Support for incremental compilation with Chez

This adds a new flag '--inc <backend>' which, if set, compiles all
modules incrementally, and for executables, links the incrementally
compiled modules rather than building the whole program.

Also, adds an environment variable IDRIS2_INC_CGS for providing a comma
separated list of backends to use for incremental builds.

Also, adds '--whole-program', which overrides incremental builds for an

Incremental builds are much faster if there's nothing to recompile, but
for the Chez backend, generate code which runs at about half the speed.

Currently only works for Chez - other backends ignore the flag.

Also, incremental building of an executable will only work if *all*
required modules have been built incrementally for the backend in use.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2021-06-27 15:40:23 +01:00
parent 939bc8d8ff
commit 94088bea80
31 changed files with 575 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ src/IdrisPaths.idr: FORCE
base: prelude
network: prelude
contrib: base
test-lib: contrib
libs : prelude base contrib network test-lib

View File

@ -8,5 +8,12 @@ sourcedir = "src"
-- (Currently supported by Racket and Chez back ends, others ignore it)
-- opts = "--profile"
-- Set if you want incremental builds. This is good for development, since
-- small changes compile faster, but bad for deployment since the resulting
-- executable runs at around half the speed.
-- (Alternatively: set the environment variable IDRIS2_INC_CGS=chez)
-- For this to work, you need to do the initial incremental build from clean.
-- opts = "--inc chez"
main = Idris.Main
executable = idris2

View File

@ -39,6 +39,17 @@ record Codegen where
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
||| Execute an Idris 2 expression directly.
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
||| Incrementally compile definitions in the current module (toIR defs)
||| if supported
||| Takes a source file name, returns the name of the generated object
||| file, if successful, plus any other backend specific data in a list
||| of strings. The generated object file should be placed in the same
||| directory as the associated TTC.
incCompileFile : Maybe (Ref Ctxt Defs ->
(sourcefile : String) ->
Core (Maybe (String, List String)))
||| If incremental compilation is supported, get the output file extension
incExt : Maybe String
-- Say which phase of compilation is the last one to use - it saves time if
-- you only ask for what you need.
@ -107,6 +118,14 @@ execute {c} cg tm
executeExpr cg c tmpDir tm
pure ()
incCompile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Codegen -> String -> Core (Maybe (String, List String))
incCompile {c} cg src
= do let Just inc = incCompileFile cg
| Nothing => pure Nothing
inc c src
-- If an entry isn't already decoded, get the minimal entry we need for
-- compilation, and record the Binary so that we can put it back when we're
-- done (so that we don't obliterate the definition)
@ -250,6 +269,15 @@ dumpVMCode fn lns
dumpDef : (Name, VMDef) -> String
dumpDef (n, d) = fullShow n ++ " = " ++ show d ++ "\n"
nonErased : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core Bool
nonErased n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure True
pure (multiplicity gdef /= erased)
-- Find all the names which need compiling, from a given expression, and compile
-- them to CExp form (and update that in the Defs).
-- Return the names, the type tags, and a compiled version of the expression
@ -324,13 +352,40 @@ getCompileData doLazyAnnots phase tm_in
pure (MkCompileData compiledtm
(mapMaybe id namedefs)
lifted anf vmcode)
nonErased : Name -> Core Bool
nonErased n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure True
pure (multiplicity gdef /= erased)
compileTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
ClosedTerm -> Core (CExp [])
compileTerm tm_in
= do tm <- toFullNames tm_in
fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)
getIncCompileData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> (doLazyAnnots : Bool) ->
UsePhase -> Core CompileData
getIncCompileData doLazyAnnots phase
= do defs <- get Ctxt
-- Compile all the names in 'toIR', since those are the ones defined
-- in the current source file
let ns = keys (toIR defs)
cns <- traverse toFullNames ns
rcns <- filterM nonErased cns
traverse_ mkForgetDef rcns
namedefs <- traverse getNamedDef rcns
lifted_in <- if phase >= Lifted
then logTime "++ Lambda lift" $ traverse (lambdaLift doLazyAnnots) rcns
else pure []
let lifted = concat lifted_in
anf <- if phase >= ANF
then logTime "++ Get ANF" $ traverse (\ (n, d) => pure (n, !(toANF d))) lifted
else pure []
vmcode <- if phase >= VMCode
then logTime "++ Get VM Code" $ pure (allDefs anf)
else pure []
pure (MkCompileData (CErased emptyFC)
(mapMaybe id namedefs)
lifted anf vmcode)
-- Some things missing from Prelude.File

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Name
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
@ -683,17 +684,53 @@ getCFTypes args (NBind fc _ (Pi _ _ _ ty) sc)
getCFTypes args t
= pure (reverse args, !(nfToCFType (getLoc t) False t))
lamRHSenv : Int -> FC -> (ns : List Name) -> SubstCEnv ns []
lamRHSenv i fc [] = []
lamRHSenv i fc (n :: ns)
= CRef fc (MN "x" i) :: lamRHSenv (i + 1) fc ns
mkBounds : (xs : _) -> Bounds xs
mkBounds [] = None
mkBounds (x :: xs) = Add x x (mkBounds xs)
getNewArgs : {done : _} ->
SubstCEnv done args -> List Name
getNewArgs [] = []
getNewArgs (CRef _ n :: xs) = n :: getNewArgs xs
getNewArgs {done = x :: xs} (_ :: sub) = x :: getNewArgs sub
-- If a name is declared in one module and defined in another,
-- we have to assume arity 0 for incremental compilation because
-- we have no idea how it's defined, and when we made calls to the
-- function, they had arity 0.
lamRHS : (ns : List Name) -> CExp ns -> CExp []
lamRHS ns tm
= let env = lamRHSenv 0 (getFC tm) ns
tmExp = substs env (rewrite appendNilRightNeutral ns in tm)
newArgs = reverse $ getNewArgs env
bounds = mkBounds newArgs
expLocs = mkLocals zero {vars = []} bounds tmExp in
lamBind (getFC tm) _ expLocs
lamBind : FC -> (ns : List Name) -> CExp ns -> CExp []
lamBind fc [] tm = tm
lamBind fc (n :: ns) tm = lamBind fc ns (CLam fc n tm)
toCDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> ClosedTerm -> List Nat -> Def ->
Core CDef
toCDef n ty _ None
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered undefined name " ++ show !(getFullName n))
toCDef n ty erased (PMDef _ args _ tree _)
toCDef n ty erased (PMDef pi args _ tree _)
= do let (args' ** p) = mkSub 0 args erased
comptree <- toCExpTree n tree
if isNil erased
then pure $ MkFun args comptree
else pure $ MkFun args' (shrinkCExp p comptree)
pure $ toLam (externalDecl pi) $ if isNil erased
then MkFun args comptree
else MkFun args' (shrinkCExp p comptree)
toLam : Bool -> CDef -> CDef
toLam True (MkFun args rhs) = MkFun [] (lamRHS args rhs)
toLam _ d = d
toCDef n ty _ (ExternDef arity)
= let (ns ** args) = mkArgList 0 arity in
pure $ MkFun _ (CExtPrim emptyFC !(getFullName n) (map toArgExp (getVars args)))
@ -759,9 +796,22 @@ compileDef n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Trying to compile unknown name " ++ show n))
ce <- toCDef n (type gdef) (eraseArgs gdef)
!(toFullNames (definition gdef))
setCompiled n ce
-- If we're incremental, and the name has no definition yet, it
-- might end up defined in another module, so leave it, but warn
if noDefYet (definition gdef) (incrementalCGs !getSession)
-- This won't be accurate if we have names declared in one module
-- and defined elsewhere. It's tricky to do the complete check that
-- we do for whole program compilation, though, since that involves
-- traversing everything from the main expression.
-- For now, consider it an incentive not to have cycles :).
then recordWarning (GenericWarn ("Compiling hole " ++ show n))
else do ce <- toCDef n (type gdef) (eraseArgs gdef)
!(toFullNames (definition gdef))
setCompiled n ce
noDefYet : Def -> List CG -> Bool
noDefYet None (_ :: _) = True
noDefYet _ _ = False
mkForgetDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -70,4 +70,4 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm =
||| Codegen wrapper for Javascript implementation.
codegenJavascript : Codegen
codegenJavascript = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr
codegenJavascript = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm =
||| Codegen wrapper for Node implementation.
codegenNode : Codegen
codegenNode = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr
codegenNode = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.FC
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Libraries.Data.LengthMatch
@ -315,9 +316,9 @@ fixArityTm (CRef fc n) args
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure (unload args (CRef fc n))
let Just def = compexpr gdef
| Nothing => pure (unload args (CRef fc n))
let arity = getArity def
let arity = case compexpr gdef of
Just def => getArity def
_ => 0
pure $ expandToArity arity (CApp fc (CRef fc n) []) args
fixArityTm (CLam fc x sc) args
= pure $ expandToArity Z (CLam fc x !(fixArityTm sc [])) args
@ -501,9 +502,16 @@ mergeLamDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core ()
mergeLamDef n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs) | Nothing => pure ()
let Just cexpr = compexpr def | Nothing => pure ()
setCompiled n !(mergeLam cexpr)
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure ()
let PMDef pi _ _ _ _ = definition def
| _ => pure ()
if not (isNil (incrementalCGs !getSession)) &&
externalDecl pi -- better keep it at arity 0
then pure ()
else do let Just cexpr = compexpr def
| Nothing => pure ()
setCompiled n !(mergeLam cexpr)
compileAndInlineAll : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -1046,4 +1046,4 @@ compileExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ = pure Nothing
codegenRefC : Codegen
codegenRefC = MkCG (compileExpr ANF) executeExpr
codegenRefC = MkCG (compileExpr ANF) executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ findLibs ds
then Just (trim (substr 3 (length d) d))
else Nothing
schHeader : String -> List String -> String
schHeader chez libs
schHeader : String -> List String -> Bool -> String
schHeader chez libs whole
= (if os /= "windows" then "#!" ++ chez ++ " --script\n\n" else "") ++
"; @generated\n" ++
"(import (chezscheme))\n" ++
@ -95,14 +95,18 @@ schHeader chez libs
" (load-shared-object \"ws2_32.dll\")]\n" ++
" [else (load-shared-object \"\")])\n\n" ++
showSep "\n" (map (\x => "(load-shared-object \"" ++ escapeStringChez x ++ "\")") libs) ++ "\n\n" ++
"(let ()\n"
if whole
then "(let ()\n"
else "(source-directories (cons (getenv \"IDRIS2_INC_SRC\") '()))\n"
schFooter : Bool -> String
schFooter prof
schFooter : Bool -> Bool -> String
schFooter prof whole
= "(collect 4)\n(blodwen-run-finalisers)\n" ++
if prof
then "(profile-dump-html))\n"
else ")\n"
(if prof
then "(profile-dump-html)"
else "") ++
(if whole
then ")\n" else "\n")
showChezChar : Char -> String -> String
showChezChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ mutual
= do structsc <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 struct
pure $ "(ftype-ref " ++ s ++ " (" ++ fld ++ ") " ++ structsc ++ ")"
chezExtPrim i GetField [_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad getField\")"
= pure "(blodwen-error-quit \"bad getField\")"
chezExtPrim i SetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _, val, world]
= do structsc <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 struct
@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ mutual
"(ftype-set! " ++ s ++ " (" ++ fld ++ ") " ++ structsc ++
" " ++ valsc ++ ")"
chezExtPrim i SetField [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad setField\")"
= pure "(blodwen-error-quit \"bad setField\")"
chezExtPrim i SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"chez\""
chezExtPrim i OnCollect [_, p, c, world]
@ -213,34 +217,55 @@ cftySpec fc (CFStruct n t) = pure $ "(* " ++ n ++ ")"
cftySpec fc t = throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show t ++
" to foreign function"))
loadLib : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> Core String
loadLib appdir clib
= do (fname, fullname) <- locate clib
copyLib (appdir </> fname, fullname)
pure $ "(load-shared-object \""
++ escapeStringChez fname
++ "\")\n"
loadSO : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> Core String
loadSO appdir "" = pure ""
loadSO appdir mod
= do d <- getDirs
let fs = map (\p => p </> mod)
((build_dir d </> "ttc") :: extra_dirs d)
Just fname <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Missing .so:" ++ mod))
-- Easier to put them all in the same directory, so we don't need
-- to traverse a directory tree when installing the executable. So,
-- separate with '-' rather than directory separators.
let modfname = fastConcat (intersperse "-" (splitPath mod))
copyLib (appdir </> modfname, fname)
pure $ "(load \"" ++ escapeStringChez modfname ++ "\")\n"
cCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs}
-> {auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)}
-> String
-> FC
-> (cfn : String)
-> (clib : String)
-> List (Name, CFType)
-> CFType
-> (collectSafe : Bool)
-> Core (String, String)
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args (CFIORes CFGCPtr) _
-> Core (Maybe String, String)
cCall fc cfn clib args (CFIORes CFGCPtr) _
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't return GCPtr from a foreign function")
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args CFGCPtr _
cCall fc cfn clib args CFGCPtr _
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't return GCPtr from a foreign function")
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args (CFIORes CFBuffer) _
cCall fc cfn clib args (CFIORes CFBuffer) _
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't return Buffer from a foreign function")
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args CFBuffer _
cCall fc cfn clib args CFBuffer _
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't return Buffer from a foreign function")
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret collectSafe
cCall fc cfn clib args ret collectSafe
= do loaded <- get Loaded
lib <- if clib `elem` loaded
then pure ""
else do (fname, fullname) <- locate clib
copyLib (appdir </> fname, fullname)
put Loaded (clib :: loaded)
pure $ "(load-shared-object \""
++ escapeStringChez fname
++ "\")\n"
then pure Nothing
else do put Loaded (clib :: loaded)
pure (Just clib)
argTypes <- traverse (cftySpec fc . snd) args
retType <- cftySpec fc ret
let callConv = if collectSafe then " __collect_safe" else ""
@ -305,22 +330,22 @@ schemeCall fc sfn argns ret
-- function call.
useCC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
String -> FC -> List String -> List (Name, CFType) -> CFType ->
Maybe Version -> Core (String, String)
useCC appdir fc ccs args ret version
FC -> List String -> List (Name, CFType) -> CFType ->
Maybe Version -> Core (Maybe String, String)
useCC fc ccs args ret version
= case parseCC ["scheme,chez", "scheme", "C__collect_safe", "C"] ccs of
Just ("scheme,chez", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
pure (Nothing, body)
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
pure (Nothing, body)
Just ("C__collect_safe", (cfn :: clib :: _)) => do
if unsupportedCallingConvention version
then cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret False
else cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret True
then cCall fc cfn clib args ret False
else cCall fc cfn clib args ret True
Just ("C", (cfn :: clib :: _)) =>
cCall appdir fc cfn clib args ret False
cCall fc cfn clib args ret False
_ => throw (NoForeignCC fc ccs)
-- For every foreign arg type, return a name, and whether to pass it to the
@ -350,28 +375,30 @@ mkStruct _ = pure ""
schFgnDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
String -> FC -> Name -> NamedDef -> Maybe Version -> Core (String, String)
schFgnDef appdir fc n (MkNmForeign cs args ret) version
FC -> Name -> NamedDef -> Maybe Version ->
Core (Maybe String, String)
schFgnDef fc n (MkNmForeign cs args ret) version
= do let argns = mkArgs 0 args
let allargns = map fst argns
let useargns = map fst (filter snd argns)
argStrs <- traverse mkStruct args
retStr <- mkStruct ret
(load, body) <- useCC appdir fc cs (zip useargns args) ret version
(load, body) <- useCC fc cs (zip useargns args) ret version
defs <- get Ctxt
pure (load,
concat argStrs ++ retStr ++
"(define " ++ schName !(full (gamma defs) n) ++
" (lambda (" ++ showSep " " (map schName allargns) ++ ") " ++
body ++ "))\n")
schFgnDef _ _ _ _ _ = pure ("", "")
schFgnDef _ _ _ _ = pure (Nothing, "")
getFgnCall : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
{auto s : Ref Structs (List String)} ->
String -> Maybe Version -> (Name, FC, NamedDef) -> Core (String, String)
getFgnCall appdir version (n, fc, d) = schFgnDef appdir fc n d version
Maybe Version -> (Name, FC, NamedDef) ->
Core (Maybe String, String)
getFgnCall version (n, fc, d) = schFgnDef fc n d version
startChezPreamble : String
@ -391,6 +418,7 @@ startChezPreamble = unlines
startChez : String -> String -> String
startChez appdir target = startChezPreamble ++ unlines
[ "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$DIR/" ++ appdir ++ "\":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
, "export IDRIS2_INC_SRC=\"$DIR/" ++ appdir ++ "\""
, "\"$DIR/" ++ target ++ "\" \"$@\""
@ -399,6 +427,7 @@ startChezCmd chez appdir target = unlines
[ "@echo off"
, "set APPDIR=%~dp0"
, "set PATH=%APPDIR%\\" ++ appdir ++ ";%PATH%"
, "\"" ++ chez ++ "\" --script \"%APPDIR%/" ++ target ++ "\" %*"
@ -411,12 +440,14 @@ startChezWinSh chez appdir target = unlines
, "DIR=$(dirname \"$(readlink -f -- \"$0\")\")"
, "CHEZ=$(cygpath \"" ++ chez ++"\")"
, "export PATH=\"$DIR/" ++ appdir ++ "\":$PATH"
, "export IDRIS2_INC_SRC=\"$DIR/" ++ appdir ++ "\""
, "\"$CHEZ\" --script \"$DIR/" ++ target ++ "\" \"$@\""
||| Compile a TT expression to Chez Scheme
compileToSS : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
Bool -> String -> ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
Bool -> -- profiling
String -> ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSS c prof appdir tm outfile
= do ds <- getDirectives Chez
libs <- findLibs ds
@ -430,17 +461,19 @@ compileToSS c prof appdir tm outfile
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
chez <- coreLift findChez
version <- coreLift $ chezVersion chez
fgndefs <- traverse (getFgnCall appdir version) ndefs
fgndefs <- traverse (getFgnCall version) ndefs
loadlibs <- traverse (loadLib appdir) (mapMaybe fst fgndefs)
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme chezExtPrim chezString) ndefs
let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs)
main <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 ctm
support <- readDataFile "chez/"
extraRuntime <- getExtraRuntime ds
let scm = schHeader chez (map snd libs) ++
let scm = schHeader chez (map snd libs) True ++
support ++ extraRuntime ++ code ++
concat (map fst fgndefs) ++
concat loadlibs ++
"(collect-request-handler (lambda () (collect) (blodwen-run-finalisers)))\n" ++
main ++ schFooter prof
main ++ schFooter prof True
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift_ $ chmodRaw outfile 0o755
@ -448,7 +481,8 @@ compileToSS c prof appdir tm outfile
||| Compile a Chez Scheme source file to an executable, daringly with runtime checks off.
compileToSO : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Bool -> String -> (appDirRel : String) -> (outSsAbs : String) -> Core ()
Bool -> -- profiling
String -> (appDirRel : String) -> (outSsAbs : String) -> Core ()
compileToSO prof chez appDirRel outSsAbs
= do let tmpFileAbs = appDirRel </> "compileChez"
let build = "(parameterize ([optimize-level 3] "
@ -462,6 +496,35 @@ compileToSO prof chez appDirRel outSsAbs
coreLift_ $ system (chez ++ " --script \"" ++ tmpFileAbs ++ "\"")
pure ()
||| Compile a TT expression to Chez Scheme using incremental module builds
compileToSSInc : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
List String -> -- module so files
List String -> -- libraries to find and load
String -> ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSSInc c mods libs appdir tm outfile
= do chez <- coreLift findChez
tmcexp <- compileTerm tm
let ctm = forget tmcexp
loadlibs <- traverse (loadLib appdir) (nub libs)
loadsos <- traverse (loadSO appdir) (nub mods)
main <- schExp chezExtPrim chezString 0 ctm
support <- readDataFile "chez/"
let scm = schHeader chez [] False ++
support ++
concat loadlibs ++
concat loadsos ++
"(collect-request-handler (lambda () (collect) (blodwen-run-finalisers)))\n" ++
main ++ schFooter False False
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift_ $ chmodRaw outfile 0o755
pure ()
makeSh : String -> String -> String -> Core ()
makeSh outShRel appdir outAbs
= do Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outShRel (startChez appdir outAbs)
@ -478,10 +541,9 @@ makeShWindows chez outShRel appdir outAbs
| Left err => throw (FileErr outShRel err)
pure ()
||| Chez Scheme implementation of the `compileExpr` interface.
compileExpr : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> (outputDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
compileExprWhole : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> (outputDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExprWhole makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
= do let appDirRel = outfile ++ "_app" -- relative to build dir
let appDirGen = outputDir </> appDirRel -- relative to here
coreLift_ $ mkdirAll appDirGen
@ -494,7 +556,8 @@ compileExpr makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
chez <- coreLift $ findChez
let prof = profile !getSession
compileToSS c (makeitso && prof) appDirGen tm outSsAbs
logTime "++ Make SO" $ when makeitso $ compileToSO prof chez appDirGen outSsAbs
logTime "++ Make SO" $ when makeitso $
compileToSO prof chez appDirGen outSsAbs
let outShRel = outputDir </> outfile
if isWindows
then makeShWindows chez outShRel appDirRel (if makeitso then outSoFile else outSsFile)
@ -502,6 +565,41 @@ compileExpr makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
coreLift_ $ chmodRaw outShRel 0o755
pure (Just outShRel)
compileExprInc : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> (outputDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExprInc makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let Just (mods, libs) = lookup Chez (allIncData defs)
| Nothing =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Missing incremental compile data, reverting to whole program compilation"
compileExprWhole makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
let appDirRel = outfile ++ "_app" -- relative to build dir
let appDirGen = outputDir </> appDirRel -- relative to here
coreLift_ $ mkdirAll appDirGen
Just cwd <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
let outSsFile = appDirRel </> outfile <.> "ss"
let outSoFile = appDirRel </> outfile <.> "so"
let outSsAbs = cwd </> outputDir </> outSsFile
let outSoAbs = cwd </> outputDir </> outSoFile
chez <- coreLift $ findChez
compileToSSInc c mods libs appDirGen tm outSsAbs
let outShRel = outputDir </> outfile
if isWindows
then makeShWindows chez outShRel appDirRel outSsFile
else makeSh outShRel appDirRel outSsFile
coreLift_ $ chmodRaw outShRel 0o755
pure (Just outShRel)
||| Chez Scheme implementation of the `compileExpr` interface.
compileExpr : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> (outputDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
= do s <- getSession
if not (wholeProgram s) && (Chez `elem` incrementalCGs !getSession)
then compileExprInc makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
else compileExprWhole makeitso c tmpDir outputDir tm outfile
||| Chez Scheme implementation of the `executeExpr` interface.
||| This implementation simply runs the usual compiler, saving it to a temp file, then interpreting it.
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (tmpDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
@ -511,7 +609,44 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm
coreLift_ $ system sh
pure ()
incCompile : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
(sourceFile : String) -> Core (Maybe (String, List String))
incCompile c sourceFile
= do ssFile <- getTTCFileName sourceFile "ss"
soFile <- getTTCFileName sourceFile "so"
soFilename <- getObjFileName sourceFile "so"
cdata <- getIncCompileData False Cases
d <- getDirs
let outputDir = build_dir d </> "ttc"
let ndefs = namedDefs cdata
if isNil ndefs
then pure (Just ("", []))
-- ^ no code to generate, but still recored that the
-- module has been compiled, with no output needed.
else do
l <- newRef {t = List String} Loaded ["libc", "libc 6"]
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
chez <- coreLift findChez
version <- coreLift $ chezVersion chez
fgndefs <- traverse (getFgnCall version) ndefs
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme chezExtPrim chezString) ndefs
let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs)
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile ssFile code
| Left err => throw (FileErr ssFile err)
-- Compile to .so
let tmpFileAbs = outputDir </> "compileChez"
let build = "(parameterize ([optimize-level 3] " ++
"[compile-file-message #f]) (compile-file " ++
show ssFile ++ "))"
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile tmpFileAbs build
| Left err => throw (FileErr tmpFileAbs err)
coreLift_ $ system (chez ++ " --script \"" ++ tmpFileAbs ++ "\"")
pure (Just (soFilename, mapMaybe fst fgndefs))
||| Codegen wrapper for Chez scheme implementation.
codegenChez : Codegen
codegenChez = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr
codegenChez = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr (Just incCompile) (Just "so")

View File

@ -217,8 +217,9 @@ compileToSS c chez appdir tm = do
++ " (import (chezscheme) (support) " ++ imports ++ ")\n\n"
let footer = ")"
fgndefs <- traverse (Chez.getFgnCall appdir version) cu.definitions
fgndefs <- traverse (Chez.getFgnCall version) cu.definitions
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme Chez.chezExtPrim Chez.chezString) cu.definitions
loadlibs <- traverse (loadLib appdir) (mapMaybe fst fgndefs)
-- write the files
log "compiler.scheme.chez" 3 $ "Generating code for " ++ chezLib
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ compileToSS c chez appdir tm = do
++ map snd fgndefs -- definitions using foreign libs
++ compdefs
++ map fst fgndefs -- foreign library load statements
++ loadlibs -- foreign library load statements
++ [footer]
Core.writeFile (appdir </> chezLib <.> "hash") cuHash
@ -311,4 +312,4 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm
||| Codegen wrapper for Chez scheme implementation.
codegenChezSep : Codegen
codegenChezSep = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr
codegenChezSep = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -423,4 +423,4 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm
codegenGambit : Codegen
codegenGambit = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr
codegenGambit = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -456,4 +456,4 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm
codegenRacket : Codegen
codegenRacket = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr
codegenRacket = MkCG (compileExpr True) executeExpr Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import public Libraries.Utils.Binary
||| (Increment this when changing anything in the data format)
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 56
ttcVersion = 57
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ record TTCFile extra where
sourceHash : String
ifaceHash : Int
importHashes : List (Namespace, Int)
incData : List (CG, String, List String)
context : List (Name, Binary)
userHoles : List Name
autoHints : List (Name, Bool)
@ -92,14 +93,14 @@ HasNames (Name, Name, Bool) where
resolved c (n1, n2, b) = pure (!(resolved c n1), !(resolved c n2), b)
HasNames e => HasNames (TTCFile e) where
full gam (MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes
full gam (MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes incData
context userHoles
autoHints typeHints
imported nextVar currentNS nestedNS
pairnames rewritenames primnames
namedirectives cgdirectives trans
= pure $ MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes
= pure $ MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes incData
context userHoles
!(traverse (full gam) autoHints)
!(traverse (full gam) typeHints)
@ -130,14 +131,14 @@ HasNames e => HasNames (TTCFile e) where
-- I don't think we ever actually want to call this, because after we read
-- from the file we're going to add them to learn what the resolved names
-- are supposed to be! But for completeness, let's do it right.
resolved gam (MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes
resolved gam (MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes incData
context userHoles
autoHints typeHints
imported nextVar currentNS nestedNS
pairnames rewritenames primnames
namedirectives cgdirectives trans
= pure $ MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes
= pure $ MkTTCFile version sourceHash ifaceHash iHashes incData
context userHoles
!(traverse (resolved gam) autoHints)
!(traverse (resolved gam) typeHints)
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ writeTTCFile b file_in
toBuf b (sourceHash file)
toBuf b (ifaceHash file)
toBuf b (importHashes file)
toBuf b (incData file)
toBuf b (imported file)
toBuf b (extraData file)
toBuf b (context file)
@ -208,10 +210,12 @@ readTTCFile readall file as b
sourceFileHash <- fromBuf b
ifaceHash <- fromBuf b
importHashes <- fromBuf b
incData <- fromBuf b
imp <- fromBuf b
ex <- fromBuf b
if not readall
then pure (MkTTCFile ver sourceFileHash ifaceHash importHashes [] [] [] [] []
then pure (MkTTCFile ver sourceFileHash ifaceHash importHashes
incData [] [] [] [] []
0 (mkNamespace "") [] Nothing
(MkPrimNs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing)
@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ readTTCFile readall file as b
nds <- fromBuf b
cgds <- fromBuf b
trans <- fromBuf b
pure (MkTTCFile ver sourceFileHash ifaceHash importHashes
pure (MkTTCFile ver sourceFileHash ifaceHash importHashes incData
(map (replaceNS cns) defs) uholes
autohs typehs imp nextv cns nns
pns rws prims nds cgds trans ex)
@ -277,6 +281,7 @@ writeToTTC extradata sourceFileName ttcFileName
log "ttc.write" 5 $ "Writing " ++ ttcFileName ++ " with source hash " ++ sourceHash ++ " and interface hash " ++ show (ifaceHash defs)
writeTTCFile bin
(MkTTCFile ttcVersion (sourceHash) (ifaceHash defs) (importHashes defs)
(incData defs)
(keys (userHoles defs))
(saveAutoHints defs)
@ -455,7 +460,7 @@ readFromTTC nestedns loc reexp fname modNS importAs
ttc <- readTTCFile True fname as bin
let ex = extraData ttc
traverse_ (addGlobalDef modNS (currentNS ttc) as) (context ttc)
traverse_ addUserHole (userHoles ttc)
traverse_ (addUserHole True) (userHoles ttc)
setNS (currentNS ttc)
when nestedns $ setNestedNS (nestedNS ttc)
-- Only do the next batch if the module hasn't been loaded
@ -464,6 +469,8 @@ readFromTTC nestedns loc reexp fname modNS importAs
-- Set up typeHints and autoHints based on the loaded data
do traverse_ (addTypeHint loc) (typeHints ttc)
traverse_ addAutoHint (autoHints ttc)
addImportedInc modNS (incData ttc)
defs <- get Ctxt
-- Set up pair/rewrite etc names
updatePair (pairnames ttc)
updateRewrite (rewritenames ttc)

View File

@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ record PMDefInfo where
holeInfo : HoleInfo -- data if it comes from a solved hole
alwaysReduce : Bool -- always reduce, even when quoting etc
-- typically for inlinable metavariable solutions
externalDecl : Bool -- declared in another module, which may affect how it
-- is compiled
defaultPI : PMDefInfo
defaultPI = MkPMDefInfo NotHole False
defaultPI = MkPMDefInfo NotHole False False
public export
record TypeFlags where
@ -1104,12 +1106,19 @@ record Defs where
-- be interpreted however the specific code generator requires
toCompileCase : List Name
-- ^ Names which need to be compiled to run time case trees
incData : List (CG, String, List String)
-- ^ What we've compiled incrementally for this module: codegen,
-- object file, any additional CG dependent data (e.g. linker flags)
allIncData : List (CG, List String, List String)
-- ^ Incrementally compiled files for all imports. Only lists CGs for
-- while all modules have associated incremental compile data
toIR : NameMap ()
-- ^ Names which need to be compiled to IR at the end of processing
-- the current module
userHoles : NameMap ()
userHoles : NameMap Bool
-- ^ Metavariables the user still has to fill in. In practice, that's
-- everything with a user accessible name and a definition of Hole
-- everything with a user accessible name and a definition of Hole.
-- The Bool says whether it was introduced in another module.
peFailures : NameMap ()
-- ^ Partial evaluation names which have failed, so don't bother trying
-- again
@ -1159,6 +1168,8 @@ initDefs
, allImported = []
, cgdirectives = []
, toCompileCase = []
, incData = []
, allIncData = []
, toIR = empty
, userHoles = empty
, peFailures = empty
@ -1288,10 +1299,12 @@ initHash
addUserHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core ()
addUserHole n
Bool -> -- defined in another module?
Name -> -- hole name
Core ()
addUserHole ext n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { userHoles $= insert n () } defs)
put Ctxt (record { userHoles $= insert n ext } defs)
clearUserHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -2639,3 +2652,47 @@ checkTimer
if (t > max)
then throw (Timeout action)
else pure ()
-- Update the list of imported incremental compile data, if we're in
-- incremental mode for the current CG
addImportedInc : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
ModuleIdent -> List (CG, String, List String) -> Core ()
addImportedInc modNS inc
= do s <- getSession
let cg = s.codegen
defs <- get Ctxt
when (cg `elem` s.incrementalCGs) $
case lookup cg inc of
Nothing =>
-- No incremental compile data for current CG, so we can't
-- compile incrementally
do recordWarning (GenericWarn ("No incremental compile data for " ++ show modNS))
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { allIncData $= drop cg } defs)
Just (mods, extra) =>
put Ctxt (record { allIncData $= addMod cg (mods, extra) }
addMod : CG -> (String, List String) ->
List (CG, (List String, List String)) ->
List (CG, (List String, List String))
addMod cg (mod, all) [] = [(cg, ([mod], all))]
addMod cg (mod, all) ((cg', (mods, libs)) :: xs)
= if cg == cg'
then ((cg, (mod :: mods, libs ++ all)) :: xs)
else ((cg', (mods, libs)) :: addMod cg (mod, all) xs)
drop : CG -> List (CG, a) -> List (CG, a)
drop cg [] = []
drop cg ((x, v) :: xs)
= if cg == x
then xs
else ((x, v) :: drop cg xs)
setIncData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
CG -> (String, List String) -> Core ()
setIncData cg res
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { incData $= ((cg, res) :: )} defs)

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ data Warning : Type where
FC -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Warning
ShadowingGlobalDefs : FC -> List1 (String, List1 Name) -> Warning
Deprecated : String -> Warning
GenericWarn : String -> Warning
-- All possible errors, carrying a location
public export
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ Show Warning where
show (UnreachableClause _ _ _) = ":Unreachable clause"
show (ShadowingGlobalDefs _ _) = ":Shadowing names"
show (Deprecated name) = ":Deprecated " ++ name
show (GenericWarn msg) = msg
@ -359,6 +361,7 @@ getWarningLoc : Warning -> Maybe FC
getWarningLoc (UnreachableClause fc _ _) = Just fc
getWarningLoc (ShadowingGlobalDefs fc _) = Just fc
getWarningLoc (Deprecated _) = Nothing
getWarningLoc (GenericWarn _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc : Error -> Maybe FC

View File

@ -207,6 +207,18 @@ getTTCFileName inp ext
let bdir = build_dir d
pure $ bdir </> "ttc" </> fname
-- Given a source file, return the name of the corresponding object file.
-- As above, but without the build directory
getObjFileName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> Core String
getObjFileName inp ext
= do -- Get its namespace from the file relative to the working directory
-- and generate the ttc file from that
ns <- ctxtPathToNS inp
let fname = ModuleIdent.toPath ns <.> ext
pure $ fname
-- Given a root executable name, return the name in the build directory
getExecFileName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core String

View File

@ -164,6 +164,11 @@ record Session where
showShadowingWarning : Bool
-- Experimental
checkHashesInsteadOfModTime : Bool
incrementalCGs : List CG
wholeProgram : Bool
-- Use whole program compilation for executables, no matter what
-- incremental CGs are set (intended for overriding any environment
-- variables that set incremental compilation)
public export
record PPrinter where
@ -212,7 +217,8 @@ export
defaultSession : Session
defaultSession = MkSessionOpts False False False Chez [] False defaultLogLevel
False False False Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing False 1000 False True False
Nothing Nothing False 1000 False True
False [] False
defaultElab : ElabDirectives

View File

@ -904,10 +904,12 @@ TTC PMDefInfo where
toBuf b l
= do toBuf b (holeInfo l)
toBuf b (alwaysReduce l)
toBuf b (externalDecl l)
fromBuf b
= do h <- fromBuf b
r <- fromBuf b
pure (MkPMDefInfo h r)
e <- fromBuf b
pure (MkPMDefInfo h r e)
TTC TypeFlags where

View File

@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc mode env mname mref num mdef locs otm tm
rhs <- mkDef locs INil tm ty
logTerm "unify.instantiate" 5 "Definition" rhs
let simpleDef = MkPMDefInfo (SolvedHole num) (isSimple rhs)
let simpleDef = MkPMDefInfo (SolvedHole num) (isSimple rhs) False
let newdef = record { definition =
PMDef simpleDef [] (STerm 0 rhs) (STerm 0 rhs) []
} mdef
@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
do ty <- getType [] tm
logTerm "unify.retry" 5 "Retry Delay" tm
pure $ delayMeta r envb !(getTerm ty) tm
let gdef = record { definition = PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True)
let gdef = record { definition = PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True False)
[] (STerm 0 tm') (STerm 0 tm') [] } def
logTerm "unify.retry" 5 ("Resolved " ++ show hname) tm'
ignore $ addDef (Resolved hid) gdef
@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
-- All constraints resolved, so turn into a
-- proper definition and remove it from the
-- hole list
[] => do let gdef = record { definition = PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True)
[] => do let gdef = record { definition = PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True False)
[] (STerm 0 tm) (STerm 0 tm) [] } def
logTerm "unify.retry" 5 ("Resolved " ++ show hname) tm
ignore $ addDef (Resolved hid) gdef

View File

@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ data CLOpt
||| Use SHA256 hashes to determine if a source file needs rebuilding instead
||| of modification time.
HashesInsteadOfModTime |
||| Use incremental code generation, if the backend supports it
IncrementalCG String |
||| Use whole program compilation - overrides IncrementalCG if set
WholeProgram |
||| Generate bash completion info
BashCompletion String String |
||| Generate bash completion script
@ -209,6 +213,10 @@ options = [MkOpt ["--check", "-c"] [] [CheckOnly]
(Just "Don't implicitly import Prelude"),
MkOpt ["--codegen", "--cg"] [Required "backend"] (\f => [SetCG f])
(Just $ "Set code generator " ++ showDefault (codegen defaultSession)),
MkOpt ["--incremental-cg", "--inc"] [Required "backend"] (\f => [IncrementalCG f])
(Just "Incremental code generation on given backend"),
MkOpt ["--whole-program", "--wp"] [] [WholeProgram]
(Just "Use whole program compilation (overrides --inc)"),
MkOpt ["--directive"] [Required "directive"] (\d => [Directive d])
(Just $ "Pass a directive to the current code generator"),
MkOpt ["--package", "-p"] [Required "package"] (\f => [PkgPath f])

View File

@ -43,38 +43,51 @@ findInput [] = Nothing
findInput (InputFile f :: fs) = Just f
findInput (_ :: fs) = findInput fs
setIncrementalCG : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core ()
setIncrementalCG cgn
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case getCG (options defs) cgn of
Just cg => setSession (record { incrementalCGs $= (cg :: )} !getSession)
Nothing => pure ()
-- Add extra data from the "IDRIS2_x" environment variables
updateEnv : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core ()
= do defs <- get Ctxt
bprefix <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_PREFIX"
the (Core ()) $ case bprefix of
case bprefix of
Just p => setPrefix p
Nothing => setPrefix yprefix
bpath <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_PATH"
the (Core ()) $ case bpath of
case bpath of
Just path => do traverseList1_ addExtraDir (map trim (split (==pathSeparator) path))
Nothing => pure ()
bdata <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_DATA"
the (Core ()) $ case bdata of
case bdata of
Just path => do traverseList1_ addDataDir (map trim (split (==pathSeparator) path))
Nothing => pure ()
blibs <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_LIBS"
the (Core ()) $ case blibs of
case blibs of
Just path => do traverseList1_ addLibDir (map trim (split (==pathSeparator) path))
Nothing => pure ()
pdirs <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_PACKAGE_PATH"
the (Core ()) $ case pdirs of
case pdirs of
Just path => do traverseList1_ addPackageDir (map trim (split (==pathSeparator) path))
Nothing => pure ()
cg <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_CG"
the (Core ()) $ case cg of
case cg of
Just e => case getCG (options defs) e of
Just cg => setCG cg
Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Unknown code generator " ++ show e))
Nothing => pure ()
inccgs <- coreLift $ idrisGetEnv "IDRIS2_INC_CGS"
case inccgs of
Just cgs =>
traverse_ setIncrementalCG $
map trim (toList (split (==',') cgs))
Nothing => pure ()
-- IDRIS2_PATH goes first so that it overrides this if there's
-- any conflicts. In particular, that means that setting IDRIS2_PATH
-- for the tests means they test the local version not the installed

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ envs = [
MkEnvDesc "IDRIS2_DATA" "Places Idris2 looks for data files",
MkEnvDesc "IDRIS2_LIBS" "Places Idris2 looks for libraries (for code generation)",
MkEnvDesc "IDRIS2_CG" "Codegen backend",
MkEnvDesc "IDRIS2_INC_CGS" "Code generators to use (comma separated) when compiling modules incrementally",
MkEnvDesc "CHEZ" "chez executable used in Chez codegen",
MkEnvDesc "RACKET" "racket executable used in Racket codegen",
MkEnvDesc "RACKET_RACO" "raco executable used in Racket codegen",

View File

@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ pwarning (ShadowingGlobalDefs _ ns)
pwarning (Deprecated s)
= pure $ pretty "Deprecation warning:" <++> pretty s
pwarning (GenericWarn s)
= pure $ pretty s
perror : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -341,11 +341,26 @@ copyFile src dest
| Left err => pure (Left err)
writeToFile dest buf
installFrom : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
installFrom : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> ModuleIdent -> Core ()
installFrom builddir destdir ns
= do let ttcfile = ModuleIdent.toPath ns
let ttcPath = builddir </> "ttc" </> ttcfile <.> "ttc"
objPaths_in <- traverse
(\cg =>
do Just cgdata <- getCG cg
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let Just ext = incExt cgdata
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let srcFile = builddir </> "ttc" </> ttcfile <.> ext
let destFile = destdir </> ttcfile <.> ext
let Just (dir, _) = splitParent destFile
| Nothing => pure Nothing
ensureDirectoryExists dir
pure $ Just (srcFile, destFile))
(incrementalCGs !getSession)
let objPaths = mapMaybe id objPaths_in
let modPath = reverse $ fromMaybe [] $ tail' $ unsafeUnfoldModuleIdent ns
let destNest = joinPath modPath
@ -361,6 +376,13 @@ installFrom builddir destdir ns
| Left err => throw $ InternalError $ unlines
[ "Can't copy file " ++ ttcPath ++ " to " ++ destPath
, show err ]
-- Copy object files, if any. They don't necessarily get created,
-- since some modules don't generate any code themselves.
traverse_ (\ (obj, dest) =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Installing " ++ obj ++ " to " ++ destPath
ignore $ coreLift $ copyFile obj dest)
pure ()
installSrcFrom : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
module Idris.ProcessIdr
import Compiler.RefC.RefC
import Compiler.Scheme.Chez
import Compiler.Scheme.ChezSep
import Compiler.Scheme.Racket
import Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.ES.Node
import Compiler.ES.Javascript
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.Inline
import Core.Binary
@ -29,7 +37,9 @@ import Idris.Pretty
import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Utils.Path
import System
import System.File
%default covering
@ -150,6 +160,7 @@ readAsMain fname
= do Just (syn, _, more) <- readFromTTC {extra = SyntaxInfo}
True EmptyFC True fname (nsAsModuleIdent emptyNS) emptyNS
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Already loaded")
replNS <- getNS
replNestedNS <- getNestedNS
extendSyn syn
@ -225,6 +236,25 @@ unchangedHash sourceFileName ttcFileName
(storedSourceHash, _) <- readHashes ttcFileName
pure $ sourceCodeHash == storedSourceHash
getCG : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
CG -> Core (Maybe Codegen)
getCG Chez = pure $ Just codegenChez
getCG ChezSep = pure $ Just codegenChezSep
getCG Racket = pure $ Just codegenRacket
getCG Gambit = pure $ Just codegenGambit
getCG Node = pure $ Just codegenNode
getCG Javascript = pure $ Just codegenJavascript
getCG RefC = pure $ Just codegenRefC
getCG (Other s) = getCodegen s
findCG : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core (Maybe Codegen)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
getCG (codegen (session (options defs)))
||| Process everything in the module; return the syntax information which
||| needs to be written to the TTC (e.g. exported infix operators)
@ -341,6 +371,17 @@ process buildmsg sourceFileName ident
do defs <- get Ctxt
ns <- ctxtPathToNS sourceFileName
makeBuildDirectory ns
(\cg =>
do Just cgdata <- getCG cg
| Nothing =>
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "No incremental code generator for " ++ show cg
Just res <- incCompile cgdata sourceFileName
| Nothing => pure ()
setIncData cg res)
(incrementalCGs !getSession)
writeToTTC !(get Syn) sourceFileName ttcFileName
ttmFileName <- getTTCFileName sourceFileName "ttm"
writeToTTM ttmFileName

View File

@ -207,24 +207,6 @@ getOptions = do
, Editor (editor opts)
findCG : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core Codegen
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case codegen (session (options defs)) of
Chez => pure codegenChez
ChezSep => pure codegenChezSep
Racket => pure codegenRacket
Gambit => pure codegenGambit
Node => pure codegenNode
Javascript => pure codegenJavascript
RefC => pure codegenRefC
Other s => case !(getCodegen s) of
Just cg => pure cg
Nothing => do coreLift_ $ putStrLn ("No such code generator: " ++ s)
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
anyAt : (a -> Bool) -> a -> b -> Bool
anyAt p loc _ = p loc
@ -598,7 +580,11 @@ execExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PTerm -> Core REPLResult
execExp ctm
= do tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
execute !findCG tm_erased
Just cg <- findCG
| Nothing =>
do iputStrLn (reflow "No such code generator available")
pure CompilationFailed
execute cg tm_erased
pure $ Executed ctm
@ -628,7 +614,11 @@ compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PTerm -> String -> Core REPLResult
compileExp ctm outfile
= do tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
ok <- compile !findCG tm_erased outfile
Just cg <- findCG
| Nothing =>
do iputStrLn (reflow "No such code generator available")
pure CompilationFailed
ok <- compile cg tm_erased outfile
maybe (pure CompilationFailed)
(pure . Compiled)

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@ -349,7 +349,20 @@ preOptions (IgnoreShadowingWarnings :: opts)
= do setSession (record { showShadowingWarning = False } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (HashesInsteadOfModTime :: opts)
= do setSession (record {checkHashesInsteadOfModTime = True} !getSession)
= do setSession (record { checkHashesInsteadOfModTime = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (IncrementalCG e :: opts)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case getCG (options defs) e of
Just cg => do setSession (record { incrementalCGs $= (cg :: )} !getSession)
preOptions opts
Nothing =>
do coreLift $ putStrLn "No such code generator"
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Code generators available: " ++
showSep ", " (map fst (availableCGs (options defs)))
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
preOptions (WholeProgram :: opts)
= do setSession (record { wholeProgram = True } !getSession)
preOptions opts
preOptions (BashCompletion a b :: _)
= do os <- opts a b

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@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ retryDelayed' errmode acc (d@(_, i, hints, elab) :: ds)
let ds' = reverse (delayedElab ust) ++ ds
updateDef (Resolved i) (const (Just
(PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True) [] (STerm 0 tm) (STerm 0 tm) [])))
(PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True False)
[] (STerm 0 tm) (STerm 0 tm) [])))
logTerm "elab.update" 5 ("Resolved delayed hole " ++ show i) tm
logTermNF "elab.update" 5 ("Resolved delayed hole NF " ++ show i) [] tm
removeHole i

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in (Just gexpty)
-- Record the LHS for this hole in the metadata
withCurrentLHS (Resolved idx)
addNameLoc fc nm
addUserHole nm
addUserHole False nm
saveHole nm
pure (metaval, gexpty)
checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in exp
@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in exp
(idx, metaval) <- metaVarI fc rig env' nm ty
withCurrentLHS (Resolved idx)
addNameLoc fc nm
addUserHole nm
addUserHole False nm
saveHole nm
pure (metaval, gnf env ty)

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@ -871,11 +871,16 @@ processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
do t <- toFullNames tree_ct
pure ("Case tree for " ++ show n ++ ": " ++ show t)
-- check whether the name was declared in a different source file
defs <- get Ctxt
let pi = case lookup n (userHoles defs) of
Nothing => defaultPI
Just e => record { externalDecl = e } defaultPI
-- Add compile time tree as a placeholder for the runtime tree,
-- but we'll rebuild that in a later pass once all the case
-- blocks etc are resolved
ignore $ addDef (Resolved nidx)
(record { definition = PMDef defaultPI cargs tree_ct tree_ct pats
(record { definition = PMDef pi cargs tree_ct tree_ct pats
} gdef)
when (visibility gdef == Public) $

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@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ initDef : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Name -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> List FnOpt -> Core Def
initDef n env ty []
= do addUserHole n
= do addUserHole False n
pure None
initDef n env ty (ExternFn :: opts)
= do defs <- get Ctxt