[ new ] sparse matrices

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Justus Matthiesen 2023-10-16 18:40:29 +01:00 committed by Justus Matthiesen
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commit aac6e8600c
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@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ modules =

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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
module Libraries.Data.SparseMatrix
import Algebra.Semiring
import Libraries.Data.String.Builder
import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.Nat
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
%default total
lookupOrd : Ord k => k -> List (k, a) -> Maybe a
lookupOrd i [] = Nothing
lookupOrd i ((k, x) :: xs) =
case compare i k of
LT => Nothing
EQ => Just x
GT => lookupOrd i xs
lookupOrd1 : Ord k => k -> List1 (k, a) -> Maybe a
lookupOrd1 i ((k, x) ::: xs) =
case compare i k of
LT => Nothing
EQ => Just x
GT => lookupOrd i xs
namespace Vector
public export
Vector : Type -> Type
Vector a = List (Nat, a)
public export
Vector1 : Type -> Type
Vector1 a = List1 (Nat, a)
fromList : (Eq a, Semiring a) => List a -> Vector a
fromList = go Z
go : Nat -> List a -> Vector a
go i [] = []
go i (x :: xs)
= if x == plusNeutral
then go (S i) xs
else (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
fromList1 : (Eq a, Semiring a) => List a -> Maybe (Vector1 a)
fromList1 = Data.List1.fromList . fromList
insert : Nat -> a -> Vector a -> Vector a
insert i x [] = [(i,x)]
insert i x ys@((j, y) :: ys') =
case compare i j of
LT => (i, x) :: ys
EQ => ys -- keep
GT => (j, y) :: insert i x ys'
insert1 : Nat -> a -> Vector1 a -> Vector1 a
insert1 i x ys@((j, y) ::: ys') =
case compare i j of
LT => (i, x) ::: (j, y) :: ys'
EQ => ys -- keep
GT => (j, y) ::: insert i x ys'
vectorFromList : List a -> Vector a
vectorFromList = go Z
go : Nat -> List a -> Vector a
go i [] = []
go i (x :: xs) = (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
rowFromList : (Eq a, Semiring a) => List a -> Maybe (Vector1 a)
rowFromList = fromList . go Z
go : Nat -> List a -> Vector a
go i [] = []
go i (x :: xs)
= if x == plusNeutral
then go (S i) xs
else (i, x) :: go (S i) xs
public export
Matrix : Type -> Type
Matrix a = Vector (Vector1 a)
fromListList : (Eq a, Semiring a) => List (List a) -> Matrix a
fromListList = mapMaybe (\(i, xs) => map (i,) (rowFromList xs)) . vectorFromList
fromListVector : List (Vector a) -> Matrix a
fromListVector = mapMaybe (\(i, xs) => map (i,) (fromList xs)) . vectorFromList
transpose : Matrix a -> Matrix a
transpose [] = []
transpose ((i, xs) :: xss) = spreadHeads i (toList xs) (transpose xss) where
spreadHeads : Nat -> Vector a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
spreadHeads i [] yss = yss
spreadHeads i xs [] = map (\(j,x) => (j, singleton (i,x))) xs
spreadHeads i xs@((j, x) :: xs') yss@((j', ys) :: yss') =
case compare j j' of
LT => (j, singleton (i,x)) :: spreadHeads i xs' yss
EQ => (j', insert1 i x ys) :: spreadHeads i xs' yss'
GT => (j', ys) :: spreadHeads i xs yss'
dot : Semiring a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a
dot [] _ = plusNeutral
dot _ [] = plusNeutral
dot xs@((k, x) :: xs') ys@((k', y) :: ys') =
case compare k k' of
LT => dot xs' ys
EQ => (x |*| y) |+| dot xs' ys'
GT => dot xs ys'
multRow : (Eq a, Semiring a) => Matrix a -> Vector1 a -> Vector a
multRow [] ys = []
multRow ((i, xs) :: xss) ys =
let z = dot (toList xs) (toList ys) in
if z == plusNeutral then
multRow xss ys
(i, z) :: multRow xss ys
multTranspose : (Eq a, Semiring a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multTranspose xss [] = []
multTranspose xss ((j, ys) :: yss) =
case multRow xss ys of
[] => multTranspose xss yss
y' :: ys' => (j, y' ::: ys') :: multTranspose xss yss
mult : (Eq a, Semiring a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mult = multTranspose . transpose
maxIndex1 : Vector1 a -> Nat
maxIndex1 ((i, x) ::: xs) = maybe i fst (last' xs)
maxIndexInner : Matrix a -> Nat
maxIndexInner = foldMap @{%search} @{MkMonoid @{MkSemigroup max} 0} (maxIndex1 . snd)
namespace Pretty
header : (columnWidth : Int) -> (rowLength : Nat) -> List (Doc ann)
header columnWidth rowLength = map (fill columnWidth . byShow) (take rowLength [0..])
maxIndex : Vector a -> Nat
maxIndex xs = maybe 0 fst (last' xs)
row : Pretty ann a => Vector a -> List (Doc ann)
row xs = go rowLength xs
rowLength : Nat
rowLength = maxIndex xs + 1
prettyNeutral : Doc ann
prettyNeutral = space
go : Nat -> Vector a -> List (Doc ann)
go _ [] = []
go Z _ = []
go i@(S i') ys@((j, y) :: ys') =
case compare (minus rowLength i) j of
LT => prettyNeutral :: go i' ys
EQ => pretty y :: go i' ys'
GT => go i ys'
row1 : Pretty ann a => Vector1 a -> List (Doc ann)
row1 ys = row (toList ys)
columnSeparator : Doc ann
columnSeparator = spaces 3
columnSep : List (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
columnSep = concatWith (\x, y => x <+> columnSeparator <+> y)
prettyRow1 : Pretty ann a => (index : Doc ann) -> (columnWidth : Int) -> Vector1 a -> Doc ann
prettyRow1 index columnWidth ys = columnSep $ map (fill columnWidth) (index :: row1 ys)
hardlineSep : List (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
hardlineSep = concatWith (\x, y => x <+> hardline <+> y)
prettyTable : Pretty ann a => (maxWidthA : Nat) -> Matrix a -> Doc ann
prettyTable maxWidthA m = hardlineSep $
-- header
columnSep (spaces widthJ :: header widthI (maxI + 1))
-- content
:: map (\(j, r) => prettyRow1 (fill widthJ (byShow j)) widthI r) m
maxI : Nat
maxI = maxIndexInner m
maxJ : Nat
maxJ = maxIndex m
widthI : Int
widthI = cast $ max (length (show maxI)) maxWidthA
widthJ : Int
widthJ = cast $ length (show maxJ)