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synced 2024-12-28 22:22:10 +03:00
Add documentation for Control.Monad.* (#2365)
Co-authored-by: Zoe Stafford <36511192+Z-snails@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,59 +1,68 @@
||| Provides a monad transformer `EitherT` that extends an inner monad with the
||| ability to throw and catch exceptions.
module Control.Monad.Error.Either
-- The monad transformer `EitherT e m a` equips a monad with the ability to
-- return a choice of two values.
-- Sequenced actions of `Either e m a` produce a value `a` only if none of the
-- actions in the sequence returned `e`. Because returning `e` exits the
-- computation early, this can be seen as equipping a monad with the ability to
-- throw an exception.
-- This is more powerful than MaybeT which instead equips a monad with the
-- ability to not return a result.
import Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad with the ability to throw and
||| catch exceptions.
||| Sequenced actions produce an exception if either action produces an
||| exception, with preference for the first exception. If neither produce an
||| exception, neither does the sequence of actions.
||| `MaybeT m a` is equivalent to `EitherT () m a`, that is, an computation
||| that can only throw a single, information-less exception.
public export
data EitherT : (e : Type) -> (m : Type -> Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
MkEitherT : m (Either e a) -> EitherT e m a
||| Unwrap an `EitherT` computation.
public export
runEitherT : EitherT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runEitherT (MkEitherT x) = x
||| Run an `EitherT` computation, handling results and exceptions with seperate
||| functions.
||| This is a version of `either` lifted to work with `EitherT`.
public export
eitherT : Monad m => (a -> m c) -> (b -> m c) -> EitherT a m b -> m c
eitherT f g x = runEitherT x >>= either f g
||| map the underlying computation
||| The basic 'unwrap, apply, rewrap' of this transformer.
||| Map over the underlying monadic computation.
public export
mapEitherT : (m (Either e a) -> n (Either e' a')) -> EitherT e m a -> EitherT e' n a'
mapEitherT f = MkEitherT . f . runEitherT
||| Map over the result or the exception of a monadic computation.
public export
bimapEitherT : Functor m => (a -> c) -> (b -> d)
-> EitherT a m b -> EitherT c m d
bimapEitherT f g x = mapEitherT (map (either (Left . f) (Right . g))) x
||| Analogous to Left, aka throwE
||| A version of `Left` lifted to work with `EitherT`.
||| This is equivalent to `throwE`.
public export
left : Applicative m => e -> EitherT e m a
left = MkEitherT . pure . Left
||| Analogous to Right, aka pure for EitherT
||| A version of `Right` lifted to work with `EitherT`.
||| This is equivalent to `pure`.
public export
right : Applicative m => a -> EitherT e m a
right = MkEitherT . pure . Right
||| Swap the result and the exception of a monadic computation.
public export
swapEitherT : Functor m => EitherT e m a -> EitherT a m e
swapEitherT = mapEitherT (map (either Right Left))
@ -62,12 +71,16 @@ swapEitherT = mapEitherT (map (either Right Left))
-- Methods of the 'exception' theme
||| aka `left`
||| Throw an exception in a monadic computation.
public export
throwE : Applicative m => e -> EitherT e m a
throwE = MkEitherT . pure . Left
||| Handle an exception thrown in a monadic computation.
||| Since the handler catches all errors thrown in the computation, it may
||| raise a different exception type.
public export
catchE : Monad m => EitherT e m a -> (e -> EitherT e' m a) -> EitherT e' m a
catchE et f
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import Data.Bits
%default total
||| The identity monad. This monad provides no abilities other than pure
||| computation.
public export
record Identity (a : Type) where
constructor Id
@ -16,54 +16,83 @@ import Data.Maybe
%default total
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad with the ability to not return
||| a result.
||| Sequenced actions produce a result only if both actions return a result.
||| `MaybeT m a` is equivalent to `EitherT () m a`, that is, an computation
||| that can only throw a single, information-less exception.
public export
data MaybeT : (m : Type -> Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
MkMaybeT : m (Maybe a) -> MaybeT m a
||| Unwrap a `MaybeT` computation.
public export
runMaybeT : MaybeT m a -> m (Maybe a)
runMaybeT (MkMaybeT x) = x
||| Check if a monadic computation returns a result. This returns `False` if
||| the computation returns a result, and `True` otherwise.
||| This is a version of `isNothing` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
isNothingT : Functor m => MaybeT m a -> m Bool
isNothingT = map isNothing . runMaybeT
||| Check if a monadic computation returns a result. This returns `True` if
||| the computation returns a result, and `False` otherwise.
||| This is a version of `isJust` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
isJustT : Functor m => MaybeT m a -> m Bool
isJustT = map isJust . runMaybeT
||| Run a `MaybeT` computation, handling the case of a result or no result
||| seperately.
||| This is a version of `maybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
maybeT : Monad m => m b -> (a -> m b) -> MaybeT m a -> m b
maybeT v g x = runMaybeT x >>= maybe v g
||| Run a `MaybeT` computation providing a default value.
||| This is a version of `fromMaybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
fromMaybeT : Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a -> m a
fromMaybeT v x = runMaybeT x >>= maybe v pure
||| Return a value if a condition is met, or else no value.
||| This is a version of `toMaybe` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
public export
toMaybeT : Functor m => Bool -> m a -> MaybeT m a
toMaybeT b m = MkMaybeT $ map (\a => toMaybe b a) m
||| map the underlying computation
||| The basic 'unwrap, apply, rewrap' of this transformer.
||| Map over the underlying computation.
public export
mapMaybeT : (m (Maybe a) -> n (Maybe a')) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT n a'
mapMaybeT f = MkMaybeT . f . runMaybeT
||| Analogous to Just, aka pure for MaybeT
||| A version of `Just` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
||| This is equivalent to `pure`.
public export
just : Applicative m => a -> MaybeT m a
just = MkMaybeT . pure . Just
||| Analogous to Nothing, aka empty for MaybeT
||| A version of `Nothing` lifted to work with `MaybeT`.
||| This is equivalent to `throwE ()`.
public export
nothing : Applicative m => MaybeT m a
@ -9,20 +9,27 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
||| A monad transformer adding reading an environment of type `r`,
||| collecting an output of type `w` and updating a state of type `s`
||| to an inner monad `m`.
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad `m` with the ability to read
||| an environment of type `r`, collect an output of type `w` and update a
||| state of type `s`.
||| This is equivalent to `ReaderT r (WriterT w (StateT s m)) a`, but fuses the
||| three layers.
public export
record RWST (r : Type) (w : Type) (s : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkRWST
unRWST : r -> s -> w -> m (a, s, w)
||| Unwrap an RWST computation as a function. (The inverse of `rwsT`.)
||| Unwrap an RWST computation as a function.
||| This is the inverse of `rwsT`.
public export %inline
runRWST : Monoid w => RWST r w s m a -> r -> s -> m (a, s, w)
runRWST m r s = unRWST m r s neutral
||| Construct an RWST computation from a function. (The inverse of `runRWST`.)
||| Construct an RWST computation from a function.
||| This is the inverse of `runRWST`.
public export %inline
rwsT : Semigroup w => Functor m => (r -> s -> m (a, s, w)) -> RWST r w s m a
rwsT f = MkRWST $ \r,s,w => (\(a,s',w') => (a,s',w <+> w')) <$> f r s
@ -39,7 +46,7 @@ public export %inline
execRWST : Monoid w => Functor m => RWST r w s m a -> r -> s -> m (s,w)
execRWST m r s = (\(_,s',w) => (s',w)) <$> runRWST m r s
||| Map the inner computation using the given function.
||| Map over the inner computation.
public export %inline
mapRWST : (Functor n, Monoid w, Semigroup w')
=> (m (a, s, w) -> n (b, s, w')) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w' s n b
@ -58,16 +65,22 @@ withRWST f m = MkRWST $ \r,s => uncurry (unRWST m) (f r s)
||| A monad containing an environment of type `r`, output of type `w`
||| and an updatable state of type `s`.
||| This is `RWST` applied to `Identity`.
public export
RWS : (r : Type) -> (w : Type) -> (s : Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type
RWS r w s = RWST r w s Identity
||| Unwrap an RWS computation as a function. (The inverse of `rws`.)
||| Unwrap an RWS computation as a function.
||| This is the inverse of `rws`.
public export %inline
runRWS : Monoid w => RWS r w s a -> r -> s -> (a, s, w)
runRWS m r s = runIdentity (runRWST m r s)
||| Construct an RWS computation from a function. (The inverse of `runRWS`.)
||| Construct an RWS computation from a function.
||| This is the inverse of `runRWS`.
public export %inline
rws : Semigroup w => (r -> s -> (a, s, w)) -> RWS r w s a
rws f = MkRWST $ \r,s,w => let (a, s', w') = f r s
@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
||| The transformer on which the Reader monad is based
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad with access to an environment.
||| The environment is the same for all actions in a sequence, but may be
||| changed within scopes created by `Control.Monad.Reader.local`.
public export
record ReaderT (stateType : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkReaderT
@ -26,7 +29,9 @@ runReaderT s action = runReaderT' action s
-- Reader
||| The Reader monad. The ReaderT transformer applied to the Identity monad.
||| A monad that can access an environment.
||| This is `ReaderT` applied to `Identity`.
public export
Reader : (stateType : Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type
Reader s a = ReaderT s Identity a
@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
||| Provides mutable references as described in Lazy Functional State Threads.
module Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IORef
%default total
||| A mutable reference, bound to a state thread.
||| A value of type `STRef s a` contains a mutable `a`, bound to a "thread"
||| `s`. Any access to the reference must occur in an `ST s` monad with the
||| same "thread".
data STRef : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkSTRef : IORef a -> STRef s a
||| The `ST` monad allows for mutable access to references, but unlike `IO`, it
||| is "escapable".
||| The parameter `s` is a "thread" -- it ensures that access to mutable
||| references created in each thread must occur in that same thread.
data ST : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkST : IO a -> ST s a
||| Run a `ST` computation.
runST : (forall s . ST s a) -> a
runST p
@ -34,22 +46,29 @@ Monad (ST s) where
let MkST kp = k p'
||| Create a new mutable reference with the given value.
newSTRef : a -> ST s (STRef s a)
newSTRef val
= MkST $ do r <- newIORef val
pure (MkSTRef r)
||| Read the value of a mutable reference.
||| This occurs within `ST s` to prevent `STRef`s from being usable if they are
||| "leaked" via `runST`.
readSTRef : STRef s a -> ST s a
readSTRef (MkSTRef r) = MkST $ readIORef r
||| Write to a mutable reference.
writeSTRef : STRef s a -> (val : a) -> ST s ()
writeSTRef (MkSTRef r) val = MkST $ writeIORef r val
||| Apply a function to the contents of a mutable reference.
modifySTRef : STRef s a -> (a -> a) -> ST s ()
modifySTRef ref f
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Writer.CPS
%default total
||| A computation which runs in a context and produces an output
||| A monadic computation that has access to state.
public export
interface Monad m => MonadState stateType m | m where
||| Get the context
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
||| The transformer on which the State monad is based
||| A monad transformer extending an inner monad `m` with state `stateType`.
||| Updates to the state are applied in the order as the sequence of actions.
public export
record StateT (stateType : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor ST
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ module Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
||| A monad transformer is a type that can wrap an inner monad, extending it
||| with additional abilities.
public export
interface MonadTrans t where
||| Lift a computation from the inner monad to the transformed monad.
lift : Monad m => m a -> t m a
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