[ re #2041 ] better runtime error for holey expression (#2045)

This commit is contained in:
G. Allais 2021-10-26 12:43:39 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 377ae22eac
commit b9834978cb
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 116 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ jobs:
needs: ubuntu-bootstrap-racket
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: false
IDRIS2_CG: racket

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@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ execute {c} cg tm
let tmpDir = execBuildDir d
ensureDirectoryExists tmpDir
executeExpr cg c tmpDir tm
pure ()
incCompile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -166,7 +165,8 @@ getAllDesc (n@(Resolved i) :: rest) arr defs
= do Nothing <- coreLift $ readArray arr i
| Just _ => getAllDesc rest arr defs
case !(lookupContextEntry n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => getAllDesc rest arr defs
Nothing => do log "compile.execute" 20 $ "Couldn't find " ++ show n
getAllDesc rest arr defs
Just (_, entry) =>
do (def, bin) <- getMinimalDef entry
ignore $ addDef n def
@ -176,9 +176,13 @@ getAllDesc (n@(Resolved i) :: rest) arr defs
let refs = refersToRuntime def
refs' <- traverse toResolvedNames (keys refs)
getAllDesc (refs' ++ rest) arr defs
else getAllDesc rest arr defs
else do log "compile.execute" 20
$ "Dropping " ++ show n ++ " because it's erased"
getAllDesc rest arr defs
getAllDesc (n :: rest) arr defs
= getAllDesc rest arr defs
= do log "compile.execute" 20 $
"Ignoring " ++ show n ++ " because it's not a Resolved name"
getAllDesc rest arr defs
warnIfHole : Name -> NamedDef -> Core ()
warnIfHole n (MkNmError _)
@ -236,27 +240,61 @@ export
getCompileData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> (doLazyAnnots : Bool) ->
UsePhase -> ClosedTerm -> Core CompileData
getCompileData doLazyAnnots phase_in tm_in
= do defs <- get Ctxt
= do log "compile.execute" 10 $ "Getting compiled data for: " ++ show tm_in
sopts <- getSession
let phase = foldl {t=List} (flip $ maybe id max) phase_in $
[Cases <$ dumpcases sopts, Lifted <$ dumplifted sopts, ANF <$ dumpanf sopts, VMCode <$ dumpvmcode sopts]
let ns = getRefs (Resolved (-1)) tm_in
[ Cases <$ dumpcases sopts
, Lifted <$ dumplifted sopts
, ANF <$ dumpanf sopts
, VMCode <$ dumpvmcode sopts
-- When we compile a REPL expression, there may be leftovers holes in it.
-- Turn these into runtime errors.
let metas = addMetas True empty tm_in
for_ (keys metas) $ \ metanm =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact metanm (gamma defs)
| Nothing => log "compile.execute" 50 $ unwords
[ "Couldn't find"
, show metanm
, "(probably impossible)"]
let Hole _ _ = definition gdef
| _ => pure ()
let fulln = fullname gdef
let cexp = MkError $ CCrash emptyFC
$ "Encountered unimplemented hole " ++ show fulln
ignore $ addDef metanm ({ compexpr := Just cexp
, namedcompexpr := Just (forgetDef cexp)
} gdef)
let refs = getRefs (Resolved (-1)) tm_in
let ns = mergeWith const metas refs
log "compile.execute" 70 $
"Found names: " ++ concat (intersperse ", " $ map show $ keys ns)
tm <- toFullNames tm_in
natHackNames' <- traverse toResolvedNames natHackNames
-- make an array of Bools to hold which names we've found (quicker
-- to check than a NameMap!)
asize <- getNextEntry
arr <- coreLift $ newArray asize
defs <- get Ctxt
logTime "++ Get names" $ getAllDesc (natHackNames' ++ keys ns) arr defs
let entries = catMaybes !(coreLift (toList arr))
let allNs = map (Resolved . fst) entries
cns <- traverse toFullNames allNs
log "compile.execute" 30 $
"All names: " ++ concat (intersperse ", " $ map show $ zip allNs cns)
-- Do a round of merging/arity fixing for any names which were
-- unknown due to cyclic modules (i.e. declared in one, defined in
-- another)
rcns <- filterM nonErased cns
log "compile.execute" 40 $
"Kept: " ++ concat (intersperse ", " $ map show rcns)
logTime "++ Merge lambda" $ traverse_ mergeLamDef rcns
logTime "++ Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef rcns
compiledtm <- fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)

View File

@ -302,9 +302,11 @@ analyzeName : Ref Sts St
analyzeName fn = do
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact fn (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
| Nothing => do log "compile.execute" 50 $ "Couldn't find " ++ show fn
pure Nothing
let Just cexp = compexpr def
| Nothing => pure Nothing
| Nothing => do log "compile.execute" 50 $ "Couldn't compile " ++ show fn
pure Nothing
cexp' <- analyzeDef cexp
pure $ Just (fn, location def, cexp')
@ -473,7 +475,7 @@ cse : Ref Ctxt Defs
cse defs me = do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ "Analysing " ++ show (length defs) ++ " names"
s <- newRef Sts $ MkSt empty 0
analyzedDefs <- mapMaybe id <$> traverse analyzeName defs
analyzedDefs <- catMaybes <$> traverse analyzeName defs
MkSt um _ <- get Sts
srep <- newRef ReplaceMap $ toReplaceMap um
replacedDefs <- traverse replaceDef analyzedDefs

View File

@ -461,7 +461,6 @@ compileToSS c prof appdir tm outfile
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift_ $ chmodRaw outfile 0o755
pure ()
||| Compile a Chez Scheme source file to an executable, daringly with runtime checks off.
compileToSO : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -591,7 +590,6 @@ executeExpr c tmpDir tm
= do Just sh <- compileExpr False c tmpDir tmpDir tm "_tmpchez"
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "compileExpr returned Nothing")
coreLift_ $ system sh
pure ()
incCompile : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
(sourceFile : String) -> Core (Maybe (String, List String))

View File

@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ addRefs at ns = getNames (addRefs False at) ns
getMetas : CaseTree vars -> NameMap Bool
getMetas = getNames addMetas empty
getMetas = getNames (addMetas False) empty
mkTerm : (vars : List Name) -> Pat -> Term vars

View File

@ -379,8 +379,11 @@ HasNames (Term vars) where
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) gam
| Nothing => pure (Ref fc x (Resolved i))
pure (Ref fc x (fullname gdef))
full gam (Meta fc x y xs)
= pure (Meta fc x y !(traverse (full gam) xs))
full gam (Meta fc x i xs)
= do xs <- traverse (full gam) xs
pure $ case !(lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) gam) of
Nothing => Meta fc x i xs
Just gdef => Meta fc (fullname gdef) i xs
full gam (Bind fc x b scope)
= pure (Bind fc x !(traverse (full gam) b) !(full gam scope))
full gam (App fc fn arg)

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ knownTopics = [
("builtin.Natural", Just "Log each encountered %builtin Natural declaration."),
("builtin.NaturalToInteger", Just "Log each encountered %builtin NaturalToInteger declaration."),
("builtin.IntegerToNatural", Just "Log each encountered %builtin IntegerToNatural declaration."),
("compile.execute", Nothing),
("compile.casetree", Nothing),
("compile.casetree.clauses", Nothing),
("compile.casetree.getpmdef", Nothing),

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ seval mode env tm
-- since we last evaluated a name, and we might have evaluated the
-- name in a different mode
let ms = getRefs (MN "" 0) tm
let rs = addMetas ms tm
let rs = addMetas False ms tm
names <- getAllNames empty (keys rs)
traverse_ (compileDef mode) (keys names)

View File

@ -1641,33 +1641,34 @@ substName x new (TForce fc r y)
substName x new tm = tm
addMetas : NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addMetas ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
addMetas ns (Ref fc x name) = ns
addMetas ns (Meta fc n i xs) = addMetaArgs (insert n False ns) xs
addMetas : (usingResolved : Bool) -> NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addMetas res ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
addMetas res ns (Ref fc x name) = ns
addMetas res ns (Meta fc n i xs)
= addMetaArgs (insert (ifThenElse res (Resolved i) n) False ns) xs
addMetaArgs : NameMap Bool -> List (Term vars) -> NameMap Bool
addMetaArgs ns [] = ns
addMetaArgs ns (t :: ts) = addMetaArgs (addMetas ns t) ts
addMetas ns (Bind fc x (Let _ c val ty) scope)
= addMetas (addMetas (addMetas ns val) ty) scope
addMetas ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addMetas (addMetas ns (binderType b)) scope
addMetas ns (App fc fn arg)
= addMetas (addMetas ns fn) arg
addMetas ns (As fc s as tm) = addMetas ns tm
addMetas ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addMetas ns y
addMetas ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addMetas (addMetas ns t) y
addMetas ns (TForce fc r x) = addMetas ns x
addMetas ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addMetas ns (Erased fc i) = ns
addMetas ns (TType fc) = ns
addMetaArgs ns (t :: ts) = addMetaArgs (addMetas res ns t) ts
addMetas res ns (Bind fc x (Let _ c val ty) scope)
= addMetas res (addMetas res (addMetas res ns val) ty) scope
addMetas res ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns (binderType b)) scope
addMetas res ns (App fc fn arg)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns fn) arg
addMetas res ns (As fc s as tm) = addMetas res ns tm
addMetas res ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addMetas res ns y
addMetas res ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns t) y
addMetas res ns (TForce fc r x) = addMetas res ns x
addMetas res ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addMetas res ns (Erased fc i) = ns
addMetas res ns (TType fc) = ns
-- Get the metavariable names in a term
getMetas : Term vars -> NameMap Bool
getMetas tm = addMetas empty tm
getMetas tm = addMetas False empty tm
addRefs : (underAssert : Bool) -> (aTotal : Name) ->
@ -1706,6 +1707,7 @@ export
getRefs : (aTotal : Name) -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
getRefs at tm = addRefs False at empty tm
nameAt : {vars : _} -> {idx : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar n idx vars) -> Name
nameAt {vars = n :: ns} First = n

View File

@ -627,11 +627,11 @@ execExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PTerm -> Core REPLResult
execExp ctm
= do tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
Just cg <- findCG
| Nothing =>
do iputStrLn (reflow "No such code generator available")
pure CompilationFailed
= do Just cg <- findCG
| Nothing =>
do iputStrLn (reflow "No such code generator available")
pure CompilationFailed
tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
logTimeWhen !getEvalTiming "Execution" $
execute cg tm_erased
pure $ Executed ctm
@ -662,11 +662,11 @@ compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
PTerm -> String -> Core REPLResult
compileExp ctm outfile
= do tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
Just cg <- findCG
= do Just cg <- findCG
| Nothing =>
do iputStrLn (reflow "No such code generator available")
pure CompilationFailed
tm_erased <- prepareExp ctm
ok <- compile cg tm_erased outfile
maybe (pure CompilationFailed)
(pure . Compiled)

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@ -175,10 +175,7 @@ pragma : String -> Rule ()
pragma n =
terminal ("Expected pragma " ++ n) $
Pragma s =>
if s == n
then Just ()
else Nothing
Pragma s => guard (s == n)
_ => Nothing

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ idrisTestsEvaluator = MkTestPool "Evaluation" [] Nothing
"evaluator001", "evaluator002", "evaluator003",
-- Miscellaneous REPL
"interpreter001", "interpreter002", "interpreter003", "interpreter004",
"interpreter005", "interpreter006", "interpreter007"]
"interpreter005", "interpreter006", "interpreter007", "interpreter008"]
idrisTestsAllBackends : Requirement -> TestPool
idrisTestsAllBackends cg = MkTestPool

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
ex : {n : Nat} -> String
ex {n} = "hello" ++ show n
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn ex

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1/1: Building Issue2041 (Issue2041.idr)
Error: Unsolved holes:
Main.{n:377} introduced at:
1 | ex : {n : Nat} -> String
2 | ex {n} = "hello" ++ show n
3 |
4 | main : IO ()
5 | main = putStrLn ex
Main> Encountered unimplemented hole Main.{n:377}
Warning: compiling hole Main.{n:377}
Main> Encountered unimplemented hole Main.{n:4}
Warning: compiling hole Main.{n:4}
Bye for now!

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
:exec main
:exec putStrLn ex

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner Issue2041.idr < input