mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 02:31:50 +03:00
[ refactor ] split up Core.Termination
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ modules =
@ -156,6 +156,14 @@ isField : UserName -> Maybe String
isField (Field str) = Just str
isField _ = Nothing
caseFn : Name -> Bool
caseFn (CaseBlock _ _) = True
caseFn (DN _ n) = caseFn n
caseFn (NS _ n) = caseFn n
caseFn _ = False
displayUserName : UserName -> String
displayUserName (Basic n) = n
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import Core.Termination.CallGraph
import Core.Termination.Positivity
import Core.Termination.SizeChange
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
@ -15,28 +19,6 @@ import Data.String
%default covering
-- Check that the names a function refers to are terminating
totRefs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Core Terminating
totRefs defs [] = pure IsTerminating
totRefs defs (n :: ns)
= do rest <- totRefs defs ns
Just d <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure rest
case isTerminating (totality d) of
IsTerminating => pure rest
Unchecked => do
log "totality" 20 $ "Totality unchecked for " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
pure rest
_ => case rest of
NotTerminating (BadCall ns)
=> toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall (n :: ns))
_ => toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall [n])
totRefsIn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Term vars -> Core Terminating
totRefsIn defs ty = totRefs defs (keys (getRefs (Resolved (-1)) ty))
-- Check if all branches end up as constructor arguments, with no other
-- function application, and set 'AllGuarded' if so.
-- This is to check whether a function can be considered a constructor form
@ -87,587 +69,6 @@ checkIfGuarded fc n
then allGuarded ps
else pure False
-- Equal for the purposes of size change means, ignoring as patterns, all
-- non-metavariable positions are equal
scEq : Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
scEq (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
scEq (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
scEq (Meta _ _ i args) _ = True
scEq _ (Meta _ _ i args) = True
scEq (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc') = False -- not checkable
scEq (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = scEq f f' && scEq a a'
scEq (As _ _ a p) p' = scEq p p'
scEq p (As _ _ a p') = scEq p p'
scEq (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = scEq t t' && scEq x x'
scEq (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
scEq (Erased _ _) (Erased _ _) = True
scEq (TType _ _) (TType _ _) = True
scEq _ _ = False
data Guardedness = Toplevel | Unguarded | Guarded | InDelay
Show Guardedness where
show Toplevel = "Toplevel"
show Unguarded = "Unguarded"
show Guarded = "Guarded"
show InDelay = "InDelay"
-- Remove all force and delay annotations which are nothing to do with
-- coinduction meaning that all Delays left guard coinductive calls.
delazy : Defs -> Term vars -> Term vars
delazy defs (TDelayed fc r tm)
= let tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelayed fc r tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= let ty' = delazy defs ty
tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelay fc r ty' tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TForce fc r t)
= case r of
LInf => TForce fc r (delazy defs t)
_ => delazy defs t
delazy defs (Meta fc n i args) = Meta fc n i (map (delazy defs) args)
delazy defs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (delazy defs) b) (delazy defs sc)
delazy defs (App fc f a) = App fc (delazy defs f) (delazy defs a)
delazy defs (As fc s a p) = As fc s (delazy defs a) (delazy defs p)
delazy defs tm = tm
findSC : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Guardedness ->
List (Nat, Term vars) -> -- LHS args and their position
Term vars -> -- Right hand side
Core (List SCCall)
findSC {vars} defs env g pats (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $
!(findSCbinder b) ++
!(findSC defs (b :: env) g (map (\ (p, tm) => (p, weaken tm)) pats) sc)
findSCbinder : Binder (Term vars) -> Core (List SCCall)
findSCbinder (Let _ c val ty) = findSC defs env g pats val
findSCbinder b = pure [] -- only types, no need to look
-- If we're Guarded and find a Delay, continue with the argument as InDelay
findSC defs env Guarded pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env InDelay pats tm
findSC defs env g pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env g pats tm
findSC defs env g pats tm
= do let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm
-- if it's a 'case' or 'if' just go straight into the arguments
Nothing <- handleCase fn args
| Just res => pure res
fn' <- conIfGuarded fn -- pretend it's a data constructor if
-- it has the AllGuarded flag
case (g, fn', args) of
-- If we're InDelay and find a constructor (or a function call which is
-- guaranteed to return a constructor; AllGuarded set), continue as InDelay
(InDelay, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env InDelay pats) args
pure (concat scs)
-- If we're InDelay otherwise, just check the arguments, the
-- function call is okay
(InDelay, _, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Guarded, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Toplevel, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(_, Ref fc Func fn, args) =>
do logC "totality" 50 $
pure $ "Looking up type of " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
Just ty <- lookupTyExact fn (gamma defs)
| Nothing => do
log "totality" 50 $ "Lookup failed"
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn 0 args
arity <- getArity defs [] ty
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn arity args
(_, f, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
handleCase : Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> Core (Maybe (List SCCall))
handleCase (Ref fc nt n) args
= do n' <- toFullNames n
if caseFn n'
then Just <$> findSCcall defs env g pats fc n 4 args
else pure Nothing
handleCase _ _ = pure Nothing
conIfGuarded : Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
conIfGuarded (Ref fc Func n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure $ Ref fc Func n
if AllGuarded `elem` flags gdef
then pure $ Ref fc (DataCon 0 0) n
else pure $ Ref fc Func n
conIfGuarded tm = pure tm
-- Expand the size change argument list with 'Nothing' to match the given
-- arity (i.e. the arity of the function we're calling) to ensure that
-- it's noted that we don't know the size change relationship with the
-- extra arguments.
expandToArity : Nat -> List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)) ->
List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange))
expandToArity Z xs = xs
expandToArity (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: expandToArity k xs
expandToArity (S k) [] = Nothing :: expandToArity k []
-- Return whether first argument is structurally smaller than the second.
smaller : Bool -> -- Have we gone under a constructor yet?
Defs ->
Maybe (Term vars) -> -- Asserted bigger thing
Term vars -> -- Term we're checking
Term vars -> -- Argument it might be smaller than
smaller inc defs big _ (Erased _ _) = False -- Never smaller than an erased thing!
-- for an as pattern, it's smaller if it's smaller than either part
smaller inc defs big s (As _ _ p t)
= smaller inc defs big s p || smaller inc defs big s t
smaller True defs big s t
= s == t || smallerArg True defs big s t
smaller inc defs big s t = smallerArg inc defs big s t
assertedSmaller : Maybe (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Bool
assertedSmaller (Just b) a = scEq b a
assertedSmaller _ _ = False
smallerArg : Bool -> Defs ->
Maybe (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
smallerArg inc defs big (As _ _ _ s) tm = smallerArg inc defs big s tm
smallerArg inc defs big s tm
-- If we hit a pattern that is equal to a thing we've asserted_smaller,
-- the argument must be smaller
= assertedSmaller big tm ||
case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ (DataCon t a) cn, args)
=> any (smaller True defs big s) args
_ => case s of
App _ f _ => smaller inc defs big f tm
-- Higher order recursive argument
_ => False
-- if the argument is an 'assert_smaller', return the thing it's smaller than
asserted : Name -> Term vars -> Maybe (Term vars)
asserted aSmaller tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ nt fn, [_, _, b, _])
=> if fn == aSmaller
then Just b
else Nothing
_ => Nothing
-- Calculate the size change for the given argument.
-- i.e., return the size relationship of the given argument with an entry
-- in 'pats'; the position in 'pats' and the size change.
-- Nothing if there is no relation with any of them.
mkChange : Defs -> Name ->
(pats : List (Nat, Term vars)) ->
(arg : Term vars) ->
Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)
mkChange defs aSmaller [] arg = Nothing
mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, As _ _ p parg) :: pats) arg
= mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, p) :: (i, parg) :: pats) arg
mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, parg) :: pats) arg
= cond [(scEq arg parg, Just (i, Same)),
(smaller False defs (asserted aSmaller arg) arg parg, Just (i, Smaller))]
(mkChange defs aSmaller pats arg)
-- Given a name of a case function, and a list of the arguments being
-- passed to it, update the pattern list so that it's referring to the LHS
-- of the case block function and return the corresponding RHS.
-- This way, we can build case blocks directly into the size change graph
-- rather than treating the definitions separately.
getCasePats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
Defs -> Name -> List (Nat, Term vars) ->
List (Term vars) ->
Core (Maybe (List (vs ** (Env Term vs,
List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))))
getCasePats {vars} defs n pats args
= do Just (PMDef _ _ _ _ pdefs) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
log "totality" 20 $
unwords ["Looking at the", show (length pdefs), "cases of", show n]
let pdefs' = map matchArgs pdefs
logC "totality" 20 $ do
old <- for pdefs $ \ (_ ** (_, lhs, rhs)) => do
lhs <- toFullNames lhs
rhs <- toFullNames rhs
pure $ " " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs
new <- for pdefs' $ \ (_ ** (_, lhs, rhs)) => do
lhs <- traverse (toFullNames . snd) lhs
rhs <- toFullNames rhs
pure $ " " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs
pure $ unlines $ "Updated" :: old ++ " to:" :: new
pure $ Just pdefs'
updateRHS : {vs, vs' : _} ->
List (Term vs, Term vs') -> Term vs -> Term vs'
updateRHS {vs} {vs'} ms tm
= case lookupTm tm ms of
Nothing => urhs tm
Just t => t
urhs : Term vs -> Term vs'
urhs (Local fc _ _ _) = Erased fc Placeholder
urhs (Ref fc nt n) = Ref fc nt n
urhs (Meta fc m i margs) = Meta fc m i (map (updateRHS ms) margs)
urhs (App fc f a) = App fc (updateRHS ms f) (updateRHS ms a)
urhs (As fc s a p) = As fc s (updateRHS ms a) (updateRHS ms p)
urhs (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (updateRHS ms ty)
urhs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (updateRHS ms ty) (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (updateRHS ms) b)
(updateRHS (map (\vt => (weaken (fst vt), weaken (snd vt))) ms) sc)
urhs (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
urhs (Erased fc Impossible) = Erased fc Impossible
urhs (Erased fc Placeholder) = Erased fc Placeholder
urhs (Erased fc (Dotted t)) = Erased fc (Dotted (updateRHS ms t))
urhs (TType fc u) = TType fc u
lookupTm : Term vs -> List (Term vs, Term vs') -> Maybe (Term vs')
lookupTm tm [] = Nothing
lookupTm (As fc s p tm) tms -- Want to keep the pattern and the variable,
-- if there was an @ in the parent
= do tm' <- lookupTm tm tms
Just $ As fc s tm' (urhs tm)
lookupTm tm ((As fc s p tm', v) :: tms)
= if tm == p
then Just v
else do tm' <- lookupTm tm ((tm', v) :: tms)
Just $ As fc s (urhs p) tm'
lookupTm tm ((tm', v) :: tms)
= if tm == tm'
then Just v
else lookupTm tm tms
updatePat : {vs, vs' : _} ->
List (Term vs, Term vs') -> (Nat, Term vs) -> (Nat, Term vs')
updatePat ms (n, tm) = (n, updateRHS ms tm)
matchArgs : (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))
matchArgs (_ ** (env', lhs, rhs))
= let patMatch = reverse (zip args (getArgs lhs)) in
(_ ** (env', map (updatePat patMatch) pats, rhs))
caseFn : Name -> Bool
caseFn (CaseBlock _ _) = True
caseFn (DN _ n) = caseFn n
caseFn (NS _ n) = caseFn n
caseFn _ = False
findSCcall : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Guardedness ->
List (Nat, Term vars) ->
FC -> Name -> Nat -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findSCcall defs env g pats fc fn_in arity args
-- Under 'assert_total' we assume that all calls are fine, so leave
-- the size change list empty
= do fn <- getFullName fn_in
log "totality.termination.sizechange" 10 $ "Looking under " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
aSmaller <- resolved (gamma defs) (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_smaller"))
cond [(fn == NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"), pure [])
,(caseFn fn,
do scs1 <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
mps <- getCasePats defs fn pats args
scs2 <- traverse (findInCase defs g) $ fromMaybe [] mps
pure (concat (scs1 ++ scs2)))
(do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
pure ([MkSCCall fn
(expandToArity arity
(map (mkChange defs aSmaller pats) args))
++ concat scs))
findInCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Guardedness ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findInCase defs g (_ ** (env, pats, tm))
= do logC "totality" 10 $
do ps <- traverse toFullNames (map snd pats)
pure ("Looking in case args " ++ show ps)
logTermNF "totality" 10 " =" env tm
rhs <- normaliseOpts tcOnly defs env tm
findSC defs env g pats (delazy defs rhs)
findCalls : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> (vars ** (Env Term vars, Term vars, Term vars)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findCalls defs (_ ** (env, lhs, rhs_in))
= do let pargs = getArgs (delazy defs lhs)
rhs <- normaliseOpts tcOnly defs env rhs_in
findSC defs env Toplevel
(zip (take (length pargs) [0..]) pargs) (delazy defs rhs)
getSC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Def -> Core (List SCCall)
getSC defs (PMDef _ args _ _ pats)
= do sc <- traverse (findCalls defs) pats
pure $ nub (concat sc)
getSC defs _ = pure []
calculateSizeChange : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (List SCCall)
calculateSizeChange loc n
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 5 $ "Calculating Size Change: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => undefinedName loc n
getSC defs (definition def)
Arg : Type
Arg = Nat
Change : Type
Change = List (Maybe (Arg, SizeChange))
Path : Type
Path = List (FC, Name)
record ArgChange where
constructor MkArgChange
change : Change
path : Path
-- ignore path
Eq ArgChange where
(==) a1 a2 = a1.change == a2.change
Ord ArgChange where
compare a1 a2 = compare a1.change a2.change
Show ArgChange where
show a = show a.change ++ " @" ++ show a.path
-- sc-graphs to be added
WorkList : Type
WorkList = SortedSet (Name, Name, ArgChange)
-- transitively-closed (modulo work list) set of sc-graphs
SCSet : Type
SCSet = NameMap (NameMap (SortedSet ArgChange))
lookupMap : Name -> NameMap (NameMap v) -> NameMap v
lookupMap n m = fromMaybe empty (lookup n m)
lookupSet : Ord v => Name -> NameMap (SortedSet v) -> SortedSet v
lookupSet n m = fromMaybe empty (lookup n m)
lookupGraphs : Name -> Name -> SCSet -> SortedSet ArgChange
lookupGraphs f g = lookupSet g . lookupMap f
selectDom : Name -> SCSet -> SCSet
selectDom f s = insert f (lookupMap f s) empty
selectCod : Name -> SCSet -> SCSet
selectCod g s = map (\m => insert g (lookupSet g m) empty) s
foldl : (acc -> Name -> Name -> ArgChange -> acc) -> acc -> SCSet -> acc
foldl f_acc acc
= foldlNames (\acc, f =>
foldlNames (\acc, g =>
foldl (\acc, c => f_acc acc f g c) acc)
insertGraph : Name -> Name -> ArgChange -> SCSet -> SCSet
insertGraph f g ch s
= let s_f = lookupMap f s in
let s_fg = lookupSet g s_f in
insert f (insert g (insert ch s_fg) s_f) s
composeChange : Change -> Change -> Change
composeChange c1 c2
= map ((=<<) (\(i, r) => updateArg r <$> getArg i c1)) c2
getArg : forall a . Nat -> List (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
getArg _ [] = Nothing
getArg Z (x :: xs) = x
getArg (S k) (x :: xs) = getArg k xs
updateArg : SizeChange -> (Arg, SizeChange) -> (Arg, SizeChange)
updateArg c arg@(_, Unknown) = arg
updateArg Unknown (i, _) = (i, Unknown)
updateArg c (i, Same) = (i, c)
updateArg c arg@(_, Smaller) = arg
composeArgChange : ArgChange -> ArgChange -> ArgChange
composeArgChange a1 a2
= MkArgChange
(composeChange a1.change a2.change)
(a1.path ++ a2.path)
preCompose : Name -> ArgChange ->
SCSet ->
WorkList ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
preCompose f ch1 s work _ h ch2
= let ch = composeArgChange ch1 ch2 in
if contains ch (lookupGraphs f h s) then
insert (f, h, ch) work
postCompose : Name -> ArgChange ->
SCSet ->
WorkList ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
postCompose h ch2 s work f _ ch1
= let ch = composeArgChange ch1 ch2 in
if contains ch (lookupGraphs f h s) then
insert (f, h, ch) work
addGraph : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
WorkList ->
SCSet ->
addGraph f g ch work s_in
= let s = insertGraph f g ch s_in
after = selectDom g s
work_pre = foldl (preCompose f ch s) work after
before = selectCod f s
work_post = foldl (postCompose g ch s) work_pre before in
transitiveClosure work_post s
transitiveClosure : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
WorkList ->
SCSet ->
transitiveClosure work s
= case pop work of
Nothing => s
Just ((f, g, ch), work) =>
addGraph f g ch work s
-- find (potential) chain of calls to given function (inclusive)
prefixPath : NameMap (FC, Name) -> Name -> Path
prefixPath pred g = go g []
go : Name -> Path -> Path
go g path
= let Just (l, f) = lookup g pred
| Nothing => path in
if f == g then -- we've reached the entry point!
go f ((l, g) :: path)
findLoops : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> SCSet -> Core (NameMap (Maybe Path))
findLoops s
= do let loops = filterEndos (\a => composeChange a.change a.change == a.change) s
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Loops: " ++ show loops
let terms = map (foldMap (\a => checkDesc a.change a.path)) loops
pure terms
filterEndos : (ArgChange -> Bool) -> SCSet -> NameMap (List ArgChange)
filterEndos p = mapWithKey (\f, m => filter p (Data.SortedSet.toList (lookupSet f m)))
checkDesc : Change -> Path -> Maybe Path
checkDesc [] p = Just p
checkDesc (Just (_, Smaller) :: _) p = Nothing
checkDesc (_ :: xs) p = checkDesc xs p
findNonTerminatingLoop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> SCSet -> Core (Maybe (Name, Path))
findNonTerminatingLoop s
= do loops <- findLoops s
pure $ findNonTerminating loops
findNonTerminating : NameMap (Maybe Path) -> Maybe (Name, Path)
findNonTerminating = foldlNames (\acc, g, m => map (g,) m <+> acc) empty
setPrefixTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Path -> Name -> Core ()
setPrefixTerminating [] g = pure ()
setPrefixTerminating (_ :: []) g = pure ()
setPrefixTerminating ((l, f) :: p) g
= do setTerminating l f (NotTerminating (BadPath p g))
setPrefixTerminating p g
addFunctions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs ->
List GlobalDef -> -- functions we're adding
NameMap (FC, Name) -> -- functions we've already seen (and their predecessor)
WorkList ->
Core (Either Terminating (WorkList, NameMap (FC, Name)))
addFunctions defs [] pred work
= pure $ Right (work, pred)
addFunctions defs (d1 :: ds) pred work
= do log "totality.termination.calc" 8 $ "Adding function: " ++ show d1.fullname
calls <- foldlC resolveCall [] d1.sizeChange
let Nothing = find isNonTerminating calls
| Just (d2, l, _) => do let g = d2.fullname
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Non-terminating function call: " ++ show g
let init = prefixPath pred d1.fullname ++ [(l, g)]
setPrefixTerminating init g
pure $ Left (NotTerminating (BadPath init g))
let (ds, pred, work) = foldl addCall (ds, pred, work) (filter isUnchecked calls)
addFunctions defs ds pred work
resolveCall : List (GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)) ->
SCCall ->
Core (List (GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)))
resolveCall calls (MkSCCall g ch l)
= do Just d2 <- lookupCtxtExact g (gamma defs)
| Nothing => do log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Not found: " ++ show g
pure calls
pure ((d2, l, (d1.fullname, d2.fullname, MkArgChange ch [(l, d2.fullname)])) :: calls)
addCall : (List GlobalDef, NameMap (FC, Name), WorkList) ->
(GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)) ->
(List GlobalDef, NameMap (FC, Name), WorkList)
addCall (ds, pred, work_in) (d2, l, c)
= let work = insert c work_in in
case lookup d2.fullname pred of
Just _ =>
(ds, pred, work)
Nothing =>
(d2 :: ds, insert d2.fullname (l, d1.fullname) pred, work)
isNonTerminating : (GlobalDef, _, _) -> Bool
isNonTerminating (d2, _, _)
= case d2.totality.isTerminating of
NotTerminating _ => True
_ => False
isUnchecked : (GlobalDef, _, _) -> Bool
isUnchecked (d2, _, _)
= case d2.totality.isTerminating of
Unchecked => True
_ => False
initWork : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs ->
GlobalDef -> -- entry
Core (Either Terminating (WorkList, NameMap (FC, Name)))
initWork defs def = addFunctions defs [def] (insert def.fullname (def.location, def.fullname) empty) empty
calcTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Terminating
calcTerminating loc n
@ -679,7 +80,7 @@ calcTerminating loc n
| bad => pure bad
Right (work, pred) <- initWork defs def
| Left bad => pure bad
let s = transitiveClosure work empty
let s = transitiveClosure work initSCSet
Nothing <- findNonTerminatingLoop s
| Just (g, loop) =>
ifThenElse (def.fullname == g)
@ -720,167 +121,6 @@ checkTerminating loc n
pure tot'
t => pure t
isAssertTotal : Ref Ctxt Defs => NHead{} -> Core Bool
isAssertTotal (NRef _ fn_in) =
do fn <- getFullName fn_in
pure (fn == NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"))
isAssertTotal _ = pure False
nameIn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Bool
nameIn defs tyns (NBind fc x b sc)
= if !(nameIn defs tyns !(evalClosure defs (binderType b)))
then pure True
else do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("NAMEIN_" ++ show x) 0)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
sc' <- sc defs arg
nameIn defs tyns sc'
nameIn defs tyns (NApp _ nh args)
= do False <- isAssertTotal nh
| True => pure False
anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args)
nameIn defs tyns (NTCon _ n _ _ args)
= if n `elem` tyns
then pure True
else do args' <- traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args
anyM (nameIn defs tyns) args'
nameIn defs tyns (NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args)
nameIn defs tyns (NDelayed fc lr ty) = nameIn defs tyns ty
nameIn defs tyns _ = pure False
-- Check an argument type doesn't contain a negative occurrence of any of
-- the given type names
posArg : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
posArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List (Closure []) -> Core Terminating
posArgs defs tyn [] = pure IsTerminating
posArgs defs tyn (x :: xs)
= do xNF <- evalClosure defs x
logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Checking parameter for positivity" [] xNF
IsTerminating <- posArg defs tyn xNF
| err => pure err
posArgs defs tyn xs
-- a tyn can only appear in the parameter positions of
-- tc; report positivity failure if it appears anywhere else
posArg defs tyns nf@(NTCon loc tc _ _ args) =
do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found a type constructor" [] nf
testargs <- case !(lookupDefExact tc (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ params _ _ _ _ _) => do
log "totality.positivity" 50 $
unwords [show tc, "has", show (length params), "parameters"]
pure $ splitParams 0 params (map snd args)
_ => throw (GenericMsg loc (show tc ++ " not a data type"))
let (params, indices) = testargs
False <- anyM (nameIn defs tyns) !(traverse (evalClosure defs) indices)
| True => pure (NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive)
posArgs defs tyns params
splitParams : Nat -> List Nat -> List (Closure []) ->
( List (Closure []) -- parameters (to be checked for strict positivity)
, List (Closure []) -- indices (to be checked for no mention at all)
splitParams i ps [] = ([], [])
splitParams i ps (x :: xs)
= if i `elem` ps
then mapFst (x ::) (splitParams (S i) ps xs)
else mapSnd (x ::) (splitParams (S i) ps xs)
-- a tyn can not appear as part of ty
posArg defs tyns nf@(NBind fc x (Pi _ _ e ty) sc)
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found a Pi-type" [] nf
if !(nameIn defs tyns !(evalClosure defs ty))
then pure (NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive)
else do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("POSCHECK_" ++ show x) 1)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
sc' <- sc defs arg
posArg defs tyns sc'
posArg defs tyns nf@(NApp fc nh args)
= do False <- isAssertTotal nh
| True => do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Trusting an assertion" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found an application" [] nf
args <- traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args
pure $ if !(anyM (nameIn defs tyns) args)
then NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive
else IsTerminating
posArg defs tyn (NDelayed fc lr ty) = posArg defs tyn ty
posArg defs tyn nf
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Reached the catchall" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
checkPosArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
checkPosArgs defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ e ty) sc)
= case !(posArg defs tyns !(evalClosure defs ty)) of
IsTerminating =>
do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("POSCHECK_" ++ show x) 0)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
checkPosArgs defs tyns !(sc defs arg)
bad => pure bad
checkPosArgs defs tyns nf
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Giving up on non-Pi type" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
checkCon : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Name -> Core Terminating
checkCon defs tyns cn
= case !(lookupTyExact cn (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => do log "totality.positivity" 20 $
"Couldn't find constructor " ++ show cn
pure Unchecked
Just ty =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating =>
do tyNF <- nf defs [] ty
logNF "totality.positivity" 20 "Checking the type " [] tyNF
checkPosArgs defs tyns tyNF
bad => pure bad
checkData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List Name -> Core Terminating
checkData defs tyns [] = pure IsTerminating
checkData defs tyns (c :: cs)
= do log "totality.positivity" 40 $
"Checking positivity of constructor " ++ show c
case !(checkCon defs tyns c) of
IsTerminating => checkData defs tyns cs
bad => pure bad
blockingAssertTotal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> FC -> Core a -> Core a
blockingAssertTotal loc ma
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let at = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total")
Just _ <- lookupCtxtExact at (gamma defs)
| Nothing => ma
setVisibility loc at Private
a <- ma
setVisibility loc at Public
pure a
-- Calculate whether a type satisfies the strict positivity condition, and
-- return whether it's terminating, along with its data constructors
calcPositive : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Terminating, List Name)
calcPositive loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Calculating positivity: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case !(lookupDefTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ tns dcons _, ty) =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating =>
do log "totality.positivity" 30 $
"Now checking constructors of " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
t <- blockingAssertTotal loc $ checkData defs (n :: tns) dcons
pure (t , dcons)
bad => pure (bad, dcons)
Just _ => throw (GenericMsg loc (show n ++ " not a data type"))
Nothing => undefinedName loc n
-- Check whether a data type satisfies the strict positivity condition, and
-- record in the context
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
module Core.Termination.CallGraph
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Value
import Data.String
%default covering
data Guardedness = Toplevel | Unguarded | Guarded | InDelay
Show Guardedness where
show Toplevel = "Toplevel"
show Unguarded = "Unguarded"
show Guarded = "Guarded"
show InDelay = "InDelay"
-- Equal for the purposes of size change means, ignoring as patterns, all
-- non-metavariable positions are equal
scEq : Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
scEq (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
scEq (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
scEq (Meta _ _ i args) _ = True
scEq _ (Meta _ _ i args) = True
scEq (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc') = False -- not checkable
scEq (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = scEq f f' && scEq a a'
scEq (As _ _ a p) p' = scEq p p'
scEq p (As _ _ a p') = scEq p p'
scEq (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = scEq t t' && scEq x x'
scEq (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
scEq (Erased _ _) (Erased _ _) = True
scEq (TType _ _) (TType _ _) = True
scEq _ _ = False
-- Remove all force and delay annotations which are nothing to do with
-- coinduction meaning that all Delays left guard coinductive calls.
delazy : Defs -> Term vars -> Term vars
delazy defs (TDelayed fc r tm)
= let tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelayed fc r tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= let ty' = delazy defs ty
tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelay fc r ty' tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TForce fc r t)
= case r of
LInf => TForce fc r (delazy defs t)
_ => delazy defs t
delazy defs (Meta fc n i args) = Meta fc n i (map (delazy defs) args)
delazy defs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (delazy defs) b) (delazy defs sc)
delazy defs (App fc f a) = App fc (delazy defs f) (delazy defs a)
delazy defs (As fc s a p) = As fc s (delazy defs a) (delazy defs p)
delazy defs tm = tm
findSC : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Guardedness ->
List (Nat, Term vars) -> -- LHS args and their position
Term vars -> -- Right hand side
Core (List SCCall)
findSC {vars} defs env g pats (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $
!(findSCbinder b) ++
!(findSC defs (b :: env) g (map (\ (p, tm) => (p, weaken tm)) pats) sc)
findSCbinder : Binder (Term vars) -> Core (List SCCall)
findSCbinder (Let _ c val ty) = findSC defs env g pats val
findSCbinder b = pure [] -- only types, no need to look
-- If we're Guarded and find a Delay, continue with the argument as InDelay
findSC defs env Guarded pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env InDelay pats tm
findSC defs env g pats (TDelay _ _ _ tm)
= findSC defs env g pats tm
findSC defs env g pats tm
= do let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm
-- if it's a 'case' or 'if' just go straight into the arguments
Nothing <- handleCase fn args
| Just res => pure res
fn' <- conIfGuarded fn -- pretend it's a data constructor if
-- it has the AllGuarded flag
case (g, fn', args) of
-- If we're InDelay and find a constructor (or a function call which is
-- guaranteed to return a constructor; AllGuarded set), continue as InDelay
(InDelay, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env InDelay pats) args
pure (concat scs)
-- If we're InDelay otherwise, just check the arguments, the
-- function call is okay
(InDelay, _, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Guarded, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(Toplevel, Ref fc (DataCon _ _) cn, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Guarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
(_, Ref fc Func fn, args) =>
do logC "totality" 50 $
pure $ "Looking up type of " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
Just ty <- lookupTyExact fn (gamma defs)
| Nothing => do
log "totality" 50 $ "Lookup failed"
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn 0 args
arity <- getArity defs [] ty
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn arity args
(_, f, args) =>
do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env Unguarded pats) args
pure (concat scs)
handleCase : Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> Core (Maybe (List SCCall))
handleCase (Ref fc nt n) args
= do n' <- toFullNames n
if caseFn n'
then Just <$> findSCcall defs env g pats fc n 4 args
else pure Nothing
handleCase _ _ = pure Nothing
conIfGuarded : Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
conIfGuarded (Ref fc Func n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure $ Ref fc Func n
if AllGuarded `elem` flags gdef
then pure $ Ref fc (DataCon 0 0) n
else pure $ Ref fc Func n
conIfGuarded tm = pure tm
-- Expand the size change argument list with 'Nothing' to match the given
-- arity (i.e. the arity of the function we're calling) to ensure that
-- it's noted that we don't know the size change relationship with the
-- extra arguments.
expandToArity : Nat -> List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)) ->
List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange))
expandToArity Z xs = xs
expandToArity (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: expandToArity k xs
expandToArity (S k) [] = Nothing :: expandToArity k []
-- Return whether first argument is structurally smaller than the second.
smaller : Bool -> -- Have we gone under a constructor yet?
Defs ->
Maybe (Term vars) -> -- Asserted bigger thing
Term vars -> -- Term we're checking
Term vars -> -- Argument it might be smaller than
smaller inc defs big _ (Erased _ _) = False -- Never smaller than an erased thing!
-- for an as pattern, it's smaller if it's smaller than either part
smaller inc defs big s (As _ _ p t)
= smaller inc defs big s p || smaller inc defs big s t
smaller True defs big s t
= s == t || smallerArg True defs big s t
smaller inc defs big s t = smallerArg inc defs big s t
assertedSmaller : Maybe (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Bool
assertedSmaller (Just b) a = scEq b a
assertedSmaller _ _ = False
smallerArg : Bool -> Defs ->
Maybe (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
smallerArg inc defs big (As _ _ _ s) tm = smallerArg inc defs big s tm
smallerArg inc defs big s tm
-- If we hit a pattern that is equal to a thing we've asserted_smaller,
-- the argument must be smaller
= assertedSmaller big tm ||
case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ (DataCon t a) cn, args)
=> any (smaller True defs big s) args
_ => case s of
App _ f _ => smaller inc defs big f tm
-- Higher order recursive argument
_ => False
-- if the argument is an 'assert_smaller', return the thing it's smaller than
asserted : Name -> Term vars -> Maybe (Term vars)
asserted aSmaller tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ nt fn, [_, _, b, _])
=> if fn == aSmaller
then Just b
else Nothing
_ => Nothing
-- Calculate the size change for the given argument.
-- i.e., return the size relationship of the given argument with an entry
-- in 'pats'; the position in 'pats' and the size change.
-- Nothing if there is no relation with any of them.
mkChange : Defs -> Name ->
(pats : List (Nat, Term vars)) ->
(arg : Term vars) ->
Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)
mkChange defs aSmaller [] arg = Nothing
mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, As _ _ p parg) :: pats) arg
= mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, p) :: (i, parg) :: pats) arg
mkChange defs aSmaller ((i, parg) :: pats) arg
= cond [(scEq arg parg, Just (i, Same)),
(smaller False defs (asserted aSmaller arg) arg parg, Just (i, Smaller))]
(mkChange defs aSmaller pats arg)
-- Given a name of a case function, and a list of the arguments being
-- passed to it, update the pattern list so that it's referring to the LHS
-- of the case block function and return the corresponding RHS.
-- This way, we can build case blocks directly into the size change graph
-- rather than treating the definitions separately.
getCasePats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
Defs -> Name -> List (Nat, Term vars) ->
List (Term vars) ->
Core (Maybe (List (vs ** (Env Term vs,
List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))))
getCasePats {vars} defs n pats args
= do Just (PMDef _ _ _ _ pdefs) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
log "totality" 20 $
unwords ["Looking at the", show (length pdefs), "cases of", show n]
let pdefs' = map matchArgs pdefs
logC "totality" 20 $ do
old <- for pdefs $ \ (_ ** (_, lhs, rhs)) => do
lhs <- toFullNames lhs
rhs <- toFullNames rhs
pure $ " " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs
new <- for pdefs' $ \ (_ ** (_, lhs, rhs)) => do
lhs <- traverse (toFullNames . snd) lhs
rhs <- toFullNames rhs
pure $ " " ++ show lhs ++ " => " ++ show rhs
pure $ unlines $ "Updated" :: old ++ " to:" :: new
pure $ Just pdefs'
updateRHS : {vs, vs' : _} ->
List (Term vs, Term vs') -> Term vs -> Term vs'
updateRHS {vs} {vs'} ms tm
= case lookupTm tm ms of
Nothing => urhs tm
Just t => t
urhs : Term vs -> Term vs'
urhs (Local fc _ _ _) = Erased fc Placeholder
urhs (Ref fc nt n) = Ref fc nt n
urhs (Meta fc m i margs) = Meta fc m i (map (updateRHS ms) margs)
urhs (App fc f a) = App fc (updateRHS ms f) (updateRHS ms a)
urhs (As fc s a p) = As fc s (updateRHS ms a) (updateRHS ms p)
urhs (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (updateRHS ms ty)
urhs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (updateRHS ms ty) (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (updateRHS ms) b)
(updateRHS (map (\vt => (weaken (fst vt), weaken (snd vt))) ms) sc)
urhs (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
urhs (Erased fc Impossible) = Erased fc Impossible
urhs (Erased fc Placeholder) = Erased fc Placeholder
urhs (Erased fc (Dotted t)) = Erased fc (Dotted (updateRHS ms t))
urhs (TType fc u) = TType fc u
lookupTm : Term vs -> List (Term vs, Term vs') -> Maybe (Term vs')
lookupTm tm [] = Nothing
lookupTm (As fc s p tm) tms -- Want to keep the pattern and the variable,
-- if there was an @ in the parent
= do tm' <- lookupTm tm tms
Just $ As fc s tm' (urhs tm)
lookupTm tm ((As fc s p tm', v) :: tms)
= if tm == p
then Just v
else do tm' <- lookupTm tm ((tm', v) :: tms)
Just $ As fc s (urhs p) tm'
lookupTm tm ((tm', v) :: tms)
= if tm == tm'
then Just v
else lookupTm tm tms
updatePat : {vs, vs' : _} ->
List (Term vs, Term vs') -> (Nat, Term vs) -> (Nat, Term vs')
updatePat ms (n, tm) = (n, updateRHS ms tm)
matchArgs : (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))
matchArgs (_ ** (env', lhs, rhs))
= let patMatch = reverse (zip args (getArgs lhs)) in
(_ ** (env', map (updatePat patMatch) pats, rhs))
findSCcall : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Guardedness ->
List (Nat, Term vars) ->
FC -> Name -> Nat -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findSCcall defs env g pats fc fn_in arity args
-- Under 'assert_total' we assume that all calls are fine, so leave
-- the size change list empty
= do fn <- getFullName fn_in
log "totality.termination.sizechange" 10 $ "Looking under " ++ show !(toFullNames fn)
aSmaller <- resolved (gamma defs) (NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_smaller"))
cond [(fn == NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"), pure [])
,(caseFn fn,
do scs1 <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
mps <- getCasePats defs fn pats args
scs2 <- traverse (findInCase defs g) $ fromMaybe [] mps
pure (concat (scs1 ++ scs2)))
(do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
pure ([MkSCCall fn
(expandToArity arity
(map (mkChange defs aSmaller pats) args))
++ concat scs))
findInCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Guardedness ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findInCase defs g (_ ** (env, pats, tm))
= do logC "totality" 10 $
do ps <- traverse toFullNames (map snd pats)
pure ("Looking in case args " ++ show ps)
logTermNF "totality" 10 " =" env tm
rhs <- normaliseOpts tcOnly defs env tm
findSC defs env g pats (delazy defs rhs)
findCalls : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> (vars ** (Env Term vars, Term vars, Term vars)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findCalls defs (_ ** (env, lhs, rhs_in))
= do let pargs = getArgs (delazy defs lhs)
rhs <- normaliseOpts tcOnly defs env rhs_in
findSC defs env Toplevel
(zip (take (length pargs) [0..]) pargs) (delazy defs rhs)
getSC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Def -> Core (List SCCall)
getSC defs (PMDef _ args _ _ pats)
= do sc <- traverse (findCalls defs) pats
pure $ nub (concat sc)
getSC defs _ = pure []
calculateSizeChange : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (List SCCall)
calculateSizeChange loc n
= do log "totality.termination.sizechange" 5 $ "Calculating Size Change: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => undefinedName loc n
getSC defs (definition def)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
module Core.Termination.Positivity
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Value
import Data.String
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
%default covering
-- Check that the names a function refers to are terminating
totRefs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Core Terminating
totRefs defs [] = pure IsTerminating
totRefs defs (n :: ns)
= do rest <- totRefs defs ns
Just d <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure rest
case isTerminating (totality d) of
IsTerminating => pure rest
Unchecked => do
log "totality" 20 $ "Totality unchecked for " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
pure rest
_ => case rest of
NotTerminating (BadCall ns)
=> toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall (n :: ns))
_ => toFullNames $ NotTerminating (BadCall [n])
totRefsIn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Term vars -> Core Terminating
totRefsIn defs ty = totRefs defs (keys (getRefs (Resolved (-1)) ty))
isAssertTotal : Ref Ctxt Defs => NHead{} -> Core Bool
isAssertTotal (NRef _ fn_in) =
do fn <- getFullName fn_in
pure (fn == NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total"))
isAssertTotal _ = pure False
nameIn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Bool
nameIn defs tyns (NBind fc x b sc)
= if !(nameIn defs tyns !(evalClosure defs (binderType b)))
then pure True
else do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("NAMEIN_" ++ show x) 0)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
sc' <- sc defs arg
nameIn defs tyns sc'
nameIn defs tyns (NApp _ nh args)
= do False <- isAssertTotal nh
| True => pure False
anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args)
nameIn defs tyns (NTCon _ n _ _ args)
= if n `elem` tyns
then pure True
else do args' <- traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args
anyM (nameIn defs tyns) args'
nameIn defs tyns (NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args)
nameIn defs tyns (NDelayed fc lr ty) = nameIn defs tyns ty
nameIn defs tyns _ = pure False
-- Check an argument type doesn't contain a negative occurrence of any of
-- the given type names
posArg : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
posArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List (Closure []) -> Core Terminating
posArgs defs tyn [] = pure IsTerminating
posArgs defs tyn (x :: xs)
= do xNF <- evalClosure defs x
logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Checking parameter for positivity" [] xNF
IsTerminating <- posArg defs tyn xNF
| err => pure err
posArgs defs tyn xs
-- a tyn can only appear in the parameter positions of
-- tc; report positivity failure if it appears anywhere else
posArg defs tyns nf@(NTCon loc tc _ _ args) =
do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found a type constructor" [] nf
testargs <- case !(lookupDefExact tc (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ params _ _ _ _ _) => do
log "totality.positivity" 50 $
unwords [show tc, "has", show (length params), "parameters"]
pure $ splitParams 0 params (map snd args)
_ => throw (GenericMsg loc (show tc ++ " not a data type"))
let (params, indices) = testargs
False <- anyM (nameIn defs tyns) !(traverse (evalClosure defs) indices)
| True => pure (NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive)
posArgs defs tyns params
splitParams : Nat -> List Nat -> List (Closure []) ->
( List (Closure []) -- parameters (to be checked for strict positivity)
, List (Closure []) -- indices (to be checked for no mention at all)
splitParams i ps [] = ([], [])
splitParams i ps (x :: xs)
= if i `elem` ps
then mapFst (x ::) (splitParams (S i) ps xs)
else mapSnd (x ::) (splitParams (S i) ps xs)
-- a tyn can not appear as part of ty
posArg defs tyns nf@(NBind fc x (Pi _ _ e ty) sc)
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found a Pi-type" [] nf
if !(nameIn defs tyns !(evalClosure defs ty))
then pure (NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive)
else do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("POSCHECK_" ++ show x) 1)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
sc' <- sc defs arg
posArg defs tyns sc'
posArg defs tyns nf@(NApp fc nh args)
= do False <- isAssertTotal nh
| True => do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Trusting an assertion" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Found an application" [] nf
args <- traverse (evalClosure defs . snd) args
pure $ if !(anyM (nameIn defs tyns) args)
then NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive
else IsTerminating
posArg defs tyn (NDelayed fc lr ty) = posArg defs tyn ty
posArg defs tyn nf
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Reached the catchall" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
checkPosArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
checkPosArgs defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ e ty) sc)
= case !(posArg defs tyns !(evalClosure defs ty)) of
IsTerminating =>
do let nm = Ref fc Bound (MN ("POSCHECK_" ++ show x) 0)
let arg = toClosure defaultOpts [] nm
checkPosArgs defs tyns !(sc defs arg)
bad => pure bad
checkPosArgs defs tyns nf
= do logNF "totality.positivity" 50 "Giving up on non-Pi type" [] nf
pure IsTerminating
checkCon : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Name -> Core Terminating
checkCon defs tyns cn
= case !(lookupTyExact cn (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => do log "totality.positivity" 20 $
"Couldn't find constructor " ++ show cn
pure Unchecked
Just ty =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating =>
do tyNF <- nf defs [] ty
logNF "totality.positivity" 20 "Checking the type " [] tyNF
checkPosArgs defs tyns tyNF
bad => pure bad
checkData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> List Name -> Core Terminating
checkData defs tyns [] = pure IsTerminating
checkData defs tyns (c :: cs)
= do log "totality.positivity" 40 $
"Checking positivity of constructor " ++ show c
case !(checkCon defs tyns c) of
IsTerminating => checkData defs tyns cs
bad => pure bad
blockingAssertTotal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> FC -> Core a -> Core a
blockingAssertTotal loc ma
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let at = NS builtinNS (UN $ Basic "assert_total")
Just _ <- lookupCtxtExact at (gamma defs)
| Nothing => ma
setVisibility loc at Private
a <- ma
setVisibility loc at Public
pure a
-- Calculate whether a type satisfies the strict positivity condition, and
-- return whether it's terminating, along with its data constructors
calcPositive : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Terminating, List Name)
calcPositive loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
log "totality.positivity" 6 $ "Calculating positivity: " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
case !(lookupDefTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ tns dcons _, ty) =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating =>
do log "totality.positivity" 30 $
"Now checking constructors of " ++ show !(toFullNames n)
t <- blockingAssertTotal loc $ checkData defs (n :: tns) dcons
pure (t , dcons)
bad => pure (bad, dcons)
Just _ => throw (GenericMsg loc (show n ++ " not a data type"))
Nothing => undefinedName loc n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
module Core.Termination.SizeChange
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Name
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
%default covering
Arg : Type
Arg = Nat
Change : Type
Change = List (Maybe (Arg, SizeChange))
public export
Path : Type
Path = List (FC, Name)
record ArgChange where
constructor MkArgChange
change : Change
path : Path
-- ignore path
Eq ArgChange where
(==) a1 a2 = a1.change == a2.change
Ord ArgChange where
compare a1 a2 = compare a1.change a2.change
Show ArgChange where
show a = show a.change ++ " @" ++ show a.path
-- sc-graphs to be added
WorkList : Type
WorkList = SortedSet (Name, Name, ArgChange)
-- transitively-closed (modulo work list) set of sc-graphs
SCSet : Type
SCSet = NameMap (NameMap (SortedSet ArgChange))
initSCSet : SCSet
initSCSet = empty
lookupMap : Name -> NameMap (NameMap v) -> NameMap v
lookupMap n m = fromMaybe empty (lookup n m)
lookupSet : Ord v => Name -> NameMap (SortedSet v) -> SortedSet v
lookupSet n m = fromMaybe empty (lookup n m)
lookupGraphs : Name -> Name -> SCSet -> SortedSet ArgChange
lookupGraphs f g = lookupSet g . lookupMap f
selectDom : Name -> SCSet -> SCSet
selectDom f s = insert f (lookupMap f s) empty
selectCod : Name -> SCSet -> SCSet
selectCod g s = map (\m => insert g (lookupSet g m) empty) s
foldl : (acc -> Name -> Name -> ArgChange -> acc) -> acc -> SCSet -> acc
foldl f_acc acc
= foldlNames (\acc, f =>
foldlNames (\acc, g =>
foldl (\acc, c => f_acc acc f g c) acc)
insertGraph : Name -> Name -> ArgChange -> SCSet -> SCSet
insertGraph f g ch s
= let s_f = lookupMap f s in
let s_fg = lookupSet g s_f in
insert f (insert g (insert ch s_fg) s_f) s
composeChange : Change -> Change -> Change
composeChange c1 c2
= map ((=<<) (\(i, r) => updateArg r <$> getArg i c1)) c2
getArg : forall a . Nat -> List (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
getArg _ [] = Nothing
getArg Z (x :: xs) = x
getArg (S k) (x :: xs) = getArg k xs
updateArg : SizeChange -> (Arg, SizeChange) -> (Arg, SizeChange)
updateArg c arg@(_, Unknown) = arg
updateArg Unknown (i, _) = (i, Unknown)
updateArg c (i, Same) = (i, c)
updateArg c arg@(_, Smaller) = arg
composeArgChange : ArgChange -> ArgChange -> ArgChange
composeArgChange a1 a2
= MkArgChange
(composeChange a1.change a2.change)
(a1.path ++ a2.path)
preCompose : Name -> ArgChange ->
SCSet ->
WorkList ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
preCompose f ch1 s work _ h ch2
= let ch = composeArgChange ch1 ch2 in
if contains ch (lookupGraphs f h s) then
insert (f, h, ch) work
postCompose : Name -> ArgChange ->
SCSet ->
WorkList ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
postCompose h ch2 s work f _ ch1
= let ch = composeArgChange ch1 ch2 in
if contains ch (lookupGraphs f h s) then
insert (f, h, ch) work
addGraph : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Name -> ArgChange ->
WorkList ->
SCSet ->
addGraph f g ch work s_in
= let s = insertGraph f g ch s_in
after = selectDom g s
work_pre = foldl (preCompose f ch s) work after
before = selectCod f s
work_post = foldl (postCompose g ch s) work_pre before in
transitiveClosure work_post s
transitiveClosure : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
WorkList ->
SCSet ->
transitiveClosure work s
= case pop work of
Nothing => s
Just ((f, g, ch), work) =>
addGraph f g ch work s
-- find (potential) chain of calls to given function (inclusive)
prefixPath : NameMap (FC, Name) -> Name -> Path
prefixPath pred g = go g []
go : Name -> Path -> Path
go g path
= let Just (l, f) = lookup g pred
| Nothing => path in
if f == g then -- we've reached the entry point!
go f ((l, g) :: path)
findLoops : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> SCSet -> Core (NameMap (Maybe Path))
findLoops s
= do let loops = filterEndos (\a => composeChange a.change a.change == a.change) s
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Loops: " ++ show loops
let terms = map (foldMap (\a => checkDesc a.change a.path)) loops
pure terms
filterEndos : (ArgChange -> Bool) -> SCSet -> NameMap (List ArgChange)
filterEndos p = mapWithKey (\f, m => filter p (Data.SortedSet.toList (lookupSet f m)))
checkDesc : Change -> Path -> Maybe Path
checkDesc [] p = Just p
checkDesc (Just (_, Smaller) :: _) p = Nothing
checkDesc (_ :: xs) p = checkDesc xs p
findNonTerminatingLoop : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> SCSet -> Core (Maybe (Name, Path))
findNonTerminatingLoop s
= do loops <- findLoops s
pure $ findNonTerminating loops
findNonTerminating : NameMap (Maybe Path) -> Maybe (Name, Path)
findNonTerminating = foldlNames (\acc, g, m => map (g,) m <+> acc) empty
setPrefixTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Path -> Name -> Core ()
setPrefixTerminating [] g = pure ()
setPrefixTerminating (_ :: []) g = pure ()
setPrefixTerminating ((l, f) :: p) g
= do setTerminating l f (NotTerminating (BadPath p g))
setPrefixTerminating p g
addFunctions : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs ->
List GlobalDef -> -- functions we're adding
NameMap (FC, Name) -> -- functions we've already seen (and their predecessor)
WorkList ->
Core (Either Terminating (WorkList, NameMap (FC, Name)))
addFunctions defs [] pred work
= pure $ Right (work, pred)
addFunctions defs (d1 :: ds) pred work
= do log "totality.termination.calc" 8 $ "Adding function: " ++ show d1.fullname
calls <- foldlC resolveCall [] d1.sizeChange
let Nothing = find isNonTerminating calls
| Just (d2, l, _) => do let g = d2.fullname
log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Non-terminating function call: " ++ show g
let init = prefixPath pred d1.fullname ++ [(l, g)]
setPrefixTerminating init g
pure $ Left (NotTerminating (BadPath init g))
let (ds, pred, work) = foldl addCall (ds, pred, work) (filter isUnchecked calls)
addFunctions defs ds pred work
resolveCall : List (GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)) ->
SCCall ->
Core (List (GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)))
resolveCall calls (MkSCCall g ch l)
= do Just d2 <- lookupCtxtExact g (gamma defs)
| Nothing => do log "totality.termination.calc" 7 $ "Not found: " ++ show g
pure calls
pure ((d2, l, (d1.fullname, d2.fullname, MkArgChange ch [(l, d2.fullname)])) :: calls)
addCall : (List GlobalDef, NameMap (FC, Name), WorkList) ->
(GlobalDef, FC, (Name, Name, ArgChange)) ->
(List GlobalDef, NameMap (FC, Name), WorkList)
addCall (ds, pred, work_in) (d2, l, c)
= let work = insert c work_in in
case lookup d2.fullname pred of
Just _ =>
(ds, pred, work)
Nothing =>
(d2 :: ds, insert d2.fullname (l, d1.fullname) pred, work)
isNonTerminating : (GlobalDef, _, _) -> Bool
isNonTerminating (d2, _, _)
= case d2.totality.isTerminating of
NotTerminating _ => True
_ => False
isUnchecked : (GlobalDef, _, _) -> Bool
isUnchecked (d2, _, _)
= case d2.totality.isTerminating of
Unchecked => True
_ => False
initWork : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs ->
GlobalDef -> -- entry
Core (Either Terminating (WorkList, NameMap (FC, Name)))
initWork defs def = addFunctions defs [def] (insert def.fullname (def.location, def.fullname) empty) empty
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Core.LinearCheck
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Termination
import Core.Termination.CallGraph
import Core.Transform
import Core.Value
import Core.UnifyState
Reference in New Issue
Block a user