[ refactor ] introduce UserName for (UN/RF) (#1926)

Instead of having UN & RF (& Hole in the near future & maybe even
more later e.g. operator names) we have a single UN constructor
that takes a UserName instead of a String.

UserName is (for now)

data UserName : Type where
  Basic : String -> UserName -- default name constructor       e.g. map
  Field : String -> UserName -- field accessor                 e.g. .fst
  Underscore : UserName      -- no name                        e.g. _

This is extracted from the draft PR #1852 which is too big to easily
debug. Once this is working, I can go back to it.
This commit is contained in:
G. Allais 2021-09-15 13:20:58 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7baf698f66
commit 32e26c5bd1
No known key found for this signature in database
78 changed files with 1152 additions and 680 deletions

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@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ modules =

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@ -97,22 +97,32 @@ data Constant
| WorldType
public export
data Name = UN String -- user defined name
data UserName
= Basic String -- default name constructor e.g. map
| Field String -- field accessor e.g. .fst
| Underscore -- no name e.g. _
public export
data Name = NS Namespace Name -- name in a namespace
| UN UserName -- user defined name
| MN String Int -- machine generated name
| NS Namespace Name -- name in a namespace
| DN String Name -- a name and how to display it
| RF String -- record field name
| Nested (Int, Int) Name -- nested function name
| CaseBlock String Int -- case block nested in (resolved) name
| WithBlock String Int -- with block nested in (resolved) name
Show UserName where
show (Basic n) = n
show (Field n) = "." ++ n
show Underscore = "_"
Show Name where
show (NS ns n) = show ns ++ "." ++ show n
show (UN x) = x
show (UN x) = show x
show (MN x y) = "{" ++ x ++ ":" ++ show y ++ "}"
show (DN str y) = str
show (RF n) = "." ++ n
show (Nested (outer, idx) inner)
= show outer ++ ":" ++ show idx ++ ":" ++ show inner
show (CaseBlock outer i) = "case block in " ++ show outer

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@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ replaceEntry (i, Just (ns, b))
natHackNames : List Name
= [UN "prim__add_Integer",
UN "prim__sub_Integer",
UN "prim__mul_Integer",
NS typesNS (UN "prim__integerToNat")]
= [UN (Basic "prim__add_Integer"),
UN (Basic "prim__sub_Integer"),
UN (Basic "prim__mul_Integer"),
NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "prim__integerToNat")]
-- Hmm, these dump functions are all very similar aren't they...
dumpCases : String -> List (Name,FC,NamedDef) -> Core ()

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@ -181,33 +181,33 @@ magic ms e = go ms e where
magic__integerToNat : FC -> FC -> forall vars. Vect 1 (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
magic__integerToNat fc fc' [k]
= CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS typesNS (UN "prim__integerToNat"))) [k]
= CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "prim__integerToNat"))) [k]
magic__natMinus : FC -> FC -> forall vars. Vect 2 (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
magic__natMinus fc fc' [m,n]
= magic__integerToNat fc fc'
[CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__sub_Integer")) [m, n]]
[CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN $ Basic "prim__sub_Integer")) [m, n]]
-- We don't reuse natMinus here because we assume that unsuc will only be called
-- on S-headed numbers so we do not need the truncating integerToNat call!
magic__natUnsuc : FC -> FC -> forall vars. Vect 1 (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
magic__natUnsuc fc fc' [m]
= CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__sub_Integer")) [m, CPrimVal fc (BI 1)]
= CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN $ Basic "prim__sub_Integer")) [m, CPrimVal fc (BI 1)]
-- TODO: next release remove this and use %builtin pragma
natHack : List Magic
natHack =
[ MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "natToInteger")) 1 (\ _, _, [k] => k)
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "integerToNat")) 1 magic__integerToNat
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "plus")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__add_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "mult")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__mul_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "minus")) 2 magic__natMinus
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "equalNat")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__eq_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN "compareNat")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS eqOrdNS (UN "compareInteger"))) [m, n])
[ MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "natToInteger")) 1 (\ _, _, [k] => k)
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "integerToNat")) 1 magic__integerToNat
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "plus")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN $ Basic "prim__add_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "mult")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN $ Basic "prim__mul_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "minus")) 2 magic__natMinus
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "equalNat")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN $ Basic "prim__eq_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef (NS typesNS (UN $ Basic "compareNat")) 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS eqOrdNS (UN $ Basic "compareInteger"))) [m, n])
-- get all transformation from %builtin pragmas
@ -321,8 +321,9 @@ mutual
(CLet fc x True !(toCExp m n val) sc')
toCExpTm m n (Bind fc x (Pi _ c e ty) sc)
= pure $ CCon fc (UN "->") TYCON Nothing [!(toCExp m n ty),
CLam fc x !(toCExp m n sc)]
= pure $ CCon fc (UN (Basic "->")) TYCON Nothing
[ !(toCExp m n ty)
, CLam fc x !(toCExp m n sc)]
toCExpTm m n (Bind fc x b tm) = pure $ CErased fc
-- We'd expect this to have been dealt with in toCExp, but for completeness...
toCExpTm m n (App fc tm arg)
@ -339,9 +340,9 @@ mutual
= let t = constTag c in
if t == 0
then pure $ CPrimVal fc c
else pure $ CCon fc (UN (show c)) TYCON Nothing []
else pure $ CCon fc (UN $ Basic $ show c) TYCON Nothing []
toCExpTm m n (Erased fc _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm m n (TType fc) = pure $ CCon fc (UN "Type") TYCON Nothing []
toCExpTm m n (TType fc) = pure $ CCon fc (UN (Basic "Type")) TYCON Nothing []
toCExp : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -576,15 +577,15 @@ getFieldArgs defs cl
getNArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Name -> List (Closure []) -> Core NArgs
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "IORes")) [arg] = pure $ NIORes arg
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "Ptr")) [arg] = pure NPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "AnyPtr")) [] = pure NPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "GCPtr")) [arg] = pure NGCPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "GCAnyPtr")) [] = pure NGCPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "Buffer")) [] = pure NBuffer
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "ForeignObj")) [] = pure NForeignObj
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "Unit")) [] = pure NUnit
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN "Struct")) [n, args]
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "IORes")) [arg] = pure $ NIORes arg
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "Ptr")) [arg] = pure NPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "AnyPtr")) [] = pure NPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "GCPtr")) [arg] = pure NGCPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "GCAnyPtr")) [] = pure NGCPtr
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "Buffer")) [] = pure NBuffer
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "ForeignObj")) [] = pure NForeignObj
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "Unit")) [] = pure NUnit
getNArgs defs (NS _ (UN $ Basic "Struct")) [n, args]
= do NPrimVal _ (Str n') <- evalClosure defs n
| nf => throw (GenericMsg (getLoc nf) "Unknown name for struct")
pure (Struct n' !(getFieldArgs defs args))
@ -641,9 +642,9 @@ nfToCFType _ s (NTCon fc n_in _ _ args)
carg <- nfToCFType fc s narg
pure (CFIORes carg)
nfToCFType _ s (NType _)
= pure (CFUser (UN "Type") [])
= pure (CFUser (UN (Basic "Type")) [])
nfToCFType _ s (NErased _ _)
= pure (CFUser (UN "__") [])
= pure (CFUser (UN (Basic "__")) [])
nfToCFType fc s t
= do defs <- get Ctxt
ty <- quote defs [] t
@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
compileExp tm
= do m <- builtinMagic
s <- newRef NextSucc 0
exp <- toCExp m (UN "main") tm
exp <- toCExp m (UN $ Basic "main") tm
pure exp
||| Given a name, look up an expression, and compile it to a CExp in the environment

View File

@ -83,13 +83,17 @@ keywordSafe s = s
-- JS Name
jsUserName : UserName -> String
jsUserName (Basic n) = keywordSafe $ jsIdent n
jsUserName (Field n) = "rf__" ++ jsIdent n
jsUserName Underscore = keywordSafe $ jsIdent "_"
jsName : Name -> String
jsName (NS ns n) = jsIdent (showNSWithSep "_" ns) ++ "_" ++ jsName n
jsName (UN n) = keywordSafe $ jsIdent n
jsName (UN n) = jsUserName n
jsName (MN n i) = jsIdent n ++ "_" ++ show i
jsName (PV n d) = "pat__" ++ jsName n
jsName (DN _ n) = jsName n
jsName (RF n) = "rf__" ++ jsIdent n
jsName (Nested (i, x) n) = "n__" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show x ++ "_" ++ jsName n
jsName (CaseBlock x y) = "case__" ++ jsIdent x ++ "_" ++ show y
jsName (WithBlock x y) = "with__" ++ jsIdent x ++ "_" ++ show y
@ -515,32 +519,33 @@ foreignDecl n ccs = do
-- implementations for external primitive functions.
jsPrim : {auto c : Ref ESs ESSt} -> Name -> List Doc -> Core Doc
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__newIORef")) [_,v,_] = pure $ hcat ["({value:", v, "})"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__readIORef")) [_,r,_] = pure $ hcat ["(", r, ".value)"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__writeIORef")) [_,r,v,_] = pure $ hcat ["(", r, ".value=", v, ")"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__newArray")) [_,s,v,_] = pure $ hcat ["(Array(", s, ").fill(", v, "))"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__arrayGet")) [_,x,p,_] = pure $ hcat ["(", x, "[", p, "])"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__arraySet")) [_,x,p,v,_] = pure $ hcat ["(", x, "[", p, "]=", v, ")"]
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "void")) [_, _] = pure . jsCrashExp $ jsStringDoc "Error: Executed 'void'"
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__void")) [_, _] = pure . jsCrashExp $ jsStringDoc "Error: Executed 'void'"
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__codegen")) [] = do
jsPrim nm docs = case (dropAllNS nm, docs) of
(UN (Basic "prim__newIORef"), [_,v,_]) => pure $ hcat ["({value:", v, "})"]
(UN (Basic "prim__readIORef"), [_,r,_]) => pure $ hcat ["(", r, ".value)"]
(UN (Basic "prim__writeIORef"), [_,r,v,_]) => pure $ hcat ["(", r, ".value=", v, ")"]
(UN (Basic "prim__newArray"), [_,s,v,_]) => pure $ hcat ["(Array(", s, ").fill(", v, "))"]
(UN (Basic "prim__arrayGet"), [_,x,p,_]) => pure $ hcat ["(", x, "[", p, "])"]
(UN (Basic "prim__arraySet"), [_,x,p,v,_]) => pure $ hcat ["(", x, "[", p, "]=", v, ")"]
(UN (Basic "void"), [_, _]) => pure . jsCrashExp $ jsStringDoc "Error: Executed 'void'"
(UN (Basic "prim__void"), [_, _]) => pure . jsCrashExp $ jsStringDoc "Error: Executed 'void'"
(UN (Basic "prim__codegen"), []) => do
(cg :: _) <- ccTypes <$> get ESs
| _ => pure "\"javascript\""
pure . Text $ jsString cg
-- fix #1839: Only support `prim__os` in Node backend but not in browsers
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__os")) [] = do
tys <- ccTypes <$> get ESs
case searchForeign tys ["node"] of
Right _ => do
addToPreamble "prim__os" $
"const _sysos = ((o => o === 'linux'?'unix':o==='win32'?'windows':o)" ++
pure $ Text $ esName "sysos"
Left _ =>
throw $ InternalError $ "prim not implemented: prim__os"
(UN (Basic "prim__os"), []) => do
tys <- ccTypes <$> get ESs
case searchForeign tys ["node"] of
Right _ => do
addToPreamble "prim__os" $
"const _sysos = ((o => o === 'linux'?'unix':o==='win32'?'windows':o)" ++
pure $ Text $ esName "sysos"
Left _ =>
throw $ InternalError $ "prim not implemented: prim__os"
jsPrim x args = throw $ InternalError $ "prim not implemented: " ++ (show x)
_ => throw $ InternalError $ "prim not implemented: " ++ show nm
-- Codegen
@ -696,7 +701,7 @@ foreign _ = pure []
-- name of the toplevel tail call loop from the
-- preamble.
tailRec : Name
tailRec = UN "__tailRec"
tailRec = UN $ Basic "__tailRec"
||| Compiles the given `ClosedTerm` for the list of supported
||| backends to JS code.

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ mutual
-- whether they're safe to inline, but until then this gives such a huge
-- boost by removing unnecessary lambdas that we'll keep the special case.
eval rec env stk (CRef fc n)
= case (n == NS primIONS (UN "io_bind"), stk) of
= case (n == NS primIONS (UN $ Basic "io_bind"), stk) of
(True, act :: cont :: world :: stk) =>
do xn <- genName "act"
sc <- eval rec [] [] (CApp fc cont [CRef fc xn, world])

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ callPrim stk fn args = case the (Either Object (Vect ar Constant)) $ traverse ge
getConst o = Left o
NS_UN : Namespace -> String -> Name
NS_UN ns un = NS ns (UN un)
NS_UN ns un = NS ns (UN $ Basic un)
argError : Ref State InterpState => Stack -> Vect h Object -> Core a
argError stk obj = interpError stk $ "Unexpected arguments: " ++ foldMap ((" " ++) . showType) obj

View File

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ genName
mkName : Name -> Int -> Name
mkName (NS ns b) i = NS ns (mkName b i)
mkName (UN n) i = MN n i
mkName (UN n) i = MN (displayUserName n) i
mkName (DN _ n) i = mkName n i
mkName (CaseBlock outer inner) i = MN ("case block in " ++ outer ++ " (" ++ show inner ++ ")") i
mkName (WithBlock outer inner) i = MN ("with block in " ++ outer ++ " (" ++ show inner ++ ")") i

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@ -63,14 +63,19 @@ showcCleanString (c ::cs) = (showcCleanStringChar c) . showcCleanString cs
cCleanString : String -> String
cCleanString cs = showcCleanString (unpack cs) ""
cUserName : UserName -> String
cUserName (Basic n) = cCleanString n
cUserName (Field n) = "rec__" ++ cCleanString n
cUserName Underscore = cCleanString "_"
cName : Name -> String
cName (NS ns n) = cCleanString (showNSWithSep "_" ns) ++ "_" ++ cName n
cName (UN n) = cCleanString n
cName (UN n) = cUserName n
cName (MN n i) = cCleanString n ++ "_" ++ cCleanString (show i)
cName (PV n d) = "pat__" ++ cName n
cName (DN _ n) = cName n
cName (RF n) = "rec__" ++ cCleanString n
cName (Nested i n) = "n__" ++ cCleanString (show i) ++ "_" ++ cName n
cName (CaseBlock x y) = "case__" ++ cCleanString (show x) ++ "_" ++ cCleanString (show y)
cName (WithBlock x y) = "with__" ++ cCleanString (show x) ++ "_" ++ cCleanString (show y)
@ -228,20 +233,20 @@ Show ExtPrim where
||| Match on a user given name to get the scheme primitive
toPrim : Name -> ExtPrim
toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
= cond [(n == UN "prim__newIORef", NewIORef),
(n == UN "prim__readIORef", ReadIORef),
(n == UN "prim__writeIORef", WriteIORef),
(n == UN "prim__newArray", NewArray),
(n == UN "prim__arrayGet", ArrayGet),
(n == UN "prim__arraySet", ArraySet),
(n == UN "prim__getField", GetField),
(n == UN "prim__setField", SetField),
(n == UN "void", VoidElim), -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
(n == UN "prim__void", VoidElim),
(n == UN "prim__os", SysOS),
(n == UN "prim__codegen", SysCodegen),
(n == UN "prim__onCollect", OnCollect),
(n == UN "prim__onCollectAny", OnCollectAny)
= cond [(n == UN (Basic "prim__newIORef"), NewIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__readIORef"), ReadIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__writeIORef"), WriteIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__newArray"), NewArray),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__arrayGet"), ArrayGet),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__arraySet"), ArraySet),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__getField"), GetField),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__setField"), SetField),
(n == UN (Basic "void"), VoidElim), -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
(n == UN (Basic "prim__void"), VoidElim),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__os"), SysOS),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__codegen"), SysCodegen),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__onCollect"), OnCollect),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__onCollectAny"), OnCollectAny)
(Unknown pn)
toPrim pn = assert_total $ idris_crash ("INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown primitive: " ++ cName pn)
@ -909,8 +914,8 @@ createCFunctions n (MkAForeign ccs fargs ret) = do
else CLangC
let isStandardFFI = Prelude.elem lang ["RefC", "C"]
let fctName = if isStandardFFI
then UN fctForeignName
else UN $ lang ++ "_" ++ fctForeignName
then UN $ Basic $ fctForeignName
else UN $ Basic $ lang ++ "_" ++ fctForeignName
if isStandardFFI
then case extLibOpts of
[lib, header] => addHeader header

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ chezString cs = strCons '"' (showChezString (unpack cs) "\"")
handleRet : String -> String -> String
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor chezString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor chezString (UN $ Basic "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet _ op = mkWorld op
getFArgs : NamedCExp -> Core (List (NamedCExp, NamedCExp))

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@ -28,15 +28,20 @@ schString s = concatMap okchar (unpack s)
then cast c
else "C-" ++ show (cast {to=Int} c)
schUserName : UserName -> String
schUserName (Basic n) = "u--" ++ schString n
schUserName (Field n) = "rf--" ++ schString n
schUserName Underscore = "u--_"
schName : Name -> String
schName (NS ns (UN n)) = schString (showNSWithSep "-" ns) ++ "-" ++ schString n
schName (NS ns (UN (Basic n))) = schString (showNSWithSep "-" ns) ++ "-" ++ schString n
schName (UN n) = schUserName n
schName (NS ns n) = schString (showNSWithSep "-" ns) ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (UN n) = "u--" ++ schString n
schName (MN n i) = schString n ++ "-" ++ show i
schName (PV n d) = "pat--" ++ schName n
schName (DN _ n) = schName n
schName (RF n) = "rf--" ++ schString n
schName (Nested (i, x) n) = "n--" ++ show i ++ "-" ++ show x ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (CaseBlock x y) = "case--" ++ schString x ++ "-" ++ show y
schName (WithBlock x y) = "with--" ++ schString x ++ "-" ++ show y
@ -222,21 +227,21 @@ Show ExtPrim where
||| Match on a user given name to get the scheme primitive
toPrim : Name -> ExtPrim
toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
= cond [(n == UN "prim__newIORef", NewIORef),
(n == UN "prim__readIORef", ReadIORef),
(n == UN "prim__writeIORef", WriteIORef),
(n == UN "prim__newArray", NewArray),
(n == UN "prim__arrayGet", ArrayGet),
(n == UN "prim__arraySet", ArraySet),
(n == UN "prim__getField", GetField),
(n == UN "prim__setField", SetField),
(n == UN "void", VoidElim), -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
(n == UN "prim__void", VoidElim),
(n == UN "prim__os", SysOS),
(n == UN "prim__codegen", SysCodegen),
(n == UN "prim__onCollect", OnCollect),
(n == UN "prim__onCollectAny", OnCollectAny),
(n == UN "prim__makeFuture", MakeFuture)
= cond [(n == UN (Basic "prim__newIORef"), NewIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__readIORef"), ReadIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__writeIORef"), WriteIORef),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__newArray"), NewArray),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__arrayGet"), ArrayGet),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__arraySet"), ArraySet),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__getField"), GetField),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__setField"), SetField),
(n == UN (Basic "void"), VoidElim), -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
(n == UN (Basic "prim__void"), VoidElim),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__os"), SysOS),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__codegen"), SysCodegen),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__onCollect"), OnCollect),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__onCollectAny"), OnCollectAny),
(n == UN (Basic "prim__makeFuture"), MakeFuture)
(Unknown pn)
toPrim pn = Unknown pn

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ gambitString cs = strCons '"' (showGambitString (unpack cs) "\"")
handleRet : String -> String -> String
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor gambitString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet "void" op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor gambitString (UN $ Basic "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet _ op = mkWorld op
getFArgs : NamedCExp -> Core (List (NamedCExp, NamedCExp))

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ rktToC CFChar op = "(char->integer " ++ op ++ ")"
rktToC _ op = op
handleRet : CFType -> String -> String
handleRet CFUnit op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor racketString (UN "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet CFUnit op = op ++ " " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor racketString (UN $ Basic "") (Just 0) [])
handleRet ret op = mkWorld (cToRkt ret op)
cCall : {auto f : Ref Done (List String) } ->

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@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
-- The type of 'ConGroup' ensures that we refer to the arguments by
-- the same name in each of the clauses
addConG {vars'} {todo'} n tag pargs pats pid rhs []
= do cty <- if n == UN "->"
= do cty <- if n == UN (Basic "->")
then pure $ NBind fc (MN "_" 0) (Pi fc top Explicit (MkNFClosure defaultOpts (mkEnv fc vars') (NType fc))) $
(\d, a => pure $ NBind fc (MN "_" 1) (Pi fc top Explicit (MkNFClosure defaultOpts (mkEnv fc vars') (NErased fc False)))
(\d, a => pure $ NType fc))
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
then addConG n 0 pargs pats pid rhs acc
else throw (CaseCompile cfc fn (NotFullyApplied n))
addGroup (PArrow _ _ s t) pprf pats pid rhs acc
= addConG (UN "->") 0 [s, t] pats pid rhs acc
= addConG (UN $ Basic "->") 0 [s, t] pats pid rhs acc
-- Go inside the delay; we'll flag the case as needing to force its
-- scrutinee (need to check in 'caseGroups below)
addGroup (PDelay _ _ pty parg) pprf pats pid rhs acc
@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ mkPat args orig (TDelay fc r ty p)
mkPat args orig (PrimVal fc c)
= pure $ if constTag c == 0
then PConst fc c
else PTyCon fc (UN (show c)) 0 []
mkPat args orig (TType fc) = pure $ PTyCon fc (UN "Type") 0 []
else PTyCon fc (UN (Basic $ show c)) 0 []
mkPat args orig (TType fc) = pure $ PTyCon fc (UN $ Basic "Type") 0 []
mkPat args orig tm
= do log "compile.casetree" 10 $
"Catchall: marking " ++ show tm ++ " as unmatchable"

View File

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ elem n [] = False
elem n (x :: xs) = n == x || elem n xs
tryNext : Name -> Name
tryNext (UN n) = MN n 0
tryNext (UN n) = MN (displayUserName n) 0
tryNext (MN n i) = MN n (1 + i)
tryNext n = MN (nameRoot n) 0

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
import Libraries.Text.Distance.Levenshtein
import System
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ initCtxt : Core Context
initCtxt = initCtxtS initSize
addPossible : Name -> Int ->
StringMap (List PossibleName) -> StringMap (List PossibleName)
UserNameMap (List PossibleName) -> UserNameMap (List PossibleName)
addPossible n i ps
= case userNameRoot n of
Nothing => ps
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ addPossible n i ps
Just nis => insert nr (Direct n i :: nis) ps
addAlias : Name -> Name -> Int ->
StringMap (List PossibleName) -> StringMap (List PossibleName)
UserNameMap (List PossibleName) -> UserNameMap (List PossibleName)
addAlias alias full i ps
= case userNameRoot alias of
Nothing => ps
@ -819,12 +820,12 @@ getFieldNames ctxt recNS
-- Find similar looking names in the context
getSimilarNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Name -> Core (List String)
getSimilarNames nm = case userNameRoot nm of
getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
Nothing => pure []
Just str => if length str <= 1 then pure [] else
let threshold : Nat := max 1 (assert_total (divNat (length str) 3))
test : Name -> IO (Maybe Nat) := \ nm => do
let (Just str') = userNameRoot nm
let (Just str') = show <$> userNameRoot nm
| _ => pure Nothing
dist <- Levenshtein.compute str str'
pure (dist <$ guard (dist <= threshold))
@ -1180,8 +1181,6 @@ visibleInAny nss n vis = any (\ns => visibleIn ns n vis) nss
reducibleIn : Namespace -> Name -> Visibility -> Bool
reducibleIn nspace (NS ns (UN n)) Export = isParentOf ns nspace
reducibleIn nspace (NS ns (UN n)) Private = isParentOf ns nspace
reducibleIn nspace (NS ns (RF n)) Export = isParentOf ns nspace
reducibleIn nspace (NS ns (RF n)) Private = isParentOf ns nspace
reducibleIn nspace n _ = True
@ -1713,9 +1712,6 @@ inCurrentNS n@(MN _ _)
inCurrentNS n@(DN _ _)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (NS (currentNS defs) n)
inCurrentNS n@(RF _)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (NS (currentNS defs) n)
inCurrentNS n = pure n

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Nat
import Libraries.Data.IntMap
import Libraries.Data.IOArray
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
import Libraries.Utils.Binary
public export
@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ record Context where
nextEntry : Int
-- Map from full name to its position in the context
resolvedAs : NameMap Int
-- Map from strings to all the possible names in all namespaces
possibles : StringMap (List PossibleName)
-- Map from usernames to all the possible names in all namespaces
possibles : UserNameMap (List PossibleName)
-- Reference to the actual content, indexed by Int
content : Ref Arr (IOArray ContextEntry)
-- Branching depth, in a backtracking elaborator. 0 is top level; at lower

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ uniqifyEnv env = uenv [] env
next : Name -> Name
next (MN n i) = MN n (i + 1)
next (UN n) = MN n 0
next (UN n) = MN (displayUserName n) 0
next (NS ns n) = NS ns (next n)
next n = MN (show n) 0

View File

@ -6,28 +6,44 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Decidable.Equality
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Libraries.Utils.String
import public Core.Name.Namespace
%default total
||| A username has some structure
public export
data UserName : Type where
Basic : String -> UserName -- default name constructor e.g. map
Field : String -> UserName -- field accessor e.g. .fst
Underscore : UserName -- no name e.g. _
||| A smart constructor taking a string and parsing it as the appropriate
||| username
mkUserName : String -> UserName
mkUserName "_" = Underscore
mkUserName str with (strM str)
mkUserName _ | StrCons '.' n = Field n
mkUserName str | _ = Basic str
||| Name helps us track a name's structure as well as its origin:
||| was it user-provided or machine-manufactured? For what reason?
public export
data Name : Type where
NS : Namespace -> Name -> Name -- in a namespace
UN : String -> Name -- user defined name
UN : UserName -> Name -- user defined name
MN : String -> Int -> Name -- machine generated name
PV : Name -> Int -> Name -- pattern variable name; int is the resolved function id
DN : String -> Name -> Name -- a name and how to display it
RF : String -> Name -- record field name
Nested : (Int, Int) -> Name -> Name -- nested function name
CaseBlock : String -> Int -> Name -- case block nested in (resolved) name
WithBlock : String -> Int -> Name -- with block nested in (resolved) name
Resolved : Int -> Name -- resolved, index into context
mkNamespacedName : Maybe Namespace -> String -> Name
mkNamespacedName : Maybe Namespace -> UserName -> Name
mkNamespacedName Nothing nm = UN nm
mkNamespacedName (Just ns) nm = NS ns (UN nm)
@ -55,19 +71,24 @@ asName old new (NS ns n)
asName _ _ n = n
userNameRoot : Name -> Maybe String
userNameRoot : Name -> Maybe UserName
userNameRoot (NS _ n) = userNameRoot n
userNameRoot (UN n) = Just n
userNameRoot (DN _ n) = userNameRoot n
userNameRoot (RF n) = Just ("." ++ n) -- TMP HACK
userNameRoot _ = Nothing
isUnderscoreName : Name -> Bool
isUnderscoreName (UN "_") = True
isUnderscoreName (UN Underscore) = True
isUnderscoreName (MN "_" _) = True
isUnderscoreName _ = False
isPatternVariable : UserName -> Bool
isPatternVariable (Basic nm) = lowerFirst nm
isPatternVariable (Field _) = False
isPatternVariable Underscore = True
isUserName : Name -> Bool
isUserName (PV _ _) = False
@ -85,7 +106,6 @@ isSourceName (UN _) = True
isSourceName (MN _ _) = False
isSourceName (PV n _) = isSourceName n
isSourceName (DN _ n) = isSourceName n
isSourceName (RF _) = True
isSourceName (Nested _ n) = isSourceName n
isSourceName (CaseBlock _ _) = False
isSourceName (WithBlock _ _) = False
@ -94,22 +114,32 @@ isSourceName (Resolved _) = False
isRF : Name -> Maybe (Namespace, String)
isRF (NS ns n) = map (mapFst (ns <.>)) (isRF n)
isRF (RF n) = Just (emptyNS, n)
isRF (UN (Field n)) = Just (emptyNS, n)
isRF _ = Nothing
isUN : Name -> Maybe String
isUN (UN str) = Just str
isUN : Name -> Maybe UserName
isUN (UN un) = Just un
isUN _ = Nothing
isBasic : UserName -> Maybe String
isBasic (Basic str) = Just str
isBasic _ = Nothing
displayUserName : UserName -> String
displayUserName (Basic n) = n
displayUserName (Field n) = n
displayUserName Underscore = "_"
nameRoot : Name -> String
nameRoot (NS _ n) = nameRoot n
nameRoot (UN n) = n
nameRoot (UN n) = displayUserName n
nameRoot (MN n _) = n
nameRoot (PV n _) = nameRoot n
nameRoot (DN _ n) = nameRoot n
nameRoot (RF n) = n
nameRoot (Nested _ inner) = nameRoot inner
nameRoot (CaseBlock n _) = "$" ++ show n
nameRoot (WithBlock n _) = "$" ++ show n
@ -118,11 +148,10 @@ nameRoot (Resolved i) = "$" ++ show i
displayName : Name -> (Maybe Namespace, String)
displayName (NS ns n) = mapFst (pure . maybe ns (ns <.>)) $ displayName n
displayName (UN n) = (Nothing, n)
displayName (UN n) = (Nothing, displayUserName n)
displayName (MN n _) = (Nothing, n)
displayName (PV n _) = displayName n
displayName (DN n _) = (Nothing, n)
displayName (RF n) = (Nothing, n)
displayName (Nested _ n) = displayName n
displayName (CaseBlock outer _) = (Nothing, "case block in " ++ show outer)
displayName (WithBlock outer _) = (Nothing, "with block in " ++ show outer)
@ -153,58 +182,82 @@ mbApplyNS (Just ns) n = NS ns n
isUnsafeBuiltin : Name -> Bool
isUnsafeBuiltin nm = case splitNS nm of
(ns, UN str) => (ns == builtinNS || ns == emptyNS)
&& any {t = List} id
[ "assert_" `isPrefixOf` str
, str `elem` [ "prim__believe_me", "believe_me"
, "prim__crash", "idris_crash"
(ns, UN (Basic str)) =>
(ns == builtinNS || ns == emptyNS)
&& any {t = List} id
[ "assert_" `isPrefixOf` str
, str `elem` [ "prim__believe_me", "believe_me"
, "prim__crash", "idris_crash"
_ => False
Show UserName where
show (Basic n) = n
show (Field n) = "." ++ n
show Underscore = "_"
Show Name where
show (NS ns n@(RF _)) = show ns ++ ".(" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (NS ns n@(UN (Field _))) = show ns ++ ".(" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (NS ns n) = show ns ++ "." ++ show n
show (UN x) = x
show (UN x) = show x
show (MN x y) = "{" ++ x ++ ":" ++ show y ++ "}"
show (PV n d) = "{P:" ++ show n ++ ":" ++ show d ++ "}"
show (DN str n) = str
show (RF n) = "." ++ n
show (Nested (outer, idx) inner)
= show outer ++ ":" ++ show idx ++ ":" ++ show inner
show (CaseBlock outer i) = "case block in " ++ outer
show (WithBlock outer i) = "with block in " ++ outer
show (Resolved x) = "$resolved" ++ show x
[RawUN] Show UserName where
show (Basic n) = "Basic " ++ n
show (Field n) = "Field " ++ n
show Underscore = "Underscore"
[Raw] Show Name where
show (NS ns n) = "NS " ++ show ns ++ " (" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (UN x) = "UN " ++ x
show (UN x) = "UN (" ++ show @{RawUN} x ++ ")"
show (MN x y) = "MN (" ++ show x ++ ") " ++ show y
show (PV n d) = "PV (" ++ show n ++ ") " ++ show d
show (DN str n) = "DN " ++ str ++ " (" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (RF n) = "RF " ++ n
show (Nested ij n) = "Nested " ++ show ij ++ " (" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (CaseBlock str i) = "CaseBlock " ++ str ++ " " ++ show i
show (WithBlock str i) = "CaseBlock " ++ str ++ " " ++ show i
show (Resolved i) = "Resolved " ++ show i
Pretty UserName where
pretty (Basic n) = pretty n
pretty (Field n) = "." <+> pretty n
pretty Underscore = "_"
Pretty Name where
pretty (NS ns n@(RF _)) = pretty ns <+> dot <+> parens (pretty n)
pretty (NS ns n@(UN (Field _))) = pretty ns <+> dot <+> parens (pretty n)
pretty (NS ns n) = pretty ns <+> dot <+> pretty n
pretty (UN x) = pretty x
pretty (MN x y) = braces (pretty x <+> colon <+> pretty y)
pretty (PV n d) = braces (pretty 'P' <+> colon <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> pretty d)
pretty (DN str _) = pretty str
pretty (RF n) = "." <+> pretty n
pretty (Nested (outer, idx) inner)
= pretty outer <+> colon <+> pretty idx <+> colon <+> pretty inner
pretty (CaseBlock outer _) = reflow "case block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (WithBlock outer _) = reflow "with block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (Resolved x) = pretty "$resolved" <+> pretty x
Eq UserName where
(==) (Basic x) (Basic y) = x == y
(==) (Field x) (Field y) = x == y
(==) Underscore Underscore = True
(==) _ _ = False
Eq Name where
(==) (NS ns n) (NS ns' n') = n == n' && ns == ns'
@ -212,20 +265,30 @@ Eq Name where
(==) (MN x y) (MN x' y') = y == y' && x == x'
(==) (PV x y) (PV x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
(==) (DN _ n) (DN _ n') = n == n'
(==) (RF n) (RF n') = n == n'
(==) (Nested x y) (Nested x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
(==) (CaseBlock x y) (CaseBlock x' y') = y == y' && x == x'
(==) (WithBlock x y) (WithBlock x' y') = y == y' && x == x'
(==) (Resolved x) (Resolved x') = x == x'
(==) _ _ = False
usernameTag : UserName -> Int
usernameTag (Basic _) = 0
usernameTag (Field _) = 2
usernameTag Underscore = 3
Ord UserName where
compare (Basic x) (Basic y) = compare x y
compare (Field x) (Field y) = compare x y
compare Underscore Underscore = EQ
compare x y = compare (usernameTag x) (usernameTag y)
nameTag : Name -> Int
nameTag (NS _ _) = 0
nameTag (UN _) = 1
nameTag (MN _ _) = 2
nameTag (PV _ _) = 3
nameTag (DN _ _) = 4
nameTag (RF _) = 5
nameTag (Nested _ _) = 6
nameTag (CaseBlock _ _) = 7
nameTag (WithBlock _ _) = 8
@ -252,7 +315,6 @@ Ord Name where
GT => GT
LT => LT
compare (DN _ n) (DN _ n') = compare n n'
compare (RF n) (RF n') = compare n n'
compare (Nested x y) (Nested x' y')
= case compare y y' of
EQ => compare x x'
@ -273,6 +335,18 @@ Ord Name where
compare x y = compare (nameTag x) (nameTag y)
userNameEq : (x, y : UserName) -> Maybe (x = y)
userNameEq (Basic x) (Basic y) with (decEq x y)
userNameEq (Basic x) (Basic y) | Yes prf = Just (cong Basic prf)
userNameEq (Basic x) (Basic y) | No nprf = Nothing
userNameEq (Field x) (Field y) with (decEq x y)
userNameEq (Field x) (Field y) | Yes prf = Just (cong Field prf)
userNameEq (Field x) (Field y) | No nprf = Nothing
userNameEq Underscore Underscore = Just Refl
userNameEq _ _ = Nothing
nameEq : (x : Name) -> (y : Name) -> Maybe (x = y)
nameEq (NS xs x) (NS ys y) with (decEq xs ys)
@ -280,9 +354,7 @@ nameEq (NS xs x) (NS ys y) with (decEq xs ys)
nameEq (NS ys x) (NS ys y) | (Yes Refl) | Nothing = Nothing
nameEq (NS ys y) (NS ys y) | (Yes Refl) | (Just Refl) = Just Refl
nameEq (NS xs x) (NS ys y) | (No contra) = Nothing
nameEq (UN x) (UN y) with (decEq x y)
nameEq (UN y) (UN y) | (Yes Refl) = Just Refl
nameEq (UN x) (UN y) | (No contra) = Nothing
nameEq (UN x) (UN y) = map (cong UN) (userNameEq x y)
nameEq (MN x t) (MN x' t') with (decEq x x')
nameEq (MN x t) (MN x t') | (Yes Refl) with (decEq t t')
nameEq (MN x t) (MN x t) | (Yes Refl) | (Yes Refl) = Just Refl
@ -298,9 +370,6 @@ nameEq (DN x t) (DN y t') with (decEq x y)
nameEq (DN y t) (DN y t) | (Yes Refl) | (Just Refl) = Just Refl
nameEq (DN y t) (DN y t') | (Yes Refl) | Nothing = Nothing
nameEq (DN x t) (DN y t') | (No p) = Nothing
nameEq (RF x) (RF y) with (decEq x y)
nameEq (RF y) (RF y) | (Yes Refl) = Just Refl
nameEq (RF x) (RF y) | (No contra) = Nothing
nameEq (Nested x y) (Nested x' y') with (decEq x x')
nameEq (Nested x y) (Nested x' y') | (No p) = Nothing
nameEq (Nested x y) (Nested x y') | (Yes Refl) with (nameEq y y')

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@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
= do tm' <- eval env locs tm []
case tm' of
NDelay fc r _ arg =>
eval env (arg :: locs) (Local {name = UN "fvar"} fc Nothing _ First) stk
eval env (arg :: locs) (Local {name = UN (Basic "fvar")} fc Nothing _ First) stk
_ => pure (NForce fc r tm' stk)
eval env locs (PrimVal fc c) stk = pure $ NPrimVal fc c
eval env locs (Erased fc i) stk = pure $ NErased fc i
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
= do tm' <- applyToStack env cont tm []
case tm' of
NDelay fc r _ arg =>
eval env [arg] (Local {name = UN "fvar"} fc Nothing _ First) stk
eval env [arg] (Local {name = UN (Basic "fvar")} fc Nothing _ First) stk
_ => pure (NForce fc r tm' (args ++ stk))
applyToStack env cont nf@(NPrimVal fc _) _ = pure nf
applyToStack env cont nf@(NErased fc _) _ = pure nf
@ -340,16 +340,16 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
-- Primitive type matching, in typecase
tryAlt env loc opts fc stk (NPrimVal _ c) (ConCase nm tag args sc)
= case args of -- can't just test for it in the `if` for typing reasons
[] => if UN (show c) == nm
[] => if UN (Basic $ show c) == nm
then evalTree env loc opts fc stk sc
else pure NoMatch
_ => pure NoMatch
-- Type of type matching, in typecase
tryAlt env loc opts fc stk (NType _) (ConCase (UN "Type") tag [] sc)
tryAlt env loc opts fc stk (NType _) (ConCase (UN (Basic "Type")) tag [] sc)
= evalTree env loc opts fc stk sc
-- Arrow matching, in typecase
tryAlt {more}
env loc opts fc stk (NBind pfc x (Pi fc' r e aty) scty) (ConCase (UN "->") tag [s,t] sc)
env loc opts fc stk (NBind pfc x (Pi fc' r e aty) scty) (ConCase (UN (Basic "->")) tag [s,t] sc)
= evalConAlt {more} env loc opts fc stk [s,t]
MkNFClosure opts env (NBind pfc x (Lam fc' r e aty) scty)]

View File

@ -603,17 +603,21 @@ cmpTy t = constTy t t IntType
doubleTy : ClosedTerm
doubleTy = predTy DoubleType DoubleType
pi : (x : String) -> RigCount -> PiInfo (Term xs) -> Term xs ->
Term (UN (Basic x) :: xs) -> Term xs
pi x rig plic ty sc = Bind emptyFC (UN (Basic x)) (Pi emptyFC rig plic ty) sc
believeMeTy : ClosedTerm
= Bind emptyFC (UN "a") (Pi emptyFC erased Explicit (TType emptyFC)) $
Bind emptyFC (UN "b") (Pi emptyFC erased Explicit (TType emptyFC)) $
Bind emptyFC (UN "x") (Pi emptyFC top Explicit (Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First))) $
= pi "a" erased Explicit (TType emptyFC) $
pi "b" erased Explicit (TType emptyFC) $
pi "x" top Explicit (Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First)) $
Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First)
crashTy : ClosedTerm
= Bind emptyFC (UN "a") (Pi emptyFC erased Explicit (TType emptyFC)) $
Bind emptyFC (UN "msg") (Pi emptyFC top Explicit (PrimVal emptyFC StringType)) $
= pi "a" erased Explicit (TType emptyFC) $
pi "msg" top Explicit (PrimVal emptyFC StringType) $
Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First)
castTo : Constant -> Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
@ -682,7 +686,7 @@ getOp BelieveMe = believeMe
getOp _ = const Nothing
prim : String -> Name
prim str = UN $ "prim__" ++ str
prim str = UN $ Basic $ "prim__" ++ str
opName : {0 arity : Nat} -> PrimFn arity -> Name

View File

@ -41,31 +41,31 @@ appCon fc defs n args
preludetypes : String -> Name
preludetypes n = NS typesNS (UN n)
preludetypes n = NS typesNS (UN $ Basic n)
basics : String -> Name
basics n = NS basicsNS (UN n)
basics n = NS basicsNS (UN $ Basic n)
builtin : String -> Name
builtin n = NS builtinNS (UN n)
builtin n = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic n)
primio : String -> Name
primio n = NS primIONS (UN n)
primio n = NS primIONS (UN $ Basic n)
reflection : String -> Name
reflection n = NS reflectionNS (UN n)
reflection n = NS reflectionNS (UN $ Basic n)
reflectiontt : String -> Name
reflectiontt n = NS reflectionTTNS (UN n)
reflectiontt n = NS reflectionTTNS (UN $ Basic n)
reflectionttimp : String -> Name
reflectionttimp n = NS reflectionTTImpNS (UN n)
reflectionttimp n = NS reflectionTTImpNS (UN $ Basic n)
cantReify : NF vars -> String -> Core a
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ Reflect Double where
Reify Bool where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN "True") => pure True
NS _ (UN "False") => pure False
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "True") => pure True
UN (Basic "False") => pure False
_ => cantReify val "Bool"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Bool"
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ Reflect Bool where
Reify Nat where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Z"), _) => pure Z
(NS _ (UN "S"), [(_, k)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Z"), _) => pure Z
(UN (Basic "S"), [(_, k)])
=> do k' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs k)
pure (S k')
_ => cantReify val "Nat"
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ Reflect Nat where
Reify a => Reify (List a) where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Nil"), _) => pure []
(NS _ (UN "::"), [_, (_, x), (_, xs)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Nil"), _) => pure []
(UN (Basic "::"), [_, (_, x), (_, xs)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
xs' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs xs)
pure (x' :: xs')
@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ Reflect a => Reflect (List a) where
Reify a => Reify (List1 a) where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ [_, (_, x), (_, xs)])
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN ":::")
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic ":::")
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
xs' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs xs)
pure (x' ::: xs')
@ -198,14 +198,15 @@ Reflect a => Reflect (List1 a) where
reflect fc defs lhs env xxs
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env (head xxs)
xs' <- reflect fc defs lhs env (tail xxs)
appCon fc defs (NS (mkNamespace "Data.List1") (UN ":::")) [Erased fc False, x', xs']
appCon fc defs (NS (mkNamespace "Data.List1")
(UN $ Basic ":::")) [Erased fc False, x', xs']
Reify a => Reify (Maybe a) where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Nothing"), _) => pure Nothing
(NS _ (UN "Just"), [_, (_, x)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Nothing"), _) => pure Nothing
(UN (Basic "Just"), [_, (_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Just x')
_ => cantReify val "Maybe"
@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ Reflect a => Reflect (Maybe a) where
(Reify a, Reify b) => Reify (a, b) where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ [_, _, (_, x), (_, y)])
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n)) of
NS _ (UN "MkPair")
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "MkPair")
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
pure (x', y')
@ -239,8 +240,8 @@ export
Reify Namespace where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ [(_, ns)])
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n)) of
NS _ (UN "MkNS")
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "MkNS")
=> do ns' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ns)
pure (unsafeFoldNamespace ns')
_ => cantReify val "Namespace"
@ -255,8 +256,8 @@ Reflect Namespace where
Reify ModuleIdent where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ [(_, ns)])
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n)) of
NS _ (UN "MkMI")
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "MkMI")
=> do ns' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ns)
pure (unsafeFoldModuleIdent ns')
_ => cantReify val "ModuleIdent"
@ -268,37 +269,62 @@ Reflect ModuleIdent where
= do ns' <- reflect fc defs lhs env (unsafeUnfoldModuleIdent ns)
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MkMI") [ns']
Reify UserName where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Basic"), [(_, str)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
pure (Basic str')
(UN (Basic "Field"), [(_, str)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
pure (Field str')
(UN (Basic "Underscore"), [])
=> pure Underscore
(NS _ (UN _), _)
=> cantReify val "Name, reifying it is unimplemented or intentionally internal"
_ => cantReify val "Name, the name was not found in context"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Name, value is not an NDCon interally"
Reflect UserName where
reflect fc defs lhs env (Basic x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env x
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Basic") [x']
reflect fc defs lhs env (Field x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env x
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Field") [x']
reflect fc defs lhs env Underscore
= do appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Underscore") []
Reify Name where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "UN"), [(_, str)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "UN"), [(_, str)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
pure (UN str')
(NS _ (UN "MN"), [(_, str), (_, i)])
(UN (Basic "MN"), [(_, str), (_, i)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
i' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs i)
pure (MN str' i')
(NS _ (UN "NS"), [(_, ns), (_, n)])
(UN (Basic "NS"), [(_, ns), (_, n)])
=> do ns' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ns)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (NS ns' n')
(NS _ (UN "DN"), [(_, str), (_, n)])
(UN (Basic "DN"), [(_, str), (_, n)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (DN str' n')
(NS _ (UN "RF"), [(_, str)])
=> do str' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs str)
pure (RF str')
(NS _ (UN "Nested"), [(_, ix), (_, n)])
(UN (Basic "Nested"), [(_, ix), (_, n)])
=> do ix' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ix)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (Nested ix' n')
(NS _ (UN "CaseBlock"), [(_, outer), (_, i)])
(UN (Basic "CaseBlock"), [(_, outer), (_, i)])
=> do outer' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs outer)
i' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs i)
pure (CaseBlock outer' i')
(NS _ (UN "WithBlock"), [(_, outer), (_, i)])
(UN (Basic "WithBlock"), [(_, outer), (_, i)])
=> do outer' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs outer)
i' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs i)
pure (WithBlock outer' i')
@ -324,9 +350,6 @@ Reflect Name where
= do str' <- reflect fc defs lhs env str
n' <- reflect fc defs lhs env n
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DN") [str', n']
reflect fc defs lhs env (RF x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs lhs env x
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "RF") [x']
reflect fc defs lhs env (Nested ix n)
= do ix' <- reflect fc defs lhs env ix
n' <- reflect fc defs lhs env n
@ -350,14 +373,14 @@ Reflect Name where
Reify NameType where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Bound"), _) => pure Bound
(NS _ (UN "Func"), _) => pure Func
(NS _ (UN "DataCon"), [(_, t), (_, i)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Bound"), _) => pure Bound
(UN (Basic "Func"), _) => pure Func
(UN (Basic "DataCon"), [(_, t), (_, i)])
=> do t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
i' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs i)
pure (DataCon t' i')
(NS _ (UN "TyCon"), [(_, t),(_, i)])
(UN (Basic "TyCon"), [(_, t),(_, i)])
=> do t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
i' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs i)
pure (TyCon t' i')
@ -380,75 +403,75 @@ Reflect NameType where
Reify Constant where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "I"), [(_, x)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "I"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (I x')
(NS _ (UN "I8"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "I8"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (I8 x')
(NS _ (UN "I16"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "I16"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (I16 x')
(NS _ (UN "I32"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "I32"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (I32 x')
(NS _ (UN "I64"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "I64"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (I64 x')
(NS _ (UN "BI"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "BI"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (BI x')
(NS _ (UN "B8"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "B8"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (B8 x')
(NS _ (UN "B16"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "B16"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (B16 x')
(NS _ (UN "B32"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "B32"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (B32 x')
(NS _ (UN "B64"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "B64"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (B64 x')
(NS _ (UN "Str"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "Str"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Str x')
(NS _ (UN "Ch"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "Ch"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Ch x')
(NS _ (UN "Db"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "Db"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Db x')
(NS _ (UN "WorldVal"), [])
(UN (Basic "WorldVal"), [])
=> pure WorldVal
(NS _ (UN "IntType"), [])
(UN (Basic "IntType"), [])
=> pure IntType
(NS _ (UN "Int8Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Int8Type"), [])
=> pure Int8Type
(NS _ (UN "Int16Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Int16Type"), [])
=> pure Int16Type
(NS _ (UN "Int32Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Int32Type"), [])
=> pure Int32Type
(NS _ (UN "Int64Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Int64Type"), [])
=> pure Int64Type
(NS _ (UN "IntegerType"), [])
(UN (Basic "IntegerType"), [])
=> pure IntegerType
(NS _ (UN "Bits8Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Bits8Type"), [])
=> pure Bits8Type
(NS _ (UN "Bits16Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Bits16Type"), [])
=> pure Bits16Type
(NS _ (UN "Bits32Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Bits32Type"), [])
=> pure Bits32Type
(NS _ (UN "Bits64Type"), [])
(UN (Basic "Bits64Type"), [])
=> pure Bits64Type
(NS _ (UN "StringType"), [])
(UN (Basic "StringType"), [])
=> pure StringType
(NS _ (UN "CharType"), [])
(UN (Basic "CharType"), [])
=> pure CharType
(NS _ (UN "DoubleType"), [])
(UN (Basic "DoubleType"), [])
=> pure DoubleType
(NS _ (UN "WorldType"), [])
(UN (Basic "WorldType"), [])
=> pure WorldType
_ => cantReify val "Constant"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Constant"
@ -528,10 +551,10 @@ Reflect Constant where
Reify Visibility where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN "Private") => pure Private
NS _ (UN "Export") => pure Export
NS _ (UN "Public") => pure Public
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "Private") => pure Private
UN (Basic "Export") => pure Export
UN (Basic "Public") => pure Public
_ => cantReify val "Visibility"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Visibility"
@ -544,10 +567,10 @@ Reflect Visibility where
Reify TotalReq where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN "Total") => pure Total
NS _ (UN "CoveringOnly") => pure CoveringOnly
NS _ (UN "PartialOK") => pure PartialOK
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "Total") => pure Total
UN (Basic "CoveringOnly") => pure CoveringOnly
UN (Basic "PartialOK") => pure PartialOK
_ => cantReify val "TotalReq"
reify defs val = cantReify val "TotalReq"
@ -560,10 +583,10 @@ Reflect TotalReq where
Reify RigCount where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN "M0") => pure erased
NS _ (UN "M1") => pure linear
NS _ (UN "MW") => pure top
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "M0") => pure erased
UN (Basic "M1") => pure linear
UN (Basic "MW") => pure top
_ => cantReify val "Count"
reify defs val = cantReify val "Count"
@ -578,11 +601,11 @@ Reflect RigCount where
Reify t => Reify (PiInfo t) where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "ImplicitArg"), _) => pure Implicit
(NS _ (UN "ExplicitArg"), _) => pure Explicit
(NS _ (UN "AutoImplicit"), _) => pure AutoImplicit
(NS _ (UN "DefImplicit"), [_, (_, t)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "ImplicitArg"), _) => pure Implicit
(UN (Basic "ExplicitArg"), _) => pure Explicit
(UN (Basic "AutoImplicit"), _) => pure AutoImplicit
(UN (Basic "DefImplicit"), [_, (_, t)])
=> do t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (DefImplicit t')
_ => cantReify val "PiInfo"
@ -603,10 +626,10 @@ Reflect t => Reflect (PiInfo t) where
Reify LazyReason where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ _)
= case !(full (gamma defs) n) of
NS _ (UN "LInf") => pure LInf
NS _ (UN "LLazy") => pure LLazy
NS _ (UN "LUnknown") => pure LUnknown
= case dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n) of
UN (Basic "LInf") => pure LInf
UN (Basic "LLazy") => pure LLazy
UN (Basic "LUnknown") => pure LUnknown
_ => cantReify val "LazyReason"
reify defs val = cantReify val "LazyReason"
@ -619,8 +642,8 @@ Reflect LazyReason where
Reify VirtualIdent where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Interactive"), [])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Interactive"), [])
=> pure Interactive
_ => cantReify val "VirtualIdent"
reify defs val = cantReify val "VirtualIdent"
@ -637,12 +660,12 @@ Reflect BuiltinType where
Reify BuiltinType where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "BuiltinNatural"), [])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "BuiltinNatural"), [])
=> pure BuiltinNatural
(NS _ (UN "NaturalToInteger"), [])
(UN (Basic "NaturalToInteger"), [])
=> pure NaturalToInteger
(NS _ (UN "IntegerToNatural"), [])
(UN (Basic "IntegerToNatural"), [])
=> pure IntegerToNatural
_ => cantReify val "BuiltinType"
reify defs val = cantReify val "BuiltinType"
@ -655,14 +678,14 @@ Reflect VirtualIdent where
Reify OriginDesc where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "PhysicalIdrSrc"), [(_, ident)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "PhysicalIdrSrc"), [(_, ident)])
=> do ident' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ident)
pure (PhysicalIdrSrc ident')
(NS _ (UN "PhysicalPkgSrc"), [(_, fname)])
(UN (Basic "PhysicalPkgSrc"), [(_, fname)])
=> do fname' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fname)
pure (PhysicalPkgSrc fname')
(NS _ (UN "Virtual"), [(_, ident)])
(UN (Basic "Virtual"), [(_, ident)])
=> do ident' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ident)
pure (Virtual ident')
_ => cantReify val "OriginDesc"
@ -683,13 +706,13 @@ Reflect OriginDesc where
Reify FC where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "MkFC"), [(_, fn), (_, start), (_, end)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "MkFC"), [(_, fn), (_, start), (_, end)])
=> do fn' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fn)
start' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs start)
end' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs end)
pure (MkFC fn' start' end')
(NS _ (UN "EmptyFC"), _) => pure EmptyFC
(UN (Basic "EmptyFC"), _) => pure EmptyFC
_ => cantReify val "FC"
reify defs val = cantReify val "FC"

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ data Constant
isConstantType : Name -> Maybe Constant
isConstantType (UN n) = case n of
isConstantType (UN (Basic n)) = case n of
"Int" => Just IntType
"Int8" => Just Int8Type
"Int16" => Just Int16Type

View File

@ -73,17 +73,20 @@ TTC FC where
TTC Name where
-- for efficiency reasons we do not encode UserName separately
-- hence the nested pattern matches on UN (Basic/Hole/Field)
toBuf b (NS xs x) = do tag 0; toBuf b xs; toBuf b x
toBuf b (UN x) = do tag 1; toBuf b x
toBuf b (UN (Basic x)) = do tag 1; toBuf b x
toBuf b (MN x y) = do tag 2; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (PV x y) = do tag 3; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (DN x y) = do tag 4; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (RF x) = do tag 5; toBuf b x
toBuf b (UN (Field x)) = do tag 5; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Nested x y) = do tag 6; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (CaseBlock x y) = do tag 7; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (WithBlock x y) = do tag 8; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (Resolved x)
= throw (InternalError ("Can't write resolved name " ++ show x))
toBuf b (UN Underscore) = tag 9
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ TTC Name where
x <- fromBuf b
pure (NS xs x)
1 => do x <- fromBuf b
pure (UN x)
pure (UN $ Basic x)
2 => do x <- fromBuf b
y <- fromBuf b
pure (MN x y)
@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ TTC Name where
y <- fromBuf b
pure (DN x y)
5 => do x <- fromBuf b
pure (RF x)
pure (UN $ Field x)
6 => do x <- fromBuf b
y <- fromBuf b
pure (Nested x y)
@ -112,6 +115,7 @@ TTC Name where
8 => do x <- fromBuf b
y <- fromBuf b
pure (WithBlock x y)
9 => pure (UN Underscore)
_ => corrupt "Name"

View File

@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ mutual
| Nothing => undefinedName fc fn_in
let fn = fullname gdef
log "totality.termination.sizechange" 10 $ "Looking under " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
aSmaller <- resolved (gamma defs) (NS builtinNS (UN "assert_smaller"))
cond [(fn == NS builtinNS (UN "assert_total"), pure [])
aSmaller <- resolved (gamma defs) (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_smaller"))
cond [(fn == NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"), pure [])
,(caseFn fn,
do scs1 <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
mps <- getCasePats defs fn pats args

View File

@ -166,9 +166,8 @@ export
genMVName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Name -> Core Name
genMVName (UN str) = genName str
genMVName (UN str) = genName (displayUserName str)
genMVName (MN str _) = genName str
genMVName (RF str) = genName str
genMVName n
= do ust <- get UST
put UST (record { nextName $= (+1) } ust)

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ mutual
ntCon : FC -> Name -> Int -> Nat -> List (FC, Closure vars) -> NF vars
ntCon fc (UN "Type") tag Z [] = NType fc
ntCon fc (UN (Basic "Type")) tag Z [] = NType fc
ntCon fc n tag Z [] = case isConstantType n of
Just c => NPrimVal fc c
Nothing => NTCon fc n tag Z []

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import TTImp.Utils
import Libraries.Data.IMaybe
import Libraries.Utils.Shunting
import Libraries.Utils.String
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
@ -150,12 +149,12 @@ addNS _ n = n
bindFun : FC -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindFun fc ns ma f =
let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns $ UN ">>=")) ma) f
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns $ UN $ Basic ">>=")) ma) f
seqFun : FC -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
seqFun fc ns ma mb =
let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns (UN ">>"))) ma) mb
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns (UN $ Basic ">>"))) ma) mb
bindBangs : List (Name, FC, RawImp) -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindBangs [] ns tm = tm
@ -169,24 +168,24 @@ idiomise fc (IAlternative afc u alts)
= IAlternative afc (mapAltType (idiomise afc) u) (idiomise afc <$> alts)
idiomise fc (IApp afc f a)
= let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN "<*>"))
IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "<*>"))
(idiomise afc f))
idiomise fc fn
= let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
IApp fc (IVar fc (UN "pure")) fn
IApp fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "pure")) fn
pairname : Name
pairname = NS builtinNS (UN "Pair")
pairname = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "Pair")
mkpairname : Name
mkpairname = NS builtinNS (UN "MkPair")
mkpairname = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "MkPair")
dpairname : Name
dpairname = NS dpairNS (UN "DPair")
dpairname = NS dpairNS (UN $ Basic "DPair")
mkdpairname : Name
mkdpairname = NS dpairNS (UN "MkDPair")
mkdpairname = NS dpairNS (UN $ Basic "MkDPair")
data Bang : Type where
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ mutual
mn !(desugarB side ps argTy)
!(desugarB side ps' retTy)
desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p pat@(PRef prefFC n@(UN nm)) argTy scope)
= if lowerFirst nm || nm == "_"
= if isPatternVariable nm
then do whenJust (isConcreteFC prefFC) $ \nfc
=> addSemanticDecorations [(nfc, Bound, Just n)]
pure $ ILam fc rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
@ -270,8 +269,8 @@ mutual
= do l' <- desugarB side ps l
r' <- desugarB side ps r
pure $ IAlternative fc FirstSuccess
[apply (IVar fc (UN "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN "~=~")) [l', r']]
[apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "~=~")) [l', r']]
desugarB side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugarB side ps e
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc opFC op l r)
@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ mutual
desugarB side ps (PHole fc br holename)
= do when br $
do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { bracketholes $= ((UN holename) ::) } syn)
put Syn (record { bracketholes $= ((UN (Basic holename)) ::) } syn)
pure $ IHole fc holename
desugarB side ps (PType fc) = pure $ IType fc
desugarB side ps (PAs fc nameFC vname pattern)
@ -405,37 +404,37 @@ mutual
desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC l ty r)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid dependent pair type")
desugarB side ps (PUnit fc)
= pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")))
[IVar fc (UN "Unit"),
IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")]
= pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "MkUnit")))
[IVar fc (UN $ Basic "Unit"),
IVar fc (UN $ Basic "MkUnit")]
desugarB side ps (PIfThenElse fc x t e)
= let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
pure $ ICase fc !(desugarB side ps x) (IVar fc (UN "Bool"))
[PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN "True")) !(desugar side ps t),
PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN "False")) !(desugar side ps e)]
pure $ ICase fc !(desugarB side ps x) (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "Bool"))
[PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "True")) !(desugar side ps t),
PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "False")) !(desugar side ps e)]
desugarB side ps (PComprehension fc ret conds) = do
let ns = mbNamespace !(get Bang)
desugarB side ps (PDoBlock fc ns (map (guard ns) conds ++ [toPure ns ret]))
guard : Maybe Namespace -> PDo -> PDo
guard ns (DoExp fc tm)
= DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN "guard")) tm)
= DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN $ Basic "guard")) tm)
guard ns d = d
toPure : Maybe Namespace -> PTerm -> PDo
toPure ns tm = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN "pure")) tm)
toPure ns tm = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN $ Basic "pure")) tm)
desugarB side ps (PRewrite fc rule tm)
= pure $ IRewrite fc !(desugarB side ps rule) !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PRange fc start next end)
= let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
desugarB side ps $ case next of
Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromTo")) [start,end]
Just n => papply fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThenTo")) [start, n, end]
Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromTo")) [start,end]
Just n => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromThenTo")) [start, n, end]
desugarB side ps (PRangeStream fc start next)
= let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
desugarB side ps $ case next of
Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFrom")) [start]
Just n => papply fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThen")) [start, n]
Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFrom")) [start]
Just n => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromThen")) [start, n]
desugarB side ps (PUnifyLog fc lvl tm)
= pure $ IUnifyLog fc lvl !(desugarB side ps tm)
desugarB side ps (PPostfixApp fc rec projs)
@ -468,9 +467,9 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
Side -> List Name ->
(nilFC : FC) -> List (FC, PTerm) -> Core RawImp
expandList side ps nilFC [] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN "Nil"))
expandList side ps nilFC [] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN $ Basic "Nil"))
expandList side ps nilFC ((consFC, x) :: xs)
= pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN "::"))
= pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN $ Basic "::"))
[!(desugarB side ps x), !(expandList side ps nilFC xs)]
@ -480,9 +479,9 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
Side -> List Name -> (nilFC : FC) -> List (FC, PTerm) -> Core RawImp
expandSnocList side ps nilFC [] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN "Lin"))
expandSnocList side ps nilFC [] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN $ Basic "Lin"))
expandSnocList side ps nilFC ((consFC, x) :: xs)
= pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN ":<"))
= pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN $ Basic ":<"))
[!(expandSnocList side ps nilFC xs) , !(desugarB side ps x)]
addFromString : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -526,7 +525,7 @@ mutual
concatStr a b =
let aFC = virtualiseFC (getFC a)
bFC = virtualiseFC (getFC b)
in IApp aFC (IApp bFC (IVar bFC (UN "++")) a) b
in IApp aFC (IApp bFC (IVar bFC (UN $ Basic "++")) a) b
trimMultiline : FC -> Nat -> List (List PStr) -> Core (List PStr)
trimMultiline fc indent lines
@ -647,13 +646,13 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
Side -> List Name -> Tree OpStr PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc eqFC (UN "=") l r) -- special case since '=' is special syntax
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc eqFC (UN $ Basic "=") l r) -- special case since '=' is special syntax
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
r' <- desugarTree side ps r
pure (IAlternative loc FirstSuccess
[apply (IVar eqFC (UN "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar eqFC (UN "~=~")) [l', r']])
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc _ (UN "$") l r) -- special case since '$' is special syntax
[apply (IVar eqFC (UN $ Basic "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar eqFC (UN $ Basic "~=~")) [l', r']])
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc _ (UN $ Basic "$") l r) -- special case since '$' is special syntax
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
r' <- desugarTree side ps r
pure (IApp loc l' r')
@ -668,7 +667,7 @@ mutual
-- Note: In case of negated signed integer literals, we apply the
-- negation directly. Otherwise, the literal might be
-- truncated to 0 before being passed on to `negate`.
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN "-") $ Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") $ Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
= let newFC = fromMaybe EmptyFC (mergeFC loc fc)
continue = desugarTree side ps . Leaf . PPrimVal newFC
in case c of
@ -682,11 +681,11 @@ mutual
-- not a signed integer literal. proceed by desugaring
-- and applying to `negate`.
_ => do arg' <- desugarTree side ps (Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN "negate")) arg')
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN "-") arg)
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") arg)
= do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN "negate")) arg')
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC op arg)
= do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
@ -801,7 +800,7 @@ mutual
ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps ty)))
toRF : Name -> Name
toRF (UN n) = RF n
toRF (UN (Basic n)) = UN (Field n)
toRF n = n
@ -995,17 +994,19 @@ mutual
fname (MkField _ _ _ _ n _) = n
mkConName : Name -> Name
mkConName (NS ns (UN n)) = NS ns (DN n (MN ("__mk" ++ n) 0))
mkConName (NS ns (UN n))
= let str = displayUserName n in
NS ns (DN str (MN ("__mk" ++ str) 0))
mkConName n = DN (show n) (MN ("__mk" ++ show n) 0)
mapDesugarPiInfo : List Name -> PiInfo PTerm -> Core (PiInfo RawImp)
mapDesugarPiInfo ps = traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps)
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc Prefix prec (UN n))
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc Prefix prec (UN (Basic n)))
= do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { prefixes $= insert n prec } syn)
pure []
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc fix prec (UN n))
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc fix prec (UN (Basic n)))
= do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { infixes $= insert n (fix, prec) } syn)
pure []
@ -1022,7 +1023,7 @@ mutual
desugarDecl ps (PTransform fc n lhs rhs)
= do (bound, blhs) <- bindNames False !(desugar LHS ps lhs)
rhs' <- desugar AnyExpr (bound ++ ps) rhs
pure [ITransform fc (UN n) blhs rhs']
pure [ITransform fc (UN $ Basic n) blhs rhs']
desugarDecl ps (PRunElabDecl fc tm)
= do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
pure [IRunElabDecl fc tm']

View File

@ -120,8 +120,10 @@ prettyTerm = reAnnotate Syntax . Idris.Pretty.prettyTerm
prettyName : Name -> Doc IdrisDocAnn
prettyName n =
let root = nameRoot n in
if isOpName n then parens (pretty root) else pretty root
case userNameRoot n of
-- shouldn't happen: we only show UN anyways...
Nothing => pretty (nameRoot n)
Just un => if isOpUserName un then parens (pretty un) else pretty un
prettyKindedName : Maybe String -> Doc IdrisDocAnn -> Doc IdrisDocAnn
prettyKindedName Nothing nm = nm
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ getDocsForName fc n config
= do syn <- get Syn
defs <- get Ctxt
let extra = case nameRoot n of
"-" => [NS numNS (UN "negate")]
"-" => [NS numNS (UN $ Basic "negate")]
_ => []
resolved <- lookupCtxtName n (gamma defs)
let all@(_ :: _) = extra ++ map fst resolved
@ -237,7 +239,9 @@ getDocsForName fc n config
getInfixDoc : Name -> Core (List (Doc IdrisDocAnn))
getInfixDoc n
= do let Just (fixity, assoc) = S.lookupName n (infixes !(get Syn))
= do let Just (Basic n) = userNameRoot n
| _ => pure []
let Just (fixity, assoc) = S.lookup n (infixes !(get Syn))
| Nothing => pure []
pure $ pure $ hsep
[ pretty (show fixity)
@ -248,7 +252,9 @@ getDocsForName fc n config
getPrefixDoc : Name -> Core (List (Doc IdrisDocAnn))
getPrefixDoc n
= do let Just assoc = S.lookupName n (prefixes !(get Syn))
= do let Just (Basic n) = userNameRoot n
| _ => pure []
let Just assoc = S.lookup n (prefixes !(get Syn))
| Nothing => pure []
pure $ ["prefix operator, level" <++> pretty (show assoc)]

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export
mkImplName : FC -> Name -> List RawImp -> Name
mkImplName fc n ps
= DN (show n ++ " implementation at " ++ replaceSep (show fc))
(UN ("__Impl_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++
(UN $ Basic ("__Impl_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++
showSep "_" (map show ps)))
bindConstraints : FC -> PiInfo RawImp ->
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ addDefaults fc impName params allms defs body
extendBody [] missing body
specialiseMeth : Name -> (Name, RawImp)
specialiseMeth n = (n, INamedApp fc (IVar fc n) (UN "__con") (IVar fc impName))
specialiseMeth n = (n, INamedApp fc (IVar fc n) (UN $ Basic "__con") (IVar fc impName))
-- Given the list of missing names, if any are among the default definitions,
-- add them to the body
extendBody : List Name -> List Name -> List ImpDecl ->
@ -342,19 +342,19 @@ elabImplementation {vars} ifc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps named i
mkLam argns
(applyTo (IVar EmptyFC n) argns)
(map (\n => (n, IVar vfc (UN (show n)))) imps))
(map (\n => (n, IVar vfc (UN (Basic $ show n)))) imps))
applyUpdate : (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp) ->
(Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp)
applyUpdate (UN n, c, p)
= maybe (UN n, c, p) (\n' => (UN n', c, p)) (lookup n upds)
applyUpdate (UN (Basic n), c, p)
= maybe (UN (Basic n), c, p) (\n' => (UN (Basic n'), c, p)) (lookup n upds)
applyUpdate t = t
methName : Name -> Name
methName (NS _ n) = methName n
methName n
= DN (show n)
(UN (show n ++ "_" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++
(UN $ Basic (show n ++ "_" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++
(if named then show impName_in else "") ++
showSep "_" (map show ps)))
@ -450,9 +450,8 @@ elabImplementation {vars} ifc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps named i
-- top level method name to current implementation's method name
methNameUpdate : (Name, Name, t) -> (Name, Name)
methNameUpdate (UN mn, fn, _) = (UN mn, fn)
methNameUpdate (RF mn, fn, _) = (RF mn, fn)
methNameUpdate (NS _ mn, fn, p) = methNameUpdate (mn, fn, p)
methNameUpdate (mn, fn, p) = (UN (nameRoot mn), fn) -- probably impossible
methNameUpdate (mn, fn, p) = (UN (Basic $ nameRoot mn), fn) -- probably impossible
findMethName : List (Name, Name) -> FC -> Name -> Core Name
@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} ifc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps named i
"Adding transform for " ++ show meth.name ++ " : " ++ show meth.type ++
"\n\tfor " ++ show iname ++ " in " ++ show ns
let lhs = INamedApp vfc (IVar vfc meth.name)
(UN "__con")
(UN $ Basic "__con")
(IVar vfc iname)
let Just mname = lookup (dropNS meth.name) ns
| Nothing => pure ()
@ -518,7 +517,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} ifc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps named i
log "elab.implementation" 5 $ show lhs ++ " ==> " ++ show rhs
(processDecl [] nest env
(ITransform vfc (UN (show meth.name ++ " " ++ show iname)) lhs rhs))
(ITransform vfc (UN $ Basic (show meth.name ++ " " ++ show iname)) lhs rhs))
(\err =>
log "elab.implementation" 5 $ "Can't add transform " ++
show lhs ++ " ==> " ++ show rhs ++

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ getMethDecl {vars} env nest params mnames (c, nm, ty)
-- bind the auto implicit for the interface - put it first, as it may be needed
-- in other method variables, including implicit variables
bindIFace : FC -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindIFace fc ity sc = IPi fc top AutoImplicit (Just (UN "__con")) ity sc
bindIFace fc ity sc = IPi fc top AutoImplicit (Just (UN $ Basic "__con")) ity sc
-- Get the top level function for implementing a method
getMethToplevel : {vars : _} ->
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params sig
let argns = getExplicitArgs 0 sig.type
-- eta expand the RHS so that we put implicits in the right place
let fnclause = PatClause vfc (INamedApp vfc (IVar sig.location cn)
(UN "__con")
(UN $ Basic "__con")
(mkLam argns
(apply (IVar EmptyFC (methName sig.name))
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params sig
= IPi (getFC pty) rig Implicit (Just n) pty (bindPs ps ty)
applyCon : Name -> (Name, RawImp)
applyCon n = let name = UN "__con" in
applyCon n = let name = UN (Basic "__con") in
(n, INamedApp vfc (IVar vfc n) name (IVar vfc name))
getExplicitArgs : Int -> RawImp -> List Name
@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params sig
= ILam EmptyFC top Explicit (Just x) (Implicit vfc False) (mkLam xs tm)
bindName : Name -> String
bindName (UN n) = "__bind_" ++ n
bindName (UN n) = "__bind_" ++ displayUserName n
bindName (NS _ n) = bindName n
bindName n = show n
methName : Name -> Name
methName n = UN (bindName n)
methName n = UN (Basic $ bindName n)
-- Get the function for chasing a constraint. This is one of the
-- arguments to the record, appearing before the method arguments.
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ getConstraintHint {vars} fc env vis iname cname constraints meths params (cn, co
let fty = IPi fc top Explicit Nothing ity con
ty_imp <- bindTypeNames fc [] (meths ++ vars) fty
let hintname = DN ("Constraint " ++ show con)
(UN ("__" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++ show con))
(UN (Basic $ "__" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++ show con))
let tydecl = IClaim fc top vis [Inline, Hint False]
(MkImpTy EmptyFC EmptyFC hintname ty_imp)
@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ getConstraintHint {vars} fc env vis iname cname constraints meths params (cn, co
pure (hintname, [tydecl, fndef])
bindName : Name -> String
bindName (UN n) = "__bind_" ++ n
bindName (UN n) = "__bind_" ++ displayUserName n
bindName (NS _ n) = bindName n
bindName n = show n
constName : Name -> Name
constName n = UN (bindName n)
constName n = UN (Basic $ bindName n)
impsBind : RawImp -> List String -> RawImp
impsBind fn [] = fn
@ -290,9 +290,11 @@ getDefault _ = Nothing
mkCon : FC -> Name -> Name
mkCon loc (NS ns (UN n))
= NS ns (DN (n ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN ("__mk" ++ n)))
= let str = displayUserName n in
NS ns (DN (str ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN $ Basic ("__mk" ++ str)))
mkCon loc n
= DN (show n ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN ("__mk" ++ show n))
= let str = show n in
DN (str ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN $ Basic ("__mk" ++ str))
updateIfaceSyn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -378,7 +380,7 @@ elabInterface {vars} ifc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
nameCons : Int -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Name, RawImp)
nameCons i [] = []
nameCons i ((_, ty) :: rest)
= (UN ("__con" ++ show i), ty) :: nameCons (i + 1) rest
= (UN (Basic $ "__con" ++ show i), ty) :: nameCons (i + 1) rest
-- Elaborate the data declaration part of the interface
elabAsData : (conName : Name) -> List Name ->
@ -476,8 +478,8 @@ elabInterface {vars} ifc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
applyParams : RawImp -> List Name -> RawImp
applyParams tm [] = tm
applyParams tm (UN n :: ns)
= applyParams (INamedApp vdfc tm (UN n) (IBindVar vdfc n)) ns
applyParams tm (UN (Basic n) :: ns)
= applyParams (INamedApp vdfc tm (UN (Basic n)) (IBindVar vdfc n)) ns
applyParams tm (_ :: ns) = applyParams tm ns
changeNameTerm : Name -> RawImp -> Core RawImp

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Updates = List (RawName, String)
toStrUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
(Name, RawImp) -> Core Updates
toStrUpdate (UN n, term)
toStrUpdate (UN (Basic n), term)
= do clause <- pterm (map defaultKindedName term) -- hack
pure [(n, show (bracket clause))]
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ updateCase splits line col
getIndent acc _ = acc
fnName : Bool -> Name -> String
fnName lhs (UN n)
fnName lhs (UN (Basic n))
= if isIdentNormal n then n
else if lhs then "(" ++ n ++ ")"
else "op"

View File

@ -266,10 +266,6 @@ SExpable a => SExpable (Maybe a) where
toSExp Nothing = SExpList []
toSExp (Just x) = toSExp x
sym : String -> Name
sym = UN
version : Int -> Int -> SExp
version maj min = toSExp (SymbolAtom "protocol-version", maj, min)

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ isHole def
-- Bring these back into REPL.idr
showName : Name -> Bool
showName (UN "_") = False
showName (UN Underscore) = False
showName (MN _ _) = False
showName _ = True

View File

@ -167,40 +167,45 @@ process (LoadFile fname_in _)
replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Load fname) >>= outputSyntaxHighlighting fname
process (NameAt name Nothing)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
glob <- lookupCtxtName (UN name) (gamma defs)
glob <- lookupCtxtName (UN (mkUserName name)) (gamma defs)
let dat = map (\(name, _, gdef) => (name, gdef.location)) glob
pure (NameLocList dat)
process (NameAt n (Just _))
= do todoCmd "name-at <name> <line> <column>"
pure $ REPL $ Edited $ DisplayEdit emptyDoc
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN $ mkUserName n)))
process (TypeOf n (Just (l, c)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (TypeAt (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process
$ Editing (TypeAt (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN $ mkUserName n))
process (CaseSplit l c n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (CaseSplit False (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process
$ Editing $ CaseSplit False (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c)
$ UN $ mkUserName n
process (AddClause l n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (AddClause False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process
$ Editing $ AddClause False (fromInteger l)
$ UN $ mkUserName n
process (AddMissing l n)
= do todoCmd "add-missing"
pure $ REPL $ Edited $ DisplayEdit emptyDoc
process (ExprSearch l n hs all)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch False (fromInteger l) (UN n)
(map UN hs)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch False (fromInteger l)
(UN $ Basic n) (map (UN . Basic) hs)))
process ExprSearchNext
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing ExprSearchNext)
process (GenerateDef l n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (GenerateDef False (fromInteger l) (UN n) 0))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (GenerateDef False (fromInteger l) (UN $ Basic n) 0))
process GenerateDefNext
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing GenerateDefNext)
process (MakeLemma l n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeLemma False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeLemma False (fromInteger l) (UN $ mkUserName n)))
process (MakeCase l n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeCase False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeCase False (fromInteger l) (UN $ mkUserName n)))
process (MakeWith l n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeWith False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeWith False (fromInteger l) (UN $ mkUserName n)))
process (DocsFor n modeOpt)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Doc (PRef EmptyFC (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Doc (PRef EmptyFC (UN $ mkUserName n)))
process (Apropos n)
= do todoCmd "apropros"
pure $ REPL $ Printed emptyDoc

View File

@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ build pkg opts
Just exec =>
do let Just (mainNS, mainFile) = mainmod pkg
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg emptyFC "No main module given")
let mainName = NS (miAsNamespace mainNS) (UN "main")
let mainName = NS (miAsNamespace mainNS) (UN $ Basic "main")
compileMain mainName mainFile exec
runScript (postbuild pkg)

View File

@ -219,17 +219,17 @@ mutual
else fail "| not allowed here"
underscore : FC -> ArgType
underscore fc = NamedArg (UN "_") (PImplicit fc)
underscore fc = NamedArg (UN Underscore) (PImplicit fc)
braceArgs : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List ArgType)
braceArgs fname indents
= do start <- bounds (decoratedSymbol fname "{")
list <- sepBy (decoratedSymbol fname ",")
$ do x <- bounds (decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
$ do x <- bounds (UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
let fc = boundToFC fname x
option (NamedArg (UN x.val) $ PRef fc (UN x.val))
option (NamedArg x.val $ PRef fc x.val)
$ do tm <- decoratedSymbol fname "=" *> typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (NamedArg (UN x.val) tm)
pure (NamedArg x.val tm)
matchAny <- option [] (if isCons list then
do decoratedSymbol fname ","
x <- bounds (decoratedSymbol fname "_")
@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ mutual
pure $
let fc = boundToFC fname (mergeBounds l r)
opFC = virtualiseFC fc -- already been highlighted: we don't care
in POp fc opFC (UN "=") l.val r.val
in POp fc opFC (UN $ Basic "=") l.val r.val
else fail "= not allowed")
(do b <- bounds $ do
continue indents
op <- bounds iOperator
e <- case op.val of
UN "$" => typeExpr q fname indents
UN (Basic "$") => typeExpr q fname indents
_ => expr q fname indents
pure (op, e)
(op, r) <- pure b.val
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ mutual
dpairType : OriginDesc -> WithBounds t -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
dpairType fname start indents
= do loc <- bounds (do x <- decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
= do loc <- bounds (do x <- UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (x, ty))
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ mutual
rest <- bounds (nestedDpair fname loc indents <|> typeExpr pdef fname indents)
pure (PDPair (boundToFC fname (mergeBounds start rest))
(boundToFC fname op)
(PRef (boundToFC fname loc) (UN x))
(PRef (boundToFC fname loc) x)
@ -494,13 +494,13 @@ mutual
simplerExpr : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
simplerExpr fname indents
= do b <- bounds (do x <- bounds (decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
= do b <- bounds (do x <- bounds (UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
decoratedSymbol fname "@"
expr <- simpleExpr fname indents
pure (x, expr))
(x, expr) <- pure b.val
pure (PAs (boundToFC fname b) (boundToFC fname x) (UN x.val) expr)
pure (PAs (boundToFC fname b) (boundToFC fname x) x.val expr)
<|> atom fname
<|> record_ fname indents
<|> singlelineStr pdef fname indents
@ -586,8 +586,9 @@ mutual
Rule (List (RigCount, WithBounds Name, PTerm))
pibindListName fname indents
= do rig <- multiplicity fname
ns <- sepBy1 (decoratedSymbol fname ",") (bounds binderName)
let ns = forget $ map (map UN) ns
ns <- sepBy1 (decoratedSymbol fname ",")
(bounds $ UN <$> binderName)
let ns = forget ns
decorateBoundedNames fname Bound ns
decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
@ -601,8 +602,9 @@ mutual
pure (rig, map UN n, ty))
-- _ gets treated specially here, it means "I don't care about the name"
binderName : Rule String
binderName = unqualifiedName <|> (symbol "_" $> "_")
binderName : Rule UserName
binderName = Basic <$> unqualifiedName
<|> symbol "_" $> Underscore
pibindList : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, WithBounds (Maybe Name), PTerm))
@ -665,7 +667,7 @@ mutual
ns <- sepBy1 (decoratedSymbol fname ",")
(bounds (decoratedSimpleBinderName fname))
pure $ map (\n => ( erased {a=RigCount}
, map (Just . UN) n
, map (Just . UN . Basic) n
, PImplicit (boundToFC fname n))
) (forget ns)
mustWorkBecause b.bounds "Cannot return a forall quantifier"
@ -806,8 +808,8 @@ mutual
pure (upd path val)
fieldName : Name -> String
fieldName (UN s) = s
fieldName (RF s) = s
fieldName (UN (Basic s)) = s
fieldName (UN (Field s)) = s
fieldName _ = "_impossible"
-- this allows the dotted syntax .field
@ -844,14 +846,15 @@ mutual
_ => fail "Not a namespaced 'do'"
validPatternVar : Name -> EmptyRule ()
validPatternVar (UN n)
= unless (lowerFirst n || n == "_") $
validPatternVar (UN Underscore) = pure ()
validPatternVar (UN (Basic n))
= unless (lowerFirst n) $
fail "Not a pattern variable"
validPatternVar _ = fail "Not a pattern variable"
doAct : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List PDo)
doAct fname indents
= do b <- bounds (do n <- bounds (name <|> UN "_" <$ symbol "_")
= do b <- bounds (do n <- bounds (name <|> UN Underscore <$ symbol "_")
-- If the name doesn't begin with a lower case letter, we should
-- treat this as a pattern, so fail
validPatternVar n.val
@ -1027,7 +1030,7 @@ mutual
start <- bounds (decoratedSymbol fname "(")
wval <- bracketedExpr fname start indents
prf <- optional (decoratedKeyword fname "proof"
*> UN <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
*> UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname)
ws <- mustWork $ nonEmptyBlockAfter col
$ clause (S withArgs) (Just lhs) fname
pure (prf, flags, wval, forget ws))
@ -1343,7 +1346,7 @@ usingDecls fname indents
(do n <- optional
(do x <- unqualifiedName
decoratedSymbol fname ":"
pure (UN x))
pure (UN $ Basic x))
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (n, ty))
decoratedSymbol fname ")"
@ -1579,10 +1582,10 @@ paramDecls fname indents
oldParamDecls fname indents
= do decoratedSymbol fname "("
ps <- sepBy (decoratedSymbol fname ",")
(do x <- decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
(do x <- UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (UN x, top, Explicit, ty))
pure (x, top, Explicit, ty))
decoratedSymbol fname ")"
pure ps

View File

@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ mkDoLets origin lets = letFactory
buildDoLets : List (WithBounds LetBinder) -> List PDo
buildDoLets [] = []
buildDoLets (b :: rest) = let fc = boundToFC origin b in case b.val of
(MkLetBinder rig (PRef fc' (UN n)) ty val []) =>
(if lowerFirst n
then DoLet fc fc' (UN n) rig ty val
else DoLetPat fc (PRef fc' (UN n)) ty val []
(MkLetBinder rig (PRef fc' (UN un)) ty val []) =>
(if isPatternVariable un
then DoLet fc fc' (UN un) rig ty val
else DoLetPat fc (PRef fc' (UN un)) ty val []
) :: buildDoLets rest
(MkLetBinder rig (PImplicit fc') ty val []) =>
DoLet fc fc' (UN "_") rig ty val :: buildDoLets rest
DoLet fc fc' (UN Underscore) rig ty val :: buildDoLets rest
(MkLetBinder rig pat ty val alts) =>
DoLetPat fc pat ty val alts :: buildDoLets rest

View File

@ -396,12 +396,12 @@ mutual
dePure : IPTerm -> IPTerm
dePure tm@(PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg)
= if dropNS (rawName n) == UN "pure" then arg else tm
= if dropNS (rawName n) == UN (Basic "pure") then arg else tm
dePure tm = tm
deGuard : PDo' KindedName -> PDo' KindedName
deGuard tm@(DoExp fc (PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg))
= if dropNS (rawName n) == UN "guard" then DoExp fc arg else tm
= if dropNS (rawName n) == UN (Basic "guard") then DoExp fc arg else tm
deGuard tm = tm
go d (PRewrite _ rule tm) =
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ rewrite_ <++> go startPrec rule <+> line <+> in_ <++> go startPrec tm

View File

@ -543,7 +543,10 @@ getItDecls
= do opts <- get ROpts
case evalResultName opts of
Nothing => pure []
Just n => pure [ IClaim replFC top Private [] (MkImpTy replFC EmptyFC (UN "it") (Implicit replFC False)), IDef replFC (UN "it") [PatClause replFC (IVar replFC (UN "it")) (IVar replFC n)]]
Just n =>
let it = UN $ Basic "it" in
pure [ IClaim replFC top Private [] (MkImpTy replFC EmptyFC it (Implicit replFC False))
, IDef replFC it [PatClause replFC (IVar replFC it) (IVar replFC n)]]
prepareExp :
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -553,9 +556,9 @@ prepareExp :
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PTerm -> Core ClosedTerm
prepareExp ctm
= do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] (PApp replFC (PRef replFC (UN "unsafePerformIO")) ctm)
= do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] (PApp replFC (PRef replFC (UN $ Basic "unsafePerformIO")) ctm)
let ttimpWithIt = ILocal replFC !getItDecls ttimp
inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
inidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[input]")
(tm, ty) <- elabTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimpWithIt Nothing
tm_erased <- linearCheck replFC linear True [] tm
@ -604,7 +607,7 @@ execDecls decls = do
execDecl : PDecl -> Core ()
execDecl decl = do
i <- desugarDecl [] decl
inidx <- resolveName (UN "[defs]")
inidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[defs]")
_ <- newRef EST (initEStateSub inidx [] SubRefl)
processLocal [] (MkNested []) [] !getItDecls i
@ -675,13 +678,13 @@ inferAndElab : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
inferAndElab emode itm
= do ttimp <- desugar AnyExpr [] itm
let ttimpWithIt = ILocal replFC !getItDecls ttimp
inidx <- resolveName (UN "[input]")
inidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[input]")
-- a TMP HACK to prioritise list syntax for List: hide
-- foreign argument lists. TODO: once the new FFI is fully
-- up and running we won't need this. Also, if we add
-- 'with' disambiguation we can use that instead.
catch (do hide replFC (NS primIONS (UN "::"))
hide replFC (NS primIONS (UN "Nil")))
catch (do hide replFC (NS primIONS (UN $ Basic "::"))
hide replFC (NS primIONS (UN $ Basic "Nil")))
(\err => pure ())
(tm , gty) <- elabTerm inidx emode [] (MkNested [])
[] ttimpWithIt Nothing
@ -745,10 +748,10 @@ process (Eval itm)
then do ity <- resugar [] !(norm defs [] ty)
pure (Evaluated itm (Just ity))
else pure (Evaluated itm Nothing)
process (Check (PRef fc (UN "it")))
process (Check (PRef fc (UN (Basic "it"))))
= do opts <- get ROpts
case evalResultName opts of
Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc (UN "it"))
Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc (UN $ Basic "it"))
Just n => process (Check (PRef fc n))
process (Check (PRef fc fn))
= do defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ unbracket tm = tm
||| Attempt to extract a constant natural number
extractNat : Nat -> IPTerm -> Maybe Nat
extractNat acc tm = case tm of
PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN n))) =>
PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n)))) =>
do guard (n == "Z")
guard (ns == typesNS || ns == preludeNS)
pure acc
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN n)))) k => case n of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))))) k => case n of
"S" => do guard (ns == typesNS || ns == preludeNS)
extractNat (1 + acc) k
"fromInteger" => extractNat acc k
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ sugarName x = show x
toPRef : FC -> KindedName -> Core IPTerm
toPRef fc kn@(MkKindedName nt fn nm) = case nm of
MN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN n)))
MN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN $ Basic n)))
PV n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ n)))
DN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN n)))
DN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN $ Basic n)))
Nested _ n => toPRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn n)
_ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc kn))
@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ mutual
else toPTerm p ret
needsBind : Maybe Name -> Bool
needsBind (Just (UN t))
needsBind (Just nm@(UN (Basic t)))
= let ret = map rawName ret
ns = findBindableNames False [] [] ret
allNs = findAllNames [] ret in
((UN t) `elem` allNs) && not (t `elem` (map Builtin.fst ns))
(nm `elem` allNs) && not (t `elem` (map Builtin.fst ns))
needsBind _ = False
toPTerm p (IPi fc rig pt n arg ret)
= do arg' <- toPTerm appPrec arg
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ mutual
bracket p tyPrec (PPi fc rig pt' n arg' ret')
toPTerm p (ILam fc rig pt mn arg sc)
= do let n = case mn of
Nothing => UN "_"
Nothing => UN Underscore
Just n' => n'
imp <- showImplicits
arg' <- if imp then toPTerm tyPrec arg
@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ mutual
mkIf : IPTerm -> IPTerm
mkIf tm@(PCase loc sc [MkPatClause _ (PRef _ tval) t [],
MkPatClause _ (PRef _ fval) f []])
= if dropNS (rawName tval) == UN "True"
&& dropNS (rawName fval) == UN "False"
= if dropNS (rawName tval) == UN (Basic "True")
&& dropNS (rawName fval) == UN (Basic "False")
then PIfThenElse loc sc t f
else tm
mkIf tm = tm
@ -304,7 +304,9 @@ mutual
toPTerm p (IPrimVal fc c) = pure (PPrimVal fc c)
toPTerm p (IHole fc str) = pure (PHole fc False str)
toPTerm p (IType fc) = pure (PType fc)
toPTerm p (IBindVar fc v) = pure (PRef fc (MkKindedName (Just Bound) (UN v) (UN v)))
toPTerm p (IBindVar fc v)
= let nm = UN (Basic v) in
pure (PRef fc (MkKindedName (Just Bound) nm nm))
toPTerm p (IBindHere fc _ tm) = toPTerm p tm
toPTerm p (IAs fc nameFC _ n pat) = pure (PAs fc nameFC n !(toPTerm argPrec pat))
toPTerm p (IMustUnify fc r pat) = pure (PDotted fc !(toPTerm argPrec pat))
@ -495,19 +497,19 @@ cleanPTerm ptm
cleanName : Name -> Core Name
cleanName nm = case nm of
MN n _ => pure (UN n)
MN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n) -- this may be "_"
PV n _ => pure n
DN n _ => pure (UN n)
DN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n) -- this may be "_"
NS _ n => cleanName n
Nested _ n => cleanName n
RF n => pure (RF n)
_ => UN <$> prettyName nm
UN n => pure (UN n)
_ => UN . mkUserName <$> prettyName nm
cleanKindedName : KindedName -> Core KindedName
cleanKindedName (MkKindedName nt fn nm) = MkKindedName nt fn <$> cleanName nm
cleanBinderName : PiInfo IPTerm -> Name -> Core (Maybe Name)
cleanBinderName AutoImplicit (UN "__con") = pure Nothing
cleanBinderName AutoImplicit (UN (Basic "__con")) = pure Nothing
cleanBinderName _ nm = Just <$> cleanName nm
cleanNode : IPTerm -> Core IPTerm

View File

@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ postOptions res@(ErrorLoadingFile _ _) (OutputFile _ :: rest)
= do ignore $ postOptions res rest
pure False
postOptions res (OutputFile outfile :: rest)
= do ignore $ compileExp (PRef EmptyFC (UN "main")) outfile
= do ignore $ compileExp (PRef EmptyFC (UN $ Basic "main")) outfile
ignore $ postOptions res rest
pure False
postOptions res (ExecFn str :: rest)
= do ignore $ execExp (PRef EmptyFC (UN str))
= do ignore $ execExp (PRef EmptyFC (UN $ Basic str))
ignore $ postOptions res rest
pure False
postOptions res (CheckOnly :: rest)

View File

@ -321,17 +321,22 @@ mutual
directiveList : List Directive
directiveList =
[ (Hide (UN "")), (Logging Nothing), (LazyOn False)
[ (Hide ph), (Logging Nothing), (LazyOn False)
, (UnboundImplicits False), (AmbigDepth 0)
, (PairNames (UN "") (UN "") (UN "")), (RewriteName (UN "") (UN ""))
, (PrimInteger (UN "")), (PrimString (UN "")), (PrimChar (UN ""))
, (PrimDouble (UN "")), (CGAction "" ""), (Names (UN "") [])
, (StartExpr (PRef EmptyFC (UN ""))), (Overloadable (UN ""))
, (PairNames ph ph ph), (RewriteName ph ph)
, (PrimInteger ph), (PrimString ph), (PrimChar ph)
, (PrimDouble ph), (CGAction "" ""), (Names ph [])
, (StartExpr (PRef EmptyFC ph)), (Overloadable ph)
, (Extension ElabReflection), (DefaultTotality PartialOK)
, (PrefixRecordProjections True), (AutoImplicitDepth 0)
, (NFMetavarThreshold 0), (SearchTimeout 0)
-- placeholder
ph : Name
ph = UN $ Basic ""
isPragma : Directive -> Bool
isPragma (CGAction _ _) = False
isPragma _ = True
@ -773,12 +778,12 @@ parameters {0 nm : Type} (toName : nm -> Name)
dePure : PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
dePure tm@(PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg)
= if dropNS (toName n) == UN "pure" then arg else tm
= if dropNS (toName n) == UN (Basic "pure") then arg else tm
dePure tm = tm
deGuard : PDo' nm -> PDo' nm
deGuard tm@(DoExp fc (PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg))
= if dropNS (toName n) == UN "guard" then DoExp fc arg else tm
= if dropNS (toName n) == UN (Basic "guard") then DoExp fc arg else tm
deGuard tm = tm
showPTermPrec d (PRewrite _ rule tm)
= "rewrite " ++ showPTermPrec d rule ++ " in " ++ showPTermPrec d tm
@ -987,7 +992,7 @@ initSyntax
(IVar EmptyFC (UN "main"))
(IVar EmptyFC (UN $ Basic "main"))

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Core.Name
import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
%default total
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ record ANameMap a where
exactNames : NameMap a
-- for looking up by name root or partially qualified (so possibly
-- ambiguous) names. This doesn't store machine generated names.
hierarchy : StringMap (List (Name, a))
hierarchy : UserNameMap (List (Name, a))
empty : ANameMap a
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ lookupName n dict
Just ns => filter (matches n . fst) ns
addToHier : Name -> a ->
StringMap (List (Name, a)) -> StringMap (List (Name, a))
UserNameMap (List (Name, a)) -> UserNameMap (List (Name, a))
addToHier n val hier
-- Only add user defined names. Machine generated names can only be
-- found with the exactNames

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ module Libraries.Data.StringMap
-- Hand specialised map, for efficiency...
import Core.Name
%default total
Key : Type
@ -219,12 +217,6 @@ lookup : String -> StringMap v -> Maybe v
lookup _ Empty = Nothing
lookup k (M _ t) = treeLookup k t
lookupName : (n : Name) -> (dict : StringMap v) -> Maybe v
lookupName n dict = case userNameRoot n of
Nothing => Nothing
Just str => lookup str dict
insert : String -> v -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
insert k v Empty = M Z (Leaf k v)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
module Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
-- Hand specialised map, for efficiency...
import Core.Name
%default total
Key : Type
Key = UserName
-- TODO: write split
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : Key -> v -> Tree Z v
Branch2 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Branch3 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
branch4 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch4 a b c d e f g =
Branch2 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch2 e f g)
branch5 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch5 a b c d e f g h i =
Branch2 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch3 e f g h i)
branch6 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k =
Branch3 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch2 e f g) h (Branch2 i j k)
branch7 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m =
Branch3 (Branch3 a b c d e) f (Branch2 g h i) j (Branch2 k l m)
merge1 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree (S n) v -> Key -> Tree (S n) v -> Tree (S (S n)) v
merge1 a b (Branch2 c d e) f (Branch2 g h i) = branch5 a b c d e f g h i
merge1 a b (Branch2 c d e) f (Branch3 g h i j k) = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge1 a b (Branch3 c d e f g) h (Branch2 i j k) = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge1 a b (Branch3 c d e f g) h (Branch3 i j k l m) = branch7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
merge2 : Tree (S n) v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree (S n) v -> Tree (S (S n)) v
merge2 (Branch2 a b c) d e f (Branch2 g h i) = branch5 a b c d e f g h i
merge2 (Branch2 a b c) d e f (Branch3 g h i j k) = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge2 (Branch3 a b c d e) f g h (Branch2 i j k) = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge2 (Branch3 a b c d e) f g h (Branch3 i j k l m) = branch7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
merge3 : Tree (S n) v -> Key -> Tree (S n) v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S (S n)) v
merge3 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch2 e f g) h i = branch5 a b c d e f g h i
merge3 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch3 e f g h i) j k = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge3 (Branch3 a b c d e) f (Branch2 g h i) j k = branch6 a b c d e f g h i j k
merge3 (Branch3 a b c d e) f (Branch3 g h i j k) l m = branch7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
treeLookup : Key -> Tree n v -> Maybe v
treeLookup k (Leaf k' v) =
if k == k' then
Just v
treeLookup k (Branch2 t1 k' t2) =
if k <= k' then
treeLookup k t1
treeLookup k t2
treeLookup k (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3) =
if k <= k1 then
treeLookup k t1
else if k <= k2 then
treeLookup k t2
treeLookup k t3
treeInsert' : Key -> v -> Tree n v -> Either (Tree n v) (Tree n v, Key, Tree n v)
treeInsert' k v (Leaf k' v') =
case compare k k' of
LT => Right (Leaf k v, k, Leaf k' v')
EQ => Left (Leaf k v)
GT => Right (Leaf k' v', k', Leaf k v)
treeInsert' k v (Branch2 t1 k' t2) =
if k <= k' then
case treeInsert' k v t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch2 t1' k' t2)
Right (a, b, c) => Left (Branch3 a b c k' t2)
case treeInsert' k v t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch2 t1 k' t2')
Right (a, b, c) => Left (Branch3 t1 k' a b c)
treeInsert' k v (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3) =
if k <= k1 then
case treeInsert' k v t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch3 t1' k1 t2 k2 t3)
Right (a, b, c) => Right (Branch2 a b c, k1, Branch2 t2 k2 t3)
if k <= k2 then
case treeInsert' k v t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2' k2 t3)
Right (a, b, c) => Right (Branch2 t1 k1 a, b, Branch2 c k2 t3)
case treeInsert' k v t3 of
Left t3' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3')
Right (a, b, c) => Right (Branch2 t1 k1 t2, k2, Branch2 a b c)
treeInsert : Key -> v -> Tree n v -> Either (Tree n v) (Tree (S n) v)
treeInsert k v t =
case treeInsert' k v t of
Left t' => Left t'
Right (a, b, c) => Right (Branch2 a b c)
delType : Nat -> Type -> Type
delType Z v = ()
delType (S n) v = Tree n v
treeDelete : {n : _} -> Key -> Tree n v -> Either (Tree n v) (delType n v)
treeDelete k (Leaf k' v) =
if k == k' then
Right ()
Left (Leaf k' v)
treeDelete {n=S Z} k (Branch2 t1 k' t2) =
if k <= k' then
case treeDelete k t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch2 t1' k' t2)
Right () => Right t2
case treeDelete k t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch2 t1 k' t2')
Right () => Right t1
treeDelete {n=S Z} k (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3) =
if k <= k1 then
case treeDelete k t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch3 t1' k1 t2 k2 t3)
Right () => Left (Branch2 t2 k2 t3)
else if k <= k2 then
case treeDelete k t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2' k2 t3)
Right () => Left (Branch2 t1 k1 t3)
case treeDelete k t3 of
Left t3' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3')
Right () => Left (Branch2 t1 k1 t2)
treeDelete {n=S (S _)} k (Branch2 t1 k' t2) =
if k <= k' then
case treeDelete k t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch2 t1' k' t2)
Right t1' =>
case t2 of
Branch2 a b c => Right (Branch3 t1' k' a b c)
Branch3 a b c d e => Left (branch4 t1' k' a b c d e)
case treeDelete k t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch2 t1 k' t2')
Right t2' =>
case t1 of
Branch2 a b c => Right (Branch3 a b c k' t2')
Branch3 a b c d e => Left (branch4 a b c d e k' t2')
treeDelete {n=(S (S _))} k (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3) =
if k <= k1 then
case treeDelete k t1 of
Left t1' => Left (Branch3 t1' k1 t2 k2 t3)
Right t1' => Left (merge1 t1' k1 t2 k2 t3)
else if k <= k2 then
case treeDelete k t2 of
Left t2' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2' k2 t3)
Right t2' => Left (merge2 t1 k1 t2' k2 t3)
case treeDelete k t3 of
Left t3' => Left (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3')
Right t3' => Left (merge3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3')
treeToList : Tree n v -> List (Key, v)
treeToList = treeToList' (:: [])
treeToList' : forall n . ((Key, v) -> List (Key, v)) -> Tree n v -> List (Key, v)
treeToList' cont (Leaf k v) = cont (k, v)
treeToList' cont (Branch2 t1 _ t2) = treeToList' (:: treeToList' cont t2) t1
treeToList' cont (Branch3 t1 _ t2 _ t3) = treeToList' (:: treeToList' (:: treeToList' cont t3) t2) t1
data UserNameMap : Type -> Type where
Empty : UserNameMap v
M : (n : Nat) -> Tree n v -> UserNameMap v
empty : UserNameMap v
empty = Empty
singleton : UserName -> v -> UserNameMap v
singleton k v = M Z (Leaf k v)
lookup : UserName -> UserNameMap v -> Maybe v
lookup _ Empty = Nothing
lookup k (M _ t) = treeLookup k t
lookupName : (n : Name) -> (dict : UserNameMap v) -> Maybe v
lookupName n dict = case userNameRoot n of
Nothing => Nothing
Just un => lookup un dict
insert : UserName -> v -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
insert k v Empty = M Z (Leaf k v)
insert k v (M _ t) =
case treeInsert k v t of
Left t' => (M _ t')
Right t' => (M _ t')
insertFrom : List (UserName, v) -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
insertFrom = flip $ foldl $ flip $ uncurry insert
delete : UserName -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
delete _ Empty = Empty
delete k (M Z t) =
case treeDelete k t of
Left t' => (M _ t')
Right () => Empty
delete k (M (S _) t) =
case treeDelete k t of
Left t' => (M _ t')
Right t' => (M _ t')
fromList : List (UserName, v) -> UserNameMap v
fromList l = foldl (flip (uncurry insert)) empty l
toList : UserNameMap v -> List (UserName, v)
toList Empty = []
toList (M _ t) = treeToList t
||| Gets the Keys of the map.
keys : UserNameMap v -> List UserName
keys = map fst . UserNameMap.toList
||| Gets the values of the map. Could contain duplicates.
values : UserNameMap v -> List v
values = map snd . UserNameMap.toList
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
treeMap f (Leaf k v) = Leaf k (f v)
treeMap f (Branch2 t1 k t2) = Branch2 (treeMap f t1) k (treeMap f t2)
treeMap f (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3)
= Branch3 (treeMap f t1) k1 (treeMap f t2) k2 (treeMap f t3)
implementation Functor UserNameMap where
map _ Empty = Empty
map f (M n t) = M _ (treeMap f t)
||| Merge two maps. When encountering duplicate keys, using a function to combine the values.
||| Uses the ordering of the first map given.
mergeWith : (v -> v -> v) -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
mergeWith f x y = insertFrom inserted x where
inserted : List (Key, v)
inserted = do
(k, v) <- UserNameMap.toList y
let v' = (maybe id f $ lookup k x) v
pure (k, v')
||| Merge two maps using the Semigroup (and by extension, Monoid) operation.
||| Uses mergeWith internally, so the ordering of the left map is kept.
merge : Semigroup v => UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
merge = mergeWith (<+>)
||| Left-biased merge, also keeps the ordering specified by the left map.
mergeLeft : UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
mergeLeft x y = mergeWith const x y
adjust : UserName -> (v -> v) -> UserNameMap v -> UserNameMap v
adjust k f m =
case lookup k m of
Nothing => m
Just v => insert k (f v) m
Show v => Show (UserNameMap v) where
show m = show $ map (\(k,v) => show k ++ "->" ++ show v) $ UserNameMap.toList m
-- TODO: is this the right variant of merge to use for this? I think it is, but
-- I could also see the advantages of using `mergeLeft`. The current approach is
-- strictly more powerful I believe, because `mergeLeft` can be emulated with
-- the `First` monoid. However, this does require more code to do the same
-- thing.
Semigroup v => Semigroup (UserNameMap v) where
(<+>) = merge
(Semigroup v) => Monoid (UserNameMap v) where
neutral = empty

View File

@ -245,16 +245,18 @@ isOpChar c = c `elem` (unpack ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~")
||| Test whether a user name begins with an operator symbol.
isOpName : Name -> Bool
isOpName n = fromMaybe False $ do
-- NB: we can't use userNameRoot because that'll prefix `RF`
-- names with a `.` which means that record fields will systematically
-- be declared to be operators.
guard (isUserName n)
let n = nameRoot n
isOpUserName : UserName -> Bool
isOpUserName (Basic n) = fromMaybe False $ do
c <- fst <$> strUncons n
guard (isOpChar c)
pure True
isOpUserName (Field _) = False
isOpUserName Underscore = False
||| Test whether a name begins with an operator symbol.
isOpName : Name -> Bool
isOpName = maybe False isOpUserName . userNameRoot
validSymbol : Lexer
validSymbol = some (pred isOpChar)

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ constant
CharLit c => Ch <$> getCharLit c
DoubleLit d => Just (Db d)
IntegerLit i => Just (BI i)
Ident s => isConstantType (UN s) >>=
Ident s => isConstantType (UN $ Basic s) >>=
\case WorldType => Nothing
c => Just c
_ => Nothing
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ aDotIdent = terminal "Expected dot+identifier" $
postfixProj : Rule Name
postfixProj = RF <$> aDotIdent
postfixProj = UN . Field <$> aDotIdent
symbol : String -> Rule ()
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ operatorCandidate : Rule Name
= terminal "Expected operator" $
Symbol s => Just (UN s)
Symbol s => Just (UN $ Basic s) -- TODO: have an operator construct?
_ => Nothing
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ operator
Symbol s =>
if s `elem` reservedSymbols
then Nothing
else Just (UN s)
else Just (UN $ Basic s) -- TODO: have an operator construct?
_ => Nothing
identPart : Rule String
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ nameWithCapital b = opNonNS <|> do
let id = snd <$> nsx
identWithCapital b id
isNotReservedName id
pure $ uncurry mkNamespacedName nsx.val
pure $ uncurry mkNamespacedName (map Basic nsx.val)
opNS : WithBounds (Maybe Namespace, String) -> Rule Name
opNS nsx = do
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ capitalisedIdent = do
dataConstructorName : Rule Name
dataConstructorName = opNonNS <|> UN <$> capitalisedIdent
dataConstructorName = opNonNS <|> (UN . Basic) <$> capitalisedIdent
export %inline
dataTypeName : Rule Name

View File

@ -19,19 +19,20 @@ export
renameIBinds : (renames : List String) ->
(used : List String) ->
RawImp -> State (List (String, String)) RawImp
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p (Just (UN n)) ty sc)
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p (Just un@(UN (Basic n))) ty sc)
= if n `elem` rs
then let n' = getUnique (rs ++ us) n
sc' = substNames (map UN (filter (/= n) us))
[(UN n, IVar fc (UN n'))] sc in
un' = UN (Basic n')
sc' = substNames (map (UN . Basic) (filter (/= n) us))
[(un, IVar fc un')] sc in
do scr <- renameIBinds rs (n' :: us) sc'
ty' <- renameIBinds rs us ty
upds <- get
put ((n, n') :: upds)
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just (UN n')) ty' scr
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just un') ty' scr
else do scr <- renameIBinds rs us sc
ty' <- renameIBinds rs us ty
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just (UN n)) ty' scr
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just un) ty' scr
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p n ty sc)
= pure $ IPi fc c p n !(renameIBinds rs us ty) !(renameIBinds rs us sc)
renameIBinds rs us (ILam fc c p n ty sc)
@ -73,18 +74,18 @@ renameIBinds rs us tm = pure $ tm
doBind : List (String, String) -> RawImp -> RawImp
doBind [] tm = tm
doBind ns (IVar fc (UN n))
= maybe (IVar fc (UN n))
(\n' => IBindVar fc n')
doBind ns (IVar fc nm@(UN (Basic n)))
= maybe (IVar fc nm)
(IBindVar fc)
(lookup n ns)
doBind ns (IPi fc rig p mn aty retty)
= let ns' = case mn of
Just (UN n) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
Just (UN (Basic n)) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
_ => ns in
IPi fc rig p mn (doBind ns' aty) (doBind ns' retty)
doBind ns (ILam fc rig p mn aty sc)
= let ns' = case mn of
Just (UN n) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
Just (UN (Basic n)) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
_ => ns in
ILam fc rig p mn (doBind ns' aty) (doBind ns' sc)
doBind ns (IApp fc fn av)
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ bindNames arg tm
= if !isUnboundImplicits
then do let ns = nub (findBindableNames arg [] [] tm)
log "elab.bindnames" 10 $ "Found names :" ++ show ns
pure (map UN (map snd ns), doBind ns tm)
pure (map (UN . Basic) (map snd ns), doBind ns tm)
else pure ([], tm)
-- if the name is part of the using decls, add the relevant binder for it:
@ -190,4 +191,5 @@ piBindNames loc env tm
piBind : List String -> RawImp -> RawImp
piBind [] ty = ty
piBind (n :: ns) ty
= IPi loc erased Implicit (Just (UN n)) (Implicit loc False) (piBind ns ty)
= IPi loc erased Implicit (Just (UN $ Basic n)) (Implicit loc False)
$ piBind ns ty

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import TTImp.TTImp
import Data.List
import Data.String
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
%default covering
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ expandAmbigName : {vars : _} ->
RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) -> Core RawImp
expandAmbigName (InLHS _) nest env orig args (IBindVar fc n) exp
= do est <- get EST
if UN n `elem` lhsPatVars est
if UN (Basic n) `elem` lhsPatVars est
then pure $ IMustUnify fc NonLinearVar orig
else pure $ orig
expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
(uniqType primNs x args)
(map (mkAlt primApp est) nalts)
lookupUN : Maybe String -> StringMap a -> Maybe a
lookupUN : Maybe UserName -> UserNameMap a -> Maybe a
lookupUN Nothing _ = Nothing
lookupUN (Just n) sm = lookup n sm

View File

@ -536,14 +536,14 @@ mutual
findBindAllExpPattern : List (Name, RawImp) -> Maybe RawImp
findBindAllExpPattern = lookup (UN "_")
findBindAllExpPattern = lookup (UN Underscore)
isImplicitAs : RawImp -> Bool
isImplicitAs (IAs _ _ UseLeft _ (Implicit _ _)) = True
isImplicitAs _ = False
isBindAllExpPattern : Name -> Bool
isBindAllExpPattern (UN "_") = True
isBindAllExpPattern (UN Underscore) = True
isBindAllExpPattern _ = False
-- Check an application of 'fntm', with type 'fnty' to the given list
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ mutual
then -- We are done
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm (glueBack defs env ty) expty
else -- Some user defined binding is present while we are out of explicit arguments, that's an error
throw (InvalidArgs fc env (map (const (UN "<auto>")) autoargs ++ map fst namedargs) tm)
throw (InvalidArgs fc env (map (const (UN $ Basic "<auto>")) autoargs ++ map fst namedargs) tm)
-- Function type is delayed, so force the term and continue
checkAppWith' rig elabinfo nest env fc tm (NDelayed dfc r ty@(NBind _ _ (Pi _ _ _ _) sc)) argdata expargs autoargs namedargs kr expty
= checkAppWith' rig elabinfo nest env fc (TForce dfc r tm) ty argdata expargs autoargs namedargs kr expty
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ mutual
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if all isImplicitAs (autoargs ++ map snd (filter (not . isBindAllExpPattern . fst) namedargs))
then checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm (glueBack defs env ty) expty
else throw (InvalidArgs fc env (map (const (UN "<auto>")) autoargs ++ map fst namedargs) tm)
else throw (InvalidArgs fc env (map (const (UN $ Basic "<auto>")) autoargs ++ map fst namedargs) tm)
||| Entrypoint for checkAppWith: run the elaboration first and, if we're
||| on the LHS and the result is an under-applied constructor then insist

View File

@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
-- so that it applies to the right original variable
getBindName : Int -> Name -> List Name -> (Name, Name)
getBindName idx n@(UN un) vs
= if n `elem` vs then (n, MN un idx) else (n, n)
= if n `elem` vs then (n, MN (displayUserName un) idx) else (n, n)
getBindName idx n vs
= if n `elem` vs then (n, MN "_cn" idx) else (n, n)
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
-- Names used in the pattern we're matching on, so don't bind them
-- in the generated case block
usedIn : RawImp -> List Name
usedIn (IBindVar _ n) = [UN n]
usedIn (IBindVar _ n) = [UN $ Basic n]
usedIn (IApp _ f a) = usedIn f ++ usedIn a
usedIn (IAs _ _ _ n a) = n :: usedIn a
usedIn (IAlternative _ _ alts) = concatMap usedIn alts

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Data.Either
import Libraries.Data.IntMap
import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
%default covering
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ record EState (vars : List Name) where
linearUsed : List (Var vars)
saveHoles : NameMap () -- things we'll need to save to TTC, even if solved
unambiguousNames : StringMap (Name, Int, GlobalDef)
unambiguousNames : UserNameMap (Name, Int, GlobalDef)
-- Mapping from userNameRoot to fully resolved names.
-- For names in this mapping, we don't run disambiguation.
-- Used in with-expressions.
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ successful allowCons ((tm, elab) :: elabs)
defs <- branch
catch (do -- Run the elaborator
logC "elab" 5 $
do tm' <- maybe (pure (UN "__"))
do tm' <- maybe (pure (UN $ Basic "__"))
toFullNames tm
pure ("Running " ++ show tm')
res <- elab
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ successful allowCons ((tm, elab) :: elabs)
put MD md
put Ctxt defs
logC "elab" 5 $
do tm' <- maybe (pure (UN "__"))
do tm' <- maybe (pure (UN $ Basic "__"))
toFullNames tm
pure ("Success " ++ show tm' ++
" (" ++ show ncons' ++ " - "

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ checkHole : {vars : _} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
FC -> UserName -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in (Just gexpty)
= do nm <- inCurrentNS (UN n_in)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in (Just gexpty)
saveHole nm
pure (metaval, gexpty)
checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in exp
= do nmty <- genName ("type_of_" ++ n_in)
= do nmty <- genName ("type_of_" ++ show n_in)
let env' = letToLam env
ty <- metaVar fc erased env' nmty (TType fc)
nm <- inCurrentNS (UN n_in)

View File

@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ checkBindVar : {vars : _} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> -- string is base of the pattern name
FC -> UserName -> -- username is base of the pattern name
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc str topexp

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ applyImp f ((Just n, arg) :: xs)
toLHS' : FC -> Rec -> (Maybe Name, RawImp)
toLHS' loc (Field mn@(Just _) n _)
= (mn, IAs loc EmptyFC UseRight (UN n) (Implicit loc True))
= (mn, IAs loc EmptyFC UseRight (UN $ Basic n) (Implicit loc True))
toLHS' loc (Field mn n _) = (mn, IBindVar EmptyFC n)
toLHS' loc (Constr mn con args)
= let args' = map (toLHS' loc . snd) args in
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val (Field mn n v)
= do fldn <- genFieldName p
args' <- mkArgs ps
-- If it's an implicit argument, leave it as _ by default
let arg = maybe (IVar EmptyFC (UN fldn))
let arg = maybe (IVar EmptyFC (UN $ Basic fldn))
(const (Implicit loc False))
pure ((p, Field imp fldn arg) :: args')
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ getSides loc (ISetField path val) tyn orig rec
-- then set the path on the rhs to 'val'
= findPath loc path path (Just tyn) (const val) rec
getSides loc (ISetFieldApp path val) tyn orig rec
= findPath loc path path (Just tyn) (\n => apply val [IVar EmptyFC (UN n)]) rec
= findPath loc path path (Just tyn)
(\n => apply val [IVar EmptyFC (UN $ Basic n)]) rec
getAllSides : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ recUpdate rigc elabinfo iloc nest env flds rec grecty
| Nothing => throw (RecordTypeNeeded iloc env)
fldn <- genFieldName "__fld"
sides <- getAllSides iloc flds rectyn rec
(Field Nothing fldn (IVar vloc (UN fldn)))
(Field Nothing fldn (IVar vloc (UN $ Basic fldn)))
pure $ ICase vloc rec (Implicit vloc False) [mkClause sides]
vloc : FC

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ elabScript fc nest env script@(NDCon nfc nm t ar args) exp
= do defs <- get Ctxt
fnm <- toFullNames nm
case fnm of
NS ns (UN n)
NS ns (UN (Basic n))
=> if ns == reflectionNS
then elabCon defs n (map snd args)
else failWith defs $ "bad reflection namespace " ++ show ns
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ elabScript fc nest env script@(NDCon nfc nm t ar args) exp
elabCon defs "Check" [exp, ttimp]
= do exp' <- evalClosure defs exp
ttimp' <- evalClosure defs ttimp
tidx <- resolveName (UN "[elaborator script]")
tidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[elaborator script]")
e <- newRef EST (initEState tidx env)
(checktm, _) <- runDelays (const True) $
check top (initElabInfo InExpr) nest env !(reify defs ttimp')
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ checkRunElab rig elabinfo nest env fc script exp
defs <- get Ctxt
unless (isExtension ElabReflection defs) $
throw (GenericMsg fc "%language ElabReflection not enabled")
let n = NS reflectionNS (UN "Elab")
let n = NS reflectionNS (UN $ Basic "Elab")
let ttn = reflectiontt "TT"
elabtt <- appCon fc defs n [expected]
(stm, sty) <- runDelays (const True) $

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Term
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.UserNameMap
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p Nothing argTy retTy) exp
AutoImplicit => genVarName "conArg"
(DefImplicit _) => genVarName "defArg"
checkPi rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy retTy exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p (Just (UN "_")) argTy retTy) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p (Just (UN Underscore)) argTy retTy) exp
= checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p Nothing argTy retTy) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p (Just n) argTy retTy) exp
= checkPi rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy retTy exp
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ICoerced fc tm) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IBindHere fc binder sc) exp
= checkBindHere rig elabinfo nest env fc binder sc exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IBindVar fc n) exp
= checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc n exp
= checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc (Basic n) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IAs fc nameFC side n_in tm) exp
= checkAs rig elabinfo nest env fc nameFC side n_in tm exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IMustUnify fc reason tm) exp
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IType fc) exp
= checkExp rig elabinfo env fc (TType fc) (gType fc) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IHole fc str) exp
= checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc str exp
= checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc (Basic str) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IUnifyLog fc lvl tm) exp
= withLogLevel lvl $ check rig elabinfo nest env tm exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (Implicit fc b) (Just gexpty)
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IWithUnambigNames fc ns rhs) exp
pure result
resolveNames : FC -> List Name -> Core (StringMap (Name, Int, GlobalDef))
resolveNames : FC -> List Name -> Core (UserNameMap (Name, Int, GlobalDef))
resolveNames fc [] = pure empty
resolveNames fc (n :: ns) =
case userNameRoot n of

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ unique : List String -> List String -> Int -> List Name -> String
unique [] supply suff usedns = unique supply supply (suff + 1) usedns
unique (str :: next) supply suff usedns
= let var = mkVarN str suff in
if UN var `elem` usedns
if UN (Basic var) `elem` usedns
then unique next supply suff usedns
else var
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ getArgName defs x bound allvars ty
else lookupName n ts
notBound : String -> Bool
notBound x = not $ UN x `elem` bound
notBound x = not $ UN (Basic x) `elem` bound
findNames : NF vars -> Core (List String)
findNames (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ _ _) _)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ getArgName defs x bound allvars ty
findNames ty = pure (filter notBound defaultNames)
getName : Name -> List String -> List Name -> String
getName (UN n) defs used = unique (n :: defs) (n :: defs) 0 used
getName (UN (Basic n)) defs used = unique (n :: defs) (n :: defs) 0 used
getName _ defs used = unique defs defs 0 used
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ getArgNames defs bound allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ p ty) sc)
Explicit => pure [!(getArgName defs x bound allvars !(evalClosure defs ty))]
_ => pure []
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc False))
pure $ ns ++ !(getArgNames defs bound (map UN ns ++ allvars) env sc')
pure $ ns ++ !(getArgNames defs bound (map (UN . Basic) ns ++ allvars) env sc')
getArgNames defs bound allvars env val = pure []

View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ getSuccessful {vars} fc rig opts mkHole env ty topty all
(\r => nameRoot (recname r) ++ "_rhs")
(recData opts)
hn <- uniqueName defs (map nameRoot vars) base
(idx, tm) <- newMeta fc rig env (UN hn) ty
(idx, tm) <- newMeta fc rig env (UN $ Basic hn) ty
(Hole (length env) (holeInit False))
one (tm, [])
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ searchType {vars} fc rig opts env topty Z (Bind bfc n b@(Pi fc' c info ty) sc)
getSuccessful fc rig opts False env ty topty
[searchLocal fc rig opts env (Bind bfc n b sc) topty,
(do defs <- get Ctxt
let n' = UN !(getArgName defs n [] vars !(nf defs env ty))
let n' = UN $ Basic !(getArgName defs n [] vars !(nf defs env ty))
let env' : Env Term (n' :: _) = b :: env
let sc' = renameTop n' sc
log "interaction.search" 10 $ "Introduced lambda, search for " ++ show sc'

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Data.List
%default covering
fnName : Bool -> Name -> String
fnName lhs (UN n)
fnName lhs (UN (Basic n))
= if isIdentNormal n then n
else if lhs then "(" ++ n ++ ")"
else "op"
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ expandClause loc opts n c
splittableNames : RawImp -> List Name
splittableNames (IApp _ f (IBindVar _ n))
= splittableNames f ++ [UN n]
= splittableNames f ++ [UN $ Basic n]
splittableNames (IApp _ f _)
= splittableNames f
splittableNames (IAutoApp _ f _)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ trySplit loc lhsraw lhs rhs n
valid _ = Nothing
fixNames : RawImp -> RawImp
fixNames (IVar loc' (UN n)) = IBindVar loc' n
fixNames (IVar loc' (UN (Basic n))) = IBindVar loc' n
fixNames (IVar loc' (MN _ _)) = Implicit loc' True
fixNames (IApp loc' f a) = IApp loc' (fixNames f) (fixNames a)
fixNames (IAutoApp loc' f a) = IAutoApp loc' (fixNames f) (fixNames a)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ trySplit loc lhsraw lhs rhs n
Nothing => IVar loc' n
Just tm => fixNames tm
updateLHS ups (IBindVar loc' n)
= case lookup (UN n) ups of
= case lookup (UN (Basic n)) ups of
Nothing => IBindVar loc' n
Just tm => fixNames tm
updateLHS ups (IApp loc' f a) = IApp loc' (updateLHS ups f) (updateLHS ups a)

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ getArgs : {vars : _} ->
getArgs {vars} env (S k) (Bind _ x b@(Pi _ c _ ty) sc)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
ty' <- map (map rawName) $ unelab env !(normalise defs env ty)
let x' = UN !(uniqueName defs (map nameRoot vars) (nameRoot x))
let x' = UN $ Basic !(uniqueName defs (map nameRoot vars) (nameRoot x))
(sc', ty) <- getArgs (b :: env) k (renameTop x' sc)
-- Don't need to use the name if it's not used in the scope type
let mn = if c == top

View File

@ -180,15 +180,15 @@ mutual
implicitArg fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "{"
x <- unqualifiedName
x <- UN . Basic <$> unqualifiedName
(do symbol "="
tm <- expr fname indents
symbol "}"
pure (Just (UN x), tm))
pure (Just x, tm))
<|> (do symbol "}"
end <- location
pure (Just (UN x), IVar (MkFC fname start end) (UN x)))
pure (Just x, IVar (MkFC fname start end) x))
<|> do symbol "@{"
tm <- expr fname indents
@ -198,12 +198,12 @@ mutual
as : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
as fname indents
= do start <- location
x <- unqualifiedName
x <- UN . Basic <$> unqualifiedName
nameEnd <- location
symbol "@"
pat <- simpleExpr fname indents
end <- location
pure (IAs (MkFC fname start end) (MkFC fname start nameEnd) UseRight (UN x) pat)
pure (IAs (MkFC fname start end) (MkFC fname start nameEnd) UseRight x pat)
simpleExpr : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule RawImp
simpleExpr fname indents
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ mutual
(do symbol ":"
appExpr fname indents)
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (rig, UN n, ty))
pure (rig, UN (Basic n), ty))
pibindListName : OriginDesc -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ mutual
ty <- expr fname indents
atEnd indents
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (map (\n => (rig, UN n, ty)) (forget ns))
pure (map (\n => (rig, UN (Basic n), ty)) (forget ns))
<|> forget <$> sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do rigc <- multiplicity
n <- name
@ -297,7 +297,10 @@ mutual
ns <- sepBy1 (symbol ",") unqualifiedName
nend <- location
let nfc = MkFC fname nstart nend
let binders = map (\n => (erased {a=RigCount}, Just (UN n), Implicit nfc False)) (forget ns)
let binders = map (\n => ( erased {a=RigCount}
, Just (UN $ Basic n)
, Implicit nfc False))
(forget ns)
symbol "."
scope <- typeExpr fname indents
end <- location
@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ fieldDecl fname indents
ty <- expr fname indents
end <- location
pure (map (\n => MkIField (MkFC fname start end)
linear p (UN n) ty) (forget ns))
linear p (UN $ Basic n) ty) (forget ns))
recordDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule ImpDecl
recordDecl fname indents

View File

@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ getSpecPats fc pename fn stk fnty args sargs pats
mkRHSargs (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ Explicit _) sc) app (a :: as) ((_, Dynamic) :: ds)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc False))
mkRHSargs sc' (IApp fc app (IVar fc (UN a))) as ds
mkRHSargs sc' (IApp fc app (IVar fc (UN $ Basic a))) as ds
mkRHSargs (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) app (a :: as) ((_, Dynamic) :: ds)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc False))
mkRHSargs sc' (INamedApp fc app x (IVar fc (UN a))) as ds
mkRHSargs sc' (INamedApp fc app x (IVar fc (UN $ Basic a))) as ds
mkRHSargs (NBind _ x (Pi _ _ Explicit _) sc) app as ((_, Static tm) :: ds)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc False))
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ getSpecPats fc pename fn stk fnty args sargs pats
-- Type will depend on the value here (we assume a variadic function) but
-- the argument names are still needed
mkRHSargs ty app (a :: as) ((_, Dynamic) :: ds)
= mkRHSargs ty (IApp fc app (IVar fc (UN a))) as ds
= mkRHSargs ty (IApp fc app (IVar fc (UN $ Basic a))) as ds
mkRHSargs _ app _ _
= pure app
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ mkSpecDef {vars} fc gdef pename sargs fn stk
getAllRefs : NameMap Bool -> List ArgMode -> NameMap Bool
getAllRefs ns (Dynamic :: xs) = getAllRefs ns xs
getAllRefs ns (Static t :: xs)
= addRefs False (UN "_") (getAllRefs ns xs) t
= addRefs False (UN Underscore) (getAllRefs ns xs) t
getAllRefs ns [] = ns
updateApp : Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ specialise {vars} fc env gdef fn stk
let nhash = hash (mapMaybe getStatic (map snd sargs))
`hashWithSalt` fn -- add function name to hash to avoid namespace clashes
let pename = NS partialEvalNS
(UN ("PE_" ++ nameRoot fnfull ++ "_" ++ asHex nhash))
(UN $ Basic ("PE_" ++ nameRoot fnfull ++ "_" ++ asHex nhash))
defs <- get Ctxt
case lookup pename (peFailures defs) of
Nothing => Just <$> mkSpecDef fc gdef pename sargs fn stk

View File

@ -589,8 +589,8 @@ checkClause {vars} mult vis totreq hashit n opts nest env
Nothing => []
Just _ =>
let fc = emptyFC in
let refl = IVar fc (NS builtinNS (UN "Refl")) in
[(mprf, INamedApp fc refl (UN "x") wval_raw)]
let refl = IVar fc (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "Refl")) in
[(mprf, INamedApp fc refl (UN $ Basic "x") wval_raw)]
let rhs_in = gapply (IVar vfc wname)
$ map (\ nm => (Nothing, IVar vfc nm)) envns
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ checkClause {vars} mult vis totreq hashit n opts nest env
bindWithArgs {xs} wvalTy (Just (name, wval)) wvalEnv = do
defs <- get Ctxt
let eqName = NS builtinNS (UN "Equal")
let eqName = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "Equal")
Just (TCon t ar _ _ _ _ _ _) <- lookupDefExact eqName (gamma defs)
| _ => throw (InternalError "Cannot find builtin Equal")
let eqTyCon = Ref vfc (TyCon t ar) !(toResolvedNames eqName)
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ mkRunTime fc n
mkCrash : {vars : _} -> String -> Term vars
mkCrash msg
= apply fc (Ref fc Func (NS builtinNS (UN "idris_crash")))
= apply fc (Ref fc Func (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "idris_crash")))
[Erased fc False, PrimVal fc (Str msg)]
matchAny : Term vars -> Term vars
@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { toCompileCase $= (n ::) } defs)
atotal <- toResolvedNames (NS builtinNS (UN "assert_total"))
atotal <- toResolvedNames (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"))
when (not (InCase `elem` opts)) $
do calcRefs False atotal (Resolved nidx)
sc <- calculateSizeChange fc n

View File

@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ elabRecord {vars} eopts fc env nest newns vis tn params conName_in fields
upds (b :: tyenv) sc
do let fldNameStr = nameRoot n
rfNameNS <- inCurrentNS (RF fldNameStr)
unNameNS <- inCurrentNS (UN fldNameStr)
rfNameNS <- inCurrentNS (UN $ Field fldNameStr)
unNameNS <- inCurrentNS (UN $ Basic fldNameStr)
let nestDrop
= map (\ (n, (_, ns, _)) => (n, length ns))
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ elabRecord {vars} eopts fc env nest newns vis tn params conName_in fields
let lhs = IApp bfc (IVar bfc rfNameNS)
(if imp == Explicit
then lhs_exp
else INamedApp bfc lhs_exp (UN fldNameStr)
else INamedApp bfc lhs_exp (UN $ Basic fldNameStr)
(IBindVar bfc fldNameStr))
let rhs = IVar EmptyFC (UN fldNameStr)
let rhs = IVar EmptyFC (UN $ Basic fldNameStr)
log "declare.record.projection" 5 $ "Projection " ++ show lhs ++ " = " ++ show rhs
processDecl [] nest env
(IDef bfc rfNameNS [PatClause bfc lhs rhs])

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ processRunElab eopts nest env fc tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
unless (isExtension ElabReflection defs) $
throw (GenericMsg fc "%language ElabReflection not enabled")
tidx <- resolveName (UN "[elaborator script]")
let n = NS reflectionNS (UN "Elab")
tidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[elaborator script]")
let n = NS reflectionNS (UN $ Basic "Elab")
unit <- getCon fc defs (builtin "Unit")
exp <- appCon fc defs n [unit]

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ processFnOpt fc _ ndef (SpecArgs ns)
then collectDDeps sc'
else do aty <- quote empty [] nty
-- Get names depended on by nty
let deps = keys (getRefs (UN "_") aty)
let deps = keys (getRefs (UN Underscore) aty)
rest <- collectDDeps sc'
pure (rest ++ deps)
collectDDeps _ = pure []
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ getFnString : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
RawImp -> Core String
getFnString (IPrimVal _ (Str st)) = pure st
getFnString tm
= do inidx <- resolveName (UN "[foreign]")
= do inidx <- resolveName (UN $ Basic "[foreign]")
let fc = getFC tm
let gstr = gnf [] (PrimVal fc StringType)
etm <- checkTerm inidx InExpr [] (MkNested []) [] tm gstr

View File

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ import TTImp.TTImp
Reify BindMode where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "PI"), [(_, c)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "PI"), [(_, c)])
=> do c' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs c)
pure (PI c')
(NS _ (UN "PATTERN"), _) => pure PATTERN
(NS _ (UN "NONE"), _) => pure NONE
(UN (Basic "PATTERN"), _) => pure PATTERN
(UN (Basic "NONE"), _) => pure NONE
_ => cantReify val "BindMode"
reify deva val = cantReify val "BindMode"
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ Reflect BindMode where
Reify UseSide where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "UseLeft"), _) => pure UseLeft
(NS _ (UN "UseRight"), _) => pure UseRight
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "UseLeft"), _) => pure UseLeft
(UN (Basic "UseRight"), _) => pure UseRight
_ => cantReify val "UseSide"
reify defs val = cantReify val "UseSide"
@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ Reflect UseSide where
Reify DotReason where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "NonLinearVar"), _) => pure NonLinearVar
(NS _ (UN "VarApplied"), _) => pure VarApplied
(NS _ (UN "NotConstructor"), _) => pure NotConstructor
(NS _ (UN "ErasedArg"), _) => pure ErasedArg
(NS _ (UN "UserDotted"), _) => pure UserDotted
(NS _ (UN "UnknownDot"), _) => pure UnknownDot
(NS _ (UN "UnderAppliedCon"), _) => pure UnderAppliedCon
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "NonLinearVar"), _) => pure NonLinearVar
(UN (Basic "VarApplied"), _) => pure VarApplied
(UN (Basic "NotConstructor"), _) => pure NotConstructor
(UN (Basic "ErasedArg"), _) => pure ErasedArg
(UN (Basic "UserDotted"), _) => pure UserDotted
(UN (Basic "UnknownDot"), _) => pure UnknownDot
(UN (Basic "UnderAppliedCon"), _) => pure UnderAppliedCon
_ => cantReify val "DotReason"
reify defs val = cantReify val "DotReason"
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ mutual
Reify RawImp where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "IVar"), [fc, n])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "IVar"), [fc, n])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (IVar fc' n')
(NS _ (UN "IPi"), [fc, c, p, mn, aty, rty])
(UN (Basic "IPi"), [fc, c, p, mn, aty, rty])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
c' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs c)
p' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs p)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ mutual
aty' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs aty)
rty' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs rty)
pure (IPi fc' c' p' mn' aty' rty')
(NS _ (UN "ILam"), [fc, c, p, mn, aty, lty])
(UN (Basic "ILam"), [fc, c, p, mn, aty, lty])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
c' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs c)
p' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs p)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ mutual
aty' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs aty)
lty' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs lty)
pure (ILam fc' c' p' mn' aty' lty')
(NS _ (UN "ILet"), [fc, lhsFC, c, n, ty, val, sc])
(UN (Basic "ILet"), [fc, lhsFC, c, n, ty, val, sc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
lhsFC' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs lhsFC)
c' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs c)
@ -115,123 +115,123 @@ mutual
val' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs val)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
pure (ILet fc' lhsFC' c' n' ty' val' sc')
(NS _ (UN "ICase"), [fc, sc, ty, cs])
(UN (Basic "ICase"), [fc, sc, ty, cs])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
ty' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ty)
cs' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs cs)
pure (ICase fc' sc' ty' cs')
(NS _ (UN "ILocal"), [fc, ds, sc])
(UN (Basic "ILocal"), [fc, ds, sc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
ds' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ds)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
pure (ILocal fc' ds' sc')
(NS _ (UN "IUpdate"), [fc, ds, sc])
(UN (Basic "IUpdate"), [fc, ds, sc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
ds' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ds)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
pure (IUpdate fc' ds' sc')
(NS _ (UN "IApp"), [fc, f, a])
(UN (Basic "IApp"), [fc, f, a])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
f' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs f)
a' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs a)
pure (IApp fc' f' a')
(NS _ (UN "INamedApp"), [fc, f, m, a])
(UN (Basic "INamedApp"), [fc, f, m, a])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
f' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs f)
m' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs m)
a' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs a)
pure (INamedApp fc' f' m' a')
(NS _ (UN "IAutoApp"), [fc, f, a])
(UN (Basic "IAutoApp"), [fc, f, a])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
f' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs f)
a' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs a)
pure (IAutoApp fc' f' a')
(NS _ (UN "IWithApp"), [fc, f, a])
(UN (Basic "IWithApp"), [fc, f, a])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
f' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs f)
a' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs a)
pure (IWithApp fc' f' a')
(NS _ (UN "ISearch"), [fc, d])
(UN (Basic "ISearch"), [fc, d])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
d' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs d)
pure (ISearch fc' d')
(NS _ (UN "IAlternative"), [fc, t, as])
(UN (Basic "IAlternative"), [fc, t, as])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
as' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs as)
pure (IAlternative fc' t' as')
(NS _ (UN "IRewrite"), [fc, t, sc])
(UN (Basic "IRewrite"), [fc, t, sc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
pure (IRewrite fc' t' sc')
(NS _ (UN "IBindHere"), [fc, t, sc])
(UN (Basic "IBindHere"), [fc, t, sc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
sc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs sc)
pure (IBindHere fc' t' sc')
(NS _ (UN "IBindVar"), [fc, n])
(UN (Basic "IBindVar"), [fc, n])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (IBindVar fc' n')
(NS _ (UN "IAs"), [fc, nameFC, s, n, t])
(UN (Basic "IAs"), [fc, nameFC, s, n, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
nameFC' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs nameFC)
s' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs s)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IAs fc' nameFC' s' n' t')
(NS _ (UN "IMustUnify"), [fc, r, t])
(UN (Basic "IMustUnify"), [fc, r, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
r' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs r)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IMustUnify fc' r' t')
(NS _ (UN "IDelayed"), [fc, r, t])
(UN (Basic "IDelayed"), [fc, r, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
r' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs r)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IDelayed fc' r' t')
(NS _ (UN "IDelay"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IDelay"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IDelay fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IForce"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IForce"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IForce fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IQuote"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IQuote"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IQuote fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IQuoteName"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IQuoteName"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IQuoteName fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IQuoteDecl"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IQuoteDecl"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IQuoteDecl fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IUnquote"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IUnquote"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IUnquote fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IPrimVal"), [fc, t])
(UN (Basic "IPrimVal"), [fc, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
pure (IPrimVal fc' t')
(NS _ (UN "IType"), [fc])
(UN (Basic "IType"), [fc])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
pure (IType fc')
(NS _ (UN "IHole"), [fc, n])
(UN (Basic "IHole"), [fc, n])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (IHole fc' n')
(NS _ (UN "Implicit"), [fc, n])
(UN (Basic "Implicit"), [fc, n])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
n' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs n)
pure (Implicit fc' n')
(NS _ (UN "IWithUnambigNames"), [fc, ns, t])
(UN (Basic "IWithUnambigNames"), [fc, ns, t])
=> do fc' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs fc)
ns' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs ns)
t' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs t)
@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ mutual
Reify IFieldUpdate where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "ISetField"), [(_, x), (_, y)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "ISetField"), [(_, x), (_, y)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
pure (ISetField x' y')
(NS _ (UN "ISetFieldApp"), [(_, x), (_, y)])
(UN (Basic "ISetFieldApp"), [(_, x), (_, y)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
pure (ISetFieldApp x' y')
@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ mutual
Reify AltType where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "FirstSuccess"), _)
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "FirstSuccess"), _)
=> pure FirstSuccess
(NS _ (UN "Unique"), _)
(UN (Basic "Unique"), _)
=> pure Unique
(NS _ (UN "UniqueDefault"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "UniqueDefault"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (UniqueDefault x')
_ => cantReify val "AltType"
@ -271,25 +271,25 @@ mutual
Reify FnOpt where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "Inline"), _) => pure Inline
(NS _ (UN "TCInline"), _) => pure TCInline
(NS _ (UN "Hint"), [(_, x)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "Inline"), _) => pure Inline
(UN (Basic "TCInline"), _) => pure TCInline
(UN (Basic "Hint"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Hint x')
(NS _ (UN "GlobalHint"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "GlobalHint"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (GlobalHint x')
(NS _ (UN "ExternFn"), _) => pure ExternFn
(NS _ (UN "ForeignFn"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "ExternFn"), _) => pure ExternFn
(UN (Basic "ForeignFn"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (ForeignFn x')
(NS _ (UN "Invertible"), _) => pure Invertible
(NS _ (UN "Totality"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "Invertible"), _) => pure Invertible
(UN (Basic "Totality"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Totality x')
(NS _ (UN "Macro"), _) => pure Macro
(NS _ (UN "SpecArgs"), [(_, x)])
(UN (Basic "Macro"), _) => pure Macro
(UN (Basic "SpecArgs"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (SpecArgs x')
_ => cantReify val "FnOpt"
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ mutual
Reify ImpTy where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "MkTy"), [w, x, y, z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "MkTy"), [w, x, y, z])
=> do w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
@ -311,29 +311,29 @@ mutual
Reify DataOpt where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(NS _ (UN "SearchBy"), [(_, x)])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), args) of
(UN (Basic "SearchBy"), [(_, x)])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (SearchBy x')
(NS _ (UN "NoHints"), _) => pure NoHints
(NS _ (UN "UniqueSearch"), _) => pure UniqueSearch
(NS _ (UN "External"), _) => pure External
(NS _ (UN "NoNewtype"), _) => pure NoNewtype
(UN (Basic "NoHints"), _) => pure NoHints
(UN (Basic "UniqueSearch"), _) => pure UniqueSearch
(UN (Basic "External"), _) => pure External
(UN (Basic "NoNewtype"), _) => pure NoNewtype
_ => cantReify val "DataOpt"
reify defs val = cantReify val "DataOpt"
Reify ImpData where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "MkData"), [v,w,x,y,z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "MkData"), [v,w,x,y,z])
=> do v' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs v)
w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (MkImpData v' w' x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "MkLater"), [x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "MkLater"), [x,y,z])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ mutual
Reify IField where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "MkIField"), [v,w,x,y,z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "MkIField"), [v,w,x,y,z])
=> do v' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs v)
w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ mutual
Reify ImpRecord where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "MkRecord"), [v,w,x,y,z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "MkRecord"), [v,w,x,y,z])
=> do v' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs v)
w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ mutual
Reify WithFlag where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "Syntactic"), [])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "Syntactic"), [])
=> pure Syntactic
_ => cantReify val "WithFlag"
reify defs val = cantReify val "WithFlag"
@ -381,13 +381,13 @@ mutual
Reify ImpClause where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "PatClause"), [x,y,z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "PatClause"), [x,y,z])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (PatClause x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "WithClause"), [u,v,w,x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "WithClause"), [u,v,w,x,y,z])
=> do u' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs u)
v' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs v)
w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ mutual
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (WithClause u' v' w' x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "ImpossibleClause"), [x,y])
(UN (Basic "ImpossibleClause"), [x,y])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
pure (ImpossibleClause x' y')
@ -405,47 +405,47 @@ mutual
Reify ImpDecl where
reify defs val@(NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= case (!(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(NS _ (UN "IClaim"), [v,w,x,y,z])
= case (dropAllNS !(full (gamma defs) n), map snd args) of
(UN (Basic "IClaim"), [v,w,x,y,z])
=> do v' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs v)
w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (IClaim v' w' x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "IData"), [x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "IData"), [x,y,z])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (IData x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "IDef"), [x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "IDef"), [x,y,z])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (IDef x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "IParameters"), [x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "IParameters"), [x,y,z])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (IParameters x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "IRecord"), [w, x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "IRecord"), [w, x,y,z])
=> do w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (IRecord w' x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "INamespace"), [w,x,y])
(UN (Basic "INamespace"), [w,x,y])
=> do w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
pure (INamespace w' x' y')
(NS _ (UN "ITransform"), [w,x,y,z])
(UN (Basic "ITransform"), [w,x,y,z])
=> do w' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs w)
x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
y' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs y)
z' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs z)
pure (ITransform w' x' y' z')
(NS _ (UN "ILog"), [x])
(UN (Basic "ILog"), [x])
=> do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (ILog x')
_ => cantReify val "Decl"

View File

@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ findIBinds (INamedApp _ fn _ av)
= findIBinds fn ++ findIBinds av
findIBinds (IWithApp fc fn av)
= findIBinds fn ++ findIBinds av
findIBinds (IAs fc _ _ (UN n) pat)
findIBinds (IAs fc _ _ (UN (Basic n)) pat)
= n :: findIBinds pat
findIBinds (IAs fc _ _ n pat)
= findIBinds pat
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ findIBinds tm = []
findImplicits : RawImp' nm -> List String
findImplicits (IPi fc rig p (Just (UN mn)) aty retty)
findImplicits (IPi fc rig p (Just (UN (Basic mn))) aty retty)
= mn :: findImplicits aty ++ findImplicits retty
findImplicits (IPi fc rig p mn aty retty)
= findImplicits aty ++ findImplicits retty
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ implicitsAs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
implicitsAs n defs ns tm
= do let implicits = findIBinds tm
log "declare.def.lhs.implicits" 30 $ "Found implicits: " ++ show implicits
setAs (map Just (ns ++ map UN implicits)) [] tm
setAs (map Just (ns ++ map (UN . Basic) implicits)) [] tm
-- Takes the function application expression which is the lhs of a clause
-- and decomposes it into the underlying function symbol and the variables
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ implicitsAs n defs ns tm
= do body <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc False))
case es of
-- Explicits were skipped, therefore all explicits are given anyway
Just (UN "_") :: _ => findImps ns es [] body
Just (UN Underscore) :: _ => findImps ns es [] body
-- Explicits weren't skipped, so we need to check
_ => case updateNs x es of
Nothing => pure [] -- explicit wasn't given
@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ implicitsAs n defs ns tm
impAs : FC -> List (Name, PiInfo RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
impAs loc' [] tm = tm
impAs loc' ((UN n, AutoImplicit) :: ns) tm
impAs loc' ((nm@(UN (Basic n)), AutoImplicit) :: ns) tm
= impAs loc' ns $
INamedApp loc' tm (UN n) (IBindVar loc' n)
INamedApp loc' tm nm (IBindVar loc' n)
impAs loc' ((n, Implicit) :: ns) tm
= impAs loc' ns $
@ -694,7 +694,6 @@ definedInBlock ns decls =
UN _ => NS ns n
MN _ _ => NS ns n
DN _ _ => NS ns n
RF _ => NS ns n
_ => n
defName : Namespace -> ImpDecl -> List Name
@ -711,7 +710,7 @@ definedInBlock ns decls =
fldns' = maybe ns (\ f => ns <.> mkNamespace f) fldns
toRF : Name -> Name
toRF (UN n) = RF n
toRF (UN (Basic n)) = UN (Field n)
toRF n = n
fnsUN : List Name

View File

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ mutual
let nm = if used 0 sctm || isNoSugar umode
then Just x
else if rig /= top || isDefImp p
then Just (UN "_")
then Just (UN Underscore)
else Nothing
pure (IPi fc rig p' nm ty' sc, gType fc)

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ findBindableNames : (arg : Bool) -> List Name -> (used : List String) ->
findBindableNamesQuot : List Name -> (used : List String) -> RawImp ->
List (String, String)
findBindableNames True env used (IVar fc (UN n))
= if not (UN n `elem` env) && lowerFirst n
findBindableNames True env used (IVar fc nm@(UN (Basic n)))
= if not (nm `elem` env) && lowerFirst n
then [(n, getUnique used n)]
else []
findBindableNames arg env used (IPi fc rig p mn aty retty)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ findBindableNames arg env used (IAutoApp fc fn av)
= findBindableNames False env used fn ++ findBindableNames True env used av
findBindableNames arg env used (IWithApp fc fn av)
= findBindableNames False env used fn ++ findBindableNames True env used av
findBindableNames arg env used (IAs fc _ _ (UN n) pat)
findBindableNames arg env used (IAs fc _ _ (UN (Basic n)) pat)
= (n, getUnique used n) :: findBindableNames arg env used pat
findBindableNames arg env used (IAs fc _ _ n pat)
= findBindableNames arg env used pat
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ findUniqueBindableNames fc arg env used t
do defs <- get Ctxt
let ctxt = gamma defs
ns <- map catMaybes $ for assoc $ \ (n, _) => do
ns <- lookupCtxtName (UN n) ctxt
ns <- lookupCtxtName (UN (Basic n)) ctxt
let ns = flip mapMaybe ns $ \(n, _, d) =>
case definition d of
-- do not warn about holes: `?a` is not actually
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ findIBindVars (IAutoApp fc fn av)
findIBindVars (IWithApp fc fn av)
= findIBindVars fn ++ findIBindVars av
findIBindVars (IBindVar fc v)
= [UN v]
= [UN (Basic v)]
findIBindVars (IDelayed fc r t)
= findIBindVars t
findIBindVars (IDelay fc t)
@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ mutual
_ => IVar fc n
else IVar fc n
substNames' True bound ps (IBindVar fc n)
= if not (UN n `elem` bound)
then case lookup (UN n) ps of
= if not (UN (Basic n) `elem` bound)
then case lookup (UN $ Basic n) ps of
Just t => t
_ => IBindVar fc n
else IBindVar fc n
@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ mutual
substNamesClause' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpClause -> ImpClause
substNamesClause' bvar bound ps (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
= let bound' = map UN (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
= let bound' = map (UN . Basic) (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
++ findIBindVars lhs
++ bound in
PatClause fc (substNames' bvar [] [] lhs)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps rhs)
substNamesClause' bvar bound ps (WithClause fc lhs wval prf flags cs)
= let bound' = map UN (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
= let bound' = map (UN . Basic) (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
++ findIBindVars lhs
++ bound in
WithClause fc (substNames' bvar [] [] lhs)
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ uniqueName defs used n
usedName : Core Bool
= pure $ case !(lookupTyName (UN n) (gamma defs)) of
= pure $ case !(lookupTyName (UN $ Basic n) (gamma defs)) of
[] => n `elem` used
_ => True

View File

@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ mutual
-- one of them is okay
getMatch lhs (IAlternative fc _ as) (IAlternative _ _ as')
= matchAny fc lhs (zip as as')
getMatch lhs (IAs _ _ _ (UN n) p) (IAs _ fc _ (UN n') p')
getMatch lhs (IAs _ _ _ (UN (Basic n)) p) (IAs _ fc _ (UN (Basic n')) p')
= do ms <- getMatch lhs p p'
mergeMatches lhs ((n, IBindVar fc n') :: ms)
getMatch lhs (IAs _ _ _ (UN n) p) p'
getMatch lhs (IAs _ _ _ (UN (Basic n)) p) p'
= do ms <- getMatch lhs p p'
mergeMatches lhs ((n, p') :: ms)
getMatch lhs (IAs _ _ _ _ p) p' = getMatch lhs p p'
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ getArgMatch : FC -> (side : ElabMode) -> (search : Bool) ->
(arg : Maybe (PiInfo RawImp, Name)) -> RawImp
getArgMatch ploc mode search warg ms Nothing = warg
getArgMatch ploc mode True warg ms (Just (AutoImplicit, nm))
= case (isUN nm >>= \ n => lookup n ms) of
= case (isUN nm >>= \ un => isBasic un >>= \ n => lookup n ms) of
Just tm => tm
Nothing =>
let arg = ISearch ploc 500 in
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ getArgMatch ploc mode True warg ms (Just (AutoImplicit, nm))
then IAs ploc ploc UseLeft nm arg
else arg
getArgMatch ploc mode search warg ms (Just (_, nm))
= case (isUN nm >>= \ n => lookup n ms) of
= case (isUN nm >>= \ un => isBasic un >>= \ n => lookup n ms) of
Just tm => tm
Nothing =>
let arg = Implicit ploc True in

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ a : SimpleRec -> Int
b : SimpleRec -> String
hello : Int -> Int
world : Nat -> Nat
.a : SimpleRec -> Int
.b : SimpleRec -> String
Doc> Doc.NS.NestedNS.Foo : Type
A type of Foo
@ -17,6 +19,6 @@ Doc> record Doc.SimpleRec : Type
Totality: total
Constructor: MkSimpleRec : Int -> String -> SimpleRec
a : SimpleRec -> Int
b : SimpleRec -> String
.a : SimpleRec -> Int
.b : SimpleRec -> String
Doc> Bye for now!

View File

@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ RecordDoc>
RecordDoc> record RecordDoc.A : Type -> Type
Totality: total
Constructor: __mkA : _
Projection: anA : A a -> a
Projection: .anA : A a -> a
RecordDoc> record RecordDoc.Tuple : Type -> Type -> Type
Totality: total
Constructor: __mkTuple : _
proj1 : Tuple a b -> a
proj2 : Tuple a b -> b
.proj1 : Tuple a b -> a
.proj2 : Tuple a b -> b
RecordDoc> record RecordDoc.Singleton : a -> Type
Totality: total
Constructor: __mkSingleton : _
equal : (rec : Singleton v) -> value rec = v
value : Singleton v -> a
.equal : (rec : Singleton v) -> value rec = v
.value : Singleton v -> a
RecordDoc> Bye for now!

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ quote:37:1--37:21
37 | %runElab noExtension
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN "+")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (BI 3)))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (BI 4)))
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN "+")) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 6) (0, 10)) (UN "True"))) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 14) (0, 19)) (UN "False"))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (11, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (UN "xfn") (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 25) (10, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (UN "xfn") [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 16) (11, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 26) (11, 27)) (UN "*")) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 25)) (UN "var"))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 12)) (UN "the")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 13) (0, 16)) IntType)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (BI 99994)))))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (17, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (UN "xfn") (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 25) (16, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (UN "xfn") [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 16) (17, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 26) (17, 27)) (UN "*")) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 25)) (UN "var"))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 43)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IPrimVal EmptyFC (I 99994)))
Main> [UN "names", NS (MkNS ["Prelude"]) (UN "+")]
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN (Basic "+"))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 13) (6, 14)) (BI 3)))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (6, 18) (6, 19)) (BI 4)))
Main> IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (3, 17) (3, 18)) (UN (Basic "+"))) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 6) (0, 10)) (UN (Basic "True")))) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 14) (0, 19)) (UN (Basic "False")))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (11, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 12) (10, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 18) (10, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (10, 25) (10, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 12) (11, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 16) (11, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 26) (11, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 22) (11, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (11, 28) (11, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (12, 12) (12, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 9) (0, 12)) (UN (Basic "the"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 13) (0, 16)) IntType)) (IApp (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (Virtual Interactive) (0, 17) (0, 22)) (BI 99994)))))
Main> ILocal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (17, 29)) [IClaim (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 12) (16, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) (IPi (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 18) (16, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (16, 25) (16, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "xfn")) [PatClause (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 19)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 12) (17, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IBindVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 16) (17, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 26) (17, 27)) (UN (Basic "*"))) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 22) (17, 25)) (UN (Basic "var")))) (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (UN (Basic "fromInteger"))) (IPrimVal (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (17, 28) (17, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 43)) (IVar (MkFC (PhysicalIdrSrc (MkMI ["quote"])) (18, 12) (18, 15)) (UN (Basic "xfn"))) (IPrimVal EmptyFC (I 99994)))
Main> [UN (Basic "names"), NS (MkNS ["Prelude"]) (UN (Basic "+"))]
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ axes (S (S (S (S (S _))))) {lte} = absurd lte
mkPoint : (n : Nat) -> {auto gt : GT n 0} -> {auto lte : LTE n 4} -> Decl
mkPoint n
= let type = "Point" ++ show n ++ "D" in
let mkMainUN = NS (MkNS ["Main"]) . UN . Basic in
IRecord emptyFC Nothing Public
(MkRecord emptyFC (NS (MkNS ["Main"]) (UN type)) [] (NS (MkNS ["Main"]) (UN ("Mk" ++ type)))
(toList $ map (\axis => MkIField emptyFC MW ExplicitArg (RF axis) `(Double)) (axes n)))
(MkRecord emptyFC (mkMainUN type) [] (mkMainUN ("Mk" ++ type))
(toList $ map (\axis => MkIField emptyFC MW ExplicitArg (UN (Field axis)) `(Double)) (axes n)))
logDecls : TTImp -> Elab (Int -> Int)
logDecls v

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ genEq typeName = do
let and : TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
and x y = `(~(x) && ~(y))
compareEq : String -> String -> TTImp
compareEq x y = `(~(IVar pos $ UN x) == ~(IVar pos $ UN y))
compareEq x y = `(~(IVar pos $ UN (Basic x)) == ~(IVar pos $ UN (Basic y)))
makeClause : Name -> Elab Clause
makeClause constr = do
[(_, ty)] <- getType constr