[ new ] Data.OpenUnion (#1050)

This commit is contained in:
G. Allais 2021-02-10 15:25:35 +00:00 committed by André Videla
parent 5384560009
commit a060dcc18e
9 changed files with 371 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
module Control.Monad.Syntax
%default total
infixr 1 =<<, <=<, >=>
||| Left-to-right Kleisli composition of monads.
public export
(>=>) : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(>=>) f g = \x => f x >>= g
public export
||| Right-to-left Kleisli composition of monads, flipped version of `>=>`.
(<=<) : Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)
(<=<) = flip (>=>)
public export
||| Right-to-left monadic bind, flipped version of `>>=`.
(=<<) : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
(=<<) = flip (>>=)

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@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Control.Validation
-- failing early with a nice error message if it isn't.
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Syntax
import Control.Monad.Error.Either
import Data.Nat
import Data.Strings

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
module Data.List.AtIndex
import Data.DPair
import Data.List.HasLength
import Data.Nat
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
||| @AtIndex witnesses the fact that a natural number encodes a membership proof.
||| It is meant to be used as a runtime-irrelevant gadget to guarantee that the
||| natural number is indeed a valid index.
public export
data AtIndex : a -> List a -> Nat -> Type where
Z : AtIndex a (a :: as) Z
S : AtIndex a as n -> AtIndex a (b :: as) (S n)
||| Inversion principle for Z constructor
inverseZ : AtIndex x (y :: xs) Z -> x === y
inverseZ Z = Refl
||| inversion principle for S constructor
inverseS : AtIndex x (y :: xs) (S n) -> AtIndex x xs n
inverseS (S p) = p
||| An empty list cannot possibly have members
Uninhabited (AtIndex a [] n) where
uninhabited Z impossible
uninhabited (S _) impossible
||| For a given list and a given index, there is only one possible value
||| stored at that index in that list
atIndexUnique : AtIndex a as n -> AtIndex b as n -> a === b
atIndexUnique Z Z = Refl
atIndexUnique (S p) (S q) = atIndexUnique p q
||| Provided that equality is decidable, we can look for the first occurence
||| of a value inside of a list
public export
find : DecEq a => (x : a) -> (xs : List a) -> Dec (Subset Nat (AtIndex x xs))
find x [] = No (\ p => void (absurd (snd p)))
find x (y :: xs) with (decEq x y)
find x (x :: xs) | Yes Refl = Yes (Element Z Z)
find x (y :: xs) | No neqxy = case find x xs of
Yes (Element n prf) => Yes (Element (S n) (S prf))
No notInxs => No \case
(Element Z p) => void (neqxy (inverseZ p))
(Element (S n) prf) => absurd (notInxs (Element n (inverseS prf)))
||| If the equality is not decidable, we may instead rely on interface resolution
public export
interface FindElement (0 t : a) (0 ts : List a) where
findElement : Subset Nat (AtIndex t ts)
FindElement t (t :: ts) where
findElement = Element 0 Z
FindElement t ts => FindElement t (u :: ts) where
findElement = let (Element n prf) = findElement in
Element (S n) (S prf)
||| Given an index, we can decide whether there is a value corresponding to it
public export
lookup : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> Dec (Subset a (\ x => AtIndex x xs n))
lookup n [] = No (\ p => void (absurd (snd p)))
lookup Z (x :: xs) = Yes (Element x Z)
lookup (S n) (x :: xs) = case lookup n xs of
Yes (Element x p) => Yes (Element x (S p))
No notInxs => No (\ (Element x p) => void (notInxs (Element x (inverseS p))))
||| An AtIndex proof implies that n is less than the length of the list indexed into
public export
inRange : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> (0 _ : AtIndex x xs n) -> LTE n (length xs)
inRange n [] p = void (absurd p)
inRange Z (x :: xs) p = LTEZero
inRange (S n) (x :: xs) p = LTESucc (inRange n xs (inverseS p))
weakenR : AtIndex x xs n -> AtIndex x (xs ++ ys) n
weakenR Z = Z
weakenR (S p) = S (weakenR p)
weakenL : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength ws)) -> AtIndex x xs n -> AtIndex x (ws ++ xs) (fst p + n)
weakenL m p = case view m of
Z => p
(S m) => S (weakenL m p)
strengthenL : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength xs)) ->
lt n (fst p) === True ->
AtIndex x (xs ++ ys) n -> AtIndex x xs n
strengthenL m lt idx = case view m of
S m => case idx of
Z => Z
S idx => S (strengthenL m lt idx)
strengthenR : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength ws)) ->
lte (fst p) n === True ->
AtIndex x (ws ++ xs) n -> AtIndex x xs (minus n (fst p))
strengthenR m lt idx = case view m of
Z => rewrite minusZeroRight n in idx
S m => case idx of S idx => strengthenR m lt idx

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
||| This module implements a relation between a natural number and a list.
||| The relation witnesses the fact the number is the length of the list.
||| It is meant to be used in a runtime-irrelevant fashion in computations
||| manipulating data indexed over lists where the computation actually only
||| depends on the length of said lists.
||| Instead of writing:
||| ```
||| f0 : (xs : List a) -> P xs
||| ```
||| We would write either of:
||| ```
||| f1 : (n : Nat) -> (0 _ : HasLength xs n) -> P xs
||| f2 : (n : Subset n (HasLength xs)) -> P xs
||| ```
||| See `sucR` for an example where the update to the runtime-relevant Nat is O(1)
||| but the udpate to the list (were we to keep it around) an O(n) traversal.
module Data.List.HasLength
import Data.DPair
import Data.List
%default total
-- Type
||| Ensure that the list's length is the provided natural number
public export
data HasLength : List a -> Nat -> Type where
Z : HasLength [] Z
S : HasLength xs n -> HasLength (x :: xs) (S n)
-- Properties
||| The length is unique
hasLengthUnique : HasLength xs m -> HasLength xs n -> m === n
hasLengthUnique Z Z = Refl
hasLengthUnique (S p) (S q) = cong S (hasLengthUnique p q)
||| This specification corresponds to the length function
hasLength : (xs : List a) -> HasLength xs (length xs)
hasLength [] = Z
hasLength (_ :: xs) = S (hasLength xs)
map : (f : a -> b) -> HasLength xs n -> HasLength (map f xs) n
map f Z = Z
map f (S n) = S (map f n)
||| @sucR demonstrates that snoc only increases the lenght by one
||| So performing this operation while carrying the list around would cost O(n)
||| but relying on n together with an erased HasLength proof instead is O(1)
sucR : HasLength xs n -> HasLength (snoc xs x) (S n)
sucR Z = S Z
sucR (S n) = S (sucR n)
-- Views
namespace SubsetView
||| We provide this view as a convenient way to perform nested pattern-matching
||| on values of type `Subset Nat (HasLength xs)`. Functions using this view will
||| be seen as terminating as long as the index list `xs` is left untouched.
||| See e.g. listTerminating below for such a function.
public export
data View : (xs : List a) -> Subset Nat (HasLength xs) -> Type where
Z : View [] (Element Z Z)
S : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength xs)) -> View (x :: xs) (Element (S (fst p)) (S (snd p)))
||| This auxiliary function gets around the limitation of the check ensuring that
||| we do not match on runtime-irrelevant data to produce runtime-relevant data.
viewZ : (0 p : HasLength xs Z) -> View xs (Element Z p)
viewZ Z = Z
||| This auxiliary function gets around the limitation of the check ensuring that
||| we do not match on runtime-irrelevant data to produce runtime-relevant data.
viewS : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength xs (S n)) -> View xs (Element (S n) p)
viewS n (S p) = S (Element n p)
||| Proof that the view covers all possible cases.
view : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength xs)) -> View xs p
view (Element Z p) = viewZ p
view (Element (S n) p) = viewS n p
namespace CurriedView
||| We provide this view as a convenient way to perform nested pattern-matching
||| on pairs of values of type `n : Nat` and `HasLength xs n`. If transformations
||| to the list between recursive calls (e.g. mapping over the list) that prevent
||| it from being a valid termination metric, it is best to take the Nat argument
||| separately from the HasLength proof and the Subset view is not as useful anymore.
||| See e.g. natTerminating below for (a contrived example of) such a function.
public export
data View : (xs : List a) -> (n : Nat) -> HasLength xs n -> Type where
Z : View [] Z Z
S : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength xs n) -> View (x :: xs) (S n) (S p)
||| Proof that the view covers all possible cases.
view : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength xs n) -> View xs n p
view Z Z = Z
view (S n) (S p) = S n p
-- Examples
-- /!\ Do NOT re-export these examples
listTerminating : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength xs)) -> HasLength (xs ++ [x]) (S (fst p))
listTerminating p = case view p of
Z => S Z
S p => S (listTerminating p)
data P : List Nat -> Type where
PNil : P []
PCon : P (map id xs) -> P (x :: xs)
notListTerminating : (p : Subset Nat (HasLength xs)) -> P xs
notListTerminating p = case view p of
Z => PNil
S p => PCon (notListTerminating {xs = map id (tail xs)} (record { snd $= map id } p))
natTerminating : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength xs n) -> P xs
natTerminating n p = case view n p of
Z => PNil
S n p => PCon (natTerminating n (map id p))

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@ -25,11 +25,20 @@ lteReflection 0 b = RTrue LTEZero
lteReflection (S k) 0 = RFalse \sk_lte_z => absurd sk_lte_z
lteReflection (S a) (S b) = LTESuccInjectiveMonotone a b (lteReflection a b)
ltReflection : (a, b : Nat) -> Reflects (a `LT` b) (a `lt` b)
ltReflection a = lteReflection (S a)
-- For example:
lteIsLTE : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = True -> a `LTE` b
lteIsLTE a b prf = invert (replace {p = Reflects (a `LTE` b)} prf (lteReflection a b))
notlteIsNotLTE : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = False -> Not (a `LTE` b)
notlteIsNotLTE a b prf = invert (replace {p = Reflects (a `LTE` b)} prf (lteReflection a b))
notlteIsLT : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = False -> b `LT` a
notlteIsLT a b prf = notLTImpliesGTE
@ -37,6 +46,10 @@ notlteIsLT a b prf = notLTImpliesGTE
(invert $ replace {p = Reflects (S a `LTE` S b)} prf
$ lteReflection (S a) (S b)) prf'
notltIsGTE : (a, b : Nat) -> (a `lt` b) === False -> a `GTE` b
notltIsGTE a b p = notLTImpliesGTE (notlteIsNotLTE (S a) b p)
-- The converse to lteIsLTE:

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
||| This module is inspired by the open union used in the paper
||| Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects
||| by Oleg Kiselyov and Hiromi Ishii
||| By using an AtIndex proof, we are able to get rid of all of the unsafe
||| coercions in the original module.
module Data.OpenUnion
import Data.DPair
import Data.List.AtIndex
import Data.List.HasLength
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat.Order.Properties
import Decidable.Equality
import Syntax.WithProof
%default total
||| An open union of families is an index picking a family out together with
||| a value in the family thus picked.
public export
data Union : (ts : List (a -> Type)) -> a -> Type where
Element : (k : Nat) -> (0 _ : AtIndex t ts k) -> t v -> Union ts v
||| An empty open union of families is empty
public export
Uninhabited (Union [] v) where uninhabited (Element _ p _) = void (uninhabited p)
||| Injecting a value into an open union, provided we know the index of
||| the appropriate type family.
inj' : (k : Nat) -> (0 _ : AtIndex t ts k) -> t v -> Union ts v
inj' = Element
||| Projecting out of an open union, provided we know the index of the
||| appropriate type family. This may obviously fail if the value stored
||| actually corresponds to another family.
prj' : (k : Nat) -> (0 _ : AtIndex t ts k) -> Union ts v -> Maybe (t v)
prj' k p (Element k' q t) with (decEq k k')
prj' k p (Element k q t) | Yes Refl = rewrite atIndexUnique p q in Just t
prj' k p (Element k' q t) | No neq = Nothing
||| Given that equality of type families is not decidable, we have to rely on
||| the interface `FindElement` to automatically find the index of a given family.
public export
interface FindElement t ts => Member (0 t : a -> Type) (0 ts : List (a -> Type)) where
inj : t v -> Union ts v
inj = let (Element n p) = findElement in inj' n p
prj : Union ts v -> Maybe (t v)
prj = let (Element n p) = findElement in prj' n p
||| By doing a bit of arithmetic we can figure out whether the union's value came from
||| the left or the right list used in the index.
public export
split : Subset Nat (HasLength ss) -> Union (ss ++ ts) v -> Either (Union ss v) (Union ts v)
split m (Element n p t) with (@@ lt n (fst m))
split m (Element n p t) | (True ** lt) = Left (Element n (strengthenL m lt p) t)
split m (Element n p t) | (False ** notlt) =
let 0 lte : lte (fst m) n === True = LteIslte (fst m) n (notltIsGTE n (fst m) notlt)
in Right (Element (minus n (fst m)) (strengthenR m lte p) t)
||| We can inspect an open union over a non-empty list of families to check
||| whether the value it contains belongs either to the first family or any
||| other in the tail.
public export
decomp : Union (t :: ts) v -> Either (Union ts v) (t v)
decomp (Element 0 (Z) t) = Right t
decomp (Element (S n) (S p) t) = Left (Element n p t)
||| An open union over a singleton list is just a wrapper over values of that family
public export
decomp0 : Union [t] v -> t v
decomp0 elt = case decomp elt of
Left t => absurd t
Right t => t
||| Inserting new families at the end of the list leaves the index unchanged.
public export
weakenR : Union ts v -> Union (ts ++ us) v
weakenR (Element n p t) = Element n (weakenR p) t
||| If we introduce them at the beginning however, we need to shift the index by
||| the number of families we have introduced. Note that this number is the only
||| thing we need to keep around at runtime.
public export
weakenL : Subset Nat (HasLength ss) -> Union ts v -> Union (ss ++ ts) v
weakenL m (Element n p t) = Element (fst m + n) (weakenL m p) t

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -44,6 +43,8 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,
@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ modules = Control.ANSI,

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@ -176,10 +176,26 @@ interface Applicative m => Monad m where
%allow_overloads (>>=)
||| Right-to-left monadic bind, flipped version of `>>=`.
public export
(=<<) : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
(=<<) = flip (>>=)
||| Sequencing of effectful composition
public export
(>>) : (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m b
a >> b = a >>= \_ => b
||| Left-to-right Kleisli composition of monads.
public export
(>=>) : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(>=>) f g = \x => f x >>= g
||| Right-to-left Kleisli composition of monads, flipped version of `>=>`.
public export
(<=<) : Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)
(<=<) = flip (>=>)
||| `guard a` is `pure ()` if `a` is `True` and `empty` if `a` is `False`.
public export
guard : Alternative f => Bool -> f ()

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ infixr 4 ||
infixr 7 ::, ++
-- Functor/Applicative/Monad/Algebra operators
infixl 1 >>=, >>
infixl 1 >>=, =<<, >>, >=>, <=<
infixr 2 <|>
infixl 3 <*>, *>, <*
infixr 4 <$>, $>, <$