Better term printing

This commit is contained in:
Giuseppe Lomurno 2020-08-18 00:27:49 +02:00 committed by G. Allais
parent 42404c2d9d
commit cef2fbbccd
8 changed files with 117 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Pretty Constant where
pretty (Db x) = pretty x
pretty WorldVal = pretty "%MkWorld"
pretty IntType = pretty "Int"
pretty IntegerType = pretty "Int"
pretty IntegerType = pretty "Integer"
pretty Bits8Type = pretty "Bits8"
pretty Bits16Type = pretty "Bits16"
pretty Bits32Type = pretty "Bits32"

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
module Idris.Pretty
import Control.ANSI.SGR -- FIXME: tmp
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Control.ANSI.SGR
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Algebra
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.Syntax
import Utils.Term
@ -57,9 +60,6 @@ export
code : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
code = annotate Code
ite : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
ite x t e = keyword (pretty "if") <++> x <++> align (fillSep [keyword (pretty "then") <++> t, keyword (pretty "else") <++> e])
let_ : Doc IdrisAnn
let_ = keyword (pretty "let")
@ -97,13 +97,6 @@ export
pragma : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
pragma = annotate Pragma
prettyParens : (1 _ : Bool) -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyParens False s = s
prettyParens True s = parens s
prettyCon : Prec -> Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyCon d conName conArgs = prettyParens (d >= App) (conName <++> conArgs)
prettyRig : RigCount -> Doc ann
prettyRig = elimSemi (pretty '0' <+> space)
@ -150,81 +143,124 @@ mutual
prettyTerm : PTerm -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyTerm = go Open
startPrec : Prec
startPrec = User 0
appPrec : Prec
appPrec = User 10
leftAppPrec : Prec
leftAppPrec = User 9
parenthesise : Bool -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
parenthesise b = if b then parens else id
go : Prec -> PTerm -> Doc IdrisAnn
go d (PRef _ n) = pretty n
go d (PPi _ rig Explicit Nothing arg ret) =
go d arg <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
(go startPrec arg <++> "->" <++> go startPrec ret)
(parens (prettyRig rig <+> "_" <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret)
go d (PPi _ rig Explicit (Just n) arg ret) =
parens (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
parens (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PPi _ rig Implicit Nothing arg ret) =
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty '_' <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty '_' <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PPi _ rig Implicit (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret) =
go d arg <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
(go startPrec arg <++> "=>" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret)
(braces (auto_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> "_" <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret)
go d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (auto_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
braces (auto_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PPi _ rig (DefImplicit t) Nothing arg ret) =
braces (default_ <++> go App t <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty '_' <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
braces (default_ <++> go appPrec t <++> prettyRig rig <+> "_" <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PPi _ rig (DefImplicit t) (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (default_ <++> go App t <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PLam _ rig _ n (PImplicit _) sc) =
backslash <+> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d sc
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $
braces (default_ <++> go appPrec t <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go startPrec arg) <++> "->" <+> line <+> go startPrec ret
go d (PLam _ rig _ n ty sc) =
backslash <+> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d sc
let (ns, sc) = getLamNames [(rig, n, ty)] sc in
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $ align $ hang 2 $
backslash <+> prettyBindings ns <++> "=>" <+> line <+> go startPrec sc
getLamNames : List (RigCount, PTerm, PTerm) -> PTerm -> (List (RigCount, PTerm, PTerm), PTerm)
getLamNames acc (PLam _ rig _ n ty sc) = getLamNames ((rig, n, ty) :: acc) sc
getLamNames acc sc = (reverse acc, sc)
prettyBindings : List (RigCount, PTerm, PTerm) -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyBindings [] = neutral
prettyBindings [(rig, n, (PImplicit _))] = prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n
prettyBindings [(rig, n, ty)] = prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n <++> colon <++> go startPrec ty
prettyBindings ((rig, n, (PImplicit _)) :: ns) = prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n <+> comma <+> line <+> prettyBindings ns
prettyBindings ((rig, n, ty) :: ns) = prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n <++> colon <++> go startPrec ty <+> comma <+> line <+> prettyBindings ns
go d (PLet _ rig n (PImplicit _) val sc alts) =
let_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> equals <++> go d val <++> in_ <++> go d sc
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $ align $
let_ <++> (group $ align $ hang 2 $ prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n <++> equals <+> line <+> go startPrec val) <+> line
<+> in_ <++> (group $ align $ hang 2 $ go startPrec sc)
go d (PLet _ rig n ty val sc alts) =
let_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> equals <++> go d val <+> hang 4 (fillSep (prettyAlt <$> alts)) <++> in_ <++> go d sc
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $ align $
let_ <++> (group $ align $ hang 2 $ prettyRig rig <+> go startPrec n <++> colon <++> go startPrec ty <++> equals <+> line <+> go startPrec val) <+> hardline
<+> hang 4 (fillSep (prettyAlt <$> alts)) <+> line <+> in_ <++> (group $ align $ hang 2 $ go startPrec sc)
go d (PCase _ tm cs) =
case_ <++> go d tm <++> of_ <++> braces (concatWith (surround semi) (prettyCase <$> cs))
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ align $ case_ <++> go startPrec tm <++> of_ <+> line <+>
braces (vsep $ punctuate semi (prettyCase <$> cs))
go d (PLocal _ ds sc) =
let_ <++> braces (angles (angles (pretty "definitions"))) <++> in_ <++> go d sc
parenthesise (d > startPrec) $ group $ align $
let_ <++> braces (angles (angles "definitions")) <+> line <+> in_ <++> go startPrec sc
go d (PUpdate _ fs) =
record_ <++> braces (concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (prettyUpdate <$> fs))
go d (PApp _ f a) = go App f <++> go App a
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ record_ <++> braces (vsep $ punctuate comma (prettyUpdate <$> fs))
go d (PApp _ f a) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ go leftAppPrec f <++> go appPrec a
go d (PWithApp _ f a) = go d f <++> pipe <++> go d a
go d (PImplicitApp _ f Nothing a) = go d f <++> pretty '@' <+> braces (go d a)
go d (PDelayed _ LInf ty) = prettyCon d (pretty "Inf") (go App ty)
go d (PDelayed _ _ ty) = prettyCon d (pretty "Lazy") (go App ty)
go d (PDelay _ tm) = prettyCon d (pretty "Delay") (go App tm)
go d (PForce _ tm) = prettyCon d (pretty "Force") (go App tm)
go d (PDelayed _ LInf ty) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "Inf" <++> go appPrec ty
go d (PDelayed _ _ ty) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "Lazy" <++> go appPrec ty
go d (PDelay _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "Delay" <++> go appPrec tm
go d (PForce _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "Force" <++> go appPrec tm
go d (PImplicitApp _ f Nothing a) =
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ go leftAppPrec f <++> "@" <+> braces (go startPrec a)
go d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) (PRef _ a)) =
if n == a
then go d f <++> braces (pretty n)
else go d f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> pretty a)
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $
if n == a
then go leftAppPrec f <++> braces (pretty n)
else go leftAppPrec f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> pretty a)
go d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) a) =
go d f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> go d a)
go d (PSearch _ _) = pragma (pretty "%search")
go d (PQuote _ tm) = pretty '`' <+> parens (go d tm)
go d (PQuoteName _ n) = pretty '`' <+> braces (braces (pretty n))
go d (PQuoteDecl _ tm) = pretty '`' <+> brackets (angles (angles (pretty "declaration")))
go d (PUnquote _ tm) = pretty '~' <+> parens (go d tm)
go d (PRunElab _ tm) = pragma (pretty "%runElab") <++> go d tm
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ go leftAppPrec f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> go d a)
go d (PSearch _ _) = pragma "%search"
go d (PQuote _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "`" <+> parens (go startPrec tm)
go d (PQuoteName _ n) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "`" <+> braces (braces (pretty n))
go d (PQuoteDecl _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "`" <+> brackets (angles (angles (pretty "declaration")))
go d (PUnquote _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ "~" <+> parens (go startPrec tm)
go d (PRunElab _ tm) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ pragma "%runElab" <++> go startPrec tm
go d (PPrimVal _ c) = pretty c
go d (PHole _ _ n) = meta (pretty (strCons '?' n))
go d (PType _) = pretty "Type"
go d (PAs _ n p) = pretty n <+> pretty '@' <+> go d p
go d (PAs _ n p) = pretty n <+> "@" <+> go d p
go d (PDotted _ p) = dot <+> go d p
go d (PImplicit _) = pretty '_'
go d (PInfer _) = pretty '?'
go d (POp _ op x y) = go d x <++> pretty op <++> go d y
go d (PPrefixOp _ op x) = pretty op <+> go d x
go d (PSectionL _ op x) = parens (pretty op <++> go d x)
go d (PSectionR _ x op) = parens (go d x <++> pretty op)
go d (PEq fc l r) = go d l <++> equals <++> go d r
go d (PBracketed _ tm) = parens (go d tm)
go d (PDoBlock _ ns ds) = do_ <++> concatWith (surround (space <+> semi <+> space)) (prettyDo <$> ds)
go d (PBang _ tm) = pretty '!' <+> go d tm
go d (PIdiom _ tm) = enclose (pretty "[|") (pretty "|]") (go d tm)
go d (PList _ xs) = brackets (concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (go d <$> xs))
go d (PPair _ l r) = parens (go d l <+> comma <++> go d r)
go d (PDPair _ l (PImplicit _) r) = parens (go d l <++> pretty "**" <++> go d r)
go d (PDPair _ l ty r) = parens (go d l <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> pretty "**" <++> go d r)
go d (PUnit _) = pretty "()"
go d (PIfThenElse _ x t e) = ite (go d x) (go d t) (go d e)
go d (PImplicit _) = "_"
go d (PInfer _) = "?"
go d (POp _ op x y) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ go startPrec x <++> pretty op <++> go startPrec y
go d (PPrefixOp _ op x) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ pretty op <+> go startPrec x
go d (PSectionL _ op x) = parens (pretty op <++> go startPrec x)
go d (PSectionR _ x op) = parens (go startPrec x <++> pretty op)
go d (PEq fc l r) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ go startPrec l <++> equals <++> go startPrec r
go d (PBracketed _ tm) = parens (go startPrec tm)
go d (PDoBlock _ ns ds) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ align $ hang 2 $ do_ <++> (vsep $ punctuate semi (prettyDo <$> ds))
go d (PBang _ tm) = "!" <+> go d tm
go d (PIdiom _ tm) = enclose (pretty "[|") (pretty "|]") (go startPrec tm)
go d (PList _ xs) = brackets (group $ align $ vsep $ punctuate comma (go startPrec <$> xs))
go d (PPair _ l r) = group $ parens (go startPrec l <+> comma <+> line <+> go startPrec r)
go d (PDPair _ l (PImplicit _) r) = group $ parens (go startPrec l <++> pretty "**" <+> line <+> go startPrec r)
go d (PDPair _ l ty r) = group $ parens (go startPrec l <++> colon <++> go startPrec ty <++> pretty "**" <+> line <+> go startPrec r)
go d (PUnit _) = "()"
go d (PIfThenElse _ x t e) =
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ align $ hang 2 $ vsep
[keyword "if" <++> go startPrec x, keyword "then" <++> go startPrec t, keyword "else" <++> go startPrec e]
go d (PComprehension _ ret es) =
brackets (go d (dePure ret) <++> pipe <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (prettyDo . deGuard <$> es))
group $ brackets (go startPrec (dePure ret) <++> pipe <++> vsep (punctuate comma (prettyDo . deGuard <$> es)))
dePure : PTerm -> PTerm
dePure tm@(PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg) = if dropNS n == UN "pure" then arg else tm
@ -233,20 +269,21 @@ mutual
deGuard : PDo -> PDo
deGuard tm@(DoExp fc (PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg)) = if dropNS n == UN "guard" then DoExp fc arg else tm
deGuard tm = tm
go d (PRewrite _ rule tm) = rewrite_ <++> go d rule <++> in_ <++> go d tm
go d (PRewrite _ rule tm) =
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ rewrite_ <++> go startPrec rule <+> line <+> in_ <++> go startPrec tm
go d (PRange _ start Nothing end) =
brackets (go d start <++> pretty ".." <++> go d end)
brackets (go startPrec start <++> pretty ".." <++> go startPrec end)
go d (PRange _ start (Just next) end) =
brackets (go d start <+> comma <++> go d next <++> pretty ".." <++> go d end)
go d (PRangeStream _ start Nothing) = brackets (go d start <++> pretty "..")
brackets (go startPrec start <+> comma <++> go startPrec next <++> pretty ".." <++> go startPrec end)
go d (PRangeStream _ start Nothing) = brackets (go startPrec start <++> pretty "..")
go d (PRangeStream _ start (Just next)) =
brackets (go d start <+> comma <++> go d next <++> pretty "..")
brackets (go startPrec start <+> comma <++> go startPrec next <++> pretty "..")
go d (PUnifyLog _ lvl tm) = go d tm
go d (PPostfixProjs fc rec fields) =
go d rec <++> dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go d <$> fields)
parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ go startPrec rec <++> dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go startPrec <$> fields)
go d (PPostfixProjsSection fc fields args) =
parens (dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go d <$> fields) <+> fillSep (go App <$> args))
go d (PWithUnambigNames fc ns rhs) = with_ <++> pretty ns <++> go d rhs
parens (dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go startPrec <$> fields) <+> fillSep (go appPrec <$> args))
go d (PWithUnambigNames fc ns rhs) = parenthesise (d > appPrec) $ group $ with_ <++> pretty ns <+> line <+> go startPrec rhs
render : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Core String

View File

@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ mutual
displayResult (ConsoleWidthSet Nothing) = printResult (reflow "Set consolewidth to auto")
displayResult (ColorSet b) = printResult (reflow (if b then "Set color on" else "Set color off"))
displayResult (VersionIs x) = printResult (pretty (showVersion True x))
displayResult (RequestedHelp) = printResult (pretty displayHelp) -- FIXME
displayResult (RequestedHelp) = printResult (pretty displayHelp)
displayResult (Edited (DisplayEdit [])) = pure ()
displayResult (Edited (DisplayEdit xs)) = printResult $ pretty $ showSep "\n" xs
displayResult (Edited (EditError x)) = printError $ pretty x

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Eta (Eta.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of etaBad. When unifying \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_ = \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_ and MkTest = \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_.
Mismatch between: Nat and Int.
Error: While processing right hand side of etaBad. When unifying \x, y => MkTest ?_ ?_ = \x, y => MkTest ?_ ?_ and MkTest = \x, y => MkTest ?_ ?_.
Mismatch between: Nat and Integer.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Main> Main.Dict : (a -> a -> Bool) -> Type -> Type
Main> Main.MkDict : (eq : (a -> a -> Bool)) -> List (a, b) -> Dict eq b
Main> Main.lookup : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> List (a, b) -> Maybe b
Main> Main.lookupK : (eq : (a -> a -> Bool)) -> a -> Dict eq b -> Maybe b
Main> MkDict (\{arg:0} => \{arg:1} => intToBool (prim__eq_Int arg arg)) [(0, "foo"), (1, "bar")]
Main> MkDict (\{arg:0}, {arg:1} => intToBool (prim__eq_Int arg arg)) [(0, "foo"), (1, "bar")]
Main> Just "bar"
Main> Nothing
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Error1 (Error1.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of wrong. Can't find an implementation for Show (Vect 4 Int).
Error: While processing right hand side of wrong. Can't find an implementation for Show (Vect 4 Integer).
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Error1.idr:8:9--8:40
1/1: Building Error2 (Error2.idr)
Error: While processing right hand side of show. Multiple solutions found in search of:
Show (Vect k Int)
Show (Vect k Integer)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Possible correct results:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:6
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:5
Error: While processing right hand side of wrong. Multiple solutions found in search of:
Show (Vect 1 Int)
Show (Vect 1 Integer)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-banner Cont.idr < input
$1 --no-banner --no-color --consolewidth 0 Cont.idr < input
rm -rf build

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Mismatch between: Vect 0 ?elem and List ?a.
1 | :t with [Vect.Nil, Prelude.(::)] [1,2,3]
| ^^^^^^^
Main> the (Maybe Int) (pure 4) : Maybe Int
Main> the (Maybe Integer) (pure 4) : Maybe Integer
Main> Parse error at line 1:2:
Unrecognised command (next tokens: [identifier t, with, symbol [, symbol ], literal 4, end of input])
Main> Bye for now!