First steps towards emacs idris-mode compatibility

To make sure the protocol doesn't jam, supply stub implementation to
all protocol commands.

Report to REPL when an unimplemented command is used.


1. We don't support add-proof-clause. I guess all proof-related stuff
   should be removed from the protocol

2. Some types are stub types too. That's because we need to `SExpable`
   more structured types like `PTerm`. I'll leave that to the future.

3. I've lifted `REPLResult` into `IDEResult` inside `IDEMode/REPL.idr`.
   That's because some results, like `who-calls` only make sense in
   the context of an IDE, not in the context of a user-facing REPL.

   The Editing commands should be moved from the REPL into the IDE and
   called from the REPL.

   I leave that to the future, once more of the protocol is

4. Export a few functions from the REPL so that the IDE can call them.

5. There's one outstanding issue with the emacs idris-mode: it
   currently calls the unsupported `:consolewidth` REPL command. This
   is harmless, and can wait until @edwinb decides whether we should
   support it in the future or not.

6. There was a bug as to how holes are returned to the user. The
   format isn't documented in the protocol, so we'll need to reproduce
   it, perhaps from the idris-mode elisp sources.
This commit is contained in:
Ohad Kammar 2020-05-22 01:01:55 +01:00
parent 1945619db7
commit 83793113ba
4 changed files with 215 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ data SExp = SExpList (List SExp)
| IntegerAtom Integer
| SymbolAtom String
public export
data DocMode = Overview | Full
public export
data IDECommand
= Interpret String
@ -22,12 +25,25 @@ data IDECommand
| TypeOf String (Maybe (Integer, Integer))
| CaseSplit Integer Integer String
| AddClause Integer String
-- deprecated: | AddProofClause
| AddMissing Integer String
| ExprSearch Integer String (List String) Bool
| GenerateDef Integer String
| MakeLemma Integer String
| MakeCase Integer String
| MakeWith Integer String
| DocsFor String (Maybe DocMode)
| Apropos String
| Metavariables Integer
| WhoCalls String
| CallsWho String
| BrowseNamespace String
| NormaliseTerm String -- TODO: implement a Binary lib
| ShowTermImplicits String -- and implement Binary (Term)
| HideTermImplicits String -- for these four defintions,
| ElaborateTerm String -- then change String to Term, as in idris1
| PrintDefinition String
| ReplCompletions String
| Version
| GetOptions
@ -58,6 +74,8 @@ getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ CaseSplit l 0 n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-clause", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ AddClause l n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-missing", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
= Just $ AddMissing line n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ ExprSearch l n [] False
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n, SExpList hs])
@ -79,8 +97,36 @@ getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-case", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ MakeCase l n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-with", IntegerAtom l, StringAtom n])
= Just $ MakeWith l n
getIDECommand (SExpList (SymbolAtom "docs-for" :: StringAtom n :: modeTail))
= do -- Maybe monad
modeOpt <- case modeTail of
[] => Just Nothing
[SymbolAtom "overview"] => Just $ Just Overview
[SymbolAtom "full" ] => Just $ Just Full
_ => Nothing
Just $ DocsFor n modeOpt
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "apropos", StringAtom n])
= Just $ Apropos n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "metavariables", IntegerAtom n])
= Just $ Metavariables n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "who-calls", StringAtom n])
= Just $ WhoCalls n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "calls-who", StringAtom n])
= Just $ CallsWho n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "browse-namespace", StringAtom ns])
= Just $ BrowseNamespace ns
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "normalise-term", StringAtom tm])
= Just $ NormaliseTerm tm
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "show-term-implicits", StringAtom tm])
= Just $ ShowTermImplicits tm
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "hide-term-implicits", StringAtom tm])
= Just $ HideTermImplicits tm
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "elaborate-term", StringAtom tm])
= Just $ ElaborateTerm tm
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "print-definition", StringAtom n])
= Just $ PrintDefinition n
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "repl-completions", StringAtom n])
= Just $ ReplCompletions n
getIDECommand (SymbolAtom "version") = Just Version
getIDECommand (SExpList [SymbolAtom "get-options"]) = Just GetOptions
getIDECommand _ = Nothing
@ -94,6 +140,7 @@ putIDECommand (TypeOf cmd Nothing) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of",
putIDECommand (TypeOf cmd (Just (line, col))) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "type-of", StringAtom cmd, IntegerAtom line, IntegerAtom col])
putIDECommand (CaseSplit line col n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "case-split", IntegerAtom line, IntegerAtom col, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (AddClause line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-clause", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (AddMissing line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "add-missing", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (ExprSearch line n exprs mode) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "proof-search", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n, SExpList $ map StringAtom exprs, getMode mode])
getMode : Bool -> SExp
@ -103,7 +150,22 @@ putIDECommand (GenerateDef line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "generate-
putIDECommand (MakeLemma line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-lemma", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (MakeCase line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-case", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (MakeWith line n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "make-with", IntegerAtom line, StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (DocsFor n modeOpt) = let modeTail = case modeOpt of
Nothing => []
Just Overview => [SymbolAtom "overview"]
Just Full => [SymbolAtom "full"] in
(SExpList (SymbolAtom "docs-for" :: StringAtom n :: modeTail))
putIDECommand (Apropos n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "apropos", StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (Metavariables n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "metavariables", IntegerAtom n])
putIDECommand (WhoCalls n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "who-calls", StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (CallsWho n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "calls-who", StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (BrowseNamespace ns) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "browse-namespace", StringAtom ns])
putIDECommand (NormaliseTerm tm) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "normalise-term", StringAtom tm])
putIDECommand (ShowTermImplicits tm) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "show-term-implicits", StringAtom tm])
putIDECommand (HideTermImplicits tm) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "hide-term-implicits", StringAtom tm])
putIDECommand (ElaborateTerm tm) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "elaborate-term", StringAtom tm])
putIDECommand (PrintDefinition n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "print-definition", StringAtom n])
putIDECommand (ReplCompletions n) = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "repl-completions", StringAtom n])
putIDECommand GetOptions = (SExpList [SymbolAtom "get-options"])
putIDECommand Version = SymbolAtom "version"

View File

@ -119,49 +119,99 @@ getInput f
do inp <- getNChars f (integerToNat (cast num))
pure (pack inp)
||| Do nothing and tell the user to wait for us to implmement this (or join the effort!)
todoCmd : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String -> Core ()
todoCmd cmdName = iputStrLn $ cmdName ++ ": command not yet implemented. Hopefully soon!"
data IDEResult
| NameList (List Name)
| Term String -- should be a PTerm + metadata, or SExp.
| TTTerm String -- should be a TT Term + metadata, or perhaps SExp
replWrap : Core REPLResult -> Core IDEResult
replWrap m = pure $ REPL !m
process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
IDECommand -> Core REPLResult
IDECommand -> Core IDEResult
process (Interpret cmd)
= interpret cmd
= replWrap $ interpret cmd
process (LoadFile fname _)
= Idris.REPL.process (Load fname) >>= outputSyntaxHighlighting fname
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Load fname) >>= outputSyntaxHighlighting fname
process (TypeOf n Nothing)
= Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Check (PRef replFC (UN n)))
process (TypeOf n (Just (l, c)))
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (TypeAt (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (TypeAt (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
process (CaseSplit l c n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (CaseSplit False (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (CaseSplit False (fromInteger l) (fromInteger c) (UN n)))
process (AddClause l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (AddClause False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (AddClause False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (AddMissing l n)
= do todoCmd "add-missing"
pure $ REPL $ Edited $ DisplayEdit []
process (ExprSearch l n hs all)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch False (fromInteger l) (UN n)
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (ExprSearch False (fromInteger l) (UN n)
(map UN hs) all))
process (GenerateDef l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (GenerateDef False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (GenerateDef False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeLemma l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeLemma False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeLemma False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeCase l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeCase False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeCase False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (MakeWith l n)
= Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeWith False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process (Editing (MakeWith False (fromInteger l) (UN n)))
process (DocsFor n modeOpt)
= do todoCmd "docs-for"
pure $ REPL $ Printed []
process (Apropos n)
= do todoCmd "apropros"
pure $ REPL $ Printed []
process (WhoCalls n)
= do todoCmd "who-calls"
pure $ NameList []
process (CallsWho n)
= do todoCmd "calls-who"
pure $ NameList []
process (BrowseNamespace ns)
= do todoCmd "browse-namespace"
pure $ NameList []
process (NormaliseTerm tm)
= do todoCmd "normalise-term"
pure $ Term tm
process (ShowTermImplicits tm)
= do todoCmd "show-term-implicits"
pure $ Term tm
process (HideTermImplicits tm)
= do todoCmd "hide-term-implicits"
pure $ Term tm
process (ElaborateTerm tm)
= do todoCmd "elaborate-term"
pure $ TTTerm tm
process (PrintDefinition n)
= do todoCmd "print-definition"
pure $ REPL $ Printed [n]
process (ReplCompletions n)
= do todoCmd "repl-completions"
pure $ NameList []
process Version
= Idris.REPL.process ShowVersion
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process ShowVersion
process (Metavariables _)
= Idris.REPL.process Metavars
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process Metavars
process GetOptions
= Idris.REPL.process GetOpts
= replWrap $ Idris.REPL.process GetOpts
processCatch : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
IDECommand -> Core REPLResult
IDECommand -> Core IDEResult
processCatch cmd
= do c' <- branch
u' <- get UST
@ -175,7 +225,7 @@ processCatch cmd
put Syn s'
put ROpts o'
msg <- perror err
pure $ REPLError msg)
pure $ REPL $ REPLError msg)
idePutStrLn : File -> Integer -> String -> Core ()
idePutStrLn outf i msg
@ -212,41 +262,79 @@ SExpable REPLOpt where
sexpName : Name -> SExp
sexpName n = SExpList [ StringAtom (show n), SExpList [], SExpList [] ]
sexpName n = SExpList [ StringAtom (show n), SExpList [], SExpList [StringAtom "?", SExpList[]]]
displayIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
File -> Integer -> REPLResult -> Core ()
displayIDEResult outf i (REPLError err) = printIDEError outf i err
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x Nothing) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (Evaluated x (Just y)) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (Printed xs) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (TermChecked x y) = printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i $ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (FileLoaded x) = printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayIDEResult outf i (ErrorsBuildingFile x errs) = printIDEError outf i $ "Error(s) building file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ (showSep "\n" $ map show errs)
displayIDEResult outf i NoFileLoaded = printIDEError outf i "No file can be reloaded"
displayIDEResult outf i (CurrentDirectory dir) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "Current working directory is '" ++ dir ++ "'"
displayIDEResult outf i CompilationFailed = printIDEError outf i "Compilation failed"
displayIDEResult outf i (Compiled f) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "File " ++ f ++ " written"
displayIDEResult outf i (ProofFound x) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ show x
--displayIDEResult outf i (Missed cases) = printIDEResult outf i $ showSep "\n" $ map handleMissing cases
displayIDEResult outf i (CheckedTotal xs) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" $ map (\ (fn, tot) => (show fn ++ " is " ++ show tot)) xs
displayIDEResult outf i (FoundHoles []) = printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (FoundHoles xs) = printIDEResult outf i $ holesSexp
File -> Integer -> IDEResult -> Core ()
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ REPLError err)
= printIDEError outf i err
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL RequestedHelp )
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ displayHelp
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Evaluated x Nothing)
= printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i
$ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Evaluated x (Just y))
= printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i
$ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Printed xs)
= printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i
$ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ TermChecked x y)
= printIDEResultWithHighlight outf i
$ StringAtom $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ FileLoaded x)
= printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ ErrorLoadingFile x err)
= printIDEError outf i
$ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ ErrorsBuildingFile x errs)
= printIDEError outf i
$ "Error(s) building file " ++ x ++ ": " ++
(showSep "\n" $ map show errs)
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ NoFileLoaded)
= printIDEError outf i "No file can be reloaded"
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ CurrentDirectory dir)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ "Current working directory is '" ++ dir ++ "'"
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL CompilationFailed)
= printIDEError outf i "Compilation failed"
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Compiled f)
= printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom
$ "File " ++ f ++ " written"
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ ProofFound x)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ show x
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Missed cases)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ showSep "\n"
$ map handleMissing cases
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ CheckedTotal xs)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ showSep "\n"
$ map (\ (fn, tot) => (show fn ++ " is " ++ show tot)) xs
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ FoundHoles [])
= printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList []
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ FoundHoles xs)
= printIDEResult outf i $ holesSexp
holesSexp : SExp
holesSexp = SExpList $ map sexpName xs
displayIDEResult outf i (LogLevelSet k) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ "Set loglevel to " ++ show k
displayIDEResult outf i (OptionsSet opts) = printIDEResult outf i optionsSexp
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ LogLevelSet k)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ "Set loglevel to " ++ show k
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ OptionsSet opts)
= printIDEResult outf i optionsSexp
optionsSexp : SExp
optionsSexp = SExpList $ map toSExp opts
displayIDEResult outf i (VersionIs x) = printIDEResult outf i versionSExp
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ VersionIs x)
= printIDEResult outf i versionSExp
semverSexp : SExp
semverSexp = case (semVer x) of
@ -258,11 +346,19 @@ displayIDEResult outf i (VersionIs x) = printIDEResult outf i versionSExp
versionSExp : SExp
versionSExp = SExpList [ semverSexp, tagSexp ]
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (DisplayEdit xs)) = printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (EditError x)) = printIDEError outf i x
displayIDEResult outf i (Edited (MadeLemma lit name pty pappstr)) =
printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ (relit lit $ show name ++ " : " ++ show pty ++ "\n") ++ pappstr
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (DisplayEdit xs))
= printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom $ showSep "\n" xs
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (EditError x))
= printIDEError outf i x
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Edited (MadeLemma lit name pty pappstr))
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ (relit lit $ show name ++ " : " ++ show pty ++ "\n") ++ pappstr
displayIDEResult outf i (NameList ns)
= printIDEResult outf i $ SExpList $ map toSExp ns
displayIDEResult outf i (Term t)
= printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom t
displayIDEResult outf i (TTTerm t)
= printIDEResult outf i $ StringAtom t
displayIDEResult outf i _ = pure ()
@ -271,8 +367,8 @@ handleIDEResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
File -> Integer -> REPLResult -> Core ()
handleIDEResult outf i Exited = idePutStrLn outf i "Bye for now!"
File -> Integer -> IDEResult -> Core ()
handleIDEResult outf i (REPL Exited) = idePutStrLn outf i "Bye for now!"
handleIDEResult outf i other = displayIDEResult outf i other
loop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -177,16 +177,15 @@ stMain opts
setOutput (IDEMode 0 stdin stdout)
replIDE {c} {u} {m}
else do
throw (InternalError "Not implemeted yet")
-- let (host, port) = ideSocketModeHostPort opts
-- f <- coreLift $ initIDESocketFile host port
-- case f of
-- Left err => do
-- coreLift $ putStrLn err
-- coreLift $ exit 1
-- Right file => do
-- setOutput (IDEMode 0 file file)
-- replIDE {c} {u} {m}
let (host, port) = ideSocketModeHostPort opts
f <- coreLift $ initIDESocketFile host port
case f of
Left err => do
coreLift $ putStrLn err
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Right file => do
setOutput (IDEMode 0 file file)
replIDE {c} {u} {m}
else do
repl {c} {u} {m}

View File

@ -819,6 +819,7 @@ mutual
prompt NormaliseAll = ""
prompt Execute = "[exec] "
handleMissing : MissedResult -> String
handleMissing (CasesMissing x xs) = show x ++ ":\n" ++ showSep "\n" xs
handleMissing (CallsNonCovering fn ns) = (show fn ++ ": Calls non covering function"
@ -871,6 +872,7 @@ mutual
displayResult (OptionsSet opts) = printResult $ showSep "\n" $ map show opts
displayResult _ = pure ()
displayHelp : String
displayHelp =
showSep "\n" $ map cmdInfo help