[ cleanup ] move auxiliary function to where block

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Justus Matthiesen 2023-11-02 10:51:30 +00:00 committed by Justus Matthiesen
parent 03484f2dfa
commit 291d60da08

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@ -99,13 +99,6 @@ namespace Vector1
maxIndex1 : Vector1 a -> Nat
maxIndex1 ((i, x) ::: xs) = maybe i fst (last' xs)
vectorFromList : List a -> Vector a
vectorFromList = go Z
go : Nat -> List a -> Vector a
go i [] = []
go i (x :: xs) = (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
||| A sparse matrix is a sparse vector of (non-empty) sparse vectors.
public export
Matrix : Type -> Type
@ -113,7 +106,15 @@ Matrix a = Vector (Vector1 a)
fromListList : (Eq a, Semiring a) => List (List a) -> Matrix a
fromListList = mapMaybe (\(i, xs) => map (i,) (fromList1 xs)) . vectorFromList
fromListList = mapMaybe (\(i, xs) => map (i,) (fromList1 xs)) . withIndex
-- may contain empty lists
withIndex : List (List a) -> List (Nat, List a)
withIndex = go Z
go : Nat -> List (List a) -> List (Nat, List a)
go i [] = []
go i (x :: xs) = (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
transpose : Matrix a -> Matrix a