[ cleanup ] Reuse Tarjan's algorithm in JS backend and some other cleanups (#1504)

This commit is contained in:
Stefan Höck 2021-06-17 11:43:10 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 41c3fd2632
commit c04835c436
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 105 additions and 271 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ modules =
@ -117,6 +116,7 @@ modules =

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Compiler.CompileExpr
import public Core.Context
import Compiler.ES.RemoveUnused
import Compiler.ES.TailRec
%default covering
@ -411,7 +410,7 @@ compileToImperative c tm =
-- list of toplevel definitions (only those necessary
-- to implement the main expression)
lst_defs <- traverse getImp (defsUsedByNamedCExp ctm ndefs)
lst_defs <- traverse getImp ndefs
let defs = concat lst_defs

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
||| Functions in this module are responsible to
||| find those toplevel definitions that should
||| be included in the generated JS code since
||| they are (transitively) being invoked by the
||| main function.
module Compiler.ES.RemoveUnused
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap
import Data.Vect
import Data.List
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Name
import Core.FC
import Debug.Trace
%default covering
usedNames : NamedCExp -> SortedSet Name
usedNames (NmLocal fc n) = empty
usedNames (NmRef fc n) = insert n empty
usedNames (NmLam fc n e) = usedNames e
usedNames (NmApp fc x args) = usedNames x `union` concatMap usedNames args
usedNames (NmPrimVal fc c) = empty
usedNames (NmOp fc op args) = concatMap usedNames args
usedNames (NmConCase fc sc alts def) =
(usedNames sc `union` concatMap usedNamesConAlt alts) `union`
maybe empty usedNames def
usedNames (NmConstCase fc sc alts def) =
(usedNames sc `union` concatMap usedNamesConstAlt alts)
`union` maybe empty usedNames def
usedNames (NmExtPrim fc p args) = concatMap usedNames args
usedNames (NmCon fc x _ t args) = concatMap usedNames args
usedNames (NmDelay fc _ t) = usedNames t
usedNames (NmForce fc _ t) = usedNames t
usedNames (NmLet fc x val sc) = usedNames val `union` usedNames sc
usedNames (NmErased fc) = empty
usedNames (NmCrash fc msg) = empty
usedNamesConAlt : NamedConAlt -> SortedSet Name
usedNamesConAlt (MkNConAlt n _ t args exp) = usedNames exp
usedNamesConstAlt : NamedConstAlt -> SortedSet Name
usedNamesConstAlt (MkNConstAlt c exp) = usedNames exp
usedNamesDef : NamedDef -> SortedSet Name
usedNamesDef (MkNmFun args exp) = usedNames exp
usedNamesDef (MkNmError exp) = usedNames exp
usedNamesDef (MkNmForeign cs args ret) = empty
usedNamesDef (MkNmCon _ _ _) = empty
defsToUsedMap : List (Name, FC, NamedDef)
-> SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
defsToUsedMap defs =
fromList $ (\(n,_,d)=> (n, usedNamesDef d)) <$> defs
-- TODO: Should we use `SortedSet Name` instead of `List Name` here?
calcUsed : SortedSet Name
-> SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
-> List Name
-> SortedSet Name
calcUsed done d [] = done
calcUsed done d xs =
let used_in_xs = foldl f empty $ (\z => lookup z d) <$> xs
new_done = union done (fromList xs)
in calcUsed (new_done) d (SortedSet.toList $ difference used_in_xs new_done)
f : SortedSet Name -> Maybe (SortedSet Name) -> SortedSet Name
f x Nothing = x
f x (Just y) = union x y
calcUsedDefs : List Name
-> List (Name, FC, NamedDef)
-> List (Name, FC, NamedDef)
calcUsedDefs names defs =
let usedNames = calcUsed empty (defsToUsedMap defs) names
in List.filter (\(n, fc, d) => contains n usedNames) defs
||| Filters a list of toplevel definitions, keeping only those
||| that are (transitively) used by the given expression.
||| @ exp : Expression invoking some of the toplevel
||| definitions. Typically, this is the expression implementing
||| a program's `main` function.
||| @ defs : List of toplevel definitions.
defsUsedByNamedCExp : (exp : NamedCExp)
-> (defs : List (Name, FC, NamedDef))
-> List (Name, FC, NamedDef)
defsUsedByNamedCExp exp defs =
calcUsedDefs (SortedSet.toList $ usedNames exp) defs

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@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Strings
import Libraries.Data.Graph
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import Libraries.Data.List.Extra as L
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap
@ -179,105 +181,33 @@ makeTailOptimToBody n argNames body =
(Just loopReturn)
in stepFn <+> createArgInit argNames <+> loop
||| A directed graph mapping function names
||| to the set of names they directly call and
||| to the set of names from which they are directly called
record CallGraph where
constructor MkCallGraph
||| Map function names to function names they call
calls : SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
||| Map function names to function names, from which they are called
callers : SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
showCallGraph : CallGraph -> String
showCallGraph x =
let calls = unlines $ map
(\(x,y) => show x ++ ": " ++ show (SortedSet.toList y))
(SortedMap.toList x.calls)
callers = unlines $ map
(\(x,y) => show x ++ ": " ++ show (SortedSet.toList y))
(SortedMap.toList x.callers)
in calls ++ "\n----\n" ++ callers
-- when creating the tail call graph, we only process
-- function declarations and we are only interested
-- in calls being made at tail position
tailCallGraph : ImperativeStatement -> CallGraph
tailCallGraph : ImperativeStatement -> SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name)
tailCallGraph (SeqStatement x y) =
let xg = tailCallGraph x
yg = tailCallGraph y
in MkCallGraph
(mergeWith union xg.calls yg.calls)
(mergeWith union xg.callers yg.callers)
mergeWith union (tailCallGraph x) (tailCallGraph y)
tailCallGraph (FunDecl fc n args body) =
let calls = allTailCalls body
in MkCallGraph (singleton n calls) (toSortedMap calls $> singleton n)
singleton n $ allTailCalls body
tailCallGraph _ = MkCallGraph empty empty
tailCallGraph _ = empty
-- lookup up the list of values associated with
-- a given key (`Nil` if the key is not present in the list)
lookupList : k -> SortedMap k (SortedSet b) -> List b
lookupList v = maybe [] SortedSet.toList . lookup v
-- look up the nodes transitively called from
-- the given list of callers. already visited nodes
-- (as indicated by `visited`) are ignored
-- For the resulting list, the following post-condition holds:
-- if x is callable from y, then y will appear before x in the list.
kosarajuL : (visited : SortedSet Name)
-> (callers : List Name)
-> (graph : CallGraph)
-> (SortedSet Name, List Name)
kosarajuL visited [] graph = (visited, [])
kosarajuL visited (x::xs) graph =
if contains x visited
then kosarajuL visited xs graph
else let outNeighbours = lookupList x (graph.calls)
(visited2, l2) = kosarajuL (insert x visited) outNeighbours graph
(visited3, l3) = kosarajuL visited2 xs graph
in (visited3, l3 ++ (x :: l2))
kosarajuAssign : CallGraph
-> (root : Name)
-> SortedMap Name Name
-> (u : Name)
-> SortedMap Name Name
kosarajuAssign graph root s u =
case lookup u s of
Just _ => s
Nothing =>
let inNeighbours = lookupList u (graph.callers)
in foldl (kosarajuAssign graph root) (insert u root s) inNeighbours
-- associates every caller in a call graph with
-- an arbitrary root node of its strongly connected
-- component.
-- This allows us to find the strongly connected components
-- of a tail-call graph, by grouping nodes by their
-- assigned root node.
-- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosaraju%27s_algorithm
kosaraju : CallGraph -> SortedMap Name Name
kosaraju graph =
let l = snd $ kosarajuL empty (keys $ graph.calls) graph
in foldl (\acc, elem => kosarajuAssign graph elem acc elem) empty l
recursiveTailCallGroups : CallGraph -> List (List Name)
recursiveTailCallGroups : SortedMap Name (SortedSet Name) -> List (List Name)
recursiveTailCallGroups graph =
let roots = kosaraju graph
groups = map (map fst) . L.groupAllWith snd $ toList roots
in [forget x | x<-groups, hasTailCalls x]
[forget x | x <-tarjan graph, hasTailCalls x]
-- in case of larger groups (more than one element)
-- the group contains tailcalls by construction. In case
-- of a single function, we need to check that at least one
-- outgoing tailcall goes back to the function itself.
where hasTailCalls : List1 Name -> Bool
hasTailCalls (x ::: Nil) = x `elem` lookupList x (graph.calls)
hasTailCalls (x ::: Nil) = x `elem` lookupList x graph
hasTailCalls _ = True
-- extracts the functions belonging to the given tailcall
@ -367,8 +297,7 @@ export
tailRecOptim : ImperativeStatement -> Core ImperativeStatement
tailRecOptim x =
do ref <- newRef TailRecS (MkTailSt 0)
let graph = tailCallGraph x
let groups = recursiveTailCallGroups graph
let groups = recursiveTailCallGroups (tailCallGraph x)
let functionsToOptimize = foldl SortedSet.union empty $ map SortedSet.fromList groups
let (unchanged, defs) = extractFunctions functionsToOptimize x
optimized <- traverse (tailRecOptimGroup defs) groups

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import public Core.Name
import public Core.Name.Namespace
import public Core.CompileExpr
import public Compiler.VMCode
import public Libraries.Data.Graph
import public Libraries.Data.SortedMap
import public Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import public Libraries.Data.StringMap
@ -83,99 +84,6 @@ splitByNS = SortedMap.toList . foldl addOne SortedMap.empty
(SortedMap.singleton (getNS n) [ndef])
-- Mechanically transcribed from
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm#The_algorithm_in_pseudocode
namespace Tarjan
record TarjanVertex where
constructor TV
index : Int
lowlink : Int
inStack : Bool
record TarjanState cuid where
constructor TS
vertices : SortedMap cuid TarjanVertex
stack : List cuid
nextIndex : Int
components : List (List1 cuid)
impossibleHappened : Bool -- we should get at least some indication of broken assumptions
||| Find strongly connected components in the given graph.
||| Input: map from vertex X to all vertices Y such that there is edge X->Y
||| Output: list of strongly connected components, ordered by output degree descending
tarjan : Ord cuid => SortedMap cuid (SortedSet cuid) -> List (List1 cuid)
tarjan {cuid} deps = loop initialState (SortedMap.keys deps)
initialState : TarjanState cuid
initialState =
strongConnect : TarjanState cuid -> cuid -> TarjanState cuid
strongConnect ts v =
let ts'' = case SortedMap.lookup v deps of
Nothing => ts' -- no edges
Just edgeSet => loop ts' (SortedSet.toList edgeSet)
in case SortedMap.lookup v ts''.vertices of
Nothing => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts''
Just vtv =>
if vtv.index == vtv.lowlink
then createComponent ts'' v []
else ts''
createComponent : TarjanState cuid -> cuid -> List cuid -> TarjanState cuid
createComponent ts v acc =
case ts.stack of
[] => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts
w :: ws =>
let ts' : TarjanState cuid = record {
vertices $= SortedMap.adjust w record{ inStack = False },
stack = ws
} ts
in if w == v
then record { components $= ((v ::: acc) ::) } ts' -- that's it
else createComponent ts' v (w :: acc)
loop : TarjanState cuid -> List cuid -> TarjanState cuid
loop ts [] = ts
loop ts (w :: ws) =
loop (
case SortedMap.lookup w ts.vertices of
Nothing => let ts' = strongConnect ts w in
case SortedMap.lookup w ts'.vertices of
Nothing => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts'
Just wtv => record { vertices $= SortedMap.adjust v record{ lowlink $= min wtv.lowlink } } ts'
Just wtv => case wtv.inStack of
False => ts -- nothing to do
True => record { vertices $= SortedMap.adjust v record{ lowlink $= min wtv.index } } ts
) ws
ts' : TarjanState cuid
ts' = record {
vertices $= SortedMap.insert v (TV ts.nextIndex ts.nextIndex True),
stack $= (v ::),
nextIndex $= (1+)
} ts
loop : TarjanState cuid -> List cuid -> List (List1 cuid)
loop ts [] =
if ts.impossibleHappened
then []
else ts.components
loop ts (v :: vs) =
case SortedMap.lookup v ts.vertices of
Just _ => loop ts vs -- done, skip
Nothing => loop (strongConnect ts v) vs
public export
interface HasNamespaces a where
||| Return the set of namespaces mentioned within

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Libraries.Data.Graph
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import Data.List1
-- Mechanically transcribed from
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm#The_algorithm_in_pseudocode
record TarjanVertex where
constructor TV
index : Int
lowlink : Int
inStack : Bool
record TarjanState cuid where
constructor TS
vertices : SortedMap cuid TarjanVertex
stack : List cuid
nextIndex : Int
components : List (List1 cuid)
impossibleHappened : Bool -- we should get at least some indication of broken assumptions
initial : Ord cuid => TarjanState cuid
initial = TS empty [] 0 [] False
||| Find strongly connected components in the given graph.
||| Input: map from vertex X to all vertices Y such that there is edge X->Y
||| Output: list of strongly connected components, ordered by output degree descending
tarjan : Ord cuid => SortedMap cuid (SortedSet cuid) -> List (List1 cuid)
tarjan {cuid} deps = loop initial (SortedMap.keys deps)
strongConnect : TarjanState cuid -> cuid -> TarjanState cuid
strongConnect ts v =
let ts'' = case SortedMap.lookup v deps of
Nothing => ts' -- no edges
Just edgeSet => loop ts' (SortedSet.toList edgeSet)
in case SortedMap.lookup v ts''.vertices of
Nothing => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts''
Just vtv =>
if vtv.index == vtv.lowlink
then createComponent ts'' v []
else ts''
createComponent : TarjanState cuid -> cuid -> List cuid -> TarjanState cuid
createComponent ts v acc =
case ts.stack of
[] => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts
w :: ws =>
let ts' : TarjanState cuid = record {
vertices $= SortedMap.adjust w record{ inStack = False },
stack = ws
} ts
in if w == v
then record { components $= ((v ::: acc) ::) } ts' -- that's it
else createComponent ts' v (w :: acc)
loop : TarjanState cuid -> List cuid -> TarjanState cuid
loop ts [] = ts
loop ts (w :: ws) =
loop (
case SortedMap.lookup w ts.vertices of
Nothing => let ts' = strongConnect ts w in
case SortedMap.lookup w ts'.vertices of
Nothing => record { impossibleHappened = True } ts'
Just wtv => record { vertices $= SortedMap.adjust v record{ lowlink $= min wtv.lowlink } } ts'
Just wtv => case wtv.inStack of
False => ts -- nothing to do
True => record { vertices $= SortedMap.adjust v record{ lowlink $= min wtv.index } } ts
) ws
ts' : TarjanState cuid
ts' = record {
vertices $= SortedMap.insert v (TV ts.nextIndex ts.nextIndex True),
stack $= (v ::),
nextIndex $= (1+)
} ts
loop : TarjanState cuid -> List cuid -> List (List1 cuid)
loop ts [] =
if ts.impossibleHappened
then []
else ts.components
loop ts (v :: vs) =
case SortedMap.lookup v ts.vertices of
Just _ => loop ts vs -- done, skip
Nothing => loop (strongConnect ts v) vs