Make pathToNS handle absolute path

This commit is contained in:
andylokandy 2020-05-30 21:24:20 +08:00
parent 24664dd9b1
commit 1de3c3bb15
7 changed files with 38 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -87,12 +87,16 @@ nsToSource loc ns
-- Given a filename in the working directory + source directory, return the correct
-- namespace for it
pathToNS : String -> Maybe String -> String -> List String
pathToNS : String -> Maybe String -> String -> Core (List String)
pathToNS wdir sdir fname
= let sdir = fromMaybe "" sdir in
case stripPrefix sdir fname of
Nothing => []
Just p => map show $ reverse $ (parse (p <.> "")).body
= let sdir = fromMaybe "" sdir
base = if isAbsolute fname then wdir </> sdir else sdir
case stripPrefix base fname of
Nothing => throw (UserError ("Source file " ++ show fname
++ " is not in the source directory "
++ show (wdir </> sdir)))
Just p => pure $ map show $ reverse $ (parse (p <.> "")).body
dirExists : String -> IO Bool
dirExists dir = do Right d <- openDir dir
@ -148,7 +152,7 @@ getTTCFileName inp ext
d <- getDirs
-- Get its namespace from the file relative to the working directory
-- and generate the ttc file from that
let ns = pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) inp
ns <- pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) inp
let fname = joinPath (reverse ns) <.> ext
let bdir = build_dir d
pure $ bdir </> "ttc" </> fname

View File

@ -122,13 +122,6 @@ checkVerbose [] = False
checkVerbose (Verbose :: _) = True
checkVerbose (_ :: xs) = checkVerbose xs
checkRelative : Maybe String -> Core (Maybe String)
checkRelative Nothing = pure Nothing
checkRelative (Just str)
= if isAbsolute str
then throw (InternalError "Absolute paths only allowed with --find-ipkg")
else pure (Just str)
stMain : List CLOpt -> Core ()
stMain opts
= do False <- tryYaffle opts
@ -170,7 +163,7 @@ stMain opts
iputStrLn banner
fname <- if findipkg session
then findIpkg fname
else checkRelative fname
else pure fname
setMainFile fname
the (Core ()) $ case fname of
Nothing => logTime "Loading prelude" $

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@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ getBuildMods : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
getBuildMods loc done fname
= do a <- newRef AllMods []
d <- getDirs
let fname_ns = pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname
fname_ns <- pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname
if fname_ns `elem` map buildNS done
then pure []
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ buildMod loc num len mod
= do clearCtxt; addPrimitives
lazyActive True; setUnboundImplicits True
let src = buildFile mod
mttc <- getTTCFileName src ".ttc"
mttc <- getTTCFileName src "ttc"
-- We'd expect any errors in nsToPath to have been caught by now
-- since the imports have been built! But we still have to check.
depFilesE <- traverse (nsToPath loc) (imports mod)
@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ buildDeps fname
[] => do -- On success, reload the main ttc in a clean context
clearCtxt; addPrimitives
put MD initMetadata
mainttc <- getTTCFileName fname ".ttc"
mainttc <- getTTCFileName fname "ttc"
log 10 $ "Reloading " ++ show mainttc ++ " from " ++ fname
readAsMain mainttc
-- Load the associated metadata for interactive editing
mainttm <- getTTCFileName fname ".ttm"
mainttm <- getTTCFileName fname "ttm"
log 10 $ "Reloading " ++ show mainttm
readFromTTM mainttm
pure []

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@ -550,9 +550,7 @@ findIpkg : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Maybe String -> Core (Maybe String)
findIpkg fname
= do Just (dir, ipkgn, up) <- coreLift findIpkgFile
| Nothing => case fname of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just srcpath => pure (fileName srcpath)
| Nothing => pure fname
coreLift $ changeDir dir
Right (pname, fs) <- coreLift $ parseFile ipkgn
(do desc <- parsePkgDesc ipkgn
@ -566,10 +564,8 @@ findIpkg fname
loadDependencies (depends pkg)
case fname of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just srcpath =>
do let Just src = fileName srcpath
| _ => pure (Just srcpath)
let src' = up </> src
Just srcpath =>
do let src' = up </> srcpath
setSource src'
opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { mainfile = Just src' } opts)

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@ -265,7 +265,8 @@ processMod srcf ttcf msg sourcecode
when (ns /= ["Main"]) $
do let MkFC fname _ _ = headerloc mod
d <- getDirs
when (pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname /= ns) $
ns' <- pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname
when (ns /= ns') $
throw (GenericMsg (headerloc mod)
("Module name " ++ showSep "." (reverse ns) ++
" does not match file name " ++ fname))
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
process buildmsg file
= do Right res <- coreLift (readFile file)
| Left err => pure [FileErr file err]
catch (do ttcf <- getTTCFileName file ".ttc"
catch (do ttcf <- getTTCFileName file "ttc"
Just errs <- logTime ("Elaborating " ++ file) $
processMod file ttcf buildmsg res
| Nothing => pure [] -- skipped it
@ -318,9 +319,10 @@ process buildmsg file
do defs <- get Ctxt
d <- getDirs
makeBuildDirectory (pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) file)
ns <- pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) file
makeBuildDirectory ns
writeToTTC !(get Syn) ttcf
ttmf <- getTTCFileName file ".ttm"
ttmf <- getTTCFileName file "ttm"
writeToTTM ttmf
pure []
else do pure errs)

View File

@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ parsePath = do vol <- optional parseVolume
trailSep <- optional (some bodySeparator)
let body = filter (\case Normal s => ltrim s /= ""
_ => True) body
let body = case body of
[] => []
(x::xs) => x :: delete CurDir xs
pure $ MkPath vol (isJust root) body (isJust trailSep)
||| Parse a String into Path component.
@ -246,14 +249,9 @@ parsePath = do vol <- optional parseVolume
||| ```
parse : String -> Path
parse str = let p = case parse parsePath (lexPath str) of
Right (p, _) => p
_ => emptyPath
body' = case p.body of
[] => []
(x::xs) => x :: delete CurDir xs
record { body = body' } p
parse str = case parse parsePath (lexPath str) of
Right (p, _) => p
_ => emptyPath
-- Utils

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.UnifyState
import Utils.Path
import TTImp.Parser
import TTImp.ProcessDecls
@ -52,15 +53,16 @@ yaffleMain fname args
t <- processArgs args
setLogTimings t
case span (/= '.') fname of
(_, ".ttc") => do coreLift $ putStrLn "Processing as TTC"
readFromTTC {extra = ()} True emptyFC True fname [] []
coreLift $ putStrLn "Read TTC"
case extension fname of
Just "ttc" => do coreLift $ putStrLn "Processing as TTC"
readFromTTC {extra = ()} True emptyFC True fname [] []
coreLift $ putStrLn "Read TTC"
_ => do coreLift $ putStrLn "Processing as TTImp"
ok <- processTTImpFile fname
when ok $
do makeBuildDirectory (pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname)
writeToTTC () !(getTTCFileName fname ".ttc")
do ns <- pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) fname
makeBuildDirectory ns
writeToTTC () !(getTTCFileName fname "ttc")
coreLift $ putStrLn "Written TTC"
ust <- get UST