mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 18:51:40 +03:00
[ highlighting ] case trees in :di
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ modules =
@ -287,12 +287,14 @@ dconFlag n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Can't find " ++ show n))
pure (ciFlags (flags def))
pure (ciFlags (definition def) (flags def))
ciFlags : List DefFlag -> ConInfo
ciFlags [] = DATACON
ciFlags (ConType ci :: xs) = ci
ciFlags (x :: xs) = ciFlags xs
ciFlags : Def -> List DefFlag -> ConInfo
ciFlags def [] = case def of
TCon{} => TYCON
ciFlags def (ConType ci :: xs) = ci
ciFlags def (x :: xs) = ciFlags def xs
toCExpTm : {vars : _} ->
@ -143,32 +143,6 @@ covering
{vars : _} -> Show (CaseAlt vars) where
show = showCA ""
{vars : _} -> Pretty IdrisSyntax (CaseTree vars) where
pretty (Case {name} idx prf ty alts)
= case_ <++> pretty0 name <++> keyword ":" <++> byShow ty <++> of_
<+> nest 2 (hardline
<+> vsep (assert_total (map pretty alts)))
pretty (STerm i tm) = byShow tm
pretty (Unmatched msg) = "Error:" <++> pretty0 msg
pretty Impossible = "Impossible"
{vars : _} -> Pretty IdrisSyntax (CaseAlt vars) where
pretty (ConCase n tag args sc)
= hsep (map pretty0 (n :: args)) <++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> pretty sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> pretty sc))
pretty (DelayCase _ arg sc) =
keyword "Delay" <++> pretty0 arg <++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> pretty sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> pretty sc))
pretty (ConstCase c sc) =
pretty c <++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> pretty sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> pretty sc))
pretty (DefaultCase sc) =
keyword "_" <++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> pretty sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> pretty sc))
eqTree : CaseTree vs -> CaseTree vs' -> Bool
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
module Core.Case.CaseTree.Pretty
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.TT
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.Resugar
import Data.String
import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
namespace Raw
prettyTree : {vars : _} -> CaseTree vars -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyAlt : {vars : _} -> CaseAlt vars -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyTree (Case {name} idx prf ty alts)
= let ann = case ty of
Erased _ _ => ""
_ => space <+> keyword ":" <++> byShow ty
in case_ <++> annotate Bound (pretty0 name) <+> ann <++> of_
<+> nest 2 (hardline
<+> vsep (assert_total (map prettyAlt alts)))
prettyTree (STerm i tm) = byShow tm
prettyTree (Unmatched msg) = "Error:" <++> pretty0 msg
prettyTree Impossible = "Impossible"
prettyAlt (ConCase n tag args sc)
= hsep (annotate (DCon (Just n)) (pretty0 n) :: map pretty0 args)
<++> fatArrow
<+> let sc = prettyTree sc in
Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt (DelayCase _ arg sc) =
keyword "Delay" <++> pretty0 arg
<++> fatArrow
<+> let sc = prettyTree sc in
Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt (ConstCase c sc) =
pretty c
<++> fatArrow
<+> let sc = prettyTree sc in
Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt (DefaultCase sc) =
keyword "_"
<++> fatArrow
<+> let sc = prettyTree sc in
Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
namespace Resugared
prettyName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core (Doc IdrisSyntax)
prettyName nm
= pure $ ifThenElse (fullNamespace !(getPPrint))
(pretty0 nm)
(cast $ prettyOp True $ dropNS nm)
prettyTree : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> CaseTree vars -> Core (Doc IdrisSyntax)
prettyAlt : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> CaseAlt vars -> Core (Doc IdrisSyntax)
prettyTree env (Case {name} idx prf ty alts) = do
ann <- case ty of
Erased _ _ => pure ""
_ => do ty <- resugar env ty
pure (space <+> keyword ":" <++> pretty ty)
alts <- assert_total (traverse (prettyAlt env) alts)
pure $ case_ <++> pretty0 name <+> ann <++> of_
<+> nest 2 (hardline <+> vsep alts)
prettyTree env (STerm i tm) = pretty <$> resugar env tm
prettyTree env (Unmatched msg) = pure ("Error:" <++> pretty0 msg)
prettyTree env Impossible = pure "Impossible"
prettyAlt env (ConCase n tag args sc) = do
con <- prettyName n
sc <- prettyTree (mkEnvOnto emptyFC args env) sc
pure $ hsep (annotate (DCon (Just n)) con :: map pretty0 args)
<++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt env (DelayCase _ arg sc) = do
sc <- prettyTree (mkEnvOnto emptyFC [_,_] env) sc
pure $ keyword "Delay" <++> pretty0 arg
<++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt env (ConstCase c sc) = do
sc <- prettyTree env sc
pure $ pretty c
<++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
prettyAlt env (DefaultCase sc) = do
sc <- prettyTree env sc
pure $ keyword "_"
<++> fatArrow
<+> Union (spaces 1 <+> sc) (nest 2 (hardline <+> sc))
@ -37,21 +37,22 @@ import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
%hide Pretty.Syntax
%hide List1.forget
prettyFlag : ConInfo -> Doc ann
prettyFlag DATACON = ""
prettyFlag f = pretty0 (show f)
prettyFlag : ConInfo -> Maybe (Doc ann)
prettyFlag DATACON = Nothing
prettyFlag f = Just (byShow f)
prettyCon : Name -> ConInfo -> Maybe Int -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyCon x ci tag
= hsep [ annotate (DCon (Just x)) (pretty0 x)
, braces ("tag =" <++> byShow tag)
, prettyFlag ci
prettyCon x ci mtag
= hsep $ catMaybes
[ Just (annotate ((if ci == TYCON then TCon else DCon) (Just x)) (pretty0 x))
, (braces . ("tag =" <++>) . byShow) <$> mtag
, prettyFlag ci
Pretty IdrisSyntax NamedCExp where
prettyPrec d (NmLocal _ x) = "!" <+> pretty0 x
prettyPrec d (NmRef _ x) = pretty0 x
prettyPrec d (NmLocal _ x) = annotate Bound $ pretty0 x
prettyPrec d (NmRef _ x) = annotate (Fun x) $ pretty0 x
prettyPrec d (NmLam _ x y)
= parenthesise (d > Open) $ keyword "\\" <+> pretty0 x <+> fatArrow <++> pretty y
prettyPrec d (NmLet _ x y z)
@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ mutual
prettyPrec d (NmErased _) = "___"
prettyPrec d (NmCrash _ x)
= parenthesise (d > Open) $
sep ["crash", pretty0 x]
sep [annotate Keyword "crash", byShow x]
Pretty IdrisSyntax NamedConAlt where
pretty (MkNConAlt x ci tag args exp)
= sep (prettyCon x ci tag :: map pretty0 args ++ [fatArrow <+> softline <+> align (pretty exp) ])
@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
module Core.Context.Pretty
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Data.String
import Idris.Doc.Annotations
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Pretty
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree.Pretty
import Core.Context.Context
import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
%hide Env.(::)
%hide Env.Nil
%hide String.(::)
%hide String.Nil
%hide Doc.Nil
@ -29,49 +36,103 @@ import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
%default covering
Pretty IdrisDocAnn Def where
pretty None = "undefined"
pretty (PMDef _ args ct _ pats)
= vcat [ "Arguments" <++> cast (prettyList args)
, header "Compile time tree" <++> prettyBy Syntax ct
pretty (DCon tag arity nt)
= vcat $ header "Data constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
] ++ maybe [] (\ n => ["newtype by:" <++> byShow n]) nt)
pretty (TCon tag arity ps ds u ms cons det)
= let enum = hsep . punctuate "," in
vcat $ header "Type constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "parameter positions:" <++> byShow ps
, "constructors:" <++> enum ((\ nm => annotate (Syntax $ DCon (Just nm)) (pretty0 nm)) <$> cons)
] ++ (("mutual with:" <++> enum (pretty0 <$> ms)) <$ guard (not $ null ms))
++ (maybe [] (\ pos => ["detaggable by:" <++> byShow pos]) det))
pretty (ExternDef arity)
= vcat $ header "External definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
pretty (ForeignDef arity calls)
= vcat $ header "Foreign definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "bindings:" <++> byShow calls ]
pretty (Builtin {arity} _)
= vcat $ header "Builtin" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
pretty (Hole numlocs hf)
= vcat $ header "Hole" :: map (indent 2)
("Implicitly bound name" <$ guard (implbind hf))
pretty (BySearch rig depth def)
= vcat $ header "Search" :: map (indent 2)
[ "depth:" <++> byShow depth
, "in:" <++> pretty0 def ]
pretty (Guess tm _ cs)
= vcat $ header "Guess" :: map (indent 2)
[ "solution:" <++> byShow tm
, "when:" <++> byShow cs ]
pretty (UniverseLevel i)
= "Universe level #" <+> byShow i
pretty ImpBind = "Bound name"
pretty Delayed = "Delayed"
namespace Raw
prettyDef : Def -> Doc IdrisDocAnn
prettyDef None = "undefined"
prettyDef (PMDef _ args ct _ pats) =
let ct = prettyTree ct in
[ "Arguments" <++> cast (prettyList args)
, header "Compile time tree" <++> reAnnotate Syntax ct
prettyDef (DCon tag arity nt) =
vcat $ header "Data constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
] ++ maybe [] (\ n => ["newtype by:" <++> byShow n]) nt)
prettyDef (TCon tag arity ps ds u ms cons det) =
let enum = hsep . punctuate "," in
vcat $ header "Type constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "parameter positions:" <++> byShow ps
, "constructors:" <++> enum ((\ nm => annotate (Syntax $ DCon (Just nm)) (pretty0 nm)) <$> cons)
] ++ (("mutual with:" <++> enum (pretty0 <$> ms)) <$ guard (not $ null ms))
++ (maybe [] (\ pos => ["detaggable by:" <++> byShow pos]) det))
prettyDef (ExternDef arity) =
vcat $ header "External definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
prettyDef (ForeignDef arity calls) =
vcat $ header "Foreign definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "bindings:" <++> byShow calls ]
prettyDef (Builtin {arity} _) =
vcat $ header "Builtin" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
prettyDef (Hole numlocs hf) =
vcat $ header "Hole" :: map (indent 2)
("Implicitly bound name" <$ guard (implbind hf))
prettyDef (BySearch rig depth def) =
vcat $ header "Search" :: map (indent 2)
[ "depth:" <++> byShow depth
, "in:" <++> pretty0 def ]
prettyDef (Guess tm _ cs) =
vcat $ header "Guess" :: map (indent 2)
[ "solution:" <++> byShow tm
, "when:" <++> byShow cs ]
prettyDef (UniverseLevel i) = "Universe level #" <+> byShow i
prettyDef ImpBind = "Bound name"
prettyDef Delayed = "Delayed"
namespace Resugared
prettyDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Def -> Core (Doc IdrisDocAnn)
prettyDef None = pure "undefined"
prettyDef (PMDef _ args ct _ pats) = do
ct <- prettyTree (mkEnv emptyFC _) ct
pure $ vcat
[ "Arguments" <++> cast (prettyList args)
, header "Compile time tree" <++> reAnnotate Syntax ct
prettyDef (DCon tag arity nt) = pure $
vcat $ header "Data constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
] ++ maybe [] (\ n => ["newtype by:" <++> byShow n]) nt)
prettyDef (TCon tag arity ps ds u ms cons det) = pure $
let enum = hsep . punctuate "," in
vcat $ header "Type constructor" :: map (indent 2)
([ "tag:" <++> byShow tag
, "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "parameter positions:" <++> byShow ps
, "constructors:" <++> enum ((\ nm => annotate (Syntax $ DCon (Just nm)) (pretty0 nm)) <$> cons)
] ++ (("mutual with:" <++> enum (pretty0 <$> ms)) <$ guard (not $ null ms))
++ (maybe [] (\ pos => ["detaggable by:" <++> byShow pos]) det))
prettyDef (ExternDef arity) = pure $
vcat $ header "External definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
prettyDef (ForeignDef arity calls) = pure $
vcat $ header "Foreign definition" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity
, "bindings:" <++> byShow calls ]
prettyDef (Builtin {arity} _) = pure $
vcat $ header "Builtin" :: map (indent 2)
[ "arity:" <++> byShow arity ]
prettyDef (Hole numlocs hf) = pure $
vcat $ header "Hole" :: map (indent 2)
("Implicitly bound name" <$ guard (implbind hf))
prettyDef (BySearch rig depth def) = pure $
vcat $ header "Search" :: map (indent 2)
[ "depth:" <++> byShow depth
, "in:" <++> pretty0 def ]
prettyDef (Guess tm _ cs) = pure $
vcat $ header "Guess" :: map (indent 2)
[ "solution:" <++> byShow tm
, "when:" <++> byShow cs ]
prettyDef (UniverseLevel i) = pure $ "Universe level #" <+> byShow i
prettyDef ImpBind = pure "Bound name"
prettyDef Delayed = pure "Delayed"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export
extend : (x : Name) -> Binder (tm vars) -> Env tm vars -> Env tm (x :: vars)
extend x = (::) {x}
length : Env tm xs -> Nat
length [] = 0
@ -250,6 +251,13 @@ shrinkEnv (b :: env) (KeepCons p)
b' <- assert_total (shrinkBinder b p)
pure (b' :: env')
mkEnvOnto : FC -> (xs : List Name) -> Env Term ys -> Env Term (xs ++ ys)
mkEnvOnto fc [] vs = vs
mkEnvOnto fc (n :: ns) vs
= PVar fc top Explicit (Erased fc False)
:: mkEnvOnto fc ns vs
-- Make a dummy environment, if we genuinely don't care about the values
-- and types of the contents.
-- We use this when building and comparing case trees.
@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ mutual
Pretty Void Name where
pretty (NS ns n) = pretty ns <+> dot <+> prettyOp True n
pretty (UN x) = pretty x
pretty (MN x y) = braces (pretty x <+> colon <+> pretty (show y))
pretty (PV n d) = braces (pretty 'P' <+> colon <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> pretty (show d))
pretty (MN x y) = braces (pretty x <+> colon <+> byShow y)
pretty (PV n d) = braces (pretty 'P' <+> colon <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> byShow d)
pretty (DN str _) = pretty str
pretty (Nested (outer, idx) inner)
= pretty (show outer) <+> colon <+> pretty (show idx) <+> colon <+> pretty inner
= byShow outer <+> colon <+> byShow idx <+> colon <+> pretty inner
pretty (CaseBlock outer _) = reflow "case block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (WithBlock outer _) = reflow "with block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (Resolved x) = pretty "$resolved" <+> pretty (show x)
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ public export
record PPrinter where
constructor MkPPOpts
showImplicits : Bool
showMachineNames : Bool
showFullEnv : Bool
fullNamespace : Bool
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ defaultDirs = MkDirs "." Nothing "build" "depends" Nothing
"/usr/local" ["."] [] [] []
defaultPPrint : PPrinter
defaultPPrint = MkPPOpts False True False
defaultPPrint = MkPPOpts False False True False
defaultSession : Session
@ -429,45 +429,45 @@ Show (PrimFn arity) where
prettyOp : PrimFn arity -> Vect arity (Doc IdrisSyntax) -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyOp (Add ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "+" <++> v2
prettyOp (Sub ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "-" <++> v2
prettyOp (Mul ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "*" <++> v2
prettyOp (Div ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "`div`" <++> v2
prettyOp (Mod ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "`mod`" <++> v2
prettyOp (Neg ty) [v] = "-" <++> v
prettyOp (ShiftL ty) [v1,v2] = "shiftl" <++> v1 <++> v2
prettyOp (ShiftR ty) [v1,v2] = "shiftr" <++> v1 <++> v2
prettyOp (BAnd ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "&&" <++> v2
prettyOp (BOr ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "||" <++> v2
prettyOp (BXOr ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "`xor`" <++> v2
prettyOp (LT ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "<" <++> v2
prettyOp (LTE ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "<=" <++> v2
prettyOp (EQ ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "==" <++> v2
prettyOp (GTE ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> ">=" <++> v2
prettyOp (GT ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> ">" <++> v2
prettyOp StrLength [v] = "length" <++> v
prettyOp StrHead [v] = "head" <++> v
prettyOp StrTail [v] = "tail" <++> v
prettyOp StrIndex [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "[" <+> v2 <+> "]"
prettyOp StrCons [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "::" <++> v2
prettyOp StrAppend [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "++" <++> v2
prettyOp StrReverse [v] = "reverse" <++> v
prettyOp StrSubstr [v1,v2,v3] = v1 <++> "[" <+> v2 <+> "," <++> v3 <+> "]"
prettyOp DoubleExp [v] = "exp" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleLog [v] = "log" <++> v
prettyOp DoublePow [v1,v2] = v1 <++> "`pow`" <++> v2
prettyOp DoubleSin [v] = "sin" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleCos [v] = "cos" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleTan [v] = "tan" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleASin [v] = "asin" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleACos [v] = "acos" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleATan [v] = "atan" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleSqrt [v] = "sqrt" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleFloor [v] = "floor" <++> v
prettyOp DoubleCeiling [v] = "ceiling" <++> v
prettyOp (Cast x y) [v] = "[" <+> pretty x <++> "->" <++> pretty y <+> "]" <++> v
prettyOp BelieveMe [v1,v2,v3] = "believe_me" <++> v1 <++> v2 <++> v3
prettyOp Crash [v1,v2] = "crash" <++> v1 <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Add ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "+" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Sub ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "-" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Mul ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "*" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Div ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "`div`" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Mod ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "`mod`" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(Neg ty) [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "-" <++> v
prettyOp op@(ShiftL ty) [v1,v2] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "shiftl" <++> v1 <++> v2
prettyOp op@(ShiftR ty) [v1,v2] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "shiftr" <++> v1 <++> v2
prettyOp op@(BAnd ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "&&" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(BOr ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "||" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(BXOr ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "`xor`" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(LT ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "<" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(LTE ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "<=" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(EQ ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "==" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(GTE ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) ">=" <++> v2
prettyOp op@(GT ty) [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) ">" <++> v2
prettyOp op@StrLength [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "length" <++> v
prettyOp op@StrHead [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "head" <++> v
prettyOp op@StrTail [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "tail" <++> v
prettyOp op@StrIndex [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "[" <+> v2 <+> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "]"
prettyOp op@StrCons [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "::" <++> v2
prettyOp op@StrAppend [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "++" <++> v2
prettyOp op@StrReverse [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "reverse" <++> v
prettyOp op@StrSubstr [v1,v2,v3] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "[" <+> v2 <+> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "," <++> v3 <+> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "]"
prettyOp op@DoubleExp [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "exp" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleLog [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "log" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoublePow [v1,v2] = v1 <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "`pow`" <++> v2
prettyOp op@DoubleSin [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "sin" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleCos [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "cos" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleTan [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "tan" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleASin [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "asin" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleACos [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "acos" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleATan [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "atan" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleSqrt [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "sqrt" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleFloor [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "floor" <++> v
prettyOp op@DoubleCeiling [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "ceiling" <++> v
prettyOp op@(Cast x y) [v] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "[" <+> pretty x <++> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "->" <++> pretty y <+> annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "]" <++> v
prettyOp op@BelieveMe [v1,v2,v3] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "believe_me" <++> v1 <++> v2 <++> v3
prettyOp op@Crash [v1,v2] = annotate (Fun $ UN $ Basic $ show op) "crash" <++> v1 <++> v2
public export
@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ data CLOpt
NoBanner |
||| Run Idris 2 in quiet mode
Quiet |
||| Show machine names when pretty printing
ShowMachineNames |
||| Show namespaces when pretty printing
ShowNamespaces |
||| Run Idris 2 in verbose mode (cancels quiet if it's the default)
Verbose |
||| Set the console width for REPL output
@ -267,7 +271,6 @@ options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
MkOpt ["--init"] [Optional "package file"]
(\ f => [Package Init f])
(Just "Interactively initialise a new project"),
MkOpt ["--build"] [Optional "package file"]
(\f => [Package Build f])
(Just "Build modules/executable for the given package"),
@ -313,6 +316,10 @@ options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
(Just "Quiet mode; display fewer messages"),
MkOpt ["--console-width"] [AutoNat "console width"] (\l => [ConsoleWidth l])
(Just "Width for console output (0 for unbounded) (auto by default)"),
MkOpt ["--show-machine-names"] [] [ShowMachineNames]
(Just "Show machine names when pretty printing"),
MkOpt ["--show-namespaces"] [] [ShowNamespaces]
(Just "Show namespaces when pretty printing"),
MkOpt ["--color", "--colour"] [] ([Color True])
(Just "Forces colored console output (enabled by default)"),
MkOpt ["--no-color", "--no-colour"] [] ([Color False])
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Idris.Doc.Display
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree.Pretty
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
@ -27,24 +27,16 @@ impBracket : Bool -> String -> String
impBracket False str = str
impBracket True str = "{" ++ str ++ "}"
tidy : Name -> String
tidy (MN n _) = n
tidy n = show n
export covering
Show Holes.Premise where
show premise =
" " ++ showCount premise.multiplicity ++ " "
++ impBracket premise.isImplicit (tidy premise.name ++ " : " ++ show premise.type)
++ impBracket premise.isImplicit (show premise.name ++ " : " ++ show premise.type)
prettyImpBracket : Bool -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyImpBracket False = id
prettyImpBracket True = braces
prettyName : Name -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyName (MN n _) = pretty0 n
prettyName n = pretty0 n
prettyRigHole : RigCount -> Doc IdrisSyntax
prettyRigHole = elimSemi (keyword (pretty0 '0') <+> space)
@ -55,7 +47,7 @@ export
Pretty IdrisSyntax Holes.Premise where
pretty premise =
prettyRigHole premise.multiplicity
<+> prettyImpBracket premise.isImplicit (prettyName premise.name <++> colon <++> pretty premise.type)
<+> prettyImpBracket premise.isImplicit (pretty0 premise.name <++> colon <++> pretty premise.type)
public export
record Data where
@ -201,7 +193,7 @@ premiseIDE : Holes.Premise -> HolePremise
premiseIDE premise = IDE.MkHolePremise
{ name = " " ++ showCount premise.multiplicity ++ " "
++ (impBracket premise.isImplicit $
tidy premise.name)
show premise.name)
, type = show premise.type
@ -290,14 +290,15 @@ Cast REPLEval String where
cast Scheme = "scheme"
Cast REPLOpt REPLOption where
cast (ShowImplicits impl) = MkOption "show-implicits" BOOL impl
cast (ShowNamespace ns) = MkOption "show-namespace" BOOL ns
cast (ShowTypes typs) = MkOption "show-types" BOOL typs
cast (EvalMode mod) = MkOption "eval" ATOM $ cast mod
cast (Editor editor) = MkOption "editor" STRING editor
cast (CG str) = MkOption "cg" STRING str
cast (Profile p) = MkOption "profile" BOOL p
cast (EvalTiming p) = MkOption "evaltiming" BOOL p
cast (ShowImplicits impl) = MkOption "show-implicits" BOOL impl
cast (ShowNamespace ns) = MkOption "show-namespace" BOOL ns
cast (ShowMachineNames ns) = MkOption "show-machinenames" BOOL ns
cast (ShowTypes typs) = MkOption "show-types" BOOL typs
cast (EvalMode mod) = MkOption "eval" ATOM $ cast mod
cast (Editor editor) = MkOption "editor" STRING editor
cast (CG str) = MkOption "cg" STRING str
cast (Profile p) = MkOption "profile" BOOL p
cast (EvalTiming p) = MkOption "evaltiming" BOOL p
displayIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ makeDoc pkg opts =
Right () <- coreLift $ mkdirAll docDir
| Left err => fileError docDir err
u <- newRef UST initUState
setPPrint (MkPPOpts False False False)
setPPrint (MkPPOpts False True False False)
[] <- concat <$> for (modules pkg) (\(mod, filename) => do
-- load dependencies
@ -1905,6 +1905,8 @@ setOption set
pure (ShowImplicits set)
<|> do exactIdent "shownamespace"
pure (ShowNamespace set)
<|> do exactIdent "showmachinenames"
pure (ShowMachineNames set)
<|> do exactIdent "showtypes"
pure (ShowTypes set)
<|> do exactIdent "profile"
@ -101,16 +101,21 @@ showInfo (n, idx, d)
"Size change: " ++ showSep ", " scinfo
prettyInfo : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> Core (Doc IdrisDocAnn)
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
(Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> Core (Doc IdrisDocAnn)
prettyInfo (n, idx, d)
= do let nm = fullname d
def <- toFullNames (definition d)
referCT <- traverse getFullName (keys (refersTo d))
referRT <- traverse getFullName (keys (refersToRuntime d))
schanges <- traverse toFullNames $ sizeChange d
pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint ({ showMachineNames := True } pp)
def <- Resugared.prettyDef def
setPPrint ({ showMachineNames := showMachineNames pp } pp)
pure $ vcat $
[ reAnnotate Syntax (prettyRig $ multiplicity d) <+> showCategory Syntax d (pretty0 nm)
, pretty def
, def
] ++
[ (\ args => header "Erasable args" <++> byShow args) <$> ifNotNull (eraseArgs d)
@ -162,6 +167,9 @@ setOpt (ShowImplicits t)
setOpt (ShowNamespace t)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint ({ fullNamespace := t } pp)
setOpt (ShowMachineNames t)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint ({ showMachineNames := t } pp)
setOpt (ShowTypes t)
= update ROpts { showTypes := t }
setOpt (EvalMode m)
@ -98,12 +98,6 @@ showFullEnv
= do pp <- getPPrint
pure (showFullEnv pp)
fullNamespace : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core Bool
= do pp <- getPPrint
pure (fullNamespace pp)
unbracket : PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
unbracket (PBracketed _ tm) = tm
unbracket tm = tm
@ -111,11 +105,11 @@ unbracket tm = tm
||| Attempt to extract a constant natural number
extractNat : Nat -> IPTerm -> Maybe Nat
extractNat acc tm = case tm of
PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n)))) =>
PRef _ (MkKindedName _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))) rn) =>
do guard (n == "Z")
guard (ns == typesNS || ns == preludeNS)
pure acc
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))))) k => case n of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))) rn)) k => case n of
"S" => do guard (ns == typesNS || ns == preludeNS)
extractNat (1 + acc) k
"fromInteger" => extractNat acc k
@ -128,7 +122,7 @@ extractNat acc tm = case tm of
||| Attempt to extract a constant integer
extractInteger : IPTerm -> Maybe Integer
extractInteger tm = case tm of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))))) k => case n of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))) rn)) k => case n of
"fromInteger" => extractInteger k
"negate" => negate <$> extractInteger k
_ => Nothing
@ -139,7 +133,7 @@ extractInteger tm = case tm of
||| Attempt to extract a constant double
extractDouble : IPTerm -> Maybe Double
extractDouble tm = case tm of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))))) k => case n of
PApp _ (PRef _ (MkKindedName _ (NS ns (UN (Basic n))) rn)) k => case n of
"fromDouble" => extractDouble k
"negate" => negate <$> extractDouble k
_ => Nothing
@ -152,11 +146,11 @@ mutual
||| Put the special names (Nil, ::, Pair, Z, S, etc) back as syntax
||| Returns `Nothing` in case there was nothing to resugar.
sugarAppM : IPTerm -> Maybe IPTerm
sugarAppM (PApp fc (PApp _ (PApp _ (PRef opFC (MkKindedName nt _ (NS ns nm))) l) m) r) =
sugarAppM (PApp fc (PApp _ (PApp _ (PRef opFC (MkKindedName nt (NS ns nm) rn)) l) m) r) =
case nameRoot nm of
"rangeFromThenTo" => pure $ PRange fc (unbracket l) (Just $ unbracket m) (unbracket r)
_ => Nothing
sugarAppM (PApp fc (PApp _ (PRef opFC (MkKindedName nt _ (NS ns nm))) l) r) =
sugarAppM (PApp fc (PApp _ (PRef opFC (MkKindedName nt (NS ns nm) rn)) l) r) =
if builtinNS == ns
then case nameRoot nm of
"Pair" => pure $ PPair fc (unbracket l) (unbracket r)
@ -189,7 +183,7 @@ mutual
Nothing = extractDouble tm
| Just d => pure $ PPrimVal (getPTermLoc tm) (Db d)
in case tm of
PRef fc (MkKindedName nt _ (NS ns nm)) =>
PRef fc (MkKindedName nt (NS ns nm) rn) =>
if builtinNS == ns
then case nameRoot nm of
"Unit" => pure $ PUnit fc
@ -199,7 +193,7 @@ mutual
"Nil" => pure $ PList fc fc []
"Lin" => pure $ PSnocList fc fc [<]
_ => Nothing
PApp fc (PRef _ (MkKindedName nt _ (NS ns nm))) arg =>
PApp fc (PRef _ (MkKindedName nt (NS ns nm) rn)) arg =>
case nameRoot nm of
"rangeFrom" => pure $ PRangeStream fc (unbracket arg) Nothing
_ => Nothing
@ -218,12 +212,12 @@ sugarName (DN n _) = n
sugarName x = show x
toPRef : FC -> KindedName -> Core IPTerm
toPRef fc kn@(MkKindedName nt fn nm) = case nm of
MN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN $ Basic n)))
toPRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn nm) = case dropNS nm of
MN n i => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ MN n i)))
PV n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ n)))
DN n _ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn $ UN $ Basic n)))
Nested _ n => toPRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn n)
_ => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc kn))
n => pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (MkKindedName nt fn n)))
toPTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -524,17 +518,19 @@ export
cleanPTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
IPTerm -> Core IPTerm
cleanPTerm ptm
= do ns <- fullNamespace
if ns then pure ptm else mapPTermM cleanNode ptm
= do pp <- getPPrint
if showMachineNames pp then pure ptm else mapPTermM cleanNode ptm
cleanName : Name -> Core Name
cleanName nm = case nm of
MN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n) -- this may be "_"
PV n _ => pure n
DN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n) -- this may be "_"
NS _ n => cleanName n
-- Some of these may be "_" so we use `mkUserName`
MN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n)
DN n _ => pure (UN $ mkUserName n)
-- namespaces have already been stripped in toPTerm if necessary
NS ns n => NS ns <$> cleanName n
Nested _ n => cleanName n
UN n => pure (UN n)
_ => UN . mkUserName <$> prettyName nm
@ -385,6 +385,14 @@ preOptions (Logging n :: opts)
preOptions (ConsoleWidth n :: opts)
= do setConsoleWidth n
preOptions opts
preOptions (ShowMachineNames :: opts)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint ({ showMachineNames := True } pp)
preOptions opts
preOptions (ShowNamespaces :: opts)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint ({ fullNamespace := True } pp)
preOptions opts
preOptions (Color b :: opts)
= do setColor b
preOptions opts
@ -562,6 +562,7 @@ public export
data REPLOpt : Type where
ShowImplicits : Bool -> REPLOpt
ShowNamespace : Bool -> REPLOpt
ShowMachineNames : Bool -> REPLOpt
ShowTypes : Bool -> REPLOpt
EvalMode : REPLEval -> REPLOpt
Editor : String -> REPLOpt
@ -573,6 +574,7 @@ export
Show REPLOpt where
show (ShowImplicits impl) = "showimplicits = " ++ show impl
show (ShowNamespace ns) = "shownamespace = " ++ show ns
show (ShowMachineNames mn) = "showmachinenames = " ++ show mn
show (ShowTypes typs) = "showtypes = " ++ show typs
show (EvalMode mod) = "eval = " ++ show mod
show (Editor editor) = "editor = " ++ show editor
@ -582,14 +584,15 @@ Show REPLOpt where
Pretty Void REPLOpt where
pretty (ShowImplicits impl) = pretty "showimplicits" <++> equals <++> pretty (show impl)
pretty (ShowNamespace ns) = pretty "shownamespace" <++> equals <++> pretty (show ns)
pretty (ShowTypes typs) = pretty "showtypes" <++> equals <++> pretty (show typs)
pretty (EvalMode mod) = pretty "eval" <++> equals <++> pretty mod
pretty (Editor editor) = pretty "editor" <++> equals <++> pretty editor
pretty (CG str) = pretty "cg" <++> equals <++> pretty str
pretty (Profile p) = pretty "profile" <++> equals <++> pretty (show p)
pretty (EvalTiming p) = pretty "evaltiming" <++> equals <++> pretty (show p)
pretty (ShowImplicits impl) = "showimplicits" <++> equals <++> pretty (show impl)
pretty (ShowNamespace ns) = "shownamespace" <++> equals <++> pretty (show ns)
pretty (ShowMachineNames mn) = "showmachinenames" <++> equals <++> pretty (show mn)
pretty (ShowTypes typs) = "showtypes" <++> equals <++> pretty (show typs)
pretty (EvalMode mod) = "eval" <++> equals <++> pretty mod
pretty (Editor editor) = "editor" <++> equals <++> pretty editor
pretty (CG str) = "cg" <++> equals <++> pretty str
pretty (Profile p) = "profile" <++> equals <++> pretty (show p)
pretty (EvalTiming p) = "evaltiming" <++> equals <++> pretty (show p)
public export
data EditCmd : Type where
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ mapPTermM f = goPTerm where
<*> goPTerm argTy
<*> goPTerm retTy
>>= f
goPTerm (PLam fc x info z argTy scope) =
goPTerm (PLam fc x info pat argTy scope) =
PLam fc x <$> goPiInfo info
<*> pure z
<*> goPTerm pat
<*> goPTerm argTy
<*> goPTerm scope
>>= f
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module TTImp.ProcessDef
import Core.Case.CaseBuilder
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree.Pretty
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core
@ -804,11 +805,13 @@ mkRunTime fc n
_ => clauses_init
(rargs ** (tree_rt, _)) <- getPMDef (location gdef) RunTime n ty clauses
logC "compile.casetree" 5 $ pure $ unlines
[ show cov ++ ":"
, "Runtime tree for " ++ show (fullname gdef) ++ ":"
, show (indent 2 $ pretty !(toFullNames tree_rt))
logC "compile.casetree" 5 $ do
tree_rt <- toFullNames tree_rt
pure $ unlines
[ show cov ++ ":"
, "Runtime tree for " ++ show (fullname gdef) ++ ":"
, show (indent 2 $ prettyTree tree_rt)
log "compile.casetree" 10 $ show tree_rt
log "compile.casetree.measure" 15 $ show (measure tree_rt)
@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ idrisTestsBasic = MkTestPool "Fundamental language features" [] Nothing
"interpolation001", "interpolation002", "interpolation003",
idrisTestsDebug : TestPool
idrisTestsDebug = MkTestPool "Debug features" [] Nothing
idrisTestsCoverage : TestPool
idrisTestsCoverage = MkTestPool "Coverage checking" [] Nothing
-- Coverage checking
@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ idrisTestsInteractive = MkTestPool "Interactive editing" [] Nothing
"interactive029", "interactive030", "interactive031", "interactive032",
"interactive033", "interactive034", "interactive035", "interactive036",
"interactive037", "interactive038", "interactive039", "interactive040",
"interactive041", "interactive042"]
idrisTestsInterface : TestPool
idrisTestsInterface = MkTestPool "Interface" [] Nothing
@ -362,6 +366,7 @@ main = runner $
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsSchemeEval
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsReflection
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsWith
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTestsDebug
, testPaths "idris2" idrisTests
, !typeddTests
, !ideModeTests
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Main> Main.Dict : (a -> a -> Bool) -> Type -> Type
Main> Main.MkDict : (eq : (a -> a -> Bool)) -> List (a, b) -> Dict eq b
Main> Main.lookup : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> List (a, b) -> Maybe b
Main> Main.lookupK : (eq : (a -> a -> Bool)) -> a -> Dict eq b -> Maybe b
Main> MkDict (\{arg:0}, {arg:1} => intToBool (prim__eq_Int arg arg)) [(0, "foo"), (1, "bar")]
Main> MkDict (\arg, arg => intToBool (prim__eq_Int arg arg)) [(0, "foo"), (1, "bar")]
Main> Just "bar"
Main> Nothing
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
1/1: Building Issue1831_1 (Issue1831_1.idr)
Issue1831_1> Issue1831_1.test2
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.S {e:0} => case {e:0} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.S {e:1} => case {e:1} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.Z => Prelude.Basics.True
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case !{arg:0} of
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
S {e:0} => case {e:0} of
S {e:1} => case {e:1} of
Z => True
_ => False
_ => False
_ => False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case {arg:0} of
{ 0 => 0
; _ => let {e:0} = !{arg:0} - 1 in
case !{e:0} of
; _ => let {e:0} = {arg:0} - 1 in
case {e:0} of
{ 0 => 0
; _ => let {e:1} = !{e:0} - 1 in
case !{e:1} of
; _ => let {e:1} = {e:0} - 1 in
case {e:1} of
{ 0 => 1
; _ => 0
@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ Bye for now!
1/1: Building Issue1831_2 (Issue1831_2.idr)
Issue1831_2> Issue1831_2.test2
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.S {e:0} => case {e:0} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.S {e:1} => case {e:1} : [__] of
Prelude.Types.Z => Prelude.Basics.True
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
_ => Prelude.Basics.False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case !{arg:0} of
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
S {e:0} => case {e:0} of
S {e:1} => case {e:1} of
Z => True
_ => False
_ => False
_ => False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case {arg:0} of
{ 0 => 0
; _ => let {e:0} = !{arg:0} - 1 in
case !{e:0} of
; _ => let {e:0} = {arg:0} - 1 in
case {e:0} of
{ 0 => 0
; _ => let {e:1} = !{e:0} - 1 in
case !{e:1} of
; _ => let {e:1} = {e:0} - 1 in
case {e:1} of
{ 0 => 1
; _ => 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
isNat : Type -> Bool
isNat Nat = True
isNat _ = False
isInt32 : Type -> Bool
isInt32 Int32 = True
isInt32 _ = False
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
1/1: Building TypePat (TypePat.idr)
Main> Main.isNat
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
Nat => True
_ => False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case {arg:0} of
{ Prelude.Types.Nat [tycon] => 1
; _ => 0
Refers to: Prelude.Basics.True, Prelude.Basics.False
Flags: allguarded, covering
Main> Main.isInt32
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
Int32 => True
_ => False
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => case {arg:0} of
{ Int32 [tycon] => 1
; _ => 0
Refers to: Prelude.Basics.True, Prelude.Basics.False
Flags: allguarded, covering
Main> Prelude.Types.plus
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
Z => {arg:1}
S {e:0} => S (plus {e:0} {arg:1})
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => case {arg:0} of
{ 0 => {arg:1}
; _ => let {e:0} = {arg:0} - 1 in
({e:0} + {arg:1}) + 1
Refers to: Prelude.Types.plus, Prelude.Types.S
Flags: total
Size change: Prelude.Types.plus: [Just (0, Smaller), Just (1, Same)]
Main> Prelude.Types.minus
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:0} of
Z => 0
_ => case {arg:1} of
Z => {arg:0}
_ => case {arg:0} of
S {e:0} => case {arg:1} of
S {e:1} => minus {e:0} {e:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => case {arg:0} of
{ 0 => 0
; _ => case {arg:1} of
{ 0 => {arg:0}
; _ => case {arg:0} of
{ 0 => crash "Nat case not covered"
; _ => let {e:0} = {arg:0} - 1 in
case {arg:1} of
{ 0 => crash "Nat case not covered"
; _ => let {e:1} = {arg:1} - 1 in
Prelude.Types.prim__integerToNat ({e:0} - {e:1})
Refers to: Prelude.Types.minus, Prelude.Types.Z
Refers to (runtime): Prelude.Types.prim__integerToNat
Flags: total
Size change: Prelude.Types.minus: [Just (0, Smaller), Just (1, Smaller)]
Main> Prelude.Types.SnocList.filter
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}, {arg:2}]
Compile time tree: case {arg:2} of
Lin {e:0} => [<]
(:<) {e:1} {e:2} {e:3} => let rest = filter {arg:1} {e:2} in if {arg:1} {e:3} then rest :< x else rest
Erasable args: [0]
Inferrable args: [0]
Compiled: \ {arg:1}, {arg:2} => case {arg:2} of
{ Prelude.Basics.Lin {tag = 0} [nil] => Prelude.Basics.Lin {tag = 0} [nil]
; Prelude.Basics.(:<) {tag = 1} [cons] {e:2} {e:3} => let rest = Prelude.Types.SnocList.filter {arg:1} {e:2} incase {arg:1} {e:3} of { 1 => Prelude.Basics.(:<) {tag = 1} [cons] rest {e:3}; 0 => rest}
Refers to: Prelude.Basics.SnocList, Prelude.Basics.Lin, Prelude.Types.SnocList.case block in filter, Prelude.Types.SnocList.filter
Refers to (runtime): Prelude.Basics.Lin, Prelude.Basics.(:<), Prelude.Types.SnocList.filter
Flags: total
Size change: Prelude.Types.SnocList.filter: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same), Just (2, Smaller)]
Bye for now!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
:di isNat
:di isInt32
:di plus
:di minus
:di SnocList.filter
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner TypePat.idr < input
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ shiftR : Integer -> Index -> Integer
shiftR x = prim__shr_Integer x . natToInteger
bit : Index -> Integer
bit = \{arg:0} => 1 `shiftL` arg
bit = \arg => 1 `shiftL` arg
zeroBits : Integer
zeroBits = 0
@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
1/1: Building Inlining (Inlining.idr)
Main> Main.leaveAlone
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.String.++ {arg:0}[0] "!")
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => !{arg:0} ++ "!"
Compile time tree: {arg:0} ++ "!"
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => {arg:0} ++ "!"
Refers to: Prelude.Types.String.(++)
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.String.(++): [Just (0, Same), Nothing]
Main> Main.forceInline
Arguments [{arg:0}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Num.+ Prelude.Types.Nat Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude.Types:66:1--71:33 {arg:0}[0] (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S Prelude.Types.Z)))))))))))
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => !{arg:0} + 10
Compile time tree: {arg:0} + 10
Compiled: \ {arg:0} => {arg:0} + 10
Refers to: Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude.Types:66:1--71:33, Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S, Prelude.Types.Nat, Prelude.Num.(+)
Flags: covering, inline
Size change: Prelude.Num.(+): [Nothing, Nothing, Just (0, Same), Nothing], Prelude.Types.Num implementation at Prelude.Types:66:1--71:33: []
Main> Main.forceNoInline
Arguments []
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S Prelude.Types.Z))))))))))
Compile time tree: 10
Compiled: 10
Refers to: Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S
Flags: allguarded, covering, noinline
Main> Main.heuristicPublicInline
Arguments []
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S Prelude.Types.Z))
Compile time tree: 2
Compiled: 2
Refers to: Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S
Flags: inline, allguarded, covering
Main> Main.exportedForced
Arguments []
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S Prelude.Types.Z)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Compile time tree: 33
Compiled: 33
Refers to: Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S
Flags: allguarded, covering, inline
Main> Main.exportedUnforced
Arguments []
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S (Prelude.Types.S Prelude.Types.Z))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Compile time tree: 66
Compiled: 66
Refers to: Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S
Flags: allguarded, covering
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
f : { a, b : Type } -> Either a b -> Either b a
f {a=b} x = x
f (Right x) = Left x
f (Left x) = Right x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
test : {a : Nat} -> (b : Nat) -> a === b -> Nat
test a eq = ?a
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect 0 a
(::) : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append [] ys = ys
append (x :: xs) ys = ?help
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1/1: Building Issue35 (Issue35.idr)
Main> a : Nat
eq : a = a
a : Nat
Main> 0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
x : a
xs : Vect n a
ys : Vect m a
0 n : Nat
help : Vect (S (plus n m)) a
Main> Main> a : Nat
eq : {a:827} = a
a : Nat
Main> 0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
x : a
xs : Vect {n:876} a
ys : Vect m a
0 n : Nat
help : Vect (S (plus {n:876} m)) a
Bye for now!
1/1: Building Issue35-2 (Issue35-2.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of f. When unifying:
Either b b
Either b b
Mismatch between: b (implicitly bound at Issue35-2:2:1--2:14) and b.
1 | f : { a, b : Type } -> Either a b -> Either b a
2 | f {a=b} x = x
1/1: Building Issue35-2 (Issue35-2.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of f. When unifying:
Either b {b:826}
Either {b:826} b
Mismatch between: {b:826} (implicitly bound at Issue35-2:2:1--2:14) and b.
1 | f : { a, b : Type } -> Either a b -> Either b a
2 | f {a=b} x = x
1/1: Building Issue35-2 (Issue35-2.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of f. When unifying:
Prelude.Either b {b:826}
Prelude.Either {b:826} b
Mismatch between: {b:826} (implicitly bound at Issue35-2:2:1--2:14) and b.
1 | f : { a, b : Type } -> Either a b -> Either b a
2 | f {a=b} x = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
:t a
:t help
:set showmachinenames
:t a
:t help
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner Issue35.idr < input
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --check Issue35-2.idr || true
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --show-machine-names --check Issue35-2.idr || true
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --show-namespaces --show-machine-names --check Issue35-2.idr || true
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
1/1: Building NatOpts (NatOpts.idr)
Main> Main.doPlus
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.plus {arg:0}[0] {arg:1}[1])
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => !{arg:0} + !{arg:1}
Compile time tree: plus {arg:0} {arg:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => {arg:0} + {arg:1}
Refers to: Prelude.Types.plus
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.plus: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same)]
Main> Main.doMinus
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.minus {arg:0}[0] {arg:1}[1])
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => Prelude.Types.prim__integerToNat (!{arg:0} - !{arg:1})
Compile time tree: minus {arg:0} {arg:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => Prelude.Types.prim__integerToNat ({arg:0} - {arg:1})
Refers to: Prelude.Types.minus
Refers to (runtime): Prelude.Types.prim__integerToNat
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.minus: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same)]
Main> Main.doMult
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.mult {arg:0}[0] {arg:1}[1])
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => !{arg:0} * !{arg:1}
Compile time tree: mult {arg:0} {arg:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => {arg:0} * {arg:1}
Refers to: Prelude.Types.mult
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.mult: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same)]
Main> Main.doCompare
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.compareNat {arg:0}[0] {arg:1}[1])
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => Prelude.EqOrd.compare !{arg:0} !{arg:1}
Compile time tree: compareNat {arg:0} {arg:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => Prelude.EqOrd.compare {arg:0} {arg:1}
Refers to: Prelude.Types.compareNat
Refers to (runtime): Prelude.EqOrd.compare
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.compareNat: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same)]
Main> Main.doEqual
Arguments [{arg:0}, {arg:1}]
Compile time tree: (Prelude.Types.equalNat {arg:0}[0] {arg:1}[1])
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => !{arg:0} == !{arg:1}
Compile time tree: equalNat {arg:0} {arg:1}
Compiled: \ {arg:0}, {arg:1} => {arg:0} == {arg:1}
Refers to: Prelude.Types.equalNat
Flags: covering
Size change: Prelude.Types.equalNat: [Just (0, Same), Just (1, Same)]
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Main> [scheme] Main> 1 :: Delay (countFrom (1 + 1) (\{arg:0} => prim__add_Integer 1 arg))
Main> [scheme] Main> 1 :: Delay (countFrom (1 + 1) (\arg => prim__add_Integer 1 arg))
[scheme] Main> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[scheme] Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building Main (Main.idr)
Main> Error: Ambiguous elaboration. Possible results:
Main.myPrintLn "foo" Prelude.(>>) Delay (Main.myPrintLn "boo" Main.Other.(>>) (Prelude.map (\{arg:0} => {arg:0} Prelude.(+) ?delayed) (Main.myPrintLn "woo") Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "goo" Main.Other.(>>) Main.myPrintLn "foo")))
Main.myPrintLn "foo" Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "boo" Main.Other.(>>) (Prelude.map (\{arg:0} => {arg:0} Prelude.(+) ?delayed) (Main.myPrintLn "woo") Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "goo" Main.Other.(>>) Main.myPrintLn "foo")))
Main.myPrintLn "foo" Prelude.(>>) Delay (Main.myPrintLn "boo" Main.Other.(>>) (Prelude.map (\arg => arg Prelude.(+) ?delayed) (Main.myPrintLn "woo") Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "goo" Main.Other.(>>) Main.myPrintLn "foo")))
Main.myPrintLn "foo" Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "boo" Main.Other.(>>) (Prelude.map (\arg => arg Prelude.(+) ?delayed) (Main.myPrintLn "woo") Main.Other.(>>) (Main.myPrintLn "goo" Main.Other.(>>) Main.myPrintLn "foo")))
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
Reference in New Issue
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