constructor MkIntToNat
intToNatArity : Nat
intIdx : Fin intToNatArity
||| Rewrite rules for %builtin pragmas
||| Seperate to 'Transform' because it must also modify case statements
||| behaviour should remain the same after this transform
public export
record BuiltinTransforms where
constructor MkBuiltinTransforms
natTyNames : NameMap NatBuiltin -- map from Nat-like names to their constructors
natZNames : NameMap ZERO -- set of Z-like names
natSNames : NameMap SUCC -- set of S-like names
natToIntegerFns : NameMap NatToInt -- set of functions to transform to `id`
integerToNatFns : NameMap IntToNat -- set of functions to transform to `max 0`
-- TODO: After next release remove nat from here and use %builtin pragma instead
initBuiltinTransforms : BuiltinTransforms
initBuiltinTransforms =
let type = NS typesNS (UN "Nat")
zero = NS typesNS (UN "Z")
succ = NS typesNS (UN "S")
in MkBuiltinTransforms
{ natTyNames = singleton type (MkNatBuiltin {zero, succ})
, natZNames = singleton zero MkZERO
, natSNames = singleton succ MkSUCC
, natToIntegerFns = empty
, integerToNatFns = empty
getFnName : Transform -> Maybe Name
getFnName (MkTransform _ _ app _)
@ -1087,10 +1040,6 @@ record Defs where
-- ^ A mapping from names to transformation rules which update applications
-- of that name
saveTransforms : List (Name, Transform)
builtinTransforms : BuiltinTransforms
-- ^ A mapping from names to transformations resulting from a %builtin pragma
-- seperate to `transforms` because these must always fire globally so run these
-- when compiling to `CExp`.
namedirectives : NameMap (List String)
ifaceHash : Int
importHashes : List (Namespace, Int)
@ -1161,7 +1110,6 @@ initDefs
, saveAutoHints = []
, transforms = empty
, saveTransforms = []
, builtinTransforms = initBuiltinTransforms
, namedirectives = empty
, ifaceHash = 5381
, importHashes = []
@ -402,7 +402,8 @@ Hashable ConInfo where
NOTHING => h `hashWithSalt` 5
JUST => h `hashWithSalt` 6
RECORD => h `hashWithSalt` 7
ZERO => h `hashWithSalt` 8
SUCC => h `hashWithSalt` 9
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ knownTopics = [
("compile.casetree.measure", Just "Log the node counts of each runtime case tree."),
("compile.casetree.pick", Nothing),
("compile.casetree.partition", Nothing),
("compiler.identity", Nothing),
("compiler.inline.eval", Nothing),
("compiler.interpreter", Nothing),
("compiler.refc", Nothing),
@ -661,6 +661,8 @@ TTC ConInfo where
toBuf b NOTHING = tag 5
toBuf b JUST = tag 6
toBuf b RECORD = tag 7
toBuf b ZERO = tag 8
toBuf b SUCC = tag 9
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -672,6 +674,8 @@ TTC ConInfo where
5 => pure NOTHING
6 => pure JUST
7 => pure RECORD
8 => pure ZERO
9 => pure SUCC
_ => corrupt "ConInfo"
@ -1011,6 +1015,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
toBuf b (PartialEval x) = tag 9 -- names not useful any more
toBuf b AllGuarded = tag 10
toBuf b (ConType ci) = do tag 11; toBuf b ci
toBuf b (Identity x) = do tag 12; toBuf b x
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -1024,6 +1029,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
9 => pure (PartialEval [])
10 => pure AllGuarded
11 => do ci <- fromBuf b; pure (ConType ci)
12 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (Identity x)
_ => corrupt "DefFlag"
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Core
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
@ -78,33 +79,28 @@ getFirstNEType tm = case getNEArgs tm of
arg :: _ => Just arg
||| Get the index of the first non-erased argument if it exists.
getNEIndex : (arity : Nat) -> Term vars -> Maybe (Fin arity)
getNEIndex ar (Bind _ x b tm) = case b of
Let _ _ val _ => getNEIndex ar $ subst {x} val tm
getNEIndex : Term vars -> Maybe Nat
getNEIndex (Bind _ x b tm) = case b of
Let _ _ val _ => getNEIndex $ subst {x} val tm
Pi _ mul _ arg => if isErased mul
then getNEIndex ar tm >>= Libs.strengthen . FS
else natToFin 0 ar
then getNEIndex tm
else Just 0
_ => Nothing
getNEIndex _ _ = Nothing
getNEIndex _ = Nothing
||| Get the index of all non-erased Integer argument.
getNEIntegerIndex : (arity : Nat) -> Term vars -> Maybe (List (Fin arity))
getNEIntegerIndex ar (Bind _ x b tm) = case b of
Let _ _ val _ => getNEIntegerIndex ar $ subst {x} val tm
Pi _ mul _ arg => if isRigOther mul && isInteger arg
then case natToFin 0 ar of
Nothing => Nothing
Just idx => map (Prelude.(::) idx) $ go ar tm
else go ar tm
getNEIntegerIndex : Term vars -> Maybe (List Nat)
getNEIntegerIndex (Bind _ x b tm) = case b of
Let _ _ val _ => getNEIntegerIndex $ subst {x} val tm
Pi _ mul _ arg => if not (isErased mul) && isInteger arg
then Prelude.(::) 0 . map (+ 1) <$> getNEIntegerIndex tm
else getNEIntegerIndex tm
_ => Nothing
isInteger : forall vars. Term vars -> Bool
isInteger (PrimVal _ IntegerType) = True
isInteger _ = False
go : forall vars. (sarity : Nat) -> Term vars -> Maybe (List (Fin sarity))
go (S ar) tm = map FS <$> getNEIntegerIndex ar tm
go Z _ = Just []
getNEIntegerIndex _ _ = Just []
getNEIntegerIndex _ = Just []
||| Do the terms match ignoring arguments to type constructors.
termConMatch : Term vs -> Term vs' -> Bool
@ -143,26 +139,43 @@ isStrict (PrimVal _ _) = True
isStrict (Erased _ _) = True
isStrict (TType _) = True
getNatBuiltin : Ref Ctxt Defs => Name -> Core (Maybe NatBuiltin)
getNatBuiltin n = do
n' <- getFullName n
lookup n' . natTyNames . builtinTransforms <$> get Ctxt
||| Get the name and definition of a list of names.
getConsGDef :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
FC -> (cons : List Name) ->
Core $ List (Name, GlobalDef)
getConsGDef fc cons = do
defs <- get Ctxt
let c = defs.gamma
for cons $ \n => do
[(n', _, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName n c
| [] => undefinedName fc n
| ns => throw $ AmbiguousName fc $ (\(n, _, _) => n) <$> ns
pure (n', gdef)
||| Get the name and arity (of non-erased arguments only) of a list of names.
||| `cons` should all be data constructors (`DCon`) otherwise it will throw an error.
getConsGDef : Context -> FC -> (cons : List Name) -> Core $ List (Name, GlobalDef)
getConsGDef c fc = traverse \n => do
[(n', _, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName n c
| [] => throw $ UndefinedName fc n
| ns => throw $ AmbiguousName fc $ (\(n, _, _) => n) <$> ns
pure (n', gdef)
isNatural : Ref Ctxt Defs => FC ->Name -> Core Bool
isNatural fc n = do
defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n defs.gamma
| Nothing => undefinedName EmptyFC n
let TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ cons _ = gdef.definition
| _ => pure False
consDefs <- getConsGDef fc cons
pure $ all hasNatFlag consDefs
isNatFlag : DefFlag -> Bool
isNatFlag (ConType ZERO) = True
isNatFlag (ConType SUCC) = True
isNatFlag _ = False
hasNatFlag : (Name, GlobalDef) -> Bool
hasNatFlag (_, gdef) = any isNatFlag gdef.flags
||| Check a list of constructors has exactly
||| 1 'Z'-like constructor
||| and 1 `S`-like constructor, which has type `ty -> ty` or `ty arg -> `ty (f arg)`.
checkNatCons : Context -> (cons : List (Name, GlobalDef)) -> (dataType : Name) -> FC -> Core NatBuiltin
checkNatCons : Context -> (cons : List (Name, GlobalDef)) -> (dataType : Name) -> FC -> Core ()
checkNatCons c cons ty fc = case !(foldr checkCon (pure (Nothing, Nothing)) cons) of
(Just zero, Just succ) => pure $ MkNatBuiltin {zero, succ}
(Just zero, Just succ) => pure ()
(Nothing, _) => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No 'Z'-like constructors for " ++ show ty ++ "."
(_, Nothing) => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No 'S'-like constructors for " ++ show ty ++ "."
@ -204,115 +217,81 @@ checkNatCons c cons ty fc = case !(foldr checkCon (pure (Nothing, Nothing)) cons
pure (zero, Just n)
_ => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "Constructor " ++ show n ++ " doesn't match any pattern for Natural."
addBuiltinNat :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
(ty : Name) -> NatBuiltin -> Core ()
addBuiltinNat type cons = do
log "builtin.Natural.addTransform" 10
$ "Add %builtin Natural transform for " ++ show type ++ "."
update Ctxt $ record
{ builtinTransforms.natTyNames $= insert type cons
, builtinTransforms.natZNames $= insert cons.zero MkZERO
, builtinTransforms.natSNames $= insert cons.succ MkSUCC
addNatToInteger :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
(fn : Name) ->
NatToInt ->
Core ()
addNatToInteger fn nToI = do
log "builtin.NaturalToInteger.addTransforms" 10
$ "Add %builtin NaturalToInteger transform for " ++ show fn ++ "."
update Ctxt $ record
{ builtinTransforms.natToIntegerFns $= insert fn nToI
||| Check a `%builtin Natural` pragma is correct.
processBuiltinNatural :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
Defs -> FC -> Name -> Core ()
processBuiltinNatural ds fc name = do
FC -> Name -> Core ()
processBuiltinNatural fc name = do
ds <- get Ctxt
log "builtin.Natural" 5 $ "Processing %builtin Natural " ++ show name ++ "."
[(n, _, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName name ds.gamma
| [] => undefinedName fc name
| ns => throw $ AmbiguousName fc $ (\(n, _, _) => n) <$> ns
False <- isNatural fc n
| True => pure ()
let TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ dcons _ = gdef.definition
| def => throw $ GenericMsg fc
$ "Expected a type constructor, found " ++ showDefType def ++ "."
cons <- getConsGDef ds.gamma fc dcons
cons <- checkNatCons ds.gamma cons n fc
zero <- getFullName cons.zero
succ <- getFullName cons.succ
addBuiltinNat n $ MkNatBuiltin {zero, succ}
cons <- getConsGDef fc dcons
checkNatCons ds.gamma cons n fc
||| Check a `%builtin NaturalToInteger` pragma is correct.
processNatToInteger :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
Defs -> FC -> Name -> Core ()
processNatToInteger ds fc fn = do
log "builtin.NaturalToInteger" 5 $ "Processing %builtin NaturalToInteger " ++ show fn ++ "."
[(n, _, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName fn ds.gamma
FC -> Name -> Core ()
processNatToInteger fc fn = do
let show_fn = show fn
ds <- get Ctxt
log "builtin.NaturalToInteger" 5 $ "Processing %builtin NaturalToInteger " ++ show_fn ++ "."
[(_ , i, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName fn ds.gamma
| [] => undefinedName fc fn
| ns => throw $ AmbiguousName fc $ (\(n, _, _) => n) <$> ns
let PMDef _ args _ cases _ = gdef.definition
| def => throw $ GenericMsg fc
$ "Expected function definition, found " ++ showDefType def ++ "."
type <- toFullNames gdef.type
logTerm "builtin.NaturalToInteger" 25 ("Type of " ++ show fn) type
logTerm "builtin.NaturalToInteger" 25 ("Type of " ++ show_fn) type
let [(_ ** arg)] = getNEArgs type
| [] => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No arguments found for " ++ show n ++ "."
| _ => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "More than 1 non-erased arguments found for " ++ show n ++ "."
| [] => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No arguments found for " ++ show_fn ++ "."
| _ => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "More than 1 non-erased arguments found for " ++ show_fn ++ "."
let Just tyCon = getTypeCons arg
| Nothing => throw $ GenericMsg fc
$ "No type constructor found for non-erased arguement of " ++ show n ++ "."
Just _ <- getNatBuiltin tyCon
| Nothing => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "Non-erased argument is not a 'Nat'-like type."
let arity = length $ getTypeArgs type
let Just natIdx = getNEIndex arity type
$ "No type constructor found for non-erased arguement of " ++ show_fn ++ "."
True <- isNatural fc tyCon
| False => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "Non-erased argument is not a 'Nat'-like type."
let Just natIdx = getNEIndex type
| Nothing => throw $ InternalError "Couldn't find non-erased argument."
addNatToInteger n (MkNatToInt arity natIdx)
addIntegerToNat :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
(fn : Name) ->
IntToNat ->
Core ()
addIntegerToNat fn iToN = do
log "builtin.IntegerToNatural.addTransforms" 10
$ "Add %builtin IntegerToNatural transform for " ++ show fn ++ "."
update Ctxt $ record
{ builtinTransforms.integerToNatFns $= insert fn iToN
setFlag fc (Resolved i) $ Identity natIdx
||| Check a `%builtin IntegerToNatural` pragma is correct.
processIntegerToNat :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
Defs -> FC -> Name -> Core ()
processIntegerToNat ds fc fn = do
log "builtin.IntegerToNatural" 5 $ "Processing %builtin IntegerToNatural " ++ show fn ++ "."
[(n, _, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName fn ds.gamma
FC -> Name -> Core ()
processIntegerToNat fc fn = do
let show_fn = show fn
ds <- get Ctxt
log "builtin.IntegerToNatural" 5 $ "Processing %builtin IntegerToNatural " ++ show_fn ++ "."
[(_, i, gdef)] <- lookupCtxtName fn ds.gamma
| [] => undefinedName fc fn
| ns => throw $ AmbiguousName fc $ (\(n, _, _) => n) <$> ns
type <- toFullNames gdef.type
let PMDef _ args _ cases _ = gdef.definition
let PMDef _ _ _ _ _ = gdef.definition
| def => throw $ GenericMsg fc
$ "Expected function definition, found " ++ showDefType def ++ "."
let arity = length $ getTypeArgs type
logTerm "builtin.IntegerToNatural" 25 ("Type of " ++ show fn) type
let Just [intIdx] = getNEIntegerIndex arity type
| Just [] => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for " ++ show n ++ "."
| Just _ => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "More than one unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for " ++ show n ++ "."
logTerm "builtin.IntegerToNatural" 25 ("Type of " ++ show_fn) type
let Just [intIdx] = getNEIntegerIndex type
| Just [] => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "No unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for " ++ show_fn ++ "."
| Just _ => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "More than one unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for " ++ show_fn ++ "."
| Nothing => throw $ InternalError
$ "Unexpected arity while processing %builtin IntegerToNatural " ++ show n ++ " (getNEIntegerIndex returned Nothing)"
$ "Unexpected arity while processing %builtin IntegerToNatural " ++ show_fn ++ " (getNEIntegerIndex returned Nothing)"
let Just (_ ** retTy) = getReturnType type
| Nothing => throw $ InternalError $ "Unexpected type " ++ show type
let Just retCon = getTypeCons retTy
| Nothing => throw $ GenericMsg fc
$ "No type constructor found for return type of " ++ show n ++ "."
Just _ <- getNatBuiltin retCon
| Nothing => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "Return type is not a 'Nat'-like type"
addIntegerToNat n (MkIntToNat arity intIdx)
$ "No type constructor found for return type of " ++ show_fn ++ "."
True <- isNatural fc retCon
| False => throw $ GenericMsg fc $ "Return type is not a 'Nat'-like type"
setFlag fc (Resolved i) $ Identity intIdx
||| Check a `%builtin` pragma is correct.
@ -320,8 +299,7 @@ processBuiltin :
Ref Ctxt Defs =>
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> FC -> BuiltinType -> Name -> Core ()
processBuiltin nest env fc type name = do
ds <- get Ctxt
case type of
BuiltinNatural => processBuiltinNatural ds fc name
NaturalToInteger => processNatToInteger ds fc name
IntegerToNatural => processIntegerToNat ds fc name
BuiltinNatural => processBuiltinNatural fc name
NaturalToInteger => processNatToInteger fc name
IntegerToNatural => processIntegerToNat fc name
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils
import Data.DPair
import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
@ -117,9 +118,6 @@ checkCon {vars} opts nest env vis tn_in tn (MkImpTy fc _ cn_in ty_raw)
_ => pure ()
pure (MkCon fc cn !(getArity defs [] fullty) fullty)
conName : Constructor -> Name
conName (MkCon _ cn _ _) = cn
-- Get the indices of the constructor type (with non-constructor parts erased)
getIndexPats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
ClosedTerm -> Core (List (NF []))
@ -254,6 +252,19 @@ hasArgs Z (Bind _ _ (Pi _ c _ _) sc)
else False
hasArgs Z _ = True
-- get the first non-erased argument
firstArg : Term vs -> Maybe (Exists Term)
firstArg (Bind _ _ (Pi _ c _ val) sc)
= if isErased c
then firstArg sc
else Just $ Evidence _ val
firstArg tm = Nothing
typeCon : Term vs -> Maybe Name
typeCon (Ref _ (TyCon _ _) n) = Just n
typeCon (App _ fn _) = typeCon fn
typeCon _ = Nothing
shaped : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(forall vs . Term vs -> Bool) ->
List Constructor -> Core (Maybe Name)
@ -322,10 +333,36 @@ calcRecord fc [c]
pure True
calcRecord _ _ = pure False
-- has two constructors
-- - ZERO: 0 args
-- - SUCC: 1 arg, of same type
calcNaty : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> List Constructor -> Core Bool
calcNaty fc tyCon cs@[_, _]
= do Just zero <- shaped (hasArgs 0) cs
| Nothing => pure False
Just succ <- shaped (hasArgs 1) cs
| Nothing => pure False
let Just succCon = find (\con => name con == succ) cs
| Nothing => pure False
let Just (Evidence _ succArgTy) = firstArg (type succCon)
| Nothing => pure False
let Just succArgCon = typeCon succArgTy
| Nothing => pure False
if succArgCon == tyCon
then do setFlag fc zero (ConType ZERO)
setFlag fc succ (ConType SUCC)
pure True
else pure False
calcNaty _ _ _ = pure False
calcConInfo : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List Constructor -> Core ()
calcConInfo fc cons
= do False <- calcListy fc cons
FC -> Name -> List Constructor -> Core ()
calcConInfo fc type cons
= do False <- calcNaty fc type cons
| True => pure ()
False <- calcListy fc cons
| True => pure ()
False <- calcMaybe fc cons
| True => pure ()
@ -455,9 +492,9 @@ processData {vars} eopts nest env fc vis (MkImpData dfc n_in ty_raw opts cons_ra
addToSave n
log "declare.data" 10 $ "Saving from " ++ show n ++ ": " ++ show (keys (getMetas ty))
let connames = map conName cons
let connames = map name cons
unless (NoHints `elem` opts) $
traverse_ (\x => addHintFor fc (Resolved tidx) x True False) connames
calcConInfo fc cons
calcConInfo fc (Resolved tidx) cons
traverse_ updateErasable (Resolved tidx :: connames)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
data MyNat
= Z
| S MyNat
| S MyNat MyNat
natToInt : MyNat -> Integer
natToInt Z = 0
natToInt (S k) = 1 + natToInt k
natToInt (S k _) = 1 + natToInt k
%builtin NaturalToInteger natToInt
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Error: Non-erased argument is not a 'Nat'-like type.
5 | natToInt : MyNat -> Integer
6 | natToInt Z = 0
7 | natToInt (S k) = 1 + natToInt k
7 | natToInt (S k _) = 1 + natToInt k
8 |
9 | %builtin NaturalToInteger natToInt
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Error: More than 1 non-erased arguments found for Main.finToInteger.
Error: More than 1 non-erased arguments found for finToInteger.
07 | finToInteger : {k : _} -> Fin k -> Integer
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Error: No unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for Main.natToMyNat.
Error: No unrestricted arguments of type `Integer` found for natToMyNat.
16 | natToMyNat : Nat -> MyNat
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Main
import Data.Fin
%builtin Natural Nat
%builtin Natural Fin
%builtin NaturalToInteger Data.Fin.finToInteger
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show $ finToInteger $ FS $ FZ {k=34}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --exec main Issue1799.idr
Reference in New Issue
Block a user