mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:23:53 +03:00
[ performance ] CSE in linear space (#1949)
This commit is contained in:
@ -260,10 +260,7 @@ getCompileData doLazyAnnots phase_in tm_in
logTime "++ Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef rcns
compiledtm <- fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)
(cseDefs, csetm) <- logTime "++ CSE" $ do
um <- analyzeNames rcns
defs <- catMaybes <$> traverse (cseDef um) rcns
pure $ (cseNewToplevelDefs um ++ defs, adjust um compiledtm)
(cseDefs, csetm) <- logTime "++ CSE" $ cse rcns compiledtm
namedDefs <- logTime "++ Forget names" $
traverse getNamedDef cseDefs
@ -316,6 +313,13 @@ compileTerm tm_in
= do tm <- toFullNames tm_in
fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)
compDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Name -> Core (Maybe (Name, FC, CDef))
compDef n = do
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs) | Nothing => pure Nothing
let Just cexpr = compexpr def | Nothing => pure Nothing
pure $ Just (n, location def, cexpr)
getIncCompileData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> (doLazyAnnots : Bool) ->
UsePhase -> Core CompileData
@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ getIncCompileData doLazyAnnots phase
let ns = keys (toIR defs)
cns <- traverse toFullNames ns
rcns <- filterM nonErased cns
cseDefs <- catMaybes <$> traverse (cseDef empty) rcns
cseDefs <- catMaybes <$> traverse compDef rcns
namedDefs <- traverse getNamedDef cseDefs
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Opts.CSE
import Core.CaseTree
import public Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
@ -13,14 +13,18 @@
||| iterate over all toplevel definitions once, trying to
||| convert every subexpression to a closed one (no free
||| variables). Closed terms are then stored in a `SortedMap`
||| together with their size and count.
||| together with their size and count. In order to only use
||| linear space w.r.t. term size, we start this analysis at the
||| leaves and substitute closed terms with the machine generated
||| names before analyzing parent terms.
||| This map is then pruned: Expressions with a count of 1 are removed,
||| as are very small terms (some experiments showed, that a
||| cut-off size of 5 is a good heuristic). The remaining duplicate
||| expressions are then introduced as new zero-argument toplevel
||| functions and replaced accordingly in all function definitions
||| (including larger extracted subexpressions, if any).
||| In a second step, we compare the count of each machine
||| generated name with the count of its parent expression.
||| If they are the same, the name is dropped and replaces with
||| a CSE optimized version of the original expression, otherwise
||| the name is kept and a new zero argumet function of the
||| given name is added to the toplevel, thus eliminating the
||| duplicate expressions.
module Compiler.Opts.CSE
import Core.CompileExpr
@ -44,38 +48,37 @@ public export
UsageMap : Type
UsageMap = SortedMap (Integer, CExp []) (Name, Integer)
-- Size of Expressions
||| Number of appearances of a closed expression.
||| `Once` : The expression occurs exactly once.
||| `Many` : The expression occurs more than once.
||| `C n` : The expression has been counted `n` times
||| but we will have to compare this value
||| with the number of occurences of its parent
||| expression to decide whether it occured
||| only once or several times.
public export
data Count = Once | Many | C Integer
-- comparison for `Nat` is (or used to be?) O(n),
-- therefore, we use `Integer`
size : CExp ns -> Integer
size (CLocal _ _) = 1
size (CRef _ _) = 1
size (CLam _ _ y) = size y + 1
size (CLet _ _ _ y z) = size y + size z + 1
size (CApp _ _ xs) = sum (map size xs) + 1
size (CCon _ _ _ _ xs) = sum (map size xs) + 1
size (COp _ _ xs) = sum (map size xs) + 1
size (CExtPrim _ _ xs) = sum (map size xs) + 1
size (CForce _ _ y) = size y + 1
size (CDelay _ _ y) = size y + 1
size (CPrimVal _ _) = 1
size (CErased _) = 1
size (CCrash _ _) = 1
size (CConCase _ sc xs x) =
size sc + sum (map sizeConAlt xs) + sum (map size x) + 1
Show Count where
show Once = "Once"
show Many = "Many"
show (C n) = "C " ++ show n
size (CConstCase _ sc xs x) =
size sc + sum (map sizeConstAlt xs) + sum (map size x) + 1
||| After common subexpression analysis we get a mapping
||| from `Name`s to the closed expressions they replace.
||| We use this mapping for substituting the names back
||| to the corresponding expressions, if and only if
||| the expression appears only in one place.
public export
ReplaceMap : Type
ReplaceMap = SortedMap Name (CExp [], Count)
sizeConAlt : CConAlt ns -> Integer
sizeConAlt (MkConAlt _ _ _ _ z) = 1 + size z
sizeConstAlt : CConstAlt ns -> Integer
sizeConstAlt (MkConstAlt _ y) = 1 + size y
toReplaceMap : UsageMap -> ReplaceMap
toReplaceMap = SortedMap.fromList
. map (\((_,exp),(n,c)) => (n, (exp, C c)))
. SortedMap.toList
-- State
@ -88,24 +91,24 @@ record St where
map : UsageMap
idx : Int
-- adds a new closed expression to the `UsageMap`
-- returning the actual count of occurences.
-- very small expressions are being ignored.
store : Ref Sts St => CExp [] -> Core Integer
store exp =
let sz = size exp
in if sz < 5
then pure 0
else do
(MkSt map idx) <- get Sts
-- Adds a new closed expression to the `UsageMap`
-- returning a new machine generated name to be used
-- if the expression should be lifted to the toplevel.
-- Very small expressions are being ignored.
store : Ref Sts St => Integer -> CExp [] -> Core (Maybe Name)
store sz exp =
if sz < 5
then pure Nothing
else do
(MkSt map idx) <- get Sts
(name,count,idx2) <-
case lookup (sz,exp) map of
Just (nm,cnt) => pure (nm, cnt+1, idx)
Nothing => pure (MN "csegen" idx, 1, idx + 1)
(name,count,idx2) <-
case lookup (sz,exp) map of
Just (nm,cnt) => pure (nm, cnt+1, idx)
Nothing => pure (MN "csegen" idx, 1, idx + 1)
put Sts $ MkSt (insert (sz,exp) (name, count) map) idx2
pure count
put Sts $ MkSt (insert (sz,exp) (name, count) map) idx2
pure (Just name)
-- Strengthening of Expressions
@ -170,22 +173,18 @@ mutual
-- Tries to convert an expression to a closed term (`CExp []`).
-- If this is successful, the expression's number of occurences
-- is increased by one, otherwise, its subexpressions are analyzed
-- in a similar manner.
-- Tries to convert an expression and its
-- sub-expression to closed terms (`CExp []`).
-- Every occurence of a closed term will be replaced by
-- a machine generated name and its count in the `UsageMap`
-- will be increased by one.
-- We have to be careful here not to count subexpressions too
-- often. For instance, consider a case of `outerExp (innerExp)`,
-- where both `outerExp` and `innerExp` are closed terms. `innerExp`
-- should be added to the set of extracted subexpressions, if
-- and only if it appears somewhere else in the code,
-- unrelated to `outerExp`. We must
-- therefore make sure to analyze subexpressions of closed terms
-- exactly once for each closed term, otherwise they might
-- be counted as additional common subexpressions although they are not.
-- Because we start at the leafs and substitute all closed
-- expressions with machine generated names, we have to
-- keep track of the original expression's size, which
-- is returned in addition to the adjusted expressions.
analyze : Ref Sts St => CExp ns -> Core ()
analyze : Ref Sts St => CExp ns -> Core (Integer, CExp ns)
-- We ignore prim ops here, since moving them to the toplevel
-- might interfere with other optimizations, for instance
@ -199,159 +198,291 @@ mutual
analyze c@(CForce _ _ _) = analyzeSubExp c
analyze c@(CDelay _ _ _) = analyzeSubExp c
analyze exp = case dropEnv {pre = []} exp of
Just e0 => do
count <- store e0
-- only analyze subexpressions of closed terms once
when (count == 1) $ analyzeSubExp exp
Nothing => analyzeSubExp exp
analyze exp = do
(sze, exp') <- analyzeSubExp exp
case dropEnv {pre = []} exp' of
Just e0 => do
Just nm <- store sze e0
| Nothing => pure (sze, exp')
pure (sze, CRef EmptyFC nm)
Nothing => pure (sze, exp')
analyzeSubExp : Ref Sts St => CExp ns -> Core ()
analyzeSubExp (CLocal _ _) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CRef _ _) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CLam _ _ y) = analyze y
analyzeSubExp (CLet _ _ _ y z) = analyze y >> analyze z
analyzeSubExp (CApp fc x xs) = analyze x >> traverse_ analyze xs
analyzeSubExp (CCon _ _ _ _ []) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CCon _ _ _ _ xs) = traverse_ analyze xs
analyzeSubExp (COp _ _ xs) = ignore $ traverseVect analyze xs
analyzeSubExp (CExtPrim _ _ xs) = traverse_ analyze xs
analyzeSubExp (CForce _ _ y) = analyze y
analyzeSubExp (CDelay _ _ y) = analyze y
analyzeSubExp (CConCase _ sc xs x) =
analyze sc >>
traverse_ analyzeConAlt xs >>
ignore (traverseOpt analyze x)
analyzeList : Ref Sts St => List (CExp ns) -> Core (Integer, List (CExp ns))
analyzeList es = do
(sizes, exps) <- unzip <$> traverse analyze es
pure (sum sizes, exps)
analyzeSubExp (CConstCase _ sc xs x) =
analyze sc >>
traverse_ analyzeConstAlt xs >>
ignore (traverseOpt analyze x)
analyzeMaybe : Ref Sts St => Maybe (CExp ns) -> Core (Integer, Maybe (CExp ns))
analyzeMaybe Nothing = pure (0, Nothing)
analyzeMaybe (Just e) = do
(se,e') <- analyze e
pure (se, Just e')
analyzeSubExp (CPrimVal _ _) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CErased _) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CCrash _ _) = pure ()
analyzeVect : Ref Sts St => Vect n (CExp ns) -> Core (Integer, Vect n (CExp ns))
analyzeVect es = do
(sizes, exps) <- unzip <$> traverseVect analyze es
pure (sum sizes, exps)
analyzeConAlt : { auto c : Ref Sts St } -> CConAlt ns -> Core ()
analyzeConAlt (MkConAlt _ _ _ _ z) = analyze z
analyzeConstAlt : Ref Sts St => CConstAlt ns -> Core ()
analyzeConstAlt (MkConstAlt _ y) = analyze y
analyzeSubExp : Ref Sts St => CExp ns -> Core (Integer, CExp ns)
analyzeSubExp e@(CLocal _ _) = pure (1, e)
analyzeSubExp e@(CRef _ _) = pure (1, e)
analyzeSubExp (CLam f n y) = do
(sy, y') <- analyze y
pure (sy + 1, CLam f n y')
analyzeDef : Ref Sts St => CDef -> Core ()
analyzeDef (MkFun args x) = analyze x
analyzeDef (MkCon _ _ _) = pure ()
analyzeDef (MkForeign _ _ _) = pure ()
analyzeDef (MkError _) = pure ()
analyzeSubExp (CLet f n i y z) = do
(sy, y') <- analyze y
(sz, z') <- analyze z
pure (sy + sz + 1, CLet f n i y' z')
analyzeName : Ref Sts St => Ref Ctxt Defs => Name -> Core ()
analyzeSubExp (CApp fc x xs) = do
(sx, x') <- analyze x
(sxs, xs') <- analyzeList xs
pure (sx + sxs + 1, CApp fc x' xs')
analyzeSubExp (CCon f n c t xs) = do
(sxs, xs') <- analyzeList xs
pure (sxs + 1, CCon f n c t xs')
analyzeSubExp (COp f n xs) = do
(sxs, xs') <- analyzeVect xs
pure (sxs + 1, COp f n xs')
analyzeSubExp (CExtPrim f n xs) = do
(sxs, xs') <- analyzeList xs
pure (sxs + 1, CExtPrim f n xs')
analyzeSubExp (CForce f r y) = do
(sy, y') <- analyze y
pure (sy + 1, CForce f r y')
analyzeSubExp (CDelay f r y) = do
(sy, y') <- analyze y
pure (sy + 1, CDelay f r y')
analyzeSubExp (CConCase f sc xs x) = do
(ssc, sc') <- analyze sc
(sxs, xs') <- unzip <$> traverse analyzeConAlt xs
(sx, x') <- analyzeMaybe x
pure (ssc + sum sxs + sx + 1, CConCase f sc' xs' x')
analyzeSubExp (CConstCase f sc xs x) = do
(ssc, sc') <- analyze sc
(sxs, xs') <- unzip <$> traverse analyzeConstAlt xs
(sx, x') <- analyzeMaybe x
pure (ssc + sum sxs + sx + 1, CConstCase f sc' xs' x')
analyzeSubExp c@(CPrimVal _ _) = pure (1, c)
analyzeSubExp c@(CErased _) = pure (1, c)
analyzeSubExp c@(CCrash _ _) = pure (1, c)
analyzeConAlt : { auto c : Ref Sts St }
-> CConAlt ns
-> Core (Integer, CConAlt ns)
analyzeConAlt (MkConAlt n c t as z) = do
(sz, z') <- analyze z
pure (sz + 1, MkConAlt n c t as z')
analyzeConstAlt : Ref Sts St => CConstAlt ns -> Core (Integer, CConstAlt ns)
analyzeConstAlt (MkConstAlt c y) = do
(sy, y') <- analyze y
pure (sy + 1, MkConstAlt c y')
analyzeDef : Ref Sts St => CDef -> Core CDef
analyzeDef (MkFun args x) = MkFun args . snd <$> analyze x
analyzeDef d@(MkCon _ _ _) = pure d
analyzeDef d@(MkForeign _ _ _) = pure d
analyzeDef d@(MkError _) = pure d
analyzeName : Ref Sts St
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Name
-> Core (Maybe (Name, FC, CDef))
analyzeName fn = do
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact fn (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure ()
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let Just cexp = compexpr def
| Nothing => pure ()
analyzeDef cexp
||| Generates a `UsageMap` (a mapping from closed terms
||| to their number of occurences plus newly generated
||| name in case they will be lifted to the toplevel)
analyzeNames : Ref Ctxt Defs => List Name -> Core UsageMap
analyzeNames cns = do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ "Analysing " ++ show (length cns) ++ " names"
s <- newRef Sts $ MkSt empty 0
traverse_ analyzeName cns
MkSt res _ <- get Sts
let filtered = reverse
. sortBy (comparing $ snd . snd)
. filter ((> 1) . snd . snd)
$ SortedMap.toList res
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ unlines $
"Selected the following definitions:"
:: map (\((sz,_),(name,cnt)) =>
show name ++
": count " ++ show cnt ++
", size " ++ show sz
) filtered
pure $ fromList filtered
| Nothing => pure Nothing
cexp' <- analyzeDef cexp
pure $ Just (fn, location def, cexp')
-- Adjusting Expressions
-- Replacing Expressions
adjust : UsageMap -> CExp ns -> CExp ns
adjust um exp = case dropEnv {pre = []} exp of
Nothing => adjustSubExp um exp
Just e0 => case lookup (size e0, e0) um of
Just (nm,_) => CApp EmptyFC (CRef EmptyFC nm) []
Nothing => adjustSubExp um exp
-- During the analysis step, we replaced every closed
-- expression with a machine generated name. We only
-- want to keep these substitutions, if a closed term
-- appears in several distinct locations in the code.
-- We therefore check for each machine generated name, if
-- the corresponding closed term has a count > 1. If that's
-- not the case, the machine generated name will be dropped
-- and replaces with the CSE-optimized original term.
-- However, during the analysis step, we might get counts > 1
-- for expressions that still are used only once.
-- Consider the following situation:
-- fun1 = exp1(exp2(exp3))
-- fun2 = exp4(exp2(exp3))
-- In the example above, `exp2` is a proper common subexpression
-- that should be lifted to the toplevel, but exp3 is not, although
-- it will also get a count of 2 in the `UsageMap`.
-- We therefore compare the count of each child expression
-- with the count of their parent expression, lifting
-- a child only if it was counted mor often than its parent.
replaceRef : Ref ReplaceMap ReplaceMap
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (parentCount : Integer)
-> FC
-> Name
-> Core (CExp ns)
replaceRef pc fc n = do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ "Trying to replace " ++ show n ++ ": "
res <- lookup n <$> get ReplaceMap
case res of
-- not a name generated during CSE
Nothing => do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ " not a name generated durin CSE"
pure (CRef fc n)
adjustSubExp : UsageMap -> CExp ns -> CExp ns
adjustSubExp um e@(CLocal _ _) = e
adjustSubExp um e@(CRef _ _) = e
adjustSubExp um e@(CPrimVal _ _) = e
adjustSubExp um e@(CErased _) = e
adjustSubExp um e@(CCrash _ _) = e
adjustSubExp um (CLam fc x y) = CLam fc x $ adjust um y
adjustSubExp um (CLet fc x inlineOK y z) =
CLet fc x inlineOK (adjust um y) (adjust um z)
-- Expression count has already been checked and occurs
-- several times. Replace it with the machine generated name.
Just (exp, Many) => do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ " already replaced: Occurs many times"
pure (CApp EmptyFC (CRef fc n) [])
adjustSubExp um (CApp fc x xs) =
CApp fc (adjust um x) (map (adjust um) xs)
adjustSubExp um (CCon fc x y tag xs) =
CCon fc x y tag $ map (adjust um) xs
-- Expression count has already been checked and occurs
-- only once. Substitute the machine generated name with
-- the original (but CSE optimized) exp
Just (exp, Once) => do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ " already replaced: Occurs many times"
pure (embed exp)
adjustSubExp um (COp fc x xs) = COp fc x $ map (adjust um) xs
-- Expression count has not yet been compared with the
-- parent count. Do this now.
Just (exp, C c) => do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ " expression of unknown quantity ("
++ show c
++ " occurences)"
-- We first have to replace all child expressions.
exp' <- replaceExp c exp
if c > pc
-- This is a common subexpression. We set its count to `Many`
-- and replace it with the machine generated name.
then do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ show n ++ " assigned quantity \"Many\""
update ReplaceMap (insert n (exp', Many))
pure (CApp EmptyFC (CRef fc n) [])
adjustSubExp um (CExtPrim fc p xs) = CExtPrim fc p $ map (adjust um) xs
-- This expression occurs only once. We set its count to `Once`
-- and keep it.
else do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ show n ++ " assigned quantity \"Once\""
update ReplaceMap (insert n (exp', Once))
pure (embed exp')
adjustSubExp um (CForce fc x y) = CForce fc x $ adjust um y
replaceExp : Ref ReplaceMap ReplaceMap
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (parentCount : Integer)
-> CExp ns
-> Core (CExp ns)
replaceExp _ e@(CLocal _ _) = pure e
replaceExp pc (CRef f n) = replaceRef pc f n
replaceExp pc (CLam f n y) = CLam f n <$> replaceExp pc y
replaceExp pc (CLet f n i y z) =
CLet f n i <$> replaceExp pc y <*> replaceExp pc z
replaceExp pc (CApp f x xs) =
CApp f <$> replaceExp pc x <*> traverse (replaceExp pc) xs
replaceExp pc (CCon f n c t xs) =
CCon f n c t <$> traverse (replaceExp pc) xs
replaceExp pc (COp f n xs) =
COp f n <$> traverseVect (replaceExp pc) xs
replaceExp pc (CExtPrim f n xs) =
CExtPrim f n <$> traverse (replaceExp pc) xs
replaceExp pc (CForce f r y) =
CForce f r <$> replaceExp pc y
replaceExp pc (CDelay f r y) =
CDelay f r <$> replaceExp pc y
replaceExp pc (CConCase f sc xs x) =
CConCase f <$>
replaceExp pc sc <*>
traverse (replaceConAlt pc) xs <*>
traverseOpt (replaceExp pc) x
adjustSubExp um (CDelay fc x y) = CDelay fc x $ adjust um y
replaceExp pc (CConstCase f sc xs x) = do
CConstCase f <$>
replaceExp pc sc <*>
traverse (replaceConstAlt pc) xs <*>
traverseOpt (replaceExp pc) x
adjustSubExp um (CConCase fc sc xs x) =
CConCase fc (adjust um sc) (map (adjustConAlt um) xs) (map (adjust um) x)
replaceExp _ c@(CPrimVal _ _) = pure c
replaceExp _ c@(CErased _) = pure c
replaceExp _ c@(CCrash _ _) = pure c
adjustSubExp um (CConstCase fc sc xs x) =
CConstCase fc (adjust um sc) (map (adjustConstAlt um) xs) (map (adjust um) x)
replaceConAlt : Ref ReplaceMap ReplaceMap
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (parentCount : Integer)
-> CConAlt ns
-> Core (CConAlt ns)
replaceConAlt pc (MkConAlt n c t as z) =
MkConAlt n c t as <$> replaceExp pc z
adjustConAlt : UsageMap -> CConAlt ns -> CConAlt ns
adjustConAlt um (MkConAlt x y tag args z) =
MkConAlt x y tag args $ adjust um z
replaceConstAlt : Ref ReplaceMap ReplaceMap
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (parentCount : Integer)
-> CConstAlt ns
-> Core (CConstAlt ns)
replaceConstAlt pc (MkConstAlt c y) =
MkConstAlt c <$> replaceExp pc y
adjustConstAlt : UsageMap -> CConstAlt ns -> CConstAlt ns
adjustConstAlt um (MkConstAlt x y) = MkConstAlt x $ adjust um y
replaceDef : Ref ReplaceMap ReplaceMap
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (Name, FC, CDef)
-> Core (Name, FC, CDef)
replaceDef (n, fc, MkFun args x) =
(\x' => (n, fc, MkFun args x')) <$> replaceExp 1 x
replaceDef (n, fc, d@(MkCon _ _ _)) = pure (n, fc, d)
replaceDef (n, fc, d@(MkForeign _ _ _)) = pure (n, fc, d)
replaceDef (n, fc, d@(MkError _)) = pure (n, fc, d)
||| Converts occurences of common subexpressions in toplevel
||| definitions to invocations of the corresponding
||| (newly introduced) zero-argument toplevel functions.
newToplevelDefs : ReplaceMap -> List (Name, FC, CDef)
newToplevelDefs rm = mapMaybe toDef $ SortedMap.toList rm
where toDef : (Name,(CExp[],Count)) -> Maybe (Name, FC, CDef)
toDef (nm,(exp,Many)) = Just (nm, EmptyFC, MkFun [] exp)
toDef _ = Nothing
undefinedCount : (Name, (CExp [], Count)) -> Bool
undefinedCount (_, _, Once) = False
undefinedCount (_, _, Many) = False
undefinedCount (_, _, C x) = True
||| Runs the CSE alorithm on all provided names and
||| the given main expression.
adjustDef : UsageMap -> CDef -> CDef
adjustDef um (MkFun args x) = MkFun args $ adjust um x
adjustDef um d@(MkCon _ _ _) = d
adjustDef um d@(MkForeign _ _ _) = d
adjustDef um d@(MkError _) = d
cseDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs}
-> UsageMap
-> Name
-> Core (Maybe (Name, FC, CDef))
cseDef um n = do
defs <- get Ctxt
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs) | Nothing => pure Nothing
let Just cexpr = compexpr def | Nothing => pure Nothing
pure $ Just (n, location def, adjustDef um cexpr)
cseNewToplevelDefs : UsageMap -> List (Name, FC, CDef)
cseNewToplevelDefs um = map toDef $ SortedMap.toList um
where toDef : ((Integer, CExp[]),(Name,Integer)) -> (Name, FC, CDef)
toDef ((_,exp),(nm,_)) =
(nm, EmptyFC, MkFun [] $ adjustSubExp um exp)
cse : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> (definitionNames : List Name)
-> (mainExpr : CExp ns)
-> Core (List (Name, FC, CDef), CExp ns)
cse defs me = do
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ "Analysing " ++ show (length defs) ++ " names"
s <- newRef Sts $ MkSt empty 0
analyzedDefs <- mapMaybe id <$> traverse analyzeName defs
MkSt um _ <- get Sts
srep <- newRef ReplaceMap $ toReplaceMap um
replacedDefs <- traverse replaceDef analyzedDefs
replacedMain <- replaceExp 1 me
replaceMap <- get ReplaceMap
let filtered = SortedMap.toList replaceMap
log "compiler.cse" 10 $ unlines $
"Found the following unadjusted subexpressions:"
:: map (\(name,(_,cnt)) =>
show name ++ ": count " ++ show cnt
) filtered
pure (newToplevelDefs replaceMap ++ replacedDefs, replacedMain)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user