Merge branch 'master' of into emacs-mode-compatibility

This commit is contained in:
Ohad Kammar 2020-05-22 18:06:01 +01:00
commit 507ace21cc
19 changed files with 224 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -3,22 +3,18 @@ Changes since Idris 2 v0.1.0
The implementation is now self-hosted. To initialise the build, either use
the [bootstrapping version of Idris2](
or build fromt the generated Scheme, using `make bootstrap`.
or build from the generated Scheme, using `make bootstrap`.
Compiler updates:
* Data types with a single constructor, with a single unerased arguments,
are translated to just that argument, to save repeated packing and unpacking.
(c.f. `newtype` in Haskell)
+ A data type can opt out of this behaviour by specifying `noNewtype` in its
options list. `noNewtype` allows code generators to apply special handling
to the generated constructor/deconstructor, for a newtype-like data type,
that would otherwise be optimised away.
* 0-multiplicity constructor arguments are now properly erased, not just
given a placeholder null value.
Language extensions:
Language changes:
* `total`, `covering` and `partial` flags on functions now have an effect.
* Fields of records can be accessed (and updated) using the dot syntax,
such as `r.field1.field2` or `record { field1.field2 = 42 }`.
For details, see
* New function flag `%tcinline` which means that the function should be
inlined for the purposes of totality checking (but otherwise not inlined).
This can be used as a hint for totality checking, to make the checker look
inside functions that it otherwise might not.
* %transform directive, for declaring transformation rules on runtime
expressions. Transformation rules are automatically added for top level
implementations of interfaces.
@ -33,22 +29,27 @@ Library additions:
* New modules in `contrib` for JSON (`Language.JSON.*`); random numbers
Compiler updates:
* Data types with a single constructor, with a single unerased arguments,
are translated to just that argument, to save repeated packing and unpacking.
(c.f. `newtype` in Haskell)
+ A data type can opt out of this behaviour by specifying `noNewtype` in its
options list. `noNewtype` allows code generators to apply special handling
to the generated constructor/deconstructor, for a newtype-like data type,
that would otherwise be optimised away.
* 0-multiplicity constructor arguments are now properly erased, not just
given a placeholder null value.
Other improvements:
* Various performance improvements in the typechecker:
+ Noting which metavariables are blocking unification constraints, so that
they only get retried if those metavariables make progress.
+ Evaluating `fromInteger` at compile time.
+ In the run-time, reuse the old heap after garbage collection if it
hasn't been resized, to avoid unnecessary system calls.
* Extend Idris2's literate mode to support reading Markdown and OrgMode files.
For more details see:
* Fields of records can be accessed (and updated) using the dot syntax,
such as `r.field1.field2` or `record { field1.field2 = 42 }`.
For details, see
Changes since Idris 1

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ data Grammar : (tok : Type) -> (consumes : Bool) -> Type -> Type where
||| guaranteed to consume some input. If the first one consumes input, the
||| second is allowed to be recursive (because it means some input has been
||| consumed and therefore the input is smaller)
public export %inline
public export %inline %tcinline
(>>=) : {c1, c2 : Bool} ->
Grammar tok c1 a ->
inf c1 (a -> Grammar tok c2 b) ->

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@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ data DefFlag
-- should evaluate the RHS, with reduction limits on the given names,
-- and ensure the name has made progress in doing so (i.e. has reduced
-- at least once)
| AllGuarded -- safe to treat as a constructor for the purposes of
-- productivity checking. All clauses are guarded by constructors,
-- and there are no other function applications
Eq DefFlag where
@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ Eq DefFlag where
(==) BlockedHint BlockedHint = True
(==) Macro Macro = True
(==) (PartialEval x) (PartialEval y) = x == y
(==) AllGuarded AllGuarded = True
(==) _ _ = False
@ -193,6 +197,7 @@ Show DefFlag where
show BlockedHint = "blockedhint"
show Macro = "macro"
show (PartialEval _) = "partialeval"
show AllGuarded = "allguarded"
public export
data SizeChange = Smaller | Same | Unknown

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
eval env locs (Bind fc x (Lam r _ ty) scope) (thunk :: stk)
= eval env (thunk :: locs) scope stk
eval env locs (Bind fc x b@(Let r val ty) scope) stk
= if holesOnly topopts || argHolesOnly topopts
= if holesOnly topopts || argHolesOnly topopts && not (tcInline topopts)
then do b' <- traverse (\tm => eval env locs tm []) b
pure $ NBind fc x b'
(\defs', arg => evalWithOpts defs' topopts
@ -595,8 +595,10 @@ mutual
pure (TDelay fc r tyQ argQ)
toHolesOnly : Closure vs -> Closure vs
toHolesOnly (MkClosure _ locs env tm)
= MkClosure withHoles locs env tm
toHolesOnly (MkClosure opts locs env tm)
= MkClosure (record { holesOnly = True,
argHolesOnly = True } opts)
locs env tm
toHolesOnly c = c
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NForce fc r arg args)
= do args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args

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@ -865,6 +865,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
toBuf b BlockedHint = tag 7
toBuf b Macro = tag 8
toBuf b (PartialEval x) = tag 9 -- names not useful any more
toBuf b AllGuarded = tag 10
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -876,6 +877,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
7 => pure BlockedHint
8 => pure Macro
9 => pure (PartialEval [])
10 => pure AllGuarded
_ => corrupt "DefFlag"

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@ -34,6 +34,55 @@ totRefsIn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Term vars -> Core Terminating
totRefsIn defs ty = totRefs defs (keys (getRefs (Resolved (-1)) ty))
-- Check if all branches end up as constructor arguments, with no other
-- function application, and set 'AllGuarded' if so.
-- This is to check whether a function can be considered a constructor form
-- for the sake of termination checking (and might have other uses...)
checkIfGuarded : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core ()
checkIfGuarded fc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just (PMDef _ _ _ _ pats) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure ()
t <- allGuarded pats
when t $ setFlag fc n AllGuarded
guardedNF : {vars : _} -> Defs -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
guardedNF defs env (NDCon _ _ _ _ args) = pure True
guardedNF defs env (NApp _ (NRef _ n) args)
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure False
pure (AllGuarded `elem` flags gdef)
guardedNF defs env _ = pure False
checkNotFn : Defs -> Name -> Core Bool
checkNotFn defs n
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure False
case definition gdef of
DCon _ _ _ => pure True
_ => pure (multiplicity gdef == erased
|| (AllGuarded `elem` flags gdef))
guarded : {vars : _} -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core Bool
guarded env tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
tmnf <- nf empty env tm
if !(guardedNF defs env tmnf)
then do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure False
allM (checkNotFn defs) (keys (refersTo gdef))
else pure False
allGuarded : List (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) -> Core Bool
allGuarded [] = pure True
allGuarded ((_ ** (env, lhs, rhs)) :: ps)
= if !(guarded env rhs)
then allGuarded ps
else pure False
-- Equal for the purposes of size change means, ignoring as patterns, all
-- non-metavariable positions are equal
scEq : Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
@ -79,8 +128,13 @@ mutual
-- If we're Guarded and find a Delay, continue with the argument as InDelay
findSC defs env Guarded pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env InDelay pats tm
findSC defs env g pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env g pats tm
findSC defs env g pats tm
= case (g, getFnArgs tm) of
= do let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm
fn' <- conIfGuarded fn -- pretend it's a data constructor if
-- it has the AllGuarded flag
case (g, fn', args) of
-- If we're InDelay and find a constructor (or a function call which is
-- guaranteed to return a constructor; AllGuarded set), continue as InDelay
(InDelay, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
@ -91,6 +145,9 @@ mutual
(InDelay, _, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Guarded, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Toplevel, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
@ -103,6 +160,16 @@ mutual
(_, f, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
conIfGuarded : Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
conIfGuarded (Ref fc Func n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure $ Ref fc Func n
if AllGuarded `elem` flags gdef
then pure $ Ref fc (DataCon 0 0) n
else pure $ Ref fc Func n
conIfGuarded tm = pure tm
-- Expand the size change argument list with 'Nothing' to match the given
-- arity (i.e. the arity of the function we're calling) to ensure that

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@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nu
fns <- topMethTypes [] impName methImps impsp (params cdata)
(map fst (methods cdata))
(methods cdata)
traverse (processDecl [] nest env) (map mkTopMethDecl fns)
traverse_ (processDecl [] nest env) (map mkTopMethDecl fns)
-- 3. Build the record for the implementation
let mtops = map (Builtin.fst . snd) fns

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@ -1174,6 +1174,9 @@ fnDirectOpt fname
<|> do pragma "inline"
pure $ IFnOpt Inline
<|> do pragma "tcinline"
pure $ IFnOpt TCInline
<|> do pragma "extern"
pure $ IFnOpt ExternFn
<|> do pragma "macro"

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ showInfo (n, idx, d)
show !(traverse getFullName (keys (refersTo d))))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Refers to (runtime): " ++
show !(traverse getFullName (keys (refersToRuntime d))))
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Flags: " ++ show (flags d))
when (not (isNil (sizeChange d))) $
let scinfo = map (\s => show (fnCall s) ++ ": " ++
show (fnArgs s)) !(traverse toFullNames (sizeChange d)) in

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@ -226,7 +226,15 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
-- Start with empty nested names, since we've extended the rhs with
-- ICaseLocal so they'll get rebuilt with the right environment
let nest' = MkNested []
ust <- get UST
-- We don't want to keep rechecking delayed elaborators in the
-- case block, because they're not going to make progress until
-- we come out again, so save them
let olddelayed = delayedElab ust
put UST (record { delayedElab = [] } ust)
processDecl [InCase] nest' [] (IDef fc casen alts')
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = olddelayed } ust)
pure (appTm, gnf env caseretty)

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ delayOnFailure fc rig env expected pred pri elab
handle (elab False)
(\err =>
do est <- get EST
if pred err && delayDepth est < !getAmbigLimit
if pred err
do nm <- genName "delayed"
(ci, dtm) <- newDelayed fc linear env nm !(getTerm expected)
@ -99,9 +99,6 @@ delayElab : {vars : _} ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp pri elab
= do est <- get EST
if delayDepth est >= !getAmbigLimit
then elab
else do
nm <- genName "delayed"
expected <- mkExpected exp
(ci, dtm) <- newDelayed fc linear env nm !(getTerm expected)
@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp pri elab
" for") env expected
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((pri, ci, mkClosedElab fc env (deeper elab)) :: ) }
((pri, ci, mkClosedElab fc env elab) :: ) }
pure (dtm, expected)
@ -132,14 +129,69 @@ ambiguous (InRHS _ _ err) = ambiguous err
ambiguous (WhenUnifying _ _ _ _ err) = ambiguous err
ambiguous _ = False
mismatchNF : {vars : _} ->
Defs -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
mismatchNF defs (NTCon _ xn xt _ xargs) (NTCon _ yn yt _ yargs)
= if xn /= yn
then pure True
else anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs)
mismatchNF defs (NDCon _ _ xt _ xargs) (NDCon _ _ yt _ yargs)
= if xt /= yt
then pure True
else anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs)
mismatchNF defs (NPrimVal _ xc) (NPrimVal _ yc) = pure (xc /= yc)
mismatchNF defs (NDelayed _ _ x) (NDelayed _ _ y) = mismatchNF defs x y
mismatchNF defs (NDelay _ _ _ x) (NDelay _ _ _ y)
= mismatchNF defs !(evalClosure defs x) !(evalClosure defs y)
mismatchNF _ _ _ = pure False
mismatch : {vars : _} ->
Defs -> (Closure vars, Closure vars) -> Core Bool
mismatch defs (x, y)
= mismatchNF defs !(evalClosure defs x) !(evalClosure defs y)
contra : {vars : _} ->
Defs -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core Bool
-- Unlike 'impossibleOK', any mismatch indicates an unrecoverable error
contra defs (NTCon _ xn xt xa xargs) (NTCon _ yn yt ya yargs)
= if xn /= yn
then pure True
else anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs)
contra defs (NDCon _ _ xt _ xargs) (NDCon _ _ yt _ yargs)
= if xt /= yt
then pure True
else anyM (mismatch defs) (zip xargs yargs)
contra defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y) = pure (x /= y)
contra defs (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) (NPrimVal _ _) = pure True
contra defs (NPrimVal _ _) (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) = pure True
contra defs x y = pure False
-- Errors that might be recoverable later if we try again. Generally -
-- ambiguity errors, type inference errors
recoverable : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Error -> Core Bool
recoverable (CantConvert _ env l r)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure $ not !(contra defs !(nf defs env l) !(nf defs env r))
recoverable (CantSolveEq _ env l r)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure $ not !(contra defs !(nf defs env l) !(nf defs env r))
recoverable (UndefinedName _ _) = pure False
recoverable (InType _ _ err) = recoverable err
recoverable (InCon _ _ err) = recoverable err
recoverable (InLHS _ _ err) = recoverable err
recoverable (InRHS _ _ err) = recoverable err
recoverable (WhenUnifying _ _ _ _ err) = recoverable err
recoverable _ = pure True
data RetryError
= NoError
| AmbigError
= RecoverableErrors
| AllErrors
Show RetryError where
show NoError = "NoError"
show AmbigError = "AmbigError"
show RecoverableErrors = "RecoverableErrors"
show AllErrors = "AllErrors"
-- Try all the delayed elaborators. If there's a failure, we want to
@ -178,9 +230,8 @@ retryDelayed' errmode acc (d@(_, i, elab) :: ds)
(\err => do log 5 $ show errmode ++ ":Error in " ++ show !(getFullName (Resolved i))
++ "\n" ++ show err
case errmode of
NoError => retryDelayed' errmode (d :: acc) ds
AmbigError =>
if ambiguous err -- give up on ambiguity
RecoverableErrors =>
if not !(recoverable err)
then throw err
else retryDelayed' errmode (d :: acc) ds
AllErrors => throw err)
@ -195,8 +246,7 @@ retryDelayed : {vars : _} ->
Core ()
retryDelayed ds
= do est <- get EST
ds <- retryDelayed' NoError [] ds -- try everything again
ds <- retryDelayed' AmbigError [] ds -- fail on ambiguity error
ds <- retryDelayed' RecoverableErrors [] ds -- try everything again
retryDelayed' AllErrors [] ds -- fail on all errors
pure ()

View File

@ -37,7 +37,15 @@ checkLocal {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc nestdecls scope expty
-- fixes bug #115
let nest' = record { names $= (names' ++) } nest
let env' = dropLinear env
-- We don't want to keep rechecking delayed elaborators in the
-- locals block, because they're not going to make progress until
-- we come out again, so save them
ust <- get UST
let olddelayed = delayedElab ust
put UST (record { delayedElab = [] } ust)
traverse (processDecl [] nest' env') (map (updateName nest') nestdecls)
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = olddelayed } ust)
check rig elabinfo nest' env scope expty
-- For the local definitions, don't allow access to linear things

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.TTImp
detagSafe : Defs -> NF [] -> Core Bool
@ -64,3 +65,9 @@ updateErasable n
addDef n (record { eraseArgs = es,
safeErase = dtes } gdef)
pure ()
wrapErrorC : List ElabOpt -> (Error -> Error) -> Core a -> Core a
wrapErrorC opts err
= if InCase `elem` opts
then id
else wrapError err

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ checkCon {vars} opts nest env vis tn_in tn (MkImpTy fc cn_in ty_raw)
Nothing <- lookupCtxtExact cn (gamma defs)
| Just gdef => throw (AlreadyDefined fc cn)
ty <-
wrapError (InCon fc cn) $
wrapErrorC opts (InCon fc cn) $
checkTerm !(resolveName cn) InType opts nest env
(IBindHere fc (PI erased) ty_raw)
(gType fc)
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ processData {vars} eopts nest env fc vis (MkImpLater dfc n_in ty_raw)
| Just gdef => throw (AlreadyDefined fc n)
(ty, _) <-
wrapError (InCon fc n) $
wrapErrorC eopts (InCon fc n) $
elabTerm !(resolveName n) InType eopts nest env
(IBindHere fc (PI erased) ty_raw)
(Just (gType dfc))
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ processData {vars} eopts nest env fc vis (MkImpData dfc n_in ty_raw opts cons_ra
log 1 $ "Processing " ++ show n
defs <- get Ctxt
(ty, _) <-
wrapError (InCon fc n) $
wrapErrorC eopts (InCon fc n) $
elabTerm !(resolveName n) InType eopts nest env
(IBindHere fc (PI erased) ty_raw)
(Just (gType dfc))

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Core.UnifyState
import TTImp.BindImplicits
import TTImp.Elab
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.Elab.Utils
import TTImp.Impossible
import TTImp.PartialEval
import TTImp.TTImp
@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ checkLHS {vars} trans mult hashit n opts nest env fc lhs_in
then InTransform
else InLHS mult
(lhstm, lhstyg) <-
wrapError (InLHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
wrapErrorC opts (InLHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
elabTerm n lhsMode opts nest env
(IBindHere fc PATTERN lhs) Nothing
logTerm 5 "Checked LHS term" lhstm
@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ checkClause {vars} mult hashit n opts nest env (PatClause fc lhs_in rhs)
log 5 $ "Checking RHS " ++ show rhs
logEnv 5 "In env" env'
rhstm <- wrapError (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
rhstm <- wrapErrorC opts (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
checkTermSub n rhsMode opts nest' env' env sub' rhs (gnf env' lhsty')
@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ checkClause {vars} mult hashit n opts nest env (WithClause fc lhs_in wval_raw cs
let wmode
= if isErased mult then InType else InExpr
(wval, gwvalTy) <- wrapError (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
(wval, gwvalTy) <- wrapErrorC opts (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
elabTermSub n wmode opts nest' env' env sub' wval_raw Nothing
@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ checkClause {vars} mult hashit n opts nest env (WithClause fc lhs_in wval_raw cs
map (maybe wval_raw (\pn => IVar fc (snd pn))) wargNames)
log 3 $ "Applying to with argument " ++ show rhs_in
rhs <- wrapError (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
rhs <- wrapErrorC opts (InRHS fc !(getFullName (Resolved n))) $
checkTermSub n wmode opts nest' env' env sub' rhs_in
(gnf env' reqty)
@ -720,6 +721,7 @@ processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
do calcRefs False atotal (Resolved nidx)
sc <- calculateSizeChange fc n
setSizeChange fc n sc
checkIfGuarded fc n
md <- get MD -- don't need the metadata collected on the coverage check
cov <- checkCoverage nidx ty mult cs

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@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ processFnOpt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> FnOpt -> Core ()
processFnOpt fc ndef Inline
= setFlag fc ndef Inline
processFnOpt fc ndef TCInline
= setFlag fc ndef TCInline
processFnOpt fc ndef (Hint d)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just ty <- lookupTyExact ndef (gamma defs)
@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ processType {vars} eopts nest env fc rig vis opts (MkImpTy tfc n_in ty_raw)
| Just _ => throw (AlreadyDefined fc n)
ty <-
wrapError (InType fc n) $
wrapErrorC eopts (InType fc n) $
checkTerm idx InType (HolesOkay :: eopts) nest env
(IBindHere fc (PI erased) ty_raw)
(gType fc)

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@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ mutual
public export
data FnOpt : Type where
Inline : FnOpt
TCInline : FnOpt
-- Flag means the hint is a direct hint, not a function which might
-- find the result (e.g. chasing parent interface dictionaries)
Hint : Bool -> FnOpt
@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ mutual
Show FnOpt where
show Inline = "%inline"
show TCInline = "%tcinline"
show (Hint t) = "%hint " ++ show t
show (GlobalHint t) = "%globalhint " ++ show t
show ExternFn = "%extern"
@ -210,6 +212,7 @@ mutual
Eq FnOpt where
Inline == Inline = True
TCInline == TCInline = True
(Hint x) == (Hint y) = x == y
(GlobalHint x) == (GlobalHint y) = x == y
ExternFn == ExternFn = True
@ -895,6 +898,7 @@ mutual
TTC FnOpt where
toBuf b Inline = tag 0
toBuf b TCInline = tag 11
toBuf b (Hint t) = do tag 1; toBuf b t
toBuf b (GlobalHint t) = do tag 2; toBuf b t
toBuf b ExternFn = tag 3
@ -919,6 +923,7 @@ mutual
8 => pure (Totality PartialOK)
9 => pure Macro
10 => do ns <- fromBuf b; pure (SpecArgs ns)
11 => pure TCInline
_ => corrupt "FnOpt"

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Inferrable args: []
Compiled: Constructor tag Just 0 arity 1 (newtype by 0)
Refers to: []
Refers to (runtime): []
Flags: []
Main> Main.MkBar ==> DataCon 0 1
Erasable args: []
@ -17,4 +18,5 @@ Inferrable args: []
Compiled: Constructor tag Just 0 arity 1
Refers to: []
Refers to (runtime): []
Flags: []
Main> Bye for now!

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Total (Total.idr)
Main> Main.count is total
Main> Main.badCount is possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.badCount -> Prelude.Functor implementation at Prelude.idr:1010:1--1015:1 ->
Main> Main.badCount is possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.badCount
Main> Main.process is total
Main> Main.badProcess is possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.badProcess -> Main.badProcess -> Main.badProcess
Main> Main.doubleInt is total