[ doc ] Add documentation for lambda-lifted representation (#2314)

Co-authored-by: Thomas E. Hansen <teh6@st-andrews.ac.uk>
This commit is contained in:
Tom Harley 2022-04-01 10:32:15 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent bc9a319ddf
commit 79c79f080c
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 231 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -130,6 +130,10 @@
* Removes `contrib`'s deprecated `Data.Num.Implementations` module. See
`Prelude.Interfaces` instead.
### Other changes
* Adds docstrings for the lambda-lifted IR.
## v0.5.0/0.5.1
### Language changes

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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Thomas Dziedzic
Thomas E. Hansen
Tim Süberkrüb
Timmy Jose
Tom Harley
Wen Kokke
Wind Wong
Zoe Stafford

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
||| Utilities pertaining to the _lamda-lifted_ intermediate representation of
||| Idris 2 programs.
||| This representation of program syntax is one of several used when compiling
||| a program. These representations can be used by compiler back-ends to
||| compile from versions of Idris programs with reduced complexity---see
||| [Which Intermediate Representation (IR) should be consumed by the custom
||| back-end?]
||| (https://idris2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/backends/backend-cookbook.html?highlight=lifted#which-intermediate-representation-ir-should-be-consumed-by-the-custom-back-end)
||| for more information.
module Compiler.LambdaLift
import Core.CompileExpr
@ -11,67 +21,244 @@ import Data.Vect
%default covering
||| Type representing the syntax tree of an Idris 2 program after lambda
||| lifting.
||| All constructors take as argument a file context, describing the position
||| of the original code pre-transformation.
||| @ vars is the list of names accessible within the current scope of the
||| lambda-lifted code.
public export
-- lazy (lazy reason) represents if a function application is lazy (Just _)
-- and if so why (eg. Just LInf, Just LLazy)
data Lifted : List Name -> Type where
data Lifted : (vars : List Name) -> Type where
||| A local variable in the lambda-lifted syntax tree.
||| @ idx is the index that the variable can be found at in the syntax
||| tree's current scope.
||| @ p is evidence that indexing into vars with idx will provide the
||| correct variable.
LLocal : {idx : Nat} -> FC -> (0 p : IsVar x idx vars) -> Lifted vars
-- A known function applied to exactly the right number of arguments,
-- so the runtime can Just Go
LAppName : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> Name -> List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
-- A known function applied to too few arguments, so the runtime should
-- make a closure and wait for the remaining arguments
LUnderApp : FC -> Name -> (missing : Nat) ->
||| A known function applied to exactly the right number of arguments.
||| Back-end runtimes should be able to utilise total applications
||| effectively, and so they are given a specific constructor here.
||| @ lazy is used to signify that this function application is lazy,
||| and, if so, the reason for lazy application.
||| @ n is the name of the function to be invoked.
||| @ args is the list of arguments for the function call.
LAppName : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (n : Name) ->
(args : List (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| A known function applied to fewer arguments than its arity.
||| Situations described by this constructor will likely be handled by
||| by runtimes by creating a closure which waits for the remaining
||| arguments.
||| @ n is the name of the function to be (eventually) invoked.
||| @ missing is the number of arguments missing from this application.
||| @ args is a list of the arguments known at this point in time.
LUnderApp : FC -> (n : Name) -> (missing : Nat) ->
(args : List (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
-- A closure applied to one more argument (so, for example a closure
-- which is waiting for another argument before it can run).
-- The runtime should add the argument to the closure and run the result
-- if it is now fully applied.
LApp : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (closure : Lifted vars) -> (arg : Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LLet : FC -> (x : Name) -> Lifted vars ->
Lifted (x :: vars) -> Lifted vars
LCon : FC -> Name -> ConInfo -> (tag : Maybe Int) ->
List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
||| A closure applied to one more argument.
||| This given argument may be the last one that the closure is waiting
||| on before being able to run; runtimes should check for such a
||| situation, and run the function if it is now fully applied.
||| @ lazy is used to signify that this function application is lazy,
||| and, if so, the reason for lazy application.
||| @ closure is the closure being applied.
||| @ arg is the extra argument being given to the closure.
LApp : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (closure : Lifted vars) ->
(arg : Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
||| A let binding: binding a new name to an existing expression.
||| Roughly, this constructor represents code of the form:
||| ```idris
||| let
||| x = expr
||| in
||| body
||| ```
||| @ x is the new name to bind.
||| @ expr is the expression to bind `x` to.
||| @ body is the expression to evaluate after binding.
LLet : FC -> (x : Name) -> (expr : Lifted vars) ->
(body : Lifted (x :: vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| Use of a constructor to construct a compound data type value.
||| @ n is the name of the data type.
||| @ info is information about the constructor.
||| @ tag is the tag value for the construction, if the type is an
||| algebraic data type.
||| @ args is the list of arguments for the constructor.
LCon : FC -> (n : Name) -> (info : ConInfo) -> (tag : Maybe Int) ->
(args : List (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| An operator applied to operands.
||| @ arity is the arity of the operator.
||| @ lazy is used to signify that this operation is lazy, and, if so,
||| the reason for lazy application.
||| @ op is the operator being used.
||| @ args is a vector containing the operands of the operation.
LOp : {arity : _} ->
FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> PrimFn arity -> Vect arity (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LExtPrim : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (p : Name) -> List (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LConCase : FC -> Lifted vars ->
List (LiftedConAlt vars) ->
Maybe (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
LConstCase : FC -> Lifted vars ->
List (LiftedConstAlt vars) ->
Maybe (Lifted vars) -> Lifted vars
FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (op : PrimFn arity) ->
(args : Vect arity (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| A second, more involved, form of primitive operation, defined using
||| `%extern` pragmas.
||| Backends should cause a compile-time error when encountering an
||| unimplemented LExtPrim operation.
||| @ lazy is used to signify that this operation is lazt, and, if so,
||| the reason for lazy application.
||| @ p is the name of the operator being used.
||| @ args is a list of operands for the operation.
LExtPrim : FC -> (lazy : Maybe LazyReason) -> (p : Name) ->
(args : List (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| A case split on constructor tags.
||| @ expr is the value to match against.
||| @ alts is a list of the different branches in the case statement.
||| @ def is an (optional) default branch, taken if no branch in alts is
||| taken.
LConCase : FC -> (expr : Lifted vars) ->
(alts : List (LiftedConAlt vars)) ->
(def : Maybe (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| A case split on a constant expression.
||| @ expr is the expression to match against.
||| @ alts is a list of the different branches in the case statement.
||| @ def is an (optional) default branch, taken if no branch in alts is
||| taken.
LConstCase : FC -> (expr : Lifted vars) ->
(alts : List (LiftedConstAlt vars)) ->
(def : Maybe (Lifted vars)) -> Lifted vars
||| A primitive (constant) value.
LPrimVal : FC -> Constant -> Lifted vars
||| An erased value.
LErased : FC -> Lifted vars
LCrash : FC -> String -> Lifted vars
||| A forceful crash of the program.
||| This kind of crash is generated by the Idris 2 compiler; it is
||| separate from crashes explicitly added to code by programmers (for
||| example via `idris_crash`).
||| @ msg is a message emitted when crashing that might be useful for
||| debugging.
LCrash : FC -> (msg : String) -> Lifted vars
||| A branch of an "LCon" (constructor tag) case statement.
||| @ vars is the list of names accessible within the current scope of the
||| lambda-lifted code.
public export
data LiftedConAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkLConAlt : Name -> ConInfo -> (tag : Maybe Int) -> (args : List Name) ->
Lifted (args ++ vars) -> LiftedConAlt vars
data LiftedConAlt : (vars : List Name) -> Type where
||| Constructs a branch of an "LCon" (constructor tag) case statement.
||| If this branch is taken, members of the compound data value being
||| inspected are bound to new names before evaluation continues.
||| @ n is the name of the constructor that this branch checks for.
||| @ info is information about the constructor.
||| @ tag is a tag value, present if the type of the value
||| inspected is an algebraic data type (this can be matched against
||| instead of the constructor's name, if preferable).
||| @ args is a list of new names that are bound to the inspected value's
||| members before evaluation of this branch's body (this is similar
||| to using a let binding for each member of the value).
||| @ body is the expression that is evaluated as the consequence of
||| this branch matching.
MkLConAlt : (n : Name) -> (info : ConInfo) -> (tag : Maybe Int) ->
(args : List Name) -> (body : Lifted (args ++ vars)) ->
LiftedConAlt vars
||| A branch of an "LConst" (constant expression) case statement.
||| @ vars is the list of names accessible within the current scope of the
||| lambda-lifted code.
public export
data LiftedConstAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkLConstAlt : Constant -> Lifted vars -> LiftedConstAlt vars
data LiftedConstAlt : (vars : List Name) -> Type where
||| Constructs a branch of an "LConst" (constant expression) case
||| statement.
||| @ expr is the constant expression to match against.
||| @ body is the expression that is evaluated as the consequence of this
||| branch matching.
MkLConstAlt : (expr : Constant) -> (body : Lifted vars) ->
LiftedConstAlt vars
||| Top-level definitions in the lambda-lifted intermediate representation of an
||| Idris 2 program.
public export
data LiftedDef : Type where
||| Constructs a function definition.
||| @ args is the arguments accepted by the function.
||| @ scope is the list of names accessible within the current scope of the
||| lambda-lifted code.
||| @ body is the body of the function.
-- We take the outer scope and the function arguments separately so that
-- we don't have to reshuffle de Bruijn indices, which is expensive.
-- This should be compiled as a function which takes 'args' first,
-- then 'reverse scope'.
-- (Sorry for the awkward API - it's to do with how the indices are
-- arranged for the variables, and it oculd be expensive to reshuffle them!
-- arranged for the variables, and it could be expensive to reshuffle them!
-- See Compiler.ANF for an example of how they get resolved to names)
MkLFun : (args : List Name) -> -- function arguments
(scope : List Name) -> -- outer scope
Lifted (scope ++ args) -> LiftedDef
MkLCon : (tag : Maybe Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> (nt : Maybe Nat) -> LiftedDef
MkLFun : (args : List Name) -> (scope : List Name) ->
(body : Lifted (scope ++ args)) -> LiftedDef
||| Constructs a definition of a constructor for a compound data type.
||| @ tag is a tag value used by the constructor (if present) to keep track
||| of the value's type when using algebraic data types.
||| @ arity is the arity of the constructor; the number of arguments it
||| takes.
||| @ nt is information related to newtype unboxing; backend
||| implementations needs not make use of this argument, as newtype
||| unboxing is managed by the Idris 2 compiler.
MkLCon : (tag : Maybe Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> (nt : Maybe Nat) ->
||| Constructs a forward declaration of a foreign function.
||| @ ccs is a list of calling conventions; these are annotations to
||| foreign functions, used by backends to relate foreign function calls
||| correctly.
||| @ fargs is a list of the types of the arguments to the function.
||| @ ret is the type of the return value of the function.
MkLForeign : (ccs : List String) ->
(fargs : List CFType) ->
CFType ->
(ret : CFType) ->
MkLError : Lifted [] -> LiftedDef
||| Constructs an error condition.
||| The function produced by this construction should accept any number of
||| arguments, and should crash at runtime. Such crashes should crash via
||| `LCrash` rather than `prim_crash`.
||| @ expl : an explanation of the error.
MkLError : (expl : Lifted []) -> LiftedDef
showLazy : Maybe LazyReason -> String
showLazy = maybe "" $ (" " ++) . show