Remove FIXME

Signed-off-by: Andy Lok <>
This commit is contained in:
Andy Lok 2021-02-27 02:42:42 +08:00
parent 7630aaea5b
commit 75b41bc8b7

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@ -797,8 +797,6 @@ mutual
toPStr : (WithBounds $ Either PTerm (List1 String)) -> Either String PStr
toPStr x = case x.val of
Right (str:::[]) => Right $ StrLiteral (boundToFC fname x) str
-- FIXME: This throws the error at the next line after the line wrap.
-- But it's supposed to point to the string begin quote.
Right (_:::strs) => Left "Multi-line string is expected to begin with \"\"\""
Left tm => Right $ StrInterp (boundToFC fname x) tm
@ -820,7 +818,6 @@ mutual
= case x.val of
Left tm => toLines xs (line `snoc` (StrInterp (boundToFC fname x) tm)) acc
Right (str:::[]) => toLines xs (line `snoc` (StrLiteral (boundToFC fname x) str)) acc
-- FIXME: calculate the precise FC so as to improve error report for invalid indentation.
Right (str:::strs@(_::_)) => toLines xs [StrLiteral (boundToFC fname x) (last strs)]
((acc `snoc` (line `snoc` (StrLiteral (boundToFC fname x) str))) ++
((\str => [StrLiteral (boundToFC fname x) str]) <$> (init strs)))