Implement new parameters syntax

Previously, parameter block reused the same syntax as in Idris1:

parameters (v1 : t1, … , vn : tn)

Unfortunately this syntax presents some issues:
 - It does not allow to declare implicit parameters
 - It does not allow to specify which multiplicity to use
 - It is inconsistent with the syntax used for named arguments elsewhere
   in the language.

This change fixes those three problems by borrowing the syntax for
declaring type parameters in records:

parameters (v1 : t2) (v2 : t2) … (vn : tn)

It also enables other features like multiple declarations of arguments
with the same type:

parameters (v1, v2 : Type)
This commit is contained in:
André Videla 2021-04-19 16:48:53 +00:00 committed by G. Allais
parent 908550c05f
commit 9f39ad6ba8
15 changed files with 105 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ REPL/IDE mode changes:
* Added `:search` command, which searches for functions by type
* `:load`/`:l` and `:cd` commands now only accept paths surrounded by double quotes
Syntax changes:
* The syntax for parameter blocks has been updated. It now allows to declare
implicit parameters and give multiplicities for parameters. The old syntax
is still available for compatibility purposes but will be removed in the
Compiler changes:
* Racket codegen now always uses `blodwen-sleep` instead of `idris2_sleep` in
@ -29,18 +36,6 @@ Library changes:
Other changes:
* The `version` field in `.ipkg` files is now used. Packages are installed into
a directory which includes its version number, and dependencies can have
version number ranges using `<=`, `<`, `>=`, `>`, `==` to express version
constraints. Version numbers must be in the form of integers, separated by
dots (e.g. `1.0`, `0.3.0`, `` etc)
* Idris now looks in the current working directory, under a subdirectory
`depends` for local installations of packages before looking globally.
* Added an environment variable `IDRIS2_PACKAGE_PATH` for extending where to
look for packages.
Other changes:
* The `version` field in `.ipkg` files is now used. Packages are installed into
a directory which includes its version number, and dependencies can have
version number ranges using `<=`, `<`, `>=`, `>`, `==` to express version

View File

@ -388,6 +388,20 @@ Functor PiInfo where
map func AutoImplicit = AutoImplicit
map func (DefImplicit t) = (DefImplicit (func t))
Foldable PiInfo where
foldr f acc Implicit = acc
foldr f acc Explicit = acc
foldr f acc AutoImplicit = acc
foldr f acc (DefImplicit x) = f x acc
Traversable PiInfo where
traverse f Implicit = pure Implicit
traverse f Explicit = pure Explicit
traverse f AutoImplicit = pure AutoImplicit
traverse f (DefImplicit x) = map DefImplicit (f x)
Functor Binder where
map func (Lam fc c x ty) = Lam fc c (map func x) (func ty)

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@ -783,16 +783,17 @@ mutual
= pure [IData fc vis !(desugarData ps doc ddecl)]
desugarDecl ps (PParameters fc params pds)
= do pds' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ map fst params)) pds
params' <- traverse (\ ntm => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps (snd ntm)
pure (fst ntm, tm')) params
params' <- traverse (\(n, rig, i, ntm) => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps ntm
i' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) i
pure (n, rig, i', tm')) params
-- Look for implicitly bindable names in the parameters
let pnames = ifThenElse !isUnboundImplicits
(concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ map Builtin.fst params) [])
(map Builtin.snd params'))
(map (Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd) params'))
let paramsb = map (\ ntm => (Builtin.fst ntm,
doBind pnames (Builtin.snd ntm))) params'
let paramsb = map (\(n, rig, info, tm) =>
(n, rig, info, doBind pnames tm)) params'
pure [IParameters fc paramsb (concat pds')]
desugarDecl ps (PUsing fc uimpls uds)
= do syn <- get Syn
@ -935,12 +936,7 @@ mutual
mkConName n = DN (show n) (MN ("__mk" ++ show n) 0)
mapDesugarPiInfo : List Name -> PiInfo PTerm -> Core (PiInfo RawImp)
mapDesugarPiInfo ps Implicit = pure Implicit
mapDesugarPiInfo ps Explicit = pure Explicit
mapDesugarPiInfo ps AutoImplicit = pure AutoImplicit
mapDesugarPiInfo ps (DefImplicit tm) = pure $ DefImplicit
!(desugar AnyExpr ps tm)
mapDesugarPiInfo ps = traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps)
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc Prefix prec (UN n))
= do syn <- get Syn

View File

@ -1129,22 +1129,6 @@ mutualDecls fname indents
= do ds <- bounds (keyword "mutual" *> commit *> assert_total (nonEmptyBlock (topDecl fname)))
pure (PMutual (boundToFC fname ds) (concat ds.val))
paramDecls : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
paramDecls fname indents
= do b <- bounds (do keyword "parameters"
symbol "("
ps <- sepBy (symbol ",")
(do x <- unqualifiedName
symbol ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (UN x, ty))
symbol ")"
ds <- assert_total (nonEmptyBlock (topDecl fname))
pure (ps, ds))
(ps, ds) <- pure b.val
pure (PParameters (boundToFC fname b) ps (collectDefs (concat ds)))
usingDecls : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
usingDecls fname indents
= do b <- bounds (do keyword "using"
@ -1335,8 +1319,8 @@ fieldDecl fname indents
pure (\fc : FC => map (\n => MkField fc doc rig p n ty) (forget ns)))
pure (b.val (boundToFC fname b))
recordParam : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
recordParam fname indents
typedArg : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
typedArg fname indents
= do symbol "("
params <- pibindListName fname indents
symbol ")"
@ -1350,6 +1334,10 @@ recordParam fname indents
params <- pibindListName fname indents
symbol "}"
pure $ map (\(c, n, tm) => (n.val, c, info, tm)) params
recordParam : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
recordParam fname indents
= typedArg fname indents
<|> do n <- bounds name
pure [(n.val, top, Explicit, PInfer (boundToFC fname n))]
@ -1369,6 +1357,33 @@ recordDecl fname indents
pure (\fc : FC => PRecord fc doc vis n params (fst dcflds) (concat (snd dcflds))))
pure (b.val (boundToFC fname b))
paramDecls : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
paramDecls fname indents
= do b1 <- bounds (keyword "parameters")
args <- bounds (newParamDecls fname indents <|> oldParamDecls fname indents)
declarations <- the (Rule (WithBounds (List1 (List PDecl)))) (assert_total (Core.bounds $ nonEmptyBlock (topDecl fname)))
mergedBounds <- pure $ b1 `mergeBounds` (args `mergeBounds` declarations)
pure (PParameters (boundToFC fname mergedBounds) args.val (collectDefs (concat declarations.val)))
oldParamDecls : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
oldParamDecls fname indents
= do symbol "("
ps <- sepBy (symbol ",")
(do x <- unqualifiedName
symbol ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (UN x, top, Explicit, ty))
symbol ")"
pure ps
newParamDecls : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
newParamDecls fname indents
= map concat (some $ typedArg fname indents)
claims : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List1 PDecl)
claims fname indents
= do bs <- bounds (do

View File

@ -423,8 +423,10 @@ mutual
toPDecl (IParameters fc ps ds)
= do ds' <- traverse toPDecl ds
pure (Just (PParameters fc
!(traverse (\ntm => do tm' <- toPTerm startPrec (snd ntm)
pure (fst ntm, tm')) ps)
!(traverse (\(n, rig, info, tpe) =>
do info' <- traverse (toPTerm startPrec) info
tpe' <- toPTerm startPrec tpe
pure (n, rig, info', tpe')) ps)
(mapMaybe id ds')))
toPDecl (IRecord fc _ vis r)
= do (n, ps, con, fs) <- toPRecord r

View File

@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ mutual
PClaim : FC -> RigCount -> Visibility -> List PFnOpt -> PTypeDecl -> PDecl
PDef : FC -> List PClause -> PDecl
PData : FC -> (doc : String) -> Visibility -> PDataDecl -> PDecl
PParameters : FC -> List (Name, PTerm) -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PParameters : FC -> List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm) -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PUsing : FC -> List (Maybe Name, PTerm) -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PReflect : FC -> PTerm -> PDecl
PInterface : FC ->
@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ mapPTermM f = goPTerm where
goPDecl (PDef fc cls) = PDef fc <$> goPClauses cls
goPDecl (PData fc doc v d) = PData fc doc v <$> goPDataDecl d
goPDecl (PParameters fc nts ps) =
PParameters fc <$> goPairedPTerms nts
PParameters fc <$> go4TupledPTerms nts
<*> goPDecls ps
goPDecl (PUsing fc mnts ps) =
PUsing fc <$> goPairedPTerms mnts

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@ -152,11 +152,12 @@ mutual
getUnquoteDecl (IDef fc v d)
= pure $ IDef fc v !(traverse getUnquoteClause d)
getUnquoteDecl (IParameters fc ps ds)
= pure $ IParameters fc !(traverse unqPair ps)
= pure $ IParameters fc
!(traverse unqTuple ps)
!(traverse getUnquoteDecl ds)
unqPair : (Name, RawImp) -> Core (Name, RawImp)
unqPair (n, t) = pure (n, !(getUnquote t))
unqTuple : (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp) -> Core (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp)
unqTuple (n, rig, i, t) = pure (n, rig, i, !(getUnquote t))
getUnquoteDecl (IRecord fc ns v d)
= pure $ IRecord fc ns v !(getUnquoteRecord d)
getUnquoteDecl (INamespace fc ns ds)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ processParams : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
NestedNames vars ->
Env Term vars ->
FC -> List (Name, RawImp) -> List ImpDecl ->
FC -> List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp) -> List ImpDecl ->
Core ()
processParams {vars} {c} {m} {u} nest env fc ps ds
= do -- Turn the parameters into a function type, (x : ps) -> Type,
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ processParams {vars} {c} {m} {u} nest env fc ps ds
let nestBlock = record { names $= (names' ++) } nest'
traverse_ (processDecl [] nestBlock env') ds
mkParamTy : List (Name, RawImp) -> RawImp
mkParamTy : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp) -> RawImp
mkParamTy [] = IType fc
mkParamTy ((n, ty) :: ps)
= IPi fc top Explicit (Just n) ty (mkParamTy ps)
mkParamTy ((n, rig, info, ty) :: ps)
= IPi fc rig info (Just n) ty (mkParamTy ps)
applyEnv : {vs : _} ->
Env Term vs -> Name ->

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@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ mutual
ImpTy -> ImpDecl
IData : FC -> Visibility -> ImpData -> ImpDecl
IDef : FC -> Name -> List ImpClause -> ImpDecl
IParameters : FC -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
IParameters : FC -> List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp) ->
List ImpDecl -> ImpDecl
IRecord : FC ->
Maybe String -> -- nested namespace

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@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ idrisTests = MkTestPool []
-- Namespace blocks
-- Parameters blocks
-- Packages and ipkg files
"pkg001", "pkg002", "pkg003", "pkg004", "pkg005", "pkg006", "pkg007",
"pkg008", "pkg009",

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
parameters (x : Nat, y : Nat)
parameters (x : Nat) (y : Nat)
add : Nat
add = x + y

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
parameters {n : Nat}
(a : Int)
0 func : Bool -> Type
func True = List Bool
func False = List Nat
getType : (b : Bool) -> func b
getType False = [0,1,2]
getType True = [True, True, True]
prf : (b : Bool) -> Int -> func b
prf b i = let i1 = getType b in ?whut

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1/1: Building ParamsPrint (ParamsPrint.idr)
Main> {n : Nat}
a : Int
i : Int
b : Bool
i1 : func a b
whut : func a b
Main> Bye for now!

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:t whut

tests/idris2/params002/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner ParamsPrint.idr < input
rm -rf build