mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:49:24 +03:00
Merge pull request #1336 from cypheon/lambdalift-opt
Lambdalift optimisation: drop unused variables from outer scopes
This commit is contained in:
@ -158,6 +158,61 @@ unload fc _ f [] = pure f
-- only outermost LApp must be lazy as rest will be closures
unload fc lazy f (a :: as) = unload fc Nothing (LApp fc lazy f a) as
record Used (vars : List Name) where
constructor MkUsed
used : Vect (length vars) Bool
initUsed : {vars : _} -> Used vars
initUsed {vars} = MkUsed (replicate (length vars) False)
: (xs, ys : List a)
-> length (xs ++ ys) = length xs + length ys
lengthDistributesOverAppend [] ys = Refl
lengthDistributesOverAppend (x :: xs) ys =
cong S $ lengthDistributesOverAppend xs ys
weakenUsed : {outer : _} -> Used vars -> Used (outer ++ vars)
weakenUsed {outer} (MkUsed xs) =
MkUsed (rewrite lengthDistributesOverAppend outer vars in
(replicate (length outer) False ++ xs))
contractUsed : (Used (x::vars)) -> Used vars
contractUsed (MkUsed xs) = MkUsed (tail xs)
contractUsedMany : {remove : _} ->
(Used (remove ++ vars)) ->
Used vars
contractUsedMany {remove=[]} x = x
contractUsedMany {remove=(r::rs)} x = contractUsedMany {remove=rs} (contractUsed x)
markUsed : {vars : _} ->
(idx : Nat) ->
{0 prf : IsVar x idx vars} ->
Used vars ->
Used vars
markUsed {vars} {prf} idx (MkUsed us) =
let newUsed = replaceAt (finIdx prf) True us in
MkUsed newUsed
finIdx : {vars : _} -> {idx : _} ->
(0 prf : IsVar x idx vars) ->
Fin (length vars)
finIdx {idx=Z} First = FZ
finIdx {idx=S x} (Later l) = FS (finIdx l)
getUnused : Used vars ->
Vect (length vars) Bool
getUnused (MkUsed uv) = map not uv
dropped : (vars : List Name) ->
(drop : Vect (length vars) Bool) ->
List Name
dropped [] _ = []
dropped (x::xs) (False::us) = x::(dropped xs us)
dropped (x::xs) (True::us) = dropped xs us
makeLam : {auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
{vars : _} ->
@ -168,24 +223,27 @@ mutual
makeLam fc bound (CLam _ x sc') = makeLam fc {doLazyAnnots} {lazy} (x :: bound) sc'
makeLam {vars} fc bound sc
= do scl <- liftExp {doLazyAnnots} {lazy} sc
-- Find out which variables aren't used in the new definition, and
-- do not abstract over them in the new definition.
let scUsedL = usedVars initUsed scl
unusedContracted = contractUsedMany {remove=bound} scUsedL
unused = getUnused unusedContracted
scl' = dropUnused {outer=bound} unused scl
n <- genName
ldefs <- get Lifts
put Lifts (record { defs $= ((n, MkLFun vars bound scl) ::) } ldefs)
-- TODO: an optimisation here would be to spot which variables
-- aren't used in the new definition, and not abstract over them
-- in the new definition. Given that we have to do some messing
-- about with indices anyway, it's probably not costly to do.
pure $ LUnderApp fc n (length bound) (allVars fc vars)
put Lifts (record { defs $= ((n, MkLFun (dropped vars unused) bound scl') ::) } ldefs)
pure $ LUnderApp fc n (length bound) (allVars fc vars unused)
allPrfs : (vs : List Name) -> List (Var vs)
allPrfs [] = []
allPrfs (v :: vs) = MkVar First :: map weaken (allPrfs vs)
allPrfs : (vs : List Name) -> (unused : Vect (length vs) Bool) -> List (Var vs)
allPrfs [] _ = []
allPrfs (v :: vs) (False::uvs) = MkVar First :: map weaken (allPrfs vs uvs)
allPrfs (v :: vs) (True::uvs) = map weaken (allPrfs vs uvs)
-- apply to all the variables. 'First' will be first in the last, which
-- is good, because the most recently bound name is the first argument to
-- the resulting function
allVars : FC -> (vs : List Name) -> List (Lifted vs)
allVars fc vs = map (\ (MkVar p) => LLocal fc p) (allPrfs vs)
allVars : FC -> (vs : List Name) -> (unused : Vect (length vs) Bool) -> List (Lifted vs)
allVars fc vs unused = map (\ (MkVar p) => LLocal fc p) (allPrfs vs unused)
-- if doLazyAnnots = True then annotate function application with laziness
-- otherwise use old behaviour (thunk is a function)
@ -234,6 +292,117 @@ mutual
liftExp (CErased fc) = pure $ LErased fc
liftExp (CCrash fc str) = pure $ LCrash fc str
usedVars : {vars : _} ->
{auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
Used vars ->
Lifted vars ->
Used vars
usedVars used (LLocal {idx} fc prf) =
markUsed {prf} idx used
usedVars used (LAppName fc lazy n args) =
foldl (usedVars {vars}) used args
usedVars used (LUnderApp fc n miss args) =
foldl (usedVars {vars}) used args
usedVars used (LApp fc lazy c arg) =
usedVars (usedVars used arg) c
usedVars used (LLet fc x val sc) =
let innerUsed = contractUsed $ usedVars (weakenUsed {outer=[x]} used) sc in
usedVars innerUsed val
usedVars used (LCon fc n tag args) =
foldl (usedVars {vars}) used args
usedVars used (LOp fc lazy fn args) =
foldl (usedVars {vars}) used args
usedVars used (LExtPrim fc lazy fn args) =
foldl (usedVars {vars}) used args
usedVars used (LConCase fc sc alts def) =
let defUsed = maybe used (usedVars used {vars}) def
scDefUsed = usedVars defUsed sc in
foldl usedConAlt scDefUsed alts
usedConAlt : {default Nothing lazy : Maybe LazyReason} ->
Used vars -> LiftedConAlt vars -> Used vars
usedConAlt used (MkLConAlt n tag args sc) =
contractUsedMany {remove=args} (usedVars (weakenUsed used) sc)
usedVars used (LConstCase fc sc alts def) =
let defUsed = maybe used (usedVars used {vars}) def
scDefUsed = usedVars defUsed sc in
foldl usedConstAlt scDefUsed alts
usedConstAlt : {default Nothing lazy : Maybe LazyReason} ->
Used vars -> LiftedConstAlt vars -> Used vars
usedConstAlt used (MkLConstAlt c sc) = usedVars used sc
usedVars used (LPrimVal _ _) = used
usedVars used (LErased _) = used
usedVars used (LCrash _ _) = used
dropIdx : {vars : _} ->
{idx : _} ->
(outer : List Name) ->
(unused : Vect (length vars) Bool) ->
(0 p : IsVar x idx (outer ++ vars)) ->
Var (outer ++ (dropped vars unused))
dropIdx [] (False::_) First = MkVar First
dropIdx [] (True::_) First = assert_total $
idris_crash "INTERNAL ERROR: Referenced variable marked as unused"
dropIdx [] (False::rest) (Later p) = Var.later $ dropIdx [] rest p
dropIdx [] (True::rest) (Later p) = dropIdx [] rest p
dropIdx (_::xs) unused First = MkVar First
dropIdx (_::xs) unused (Later p) = Var.later $ dropIdx xs unused p
dropUnused : {vars : _} ->
{auto l : Ref Lifts LDefs} ->
{outer : List Name} ->
(unused : Vect (length vars) Bool) ->
(l : Lifted (outer ++ vars)) ->
Lifted (outer ++ (dropped vars unused))
dropUnused _ (LPrimVal fc val) = LPrimVal fc val
dropUnused _ (LErased fc) = LErased fc
dropUnused _ (LCrash fc msg) = LCrash fc msg
dropUnused {outer} unused (LLocal fc p) =
let (MkVar p') = dropIdx outer unused p in LLocal fc p'
dropUnused unused (LCon fc n tag args) =
let args' = map (dropUnused unused) args in
LCon fc n tag args'
dropUnused {outer} unused (LLet fc n val sc) =
let val' = dropUnused unused val
sc' = dropUnused {outer=n::outer} (unused) sc in
LLet fc n val' sc'
dropUnused unused (LApp fc lazy c arg) =
let c' = dropUnused unused c
arg' = dropUnused unused arg in
LApp fc lazy c' arg'
dropUnused unused (LOp fc lazy fn args) =
let args' = map (dropUnused unused) args in
LOp fc lazy fn args'
dropUnused unused (LExtPrim fc lazy n args) =
let args' = map (dropUnused unused) args in
LExtPrim fc lazy n args'
dropUnused unused (LAppName fc lazy n args) =
let args' = map (dropUnused unused) args in
LAppName fc lazy n args'
dropUnused unused (LUnderApp fc n miss args) =
let args' = map (dropUnused unused) args in
LUnderApp fc n miss args'
dropUnused {vars} {outer} unused (LConCase fc sc alts def) =
let alts' = map dropConCase alts in
LConCase fc (dropUnused unused sc) alts' (map (dropUnused unused) def)
dropConCase : LiftedConAlt (outer ++ vars) ->
LiftedConAlt (outer ++ (dropped vars unused))
dropConCase (MkLConAlt n t args sc) =
let sc' = (rewrite sym $ appendAssociative args outer vars in sc)
droppedSc = dropUnused {vars=vars} {outer=args++outer} unused sc' in
MkLConAlt n t args (rewrite appendAssociative args outer (dropped vars unused) in droppedSc)
dropUnused {vars} {outer} unused (LConstCase fc sc alts def) =
let alts' = map dropConstCase alts in
LConstCase fc (dropUnused unused sc) alts' (map (dropUnused unused) def)
dropConstCase : LiftedConstAlt (outer ++ vars) ->
LiftedConstAlt (outer ++ (dropped vars unused))
dropConstCase (MkLConstAlt c val) = MkLConstAlt c (dropUnused unused val)
liftBody : {vars : _} -> {doLazyAnnots : Bool} ->
Name -> CExp vars -> Core (Lifted vars, List (Name, LiftedDef))
@ -566,6 +566,11 @@ Catchable Core Error where
Right val => pure (Right val))
throw = coreFail
-- Prelude.Monad.foldlM hand specialised for Core
foldlC : Foldable t => (a -> b -> Core a) -> a -> t b -> Core a
foldlC fm a0 = foldl (\ma,b => ma >>= flip fm b) (pure a0)
-- Traversable (specialised)
traverse' : (a -> Core b) -> List a -> List b -> Core (List b)
traverse' f [] acc = pure (reverse acc)
@ -415,10 +415,6 @@ bitraverseC f g (This a) = [| This (f a) |]
bitraverseC f g (That b) = [| That (g b) |]
bitraverseC f g (Both a b) = [| Both (f a) (g b) |]
-- Prelude.Monad.foldlM hand specialised for Core
foldlC : Foldable t => (a -> b -> Core a) -> a -> t b -> Core a
foldlC fm a0 = foldl (\ma,b => ma >>= flip fm b) (pure a0)
-- Data.StringTrie.foldWithKeysM hand specialised for Core
foldWithKeysC : Monoid b => (List String -> Core b) -> (List String -> a -> Core b) -> StringTrie a -> Core b
foldWithKeysC {a} {b} fk fv = go []
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