Merge pull request #526 from alexhumphreys/feat/buildExpressionParser

Add BuildExpressionParser to contrib
This commit is contained in:
Niklas Larsson 2020-08-18 14:01:20 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 93ecb72012
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 274 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
||| A simple parser combinator library for strings. Inspired by attoparsec zepto.
module Data.String.Parser
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Strings
import Data.Fin
import Data.List
%default partial
@ -153,3 +154,81 @@ option def p = p <|> pure def
optional : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (Maybe a)
optional p = (p >>= \res => pure $ Just res) <|> pure Nothing
||| Discards the result of a parser
skip : Parser a -> Parser ()
skip = ignore
||| Parses a space character
space : Parser Char
space = satisfy isSpace
||| Parses one or more space characters
spaces : Parser ()
spaces = skip (many space) <?> "white space"
||| Discards whitespace after a matching parser
lexeme : Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme p = p <* spaces
||| Matches a specific string, then skips following whitespace
token : String -> Parser ()
token s = lexeme (skip (string s)) <?> "token " ++ show s
||| Fail with some error message
fail : Monad m => String -> ParseT m a
fail x = P $ \s => do pure $ Fail s.pos x
||| Matches a single digit
digit : Parser (Fin 10)
digit = do x <- satisfy isDigit
case lookup x digits of
Nothing => P $ \s => do pure $ Fail s.pos "not a digit"
Just y => P $ \s => Id (OK y s)
digits : List (Char, Fin 10)
digits = [ ('0', 0)
, ('1', 1)
, ('2', 2)
, ('3', 3)
, ('4', 4)
, ('5', 5)
, ('6', 6)
, ('7', 7)
, ('8', 8)
, ('9', 9)
fromDigits : Num a => ((Fin 10) -> a) -> List (Fin 10) -> a
fromDigits f xs = foldl (addDigit) 0 xs
addDigit : a -> (Fin 10) -> a
addDigit num d = 10*num + (f d)
intFromDigits : List (Fin 10) -> Integer
intFromDigits = fromDigits finToInteger
natFromDigits : List (Fin 10) -> Nat
natFromDigits = fromDigits finToNat
||| Matches a natural number
natural : Parser Nat
natural = do x <- some digit
pure (natFromDigits x)
||| Matches an integer, eg. "12", "-4"
integer : Parser Integer
integer = do minus <- optional (char '-')
x <- some digit
case minus of
Nothing => pure (intFromDigits x)
(Just y) => pure ((intFromDigits x)*(-1))

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
-- Port of
-- Original License BSD-style:
module Data.String.Parser.Expression
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.String.Parser
public export
data Assoc = AssocNone
| AssocLeft
| AssocRight
public export
data Operator a = Infix (Parser (a -> a -> a)) Assoc
| Prefix (Parser (a -> a))
| Postfix (Parser (a -> a))
public export
OperatorTable : Type -> Type
OperatorTable a = List (List (Operator a))
public export
BinaryOperator : Type -> Type
BinaryOperator a = List (Parser (a -> a -> a))
public export
UnaryOperator : Type -> Type
UnaryOperator a = List (Parser (a -> a))
public export
data Ops a = BinOp (BinaryOperator a) | UnOp (UnaryOperator a)
public export
ReturnType : Type -> Type
ReturnType a = (BinaryOperator a, BinaryOperator a, BinaryOperator a, UnaryOperator a, UnaryOperator a)
toParserBin : BinaryOperator a -> Parser (a -> a -> a)
toParserBin [] = fail "couldn't create binary parser"
toParserBin (x :: xs) = x <|> toParserBin xs
toParserUn : UnaryOperator a -> Parser (a -> a)
toParserUn [] = fail "couldn't create unary parser"
toParserUn (x :: xs) = x <|> toParserUn xs
ambigious : (assoc : String) -> (op : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> Parser a
ambigious assoc op = do op
fail ("ambiguous use of a " ++ assoc ++ " associative operator")
mkRassocP : (amLeft : Parser a) -> (amNon : Parser a) -> (rassocOp : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> (termP : Parser a) -> (x : a) -> Parser a
mkRassocP amLeft amNon rassocOp termP x =
(do f <- rassocOp
y <- do z <- termP ; mkRassocP1 amLeft amNon rassocOp termP z
pure (f x y))
<|> (amLeft)
<|> (amNon)
mkRassocP1 : (amLeft : Parser a) -> (amNon : Parser a) -> (rassocOp : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> (termP : Parser a) -> (x : a) -> Parser a
mkRassocP1 amLeft amNon rassocOp termP x = (mkRassocP amLeft amNon rassocOp termP x) <|> pure x
mkLassocP : (amRight : Parser a) -> (amNon : Parser a) -> (lassocOp : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> (termP : Parser a) -> (x : a) -> Parser a
mkLassocP amRight amNon lassocOp termP x =
(do f <- lassocOp
y <- termP
mkLassocP1 amRight amNon lassocOp termP (f x y))
<|> amRight
<|> amNon
mkLassocP1 : (amRight : Parser a) -> (amNon : Parser a) -> (lassocOp : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> (termP : Parser a) -> (x : a) -> Parser a
mkLassocP1 amRight amNon lassocOp termP x = mkLassocP amRight amNon lassocOp termP x <|> pure x
mkNassocP : (amRight : Parser a) -> (amLeft : Parser a) -> (amNon : Parser a) -> (nassocOp : Parser (a -> a -> a)) -> (termP : Parser a) -> (x : a) -> Parser a
mkNassocP amRight amLeft amNon nassocOp termP x =
do f <- nassocOp
y <- termP
amRight <|> amLeft <|> amNon
pure (f x y)
public export
buildExpressionParser : (a : Type) -> OperatorTable a -> Parser a -> Parser a
buildExpressionParser a operators simpleExpr =
foldl (makeParser a) simpleExpr operators
splitOp : (a : Type) -> Operator a -> ReturnType a -> ReturnType a
splitOp x (Infix op AssocNone) (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix) = (rassoc, lassoc, op :: nassoc, prefixx, postfix)
splitOp x (Infix op AssocLeft) (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix) = (rassoc, op :: lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix)
splitOp x (Infix op AssocRight) (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix) = (op :: rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix)
splitOp x (Prefix op) (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix) = (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, op :: prefixx, postfix)
splitOp x (Postfix op) (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, postfix) = (rassoc, lassoc, nassoc, prefixx, op :: postfix)
makeParser : (a : Type) -> Parser a -> List (Operator a) -> Parser a
makeParser a term ops =
let (rassoc,lassoc,nassoc
,prefixx,postfix) = foldr (splitOp a) ([],[],[],[],[]) ops
rassocOp = toParserBin rassoc
lassocOp = toParserBin lassoc
nassocOp = toParserBin nassoc
prefixxOp = toParserUn prefixx
postfixOp = toParserUn postfix
amRight = ambigious "right" rassocOp
amLeft = ambigious "left" lassocOp
amNon = ambigious "non" nassocOp
prefixxP = prefixxOp <|> pure (\x => x)
postfixP = postfixOp <|> pure (\x => x)
termP = do pre <- prefixxP
x <- term
post <- postfixP
pure (post (pre x))
rassocP = mkRassocP amLeft amNon rassocOp termP
rassocP1 = mkRassocP1 amLeft amNon rassocOp termP
lassocP = mkLassocP amRight amNon lassocOp termP
lassocP1 = mkLassocP1 amRight amNon lassocOp termP
nassocP = mkNassocP amRight amLeft amNon nassocOp termP
do x <- termP
rassocP x <|> lassocP x <|> nassocP x <|> pure x <?> "operator"

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ chezTests
"chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010", "chez011", "chez012",
"chez013", "chez014", "chez015", "chez016", "chez017", "chez018",
"chez019", "chez020", "chez021", "chez022", "chez023", "chez024",
"chez025", "chez026", "chez027",
"chez025", "chez026", "chez027", "chez028",
nodeTests : List String

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module Main
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Nat
import Data.String.Parser
import Data.String.Parser.Expression
%default partial
table : OperatorTable Nat
table =
[ [Infix (do token "^"; pure (power) ) AssocRight]
, [ Infix (do token "*"; pure (*) ) AssocLeft ]
, [ Infix (do token "+"; pure (+) ) AssocLeft ]
table' : OperatorTable Integer
table' =
[ [ Infix (do token "*"; pure (*) ) AssocLeft
, Infix (do token "/"; pure (div) ) AssocLeft
, [ Infix (do token "+"; pure (+) ) AssocLeft
, Infix (do token "-"; pure (-) ) AssocLeft
term : Parser Nat
term = (natural <|> expr) <* spaces
<?> "simple expression"
expr : Parser Nat
expr = buildExpressionParser Nat table term
term' : Parser Integer
term' = (integer <|> expr') <* spaces
<?> "simple expression"
expr' : Parser Integer
expr' = buildExpressionParser Integer table' term'
showRes : Show a => Either String (a, Int) -> IO ()
showRes res = case res of
Left err => putStrLn err
Right (xs, rem) => printLn xs
main : IO ()
main = do showRes (parse natural "5678")
showRes (parse integer "-3")
showRes (parse expr "1+4^3^2^1")
showRes (parse expr' "4 + 2 * 3")
showRes (parse expr' "13-3+1*2-10/2")

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building ExpressionParser (ExpressionParser.idr)
Main> Main> Bye for now!

tests/chez/chez028/input Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:exec main

tests/chez/chez028/run Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-banner -p contrib ExpressionParser.idr < input
rm -rf build