Add folds without default value to List

This commit is contained in:
andylokandy 2020-05-21 02:09:14 +08:00
parent 1fb8904992
commit 8de668f1a4
2 changed files with 53 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -400,6 +400,38 @@ mapMaybe f (x::xs) =
Nothing => mapMaybe f xs
Just j => j :: mapMaybe f xs
-- Special folds
||| Foldl a non-empty list without seeding the accumulator.
||| @ ok proof that the list is non-empty
public export
foldl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> (l : List a) -> {auto ok : NonEmpty l} -> a
foldl1 f [] impossible
foldl1 f (x::xs) = foldl f x xs
||| Foldr a non-empty list without seeding the accumulator.
||| @ ok proof that the list is non-empty
public export
foldr1 : (a -> a -> a) -> (l : List a) -> {auto ok : NonEmpty l} -> a
foldr1 f [] impossible
foldr1 f [x] = x
foldr1 f (x::y::ys) = f x (foldr1 f (y::ys))
||| Foldl without seeding the accumulator. If the list is empty, return `Nothing`.
public export
foldl1' : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> Maybe a
foldl1' f [] = Nothing
foldl1' f (x::xs) = Just (foldl f x xs)
||| Foldr without seeding the accumulator. If the list is empty, return `Nothing`.
public export
foldr1' : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> Maybe a
foldr1' f [] = Nothing
foldr1' f [x] = Just x
foldr1' f (x::y::ys) = Just (f x !(foldr1' f (y::ys)))
-- Sorting

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@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ Eq Body where
Eq Path where
(==) (MkPath l1 l2 l3 _) (MkPath r1 r2 r3 _) = l1 == r1
&& l2 == r2
(==) (MkPath l1 l2 l3 _) (MkPath r1 r2 r3 _) = l1 == r1
&& l2 == r2
&& l3 == r3
||| An empty path that represents "".
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ emptyPath = MkPath Nothing False [] False
||| Returns true if the path is absolute.
||| - On Unix, a path is absolute if it starts with the root,
||| - On Unix, a path is absolute if it starts with the root,
||| so isAbsolute and hasRoot are equivalent.
||| - On Windows, a path is absolute if it has a volumn and starts
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ parent p = case p.body of
hasTrailSep = False } p
||| Returns a list of all parents of the path, longest first,
||| self excluded.
||| self excluded.
||| For example, the parent of the path, and the parent of the
||| parent of the path, and so on. The list terminates in a
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ startWith base full = base `elem` (iterate parent full)
||| If base is not a prefix of full (i.e., startWith returns false),
||| returns Nothing.
stripPrefix : (base : Path) -> (full : Path) -> Maybe Path
stripPrefix base full
stripPrefix base full
= do let MkPath vol1 root1 body1 _ = base
let MkPath vol2 root2 body2 trialSep = full
if vol1 == vol2 && root1 == root2 then Just () else Nothing
@ -190,21 +190,21 @@ fileName p = case last' p.body of
splitFileName : String -> (String, String)
splitFileName name
splitFileName name
= case break (== '.') $ reverse $ unpack name of
(_, []) => (name, "")
(_, ['.']) => (name, "")
(revExt, (dot :: revStem))
(revExt, (dot :: revStem))
=> ((pack $ reverse revStem), (pack $ reverse revExt))
||| Extracts the stem (non-extension) portion of the file name of path.
||| The stem is:
||| - Nothing, if there is no file name;
||| - The entire file name if there is no embedded ".";
||| - The entire file name if the file name begins with "." and has
||| - The entire file name if the file name begins with "." and has
||| no other "."s within;
||| - Otherwise, the portion of the file name before the final "."
@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ fileStem : Path -> Maybe String
fileStem p = pure $ fst $ splitFileName !(fileName p)
||| Extracts the extension of the file name of path.
||| The extension is:
||| - Nothing, if there is no file name;
||| - Nothing, if there is no embedded ".";
||| - Nothing, if the file name begins with "." and has no other "."s within;
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ extension : Path -> Maybe String
extension p = pure $ snd $ splitFileName !(fileName p)
||| Updates the file name of the path.
||| If no file name, this is equivalent to appending the name;
||| Otherwise it is equivalent to appending the name to the parent.
@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ setFileName : (name : String) -> Path -> Path
setFileName name p = record { body $= updateLastBody name } p
updateLastBody : String -> List Body -> List Body
updateLastBody s [] = [Normal s]
updateLastBody s [] = [Normal s]
updateLastBody s [Normal _] = [Normal s]
updateLastBody s [x] = x :: [Normal s]
updateLastBody s [x] = x :: [Normal s]
updateLastBody s (x::xs) = x :: (updateLastBody s xs)
||| Updates the extension of the path.
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ TokenKind PathTokenKind where
pathTokenMap : TokenMap PathToken
pathTokenMap = toTokenMap $
pathTokenMap = toTokenMap $
[ (is '/', PTPunct '/')
, (is '\\', PTPunct '\\')
, (is ':', PTPunct ':')
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ bodySeperator = (match $ PTPunct '\\') <|> (match $ PTPunct '/')
-- Example: \\?\
-- Windows can automatically translate '/' to '\\'. The verbatim prefix,
-- i.e., `\\?\`, disables the translation.
-- i.e., `\\?\`, disables the translation.
-- Here, we simply parse and then ignore it.
verbatim : Grammar PathToken True ()
@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ verbatimUnc = do verbatim
disk : Grammar PathToken True Volumn
disk = do text <- match PTText
disk <- case unpack text of
(disk :: xs) => pure disk
disk <- case unpack text of
(disk :: xs) => pure disk
[] => fail "Expect Disk"
match $ PTPunct ':'
pure $ Disk (toUpper disk)
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ parseVolumn = verbatimUnc
parseBody : Grammar PathToken True Body
parseBody = do text <- match PTText
the (Grammar _ False _) $
the (Grammar _ False _) $
case text of
" " => fail "Empty body"
".." => pure ParentDir
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ export
parse : String -> Either String Path
parse str = case parse parsePath !(lexPath str) of
Right (p, []) => Right p
Right (p, ts) => Left ("Unrecognised tokens remaining : "
Right (p, ts) => Left ("Unrecognised tokens remaining : "
++ show (map text ts))
Left (Error msg ts) => Left (msg ++ " : " ++ show (map text ts))