mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 01:01:59 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into scratch-work-search-repl
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ on:
SCHEME: scheme
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -26,4 +29,4 @@ jobs:
shell: bash
- name: Test API
run: cd tests/idris2/api001 && ./run idris2
shell: bash
shell: bash
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ on:
- master
SCHEME: chez
runs-on: macos-latest
@ -26,4 +29,4 @@ jobs:
shell: bash
- name: Build and test self-hosted
run: make clean && make all && make test INTERACTIVE=''
shell: bash
shell: bash
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ on:
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -17,9 +21,8 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install build dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y racket
- name: Build from bootstrap
run: make bootstrap-racket
shell: bash
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ on:
SCHEME: scheme
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -27,4 +30,3 @@ jobs:
- name: Build and test self-hosted
run: make clean && make all && make test INTERACTIVE=''
shell: bash
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ env:
MSYS2_PATH_TYPE: inherit
SCHEME: scheme
CC: gcc
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get Chez Scheme
run: |
run: |
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme
c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c "pacman -S --noconfirm tar make"
echo "::set-env name=PWD::$(c:\msys64\usr\bin\cygpath -u $(pwd))"
@ -43,4 +45,4 @@ jobs:
run: |
scheme --version
- name: Bootstrap and install
run: c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c "cd $env:PWD && make bootstrap && make install"
run: c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c "cd $env:PWD && make bootstrap && make install"
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Compiler changes:
* Added primitives to the parsing library used in the compiler to get more precise
boundaries to the AST nodes `FC`.
* New experimental ``refc`` code generator, which generates C with reference
REPL/IDE mode changes:
@ -87,9 +87,11 @@ test:
@${MAKE} -C support/c
@${MAKE} -C support/refc
@${MAKE} -C support/c clean
@${MAKE} -C support/refc clean
${MAKE} -C libs/prelude clean
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ install-support:
install support/gambit/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/gambit
install support/js/* ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/support/js
@${MAKE} -C support/c install
@${MAKE} -C support/refc install
${MAKE} -C libs/prelude install IDRIS2=../../${TARGET} IDRIS2_PATH=${IDRIS2_BOOT_PATH}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ git checkout tags/v$1
rm -rf .git
rm -rf .github
rm .git*
rm .travis*
rm -f .travis*
rm -rf Release
find . -type f -name '.gitignore' -exec rm -f {} \;
@ -61,4 +61,5 @@ or via the `IDRIS2_CG` environment variable.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
C with Reference Counting
There is an experimental code generator which compiles to an executable via C,
using a reference counting garbage collector. This is intended as a lightweight
(i.e. minimal dependencies) code generator that can be ported to multiple
platforms, especially those with memory constraints.
Performance is not as good as the Scheme based code generators, partly because
the reference counting has not yet had any optimisation, and partly because of
the limitations of C. However, the main goal is portability: the generated
code should run on any platform that supports a C compiler.
This code generator can be accessed via the REPL command:
Main> :set cg refc
Alternatively, you can set it via the ``IDRIS2_CG`` environment variable:
$ export IDRIS2_CG=refc
The C compiler it invokes is determined by either the ``IDRIS2_CC`` or ``CC``
environment variables. If neither is set, it uses ``cc``.
This code generator does not yet support `:exec`, just `:c`.
Also note that, if you link with any dynamic libraries for interfacing with
C, you will need to arrange for them to be accessible via ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``
when running the executable. The default Idris 2 support libraries are
statically linked.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ is a very convenient way to bootstrap.
Can Idris 2 generate Javascript? What about plug-in code generators?
Yes! A `JavaScript code generator <https://idris2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends/javascript.html/>`_
Yes! A `JavaScript code generator <https://idris2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends/javascript.html>`_
is built in, and can target either the browser or NodeJS.
Like Idris 1, Idris 2
@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ which you can run:
$ idris2 hello.idr -o hello
$ ./build/exec/hello
Hello world
(On Macos you may first need to install realpath: ```brew install coreutils```)
Please note that the dollar sign ``$`` indicates the shell prompt!
Some useful options to the Idris command are:
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ modules =
@ -254,6 +254,10 @@ public export
splitOn : Eq a => a -> List a -> List1 (List a)
splitOn a = split (== a)
public export
replaceWhen : (a -> Bool) -> a -> List a -> List a
replaceWhen p b l = map (\c => if p c then b else c) l
||| Replaces all occurences of the first argument with the second argument in a list.
||| ```idris example
@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ splitOn a = split (== a)
public export
replaceOn : Eq a => a -> a -> List a -> List a
replaceOn a b l = map (\c => if c == a then b else c) l
replaceOn a = replaceWhen (== a)
public export
reverseOnto : List a -> List a -> List a
@ -84,12 +84,6 @@ DecEq t => DecEq (Maybe t) where
-- Either
Uninhabited (Left x = Right y) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (Right x = Left y) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
(DecEq t, DecEq s) => DecEq (Either t s) where
decEq (Left x) (Left y) with (decEq x y)
@ -160,6 +160,21 @@ export
closeFile : HasIO io => File -> io ()
closeFile (FHandle f) = primIO (prim__close f)
||| Check if a file exists for reading.
exists : HasIO io => String -> io Bool
exists f
= do Right ok <- openFile f Read
| Left err => pure False
closeFile ok
pure True
||| Pick the first existing file
firstExists : HasIO io => List String -> io (Maybe String)
firstExists [] = pure Nothing
firstExists (x :: xs) = if !(exists x) then pure (Just x) else firstExists xs
fileError : HasIO io => File -> io Bool
fileError (FHandle f)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
-- This module is based on the following papers:
-- Categories of Containers
-- Abbott, Altenkirch, Ghani
-- Derivatives of Containers
-- Abbott, Altenkirch, Ghani, McBride
module Data.Container
import Data.Either
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
-- Container and their morphisms
-- * Extension is a functor from Container to Type
-- Objects of the category of containers
namespace Container
public export
record Container where
constructor MkContainer
Shape : Type
Position : Shape -> Type
public export
record Extension (c : Container) (x : Type) where
constructor MkExtension
shape : Shape c
payloads : Position c shape -> x
||| The image of a container by @Extension@ is a functor
public export
Functor (Extension c) where map f (MkExtension s p) = MkExtension s (f . p)
-- Morphisms of the category of containers
namespace Morphism
public export
record Morphism (c, d : Container) where
constructor MkMorphism
shapeMorphism : Shape c -> Shape d
positionMorphism : {s : Shape c} -> Position d (shapeMorphism s) -> Position c s
public export
Extension : Morphism c d -> Extension c x -> Extension d x
Extension phi (MkExtension s p)
= MkExtension (shapeMorphism phi s) (p . positionMorphism phi)
-- Combinators to build containers
namespace Combinators
-- Constant
public export
Const : Type -> Container
Const k = MkContainer k (const Void)
toConst : k -> Extension (Const k) x
toConst v = MkExtension v absurd
fromConst : Extension (Const k) x -> k
fromConst (MkExtension v _) = v
-- Identity
public export
Identity : Container
Identity = MkContainer () (\ () => ())
toIdentity : x -> Extension Identity x
toIdentity v = MkExtension () (const v)
fromIdentity : Extension Identity x -> x
fromIdentity (MkExtension () chld) = chld ()
-- Composition
public export
Compose : (d, c : Container) -> Container
Compose d c = MkContainer
(Extension d (Shape c))
(\ (MkExtension shp chld) => (p : Position d shp ** Position c (chld p)))
toCompose : (Extension d . Extension c) x -> Extension (Compose d c) x
toCompose (MkExtension shp1 chld)
= MkExtension (MkExtension shp1 (shape . chld)) (\ (p ** q) => payloads (chld p) q)
fromCompose : Extension (Compose d c) x -> (Extension d . Extension c) x
fromCompose (MkExtension (MkExtension shp1 shp2) chld)
= MkExtension shp1 (\ p => MkExtension (shp2 p) (\ q => chld (p ** q)))
-- Direct sum
public export
Sum : (c, d : Container) -> Container
Sum c d = MkContainer (Either (Shape c) (Shape d)) (either (Position c) (Position d))
toSum : Either (Extension c x) (Extension d x) -> Extension (Sum c d) x
toSum (Left (MkExtension shp chld)) = MkExtension (Left shp) chld
toSum (Right (MkExtension shp chld)) = MkExtension (Right shp) chld
fromSum : Extension (Sum c d) x -> Either (Extension c x) (Extension d x)
fromSum (MkExtension (Left shp) chld) = Left (MkExtension shp chld)
fromSum (MkExtension (Right shp) chld) = Right (MkExtension shp chld)
-- Pairing
public export
Pair : (c, d : Container) -> Container
Pair c d = MkContainer (Shape c, Shape d) (\ (p, q) => Either (Position c p) (Position d q))
toPair : (Extension c x, Extension d x) -> Extension (Pair c d) x
toPair (MkExtension shp1 chld1, MkExtension shp2 chld2)
= MkExtension (shp1, shp2) (either chld1 chld2)
fromPair : Extension (Pair c d) x -> (Extension c x, Extension d x)
fromPair (MkExtension (shp1, shp2) chld)
= (MkExtension shp1 (chld . Left), MkExtension shp2 (chld . Right))
-- Branching over a Type
public export
Exponential : Type -> Container -> Container
Exponential k c = MkContainer (k -> Shape c) (\ p => (v : k ** Position c (p v)))
toExponential : (k -> Extension c x) -> Extension (Exponential k c) x
toExponential f = MkExtension (shape . f) (\ (v ** p) => payloads (f v) p)
fromExponential : Extension (Exponential k c) x -> (k -> Extension c x)
fromExponential (MkExtension shp chld) k = MkExtension (shp k) (\ p => chld (k ** p))
-- Taking various fixpoints of containers
namespace Initial
public export
data W : Container -> Type where
MkW : Extension c (W c) -> W c
map : Morphism c d -> W c -> W d
map f (MkW (MkExtension shp chld)) = MkW $ Extension f (MkExtension shp (\ p => map f (chld p)))
-- Container.map inlined because of -------------------^
-- termination checking
foldr : (Extension c x -> x) -> W c -> x
foldr alg (MkW (MkExtension shp chld)) = alg (MkExtension shp (\ p => foldr alg (chld p)))
para : (Extension c (x, W c) -> x) -> W c -> x
para alg (MkW (MkExtension shp chld)) = alg (MkExtension shp (\ p => let w = chld p in (para alg w, w)))
namespace Monad
||| @Free@ is a wrapper around @W@ to make it inference friendly.
||| Without this wrapper, neither @pure@ nor @bind@ are able to infer their @c@ argument.
public export
record Free (c : Container) (x : Type) where
constructor MkFree
runFree : W (Sum c (Const x))
pure : x -> Free c x
pure x = MkFree $ MkW (toSum (Right (toConst x)))
(>>=) : Free c x -> (x -> Free c y) -> Free c y
(>>=) (MkFree mx) k = foldr (alg . fromSum {c} {d = Const x}) mx where
alg : Either (Extension c (Free c y)) (Extension (Const x) (Free c y)) -> Free c y
alg = either (MkFree . MkW . toSum {c} {d = Const y} . Left . map (runFree {c}))
(k . fromConst {k = x})
join : Free c (Free c x) -> Free c x
join = (>>= id)
namespace Final
public export
data M : Container -> Type where
MkM : Extension c (Inf (M c)) -> M c
unfoldr : (s -> Extension c s) -> s -> M c
unfoldr next seed =
let (MkExtension shp chld) = next seed in
MkM (MkExtension shp (\ p => unfoldr next (chld p)))
namespace Comonad
||| @Cofree@ is a wrapper around @M@ to make it inference friendly.
||| Without this wrapper, neither @extract@ nor @extend@ are able to infer their @c@ argument.
public export
record Cofree (c : Container) (x : Type) where
constructor MkCofree
runCofree : M (Pair (Const x) c)
extract : Cofree c x -> x
extract (MkCofree (MkM m)) = fst (shape m)
extend : (Cofree c a -> b) -> Cofree c a -> Cofree c b
extend alg = MkCofree . unfoldr next . runCofree where
next : M (Pair (Const a) c) -> Extension (Pair (Const b) c) (M (Pair (Const a) c))
next m@(MkM layer) =
let (_, (MkExtension shp chld)) = fromPair {c = Const a} layer in
let b = toConst (alg (MkCofree m)) in
toPair (b, MkExtension shp (\ p => chld p))
-- Eta-expanded to force Inf ------^
duplicate : Cofree c a -> Cofree c (Cofree c a)
duplicate = extend id
-- Derivative
namespace Derivative
public export
Derivative : Container -> Container
Derivative c = MkContainer
(s : Shape c ** Position c s)
(\ (s ** p) => (p' : Position c s ** Not (p === p')))
hole : (v : Extension (Derivative c) x) -> Position c (fst (shape v))
hole (MkExtension (shp ** p) _) = p
unplug : (v : Extension c x) -> Position c (shape v) -> (Extension (Derivative c) x, x)
unplug (MkExtension shp chld) p = (MkExtension (shp ** p) (chld . fst), chld p)
plug : (v : Extension (Derivative c) x) -> DecEq (Position c (fst (shape v))) => x -> Extension c x
plug (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld) x = MkExtension shp $ \ p' => case decEq p p' of
Yes eq => x
No neq => chld (p' ** neq)
toConst : Extension (Const Void) x -> Extension (Derivative (Const k)) x
toConst v = absurd (fromConst v)
fromConst : Extension (Derivative (Const k)) x -> Extension (Const Void) x
fromConst v = absurd (hole {c = Const _} v)
toIdentity : Extension (Derivative Identity) x
toIdentity = MkExtension (() ** ()) (\ (() ** eq) => absurd (eq Refl))
toSum : Extension (Sum (Derivative c) (Derivative d)) x ->
Extension (Derivative (Sum c d)) x
toSum v = case fromSum {c = Derivative c} {d = Derivative d} v of
Left (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld) => MkExtension (Left shp ** p) chld
Right (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld) => MkExtension (Right shp ** p) chld
fromSum : Extension (Derivative (Sum c d)) x ->
Extension (Sum (Derivative c) (Derivative d)) x
fromSum (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld) = toSum {c = Derivative c} {d = Derivative d} $ case shp of
Left shp => Left (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld)
Right shp => Right (MkExtension (shp ** p) chld)
toPair : Extension (Sum (Pair (Derivative c) d) (Pair c (Derivative d))) x ->
Extension (Derivative (Pair c d)) x
toPair v = case fromSum {c = Pair (Derivative c) d} {d = Pair c (Derivative d)} v of
Left p => let (MkExtension (shp1 ** p1) chld1, MkExtension shp2 chld2) = fromPair {c = Derivative c} p in
MkExtension ((shp1, shp2) ** Left p1) $ \ (p' ** neq) => case p' of
Left p1' => chld1 (p1' ** (neq . cong Left))
Right p2' => chld2 p2'
Right p => let (MkExtension shp1 chld1, MkExtension (shp2 ** p2) chld2) = fromPair {c} {d = Derivative d} p in
MkExtension ((shp1, shp2) ** Right p2) $ \ (p' ** neq) => case p' of
Left p1' => chld1 p1'
Right p2' => chld2 (p2' ** (neq . cong Right))
fromPair : Extension (Derivative (Pair c d)) x ->
Extension (Sum (Pair (Derivative c) d) (Pair c (Derivative d))) x
fromPair (MkExtension ((shp1, shp2) ** p) chld) = case p of
Left p1 => toSum {c = Pair (Derivative c) d} {d = Pair c (Derivative d)}
(Left (MkExtension ((shp1 ** p1), shp2) $ either
(\ p1' => chld (Left (DPair.fst p1') ** DPair.snd p1' . leftInjective))
(\ p2 => chld (Right p2 ** absurd))))
Right p2 => toSum {c = Pair (Derivative c) d} {d = Pair c (Derivative d)}
(Right (MkExtension (shp1, (shp2 ** p2)) $ either
(\ p1 => chld (Left p1 ** absurd))
(\ p2' => chld (Right (DPair.fst p2') ** DPair.snd p2' . rightInjective))))
fromCompose : Extension (Derivative (Compose c d)) x ->
Extension (Pair (Derivative d) (Compose (Derivative c) d)) x
fromCompose (MkExtension (MkExtension shp1 shp2 ** (p1 ** p2)) chld)
= toPair (left, right) where
left : Extension (Derivative d) x
left = MkExtension (shp2 p1 ** p2)
$ \ (p2' ** neqp2) => chld ((p1 ** p2') ** neqp2 . mkDPairInjectiveSnd)
right : Extension (Compose (Derivative c) d) x
right = toCompose
$ MkExtension (shp1 ** p1)
$ \ (p1' ** neqp1) => MkExtension (shp2 p1')
$ \ p2' => chld ((p1' ** p2') ** (neqp1 . cong fst))
toCompose : ((s : _) -> DecEq (Position c s)) -> ((s : _) -> DecEq (Position d s)) ->
Extension (Pair (Derivative d) (Compose (Derivative c) d)) x ->
Extension (Derivative (Compose c d)) x
toCompose dec1 dec2 v with (fromPair {c = Derivative d} {d = Compose (Derivative c) d} v)
toCompose dec1 dec2 v | (MkExtension (shp2 ** p2) chld2, w) with (fromCompose w)
toCompose dec1 dec2 v
| (MkExtension (shp2 ** p2) chld2, w)
| (MkExtension (shp1 ** p1) chld1)
= MkExtension (MkExtension shp1 (\ p1' => shp2' p1' (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1')) **
(p1 ** (p2' (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1))))
$ \ ((p1' ** p2'') ** neq) => chld2' p1' p2'' neq
shp2' : (p1' : Position c shp1) -> Dec (p1 === p1') -> Shape d
shp2' p1' (Yes eq) = shp2
shp2' p1' (No neq) = shape (chld1 (p1' ** neq))
p2' : (eq : Dec (p1 === p1)) -> Position d (shp2' p1 eq)
p2' (Yes Refl) = p2
p2' (No neq) = absurd (neq Refl)
chld2' : (p1' : Position c shp1) ->
(p2'' : Position d (shp2' p1' (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1'))) ->
(neq : Not (MkDPair p1 (p2' (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1)) = MkDPair p1' p2'')) -> x
chld2' p1' p2'' neq with (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1')
chld2' p1' p2'' neq | No neq1 = payloads (chld1 (p1' ** neq1)) p2''
chld2' _ p2'' neq | Yes Refl with (decEq @{dec1 shp1} p1 p1)
chld2' _ p2'' neq | Yes Refl | No argh = absurd (argh Refl)
chld2' _ p2'' neq | Yes Refl | Yes Refl with (decEq @{dec2 shp2} p2 p2'')
chld2' _ p2'' neq | Yes Refl | Yes Refl | No neq2 = chld2 (p2'' ** neq2)
chld2' _ _ neq | Yes Refl | Yes Refl | Yes Refl = absurd (neq Refl)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
||| There are different flavours of induction-recursion. This is the one
||| introduced in Dybjer and Setzer's paper:
||| Indexed induction-recursion
module Data.InductionRecursion.DybjerSetzer
%default total
public export
data Code : (input : sort -> Type) -> (output : Type) -> Type where
Yield : output -> Code input output
Store : (payload : Type) -> (payload -> Code input output) -> Code input output
Branch : (label : Type) -> (toSort : label -> sort) ->
(((l : label) -> input (toSort l)) -> Code input output) ->
Code input output
public export
: Code input output -> (x : sort -> Type) ->
(f : {s : sort} -> x s -> input s) ->
DecodeType (Yield _) x f = ()
DecodeType (Store payload k) x f = (v : payload ** DecodeType (k v) x f)
DecodeType (Branch label toSort k) x f
= (r : ((l : label) -> x (toSort l)) ** DecodeType (k (\ l => f (r l))) x f)
public export
: (c : Code input output) -> (x : Lazy (sort -> Type)) ->
(f : {s : sort} -> x s -> input s) ->
DecodeType c x f -> output
DecodeOutput (Yield o) x f _ = o
DecodeOutput (Store p k) x f (v ** d) = DecodeOutput (k v) x f d
DecodeOutput (Branch l s k) x f (r ** d) = DecodeOutput (k (\ l => f (r l))) x f d
public export
data Mu : (f : (s : sort) -> Code input (input s)) -> (s : sort) -> Type where
MkMu : {f : (s : sort) -> Code input (input s)} -> {s : sort} ->
DecodeType (f s) (Mu f) Decode -> Mu {input} f s
public export
Decode : {f : (s : sort) -> Code input (input s)} ->
{s : sort} -> Mu {input} f s -> input s
Decode (MkMu d) = DecodeOutput (f s) (Mu f) (\ d => assert_total (Decode d)) d
public export
bind : Code i o -> (o -> Code i o') -> Code i o'
bind (Yield v) f = f v
bind (Store p k) f = Store p (\ v => bind (k v) f)
bind (Branch l s k) f = Branch l s (\ r => bind (k r) f)
public export
Functor (Code i) where
map f v = bind v (Yield . f)
public export
Applicative (Code i) where
pure = Yield
cf <*> co = bind cf (\ f => map (f $) co)
public export
Monad (Code i) where
(>>=) = bind
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
module Data.Late
%default total
-- Type
public export
data Late : Type -> Type where
Now : a -> Late a
Later : Inf (Late a) -> Late a
-- Creating late values
||| Never return
never : Late a
never = Later never
||| Run a small state machine until it reaches a final state and yields a value.
public export
unfold : (seed -> Either seed value) -> seed -> Late value
unfold f s = case f s of
Left s' => Later (unfold f s')
Right v => Now v
||| It's easier to define map and (<*>) in terms of bind so let's start
||| by defining it.
public export
bind : Late a -> (a -> Late b) -> Late b
bind (Now v) f = f v
bind (Later d) f = Later (bind d f)
-- Inspecting late values
||| Check whether we already have a value.
public export
isNow : Late a -> Maybe a
isNow (Now v) = Just v
isNow (Later d) = Nothing
||| Wait for one tick, hoping to get a value.
public export
wait : Late a -> Late a
wait (Later d) = d
wait d = d
||| Wait for a set number of ticks.
public export
engine : Nat -> Late a -> Late a
engine Z = id
engine (S n) = engine n . wait
||| Wait for a set number of ticks, hoping to get a value.
public export
petrol : Nat -> Late a -> Maybe a
petrol n = isNow . engine n
||| Accelerate makes things happen twice as fast.
public export
accelerate : Late a -> Late a
accelerate (Later (Later d)) = Later (accelerate d)
accelerate (Later (Now v)) = Now v
accelerate d = d
-- Instances
public export
Functor Late where
map f d = bind d (Now . f)
public export
Applicative Late where
pure = Now
df <*> dx = bind df (\ f => map (f $) dx)
public export
Monad Late where
(>>=) = bind
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
||| Module partially based on McBride's paper:
||| Turing-Completeness Totally Free
||| It gives us a type to describe computation using general recursion
||| and functions to run these computations for a while or to completion
||| if we are able to prove them total.
||| The content of the Erased section is new. Instead of producing the
||| domain/evaluation pair by computing a Dybjer-Setzer code we build a
||| specialised structure that allows us to make the domain proof runtime
||| irrelevant.
module Data.Recursion.Free
import Data.Late
import Data.InductionRecursion.DybjerSetzer
%default total
-- Type
||| Syntax for a program using general recursion
public export
data General : (a : Type) -> (b : a -> Type) -> (x : Type) -> Type where
||| We can return a value without performing any recursive call.
Tell : x -> General a b x
||| Or we can pick an input and ask an oracle to give us a return value
||| for it. The second argument is a continuation explaining what we want
||| to do with the returned value.
Ask : (i : a) -> (b i -> General a b x) -> General a b x
||| Type of functions using general recursion
public export
PiG : (a : Type) -> (b : a -> Type) -> Type
PiG a b = (i : a) -> General a b (b i)
||| Recursor for General
public export
fold : (x -> y) -> ((i : a) -> (b i -> y) -> y) -> General a b x -> y
fold pure ask (Tell x) = pure x
fold pure ask (Ask i k) = ask i (\ o => fold pure ask (k o))
-- Basic functions
||| Perform a recursive call and return the value provided by the oracle.
public export
call : PiG a b
call i = Ask i Tell
||| Monadic bind (defined outside of the interface to be able to use it for
||| map and (<*>)).
public export
bind : General a b x -> (x -> General a b y) -> General a b y
bind m f = fold f Ask m
||| Given a monadic oracle we can give a monad morphism interpreting a
||| function using general recursion as a monadic process.
public export
monadMorphism : Monad m => (t : (i : a) -> m (b i)) -> General a b x -> m x
monadMorphism t = fold pure (\ i => (t i >>=))
-- Instances
public export
Functor (General a b) where
map f = fold (Tell . f) Ask
public export
Applicative (General a b) where
pure = Tell
gf <*> gv = bind gf (\ f => map (f $) gv)
public export
Monad (General a b) where
(>>=) = bind
-- Fuel-based (partial) evaluation
||| Check whehther we are ready to return a value
public export
already : General a b x -> Maybe x
already = monadMorphism (\ i => Nothing)
||| Use a function using general recursion to expand all of the oracle calls.
public export
expand : PiG a b -> General a b x -> General a b x
expand f = monadMorphism f
||| Recursively call expand a set number of times.
public export
engine : PiG a b -> Nat -> General a b x -> General a b x
engine f Z = id
engine f (S n) = engine f n . expand f
||| Check whether recursively calling expand a set number of times is enough
||| to produce a value.
public export
petrol : PiG a b -> Nat -> (i : a) -> Maybe (b i)
petrol f n i = already $ engine f n $ f i
-- Late-based evaluation
||| Rely on an oracle using general recursion to convert a function using
||| general recursion into a process returning a value in the (distant) future.
public export
late : PiG a b -> General a b x -> Late x
late f = monadMorphism (\ i => Later (assert_total $ late f (f i)))
||| Interpret a function using general recursion as a process returning
||| a value in the (distant) future.
public export
lazy : PiG a b -> (i : a) -> Late (b i)
lazy f i = late f (f i)
-- Domain as a Dybjer-Setzer code and total evaluation function
namespace DybjerSetzer
||| Compute, as a Dybjer-Setzer code for an inductive-recursive type, the domain
||| of a function defined by general recursion.
public export
Domain : PiG a b -> (i : a) -> Code b (b i)
Domain f i = monadMorphism ask (f i) where
ask : (i : a) -> Code b (b i)
ask i = Branch () (const i) $ \ t => Yield (t ())
||| If a given input is in the domain of the function then we may evaluate
||| it fully on that input and obtain a pure return value.
public export
evaluate : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> Mu (Domain f) i -> b i
evaluate f i inDom = Decode inDom
||| If every input value is in the domain then the function is total.
public export
totally : (f : PiG a b) -> ((i : a) -> Mu (Domain f) i) ->
(i : a) -> b i
totally f allInDomain i = evaluate f i (allInDomain i)
-- Runtime irrelevant domain and total evaluation function
namespace Erased
-- Domain and evaluation functions
||| What it means to describe a terminating computation
||| @ f is the function used to answer questions put to the oracle
||| @ d is the description of the computation
public export
data Layer : (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> Type
||| The domain of a function (i.e. the set of inputs for which it terminates)
||| as a predicate on inputs
||| @ f is the function whose domain is being described
||| @ i is the input that is purported to be in the domain
Domain : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> Type
||| Fully evaluate a computation known to be terminating.
||| Because of the careful design of the inductive family Layer, we can make
||| the proof runtime irrelevant.
evaluateLayer : (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 _ : Layer f d) -> b i
||| Fully evaluate a function call for an input known to be in its domain.
evaluate : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (0 _ : Domain f i) -> b i
-- In a classic Dybjer-Setzer situation this is computed by induction over the
-- index of type `General a b (b i)` and the fixpoint called `Domain` is the
-- one thing defined as an inductive type.
-- Here we have to flip the script because Idris will only trust inductive data
-- as a legitimate source of termination metric for a recursive function. This
-- makes our definition of `evaluateLayer` obviously terminating.
data Layer : PiG a b -> General a b (b i) -> Type where
||| A computation returning a value is trivially terminating
MkTell : {0 a : Type} -> {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> {0 i : a} ->
(o : b i) -> Layer f (Tell o)
||| Performing a call to the oracle is termnating if the input is in its
||| domain and if the rest of the computation is also finite.
MkAsk : {0 a : Type} -> {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> {0 i : a} ->
(j : a) -> (jprf : Domain f j) ->
(k : b j -> General a b (b i)) -> Layer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) ->
Layer f (Ask j k)
-- Domain is simply defined as the top layer leading to a terminating
-- computation with the function used as its own oracle.
Domain f i = Layer f (f i)
||| A view that gives us a pattern-matching friendly presentation of the
||| @ d computation known to be terminating
||| @ l proof that it is
||| This may seem like a useless definition but the function `view`
||| demonstrates a very important use case: even if the proof is runtime
||| irrelevant, we can manufacture a satisfying view of it.
data View : {d : General a b (b i)} -> (l : Layer f d) -> Type where
TView : {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> (o : b i) -> View (MkTell {b} {f} o)
AView : {0 f : PiG a b} ->
(j : a) -> (0 jprf : Domain f j) ->
(k : b j -> General a b (b i)) -> (0 kprf : Layer f (k (evaluate f j jprf))) ->
View (MkAsk j jprf k kprf)
||| Function computing the view by pattern-matching on the computation and
||| inverting the proof. Note that the proof is runtime irrelevant even though
||| the resulting view is not: this is possible because the relevant constructor
||| is uniquely determined by the shape of `d`.
public export
view : (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 l : Layer f d) -> View l
view (Tell o) (MkTell o) = TView o
view (Ask j k) (MkAsk j jprf k kprf) = AView j jprf k kprf
-- Just like `Domain` is defined in terms of `Layer`, the evaluation of a
-- function call for an input in its domain can be reduced to the evaluation
-- of a layer.
evaluate f i l = evaluateLayer f (f i) l
-- The view defined earlier allows us to pattern on the runtime irrelevant
-- proof that the layer describes a terminating computation and therefore
-- define `evaluateLayer` in a way that is purely structural.
-- This becomes obvious if one spells out the (forced) pattern corresponding
-- to `d` in each branch of the case.
evaluateLayer f d l = case view d l of
TView o => o
AView j jprf k kprf => evaluateLayer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) kprf
||| If a function's domain is total then it is a pure function.
public export
totally : (f : PiG a b) -> (0 _ : (i : a) -> Domain f i) ->
(i : a) -> b i
totally f dom i = evaluate f i (dom i)
-- Proofs
||| Domain is a singleton type
irrelevantDomain : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (p, q : Domain f i) -> p === q
||| Layer is a singleton type
: (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (l, m : Layer f d) -> l === m
irrelevantDomain f i p q = irrelevantLayer f (f i) p q
irrelevantLayer f (Tell o)
(MkTell o) (MkTell o) = Refl
irrelevantLayer f (Ask j k)
(MkAsk j jprf1 k kprf1) (MkAsk j jprf2 k kprf2)
with (irrelevantDomain f j jprf1 jprf2)
irrelevantLayer f (Ask j k)
(MkAsk j jprf k kprf1) (MkAsk j jprf k kprf2)
| Refl = cong (MkAsk j jprf k)
$ irrelevantLayer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) kprf1 kprf2
||| The result of `evaluateLayer` does not depend on the specific proof that
||| `i` is in the domain of the layer of computation at hand.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 p, q : Layer f d) ->
evaluateLayer f d p === evaluateLayer f d q
evaluateLayerIrrelevance f d p q
= rewrite irrelevantLayer f d p q in Refl
||| The result of `evaluate` does not depend on the specific proof that `i`
||| is in the domain of the function at hand.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (0 p, q : Domain f i) ->
evaluate f i p === evaluate f i q
evaluateIrrelevance f i p q
= evaluateLayerIrrelevance f (f i) p q
||| The result computed by a total function is independent from the proof
||| that it is total.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (0 p, q : (i : a) -> Domain f i) ->
(i : a) -> totally f p i === totally f q i
totallyIrrelevance f p q i = evaluateIrrelevance f i (p i) (q i)
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
||| A simple parser combinator library for strings. Inspired by attoparsec zepto.
module Data.String.Parser
import Control.Monad.Identity
import public Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Strings
import Data.Fin
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
%default total
@ -121,6 +123,17 @@ export
optional : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (Maybe a)
optional = optionMap Nothing Just
||| Succeeds if and only if the argument parser fails.
||| In Parsec, this combinator is called `notFollowedBy`.
requireFailure : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m ()
requireFailure (P runParser) = P $ \s => reverseResult s <$> runParser s
reverseResult : State -> Result a -> Result ()
reverseResult s (Fail _ _) = OK () s
reverseResult s (OK _ _) = Fail (pos s) "Purposefully changed OK to Fail"
||| Fail with some error message
fail : Applicative m => String -> ParseT m a
@ -138,12 +151,12 @@ satisfy f = P $ \s => pure $ if s.pos < s.maxPos
||| Succeeds if the string `str` follows.
string : Applicative m => String -> ParseT m ()
string : Applicative m => String -> ParseT m String
string str = P $ \s => pure $ let len = strLength str in
if s.pos+len <= s.maxPos
then let head = strSubstr s.pos len s.input in
if head == str
then OK () (S s.input (s.pos + len) s.maxPos)
then OK str (S s.input (s.pos + len) s.maxPos)
else Fail s.pos ("string " ++ show str)
else Fail s.pos ("string " ++ show str)
@ -156,13 +169,25 @@ eos = P $ \s => pure $ if s.pos == s.maxPos
||| Succeeds if the next char is `c`
char : Applicative m => Char -> ParseT m ()
char c = skip $ satisfy (== c)
char : Applicative m => Char -> ParseT m Char
char c = satisfy (== c) <?> "char " ++ show c
||| Parses a space character
space : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
space = satisfy isSpace
space = satisfy isSpace <?> "space"
||| Parses a letter or digit (a character between \'0\' and \'9\').
||| Returns the parsed character.
alphaNum : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum <?> "letter or digit"
||| Parses a letter (an upper case or lower case character). Returns the
||| parsed character.
letter : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
letter = satisfy isAlpha <?> "letter"
||| Succeeds if `p` succeeds, will continue to match `p` until it fails
@ -209,11 +234,23 @@ covering
takeWhile : Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParseT m String
takeWhile f = pack <$> many (satisfy f)
||| Parses one or more space characters
||| Similar to `takeWhile` but fails if the resulting string is empty.
takeWhile1 : Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParseT m String
takeWhile1 f = pack <$> some (satisfy f)
||| Parses zero or more space characters
spaces : Monad m => ParseT m ()
spaces = skip (many space) <?> "white space"
spaces = skip (many space)
||| Parses one or more space characters
spaces1 : Monad m => ParseT m ()
spaces1 = skip (some space) <?> "whitespaces"
||| Discards brackets around a matching parser
@ -253,11 +290,11 @@ digit = do x <- satisfy isDigit
, ('9', 9)
fromDigits : Num a => ((Fin 10) -> a) -> List (Fin 10) -> a
fromDigits : Num a => (Fin 10 -> a) -> List (Fin 10) -> a
fromDigits f xs = foldl addDigit 0 xs
addDigit : a -> (Fin 10) -> a
addDigit num d = 10*num + (f d)
addDigit : a -> Fin 10 -> a
addDigit num d = 10*num + f d
intFromDigits : List (Fin 10) -> Integer
intFromDigits = fromDigits finToInteger
@ -278,3 +315,47 @@ integer : Monad m => ParseT m Integer
integer = do minus <- succeeds (char '-')
x <- some digit
pure $ if minus then (intFromDigits x)*(-1) else intFromDigits x
||| Parse repeated instances of at least one `p`, separated by `s`,
||| returning a list of successes.
||| @ p the parser for items
||| @ s the parser for separators
sepBy1 : Monad m => (p : ParseT m a)
-> (s : ParseT m b)
-> ParseT m (List1 a)
sepBy1 p s = [| p ::: many (s *> p) |]
||| Parse zero or more `p`s, separated by `s`s, returning a list of
||| successes.
||| @ p the parser for items
||| @ s the parser for separators
sepBy : Monad m => (p : ParseT m a)
-> (s : ParseT m b)
-> ParseT m (List a)
sepBy p s = optionMap [] forget (p `sepBy1` s)
||| Parses /one/ or more occurrences of `p` separated by `comma`.
commaSep1 : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List1 a)
commaSep1 p = p `sepBy1` (char ',')
||| Parses /zero/ or more occurrences of `p` separated by `comma`.
commaSep : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List a)
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (char ',')
||| Run the specified parser precisely `n` times, returning a vector
||| of successes.
ntimes : Monad m => (n : Nat) -> ParseT m a -> ParseT m (Vect n a)
ntimes Z p = pure Vect.Nil
ntimes (S n) p = [| p :: (ntimes n p) |]
@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ infix 1 ...
public export
data Step : (leq : a -> a -> Type) -> a -> a -> Type where
(...) : {leq : a -> a -> Type} -> (y : a) -> x `leq` y -> Step leq x y
(...) : (y : a) -> x `leq` y -> Step leq x y
public export
data FastDerivation : {leq : a -> a -> Type} -> (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Type where
(|~) : (x : a) -> FastDerivation x x
(<~) : {leq : a -> a -> Type} -> {x,y : a}
-> FastDerivation {leq = leq} x y -> {z : a} -> (step : Step leq y z)
-> FastDerivation {leq = leq} x z
data FastDerivation : (leq : a -> a -> Type) -> (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Type where
(|~) : (x : a) -> FastDerivation leq x x
(<~) : {x, y : a}
-> FastDerivation leq x y -> {z : a} -> (step : Step leq y z)
-> FastDerivation leq x z
public export
CalcWith : Preorder dom leq => {x,y : dom} -> FastDerivation {leq = leq} x y -> x `leq` y
public export
CalcWith : Preorder dom leq => {x,y : dom} -> FastDerivation leq x y -> x `leq` y
CalcWith (|~ x) = reflexive x
CalcWith ((<~) der (z ... step)) = transitive {po = leq} _ _ _ (CalcWith der) step
public export
(~~) : {x,y : dom}
-> FastDerivation {leq = leq} x y -> {z : dom} -> (step : Step Equal y z)
-> FastDerivation {leq = leq} x z
(~~) : {x,y : dom}
-> FastDerivation leq x y -> {z : dom} -> (step : Step Equal y z)
-> FastDerivation leq x z
(~~) der (z ... Refl) = der
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
||| Core features required to perform Golden file testing.
||| We provide the core functionality to run a *single* golden file test, or
||| a whole test tree.
||| This allows the developer freedom to use as is or design the rest of the
||| test harness to their liking.
||| This was originally used as part of Idris2's own test suite and
||| the core functionality is useful for the many and not the few.
||| Please see Idris2 test harness for example usage.
||| # Test Structure
||| This harness works from the assumption that each individual golden test
||| comprises of a directory with the following structure:
||| + `run` a *shell* script that runs the test. We expect it to:
||| * Use `$1` as the variable standing for the idris executable to be tested
||| * May use `${IDRIS2_TESTS_CG}` to pick a codegen that ought to work
||| * Clean up after itself (e.g. by running `rm -rf build/`)
||| + `expected` a file containting the expected output of `run`
||| During testing, the test harness will generate an artefact named `output` and
||| display both outputs if there is a failure.
||| During an interactive session the following command is used to compare them as
||| they are:
||| ```sh
||| git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output
||| ```
||| If `git` fails then the runner will simply present the expected and 'given'
||| files side-by-side.
||| Of note, it is helpful if `output` was added to a local `.gitignore` instance
||| to ensure that it is not mistakenly versioned.
||| # Options
||| The test harness has several options that may be set:
||| + `idris2` The path of the executable we are testing.
||| + `onlyNames` The list of tests to run relative to the generated executable.
||| + `interactive` Whether to offer to update the expected file or not.
||| + `timing` Whether to display time taken for each test.
||| We provide an options parser (`options`) that will take the command line arguments
||| and constructs this for you.
||| # Usage
||| When compiled to an executable the expected usage is:
|||runtests <path to executable under test> [--timing] [--interactive] [--only [NAMES]]
||| assuming that the test runner is compiled to an executable named `runtests`.
module Test.Golden
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Strings
import System
import System.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.File
import System.Info
import System.Path
-- [ Options ]
||| Options for the test driver.
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
||| Name of the idris2 executable
exeUnderTest : String
||| Which codegen should we use?
codegen : Maybe String
||| Should we only run some specific cases?
onlyNames : List String
||| Should we run the test suite interactively?
interactive : Bool
||| Should we time and display the tests
timing : Bool
usage : String -> String
usage exe = unwords ["Usage:", exe, "runtests <path> [--timing] [--interactive] [--cg CODEGEN] [--only [NAMES]]"]
||| Process the command line options.
options : List String -> Maybe Options
options args = case args of
(_ :: exeUnderTest :: rest) => go rest (MkOptions exeUnderTest Nothing [] False False)
_ => Nothing
go : List String -> Options -> Maybe Options
go rest opts = case rest of
[] => pure opts
("--timing" :: xs) => go xs (record { timing = True} opts)
("--interactive" :: xs) => go xs (record { interactive = True } opts)
("--cg" :: cg :: xs) => go xs (record { codegen = Just cg } opts)
("--only" :: xs) => pure $ record { onlyNames = xs } opts
_ => Nothing
-- [ Core ]
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
||| Normalise strings between different OS.
||| on Windows, we just ignore backslashes and slashes when comparing,
||| similarity up to that is good enough. Leave errors that depend
||| on the confusion of slashes and backslashes to unix machines.
normalize : String -> String
normalize str =
if isWindows
then pack $ filter (\ch => ch /= '/' && ch /= '\\') (unpack str)
else str
||| Run the specified Golden test with the supplied options.
||| See the module documentation for more information.
||| @currdir absolute or relative path to root test directory.
||| @testpath the directory that contains the test.
runTest : Options -> (currdir, testPath : String) -> IO Bool
runTest opts currdir testPath
= do changeDir testPath
isSuccess <- runTest'
changeDir currdir
pure isSuccess
getAnswer : IO Bool
getAnswer = do
str <- getLine
case str of
"y" => pure True
"n" => pure False
_ => do putStrLn "Invalid Answer."
printExpectedVsOutput : String -> String -> IO ()
printExpectedVsOutput exp out = do
putStrLn "Expected:"
putStrLn exp
putStrLn "Given:"
putStrLn out
mayOverwrite : Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
mayOverwrite mexp out = do
the (IO ()) $ case mexp of
Nothing => putStr $ unlines
[ "Golden value missing. I computed the following result:"
, out
, "Accept new golden value? [yn]"
Just exp => do
putStrLn "Golden value differs from actual value."
code <- system "git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output"
when (code < 0) $ printExpectedVsOutput exp out
putStrLn "Accept actual value as new golden value? [yn]"
b <- getAnswer
when b $ do Right _ <- writeFile "expected" out
| Left err => print err
pure ()
printTiming : Bool -> Clock type -> String -> IO ()
printTiming True clock msg = putStrLn (unwords [msg, show clock])
printTiming False _ msg = putStrLn msg
runTest' : IO Bool
= do putStr $ testPath ++ ": "
start <- clockTime Thread
let cg = case codegen opts of
Nothing => ""
Just cg => "env IDRIS2_TESTS_CG=" ++ cg ++ " "
system $ cg ++ "sh ./run " ++ exeUnderTest opts ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
end <- clockTime Thread
Right out <- readFile "output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile "expected"
| Left FileNotFound => do
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite Nothing out
else print FileNotFound
pure False
| Left err => do print err
pure False
let result = normalize out == normalize exp
let time = timeDifference end start
if result
then printTiming (timing opts) time "success"
else do
printTiming (timing opts) time "FAILURE"
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite (Just exp) out
else printExpectedVsOutput exp out
pure result
||| Find the first occurrence of an executable on `PATH`.
pathLookup : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
pathLookup names = do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let pathList = forget $ split (== pathSeparator) $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x | p <- pathList,
x <- names]
firstExists candidates
||| Some test may involve Idris' backends and have requirements.
||| We define here the ones supported by Idris
public export
data Requirement = Chez | Node | Racket
Show Requirement where
show Chez = "Chez"
show Node = "node"
show Racket = "racket"
checkRequirement : Requirement -> IO (Maybe String)
checkRequirement req
= do let (envvar, paths) = requirement req
Just exec <- getEnv envvar | Nothing => pathLookup paths
pure (Just exec)
requirement : Requirement -> (String, List String)
requirement Chez = ("CHEZ", ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme", "scheme.exe"])
requirement Node = ("NODE", ["node"])
requirement Racket = ("RACKET", ["racket"])
findCG : IO (Maybe String)
= do Nothing <- getEnv "IDRIS2_TESTS_CG" | p => pure p
Nothing <- checkRequirement Chez | p => pure (Just "chez")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Node | p => pure (Just "node")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Racket | p => pure (Just "racket")
pure Nothing
||| A test pool is characterised by
||| + a list of requirement
||| + and a list of directory paths
public export
record TestPool where
constructor MkTestPool
constraints : List Requirement
testCases : List String
||| Only keep the tests that have been asked for
filterTests : Options -> List String -> List String
filterTests opts = case onlyNames opts of
[] => id
xs => filter (\ name => any (`isInfixOf` name) xs)
||| A runner for a test pool
poolRunner : Options -> (currdir : String) -> TestPool -> IO (List Bool)
poolRunner opts currdir pool
= do -- check that we indeed want to run some of these tests
let tests = filterTests opts (testCases pool)
let (_ :: _) = tests
| [] => pure []
-- if so make sure the constraints are satisfied
cs <- for (constraints pool) $ \ req => do
mfp <- checkRequirement req
putStrLn $ case mfp of
Nothing => show req ++ " not found"
Just fp => "Found " ++ show req ++ " at " ++ fp
pure mfp
let Just _ = the (Maybe (List String)) (sequence cs)
| Nothing => pure []
-- if so run them all!
traverse (runTest opts currdir) tests
||| A runner for a whole test suite
runner : List TestPool -> IO ()
runner tests
= do args <- getArgs
let (Just opts) = options args
| _ => do print args
putStrLn (usage "runtests")
-- if no CG has been set, find a sensible default based on what is available
opts <- case codegen opts of
Nothing => pure $ record { codegen = !findCG } opts
Just _ => pure opts
-- grab the current directory
Just pwd <- currentDir
| Nothing => putStrLn "FATAL: Could not get current working directory"
-- run the tests
res <- concat <$> traverse (poolRunner opts pwd) tests
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- [ EOF ]
@ -14,7 +14,17 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -25,10 +35,6 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -44,6 +50,8 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -74,6 +82,8 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -165,6 +165,16 @@ public export
trans : forall a, b, c . (0 l : a = b) -> (0 r : b = c) -> a = c
trans Refl Refl = Refl
||| Injectivity of MkDPair (first components)
mkDPairInjectiveFst : MkDPair a pa === MkDPair b qb -> a === b
mkDPairInjectiveFst Refl = Refl
||| Injectivity of MkDPair (snd components)
mkDPairInjectiveSnd : MkDPair a pa === MkDPair a qa -> pa === qa
mkDPairInjectiveSnd Refl = Refl
||| Subvert the type checker. This function is abstract, so it will not reduce
||| in the type checker. Use it with care - it can result in segfaults or
||| worse!
@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ data Nat =
%name Nat k, j, i
-- This is used in the compiler as an efficient substitute for integerToNat.
prim__integerToNat : Integer -> Nat
prim__integerToNat i
= if intToBool (prim__lte_Integer 0 i)
then believe_me i
else Z
public export
integerToNat : Integer -> Nat
integerToNat x
@ -194,6 +201,9 @@ data Dec : Type -> Type where
||| @ contra a demonstration that prop would be a contradiction
No : (contra : prop -> Void) -> Dec prop
export Uninhabited (Yes p === No q) where uninhabited eq impossible
export Uninhabited (No p === Yes q) where uninhabited eq impossible
-- EITHER --
@ -207,6 +217,9 @@ data Either : (a : Type) -> (b : Type) -> Type where
||| The other possibility, conventionally used to represent success.
Right : forall a, b. (1 x : b) -> Either a b
export Uninhabited (Left p === Right q) where uninhabited eq impossible
export Uninhabited (Right p === Left q) where uninhabited eq impossible
||| Simply-typed eliminator for Either.
||| @ f the action to take on Left
||| @ g the action to take on Right
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ mutual
show (AApp fc c arg)
= show c ++ " @ (" ++ show arg ++ ")"
show (ALet fc x val sc)
= "%let v" ++ show x ++ " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
= "%let v" ++ show x ++ " = (" ++ show val ++ ") in (" ++ show sc ++ ")"
show (ACon fc n t args)
= "%con " ++ show n ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AOp fc op args)
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ mutual
= "%extprim " ++ show p ++ "(" ++ showSep ", " (map show args) ++ ")"
show (AConCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def ++ " }"
show (AConstCase fc sc alts def)
= "%case " ++ show sc ++ " of { "
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def
++ showSep "| " (map show alts) ++ " " ++ show def ++ " }"
show (APrimVal _ x) = show x
show (AErased _) = "___"
show (ACrash _ x) = "%CRASH(" ++ show x ++ ")"
@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ natHackNames
= [UN "prim__add_Integer",
UN "prim__sub_Integer",
UN "prim__mul_Integer",
NS preludeNS (UN "natToInteger"),
NS preludeNS (UN "integerToNat")]
NS typesNS (UN "prim__integerToNat")]
-- Hmm, these dump functions are all very similar aren't they...
dumpCases : Defs -> String -> List Name ->
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ natHack = magic
, MagicCRef typesNS "natToInteger" 1
(\ _, _, [k] => k)
, MagicCRef typesNS "integerToNat" 1
(\ _, _, [k] => k)
(\ fc, fc', [k] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (NS typesNS (UN "prim__integerToNat"))) [k])
, MagicCRef typesNS "plus" 2
(\ fc, fc', [m,n] => CApp fc (CRef fc' (UN "prim__add_Integer")) [m, n])
, MagicCRef typesNS "mult" 2
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ keywordSafe "var" = "var_"
keywordSafe s = s
jsName : Name -> String
jsName (NS ns n) = showNSWithSep "_" ns ++ "_" ++ jsName n
jsName (NS ns n) = jsIdent (showNSWithSep "_" ns) ++ "_" ++ jsName n
jsName (UN n) = keywordSafe $ jsIdent n
jsName (MN n i) = jsIdent n ++ "_" ++ show i
jsName (PV n d) = "pat__" ++ jsName n
@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ jsOp DoubleATan [x] = pure $ "Math.atan(" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp DoubleSqrt [x] = pure $ "Math.sqrt(" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp DoubleFloor [x] = pure $ "Math.floor(" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp DoubleCeiling [x] = pure $ "Math.ceil(" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp (Cast IntType CharType) [x] = pure $ "String.fromCodePoint(" ++ fromBigInt x ++ ")"
jsOp (Cast IntegerType CharType) [x] = pure $ "String.fromCodePoint(" ++ fromBigInt x ++ ")"
jsOp (Cast CharType IntType) [x] = pure $ toBigInt $ x ++ ".codePointAt(0)"
@ -270,6 +271,16 @@ jsOp (Cast IntegerType IntType) [x] = boundedInt 63 x
jsOp (Cast IntType IntegerType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast StringType DoubleType) [x] = pure $ "parseFloat(" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp (Cast Bits8Type IntType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits16Type IntType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits32Type IntType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits64Type IntType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits8Type IntegerType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits16Type IntegerType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits32Type IntegerType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast Bits64Type IntegerType) [x] = pure x
jsOp (Cast IntType Bits8Type) [x] = boundedUInt 8 x
jsOp (Cast IntType Bits16Type) [x] = boundedUInt 16 x
jsOp (Cast IntType Bits32Type) [x] = boundedUInt 32 x
@ -297,7 +308,7 @@ jsOp (Cast Bits64Type Bits16Type) [x] = boundedUInt 16 x
jsOp (Cast Bits64Type Bits32Type) [x] = boundedUInt 32 x
jsOp (Cast ty StringType) [x] = pure $ "(''+" ++ x ++ ")"
jsOp (Cast ty ty2) [x] = jsCrashExp $ "invalid cast: + " ++ show ty ++ " + ' -> ' + " ++ show ty2
jsOp (Cast ty ty2) [x] = jsCrashExp $ jsString $ "invalid cast: + " ++ show ty ++ " + ' -> ' + " ++ show ty2
jsOp BelieveMe [_,_,x] = pure x
jsOp (Crash) [_, msg] = jsCrashExp msg
@ -366,6 +377,8 @@ jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__os")) [] =
let oscalc = "(o => o === 'linux'?'unix':o==='win32'?'windows':o)"
sysos <- addConstToPreamble "sysos" (oscalc ++ "(" ++ os ++ ".platform())")
pure sysos
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "void")) [_, _] = jsCrashExp $ jsString $ "Error: Executed 'void'" -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
jsPrim (NS _ (UN "prim__void")) [_, _] = jsCrashExp $ jsString $ "Error: Executed 'void'"
jsPrim x args = throw $ InternalError $ "prim not implemented: " ++ (show x)
tag2es : Either Int String -> String
@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ compileToImperative c tm =
cdata <- getCompileData Cases tm
let ndefs = namedDefs cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
s <- newRef Imps (MkImpSt 0)
newRef Imps (MkImpSt 0)
lst_defs <- traverse getImp (defsUsedByNamedCExp ctm ndefs)
let defs = concat lst_defs
let defs_optim = tailRecOptim defs
defs_optim <- tailRecOptim defs
(s, main) <- impExp False ctm
pure $ (defs_optim, s <+> EvalExpStatement main)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ mutual
| IEPrimFnExt Name (List ImperativeExp)
| IEConstructorHead ImperativeExp
| IEConstructorTag (Either Int String)
| IEConstructorArg Int ImperativeExp
| IEConstructorArg Int ImperativeExp -- constructor arg index starts at 1
| IEConstructor (Either Int String) (List ImperativeExp)
| IEDelay ImperativeExp
| IEForce ImperativeExp
@ -81,64 +81,104 @@ mutual
public export
replaceNamesExp : List (Name, ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeExp -> ImperativeExp
replaceNamesExp reps (IEVar n) =
case lookup n reps of
Nothing => IEVar n
Just e => e
replaceNamesExp reps (IELambda args body) =
IELambda args $ replaceNamesExpS reps body
replaceNamesExp reps (IEApp f args) =
IEApp (replaceNamesExp reps f) (replaceNamesExp reps <$> args)
replaceNamesExp reps (IEConstant c) =
IEConstant c
replaceNamesExp reps (IEPrimFn f args) =
IEPrimFn f (replaceNamesExp reps <$> args)
replaceNamesExp reps (IEPrimFnExt f args) =
IEPrimFnExt f (replaceNamesExp reps <$> args)
replaceNamesExp reps (IEConstructorHead e) =
IEConstructorHead $ replaceNamesExp reps e
replaceNamesExp reps (IEConstructorTag i) =
IEConstructorTag i
replaceNamesExp reps (IEConstructorArg i e) =
IEConstructorArg i (replaceNamesExp reps e)
replaceNamesExp reps (IEConstructor t args) =
IEConstructor t (replaceNamesExp reps <$> args)
replaceNamesExp reps (IEDelay e) =
IEDelay $ replaceNamesExp reps e
replaceNamesExp reps (IEForce e) =
IEForce $ replaceNamesExp reps e
replaceNamesExp reps IENull =
replaceExp : (ImperativeExp -> Maybe ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeExp -> ImperativeExp
replaceExp rep x@(IEVar n) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => x
replaceExp rep x@(IELambda args body) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IELambda args $ replaceExpS rep body
replaceExp rep x@(IEApp f args) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEApp (replaceExp rep f) (replaceExp rep <$> args)
replaceExp rep x@(IEConstant c) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => x
replaceExp rep x@(IEPrimFn f args) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEPrimFn f (replaceExp rep <$> args)
replaceExp rep x@(IEPrimFnExt f args) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEPrimFnExt f (replaceExp rep <$> args)
replaceExp rep x@(IEConstructorHead e) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEConstructorHead $ replaceExp rep e
replaceExp rep x@(IEConstructorTag i) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => x
replaceExp rep x@(IEConstructorArg i e) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEConstructorArg i (replaceExp rep e)
replaceExp rep x@(IEConstructor t args) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEConstructor t (replaceExp rep <$> args)
replaceExp rep x@(IEDelay e) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEDelay $ replaceExp rep e
replaceExp rep x@(IEForce e) =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => IEForce $ replaceExp rep e
replaceExp rep x@IENull =
case rep x of
Just z => z
Nothing => x
public export
replaceNamesExpS : List (Name, ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeStatement -> ImperativeStatement
replaceNamesExpS reps DoNothing =
replaceExpS : (ImperativeExp -> Maybe ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeStatement -> ImperativeStatement
replaceExpS rep DoNothing =
replaceNamesExpS reps (SeqStatement x y) =
SeqStatement (replaceNamesExpS reps x) (replaceNamesExpS reps y)
replaceNamesExpS reps (FunDecl fc n args body) =
FunDecl fc n args $ replaceNamesExpS reps body
replaceNamesExpS reps decl@(ForeignDecl fc n path args ret) =
replaceExpS rep (SeqStatement x y) =
SeqStatement (replaceExpS rep x) (replaceExpS rep y)
replaceExpS rep (FunDecl fc n args body) =
FunDecl fc n args $ replaceExpS rep body
replaceExpS reps decl@(ForeignDecl fc n path args ret) =
replaceNamesExpS reps (ReturnStatement e) =
ReturnStatement $ replaceNamesExp reps e
replaceNamesExpS reps (SwitchStatement s alts def) =
let s_ = replaceNamesExp reps s
alts_ = (\(e,b) => (replaceNamesExp reps e, replaceNamesExpS reps b)) <$> alts
def_ = replaceNamesExpS reps <$> def
replaceExpS rep (ReturnStatement e) =
ReturnStatement $ replaceExp rep e
replaceExpS rep (SwitchStatement s alts def) =
let s_ = replaceExp rep s
alts_ = (\(e,b) => (replaceExp rep e, replaceExpS rep b)) <$> alts
def_ = replaceExpS rep <$> def
in SwitchStatement s_ alts_ def_
replaceNamesExpS reps (LetDecl n v) =
LetDecl n $ replaceNamesExp reps <$> v
replaceNamesExpS reps (ConstDecl n v) =
ConstDecl n $ replaceNamesExp reps v
replaceNamesExpS reps (MutateStatement n v) =
MutateStatement n $ replaceNamesExp reps v
replaceNamesExpS reps (ErrorStatement s) =
replaceExpS rep (LetDecl n v) =
LetDecl n $ replaceExp rep <$> v
replaceExpS rep (ConstDecl n v) =
ConstDecl n $ replaceExp rep v
replaceExpS rep (MutateStatement n v) =
MutateStatement n $ replaceExp rep v
replaceExpS rep (ErrorStatement s) =
ErrorStatement s
replaceNamesExpS reps (EvalExpStatement x) =
EvalExpStatement $ replaceNamesExp reps x
replaceNamesExpS reps (CommentStatement x) =
replaceExpS rep (EvalExpStatement x) =
EvalExpStatement $ replaceExp rep x
replaceExpS rep (CommentStatement x) =
CommentStatement x
replaceNamesExpS reps (ForEverLoop x) =
ForEverLoop $ replaceNamesExpS reps x
replaceExpS rep (ForEverLoop x) =
ForEverLoop $ replaceExpS rep x
rep : List (Name, ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeExp -> Maybe ImperativeExp
rep reps (IEVar n) =
lookup n reps
rep _ _ = Nothing
public export
replaceNamesExpS : List (Name, ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeStatement -> ImperativeStatement
replaceNamesExpS reps x =
replaceExpS (rep reps) x
public export
replaceNamesExp : List (Name, ImperativeExp) -> ImperativeExp -> ImperativeExp
replaceNamesExp reps x =
replaceExp (rep reps) x
@ -1,26 +1,52 @@
module Compiler.ES.TailRec
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Data.SortedSet
import Data.SortedMap
import Core.Name
import Core.Context
import Compiler.ES.ImperativeAst
hasTailCall : Name -> ImperativeStatement -> Bool
hasTailCall n (SeqStatement x y) =
hasTailCall n y
hasTailCall n (ReturnStatement x) =
import Debug.Trace
data TailRecS : Type where
record TailSt where
constructor MkTailSt
nextName : Int
genName : {auto c : Ref TailRecS TailSt} -> Core Name
genName =
s <- get TailRecS
let i = nextName s
put TailRecS (record { nextName = i + 1 } s)
pure $ MN "imp_gen_tailoptim" i
allTailCalls : ImperativeStatement -> SortedSet Name
allTailCalls (SeqStatement x y) =
allTailCalls y
allTailCalls (ReturnStatement x) =
case x of
IEApp (IEVar cn) _ => n == cn
_ => False
hasTailCall n (SwitchStatement e alts d) =
(any (\(_, w)=>hasTailCall n w) alts) || (maybe False (hasTailCall n) d)
hasTailCall n (ForEverLoop x) =
hasTailCall n x
hasTailCall n o = False
IEApp (IEVar n) _ => insert n empty
_ => empty
allTailCalls (SwitchStatement e alts d) =
maybe empty allTailCalls d `union` concat (map allTailCalls (map snd alts))
allTailCalls (ForEverLoop x) =
allTailCalls x
allTailCalls o = empty
argsName : Name
argsName = MN "tailRecOptimArgs" 0
argsName = MN "imp_gen_tailoptim_Args" 0
stepFnName : Name
stepFnName = MN "tailRecOptimStep" 0
stepFnName = MN "imp_gen_tailoptim_step" 0
fusionArgsName : Name
fusionArgsName = MN "imp_gen_tailoptim_fusion_args" 0
createNewArgs : List ImperativeExp -> ImperativeExp
createNewArgs values =
@ -40,8 +66,6 @@ replaceTailCall n (ReturnStatement x) =
if n == cn then ReturnStatement $ createNewArgs arg_vals
else defRet
_ => defRet
replaceTailCall n (SwitchStatement e alts d) =
SwitchStatement e (map (\(x,y) => (x, replaceTailCall n y)) alts) (map (replaceTailCall n) d)
replaceTailCall n (ForEverLoop x) =
@ -60,11 +84,169 @@ makeTailOptimToBody n argNames body =
loop = ForEverLoop $ SwitchStatement (IEConstructorHead $ IEVar argsName) [(IEConstructorTag $ Left 0, loopRec)] (Just loopReturn)
in stepFn <+> createArgInit argNames <+> loop
record CallGraph where
constructor MkCallGraph
calls, callers : SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
showCallGraph : CallGraph -> String
showCallGraph x =
let calls = unlines $ map
(\(x,y) => show x ++ ": " ++ show (SortedSet.toList y))
(SortedMap.toList x.calls)
callers = unlines $ map
(\(x,y) => show x ++ ": " ++ show (SortedSet.toList y))
(SortedMap.toList x.callers)
in calls ++ "\n----\n" ++ callers
tailCallGraph : ImperativeStatement -> CallGraph
tailCallGraph (SeqStatement x y) =
let xg = tailCallGraph x
yg = tailCallGraph y
in MkCallGraph
(mergeWith union xg.calls yg.calls)
(mergeWith union xg.callers yg.callers)
tailCallGraph (FunDecl fc n args body) =
let calls = allTailCalls body
in MkCallGraph (insert n calls empty) (SortedMap.fromList $ map (\x => (x, SortedSet.insert n empty)) (SortedSet.toList calls))
tailCallGraph _ = MkCallGraph empty empty
kosarajuL : SortedSet Name -> List Name -> CallGraph -> (SortedSet Name, List Name)
kosarajuL visited [] graph =
(visited, [])
kosarajuL visited (x::xs) graph =
if contains x visited then kosarajuL visited xs graph
else let outNeighbours = maybe [] SortedSet.toList $ lookup x (graph.calls)
(visited_, l_) = kosarajuL (insert x visited) (toList outNeighbours) graph
(visited__, l__) = kosarajuL visited_ xs graph
in (visited__, l__ ++ (x :: l_))
kosarajuAssign : CallGraph -> Name -> Name -> SortedMap Name Name -> SortedMap Name Name
kosarajuAssign graph u root s =
case lookup u s of
Just _ => s
Nothing => let inNeighbours = maybe [] SortedSet.toList $ lookup u (graph.callers)
in foldl (\acc, elem => kosarajuAssign graph elem root acc) (insert u root s) inNeighbours
kosaraju: CallGraph -> SortedMap Name Name
kosaraju graph =
let l = snd $ kosarajuL empty (keys $ graph.calls) graph
in foldl (\acc, elem => kosarajuAssign graph elem elem acc) empty l
groupBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy p' (x'::xs') =
let (ys',zs') = go p' x' xs'
in (x' :: ys') :: zs'
go : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> List a -> (List a, List (List a))
go p z (x::xs) =
let (ys,zs) = go p x xs
in case p z x of
True => (x :: ys, zs)
False => ([], (x :: ys) :: zs)
go _ _ [] = ([], [])
recursiveTailCallGroups : CallGraph -> List (List Name)
recursiveTailCallGroups graph =
let roots = kosaraju graph
groups = map (map fst) $
groupBy (\x,y => Builtin.snd x == Builtin.snd y) $
sortBy (\x,y=> compare (snd x) (snd y)) $
toList roots
in [x | x<-groups, hasTailCalls x]
hasTailCalls : List Name -> Bool
hasTailCalls [] =
hasTailCalls [x] =
case lookup x (graph.calls) of
Nothing =>
Just s =>
case SortedSet.toList s of
[n] => n == x
_ => False
hasTailCalls _ =
extractFunctions : SortedSet Name -> ImperativeStatement ->
(ImperativeStatement, SortedMap Name (FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement))
extractFunctions toExtract (SeqStatement x y) =
let (xs, xf) = extractFunctions toExtract x
(ys, yf) = extractFunctions toExtract y
in (xs <+> ys, mergeLeft xf yf)
extractFunctions toExtract f@(FunDecl fc n args body) =
if contains n toExtract then (neutral, insert n (fc, args, body) empty)
else (f, empty)
extractFunctions toExtract x =
(x, empty)
getDef : SortedMap Name (FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement) -> Name -> Core (FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement)
getDef defs n =
case lookup n defs of
Nothing => throw $ (InternalError $ "Can't find function definition in tailRecOptim")
Just x => pure x
makeFusionBranch : Name -> List (Name, Nat) -> (Nat, FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement) ->
(ImperativeExp, ImperativeStatement)
makeFusionBranch fusionName functionsIdx (i, _, args, body) =
let newArgExp = map (\i => IEConstructorArg (cast i) (IEVar fusionArgsName)) [1..(length args)]
bodyRepArgs = replaceNamesExpS (zip args newArgExp) body
in (IEConstructorTag $ Left $ cast i, replaceExpS rep bodyRepArgs)
rep : ImperativeExp -> Maybe ImperativeExp
rep (IEApp (IEVar n) arg_vals) =
case lookup n functionsIdx of
Nothing => Nothing
Just i => Just $ IEApp
(IEVar fusionName)
[IEConstructor (Left $ cast i) arg_vals]
rep _ = Nothing
changeBodyToUseFusion : Name -> (Nat, Name, FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement) -> ImperativeStatement
changeBodyToUseFusion fusionName (i, n, (fc, args, _)) =
FunDecl fc n args (ReturnStatement $ IEApp (IEVar fusionName) [IEConstructor (Left $ cast i) (map IEVar args)])
tailRecOptimGroup : {auto c : Ref TailRecS TailSt} ->
SortedMap Name (FC, List Name, ImperativeStatement) ->
List Name -> Core ImperativeStatement
tailRecOptimGroup defs [] = pure neutral
tailRecOptimGroup defs [n] =
(fc, args , body) <- getDef defs n
pure $ FunDecl fc n args (makeTailOptimToBody n args body)
tailRecOptimGroup defs names =
fusionName <- genName
d <- traverse (getDef defs) names
let ids = [0..(length names `minus` 1)]
let alts = map (makeFusionBranch fusionName (zip names ids)) (zip ids d)
let fusionBody = SwitchStatement
(IEConstructorHead $ IEVar fusionArgsName)
let fusionArgs = [fusionArgsName]
let fusion = FunDecl EmptyFC fusionName fusionArgs (makeTailOptimToBody fusionName fusionArgs fusionBody)
let newFunctions = Prelude.concat $ map
(changeBodyToUseFusion fusionName)
(ids `List.zip` (names `List.zip` d))
pure $ fusion <+> newFunctions
tailRecOptim : ImperativeStatement -> ImperativeStatement
tailRecOptim (SeqStatement x y) = SeqStatement (tailRecOptim x) (tailRecOptim y)
tailRecOptim (FunDecl fc n args body) =
let new_body = if hasTailCall n body then makeTailOptimToBody n args body
else body
in FunDecl fc n args new_body
tailRecOptim x = x
tailRecOptim : ImperativeStatement -> Core ImperativeStatement
tailRecOptim x =
newRef TailRecS (MkTailSt 0)
let graph = tailCallGraph x
let groups = recursiveTailCallGroups graph
let functionsToOptimize = foldl SortedSet.union empty $ map SortedSet.fromList groups
let (unchanged, defs) = extractFunctions functionsToOptimize x
optimized <- traverse (tailRecOptimGroup defs) groups
pure $ unchanged <+> (concat optimized)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ schString s = concatMap okchar (unpack s)
schName : Name -> String
schName (NS ns n) = showNSWithSep "-" ns ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (NS ns n) = schString (showNSWithSep "-" ns) ++ "-" ++ schName n
schName (UN n) = schString n
schName (MN n i) = schString n ++ "-" ++ show i
schName (PV n d) = "pat--" ++ schName n
@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
(n == UN "prim__arraySet", ArraySet),
(n == UN "prim__getField", GetField),
(n == UN "prim__setField", SetField),
(n == UN "void", VoidElim),
(n == UN "void", VoidElim), -- DEPRECATED. TODO: remove when bootstrap has been updated
(n == UN "prim__void", VoidElim),
(n == UN "prim__os", SysOS),
(n == UN "prim__codegen", SysCodegen),
(n == UN "prim__onCollect", OnCollect),
@ -605,8 +605,10 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
= if a == length pargs
then addConG n t pargs pats pid rhs acc
else throw (CaseCompile cfc fn (NotFullyApplied n))
addGroup (PTyCon _ n a pargs) pprf pats pid rhs acc
= addConG n 0 pargs pats pid rhs acc
addGroup (PTyCon cfc n a pargs) pprf pats pid rhs acc
= if a == length pargs
then addConG n 0 pargs pats pid rhs acc
else throw (CaseCompile cfc fn (NotFullyApplied n))
addGroup (PArrow _ _ s t) pprf pats pid rhs acc
= addConG (UN "->") 0 [s, t] pats pid rhs acc
-- Go inside the delay; we'll flag the case as needing to force its
@ -336,8 +336,11 @@ record Context where
-- access in a program - in all other cases, we'll assume everything is
-- visible
visibleNS : List Namespace
allPublic : Bool -- treat everything as public. This is only intended
allPublic : Bool -- treat everything as public. This is intended
-- for checking partially evaluated definitions
-- or for use outside of the main compilation
-- process (e.g. when implementing interactive
-- features such as case splitting).
inlineOnly : Bool -- only return things with the 'alwaysReduce' flag
hidden : NameMap () -- Never return these
@ -757,6 +760,15 @@ HasNames (Env Term vars) where
resolved gam (b :: bs)
= pure $ !(traverse (resolved gam) b) :: !(resolved gam bs)
HasNames Clause where
full gam (MkClause env lhs rhs)
= pure $ MkClause !(full gam env) !(full gam lhs) !(full gam rhs)
resolved gam (MkClause env lhs rhs)
= [| MkClause (resolved gam env) (resolved gam lhs) (resolved gam rhs) |]
HasNames Def where
full gam (PMDef r args ct rt pats)
@ -438,6 +438,10 @@ export %inline
(<$>) : (a -> b) -> Core a -> Core b
(<$>) f (MkCore a) = MkCore (map (map f) a)
export %inline
ignore : Core a -> Core ()
ignore = map (\ _ => ())
-- Monad (specialised)
export %inline
(>>=) : Core a -> (a -> Core b) -> Core b
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Core.Coverage
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ import Data.Bool.Extra
import Data.List
import Data.NameMap
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
%default covering
-- Return whether any of the name matches conflict
@ -119,8 +122,11 @@ isEmpty : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
isEmpty defs env (NTCon fc n t a args)
= case !(lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ flags _ cons _)
= do Just nty <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure False
log "coverage.empty" 10 $ "Checking type: " ++ show nty
case nty of
TCon _ _ _ _ flags _ cons _
=> if not (external flags)
then allM (conflict defs env (NTCon fc n t a args)) cons
else pure False
@ -482,7 +488,15 @@ export
checkMatched : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Clause -> ClosedTerm -> Core (Maybe ClosedTerm)
checkMatched cs ulhs
= tryClauses cs !(eraseApps ulhs)
= do logTerm "coverage" 5 "Checking coverage for" ulhs
logC "coverage" 10 $ pure $ "(raw term: " ++ show !(toFullNames ulhs) ++ ")"
ulhs <- eraseApps ulhs
logTerm "coverage" 5 "Erased to" ulhs
logC "coverage" 5 $ do
cs <- traverse toFullNames cs
pure $ "Against clauses:\n" ++
(show $ indent {ann = ()} 2 $ vcat $ map (pretty . show) cs)
tryClauses cs ulhs
tryClauses : List Clause -> ClosedTerm -> Core (Maybe ClosedTerm)
tryClauses [] ulhs
@ -79,6 +79,17 @@ export
toplevelFC : FC
toplevelFC = MkFC "(toplevel)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
-- Basic operations
mergeFC : FC -> FC -> Maybe FC
mergeFC (MkFC fname1 start1 end1) (MkFC fname2 start2 end2) =
if fname1 == fname2
then Just $ MkFC fname1 (min start1 start2) (max end1 end2)
else Nothing
mergeFC _ _ = Nothing
%name FC fc
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ data CG = Chez
| Gambit
| Node
| Javascript
| RefC
| Other String
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ Eq CG where
Gambit == Gambit = True
Node == Node = True
Javascript == Javascript = True
RefC == RefC = True
Other s == Other t = s == t
_ == _ = False
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ Show CG where
show Gambit = "gambit"
show Node = "node"
show Javascript = "javascript"
show RefC = "refc"
show (Other s) = s
public export
@ -164,6 +167,7 @@ availableCGs o
("racket", Racket),
("node", Node),
("javascript", Javascript),
("refc", RefC),
("gambit", Gambit)] ++ additionalCGs o
@ -751,6 +751,7 @@ TTC CG where
toBuf b (Other s) = do tag 4; toBuf b s
toBuf b Node = tag 5
toBuf b Javascript = tag 6
toBuf b RefC = tag 7
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -761,6 +762,7 @@ TTC CG where
pure (Other s)
5 => pure Node
6 => pure Javascript
7 => pure RefC
_ => corrupt "CG"
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ totRefs defs (n :: ns)
| Nothing => pure rest
case isTerminating (totality d) of
IsTerminating => pure rest
Unchecked => pure rest
bad => case rest of
Unchecked => do
log "totality" 20 $ "Totality unchecked for " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
pure rest
_ => case rest of
NotTerminating (BadCall ns)
=> toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall (n :: ns))
_ => toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall [n])
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ export
checkIfGuarded : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core ()
checkIfGuarded fc n
= do log "totality.termination.guarded" 6 $ "Check if Guarded: " ++ show n
= do log "totality.termination.guarded" 6 $ "Check if Guarded: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
defs <- get Ctxt
Just (PMDef _ _ _ _ pats) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure ()
@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ mutual
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact fn_in (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc fn_in)
let fn = fullname gdef
log "totality.termination.sizechange" 10 $ "Looking under " ++ show fn
log "totality.termination.sizechange" 10 $ "Looking under " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
aSmaller <- resolved (gamma defs) (NS builtinNS (UN "assert_smaller"))
cond [(fn == NS builtinNS (UN "assert_total"), pure []),
(caseFn fn,
@ -410,7 +412,7 @@ export
calculateSizeChange : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (List SCCall)
calculateSizeChange loc n
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 5 $ "Calculating Size Change: " ++ show n
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 5 $ "Calculating Size Change: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
@ -447,15 +449,15 @@ checkSC : {auto a : Ref APos Arg} ->
List (Name, List (Maybe Arg)) -> -- calls we've seen so far
Core Terminating
checkSC defs f args path
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 7 $ "Checking Size Change Graph: " ++ show f
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 7 $ "Checking Size Change Graph: " ++ show !(toFullNames f)
let pos = (f, map (map Builtin.fst) args)
if pos `elem` path
then do log "totality.termination.sizechange.inPath" 8 $ "Checking arguments: " ++ show f
then do log "totality.termination.sizechange.inPath" 8 $ "Checking arguments: " ++ show !(toFullNames f)
toFullNames $ checkDesc (mapMaybe (map Builtin.snd) args) path
else case !(lookupCtxtExact f (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.isTerminating" 8 $ "Size Change Graph is Terminating for: " ++ show f
Nothing => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.isTerminating" 8 $ "Size Change Graph is Terminating for: " ++ show !(toFullNames f)
pure IsTerminating
Just def => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.needsChecking" 8 $ "Size Change Graph needs traversing: " ++ show f
Just def => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.needsChecking" 8 $ "Size Change Graph needs traversing: " ++ show !(toFullNames f)
continue (sizeChange def) (pos :: path)
-- Look for something descending in the list of size changes
@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ checkSC defs f args path
let Unchecked = isTerminating (totality gdef)
| IsTerminating => pure IsTerminating
| _ => pure (NotTerminating (BadCall [fnCall sc]))
log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall" 8 $ "CheckCall Size Change Graph: " ++ show (fnCall sc)
log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall" 8 $ "CheckCall Size Change Graph: " ++ show !(toFullNames (fnCall sc))
term <- checkSC defs (fnCall sc) (mkArgs (fnArgs sc)) path
if not inpath
then case term of
@ -501,12 +503,12 @@ checkSC defs f args path
-- was mutually recursive, so start again with new
-- arguments (that is, where we'd start if the
-- function was the top level thing we were checking)
do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPathNot.restart" 9 $ "ReChecking Size Change Graph: " ++ show (fnCall sc)
do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPathNot.restart" 9 $ "ReChecking Size Change Graph: " ++ show !(toFullNames (fnCall sc))
args' <- initArgs (length (fnArgs sc))
checkSC defs (fnCall sc) args' path
t => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPathNot.return" 9 $ "Have result: " ++ show (fnCall sc)
t => do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPathNot.return" 9 $ "Have result: " ++ show !(toFullNames (fnCall sc))
pure t
else do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPath" 9 $ "Have Result: " ++ show (fnCall sc)
else do log "totality.termination.sizechange.checkCall.inPath" 9 $ "Have Result: " ++ show !(toFullNames (fnCall sc))
pure term
getWorst : Terminating -> List Terminating -> Terminating
@ -524,7 +526,7 @@ calcTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Terminating
calcTerminating loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Calculating termination: " ++ show n
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Calculating termination: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
Just def =>
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ checkTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Terminating
checkTerminating loc n
= do tot <- getTotality loc n
log "totality.termination" 6 $ "Checking termination: " ++ show n
log "totality.termination" 6 $ "Checking termination: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case isTerminating tot of
Unchecked =>
do tot' <- calcTerminating loc n
@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ calcPositive : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Terminating, List Name)
calcPositive loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Calculating positivity: " ++ show n
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Calculating positivity: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case !(lookupDefTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ tns dcons _, ty) =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
@ -670,7 +672,7 @@ checkPositive : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
checkPositive loc n_in
= do n <- toResolvedNames n_in
tot <- getTotality loc n
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Checking positivity: " ++ show n
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Checking positivity: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case isTerminating tot of
Unchecked =>
do (tot', cons) <- calcPositive loc n
@ -679,6 +681,7 @@ checkPositive loc n_in
pure tot'
t => pure t
-- Check and record totality of the given name; positivity if it's a data
-- type, termination if it's a function
@ -690,7 +693,7 @@ checkTotal loc n_in
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n_in)
let n = Resolved nidx
tot <- getTotality loc n
log "totality" 5 $ "Checking totality: " ++ show n
log "totality" 5 $ "Checking totality: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
defs <- get Ctxt
case isTerminating tot of
Unchecked =>
@ -188,5 +188,5 @@ getContents ns
pure (visibility def /= Private)
inNS : Name -> Bool
inNS (NS xns (UN _)) = xns == ns
inNS (NS xns (UN _)) = ns `isParentOf` xns
inNS _ = False
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ initIDESocketFile h p = do
pure (Left ("Failed to listen on socket with error: " ++ show res))
do putStrLn (show p)
fflush stdout
res <- accept sock
case res of
Left err =>
@ -1390,13 +1390,14 @@ topDecl fname indents
-- collectDefs : List PDecl -> List PDecl
collectDefs [] = []
collectDefs (PDef annot cs :: ds)
= let (cs', rest) = spanBy isClause ds in
PDef annot (cs ++ concat cs') :: assert_total (collectDefs rest)
isClause : PDecl -> Maybe (List PClause)
isClause (PDef annot cs)
= Just cs
isClause _ = Nothing
= let (csWithFC, rest) = spanBy isPDef ds
cs' = cs ++ concat (map snd csWithFC)
annot' = foldr
(\fc1, fc2 => fromMaybe EmptyFC (mergeFC fc1 fc2))
(map fst csWithFC)
PDef annot' cs' :: assert_total (collectDefs rest)
collectDefs (PNamespace annot ns nds :: ds)
= PNamespace annot ns (collectDefs nds) :: collectDefs ds
collectDefs (PMutual annot nds :: ds)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.ES.Node
import Compiler.ES.Javascript
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.RefC.RefC
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ findCG
Gambit => pure codegenGambit
Node => pure codegenNode
Javascript => pure codegenJavascript
RefC => pure codegenRefC
Other s => case !(getCodegen s) of
Just cg => pure cg
Nothing => do coreLift $ putStrLn ("No such code generator: " ++ s)
@ -704,7 +706,7 @@ process Edit
Nothing => pure NoFileLoaded
Just f =>
do let line = maybe "" (\i => " +" ++ show (i + 1)) (errorLine opts)
coreLift $ system (editor opts ++ " " ++ f ++ line)
coreLift $ system (editor opts ++ " \"" ++ f ++ "\"" ++ line)
loadMainFile f
process (Compile ctm outfile)
= compileExp ctm outfile
@ -334,6 +334,12 @@ mutual
getPDeclLoc (PRunElabDecl fc _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PDirective fc _) = fc
isPDef : PDecl -> Maybe (FC, List PClause)
isPDef (PDef annot cs) = Just (annot, cs)
isPDef _ = Nothing
definedInData : PDataDecl -> List Name
definedInData (MkPData _ n _ _ cons) = n :: map getName cons
@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ EmptyRule token ty = Grammar token False ty
location : {token : _} -> EmptyRule token (Int, Int)
= do tok <- bounds peek
pure (tok.startLine, tok.startCol)
= do tok <- removeIrrelevance <$> bounds peek
pure $ start tok
endLocation : {token : _} -> EmptyRule token (Int, Int)
= do tok <- bounds peek
pure (tok.endLine, tok.endCol)
= do tok <- removeIrrelevance <$> bounds peek
pure $ end tok
position : {token : _} -> EmptyRule token ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
= do tok <- bounds peek
pure ((tok.startLine, tok.startCol), (tok.endLine, tok.endCol))
= do tok <- removeIrrelevance <$> bounds peek
pure (start tok, end tok)
@ -318,13 +318,21 @@ mkCase {c} {u} fn orig lhs_raw
defs <- get Ctxt
ust <- get UST
(do -- Use 'Rig0' since it might be a type level function, or it might
-- Fixes Issue #74. The problem is that if the function is defined in a sub module,
-- then the current namespace (accessed by calling getNS) differs from the function
-- namespace, therefore it is not considered visible by TTImp.Elab.App.checkVisibleNS
setAllPublic True
-- Use 'Rig0' since it might be a type level function, or it might
-- be an erased name in a case block (which will be bound elsewhere
-- once split and turned into a pattern)
(lhs, _) <- elabTerm {c} {m} {u}
fn (InLHS erased) [] (MkNested [])
[] (IBindHere (getFC lhs_raw) PATTERN lhs_raw)
-- Revert all public back to false
setAllPublic False
put Ctxt defs -- reset the context, we don't want any updates
put UST ust
lhs' <- unelabNoSugar [] lhs
@ -72,14 +72,22 @@ checkTotalityOK n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let fc = location gdef
-- #524: need to check positivity even if we're not in a total context
-- because a definition coming later may need to know it is positive
case definition gdef of
(TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) => ignore $ checkPositive fc n
_ => pure ()
-- Once that is done, we build up errors if necessary
let treq = fromMaybe !getDefaultTotalityOption (findSetTotal (flags gdef))
let tot = totality gdef
let fc = location gdef
log "totality" 3 $ show n ++ " must be: " ++ show treq
case treq of
PartialOK => pure Nothing
CoveringOnly => checkCovering fc (isCovering tot)
Total => checkTotality fc
PartialOK => pure Nothing
CoveringOnly => checkCovering fc (isCovering tot)
Total => checkTotality fc
checkCovering : FC -> Covering -> Core (Maybe Error)
checkCovering fc IsCovering = pure Nothing
@ -107,28 +107,48 @@ recoverable : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
Defs -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
-- Unlike the above, any mismatch will do
recoverable defs (NTCon _ xn xt xa xargs) (NTCon _ yn yt ya yargs)
= if xn /= yn
then pure False
else pure $ not !(anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs))
-- Type constructor vs. primitive type
recoverable defs (NTCon _ _ _ _ _) (NPrimVal _ _) = pure False
recoverable defs (NPrimVal _ _) (NTCon _ _ _ _ _) = pure False
recoverable defs (NTCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NDCon _ _ xt _ xargs) (NDCon _ _ yt _ yargs)
= if xt /= yt
then pure False
else pure $ not !(anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs))
recoverable defs (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NApp _ (NRef _ f) fargs) (NApp _ (NRef _ g) gargs)
= pure True -- both functions; recoverable
recoverable defs (NTCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y) = pure (x == y)
recoverable defs (NPrimVal _ _) (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) = pure False
recoverable defs x y = pure False
recoverableErr : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Error -> Core Bool
recoverableErr defs (CantConvert fc env l r)
= recoverable defs !(nf defs env l)
!(nf defs env r)
= do l <- nf defs env l
r <- nf defs env r
log "coverage.recover" 10 $ unlines
[ "Recovering from CantConvert?"
, "Checking:"
, " " ++ show l
, " " ++ show r
recoverable defs l r
recoverableErr defs (CantSolveEq fc env l r)
= recoverable defs !(nf defs env l)
!(nf defs env r)
@ -811,9 +831,11 @@ processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
defs <- get Ctxt
lhs <- normaliseHoles defs [] lhstm
if !(hasEmptyPat defs [] lhs)
then do put Ctxt ctxt
then do log "declare.def.impossible" 5 "No empty pat"
put Ctxt ctxt
pure Nothing
else do empty <- clearDefs ctxt
else do log "declare.def.impossible" 5 "Some empty pat"
empty <- clearDefs ctxt
rtm <- closeEnv empty !(nf empty [] lhs)
put Ctxt ctxt
pure (Just rtm))
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ export
irrelevantBounds : ty -> WithBounds ty
irrelevantBounds x = MkBounded x True (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)
removeIrrelevance : WithBounds ty -> WithBounds ty
removeIrrelevance (MkBounded val ir sl sc el ec) = MkBounded val True sl sc el ec
mergeBounds : WithBounds ty -> WithBounds ty' -> WithBounds ty'
mergeBounds (MkBounded _ True _ _ _ _) (MkBounded val True _ _ _ _) = irrelevantBounds val
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ rawTokens delims ls =
||| Merge the tokens into a single source file.
reduce : List (WithBounds Token) -> List String -> String
reduce [] acc = fastAppend (reverse acc)
reduce (MkBounded (Any x) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc = reduce rest (blank_content::acc)
-- Preserve the original document's line count.
blank_content : String
blank_content = fastAppend (replicate (length (lines x)) "\n")
reduce (MkBounded (Any x) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc =
-- newline will always be tokenized as a single token
if x == "\n"
then reduce rest ("\n"::acc)
else reduce rest acc
reduce (MkBounded (CodeLine m src) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc =
if m == trim src
@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ reduce (MkBounded (CodeBlock l r src) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc with (lines src) --
reduce (MkBounded (CodeBlock l r src) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc | (s :: ys) with (snocList ys)
reduce (MkBounded (CodeBlock l r src) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc | (s :: []) | Empty = reduce rest acc -- 2
reduce (MkBounded (CodeBlock l r src) _ _ _ _ _ :: rest) acc | (s :: (srcs ++ [f])) | (Snoc f srcs rec) =
reduce rest ("\n" :: unlines srcs :: acc)
-- the "\n" counts for the open deliminator; the closing deliminator should always be followed by a (Any "\n"), so we don't add a newline
reduce rest (unlines srcs :: "\n" :: acc)
-- [ NOTE ] 1 & 2 shouldn't happen as code blocks are well formed i.e. have two deliminators.
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ mutual
doParse com (NextIs err f) [] = Failure com False "End of input" []
doParse com (NextIs err f) (x :: xs)
= if f x
then Res com x (x :: xs)
then Res com (removeIrrelevance x) (x :: xs)
else Failure com False err (x :: xs)
doParse com (Alt {c1} {c2} x y) xs
= case doParse False x xs of
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
include ../../config.mk
TARGET = libidris2_refc
SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)
ifeq ($(OS), windows)
LDFLAGS += -lws2_32
ifeq ($(OLD_WIN), 1)
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d)
all: build
.PHONY: build
build: $(LIBTARGET)
$(AR) rc $@ $^
$(RANLIB) $@
-include $(DEPS)
%.d: %.c
@$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) $< -MM -MT $(@:.d=.o) >$@
.PHONY: clean
cleandep: clean
$(RM) $(DEPS)
.PHONY: install
install: build
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/refc
install $(LIBTARGET) *.h ${PREFIX}/idris2-${IDRIS2_VERSION}/refc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef __C_BACKEND_H__
#define __C_BACKEND_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "datatypes.h"
#include "memoryManagement.h"
#include "mathFunctions.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "stringOps.h"
#include "casts.h"
#include "conCaseHelper.h"
#include "prim.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
#include "casts.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits32(Value *input)
return input;
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits64(Value *input)
return cast_i32_to_i64(input);
Value *cast_i32_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i32_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i32_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i32_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%i", from->i32);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%i", from->i32);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits32(Value *input)
return cast_i64_to_i32(input);
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits64(Value *input)
return input;
Value *cast_i64_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_i64_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIu64 "", from->i64);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%" PRIu64 "", from->i64);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->d;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->d;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_Bits32(Value *input)
return cast_double_to_i32(input);
Value *cast_double_to_Bits64(Value *input)
return cast_double_to_i64(input);
Value *cast_double_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->d;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->d;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->d;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_double_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Double *from = (Value_Double *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%f", from->d);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%f", from->d);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_Bits32(Value *input)
return cast_char_to_i32(input);
Value *cast_char_to_Bits64(Value *input)
return cast_char_to_i64(input);
Value *cast_char_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_char_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Char *from = (Value_Char *)input;
retVal->str = malloc(2 * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, 2);
retVal->str[0] = from->c;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->i8 = (uint8_t)atoi(from->str);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->i16 = (uint16_t)atoi(from->str);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_Bits32(Value *input)
return cast_string_to_i32(input);
Value *cast_string_to_Bits64(Value *input)
return cast_string_to_i64(input);
Value *cast_string_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->i32 = atoi(from->str);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->i64 = atoi(from->str);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->d = atof(from->str);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_string_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_String *from = (Value_String *)input;
retVal->c = from->str[0];
return (Value *)retVal;
// Bits cast
// autogenerated using Ruby
/* conversions from Bits8 */
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i8;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits8_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Int8 *from = (Value_Int8 *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIu8 "", from->i8);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%" PRIu8 "", from->i8);
return (Value *)retVal;
/* conversions from Bits16 */
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i16;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits16_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Int16 *from = (Value_Int16 *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIu16 "", from->i16);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%" PRIu16 "", from->i16);
return (Value *)retVal;
/* conversions from Bits32 */
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_i32(Value *input)
return input;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_i64(Value *input)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->i64 = (int64_t)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i32;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits32_to_string(Value *input)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_Int32 *from = (Value_Int32 *)input;
int l = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIu32 "", (uint32_t)from->i32);
retVal->str = malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
sprintf(retVal->str, "%" PRIu32 "", (uint32_t)from->i32);
return (Value *)retVal;
/* conversions from Bits64 */
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits8(Value *input)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i8 = (int8_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits16(Value *input)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i16 = (int16_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_i32(Value *input)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->i32 = (int32_t)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_i64(Value *input)
return input;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_double(Value *input)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->d = (double)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_char(Value *input)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_Int64 *from = (Value_Int64 *)input;
retVal->c = (char)from->i64;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *cast_Bits64_to_string(Value *input)
return cast_i64_to_string(input);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#ifndef __CASTS_H__
#define __CASTS_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
#include <stdio.h>
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits8(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits16(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits32(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_Bits64(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_i64(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_double(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_char(Value *);
Value *cast_i32_to_string(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits8(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits16(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits32(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_Bits64(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_i32(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_double(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_char(Value *);
Value *cast_i64_to_string(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_Bits8(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_Bits16(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_Bits32(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_Bits64(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_i32(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_i64(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_char(Value *);
Value *cast_double_to_string(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_Bits8(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_Bits16(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_Bits32(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_Bits64(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_i32(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_i64(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_double(Value *);
Value *cast_char_to_string(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_Bits8(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_Bits16(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_Bits32(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_Bits64(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_i32(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_i64(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_double(Value *);
Value *cast_string_to_char(Value *);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits16(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_Bits64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_i32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_i64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_double(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_char(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits8_to_string(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits8(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_Bits64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_i32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_i64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_double(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_char(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits16_to_string(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits8(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits16(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_Bits64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_i32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_i64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_double(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_char(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits32_to_string(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits8(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits16(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_Bits32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_i32(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_i64(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_double(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_char(Value *input);
Value *cast_Bits64_to_string(Value *input);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#include "conCaseHelper.h"
AConAlt *newConstructorField(int nr)
AConAlt *retVal = (AConAlt *)malloc(nr * sizeof(AConAlt));
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++)
retVal[i].tag = -1;
return retVal;
void freeConstructorField(AConAlt *cf)
void constructorFieldFNextEntry(AConAlt *field, char *name, int tag)
AConAlt *nextEntry = field;
while (nextEntry->tag == -1)
nextEntry->name = name;
nextEntry->tag = tag;
int compareConstructors(Value *sc, AConAlt *field, int nr)
Value_Constructor *constr = (Value_Constructor *)sc;
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++)
if (field->name) //decide my name
if (!strcmp(field->name, constr->name))
return i;
else // decide by tag
if (field->tag == constr->tag)
return i;
return -1;
int multiStringCompare(Value *sc, int nrDecicionOptions, char **options)
for (int i = 0; i < nrDecicionOptions; i++)
if (!strcmp(((Value_String *)sc)->str, options[i]))
return i;
return -1;
int multiDoubleCompare(Value *sc, int nrDecicionOptions, double *options)
for (int i = 0; i < nrDecicionOptions; i++)
if (((Value_Double *)sc)->d == options[i])
return i;
return -1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef __CON_CASE_HELPER_H__
#define __CON_CASE_HELPER_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
typedef struct
char *name;
int tag;
} AConAlt;
AConAlt *newConstructorField(int);
int compareConstructors(Value *, AConAlt *, int);
void constructorFieldFNextEntry(AConAlt *, char *, int);
void freeConstructorField(AConAlt *);
int multiStringCompare(Value *, int, char **);
int multiDoubleCompare(Value *, int, double *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#ifndef __DATATYPES_H__
#define __DATATYPES_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define NO_TAG 0
#define INT8_TAG 1
#define INT16_TAG 2
#define INT32_TAG 3
#define INT64_TAG 4
#define DOUBLE_TAG 5
#define CHAR_TAG 6
#define STRING_TAG 7
#define CLOSURE_TAG 10
#define ARGLIST_TAG 11
#define IOREF_TAG 20
#define ARRAY_TAG 21
#define POINTER_TAG 22
#define GC_POINTER_TAG 23
#define BUFFER_TAG 24
#define MUTEX_TAG 30
#define CONDITION_TAG 31
#define COMPLETE_CLOSURE_TAG 98 // for trampoline tail recursion handling
#define WORLD_TAG 99
typedef struct
int refCounter;
int tag;
} Value_header;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
char payload[25];
} Value;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
uint8_t i8;
} Value_Int8;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
uint16_t i16;
} Value_Int16;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int32_t i32;
} Value_Int32;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int64_t i64;
} Value_Int64;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
double d;
} Value_Double;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
char c;
} Value_Char;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
char *str;
} Value_String;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int32_t total;
int32_t tag;
char *name;
Value **args;
} Value_Constructor;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int32_t total;
int32_t filled;
Value **args;
} Value_Arglist;
typedef Value *(*fun_ptr_t)(Value_Arglist *);
typedef struct
Value_header header;
fun_ptr_t f;
Value_Arglist *arglist;
} Value_Closure;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int32_t index;
} Value_IORef;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
void *p;
} Value_Pointer;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
Value_Pointer *p;
Value_Closure *onCollectFct;
} Value_GCPointer;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
int capacity;
Value **arr;
} Value_Array;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
size_t len;
char *buffer;
} Value_Buffer;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
pthread_mutex_t *mutex;
} Value_Mutex;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
pthread_cond_t *cond;
} Value_Condition;
typedef struct
Value **refs;
int filled;
int total;
} IORef_Storage;
typedef struct
Value_header header;
IORef_Storage *listIORefs;
} Value_World;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
#include "mathFunctions.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "memoryManagement.h"
double unpackDouble(Value *d)
return ((Value_Double *)d)->d;
Value *believe_me(Value *a, Value *b, Value *c)
return c;
/* add */
Value *add_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 + ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *add_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 + ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
Value *add_double(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeDouble(((Value_Double *)x)->d + ((Value_Double *)y)->d);
/* sub */
Value *sub_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 - ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *sub_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 - ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
Value *sub_double(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeDouble(((Value_Double *)x)->d - ((Value_Double *)y)->d);
/* mul */
Value *mul_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 * ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *mul_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 * ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
Value *mul_double(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeDouble(((Value_Double *)x)->d * ((Value_Double *)y)->d);
/* div */
Value *div_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 / ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *div_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 / ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
Value *div_double(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeDouble(((Value_Double *)x)->d / ((Value_Double *)y)->d);
/* mod */
Value *mod_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 % ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *mod_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 % ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* shiftl */
Value *shiftl_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 << ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *shiftl_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 << ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* shiftr */
Value *shiftr_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 >> ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *shiftr_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 >> ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* and */
Value *and_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 & ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *and_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 & ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* or */
Value *or_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 | ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *or_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 | ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* xor */
Value *xor_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt32(((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 ^ ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32);
Value *xor_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
return (Value *)makeInt64(((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 ^ ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64);
/* lt */
Value *lt_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 < ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lt_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 < ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lt_double(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Double *)x)->d < ((Value_Double *)y)->d)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lt_char(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Char *)x)->c < ((Value_Char *)y)->c)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
/* gt */
Value *gt_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 > ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gt_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 > ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gt_double(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Double *)x)->d > ((Value_Double *)y)->d)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gt_char(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Char *)x)->c > ((Value_Char *)y)->c)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
/* eq */
Value *eq_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 == ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *eq_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 == ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *eq_double(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Double *)x)->d == ((Value_Double *)y)->d)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *eq_char(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Char *)x)->c == ((Value_Char *)y)->c)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *eq_string(Value *x, Value *y)
if (!strcmp(((Value_String *)x)->str, ((Value_String *)y)->str))
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
/* lte */
Value *lte_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 <= ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lte_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 <= ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lte_double(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Double *)x)->d <= ((Value_Double *)y)->d)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *lte_char(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Char *)x)->c <= ((Value_Char *)y)->c)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
/* gte */
Value *gte_i32(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int32 *)x)->i32 >= ((Value_Int32 *)y)->i32)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gte_i64(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Int64 *)x)->i64 >= ((Value_Int64 *)y)->i64)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gte_double(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Double *)x)->d >= ((Value_Double *)y)->d)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Value *gte_char(Value *x, Value *y)
if (((Value_Char *)x)->c >= ((Value_Char *)y)->c)
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#ifndef __MATH_FUNCTIONS_H__
#define __MATH_FUNCTIONS_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
#include <math.h>
double unpackDouble(Value *d);
Value *believe_me(Value *, Value *, Value *);
/* add */
Value *add_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *add_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *add_double(Value *x, Value *y);
/* sub */
Value *sub_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *sub_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *sub_double(Value *x, Value *y);
/* mul */
Value *mul_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *mul_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *mul_double(Value *x, Value *y);
/* div */
Value *div_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *div_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *div_double(Value *x, Value *y);
/* mod */
Value *mod_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *mod_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* shiftl */
Value *shiftl_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *shiftl_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* shiftr */
Value *shiftr_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *shiftr_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* and */
Value *and_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *and_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* or */
Value *or_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *or_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* xor */
Value *xor_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *xor_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
/* lt */
Value *lt_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lt_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lt_double(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lt_char(Value *x, Value *y);
/* gt */
Value *gt_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gt_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gt_double(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gt_char(Value *x, Value *y);
/* eq */
Value *eq_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *eq_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *eq_double(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *eq_char(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *eq_string(Value *x, Value *y);
/* lte */
Value *lte_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lte_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lte_double(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *lte_char(Value *x, Value *y);
/* gte */
Value *gte_i32(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gte_i64(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gte_double(Value *x, Value *y);
Value *gte_char(Value *x, Value *y);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
#include "runtime.h"
Value *newValue()
Value *retVal = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value));
retVal->header.refCounter = 1;
retVal->header.tag = NO_TAG;
return retVal;
Value_Arglist *newArglist(int missing, int total)
Value_Arglist *retVal = (Value_Arglist *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = ARGLIST_TAG;
retVal->total = total;
retVal->filled = total - missing;
retVal->args = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * total);
memset(retVal->args, 0, sizeof(Value *) * total);
return retVal;
Value_Constructor *newConstructor(int total, int tag, const char *name)
Value_Constructor *retVal = (Value_Constructor *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CONSTRUCTOR_TAG;
retVal->total = total;
retVal->tag = tag;
int nameLength = strlen(name);
retVal->name = malloc(nameLength + 1);
memset(retVal->name, 0, nameLength + 1);
memcpy(retVal->name, name, nameLength);
retVal->args = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * total);
return retVal;
Value_Closure *makeClosureFromArglist(fun_ptr_t f, Value_Arglist *arglist)
Value_Closure *retVal = (Value_Closure *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CLOSURE_TAG;
retVal->arglist = arglist; // (Value_Arglist *)newReference((Value*)arglist);
retVal->f = f;
if (retVal->arglist->filled >= retVal->arglist->total)
retVal->header.tag = COMPLETE_CLOSURE_TAG;
return retVal;
Value_Double *makeDouble(double d)
Value_Double *retVal = (Value_Double *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = DOUBLE_TAG;
retVal->d = d;
return retVal;
Value_Char *makeChar(char c)
Value_Char *retVal = (Value_Char *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
retVal->c = c;
return retVal;
Value_Int8 *makeInt8(int8_t i)
Value_Int8 *retVal = (Value_Int8 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT8_TAG;
retVal->i8 = i;
return retVal;
Value_Int16 *makeInt16(int16_t i)
Value_Int16 *retVal = (Value_Int16 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT16_TAG;
retVal->i16 = i;
return retVal;
Value_Int32 *makeInt32(int32_t i)
Value_Int32 *retVal = (Value_Int32 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT32_TAG;
retVal->i32 = i;
return retVal;
Value_Int64 *makeInt64(int64_t i)
Value_Int64 *retVal = (Value_Int64 *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = INT64_TAG;
retVal->i64 = i;
return retVal;
Value_String *makeEmptyString(size_t l)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
retVal->str = malloc(l);
memset(retVal->str, 0, l);
return retVal;
Value_String *makeString(char *s)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
int l = strlen(s);
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
retVal->str = malloc(l + 1);
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
memcpy(retVal->str, s, l);
return retVal;
Value_Pointer *makePointer(void *ptr_Raw)
Value_Pointer *p = (Value_Pointer *)newValue();
p->header.tag = POINTER_TAG;
p->p = ptr_Raw;
return p;
Value_Array *makeArray(int length)
Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)newValue();
a->header.tag = ARRAY_TAG;
a->capacity = length;
a->arr = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * length);
memset(a->arr, 0, sizeof(Value *) * length);
return a;
Value_World *makeWorld()
Value_World *retVal = (Value_World *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = WORLD_TAG;
retVal->listIORefs = NULL;
return retVal;
Value *newReference(Value *source)
// note that we explicitly allow NULL as source (for erased arguments)
if (source)
return source;
void removeReference(Value *elem)
if (!elem)
// remove reference counter
if (elem->header.refCounter == 0)
// recursively remove all references to all children
switch (elem->header.tag)
case INT32_TAG:
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
case INT64_TAG:
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
case CHAR_TAG:
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
free(((Value_String *)elem)->str);
Value_Closure *cl = (Value_Closure *)elem;
Value_Arglist *al = cl->arglist;
removeReference((Value *)al);
Value_Closure *cl = (Value_Closure *)elem;
Value_Arglist *al = cl->arglist;
removeReference((Value *)al);
Value_Arglist *al = (Value_Arglist *)elem;
for (int i = 0; i < al->filled; i++)
Value_Constructor *constr = (Value_Constructor *)elem;
for (int i = 0; i < constr->total; i++)
if (constr->name)
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)elem;
for (int i = 0; i < a->capacity; i++)
/* nothing to delete, added for sake of completeness */
/* maybe here we need to invoke onCollectAny */
Value_GCPointer *vPtr = (Value_GCPointer *)elem;
Value *closure1 = apply_closure((Value *)vPtr->onCollectFct, (Value *)vPtr->p);
apply_closure(closure1, NULL);
removeReference((Value *)vPtr->onCollectFct);
removeReference((Value *)vPtr->p);
Value_World *w = (Value_World *)elem;
if (w->listIORefs)
for (int i = 0; i < w->listIORefs->filled; i++)
// finally, free element
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include "cBackend.h"
Value *newValue(void);
Value *newReference(Value *source);
void removeReference(Value *source);
Value_Arglist *newArglist(int missing, int total);
Value_Constructor *newConstructor(int total, int tag, const char *name);
// copies arglist, no pointer bending
Value_Closure *makeClosureFromArglist(fun_ptr_t f, Value_Arglist *);
Value_Double *makeDouble(double d);
Value_Char *makeChar(char d);
Value_Int8 *makeInt8(int8_t i);
Value_Int16 *makeInt16(int16_t i);
Value_Int32 *makeInt32(int32_t i);
Value_Int64 *makeInt64(int64_t i);
Value_String *makeEmptyString(size_t l);
Value_String *makeString(char *);
Value_Pointer *makePointer(void *);
Value_Array *makeArray(int length);
Value_World *makeWorld(void);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include "prim.h"
Value *Prelude_IO_prim__getChar(Value *world)
char c = getchar();
return (Value *)makeChar(c);
// This is NOT THREAD SAFE in the current implementation
IORef_Storage *newIORef_Storage(int capacity)
IORef_Storage *retVal = (IORef_Storage *)malloc(sizeof(IORef_Storage));
retVal->filled = 0;
retVal->total = capacity;
retVal->refs = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * retVal->total);
return retVal;
void doubleIORef_Storage(IORef_Storage *ior)
Value **values = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * ior->total * 2);
ior->total *= 2;
for (int i = 0; i < ior->filled; i++)
values[i] = ior->refs[i];
ior->refs = values;
Value *newIORef(Value *erased, Value *input_value, Value *_world)
// if no ioRef Storag exist, start with one
Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world;
if (!world->listIORefs)
world->listIORefs = newIORef_Storage(128);
// expand size of needed
if (world->listIORefs->filled >= world->listIORefs->total)
// store value
Value_IORef *ioRef = (Value_IORef *)newValue();
ioRef->header.tag = IOREF_TAG;
ioRef->index = world->listIORefs->filled;
world->listIORefs->refs[world->listIORefs->filled] = newReference(input_value);
return (Value *)ioRef;
Value *readIORef(Value *erased, Value *_index, Value *_world)
Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world;
Value_IORef *index = (Value_IORef *)_index;
return newReference(world->listIORefs->refs[index->index]);
Value *writeIORef(Value *erased, Value *_index, Value *new_value, Value *_world)
Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world;
Value_IORef *index = (Value_IORef *)_index;
world->listIORefs->refs[index->index] = newReference(new_value);
return newReference(_index);
// -----------------------------------
// System operations
// -----------------------------------
Value *sysOS(void)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (Value *)makeString("windows");
#elif _WIN64
return (Value *)makeString("windows");
#elif __APPLE__ || __MACH__
return (Value *)makeString("Mac OSX");
#elif __linux__
return (Value *)makeString("Linux");
#elif __FreeBSD__
return (Value *)makeString("FreeBSD");
#elif __OpenBSD__
return (Value *)makeString("OpenBSD");
#elif __NetBSD__
return (Value *)makeString("NetBSD");
#elif __DragonFly__
return (Value *)makeString("DragonFly");
#elif __unix || __unix__
return (Value *)makeString("Unix");
return (Value *)makeString("Other");
Value* idris2_crash(Value* msg) {
Value_String* str = (Value_String*)msg;
printf("ERROR: %s\n", str->str);
// // -----------------------------------
// // Array operations
// // -----------------------------------
Value *newArray(Value *erased, Value *_length, Value *v, Value *_word)
int length = extractInt(_length);
Value_Array *a = makeArray(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
a->arr[i] = newReference(v);
return (Value *)a;
Value *arrayGet(Value *erased, Value *_array, Value *_index, Value *_word)
Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)_array;
return newReference(a->arr[((Value_Int32 *)_index)->i32]);
Value *arraySet(Value *erased, Value *_array, Value *_index, Value *v, Value *_word)
Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)_array;
removeReference(a->arr[((Value_Int32 *)_index)->i32]);
a->arr[((Value_Int32 *)_index)->i32] = newReference(v);
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------
// Pointer operations
// -----------------------------------
Value *PrimIO_prim__nullAnyPtr(Value *ptr)
void *p;
switch (ptr->header.tag)
p = ((Value_String *)ptr)->str;
p = ((Value_Pointer *)ptr)->p;
p = NULL;
if (p)
return (Value *)makeInt32(0);
return (Value *)makeInt32(1);
Value *onCollect(Value *_erased, Value *_anyPtr, Value *_freeingFunction, Value *_world)
printf("onCollect called\n");
Value_GCPointer *retVal = (Value_GCPointer *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = GC_POINTER_TAG;
retVal->p = (Value_Pointer *)newReference(_anyPtr);
retVal->onCollectFct = (Value_Closure *)newReference(_freeingFunction);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *onCollectAny(Value *_erased, Value *_anyPtr, Value *_freeingFunction, Value *_world)
printf("onCollectAny called\n");
Value_GCPointer *retVal = (Value_GCPointer *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = GC_POINTER_TAG;
retVal->p = (Value_Pointer *)_anyPtr;
retVal->onCollectFct = (Value_Closure *)_freeingFunction;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *voidElim(Value *erased1, Value *erased2)
return NULL;
// Threads
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-mutex"
// prim__makeMutex : PrimIO Mutex
// using pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeMutex(Value *_world)
Value_Mutex *mut = (Value_Mutex *)newValue();
mut->header.tag = MUTEX_TAG;
mut->mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (pthread_mutex_init(mut->mutex, NULL))
fprintf(stderr, "Error init Mutex\n");
return (Value *)mut;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-lock"
// prim__mutexAcquire : Mutex -> PrimIO ()
// using pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexAcquire(Value *_mutex, Value *_world)
if (pthread_mutex_lock(((Value_Mutex *)_mutex)->mutex))
fprintf(stderr, "Error locking mutex\n");
return NULL;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-unlock"
// prim__mutexRelease : Mutex -> PrimIO ()
//using int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexRelease(Value *_mutex, Value *_world)
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(((Value_Mutex *)_mutex)->mutex))
fprintf(stderr, "Error locking mutex\n");
return NULL;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition"
// prim__makeCondition : PrimIO Condition
// using int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr)
// with standard initialisation
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeCondition(Value *_world)
// typedef struct{
// Value_header header;
// pthread_cond_t *cond;
// }Value_Condition;
Value_Condition *c = (Value_Condition *)newValue();
c->header.tag = CONDITION_TAG;
c->cond = (pthread_cond_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
if (pthread_cond_init(c->cond, NULL))
fprintf(stderr, "error init condition\n");
return (Value *)c;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-wait"
// prim__conditionWait : Condition -> Mutex -> PrimIO ()
// using int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWait(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex, Value *_world)
Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition;
Value_Mutex *mutex = (Value_Mutex *)_mutex;
if (pthread_cond_wait(cond->cond, mutex->mutex))
fprintf(stderr, "Error Conditional Wait\n");
return NULL;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-wait-timeout"
// prim__conditionWaitTimeout : Condition -> Mutex -> Int -> PrimIO ()
// using int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWaitTimeout(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex, Value *_timeout, Value *_world)
Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition;
Value_Mutex *mutex = (Value_Mutex *)_mutex;
Value_Int32 *timeout = (Value_Int32 *)_timeout;
struct timespec t;
t.tv_sec = timeout->i32 / 1000000;
t.tv_nsec = timeout->i32 % 1000000;
if (pthread_cond_timedwait(cond->cond, mutex->mutex, &t))
fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_timedwait\n");
return NULL;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-signal"
// prim__conditionSignal : Condition -> PrimIO ()
// using int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionSignal(Value *_condition, Value *_world)
Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition;
if (pthread_cond_signal(cond->cond))
fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_signal\n");
return NULL;
// %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-broadcast"
// prim__conditionBroadcast : Condition -> PrimIO ()
// using int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond)
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionBroadcast(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex)
Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition;
if (pthread_cond_broadcast(cond->cond))
fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_broadcast\n");
return NULL;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#ifndef __PRIM_H__
#define __PRIM_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
// Value * Prelude_IO_prim__putStr(Value *, Value *);
Value *Prelude_IO_prim__getChar(Value *);
// IORef
Value *newIORef(Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *readIORef(Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *writeIORef(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
// Sys
Value *sysOS(void);
Value* idris2_crash(Value* msg);
// Array
Value *newArray(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *arrayGet(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *arraySet(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
// Pointer
Value *PrimIO_prim__nullAnyPtr(Value *);
Value *onCollect(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *onCollectAny(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *voidElim(Value *, Value *);
// Threads
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexRelease(Value *, Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexAcquire(Value *, Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeMutex(Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeCondition(Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWait(Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWaitTimeout(Value *, Value *, Value *, Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionSignal(Value *, Value *);
Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionBroadcast(Value *, Value *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#include "runtime.h"
void push_Arglist(Value_Arglist *arglist, Value *arg)
if (arglist->filled >= arglist->total)
fprintf(stderr, "unable to add more arguments to arglist\n");
arglist->args[arglist->filled] = newReference(arg);
Value *apply_closure(Value *_clos, Value *arg)
// create a new arg list
Value_Arglist *oldArgs = ((Value_Closure *)_clos)->arglist;
Value_Arglist *newArgs = newArglist(0, oldArgs->total);
newArgs->filled = oldArgs->filled + 1;
// add argument to new arglist
for (int i = 0; i < oldArgs->filled; i++)
newArgs->args[i] = newReference(oldArgs->args[i]);
newArgs->args[oldArgs->filled] = newReference(arg);
Value_Closure *clos = (Value_Closure *)_clos;
// check if enough arguments exist
if (newArgs->filled >= newArgs->total)
fun_ptr_t f = clos->f;
while (1)
Value *retVal = f(newArgs);
removeReference((Value *)newArgs);
if (!retVal || retVal->header.tag != COMPLETE_CLOSURE_TAG)
return retVal;
f = ((Value_Closure *)retVal)->f;
newArgs = ((Value_Closure *)retVal)->arglist;
newArgs = (Value_Arglist *)newReference((Value *)newArgs);
return (Value *)makeClosureFromArglist(clos->f, newArgs);
Value *tailcall_apply_closure(Value *_clos, Value *arg)
// create a new arg list
Value_Arglist *oldArgs = ((Value_Closure *)_clos)->arglist;
Value_Arglist *newArgs = newArglist(0, oldArgs->total);
newArgs->filled = oldArgs->filled + 1;
// add argument to new arglist
for (int i = 0; i < oldArgs->filled; i++)
newArgs->args[i] = newReference(oldArgs->args[i]);
newArgs->args[oldArgs->filled] = newReference(arg);
Value_Closure *clos = (Value_Closure *)_clos;
// check if enough arguments exist
if (newArgs->filled >= newArgs->total)
return (Value *)makeClosureFromArglist(clos->f, newArgs);
return (Value *)makeClosureFromArglist(clos->f, newArgs);
int extractInt(Value *v)
if (v->header.tag == INT64_TAG)
return (int)((Value_Int64 *)v)->i64;
if (v->header.tag == INT32_TAG)
return ((Value_Int32 *)v)->i32;
if (v->header.tag == DOUBLE_TAG)
return (int)((Value_Double *)v)->d;
return -1;
Value *trampoline(Value *closure)
fun_ptr_t f = ((Value_Closure *)closure)->f;
Value_Arglist *_arglist = ((Value_Closure *)closure)->arglist;
Value_Arglist *arglist = (Value_Arglist *)newReference((Value *)_arglist);
while (1)
Value *retVal = f(arglist);
removeReference((Value *)arglist);
if (!retVal || retVal->header.tag != COMPLETE_CLOSURE_TAG)
return retVal;
f = ((Value_Closure *)retVal)->f;
arglist = ((Value_Closure *)retVal)->arglist;
arglist = (Value_Arglist *)newReference((Value *)arglist);
return NULL;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#ifndef __RUNTIME_H__
#define __RUNTIME_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
Value *apply_closure(Value *, Value *arg);
void push_Arglist(Value_Arglist *arglist, Value *arg);
int extractInt(Value *);
Value *trampoline(Value *closure);
Value *tailcall_apply_closure(Value *_clos, Value *arg);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include "stringOps.h"
Value *stringLength(Value *s)
int length = strlen(((Value_String *)s)->str);
return (Value *)makeInt32(length);
Value *head(Value *str)
Value_Char *c = (Value_Char *)newValue();
c->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
c->c = ((Value_String *)str)->str[0];
return (Value *)c;
Value *tail(Value *str)
Value_Char *c = (Value_Char *)newValue();
c->header.tag = CHAR_TAG;
Value_String *s = (Value_String *)str;
int l = strlen(s->str);
c->c = s->str[l - 1];
return (Value *)c;
Value *reverse(Value *str)
Value_String *retVal = (Value_String *)newValue();
retVal->header.tag = STRING_TAG;
Value_String *input = (Value_String *)str;
int l = strlen(input->str);
retVal->str = malloc(l + 1);
memset(retVal->str, 0, l + 1);
char *p = retVal->str;
char *q = input->str + (l - 1);
for (int i = 1; i < l; i++)
*p++ = *q--;
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *strIndex(Value *str, Value *i)
Value_Char *c;
switch (i->header.tag)
case INT64_TAG:
c = makeChar(((Value_String *)str)->str[((Value_Int64 *)i)->i64]);
return (Value *)c;
c = makeChar(((Value_String *)str)->str[((Value_Int32 *)i)->i32]);
return (Value *)c;
Value *strCons(Value *c, Value *str)
int l = strlen(((Value_String *)str)->str);
Value_String *retVal = makeEmptyString(l + 2);
retVal->str[0] = ((Value_Char *)c)->c;
memcpy(retVal->str + 1, ((Value_String *)str)->str, l);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *strAppend(Value *a, Value *b)
int la = strlen(((Value_String *)a)->str);
int lb = strlen(((Value_String *)b)->str);
Value_String *retVal = makeEmptyString(la + lb + 1);
memcpy(retVal->str, ((Value_String *)a)->str, la);
memcpy(retVal->str + la, ((Value_String *)b)->str, lb);
return (Value *)retVal;
Value *strSubstr(Value *s, Value *start, Value *len)
Value_String *retVal;
switch (len->header.tag)
case INT64_TAG:
retVal = makeEmptyString(((Value_Int64 *)len)->i64 + 1);
memcpy(retVal->str, ((Value_String *)s)->str, ((Value_Int64 *)len)->i64);
return (Value *)retVal;
retVal = makeEmptyString(((Value_Int32 *)len)->i32 + 1);
memcpy(retVal->str, ((Value_String *)s)->str, ((Value_Int32 *)len)->i32);
return (Value *)retVal;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef __STRING_OPS_H__
#define __STRING_OPS_H__
#include "cBackend.h"
Value *stringLength(Value *);
Value *head(Value *str);
Value *tail(Value *str);
Value *reverse(Value *str);
Value *strIndex(Value *str, Value *i);
Value *strCons(Value *c, Value *str);
Value *strAppend(Value *a, Value *b);
Value *strSubstr(Value *s, Value *start, Value *len);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
||| Core features required to perform Golden file testing.
||| We provide the core functionality to run a *single* golden file test, or
||| a whole test tree.
||| This allows the developer freedom to use as is or design the rest of the
||| test harness to their liking.
||| This was originally used as part of Idris2's own test suite and
||| the core functionality is useful for the many and not the few.
||| Please see Idris2 test harness for example usage.
||| # Test Structure
||| This harness works from the assumption that each individual golden test
||| comprises of a directory with the following structure:
||| + `run` a *shell* script that runs the test. We expect it to:
||| * Use `$1` as the variable standing for the idris executable to be tested
||| * May use `${IDRIS2_TESTS_CG}` to pick a codegen that ought to work
||| * Clean up after itself (e.g. by running `rm -rf build/`)
||| + `expected` a file containting the expected output of `run`
||| During testing, the test harness will generate an artefact named `output` and
||| display both outputs if there is a failure.
||| During an interactive session the following command is used to compare them as
||| they are:
||| ```sh
||| git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output
||| ```
||| If `git` fails then the runner will simply present the expected and 'given'
||| files side-by-side.
||| Of note, it is helpful if `output` was added to a local `.gitignore` instance
||| to ensure that it is not mistakenly versioned.
||| # Options
||| The test harness has several options that may be set:
||| + `idris2` The path of the executable we are testing.
||| + `onlyNames` The list of tests to run relative to the generated executable.
||| + `interactive` Whether to offer to update the expected file or not.
||| + `timing` Whether to display time taken for each test.
||| We provide an options parser (`options`) that will take the command line arguments
||| and constructs this for you.
||| # Usage
||| When compiled to an executable the expected usage is:
|||runtests <path to executable under test> [--timing] [--interactive] [--only [NAMES]]
||| assuming that the test runner is compiled to an executable named `runtests`.
module Lib
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Strings
import System
import System.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.File
import System.Info
import System.Path
-- [ Options ]
||| Options for the test driver.
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
||| Name of the idris2 executable
exeUnderTest : String
||| Which codegen should we use?
codegen : Maybe String
||| Should we only run some specific cases?
onlyNames : List String
||| Should we run the test suite interactively?
interactive : Bool
||| Should we time and display the tests
timing : Bool
usage : String -> String
usage exe = unwords ["Usage:", exe, "runtests <path> [--timing] [--interactive] [--cg CODEGEN] [--only [NAMES]]"]
||| Process the command line options.
options : List String -> Maybe Options
options args = case args of
(_ :: exeUnderTest :: rest) => go rest (MkOptions exeUnderTest Nothing [] False False)
_ => Nothing
go : List String -> Options -> Maybe Options
go rest opts = case rest of
[] => pure opts
("--timing" :: xs) => go xs (record { timing = True} opts)
("--interactive" :: xs) => go xs (record { interactive = True } opts)
("--cg" :: cg :: xs) => go xs (record { codegen = Just cg } opts)
("--only" :: xs) => pure $ record { onlyNames = xs } opts
_ => Nothing
-- [ Core ]
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
||| Normalise strings between different OS.
||| on Windows, we just ignore backslashes and slashes when comparing,
||| similarity up to that is good enough. Leave errors that depend
||| on the confusion of slashes and backslashes to unix machines.
normalize : String -> String
normalize str =
if isWindows
then pack $ filter (\ch => ch /= '/' && ch /= '\\') (unpack str)
else str
||| Run the specified Golden test with the supplied options.
||| See the module documentation for more information.
||| @currdir absolute or relative path to root test directory.
||| @testpath the directory that contains the test.
runTest : Options -> (currdir, testPath : String) -> IO Bool
runTest opts currdir testPath
= do changeDir testPath
isSuccess <- runTest'
changeDir currdir
pure isSuccess
getAnswer : IO Bool
getAnswer = do
str <- getLine
case str of
"y" => pure True
"n" => pure False
_ => do putStrLn "Invalid Answer."
printExpectedVsOutput : String -> String -> IO ()
printExpectedVsOutput exp out = do
putStrLn "Expected:"
putStrLn exp
putStrLn "Given:"
putStrLn out
mayOverwrite : Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
mayOverwrite mexp out = do
the (IO ()) $ case mexp of
Nothing => putStr $ unlines
[ "Golden value missing. I computed the following result:"
, out
, "Accept new golden value? [yn]"
Just exp => do
putStrLn "Golden value differs from actual value."
code <- system "git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output"
when (code < 0) $ printExpectedVsOutput exp out
putStrLn "Accept actual value as new golden value? [yn]"
b <- getAnswer
when b $ do Right _ <- writeFile "expected" out
| Left err => print err
pure ()
printTiming : Bool -> Clock type -> String -> IO ()
printTiming True clock msg = putStrLn (unwords [msg, show clock])
printTiming False _ msg = putStrLn msg
runTest' : IO Bool
= do putStr $ testPath ++ ": "
start <- clockTime Thread
let cg = case codegen opts of
Nothing => ""
Just cg => "env IDRIS2_TESTS_CG=" ++ cg ++ " "
system $ cg ++ "sh ./run " ++ exeUnderTest opts ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
end <- clockTime Thread
Right out <- readFile "output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile "expected"
| Left FileNotFound => do
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite Nothing out
else print FileNotFound
pure False
| Left err => do print err
pure False
let result = normalize out == normalize exp
let time = timeDifference end start
if result
then printTiming (timing opts) time "success"
else do
printTiming (timing opts) time "FAILURE"
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite (Just exp) out
else printExpectedVsOutput exp out
pure result
||| Find the first occurrence of an executable on `PATH`.
pathLookup : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
pathLookup names = do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let pathList = forget $ split (== pathSeparator) $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x | p <- pathList,
x <- names]
firstExists candidates
||| Some test may involve Idris' backends and have requirements.
||| We define here the ones supported by Idris
public export
data Requirement = Chez | Node | Racket
Show Requirement where
show Chez = "Chez"
show Node = "node"
show Racket = "racket"
checkRequirement : Requirement -> IO (Maybe String)
checkRequirement req
= do let (envvar, paths) = requirement req
Just exec <- getEnv envvar | Nothing => pathLookup paths
pure (Just exec)
requirement : Requirement -> (String, List String)
requirement Chez = ("CHEZ", ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme", "scheme.exe"])
requirement Node = ("NODE", ["node"])
requirement Racket = ("RACKET", ["racket"])
findCG : IO (Maybe String)
= do Nothing <- getEnv "IDRIS2_TESTS_CG" | p => pure p
Nothing <- checkRequirement Chez | p => pure (Just "chez")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Node | p => pure (Just "node")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Racket | p => pure (Just "racket")
pure Nothing
||| A test pool is characterised by
||| + a list of requirement
||| + and a list of directory paths
public export
record TestPool where
constructor MkTestPool
constraints : List Requirement
testCases : List String
||| Only keep the tests that have been asked for
filterTests : Options -> List String -> List String
filterTests opts = case onlyNames opts of
[] => id
xs => filter (\ name => any (`isInfixOf` name) xs)
||| A runner for a test pool
poolRunner : Options -> (currdir : String) -> TestPool -> IO (List Bool)
poolRunner opts currdir pool
= do -- check that we indeed want to run some of these tests
let tests = filterTests opts (testCases pool)
let (_ :: _) = tests
| [] => pure []
-- if so make sure the constraints are satisfied
cs <- for (constraints pool) $ \ req => do
mfp <- checkRequirement req
putStrLn $ case mfp of
Nothing => show req ++ " not found"
Just fp => "Found " ++ show req ++ " at " ++ fp
pure mfp
let Just _ = the (Maybe (List String)) (sequence cs)
| Nothing => pure []
-- if so run them all!
traverse (runTest opts currdir) tests
||| A runner for a whole test suite
runner : List TestPool -> IO ()
runner tests
= do args <- getArgs
let (Just opts) = options args
| _ => do print args
putStrLn (usage "runtests")
-- if no CG has been set, find a sensible default based on what is available
opts <- case codegen opts of
Nothing => pure $ record { codegen = !findCG } opts
Just _ => pure opts
-- grab the current directory
Just pwd <- currentDir
| Nothing => putStrLn "FATAL: Could not get current working directory"
-- run the tests
res <- concat <$> traverse (poolRunner opts pwd) tests
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- [ EOF ]
@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ import System.File
import System.Info
import System.Path
import Lib
%default covering
-- Test cases
ttimpTests : List String
= ["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
ttimpTests : TestPool
ttimpTests = MkTestPool []
["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
"coverage001", "coverage002",
@ -30,9 +32,9 @@ ttimpTests
"qtt001", "qtt003",
"total001", "total002", "total003"]
idrisTests : List String
= -- Fundamental language features
idrisTests : TestPool
idrisTests = MkTestPool []
-- Fundamental language features
["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
"basic006", "basic007", "basic008", "basic009", "basic010",
"basic011", "basic012", "basic013", "basic014", "basic015",
@ -42,19 +44,19 @@ idrisTests
"basic031", "basic032", "basic033", "basic034", "basic035",
"basic036", "basic037", "basic038", "basic039", "basic040",
"basic041", "basic042", "basic043", "basic044", "basic045",
"basic046", "basic047",
"basic046", "basic047", "basic048",
-- Coverage checking
"coverage001", "coverage002", "coverage003", "coverage004",
"coverage005", "coverage006", "coverage007", "coverage008",
"coverage009", "coverage010",
"coverage009", "coverage010", "coverage011",
-- Documentation strings
"docs001", "docs002",
-- Evaluator
"evaluator001", "evaluator002", "evaluator003",
"evaluator001", "evaluator002", "evaluator003", "evaluator004",
-- Error messages
"error001", "error002", "error003", "error004", "error005",
"error006", "error007", "error008", "error009", "error010",
"error011", "error012", "error013",
"error011", "error012", "error013", "error014",
-- Modules and imports
"import001", "import002", "import003", "import004", "import005",
-- Interactive editing support
@ -82,14 +84,14 @@ idrisTests
"literate001", "literate002", "literate003", "literate004",
"literate005", "literate006", "literate007", "literate008",
"literate009", "literate010", "literate011", "literate012",
"literate013", "literate014",
"literate013", "literate014", "literate015", "literate016",
-- Namespace blocks
-- Parameters blocks
-- Performance: things which have been slow in the past, or which
-- pose interesting challenges for the elaborator
"perf001", "perf002", "perf003", "perf004", "perf005",
"perf001", "perf002", "perf003", "perf004", "perf005", "perf006",
-- Parse errors
"perror001", "perror002", "perror003", "perror004", "perror005",
@ -121,15 +123,15 @@ idrisTests
-- with-disambiguation
typeddTests : List String
= ["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05",
typeddTests : TestPool
typeddTests = MkTestPool []
["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05",
"chapter06", "chapter07", "chapter08", "chapter09", "chapter10",
"chapter11", "chapter12", "chapter13", "chapter14"]
chezTests : List String
= ["chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004", "chez005", "chez006",
chezTests : TestPool
chezTests = MkTestPool [Chez]
["chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004", "chez005", "chez006",
"chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010", "chez011", "chez012",
"chez013", "chez014", "chez015", "chez016", "chez017", "chez018",
"chez019", "chez020", "chez021", "chez022", "chez023", "chez024",
@ -138,9 +140,9 @@ chezTests
nodeTests : List String
= [ "node001", "node002", "node003", "node004", "node005", "node006", "node007", "node008", "node009"
nodeTests : TestPool
nodeTests = MkTestPool [Node]
[ "node001", "node002", "node003", "node004", "node005", "node006", "node007", "node008", "node009"
, "node011", "node012", "node015", "node017", "node018", "node019" -- node014
, "node021", "node022" --, "node020"
, "reg001"
@ -149,209 +151,29 @@ nodeTests
, "idiom001"
ideModeTests : List String
= [ "ideMode001", "ideMode002", "ideMode003", "ideMode004" ]
ideModeTests : TestPool
ideModeTests = MkTestPool []
[ "ideMode001", "ideMode002", "ideMode003", "ideMode004" ]
preludeTests : List String
= [ "reg001" ]
preludeTests : TestPool
preludeTests = MkTestPool []
[ "reg001" ]
-- Options
||| Options for the test driver.
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
||| Name of the idris2 executable
idris2 : String
||| Should we only run some specific cases?
onlyNames : List String
||| Should we run the test suite interactively?
interactive : Bool
usage : String
usage = "Usage: runtests <idris2 path> [--interactive] [--only [NAMES]]"
options : List String -> Maybe Options
options args = case args of
(_ :: idris2 :: rest) => go rest (MkOptions idris2 [] False)
_ => Nothing
go : List String -> Options -> Maybe Options
go rest opts = case rest of
[] => pure opts
("--interactive" :: xs) => go xs (record { interactive = True } opts)
("--only" :: xs) => pure $ record { onlyNames = xs } opts
_ => Nothing
-- Actual test runner
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
-- on Windows, we just ignore backslashes and slashes when comparing,
-- similarity up to that is good enough. Leave errors that depend
-- on the confusion of slashes and backslashes to unix machines.
normalize : String -> String
normalize str =
if isWindows
then pack $ filter (\ch => ch /= '/' && ch /= '\\') (unpack str)
else str
runTest : Options -> String -> IO Bool
runTest opts testPath
= do changeDir testPath
isSuccess <- runTest'
changeDir "../.."
pure isSuccess
getAnswer : IO Bool
getAnswer = do
str <- getLine
case str of
"y" => pure True
"n" => pure False
_ => do putStrLn "Invalid Answer."
printExpectedVsOutput : String -> String -> IO ()
printExpectedVsOutput exp out = do
putStrLn "Expected:"
printLn exp
putStrLn "Given:"
printLn out
mayOverwrite : Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
mayOverwrite mexp out = do
the (IO ()) $ case mexp of
Nothing => putStr $ unlines
[ "Golden value missing. I computed the following result:"
, out
, "Accept new golden value? [yn]"
Just exp => do
putStrLn "Golden value differs from actual value."
code <- system "git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output"
when (code < 0) $ printExpectedVsOutput exp out
putStrLn "Accept actual value as new golden value? [yn]"
b <- getAnswer
when b $ do Right _ <- writeFile "expected" out
| Left err => print err
pure ()
runTest' : IO Bool
= do putStr $ testPath ++ ": "
system $ "sh ./run " ++ idris2 opts ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
Right out <- readFile "output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile "expected"
| Left FileNotFound => do
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite Nothing out
else print FileNotFound
pure False
| Left err => do print err
pure False
let result = normalize out == normalize exp
if result
then putStrLn "success"
else do
putStrLn "FAILURE"
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite (Just exp) out
else printExpectedVsOutput exp out
pure result
exists : String -> IO Bool
exists f
= do Right ok <- openFile f Read
| Left err => pure False
closeFile ok
pure True
firstExists : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
firstExists [] = pure Nothing
firstExists (x :: xs) = if !(exists x) then pure (Just x) else firstExists xs
pathLookup : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
pathLookup names = do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let pathList = forget $ split (== pathSeparator) $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x | p <- pathList,
x <- names]
firstExists candidates
findChez : IO (Maybe String)
= do Just chez <- getEnv "CHEZ" | Nothing => pathLookup ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme", "scheme.exe"]
pure $ Just chez
findNode : IO (Maybe String)
= do Just chez <- getEnv "NODE" | Nothing => pathLookup ["node"]
pure $ Just chez
runChezTests : Options -> List String -> IO (List Bool)
runChezTests opts tests
= do chexec <- findChez
maybe (do putStrLn "Chez Scheme not found"
pure [])
(\c => do putStrLn $ "Found Chez Scheme at " ++ c
traverse (runTest opts) tests)
runNodeTests : Options -> List String -> IO (List Bool)
runNodeTests opts tests
= do nodeexec <- findNode
maybe (do putStrLn "node not found"
pure [])
(\c => do putStrLn $ "Found node at " ++ c
traverse (runTest opts) tests)
filterTests : Options -> List String -> List String
filterTests opts = case onlyNames opts of
[] => id
xs => filter (\ name => any (`isInfixOf` name) xs)
templateTests : TestPool
templateTests = MkTestPool []
[ "simple-test", "ttimp", "with-ipkg" ]
main : IO ()
= do args <- getArgs
let (Just opts) = options args
| _ => do print args
putStrLn usage
let filteredNonCGTests =
filterTests opts $ concat $
[ testPaths "ttimp" ttimpTests
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTests
, testPaths "typedd-book" typeddTests
, testPaths "ideMode" ideModeTests
, testPaths "prelude" preludeTests
let filteredChezTests = filterTests opts (testPaths "chez" chezTests)
let filteredNodeTests = filterTests opts (testPaths "node" nodeTests)
nonCGTestRes <- traverse (runTest opts) filteredNonCGTests
chezTestRes <- if length filteredChezTests > 0
then runChezTests opts filteredChezTests
else pure []
nodeTestRes <- if length filteredNodeTests > 0
then runNodeTests opts filteredNodeTests
else pure []
let res = nonCGTestRes ++ chezTestRes ++ nodeTestRes
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
testPaths : String -> List String -> List String
testPaths dir tests = map (\test => dir ++ "/" ++ test) tests
main = runner
[ testPaths "ttimp" ttimpTests
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTests
, testPaths "typedd-book" typeddTests
, testPaths "ideMode" ideModeTests
, testPaths "prelude" preludeTests
, testPaths "chez" chezTests
, testPaths "node" nodeTests
, testPaths "templates" templateTests
] where
testPaths : String -> TestPool -> TestPool
testPaths dir = record { testCases $= map ((dir ++ "/") ++) }
@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ Examples:
- `make test only=chez` will run all Chez Scheme tests.
- `make test only=ttimp/basic` will run all basic tests for `TTImp`.
- `make test only=idris2/basic001` will run a specific test.
Templates for common test instances can be found in the `templates` folder.
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
import Data.String.Parser
%default partial
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ main = do
res <- parseT (string "hi") "hiyaaaaaa"
case res of
Left err => putStrLn "NOOOOOOO!"
Right ((), i) => printLn i
Right (_, i) => printLn i
bad <- parseT (satisfy isDigit) "a"
showRes bad
bad2 <- parseT (string "good" <?> "Not good") "bad bad bad"
@ -62,4 +63,12 @@ main = do
showRes res
res <- parseT maybeParser "def"
showRes res
pure ()
res <- parseT (commaSep alphaNum) "a,1,b,2"
showRes res
res <- parseT (ntimes 4 letter) "abcd"
showRes res
res <- parseT (requireFailure letter) "1"
showRes res
res <- parseT (requireFailure letter) "a" -- Should error
showRes res
pure ()
@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ Parse failed at position 0: Not good
['a', '1', 'b', '2']
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
Parse failed at position 0: Purposefully changed OK to Fail
1/1: Building StringParser (StringParser.idr)
Main> Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Tests to check that casting between integer types works as expected
-- This tests in `idris2/basic043`, `chez/chez028` and `node/node022` are the
-- The tests in `idris2/basic043`, `chez/chez029` and `node/node022` are the
-- same and should all have the same output.
@ -93,3 +93,19 @@ negativeNumberCast = [
show $ cast {to = Bits32} (-19),
show $ cast {to = Bits64} (-19)
-- Run via code generator
main : IO ()
main = do
printLn bits8WideningNoEffect
printLn bits16WideningNoEffect
printLn bits32WideningNoEffect
printLn narrowFromInteger
printLn narrowFromInt
printLn narrowFromBits64
printLn narrowFromBits32
printLn narrowFromBits16
printLn negativeNumberCast
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
["123", "123", "123", "123", "123"]
["1234", "1234", "1234", "1234"]
["1234567", "1234567", "1234567"]
["134", "134", "134", "134"]
["134", "134", "134", "134"]
["134", "134", "134"]
["134", "134"]
["237", "65517", "4294967277", "18446744073709551597"]
1/1: Building BitCasts (BitCasts.idr)
Main> ["123", "123", "123", "123", "123"]
Main> ["1234", "1234", "1234", "1234"]
Main> ["1234567", "1234567", "1234567"]
Main> ["134", "134", "134", "134"]
Main> ["134", "134", "134", "134"]
Main> ["134", "134", "134"]
Main> ["134", "134"]
Main> ["134"]
Main> ["237", "65517", "4294967277", "18446744073709551597"]
Main> Bye for now!
Main> Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
:exec main
@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
Error: The given specifier was not accepted by any backend. Available backends:
chez, racket, node, javascript, gambit
chez, racket, node, javascript, refc, gambit
Some backends have additional specifier rules, refer to their documentation.
29 | %foreign "scheme,racket:+"
30 | plusRacketFail : Int -> Int -> Int
31 |
32 | -- We don't actually do any printing this is just to use the specifiers so the
33 | -- failures are exposed.
34 | main : IO ()
Error: The given specifier was not accepted by any backend. Available backends:
chez, racket, node, javascript, gambit
chez, racket, node, javascript, refc, gambit
Some backends have additional specifier rules, refer to their documentation.
Main> Loaded file Specifiers.idr
Specifiers> Error: The given specifier was not accepted by any backend. Available backends:
chez, racket, node, javascript, gambit
chez, racket, node, javascript, refc, gambit
Some backends have additional specifier rules, refer to their documentation.
Specifiers> [exec] Specifiers> Error: The given specifier was not accepted by any backend. Available backends:
chez, racket, node, javascript, gambit
chez, racket, node, javascript, refc, gambit
Some backends have additional specifier rules, refer to their documentation.
[exec] Specifiers>
Bye for now!
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
000038(:write-string "1/1: Building LocType (LocType.idr)" 1)
0000ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 23) (:end 7 24)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "a")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 38) (:end 7 40)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 37)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:295} a)")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 10)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:296}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:295}_[] ?{_:296}_[])")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 20)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:297}_[] ?{_:296}_[])")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 37)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:372} a)")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 10)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:373}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:372}_[] ?{_:373}_[])")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 20)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:374}_[] ?{_:373}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 16) (:end 6 18)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 13)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:286}_[] ?{_:285}_[])")))))) 1)
0001eb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 6 7)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> ({arg:276} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> ({arg:277} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.Num.+ Prelude.Types.Nat Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude/Types.idr:57:1--64:7 n[2] m[4]) a[3]))))))")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 13)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:363}_[] ?{_:362}_[])")))))) 1)
0001ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 5 48)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> ({arg:353} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> ({arg:354} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.Num.+ Prelude.Types.Nat Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude/Types.idr:64:1--69:33 n[2] m[4]) a[3]))))))")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 47) (:end 5 48)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 44) (:end 5 45)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Types.Nat")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 40) (:end 5 41)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Types.Nat")))))) 1)
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
000038(:write-string "1/1: Building LocType (LocType.idr)" 1)
0000ca(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 23) (:end 7 24)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "a")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 38) (:end 7 40)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 37)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:295} a)")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 10)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:296}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:295}_[] ?{_:296}_[])")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 20)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:297}_[] ?{_:296}_[])")))))) 1)
0000df(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 35) (:end 7 37)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect {k:372} a)")))))) 1)
0000d3(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 9) (:end 7 10)) ((:name "x") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "?{_:373}_[]")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 14) (:end 7 16)) ((:name "xs") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{k:372}_[] ?{_:373}_[])")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 7 18) (:end 7 20)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:374}_[] ?{_:373}_[])")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 16) (:end 6 18)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect m a)")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 13)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:286}_[] ?{_:285}_[])")))))) 1)
0001eb(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 6 7)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> ({arg:276} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> ({arg:277} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.Num.+ Prelude.Types.Nat Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude/Types.idr:57:1--64:7 n[2] m[4]) a[3]))))))")))))) 1)
0000ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 6 11) (:end 6 13)) ((:name "ys") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "(Main.Vect ?{_:363}_[] ?{_:362}_[])")))))) 1)
0001ed(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 1) (:end 5 48)) ((:name "Main.append") (:namespace "") (:decor :bound) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "{0 m : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Prelude.Types.Nat} -> ({arg:353} : (Main.Vect n[0] a[1])) -> ({arg:354} : (Main.Vect m[3] a[2])) -> (Main.Vect (Prelude.Num.+ Prelude.Types.Nat Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude/Types.idr:64:1--69:33 n[2] m[4]) a[3]))))))")))))) 1)
0000cc(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 47) (:end 5 48)) ((:name "a") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Type")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 44) (:end 5 45)) ((:name "m") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Types.Nat")))))) 1)
0000d9(:output (:ok (:highlight-source ((((:filename "LocType.idr") (:start 5 40) (:end 5 41)) ((:name "n") (:namespace "") (:decor :type) (:implicit :False) (:key "") (:doc-overview "") (:type "Prelude.Types.Nat")))))) 1)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Tests to check that casting between integer types works as expected
-- This tests in `idris2/basic043`, `chez/chez028` and `node/node022` are the
-- The tests in `idris2/basic043`, `chez/chez029` and `node/node022` are the
-- same and should all have the same output.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Term> Bye for now!
LOG declare.type:1: Processing Vec.Vec
LOG declare.def:2: Case tree for Vec.Vec: [0] ({arg:N} : (Data.Fin.Fin {arg:N}[1])) -> {arg:N}[1])
LOG declare.type:1: Processing Vec.Nil
LOG declare.def:2: Case tree for Vec.Nil: [0] (Prelude.Uninhabited.absurd {arg:N}[0] ?Vec.{t:N}_[{arg:N}[0]] Data.Fin.Uninhabited implementation at Data/Fin.idr:19:1--24:7)
LOG declare.def:2: Case tree for Vec.Nil: [0] (Prelude.Uninhabited.absurd {arg:N}[0] ?Vec.{t:N}_[{arg:N}[0]] Data.Fin.Uninhabited implementation at Data/Fin.idr:19:1--22:32)
LOG declare.type:1: Processing Vec.::
LOG declare.def:2: Case tree for Vec.::: case {arg:N}[4] : (Data.Fin.Fin (Prelude.Types.S {arg:N}[0])) of
{ Data.Fin.FZ {e:N} => [0] {arg:N}[3]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module Module'
function' : Int -> Int
function' x = x + 1
main : IO ()
main = printLn . show $ function' 4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building Module' (Module'.idr)
Module'> 2
Module'> Bye for now!
Module'> Loaded file Module'.idr
Bye for now!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
function' 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
$1 --no-banner --no-color --console-width 0 "Module'.idr" < input
$1 --exec main --cg ${IDRIS2_TESTS_CG} "Module'.idr"
EDITOR=true $1 --no-banner --no-color --console-width 0 "Module'.idr" < input-ed
rm -rf build
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
1/1: Building casetot (casetot.idr)
Error: main is not covering.
12 | main : IO ()
13 | main = do
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Calls non covering function Main.case block in case block in main
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Sing
%default total
data Fing : Type -> Type where
StringFing : String -> Fing String
BoolFing : Bool -> Fing Bool
stringFing : Fing String -> String
stringFing (StringFing s) = s
boolFing : Fing Bool -> Bool
boolFing (BoolFing b) = b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Sing (Sing.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --check Sing.idr
rm -rf build
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Error2.idr:13:38--13:45
| ^^^^^^^
Possible correct results:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:6
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:5
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--13:45
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--9:45
Error: While processing right hand side of wrong. Multiple solutions found in search of:
Show (Vect 1 Integer)
@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ Error2.idr:16:9--16:34
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Possible correct results:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:6
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:5
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--13:45
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--9:45
@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
1/1: Building Issue361 (Issue361.idr)
Error: main is not total, possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.main -> Main.Eq implementation at Issue361.idr:5:1--7:5 -> Main.== -> Main./= -> Main.==
Error: main is not total, possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.main -> Main.Eq implementation at Issue361.idr:5:1--5:11 -> Main.== -> Main./= -> Main.==
7 | main : IO ()
8 | main = printLn $ T == T
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Error: /= is not total, possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main./= -> Main.== -> Main./= -> Main.==
5 | Eq S where
6 |
7 | main : IO ()
| ^^^^^^^^^^
Error: == is not total, possibly not terminating due to call to Main./=
5 | Eq S where
6 |
7 | main : IO ()
| ^^^^^^^^^^
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Issue735
-- Not allowed to pattern-match on under-applied constructors
isCons : (a -> List a -> List a) -> Bool
isCons (::) = True
isCons _ = False
interface A a where
-- Not allowed to pattern-match on under-applied type constructors
test : (kind : Type -> Type) -> Maybe Nat
test A = Just 1
test _ = Nothing
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1/1: Building Issue735 (Issue735.idr)
Error: Constructor Prelude.Types.:: is not fully applied.
5 | isCons (::) = True
| ^^^^
Error: Constructor Issue735.A is not fully applied.
12 | test A = Just 1
| ^
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 Issue735.idr --check
rm -rf build/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
interface Natty (n : Nat) where
fromNatty : Type -> Nat
fromNatty (Natty Z) = Z
fromNatty (Natty (S n)) = S (fromNatty (Natty n))
fromNatty _ = Z
main : IO ()
main = ignore $ traverse printLn
[ fromNatty (Natty 3)
, fromNatty (Natty (2 + 6))
, fromNatty (List (Natty 1))
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user