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synced 2024-12-01 01:09:03 +03:00
[ contrib ] Performance improvement gcd in Data.Nat.Factor (#2886)
This commit is contained in:
@ -360,3 +360,17 @@ DivisionTheoremUniqueness numer denom denom_nz q r x prf =
rewrite sym $ sndDivmodNatNZeqMod numer denom denom_nz denom_nz in
rewrite sym $ sndDivmodNatNZeqMod numer denom denom_nz denom_nz in
rewrite DivisionTheoremUniquenessDivMod numer denom denom_nz q r x prf in
rewrite DivisionTheoremUniquenessDivMod numer denom denom_nz q r x prf in
(Refl, Refl)
(Refl, Refl)
modDividendMinusDivMultDivider : (0 numer, denom : Nat) -> {auto 0 denom_nz : NonZero denom} ->
modNatNZ numer denom denom_nz = numer `minus` divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom
modDividendMinusDivMultDivider numer denom = Calc $
|~ (modNatNZ numer denom denom_nz)
~~ (divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom + modNatNZ numer denom denom_nz `minus` divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom)
...(sym $ minusPlus $ divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom)
~~ (modNatNZ numer denom denom_nz + divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom `minus` divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom)
...(rewrite plusCommutative (divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom) (modNatNZ numer denom denom_nz)
in Refl)
~~ (numer `minus` divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom)
...(sym $ cong (`minus` (divNatNZ numer denom denom_nz * denom))
(DivisionTheorem numer denom denom_nz denom_nz))
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
module Data.Nat.Factor
module Data.Nat.Factor
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import Control.WellFounded
import Control.WellFounded
import Data.Fin
import Data.Fin
import Data.Fin.Extra
import Data.Fin.Extra
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat.Order.Properties
import Data.Nat.Equational
import Data.Nat.Equational
import Data.Nat.Division
%default total
%default total
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ public export
data GCD : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
data GCD : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
MkGCD : {a, b, p : Nat} ->
MkGCD : {a, b, p : Nat} ->
{auto notBothZero : NotBothZero a b} ->
{auto notBothZero : NotBothZero a b} ->
(CommonFactor p a b) ->
(Lazy (CommonFactor p a b)) ->
((q : Nat) -> CommonFactor q a b -> Factor q p) ->
((q : Nat) -> CommonFactor q a b -> Factor q p) ->
GCD p a b
GCD p a b
@ -260,6 +263,41 @@ minusFactor (CofactorExists qab prfAB) (CofactorExists qa prfA) =
rewrite minusZeroRight b in
rewrite minusZeroRight b in
||| If p is a common factor of n and mod m n, then it is also a factor of m.
modFactorAlsoFactorOfDivider : {m, n, p : Nat} -> {auto 0 nNotZ : NonZero n} -> Factor p n -> Factor p (modNatNZ m n nNotZ) -> Factor p m
modFactorAlsoFactorOfDivider (CofactorExists qn prfN) (CofactorExists qModMN prfModMN) =
CofactorExists (qModMN + divNatNZ m n nNotZ * qn) $ Calc $
|~ m
~~ modNatNZ m n nNotZ + divNatNZ m n nNotZ * n ...(DivisionTheorem m n nNotZ nNotZ)
~~ qModMN * p + divNatNZ m n nNotZ * (qn * p)
...(rewrite multCommutative qModMN p in
rewrite multCommutative qn p in
cong2 (+) prfModMN $ cong ((*) (divNatNZ m n nNotZ)) prfN)
~~ qModMN * p + (divNatNZ m n nNotZ * qn) * p
...(cong ((+) (qModMN * p)) $ multAssociative (divNatNZ m n nNotZ) qn p)
~~ (qModMN + divNatNZ m n nNotZ * qn) * p ...(sym $ multDistributesOverPlusLeft qModMN _ p)
~~ p * (qModMN + divNatNZ m n nNotZ * qn) ...(multCommutative _ p)
||| If p is a common factor of m and n, then it is also a factor of their mod.
commonFactorAlsoFactorOfMod : {0 m, n, p : Nat} -> {auto 0 nNotZ : NonZero n} -> Factor p m -> Factor p n -> Factor p (modNatNZ m n nNotZ)
commonFactorAlsoFactorOfMod (CofactorExists qm prfM) (CofactorExists qn prfN) =
CofactorExists (qm `minus` divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * qn) $
rewrite prfM in
rewrite multCommutative p qm
in Calc $
|~ (modNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ)
~~ (qm * p `minus` divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * n) ...(modDividendMinusDivMultDivider (qm * p) n)
~~ (qm * p `minus` divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * (qn * p))
...(rewrite multCommutative qn p in
cong (\v => qm * p `minus` divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * v) prfN)
~~ (qm * p `minus` divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * qn * p)
...(cong (minus (qm * p)) $ multAssociative (divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ) qn p)
~~ (qm `minus` (divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * qn)) * p
...(sym $ multDistributesOverMinusLeft qm (divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * qn) p)
~~ p * (qm `minus` (divNatNZ (qm * p) n nNotZ * qn)) ...(multCommutative _ p)
||| A decision procedure for whether of not p is a factor of n.
||| A decision procedure for whether of not p is a factor of n.
decFactor : (n, d : Nat) -> DecFactor d n
decFactor : (n, d : Nat) -> DecFactor d n
@ -332,106 +370,56 @@ export
selfIsCommonFactor : (a : Nat) -> {auto ok : LTE 1 a} -> CommonFactor a a a
selfIsCommonFactor : (a : Nat) -> {auto ok : LTE 1 a} -> CommonFactor a a a
selfIsCommonFactor a = CommonFactorExists a reflexive reflexive
selfIsCommonFactor a = CommonFactorExists a reflexive reflexive
-- Some helpers for the gcd function.
gcdUnproven' : (m, n : Nat) -> (0 sizeM : SizeAccessible m) -> (0 n_lt_m : LT n m) -> Nat
data Search : Type where
gcdUnproven' m Z _ _ = m
SearchArgs : (a, b : Nat) -> LTE b a -> {auto bNonZero : LTE 1 b} -> Search
gcdUnproven' m (S n) (Access rec) n_lt_m =
let mod_lt_n = boundModNatNZ m (S n) SIsNonZero in
gcdUnproven' (S n) (modNatNZ m (S n) SIsNonZero) (rec _ n_lt_m) mod_lt_n
left : Search -> Nat
||| Total definition of the gcd function. Does not return GСD evidence, but is faster.
left (SearchArgs l _ _) = l
gcdUnproven : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
gcdUnproven m n with (isLT n m)
gcdUnproven m n | Yes n_lt_m = gcdUnproven' m n (wellFounded m) n_lt_m
gcdUnproven m n | No not_n_lt_m with (decomposeLte m n $ notLTImpliesGTE not_n_lt_m)
gcdUnproven m n | No not_n_lt_m | Left m_lt_n = gcdUnproven' n m (wellFounded n) m_lt_n
gcdUnproven m n | No not_n_lt_m | Right m_eq_n = m
right : Search -> Nat
gcdUnproven'Greatest : {m, n, c : Nat} -> (0 sizeM : SizeAccessible m) -> (0 n_lt_m : LT n m)
right (SearchArgs _ r _) = r
-> Factor c m -> Factor c n -> Factor c (gcdUnproven' m n sizeM n_lt_m)
gcdUnproven'Greatest {n = Z} _ _ cFactM _ = cFactM
gcdUnproven'Greatest {n = S n} (Access rec) n_lt_m cFactM cFactN =
gcdUnproven'Greatest (rec _ n_lt_m) (boundModNatNZ m (S n) SIsNonZero) cFactN (commonFactorAlsoFactorOfMod cFactM cFactN)
Sized Search where
gcdUnprovenGreatest : (m, n : Nat) -> {auto 0 ok : NotBothZero m n} -> (q : Nat) -> CommonFactor q m n -> Factor q (gcdUnproven m n)
size (SearchArgs a b _) = a + b
gcdUnprovenGreatest m n q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) with (isLT n m)
gcdUnprovenGreatest m n q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) | Yes n_lt_m
= gcdUnproven'Greatest (sizeAccessible m) n_lt_m qFactM qFactN
gcdUnprovenGreatest m n q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) | No not_n_lt_m with (decomposeLte m n $ notLTImpliesGTE not_n_lt_m)
gcdUnprovenGreatest m n q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) | No not_n_lt_m | Left m_lt_n
= gcdUnproven'Greatest (sizeAccessible n) m_lt_n qFactN qFactM
gcdUnprovenGreatest Z Z q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) | No not_n_lt_m | Right m_eq_n impossible
gcdUnprovenGreatest (S m) (S n) q (CommonFactorExists q qFactM qFactN) | No not_n_lt_m | Right m_eq_n = qFactM
notLteAndGt : (a, b : Nat) -> LTE a b -> Not (GT a b)
gcdUnproven'CommonFactor : {m, n : Nat} -> (0 sizeM : SizeAccessible m) -> (0 n_lt_m : LT n m) -> CommonFactor (gcdUnproven' m n sizeM n_lt_m) m n
notLteAndGt Z _ _ aGtB = succNotLTEzero aGtB
gcdUnproven'CommonFactor {n = Z} _ _ = CommonFactorExists _ reflexive (anythingFactorZero m)
notLteAndGt (S _) Z aLteB _ = succNotLTEzero aLteB
gcdUnproven'CommonFactor {n = S n} (Access rec) n_lt_m with (gcdUnproven'CommonFactor (rec _ n_lt_m) (boundModNatNZ m (S n) SIsNonZero))
notLteAndGt (S k) (S j) aLteB aGtB = notLteAndGt k j (fromLteSucc aLteB) (fromLteSucc aGtB)
gcdUnproven'CommonFactor (Access rec) n_lt_m | (CommonFactorExists _ factM factN)
= CommonFactorExists _ (modFactorAlsoFactorOfDivider factM factN) factM
gcd_step : (x : Search) ->
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor : (m, n : Nat) -> {auto 0 ok : NotBothZero m n} -> CommonFactor (gcdUnproven m n) m n
(rec : (y : Search) -> Smaller y x ->
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor m n with (isLT n m)
(f : Nat ** GCD f (left y) (right y))) ->
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor m n | Yes n_lt_m = gcdUnproven'CommonFactor (sizeAccessible m) n_lt_m
(f : Nat ** GCD f (left x) (right x))
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor m n | No not_n_lt_m with (decomposeLte m n $ notLTImpliesGTE not_n_lt_m)
gcd_step (SearchArgs Z _ bLteA {bNonZero}) _ = absurd . succNotLTEzero $ transitive bNonZero bLteA
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor m n | No not_n_lt_m | Left m_lt_n = symmetric $ gcdUnproven'CommonFactor (sizeAccessible n) m_lt_n
gcd_step (SearchArgs _ Z _ {bNonZero}) _ = absurd $ succNotLTEzero bNonZero
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor Z Z | No not_n_lt_m | Right m_eq_n impossible
gcd_step (SearchArgs (S a) (S b) bLteA) rec =
gcdUnprovenCommonFactor (S m) (S n) | No not_n_lt_m | Right m_eq_n = rewrite m_eq_n in selfIsCommonFactor (S n)
case divMod (S a) (S b) of
Fraction (S a) (S b) q FZ prf =>
let sbIsFactor =
rewrite multCommutative b q in
rewrite sym $ multRightSuccPlus q b in
replace {p = \x => S a = x} (plusZeroRightNeutral (q * S b)) $ sym prf
skDividesA = CofactorExists q sbIsFactor
(S b ** MkGCD (CommonFactorExists (S b) skDividesA reflexive)
(\q', (CommonFactorExists q' _ qfb) => qfb))
Fraction (S a) (S b) q (FS r) prf =>
let rLtSb = lteSuccRight $ elemSmallerThanBound r
_ = the (LTE 1 q) $ case q of
Z => absurd . notLteAndGt (S $ finToNat r) b (elemSmallerThanBound r) $
replace {p = LTE (S b)} (sym prf) bLteA
(S k) => LTESucc LTEZero
(f ** MkGCD (CommonFactorExists f prfSb prfRem) greatestSbSr) =
rec (SearchArgs (S b) (S $ finToNat r) rLtSb) $
rewrite plusCommutative a (S b) in
LTESucc . LTESucc . plusLteLeft b . fromLteSucc $
transitive (elemSmallerThanBound $ FS r) bLteA
prfSa =
rewrite sym prf in
rewrite multCommutative q (S b) in
plusFactor (multNAlsoFactor prfSb q) prfRem
greatest = the
((q' : Nat) -> CommonFactor q' (S a) (S b) -> Factor q' f)
(\q', (CommonFactorExists q' qfa qfb) =>
let sbfqSb =
rewrite multCommutative q (S b) in
multFactor (S b) q
rightPrf = minusFactor {a = q * S b}
(rewrite prf in qfa)
(transitive qfb sbfqSb)
greatestSbSr q' (CommonFactorExists q' qfb rightPrf)
(f ** MkGCD (CommonFactorExists f prfSa prfSb) greatest)
||| An implementation of Euclidean Algorithm for computing greatest common
||| An implementation of Euclidean Algorithm for computing greatest common
||| divisors. It is proven correct and total; returns a proof that computed
||| divisors. It is proven correct and total; returns a proof that computed
||| number actually IS the GCD. Unfortunately it's very slow, so improvements
||| number actually IS the GCD.
||| in terms of efficiency would be welcome.
gcd : (a, b : Nat) -> {auto ok : NotBothZero a b} -> (f : Nat ** GCD f a b)
gcd : (a, b : Nat) -> {auto ok : NotBothZero a b} -> (f : Nat ** GCD f a b)
gcd Z Z impossible
gcd a b = (_ ** MkGCD (gcdUnprovenCommonFactor a b) (gcdUnprovenGreatest a b))
gcd Z b =
(b ** MkGCD (CommonFactorExists b (anythingFactorZero b) reflexive) $
\q, (CommonFactorExists q _ prf) => prf)
gcd a Z =
(a ** MkGCD (CommonFactorExists a reflexive (anythingFactorZero a)) $
\q, (CommonFactorExists q prf _) => prf)
gcd (S a) (S b) with (cmp (S a) (S b))
gcd (S (b + S d)) (S b) | CmpGT d =
sizeInd gcd_step $
SearchArgs (S (b + S d)) (S b) $
rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc b d in
LTESucc . lteSuccRight $ lteAddRight b
gcd (S a) (S a) | CmpEQ =
(S a ** MkGCD (selfIsCommonFactor (S a))
(\q, (CommonFactorExists q qfa _) => qfa))
gcd (S a) (S (a + S d)) | CmpLT d =
let (f ** MkGCD prf greatest) =
sizeInd gcd_step $
SearchArgs (S (a + S d)) (S a) $
rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc a d in
LTESucc . lteSuccRight $ lteAddRight a
(f ** MkGCD (symmetric prf)
(\q, cf => greatest q $ symmetric cf))
||| For every two natural numbers there is a unique greatest common divisor.
||| For every two natural numbers there is a unique greatest common divisor.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module GCDPerf
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat.Factor
%default total
main : IO ()
main = print (fst $ gcd 10000000 2084 @{LeftIsNotZero})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-banner --no-color --console-width 0 -p contrib --exec main GCDPerf.idr
Reference in New Issue
Block a user