mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 22:22:07 +03:00
PTerm and error intial prettyprinting
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ modules =
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Strings
import Control.ANSI
import public Control.ANSI
import Control.Monad.ST
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Doc
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ strike = pure $ SetStyle Striked
renderString : SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> String
renderString sdoc = fromMaybe "<internal pretty printing error>" $ runST $ do
styleStackRef <- newSTRef {a = List (List SGR)} [neutral]
styleStackRef <- newSTRef {a = List AnsiStyle} [neutral]
outputRef <- newSTRef {a = String} neutral
go styleStackRef outputRef sdoc
readSTRef styleStackRef >>= \case
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Core.FC
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
%default total
public export
@ -71,4 +73,11 @@ Show FC where
showPos (startPos loc) ++ "--" ++
showPos (endPos loc)
Pretty FC where
pretty loc = pretty (file loc) <+> colon
<+> prettyPos (startPos loc) <+> pretty "--"
<+> prettyPos (endPos loc)
prettyPos : FilePos -> Doc ann
prettyPos (l, c) = pretty (l + 1) <+> colon <+> pretty (c + 1)
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Core.Name
import Data.List
import Decidable.Equality
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
%default total
@ -87,6 +89,18 @@ Show Name where
show (WithBlock outer i) = "with block in " ++ outer
show (Resolved x) = "$resolved" ++ show x
Pretty Name where
pretty (NS ns n) = concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns) <+> dot <+> pretty n
pretty (UN x) = pretty x
pretty (MN x y) = braces (pretty x <+> colon <+> pretty y)
pretty (PV n d) = braces (pretty 'P' <+> colon <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> pretty d)
pretty (DN str _) = pretty str
pretty (Nested (outer, idx) inner) = pretty outer <+> colon <+> pretty idx <+> colon <+> pretty inner
pretty (CaseBlock outer _) = reflow "case block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (WithBlock outer _) = reflow "with block in" <++> pretty outer
pretty (Resolved x) = pretty "$resolved" <+> pretty x
Eq Name where
(==) (NS ns n) (NS ns' n') = n == n' && ns == ns'
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Data.List
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Vect
import Decidable.Equality
import Text.PrettyPrint.PrettyPrinter
import public Algebra
@ -92,6 +93,29 @@ Show Constant where
show DoubleType = "Double"
show WorldType = "%World"
Pretty Constant where
pretty (I x) = pretty x
pretty (BI x) = pretty x
pretty (B8 x) = pretty x
pretty (B16 x) = pretty x
pretty (B32 x) = pretty x
pretty (B64 x) = pretty x
pretty (Str x) = pretty x
pretty (Ch x) = pretty x
pretty (Db x) = pretty x
pretty WorldVal = pretty "%MkWorld"
pretty IntType = pretty "Int"
pretty IntegerType = pretty "Int"
pretty Bits8Type = pretty "Bits8"
pretty Bits16Type = pretty "Bits16"
pretty Bits32Type = pretty "Bits32"
pretty Bits64Type = pretty "Bits64"
pretty StringType = pretty "String"
pretty CharType = pretty "Char"
pretty DoubleType = pretty "Double"
pretty WorldType = pretty "%World"
Eq Constant where
(I x) == (I y) = x == y
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Core.Value
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Pretty
import Parser.Source
@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Stream
import Data.Strings
import Data.String.Extra
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import System.File
%default covering
@ -25,148 +29,187 @@ import System.File
pshow : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core String
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
pshow env tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
itm <- resugar env !(normaliseHoles defs env tm)
pure (show itm)
pure (prettyTerm itm)
pshowNoNorm : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core String
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
pshowNoNorm env tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
itm <- resugar env tm
pure (show itm)
pure (prettyTerm itm)
ploc : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
FC -> Core String
ploc EmptyFC = pure ""
FC -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
ploc EmptyFC = pure emptyDoc
ploc (MkFC _ s e) = do
let sr = integerToNat $ cast $ fst s
let sc = integerToNat $ cast $ snd s
let er = integerToNat $ cast $ fst e
let ec = integerToNat $ cast $ snd e
let sr = fromInteger $ cast $ fst s
let sc = fromInteger $ cast $ snd s
let er = fromInteger $ cast $ fst e
let ec = fromInteger $ cast $ snd e
let nsize = length $ show (er + 1)
source <- lines <$> getCurrentElabSource
pure $ if sr == er
then show (sr + 1) ++ "\t" ++ fromMaybe "" (elemAt source sr)
++ "\n\t" ++ repeatChar sc ' ' ++ repeatChar (ec `minus` sc) '^' ++ "\n"
else addLineNumbers sr $ extractRange sr er source
if sr == er
then do
let line = maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr)
let emph = spaces (cast sc) <+> pretty (Extra.replicate (ec `minus` sc) '^')
pure $ space <+> pretty (sr + 1) <++> pipe <++> align (vsep [line, emph])
else pure $ vsep (addLineNumbers nsize sr (pretty <$> extractRange sr (Prelude.min er (sr + 5)) source))
extractRange : Nat -> Nat -> List a -> List a
extractRange : Nat -> Nat -> List String -> List String
extractRange s e xs = take ((e `minus` s) + 1) (drop s xs)
repeatChar : Nat -> Char -> String
repeatChar n c = pack $ take n (repeat c)
addLineNumbers : Nat -> List String -> String
addLineNumbers st xs = snd $ foldl (\(i, s), l => (S i, s ++ show (i + 1) ++ "\t" ++ l ++ "\n")) (st, "") xs
pad : Nat -> String -> String
pad size s = replicate (size `minus` length s) '0' ++ s
addLineNumbers : Nat -> Nat -> List (Doc IdrisAnn) -> List (Doc IdrisAnn)
addLineNumbers size st xs =
snd $ foldl (\(i, s), l => (S i, snoc s (space <+> pretty (pad size $ show $ i + 1) <++> pipe <++> l))) (st, []) xs
perror : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Error -> Core String
Error -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
perror (Fatal err) = perror err
perror (CantConvert fc env l r)
= pure $ "Mismatch between:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env l) ++ "\nand\n\t" ++ !(pshow env r) ++ "\nat:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ vsep [ reflow "Mismatch between" <+> colon
, indent 4 !(pshow env l)
, pretty "and"
, indent 4 !(pshow env r)
, pretty "at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
perror (CantSolveEq fc env l r)
= pure $ "Can't solve constraint between:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env l) ++
"\nand\n\t" ++ !(pshow env r) ++ "\nat:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ vsep [ reflow "Can't solve constraint between" <+> colon
, indent 4 !(pshow env l)
, pretty "and"
, indent 4 !(pshow env r)
, pretty "at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
perror (PatternVariableUnifies fc env n tm)
= pure $ "Pattern variable " ++ showPVar n ++
" unifies with:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env tm) ++ "\nat:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ vsep [ reflow "Pattern variable" <++> pretty (showPVar n) <++> reflow "unifies with" <+> colon
, indent 4 !(pshow env tm)
, pretty "at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
showPVar : Name -> String
showPVar (PV n _) = showPVar n
showPVar n = show n
perror (CyclicMeta fc env n tm)
= pure $ "Cycle detected in solution of metavariable "
++ show !(prettyName n) ++ " = "
++ !(pshow env tm) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Cycle detected in solution of metavariable" <++> pretty !(prettyName n) <++> equals
<++> !(pshow env tm) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line
<+> !(ploc fc)
perror (WhenUnifying _ env x y err)
= pure $ "When unifying " ++ !(pshow env x) ++ " and " ++ !(pshow env y) ++ "\n"
++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "When unifying" <++> !(pshow env x) <++> pretty "and"
<++> !(pshow env y) <+> line
<+> !(perror err)
perror (ValidCase fc env (Left tm))
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++ " is not a valid impossible case at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) <++> reflow "is not a valid impossible case at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (ValidCase _ env (Right err))
= pure $ "Impossible pattern gives an error:\n" ++ !(perror err)
perror (UndefinedName fc x) = pure $ "Undefined name " ++ show x ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Impossible pattern gives an error" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(perror err)
perror (UndefinedName fc x)
= pure $ reflow "Undefined name" <++> pretty (show x)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (InvisibleName fc n (Just ns))
= pure $ "Name " ++ show n ++ " is inaccessible since " ++
showSep "." (reverse ns) ++ " is not explicitly imported at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty "Name" <++> pretty (show n) <++> reflow "is inaccessible since"
<++> concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns) <++> reflow "is not explicitly imported at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (InvisibleName fc x Nothing)
= pure $ "Name " ++ show x ++ " is private at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty "Name" <++> pretty (show x) <++> reflow "is private at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BadTypeConType fc n)
= pure $ "Return type of " ++ show n ++ " must be Type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Return type of" <++> pretty (show n) <++> reflow "must be Type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BadDataConType fc n fam)
= pure $ "Return type of " ++ show n ++ " must be in "
++ show !(toFullNames fam) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Return type of" <++> pretty (show n) <++> reflow "must be in"
<++> pretty (show !(toFullNames fam)) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NotCovering fc n IsCovering)
= pure $ "Internal error (Coverage of " ++ show n ++ ")"
= pure $ reflow "Internal error" <++> parens (reflow "Coverage of" <++> pretty (show n))
perror (NotCovering fc n (MissingCases cs))
= pure $ !(prettyName n) ++ " is not covering at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc) ++ "Missing cases:\n\t" ++
showSep "\n\t" !(traverse (pshow []) cs)
= pure $ vsep [ pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "is not covering at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
, reflow "Missing cases" <+> colon
, indent 4 (vsep !(traverse (pshow []) cs))
perror (NotCovering fc n (NonCoveringCall ns))
= pure $ !(prettyName n) ++ " is not covering at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc) ++ "\n\t" ++
"Calls non covering function"
++ case ns of
[fn] => " " ++ show fn
_ => "s: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
= pure $ vsep [ pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "is not covering at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
, reflow "Calls non covering function" <+>
case ns of
[fn] => space <+> pretty (show fn)
_ => pretty 's' <+> colon <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (pretty . show <$> ns)
perror (NotTotal fc n r)
= pure $ !(prettyName n) ++ " is not total:\n\t" ++ show r ++ "\nat:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ vsep [ pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "is not total" <+> colon
, pretty (show r)
, pretty "at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
perror (LinearUsed fc count n)
= pure $ "There are " ++ show count ++ " uses of linear name " ++ sugarName n ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "There are" <++> pretty (show count) <++> reflow "uses of linear name" <++> pretty (sugarName n)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (LinearMisuse fc n exp ctx)
= if isErased exp
then pure $ show n ++ " is not accessible in this context at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
else pure $ "Trying to use " ++ showRig exp ++ " name " ++ sugarName n ++
" in " ++ showRel ctx ++ " context at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
then pure $ pretty (show n) <++> reflow "is not accessible in this context at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
else pure $ reflow "Trying to use" <++> prettyRig exp <++> pretty "name" <++> pretty (sugarName n) <++>
pretty "in" <++> prettyRel ctx <++> pretty "context at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
showRig : RigCount -> String
showRig = elimSemi "irrelevant"
(const "unrestricted")
prettyRig : RigCount -> Doc ann
prettyRig = elimSemi (pretty "irrelevant")
(pretty "linear")
(const $ pretty "unrestricted")
showRel : RigCount -> String
showRel = elimSemi "irrelevant"
(const "non-linear")
prettyRel : RigCount -> Doc ann
prettyRel = elimSemi (pretty "irrelevant")
(pretty "relevant")
(const $ pretty "non-linear")
perror (BorrowPartial fc env tm arg)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
" borrows argument " ++ !(pshow env arg) ++
" so must be fully applied at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) <++>
reflow "borrows argument" <++> !(pshow env arg) <++>
reflow "so must be fully applied at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BorrowPartialType fc env tm)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
" borrows, so must return a concrete type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (AmbiguousName fc ns) = pure $ "Ambiguous name " ++ show ns ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) <++>
reflow "borrows, so must return a concrete type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (AmbiguousName fc ns)
= pure $ pretty "Ambiguous name" <++> pretty (show ns) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (AmbiguousElab fc env ts)
= do pp <- getPPrint
setPPrint (record { fullNamespace = True } pp)
let res = "Ambiguous elaboration at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc) ++ "Possible correct results:\n\t" ++
showSep "\n\t" !(traverse (pshow env) ts)
let res = vsep [ reflow "Ambiguous elaboration at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
, reflow "Possible correct results" <+> colon
, indent 4 (vsep !(traverse (pshow env) ts))
setPPrint pp
pure res
perror (AmbiguousSearch fc env tgt ts)
= pure $ "Multiple solutions found in search of:\n\t"
++ !(pshowNoNorm env tgt)
++ "\nat:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
++ "\nPossible correct results:\n\t" ++
showSep "\n\t" !(traverse (pshowNoNorm env) ts)
= pure $ vsep [ reflow "Multiple solutions found in search of" <+> colon
, indent 4 !(pshowNoNorm env tgt)
, pretty "at" <+> colon
, !(ploc fc)
, reflow "Possible correct results" <+> colon
, indent 4 (vsep !(traverse (pshowNoNorm env) ts))
perror (AmbiguityTooDeep fc n ns)
= pure $ "Maximum ambiguity depth exceeded in " ++ show !(getFullName n)
++ ": " ++ showSep " --> " (map show !(traverse getFullName ns)) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Maximum ambiguity depth exceeded in" <++> pretty (show !(getFullName n))
<+> colon <++> concatWith (surround (pretty " --> ")) (pretty . show <$> !(traverse getFullName ns))
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (AllFailed ts)
= case allUndefined ts of
Just e => perror e
_ => pure $ "Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:\n" ++
showSep "\n" !(traverse pAlterror ts)
_ => pure $ reflow "Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors" <+> colon <+> line
<+> vsep !(traverse pAlterror ts)
pAlterror : (Maybe Name, Error) -> Core String
pAlterror : (Maybe Name, Error) -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
pAlterror (Just n, err)
= pure $ "If " ++ show !(aliasName !(getFullName n)) ++ ": "
++ !(perror err) ++ "\n"
= pure $ pretty "If" <++> pretty (show !(aliasName !(getFullName n))) <+> colon <++> !(perror err) <+> line
pAlterror (Nothing, err)
= pure $ "Possible error:\n\t" ++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "Possible error" <+> colon <+> line <+> indent 4 !(perror err)
allUndefined : List (Maybe Name, Error) -> Maybe Error
allUndefined [] = Nothing
@ -174,34 +217,39 @@ perror (AllFailed ts)
allUndefined ((_, UndefinedName _ e) :: es) = allUndefined es
allUndefined _ = Nothing
perror (RecordTypeNeeded fc _)
= pure $ "Can't infer type for this record update at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't infer type for this record update at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NotRecordField fc fld Nothing)
= pure $ fld ++ " is not part of a record type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty fld <++> reflow "is not part of a record type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NotRecordField fc fld (Just ty))
= pure $ "Record type " ++ show !(getFullName ty) ++ " has no field " ++ fld ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Record type" <++> pretty (show !(getFullName ty)) <++> reflow "has no field" <++> pretty fld
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NotRecordType fc ty)
= pure $ show !(getFullName ty) ++ " is not a record type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty (show !(getFullName ty)) <++> reflow "is not a record type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (IncompatibleFieldUpdate fc flds)
= pure $ "Field update " ++ showSep "->" flds ++
" not compatible with other updates at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Field update" <++> concatWith (surround (pretty "->")) (pretty <$> flds)
<++> reflow "not compatible with other updates at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (InvalidImplicits fc env [Just n] tm)
= pure $ show n ++ " is not a valid implicit argument in " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty (show n) <++> reflow "is not a valid implicit argument in" <++> !(pshow env tm)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (InvalidImplicits fc env ns tm)
= pure $ showSep ", " (map show ns) ++
" are not valid implicit arguments in " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (pretty . show <$> ns)
<++> reflow "are not valid implicit arguments in" <++> !(pshow env tm)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (TryWithImplicits fc env imps)
= pure $ "Need to bind implicits "
++ showSep ", " !(traverse (tshow env) imps) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Need to bind implicits"
<++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) !(traverse (tshow env) imps)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
tshow : {vars : _} ->
Env Term vars -> (Name, Term vars) -> Core String
tshow env (n, ty) = pure $ show n ++ " : " ++ !(pshow env ty)
Env Term vars -> (Name, Term vars) -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
tshow env (n, ty) = pure $ pretty (show n) <++> colon <++> !(pshow env ty)
perror (BadUnboundImplicit fc env n ty)
= pure $ "Can't bind name " ++ nameRoot n ++ " with type " ++ !(pshow env ty)
++ " here at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc) ++ "Try binding explicitly."
= pure $ reflow "Can't bind name" <++> pretty (nameRoot n) <++> reflow "with type" <++> !(pshow env ty)
<++> reflow "here at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line <+> reflow "Try binding explicitly."
perror (CantSolveGoal fc env g)
= let (_ ** (env', g')) = dropEnv env g in
pure $ "Can't find an implementation for " ++ !(pshow env' g') ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
pure $ reflow "Can't find an implementation for" <++> !(pshow env' g')
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
-- For display, we don't want to see the full top level type; just the
-- return type
@ -213,109 +261,128 @@ perror (CantSolveGoal fc env g)
dropEnv env tm = (_ ** (env, tm))
perror (DeterminingArg fc n i env g)
= pure $ "Can't find an implementation for " ++ !(pshow env g) ++ "\n" ++
"since I can't infer a value for argument " ++ show n ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't find an implementation for" <++> !(pshow env g) <+> line
<+> reflow "since I can't infer a value for argument" <++> pretty (show n)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (UnsolvedHoles hs)
= pure $ "Unsolved holes:\n" ++ showHoles hs
= pure $ reflow "Unsolved holes" <+> colon <+> line <+> prettyHoles hs
showHoles : List (FC, Name) -> String
showHoles [] = ""
showHoles ((fc, n) :: hs) = show n ++ " introduced at " ++ show fc ++ "\n"
++ showHoles hs
prettyHoles : List (FC, Name) -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyHoles [] = emptyDoc
prettyHoles ((fc, n) :: hs)
= pretty (show n) <++> reflow "introduced at" <++> pretty (show fc) <+> line <+> prettyHoles hs
perror (CantInferArgType fc env n h ty)
= pure $ "Can't infer type for argument " ++ show n ++ "\n" ++
"Got " ++ !(pshow env ty) ++ " with hole " ++ show h ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't infer type for argument" <++> pretty (show n) <+> line
<+> pretty "Got" <++> !(pshow env ty) <++> reflow "with hole" <++> pretty (show h)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (SolvedNamedHole fc env h tm)
= pure $ "Named hole " ++ show h ++ " has been solved by unification\n"
++ "Result: " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Named hole" <++> pretty (show h) <++> reflow "has been solved by unification" <+> line
<+> pretty "Result" <+> colon <++> !(pshow env tm)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (VisibilityError fc vx x vy y)
= pure $ show vx ++ " " ++ sugarName !(toFullNames x) ++
" cannot refer to " ++ show vy ++ " " ++ sugarName !(toFullNames y) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (NonLinearPattern fc n) = pure $ "Non linear pattern " ++ sugarName n ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (BadPattern fc n) = pure $ "Pattern not allowed here: " ++ show n ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (NoDeclaration fc n) = pure $ "No type declaration for " ++ show n ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (AlreadyDefined fc n) = pure $ show n ++ " is already defined"
= pure $ pretty (show vx) <++> pretty (sugarName !(toFullNames x))
<++> reflow "cannot refer to" <++> pretty (show vy) <++> pretty (sugarName !(toFullNames y))
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NonLinearPattern fc n)
= pure $ reflow "Non linear pattern" <++> pretty (sugarName n) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BadPattern fc n)
= pure $ reflow "Pattern not allowed here" <+> colon <++> pretty (show n) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NoDeclaration fc n)
= pure $ reflow "No type declaration for" <++> pretty (show n) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (AlreadyDefined fc n) = pure $ pretty (show n) <++> reflow "is already defined"
perror (NotFunctionType fc env tm)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++ " is not a function type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) <++> reflow "is not a function type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (RewriteNoChange fc env rule ty)
= pure $ "Rewriting by " ++ !(pshow env rule) ++
" did not change type " ++ !(pshow env ty) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Rewriting by" <++> !(pshow env rule)
<++> reflow "did not change type" <++> !(pshow env ty)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (NotRewriteRule fc env rule)
= pure $ !(pshow env rule) ++ " is not a rewrite rule type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ !(pshow env rule) <++> reflow "is not a rewrite rule type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CaseCompile fc n DifferingArgNumbers)
= pure $ "Patterns for " ++ !(prettyName n) ++ " have differing numbers of arguments at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Patterns for" <++> pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "have differing numbers of arguments at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CaseCompile fc n DifferingTypes)
= pure $ "Patterns for " ++ !(prettyName n) ++ " require matching on different types at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Patterns for" <++> pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "require matching on different types at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CaseCompile fc n UnknownType)
= pure $ "Can't infer type to match in " ++ !(prettyName n) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't infer type to match in" <++> pretty !(prettyName n) <++> pretty "at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CaseCompile fc n (NotFullyApplied cn))
= pure $ "Constructor " ++ show !(toFullNames cn) ++ " is not fully applied at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ pretty "Constructor" <++> pretty (show !(toFullNames cn)) <++> reflow "is not fully applied at"
<+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CaseCompile fc n (MatchErased (_ ** (env, tm))))
= pure $ "Attempt to match on erased argument " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
" in " ++ !(prettyName n) ++ " at\n:" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Attempt to match on erased argument" <++> !(pshow env tm) <++> pretty "in"
<++> pretty !(prettyName n) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BadDotPattern fc env reason x y)
= pure $ "Can't match on " ++ !(pshow env x) ++
" (" ++ show reason ++ ") at\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't match on" <++> !(pshow env x)
<++> parens (pretty (show reason)) <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (MatchTooSpecific fc env tm)
= pure $ "Can't match on " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
" as it has a polymorphic type at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
= pure $ reflow "Can't match on" <++> !(pshow env tm)
<++> reflow "as it has a polymorphic type at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (BadImplicit fc str)
= pure $ "Can't infer type for unbound implicit name " ++ str ++ " at\n" ++
!(ploc fc) ++ "Try making it a bound implicit."
= pure $ reflow "Can't infer type for unbound implicit name" <++> pretty str <++> pretty "at" <+> colon
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line <+> reflow "Try making it a bound implicit."
perror (BadRunElab fc env script)
= pure $ "Bad elaborator script " ++ !(pshow env script) ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (GenericMsg fc str) = pure $ str ++ " at:\n" ++ !(ploc fc)
perror (TTCError msg) = pure $ "Error in TTC file: " ++ show msg ++ " (the most likely case is that the ./build directory in your current project contains files from a previous build of idris2 or the idris2 executable is from a different build than the installed .ttc files)"
= pure $ reflow "Bad elaborator script" <++> !(pshow env script)
<++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (GenericMsg fc str) = pure $ pretty str <++> pretty "at" <+> colon <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (TTCError msg)
= pure $ reflow "Error in TTC file" <+> colon <++> pretty (show msg)
<++> parens (pretty "the most likely case is that the ./build directory in your current project contains files from a previous build of idris2 or the idris2 executable is from a different build than the installed .ttc files")
perror (FileErr fname err)
= pure $ "File error in " ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show err
= pure $ reflow "File error in" <++> pretty fname <++> colon <++> pretty (show err)
perror (ParseFail _ err)
= pure $ show err
= pure $ pretty (show err)
perror (ModuleNotFound _ ns)
= pure $ showSep "." (reverse ns) ++ " not found"
= pure $ concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns) <++> reflow "not found"
perror (CyclicImports ns)
= pure $ "Module imports form a cycle: " ++ showSep " -> " (map showMod ns)
= pure $ reflow "Module imports form a cycle" <+> colon <++> concatWith (surround (pretty " -> ")) (prettyMod <$> ns)
showMod : List String -> String
showMod ns = showSep "." (reverse ns)
perror ForceNeeded = pure "Internal error when resolving implicit laziness"
perror (InternalError str) = pure $ "INTERNAL ERROR: " ++ str
perror (UserError str) = pure $ "Error: " ++ str
prettyMod : List String -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyMod ns = concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns)
perror ForceNeeded = pure $ reflow "Internal error when resolving implicit laziness"
perror (InternalError str) = pure $ reflow "INTERNAL ERROR" <+> colon <++> pretty str
perror (UserError str) = pure $ pretty "Error" <+> colon <++> pretty str
perror (InType fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing type of " ++ !(prettyName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "While processing type of" <++> pretty !(prettyName n)
<++> pretty "at" <++> pretty (show fc) <+> colon <+> line <+> !(perror err)
perror (InCon fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing constructor " ++ !(prettyName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "While processing constructor" <++> pretty !(prettyName n)
<++> pretty "at" <++> pretty (show fc) <+> colon <+> line <+> !(perror err)
perror (InLHS fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing left hand side of " ++ !(prettyName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "While processing left hand side of" <++> pretty !(prettyName n)
<++> pretty "at" <++> pretty (show fc) <+> colon <+> line <+> !(perror err)
perror (InRHS fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing right hand side of " ++ !(prettyName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
= pure $ reflow "While processing right hand side of" <++> pretty !(prettyName n)
<++> pretty "at" <++> pretty (show fc) <+> colon <+> line <+> !(perror err)
pwarning : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Warning -> Core String
Warning -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
pwarning (UnreachableClause fc env tm)
= pure $ "Warning: unreachable clause: " ++ !(pshow env tm)
= pure $ annotate Warning (pretty "Warning" <+> colon)
<++> pretty "unreachable clause" <+> colon
<++> !(pshow env tm)
prettyMaybeLoc : Maybe FC -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyMaybeLoc Nothing = emptyDoc
prettyMaybeLoc (Just fc) = annotate FileCtxt (pretty fc) <+> colon
display : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Error -> Core String
Error -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
display err
= pure $ maybe "" (\f => show f ++ ":") (getErrorLoc err) ++
!(perror err)
= pure $ prettyMaybeLoc (getErrorLoc err) <+> !(perror err)
displayWarning : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Warning -> Core String
Warning -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
displayWarning w
= pure $ maybe "" (\f => show f ++ ":") (getWarningLoc w) ++
!(pwarning w)
= pure $ prettyMaybeLoc (getWarningLoc w) <+> !(pwarning w)
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Idris.Error
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Package
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Syntax
@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ import TTImp.ProcessDecls
import Utils.Hex
import Data.List
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.String
import System
import System.File
@ -241,7 +245,8 @@ processCatch cmd
put UST u'
put Syn s'
put ROpts o'
msg <- perror err
pmsg <- perror err
let msg = renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg) -- FIXME: tmp
pure $ REPL $ REPLError msg)
idePutStrLn : File -> Integer -> String -> Core ()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
module Idris.Pretty
import Control.ANSI.SGR -- FIXME: tmp
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Idris.Syntax
%default covering
public export
data SyntaxAnn
= Typ
| Function
| Data
| Keyword
| Bound
| Pragma
| Meta
public export
data IdrisAnn
= Warning
| Error
| FileCtxt
| Syntax SyntaxAnn
colorAnn : IdrisAnn -> AnsiStyle
colorAnn Warning = color Yellow
colorAnn Error = color BrightRed
colorAnn FileCtxt = color BrightBlue
colorAnn (Syntax Typ) = color Magenta
colorAnn (Syntax Function) = neutral
colorAnn (Syntax Data) = color Blue
colorAnn (Syntax Keyword) = color Red
colorAnn (Syntax Bound) = color Green
colorAnn (Syntax Pragma) = color BrightMagenta
colorAnn (Syntax Meta) = color Magenta
keyword : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
-- keyword = annotate (Syntax Keyword)
keyword = id
meta : String -> Doc IdrisAnn
-- meta s = annotate (Syntax Meta) (pretty s)
meta s = pretty s
ite : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
-- ite x t e = keyword (pretty "if") <++> x <++> hang 3 (fillSep [keyword (pretty "then") <++> t, keyword (pretty "else") <++> e])
ite x t e = (pretty "if") <++> x <++> hang 3 (fillSep [(pretty "then") <++> t, (pretty "else") <++> e])
let_ : Doc IdrisAnn
let_ = keyword (pretty "let")
in_ : Doc IdrisAnn
in_ = keyword (pretty "in")
case_ : Doc IdrisAnn
case_ = keyword (pretty "case")
of_ : Doc IdrisAnn
of_ = keyword (pretty "of")
do_ : Doc IdrisAnn
do_ = keyword (pretty "do")
with_ : Doc IdrisAnn
with_ = keyword (pretty "with")
record_ : Doc IdrisAnn
record_ = keyword (pretty "record")
impossible_ : Doc IdrisAnn
impossible_ = keyword (pretty "impossible")
auto_ : Doc IdrisAnn
auto_ = keyword (pretty "auto")
default_ : Doc IdrisAnn
default_ = keyword (pretty "default")
rewrite_ : Doc IdrisAnn
rewrite_ = keyword (pretty "rewrite")
pragma : String -> Doc IdrisAnn
-- pragma s = annotate (Syntax Pragma) (pretty s)
pragma s = (pretty s)
bound : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
-- bound = annotate (Syntax Bound)
bound = id
prettyParens : (1 _ : Bool) -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyParens False s = s
prettyParens True s = parens s
prettyCon : Prec -> Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
prettyCon d conName conArgs = prettyParens (d >= App) (conName <++> conArgs)
prettyRig : RigCount -> Doc ann
prettyRig = elimSemi (pretty '0' <+> space)
(pretty '1' <+> space)
(const emptyDoc)
prettyAlt : PClause -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyAlt (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs _) =
space <+> pipe <++> prettyTerm lhs <++> pretty "=>" <++> prettyTerm rhs <+> semi
prettyAlt (MkWithClause _ lhs wval flags cs) =
space <+> pipe <++> angles (angles (reflow "with alts not possible")) <+> semi
prettyAlt (MkImpossible _ lhs) =
space <+> pipe <++> prettyTerm lhs <++> impossible_ <+> semi
prettyCase : PClause -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyCase (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs _) =
prettyTerm lhs <++> pretty "=>" <++> prettyTerm rhs
prettyCase (MkWithClause _ lhs rhs flags _) =
space <+> pipe <++> angles (angles (reflow "with alts not possible"))
prettyCase (MkImpossible _ lhs) =
prettyTerm lhs <++> impossible_
prettyDo : PDo -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyDo (DoExp _ tm) = prettyTerm tm
prettyDo (DoBind _ n tm) = pretty n <++> pretty "<-" <++> prettyTerm tm
prettyDo (DoBindPat _ l tm alts) =
prettyTerm l <++> pretty "<-" <++> prettyTerm tm <+> hang 4 (fillSep $ prettyAlt <$> alts)
prettyDo (DoLet _ l rig _ tm) =
let_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty l <++> equals <++> prettyTerm tm
prettyDo (DoLetPat _ l _ tm alts) =
let_ <++> prettyTerm l <++> equals <++> prettyTerm tm <+> hang 4 (fillSep $ prettyAlt <$> alts)
prettyDo (DoLetLocal _ ds) =
let_ <++> braces (angles (angles (pretty "definitions")))
prettyDo (DoRewrite _ rule) = rewrite_ <+> prettyTerm rule
prettyUpdate : PFieldUpdate -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyUpdate (PSetField path v) =
concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> path) <++> equals <++> prettyTerm v
prettyUpdate (PSetFieldApp path v) =
concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> path) <++> pretty '$' <+> equals <++> prettyTerm v
prettyTerm : PTerm -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyTerm = go Open
go : Prec -> PTerm -> Doc IdrisAnn
go d (PRef _ n) = pretty n
go d (PPi _ rig Explicit Nothing arg ret) =
go d arg <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig Explicit (Just n) arg ret) =
parens (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig Implicit Nothing arg ret) =
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty '_' <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig Implicit (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit Nothing arg ret) =
go d arg <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig AutoImplicit (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (auto_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <+> colon <+> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig (DefImplicit t) Nothing arg ret) =
braces (default_ <++> go App t <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty '_' <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PPi _ rig (DefImplicit t) (Just n) arg ret) =
braces (default_ <++> go App t <++> prettyRig rig <+> pretty n <++> colon <++> go d arg) <++> pretty "->" <++> go d ret
go d (PLam _ rig _ n (PImplicit _) sc) =
backslash <+> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d sc
go d (PLam _ rig _ n ty sc) =
backslash <+> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> pretty "=>" <++> go d sc
go d (PLet _ rig n (PImplicit _) val sc alts) =
let_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> equals <++> go d val <++> in_ <++> go d sc
go d (PLet _ rig n ty val sc alts) =
let_ <++> prettyRig rig <+> go d n <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> equals <++> go d val <+> hang 4 (fillSep (prettyAlt <$> alts)) <++> in_ <++> go d sc
go d (PCase _ tm cs) =
case_ <+> go d tm <++> of_ <++> braces (concatWith (surround semi) (prettyCase <$> cs))
go d (PLocal _ ds sc) =
let_ <++> braces (angles (angles (pretty "definitions"))) <++> in_ <++> go d sc
go d (PUpdate _ fs) =
record_ <++> braces (concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (prettyUpdate <$> fs))
go d (PApp _ f a) = go App f <++> go App a
go d (PWithApp _ f a) = go d f <++> pipe <++> go d a
go d (PImplicitApp _ f Nothing a) = go d f <++> pretty '@' <+> braces (go d a)
go d (PDelayed _ LInf ty) = prettyCon d (pretty "Inf") (go App ty)
go d (PDelayed _ _ ty) = prettyCon d (pretty "Lazy") (go App ty)
go d (PDelay _ tm) = prettyCon d (pretty "Delay") (go App tm)
go d (PForce _ tm) = prettyCon d (pretty "Force") (go App tm)
go d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) (PRef _ a)) =
if n == a
then go d f <++> braces (pretty n)
else go d f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> pretty a)
go d (PImplicitApp _ f (Just n) a) =
go d f <++> braces (pretty n <++> equals <++> go d a)
go d (PSearch _ _) = pragma "%search"
go d (PQuote _ tm) = pretty '`' <+> parens (go d tm)
go d (PQuoteName _ n) = pretty '`' <+> braces (braces (pretty n))
go d (PQuoteDecl _ tm) = pretty '`' <+> brackets (angles (angles (pretty "declaration")))
go d (PUnquote _ tm) = pretty '~' <+> parens (go d tm)
go d (PRunElab _ tm) = pragma "%runElab" <++> go d tm
go d (PPrimVal _ c) = pretty c
go d (PHole _ _ n) = meta (strCons '?' n)
-- go d (PType _) = annotate (Syntax Typ) (pretty "Type")
go d (PType _) = (pretty "Type")
go d (PAs _ n p) = pretty n <+> pretty '@' <+> go d p
go d (PDotted _ p) = dot <+> go d p
go d (PImplicit _) = pretty '_'
go d (PInfer _) = pretty '?'
go d (POp _ op x y) = go d x <++> pretty op <++> go d y
go d (PPrefixOp _ op x) = pretty op <+> go d x
go d (PSectionL _ op x) = parens (pretty op <++> go d x)
go d (PSectionR _ x op) = parens (go d x <++> pretty op)
go d (PEq fc l r) = go d l <++> equals <++> go d r
go d (PBracketed _ tm) = parens (go d tm)
go d (PDoBlock _ ns ds) = do_ <++> concatWith (surround (space <+> semi <+> space)) (prettyDo <$> ds)
go d (PBang _ tm) = pretty '!' <+> go d tm
go d (PIdiom _ tm) = enclose (pretty "[|") (pretty "|]") (go d tm)
go d (PList _ xs) = brackets (concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (go d <$> xs))
go d (PPair _ l r) = parens (go d l <+> comma <++> go d r)
go d (PDPair _ l (PImplicit _) r) = parens (go d l <++> pretty "**" <++> go d r)
go d (PDPair _ l ty r) = parens (go d l <++> colon <++> go d ty <++> pretty "**" <++> go d r)
go d (PUnit _) = pretty "()"
go d (PIfThenElse _ x t e) = ite (go d x) (go d t) (go d e)
go d (PComprehension _ ret es) =
brackets (go d (dePure ret) <++> pipe <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (prettyDo . deGuard <$> es))
dePure : PTerm -> PTerm
dePure tm@(PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg) = if dropNS n == UN "pure" then arg else tm
dePure tm = tm
deGuard : PDo -> PDo
deGuard tm@(DoExp fc (PApp _ (PRef _ n) arg)) = if dropNS n == UN "guard" then DoExp fc arg else tm
deGuard tm = tm
go d (PRewrite _ rule tm) = rewrite_ <++> go d rule <++> in_ <++> go d tm
go d (PRange _ start Nothing end) =
brackets (go d start <++> pretty ".." <++> go d end)
go d (PRange _ start (Just next) end) =
brackets (go d start <+> comma <++> go d next <++> pretty ".." <++> go d end)
go d (PRangeStream _ start Nothing) = brackets (go d start <++> pretty "..")
go d (PRangeStream _ start (Just next)) =
brackets (go d start <+> comma <++> go d next <++> pretty "..")
go d (PUnifyLog _ lvl tm) = go d tm
go d (PPostfixProjs fc rec fields) =
go d rec <++> dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go d <$> fields)
go d (PPostfixProjsSection fc fields args) =
parens (dot <+> concatWith (surround dot) (go d <$> fields) <+> fillSep (go App <$> args))
go d (PWithUnambigNames fc ns rhs) = with_ <++> pretty ns <++> go d rhs
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Idris.IDEMode.MakeClause
import Idris.IDEMode.Holes
import Idris.ModTree
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.ProcessIdr
import Idris.Resugar
import public Idris.REPLCommon
@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Stream
import Data.Strings
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import System
import System.File
@ -816,7 +819,9 @@ processCatch cmd
put UST u'
put Syn s'
put ROpts o'
pure $ REPLError !(display err)
pmsg <- display err
let msg = reAnnotateS colorAnn $ layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg -- FIXME: tmp
pure $ REPLError $ renderString msg
parseEmptyCmd : SourceEmptyRule (Maybe REPLCmd)
@ -930,7 +935,7 @@ mutual
displayResult (TermChecked x y) = printResult $ show x ++ " : " ++ show y
displayResult (FileLoaded x) = printResult $ "Loaded file " ++ x
displayResult (ModuleLoaded x) = printResult $ "Imported module " ++ x
displayResult (ErrorLoadingModule x err) = printError $ "Error loading module " ++ x ++ ": " ++ !(perror err)
displayResult (ErrorLoadingModule x err) = printError $ "Error loading module " ++ x ++ ": " ++ (renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions (reAnnotate colorAnn !(perror err)))) -- FIXME: tmp
displayResult (ErrorLoadingFile x err) = printError $ "Error loading file " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show err
displayResult (ErrorsBuildingFile x errs) = printError $ "Error(s) building file " ++ x -- messages already displayed while building
displayResult NoFileLoaded = printError "No file can be reloaded"
@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ import Idris.Error
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import public Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Pretty
import Data.List
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
%default covering
@ -58,10 +61,12 @@ emitError err
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ =>
do msg <- display err
do pmsg <- reAnnotate colorAnn <$> display err
let msg = renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg) -- FIXME: tmp
coreLift $ putStrLn msg
IDEMode i _ f =>
do msg <- perror err
do pmsg <- reAnnotate colorAnn <$> perror err
let msg = renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg) -- FIXME: tmp
case getErrorLoc err of
Nothing => iputStrLn msg
Just fc =>
@ -86,10 +91,12 @@ emitWarning w
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ =>
do msg <- displayWarning w
do pmsg <- reAnnotate colorAnn <$> displayWarning w
let msg = renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg) -- FIXME: tmp
coreLift $ putStrLn msg
IDEMode i _ f =>
do msg <- pwarning w
do pmsg <- reAnnotate colorAnn <$> pwarning w
let msg = renderString (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions pmsg) -- FIXME: tmp
case getWarningLoc w of
Nothing => iputStrLn msg
Just fc =>
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ Main> Main.strangeId':
strangeId' _
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building TypeCase2 (TypeCase2.idr)
TypeCase2.idr:5:14--5:17:While processing left hand side of strangeId at TypeCase2.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at
5 strangeId {a=Nat} x = x+1
TypeCase2.idr:9:5--9:8:While processing left hand side of foo at TypeCase2.idr:9:1--10:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at
9 foo Nat = "Nat"
TypeCase2.idr:5:14--5:17:While processing left hand side
of strangeId at TypeCase2.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at:
5 | strangeId {a=Nat} x = x+1
TypeCase2.idr:9:5--9:8:While processing left hand side
of foo at TypeCase2.idr:9:1--10:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at:
9 | foo Nat = "Nat"
@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
Main> Main> Cons (S Z) (Cons (S (S Z)) []) : Vect (S (S Z)) Nat
Main> (interactive):1:28--1:51:When unifying Vect (S (S Z)) Nat and Vect (S Z) Nat
Mismatch between:
1 zipWith plus (Cons Z Nil) (Cons (S Z) (Cons Z Nil))
1 | zipWith plus (Cons Z Nil) (Cons (S Z) (Cons Z Nil))
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
1/1: Building Ambig1 (Ambig1.idr)
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building Ambig2 (Ambig2.idr)
Ambig2.idr:26:21--26:27:While processing right hand side of keepUnique at Ambig2.idr:26:1--28:1:
Ambig2.idr:26:21--26:27:While processing right hand side
of keepUnique at Ambig2.idr:26:1--28:1:
Ambiguous elaboration at:
26 keepUnique {b} xs = toList (fromList xs)
26 | keepUnique {b} xs = toList (fromList xs)
Possible correct results:
Main.Set.toList ?arg
Main.Vect.toList ?arg
Main.Set.toList ?arg
Main.Vect.toList ?arg
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
1/1: Building Dots1 (Dots1.idr)
1/1: Building Dots2 (Dots2.idr)
Dots2.idr:2:7--2:8:While processing left hand side of foo at Dots2.idr:2:1--4:1:
Can't match on ?x [no locals in scope] (Non linear pattern variable) at
2 foo x x = x + x
Can't match on ?x [no locals in scope] (Non linear pattern variable) at:
2 | foo x x = x + x
1/1: Building Dots3 (Dots3.idr)
Dots3.idr:5:29--5:30:While processing left hand side of addBaz at Dots3.idr:5:1--6:1:
Dots3.idr:5:29--5:30:While processing left hand side
of addBaz at Dots3.idr:5:1--6:1:
Pattern variable z unifies with:
?y [no locals in scope]
?y [no locals in scope]
5 addBaz (x + y) (AddThings x z) = x + y
5 | addBaz (x + y) (AddThings x z) = x + y
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building Rewrite (Rewrite.idr)
Rewrite.idr:15:25--15:57:While processing right hand side of wrongCommutes at Rewrite.idr:15:1--17:1:
Rewrite.idr:15:25--15:57:While processing right hand side
of wrongCommutes at Rewrite.idr:15:1--17:1:
Rewriting by m + k = k + m did not change type S k + m = m + S k at:
15 wrongCommutes (S k) m = rewrite plusCommutes m k in ?bar
Rewrite.idr:19:26--19:43:While processing right hand side of wrongCommutes2 at Rewrite.idr:19:1--20:1:
15 | wrongCommutes (S k) m = rewrite plusCommutes m k in ?bar
Rewrite.idr:19:26--19:43:While processing right hand side
of wrongCommutes2 at Rewrite.idr:19:1--20:1:
Nat is not a rewrite rule type at:
19 wrongCommutes2 (S k) m = rewrite m in ?bar
19 | wrongCommutes2 (S k) m = rewrite m in ?bar
@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
1/1: Building Eta (Eta.idr)
Eta.idr:14:10--14:14:While processing right hand side of etaBad at Eta.idr:14:1--15:1:
When unifying \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_ = \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_ and MkTest = \x => \y => MkTest ?_ ?_
Eta.idr:14:10--14:14:While processing right hand side
of etaBad at Eta.idr:14:1--15:1:
unifying \x => (\y => (MkTest ?_ ?_)) = \x => (\y => (MkTest ?_ ?_)) and MkTest = \x => (\y => (MkTest ?_ ?_))
Mismatch between:
14 etaBad = Refl
14 | etaBad = Refl
1/1: Building Eta2 (Eta2.idr)
Eta2.idr:2:8--2:12:While processing right hand side of test at Eta2.idr:2:1--4:1:
When unifying \x => S ?_ = \x => S ?_ and S = \x => S ?_
Eta2.idr:2:8--2:12:While processing right hand side
of test at Eta2.idr:2:1--4:1:
When unifying \x => (S ?_) = \x => (S ?_) and S = \x => (S ?_)
Mismatch between:
2 test = Refl
Eta2.idr:5:44--5:48:While processing right hand side of test2 at Eta2.idr:5:1--6:1:
When unifying \x => S ?_ = \x => S ?_ and S = \x => S ?_
2 | test = Refl
Eta2.idr:5:44--5:48:While processing right hand side
of test2 at Eta2.idr:5:1--6:1:
When unifying \x => (S ?_) = \x => (S ?_) and S = \x => (S ?_)
Mismatch between:
5 test2 = {a : _} -> the (S = \x : a => S _) Refl
5 | test2 = {a : _} -> the (S = \x : a => S _) Refl
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Fin (Fin.idr)
Fin.idr:34:7--34:8:While processing right hand side of bar at Fin.idr:34:1--36:1:
Fin.idr:34:7--34:8:While processing right hand side
of bar at Fin.idr:34:1--36:1:
Can't find an implementation for IsJust (integerToFin 8 5) at:
34 bar = 8
34 | bar = 8
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
1/1: Building Erase (Erase.idr)
Erase.idr:5:5--5:10:While processing left hand side of bad at Erase.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on False (Erased argument) at
5 bad False = True
Erase.idr:19:18--19:21:While processing left hand side of minusBad at Erase.idr:19:1--20:1:
Can't match on LeZ (Erased argument) at
19 minusBad (S k) Z LeZ = S k
Erase.idr:5:5--5:10:While processing left hand side
of bad at Erase.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on False (Erased argument) at:
5 | bad False = True
Erase.idr:19:18--19:21:While processing left hand side
of minusBad at Erase.idr:19:1--20:1:
Can't match on LeZ (Erased argument) at:
19 | minusBad (S k) Z LeZ = S k
Main> \m => minus (S (S m)) m prf
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building arity (arity.idr)
arity.idr:4:16--4:21:While processing right hand side of foo at arity.idr:4:1--7:1:
arity.idr:4:16--4:21:While processing right hand side
of foo at arity.idr:4:1--7:1:
When unifying (1 _ : Nat) -> MyN and MyN
Mismatch between:
(1 _ : Nat) -> MyN
(1 _ : Nat) -> MyN
4 foo x y = case MkN x of
4 | foo x y = case MkN x of
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building erased (erased.idr)
erased.idr:7:17--7:21:While processing left hand side of nameOf at erased.idr:7:1--8:1:
Can't match on Bool (Erased argument) at
7 nameOf (MyMaybe Bool) = "MyMaybe Bool"
erased.idr:7:17--7:21:While processing left hand side
of nameOf at erased.idr:7:1--8:1:
Can't match on Bool (Erased argument) at:
7 | nameOf (MyMaybe Bool) = "MyMaybe Bool"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building unboundimps (unboundimps.idr)
unboundimps.idr:18:11--18:13:While processing type of len' at unboundimps.idr:18:1--18:20:
unboundimps.idr:18:11--18:13:While processing type
of len' at unboundimps.idr:18:1--18:20:
Undefined name xs at:
18 len': Env xs -> Nat
unboundimps.idr:19:16--19:17:While processing type of append' at unboundimps.idr:19:1--19:49:
18 | len': Env xs -> Nat
unboundimps.idr:19:16--19:17:While processing type
of append' at unboundimps.idr:19:1--19:49:
Undefined name n at:
19 append' : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
19 | append' : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building lets (lets.idr)
lets.idr:22:39--22:40:While processing right hand side of dolet2 at lets.idr:21:1--26:1:
lets.idr:22:39--22:40:While processing right hand side
of dolet2 at lets.idr:21:1--26:1:
When unifying Maybe Int and Maybe String
Mismatch between:
22 = do let Just x' : Maybe String = x
22 | = do let Just x' : Maybe String = x
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1/1: Building Cover (Cover.idr)
Cover.idr:16:1--16:7:While processing left hand side of badBar at Cover.idr:16:1--17:1:
Cover.idr:16:1--16:7:While processing left hand side
of badBar at Cover.idr:16:1--17:1:
Can't match on 0 as it has a polymorphic type at:
16 badBar Z = Z
16 | badBar Z = Z
Main> Main.foo:
foo (0, S _)
foo (S _, _)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1/1: Building Cover (Cover.idr)
Cover.idr:14:1--14:4:While processing left hand side of bad at Cover.idr:14:1--15:1:
Cover.idr:14:1--14:4:While processing left hand side
of bad at Cover.idr:14:1--15:1:
Can't match on Just (fromInteger 0) as it has a polymorphic type at:
14 bad (Just 0) _ = False
14 | bad (Just 0) _ = False
Main> Main.okay:
okay (S _) IsNat
okay False IsBool
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building eq (eq.idr)
eq.idr:27:1--27:23:badeq x y p is not a valid impossible case at:
27 badeq x y p impossible
27 | badeq x y p impossible
eq.idr:30:1--30:26:badeqL xs ys p is not a valid impossible case at:
30 badeqL xs ys p impossible
30 | badeqL xs ys p impossible
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building casetot (casetot.idr)
casetot.idr:12:1--13:1:main is not covering at:
12 main : IO ()
13 main = do
Calls non covering function Main.case block in case block in main
12 | main : IO ()
13 | main = do
Calls non covering function Main.case block in case block in main
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building Error (Error.idr)
Error.idr:6:19--6:20:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
Error.idr:6:19--6:20:While processing right hand side
of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
When unifying a and Vect ?k ?a
Mismatch between:
Vect ?k ?a
Vect ?k ?a
6 wrong x xs = x :: x
6 | wrong x xs = x :: x
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Error (Error.idr)
Error.idr:6:17--6:19:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
Error.idr:6:17--6:19:While processing right hand side
of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
Undefined name ys at:
6 wrong xs = x :: ys
6 | wrong xs = x :: ys
@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
1/1: Building Error (Error.idr)
Error.idr:12:18--12:19:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:12:1--13:1:
Error.idr:12:18--12:19:While processing right hand side
of wrong at Error.idr:12:1--13:1:
Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
If Main.length: When unifying Nat and Vect ?n ?a
Mismatch between:
Vect ?n ?a
Vect ?n ?a
12 wrong x = length x
12 | wrong x = length x
If Prelude.List.length: When unifying Nat and List ?a
Mismatch between:
List ?a
List ?a
12 wrong x = length x
12 | wrong x = length x
If Prelude.Strings.length: When unifying Nat and String
Mismatch between:
12 wrong x = length x
12 | wrong x = length x
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
1/1: Building Error1 (Error1.idr)
Error1.idr:8:9--9:1:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error1.idr:8:1--9:1:
Error1.idr:8:9--9:1:While processing right hand side
of wrong at Error1.idr:8:1--9:1:
Can't find an implementation for Show (Vect 4 Integer) at:
8 wrong = show (the (Vect _ _) [1,2,3,4])
8 | wrong = show (the (Vect _ _) [1,2,3,4])
1/1: Building Error2 (Error2.idr)
Error2.idr:13:38--13:45:While processing right hand side of show at Error2.idr:13:3--15:1:
Error2.idr:13:38--13:45:While processing right hand side
of show at Error2.idr:13:3--15:1:
Multiple solutions found in search of:
Show (Vect k Integer)
Show (Vect k Integer)
13 show (x :: xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ show xs
13 | show (x :: xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ show xs
Possible correct results:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:1
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:1
Error2.idr:16:9--17:1:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error2.idr:16:1--17:1:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:1
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:1
Error2.idr:16:9--17:1:While processing right hand side
of wrong at Error2.idr:16:1--17:1:
Multiple solutions found in search of:
Show (Vect 1 Integer)
Show (Vect 1 Integer)
16 wrong = show (the (Vect _ _) [1])
16 | wrong = show (the (Vect _ _) [1])
Possible correct results:
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:1
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:1
Show implementation at Error2.idr:11:1--15:1
Show implementation at Error2.idr:7:1--11:1
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building IfErr (IfErr.idr)
IfErr.idr:4:11--4:17:While processing right hand side of foo at IfErr.idr:4:1--6:1:
IfErr.idr:4:11--4:17:While processing right hand side
of foo at IfErr.idr:4:1--6:1:
Can't find an implementation for Eq a at:
4 foo x y = x == y
IfErr.idr:7:11--7:17:While processing right hand side of bar at IfErr.idr:7:1--8:1:
4 | foo x y = x == y
IfErr.idr:7:11--7:17:While processing right hand side
of bar at IfErr.idr:7:1--8:1:
Can't find an implementation for Eq Wibble at:
7 bar x y = x == y
7 | bar x y = x == y
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building IfErr (IfErr.idr)
IfErr.idr:15:10--15:30:While processing right hand side of test at IfErr.idr:15:1--17:1:
IfErr.idr:15:10--15:30:While processing right hand side
of test at IfErr.idr:15:1--17:1:
Can't find an implementation for Eq Foo at:
15 test x = showIfEq MkFoo MkBar
IfErr.idr:23:9--23:29:While processing right hand side of test2 at IfErr.idr:23:1--25:1:
15 | test x = showIfEq MkFoo MkBar
IfErr.idr:23:9--23:29:While processing right hand side
of test2 at IfErr.idr:23:1--25:1:
Can't find an implementation for Show Foo at:
23 test2 = showIfEq MkFoo MkBar
23 | test2 = showIfEq MkFoo MkBar
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1/1: Building CongErr (CongErr.idr)
CongErr.idr:4:11--4:19:While processing right hand side of fsprf at CongErr.idr:4:1--5:1:
CongErr.idr:4:11--4:19:While processing right hand side
of fsprf at CongErr.idr:4:1--5:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
?_ x
?_ x
FS x
FS x
4 fsprf p = cong _ p
4 | fsprf p = cong _ p
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
1/1: Building Loop (Loop.idr)
Loop.idr:2:11--2:19:While processing right hand side of example at Loop.idr:2:1--3:1:
Loop.idr:2:11--2:19:While processing right hand side
of example at Loop.idr:2:1--3:1:
Main.example is already defined
@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
3/3: Building Test (Test.idr)
Test.idr:5:9--5:12:While processing type of thing at Test.idr:5:1--5:19:
Undefined name Nat at:
5 thing : Nat -> Nat
5 | thing : Nat -> Nat
Test.idr:6:1--8:1:No type declaration for Test.thing at:
6 thing x = mult x (plus x x)
6 | thing x = mult x (plus x x)
7 |
Test> Bye for now!
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Deps (Deps.idr)
Deps.idr:18:13--18:14:While processing right hand side of badcard at Deps.idr:18:3--19:3:
Deps.idr:18:13--18:14:While processing right hand side
of badcard at Deps.idr:18:3--19:3:
k is not accessible in this context at:
18 badcard = k
18 | badcard = k
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building TypeInt (TypeInt.idr)
TypeInt.idr:14:25--14:49:While processing constructor MkRecord at TypeInt.idr:14:3--14:61:
TypeInt.idr:14:25--14:49:While processing
constructor MkRecord at TypeInt.idr:14:3--14:61:
Can't find an implementation for Interface ?s at:
14 MkRecord : Value s -> DependentValue {s} value -> Record s
14 | MkRecord : Value s -> DependentValue {s} value -> Record s
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
1/1: Building gnu (gnu.idr)
gnu.idr:47:27--47:32:While processing right hand side of TestSurprise1 at gnu.idr:47:1--49:1:
gnu.idr:47:27--47:32:While processing right hand side
of TestSurprise1 at gnu.idr:47:1--49:1:
Multiple solutions found in search of:
47 TestSurprise1 gnu1 gnu2 = Guess
47 | TestSurprise1 gnu1 gnu2 = Guess
Possible correct results:
gnu.idr:50:21--50:26:While processing right hand side of TestSurprise2 at gnu.idr:50:1--52:1:
gnu.idr:50:21--50:26:While processing right hand side
of TestSurprise2 at gnu.idr:50:1--52:1:
Multiple solutions found in search of:
50 TestSurprise2 f g = Guess
50 | TestSurprise2 f g = Guess
Possible correct results:
f ()
g ()
gnu.idr:53:19--53:24:While processing right hand side of TestSurprise3 at gnu.idr:53:1--54:1:
f ()
g ()
gnu.idr:53:19--53:24:While processing right hand side
of TestSurprise3 at gnu.idr:53:1--54:1:
Can't find an implementation for Gnu at:
53 TestSurprise3 f = Guess
53 | TestSurprise3 f = Guess
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1/1: Building TwoNum (TwoNum.idr)
TwoNum.idr:4:7--4:8:While processing right hand side of f at TwoNum.idr:2:1--5:1:
TwoNum.idr:4:7--4:8:While processing right hand side
of f at TwoNum.idr:2:1--5:1:
While processing right hand side of f,g at TwoNum.idr:4:3--5:1:
Multiple solutions found in search of:
Num a
Num a
4 g = 0
4 | g = 0
Possible correct results:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Main> (interactive):1:1--1:25:Undefined name fromMaybe at:
1 fromMaybe "test" Nothing
1 | fromMaybe "test" Nothing
Main> Imported module Data.Maybe
Main> "test"
Main> Imported module Data.Strings
@ -4,40 +4,38 @@ Main> S Z
Main> S (S Z)
Main> S Z
Main> (interactive):1:15--1:16:x is not accessible in this context at:
1 efn (\x, y => x) -- Bad
Main> (interactive):1:5--1:9:When unifying Nat -> Nat -> Nat and (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
1 | efn (\x, y => x) -- Bad
Main> (interactive):1:5--1:9:When
unifying Nat -> Nat -> Nat and (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
Mismatch between:
Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Nat -> Nat -> Nat
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
1 efn plus -- Bad
Main> (interactive):1:5--1:8:When unifying (1 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat and (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
1 | efn plus -- Bad
Main> (interactive):1:5--1:8:When
unifying (1 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat and (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
Mismatch between:
(1 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
(1 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
1 efn lin -- Bad
1 | efn lin -- Bad
Main> (interactive):1:20--1:21:x is not accessible in this context at:
1 efn (\x, y => plus x y) -- Bad
1 | efn (\x, y => plus x y) -- Bad
Main> S (S Z)
Main> S (S Z)
Main> (interactive):1:6--1:12:When unifying (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat and Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Main> (interactive):1:6--1:12:When
unifying (0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat and Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Mismatch between:
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
(0 _ : Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Nat -> Nat -> Nat
1 okfn ignore -- Bad
1 | okfn ignore -- Bad
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1/1: Building ZFun (ZFun.idr)
ZFun.idr:13:7--13:15:While processing right hand side of bar at ZFun.idr:13:1--15:1:
ZFun.idr:13:7--13:15:While processing right hand side
of bar at ZFun.idr:13:1--15:1:
Main.test is not accessible in this context at:
13 bar = test foo -- bad!
13 | bar = test foo -- bad!
Main> [tc] Main> 10
[tc] Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1/1: Building LCase (LCase.idr)
LCase.idr:7:11--10:13:While processing right hand side of foo at LCase.idr:6:1--12:1:
LCase.idr:7:11--10:13:While processing right hand side
of foo at LCase.idr:6:1--12:1:
There are 0 uses of linear name y at:
7 = let 1 test = the Nat $ case z of
8 Z => Z
9 (S k) => S z
10 in
07 | = let 1 test = the Nat $ case z of
08 | Z => Z
09 | (S k) => S z
10 | in
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building param (param.idr)
1/1: Building parambad (parambad.idr)
parambad.idr:7:7--7:10:While processing right hand side of U at parambad.idr:7:3--8:1:
parambad.idr:7:7--7:10:While processing right hand side
of U at parambad.idr:7:3--8:1:
Name Main.X.foo is private at:
7 U = foo
7 | U = foo
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building Dummy (Dummy.idr)
Dummy> (interactive):1:4--1:13:Undefined name undefined at:
1 :t undefined
1 | :t undefined
Dummy> Dummy.something : String
Dummy> "Something something"
Dummy> Dummy.Proxy : Type -> Type
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building Main (Main.idr)
Main.idr:41:5--43:1:complex postfix projections require %language PostfixProjections at:
41 + rect.(x . topLeft) -- disallowed without %language PostfixProjections
43 bad2 : Double
41 | + rect.(x . topLeft) -- disallowed without %language PostfixProjections
42 |
43 | bad2 : Double
Main.idr:44:9--44:24:postfix projection sections require %language PostfixProjections at:
44 bad2 = (.oopFoldl 0 (+)) -- disallowed without %language PostfixProjections
44 | bad2 = (.oopFoldl 0 (+)) -- disallowed without %language PostfixProjections
Main> 4.2
Main> 4.2
Main> 10.8
@ -16,13 +14,12 @@ Main> 4.2
Main> [1.1, 4.2]
Main> (interactive):1:1--1:4:When unifying (?a -> ?b) -> ?f ?a -> ?f ?b and Point
Mismatch between:
(?a -> ?b) -> ?f ?a -> ?f ?b
(?a -> ?b) -> ?f ?a -> ?f ?b
1 map .x [MkPoint 1 2, MkPoint 3 4]
1 | map .x [MkPoint 1 2, MkPoint 3 4]
Main> [2.5, 2.5]
Main> 8.1
Main> [8.1, 8.1]
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
1/1: Building quote (quote.idr)
quote.idr:25:19--25:22:While processing right hand side of bad at quote.idr:22:1--27:1:
quote.idr:25:19--25:22:While processing right hand side
of bad at quote.idr:22:1--27:1:
When unifying Int and TTImp
Mismatch between:
25 xfn ~(val))
25 | xfn ~(val))
Main> IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (UN "+")) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 13) (6, 14)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 13) (6, 14)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 13) (6, 14)) (BI 3)))) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 18) (6, 19)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 18) (6, 19)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC "quote.idr" (6, 18) (6, 19)) (BI 4)))
Main> IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (3, 12) (3, 23)) (UN "+")) (IVar (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 6) (0, 10)) (UN "True"))) (IVar (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 14) (0, 19)) (UN "False"))
Main> ILocal (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 8) (12, 22)) [IClaim (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 12) (10, 28)) MW Private [] (MkTy (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 12) (10, 28)) (UN "xfn") (IPi (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 18) (10, 28)) MW ExplicitArg Nothing (IPrimVal (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 18) (10, 21)) IntType) (IPrimVal (MkFC "quote.idr" (10, 25) (10, 28)) IntType))), IDef (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 12) (11, 30)) (UN "xfn") [PatClause (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 12) (11, 30)) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 12) (11, 19)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 12) (11, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IBindVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 16) (11, 19)) "var")) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 22) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 22) (11, 29)) (UN "*")) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 22) (11, 25)) (UN "var"))) (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 28) (11, 29)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 28) (11, 29)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC "quote.idr" (11, 28) (11, 29)) (BI 2))))]] (IApp (MkFC "quote.idr" (12, 12) (12, 22)) (IVar (MkFC "quote.idr" (12, 12) (12, 15)) (UN "xfn")) (IApp (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IApp (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 9) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 9) (0, 12)) (UN "the")) (IPrimVal (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 13) (0, 16)) IntType)) (IApp (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 17) (0, 22)) (IVar (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 17) (0, 22)) (UN "fromInteger")) (IPrimVal (MkFC "(interactive)" (0, 17) (0, 22)) (BI 99994)))))
@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ LOG 0: Name: Prelude.Types.Strings.++
LOG 0: Type: (%pi Rig1 Explicit (Just x) String (%pi Rig1 Explicit (Just y) String String))
LOG 0: Resolved name: Prelude.Types.Nat
LOG 0: Constructors: [Prelude.Types.Z, Prelude.Types.S]
refprims.idr:43:10--43:27:While processing right hand side of dummy1 at refprims.idr:43:1--45:1:
refprims.idr:43:10--43:27:While processing right hand side
of dummy1 at refprims.idr:43:1--45:1:
Error during reflection: Not really trying at:
43 dummy1 = %runElab logPrims
refprims.idr:46:10--46:30:While processing right hand side of dummy2 at refprims.idr:46:1--48:1:
43 | dummy1 = %runElab logPrims
refprims.idr:46:10--46:30:While processing right hand side
of dummy2 at refprims.idr:46:1--48:1:
Error during reflection: Still not trying at:
46 dummy2 = %runElab logDataCons
refprims.idr:49:10--49:25:While processing right hand side of dummy3 at refprims.idr:49:1--51:1:
46 | dummy2 = %runElab logDataCons
refprims.idr:49:10--49:25:While processing right hand side
of dummy3 at refprims.idr:49:1--51:1:
Error during reflection: Undefined name at:
49 dummy3 = %runElab logBad
refprims.idr:52:10--52:28:While processing right hand side of dummy4 at refprims.idr:52:1--54:1:
49 | dummy3 = %runElab logBad
refprims.idr:52:10--52:28:While processing right hand side
of dummy4 at refprims.idr:52:1--54:1:
Error during reflection: failed after generating Main.{plus:XXXX} at:
52 dummy4 = %runElab tryGenSym
52 | dummy4 = %runElab tryGenSym
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
1/1: Building refdecl (refdecl.idr)
refdecl.idr:13:16--13:29:While processing right hand side of bad at refdecl.idr:13:1--14:1:
refdecl.idr:13:16--13:29:While processing right hand side
of bad at refdecl.idr:13:1--14:1:
When unifying Elab () and Elab a
Mismatch between:
13 bad = %runElab mkDecls `(94)
13 | bad = %runElab mkDecls `(94)
Main> 9400
Main> Bye for now!
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
LOG 0: [x, y]
LOG 0: Left: ((Prelude.Types.plus x) y)
LOG 0: Right: ((Prelude.Types.plus y) x)
refleq.idr:24:16--24:21:While processing right hand side of commutes at refleq.idr:24:1--25:1:
refleq.idr:24:16--24:21:While processing right hand side
of commutes at refleq.idr:24:1--25:1:
Error during reflection: Not done at:
24 commutes x y = prove
24 | commutes x y = prove
@ -1,39 +1,31 @@
1/1: Building Holes (Holes.idr)
Holes.idr:4:64--4:85:While processing type of Vect_ext at Holes.idr:4:1--5:11:
Undefined name ~=~ at:
4 Vect_ext : (v : Vect n a) -> (w : Vect n a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> index i v = index i w)
4 | Vect_ext : (v : Vect n a) -> (w : Vect n a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> index i v = index i w)
Holes.idr:7:26--7:31:While processing type of Weird at Holes.idr:7:1--7:31:
Undefined name ~=~ at:
7 Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
7 | Weird : (v: Vect n a) -> v = v
Holes.idr:8:1--10:1:No type declaration for Main.Weird at:
8 Weird v = Vect_ext ?hole0 ?hole1 ?hole2
10 f : Bool -> Nat
08 | Weird v = Vect_ext ?hole0 ?hole1 ?hole2
09 |
10 | f : Bool -> Nat
Holes.idr:10:5--10:9:While processing type of f at Holes.idr:10:1--10:16:
Undefined name Bool at:
10 f : Bool -> Nat
10 | f : Bool -> Nat
Holes.idr:11:1--12:1:No type declaration for Main.f at:
11 f True = 0
12 f True = ?help
11 | f True = 0
12 | f True = ?help
Main> (interactive):1:4--1:8:Undefined name help at:
1 :t help
1 | :t help
Main> (interactive):1:4--1:9:Undefined name hole0 at:
1 :t hole0
1 | :t hole0
Main> (interactive):1:4--1:9:Undefined name hole1 at:
1 :t hole1
1 | :t hole1
Main> Unknown name hole1
Main> Bye for now!
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1/1: Building iftype (iftype.idr)
iftype.idr:15:15--15:19:While processing right hand side of isInListBad at iftype.idr:15:1--16:1:
iftype.idr:15:15--15:19:While processing right hand side
of isInListBad at iftype.idr:15:1--16:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
if c then "Foo" else "Baz"
if c then "Foo" else "Baz"
if c then "Foo" else "Bar"
if c then "Foo" else "Bar"
15 isInListBad = Here
15 | isInListBad = Here
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building Main (Main.idr)
Main.idr:27:26--27:72:While processing right hand side of dpairWithExtraInfoBad at Main.idr:27:1--28:1:
Main.idr:27:26--27:72:While processing right hand side
of dpairWithExtraInfoBad at Main.idr:27:1--28:1:
When unifying [MN 0, MN 0] and [MN 0]
Mismatch between:
[MN 0]
[MN 0]
27 dpairWithExtraInfoBad = [([MN 0] ** CLocal {x=MN 0} (First {ns=[MN 0]}))]
27 | dpairWithExtraInfoBad = [([MN 0] ** CLocal {x=MN 0} (First {ns=[MN 0]}))]
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
1/1: Building UnboundImplicits (UnboundImplicits.idr)
UnboundImplicits.idr:6:22--6:23:While processing constructor Foo at UnboundImplicits.idr:6:1--9:1:
UnboundImplicits.idr:6:22--6:23:While processing
constructor Foo at UnboundImplicits.idr:6:1--9:1:
Undefined name n at:
6 record Foo (x : Vect n Nat) where
6 | record Foo (x : Vect n Nat) where
UnboundImplicits.idr:9:24--9:25:Undefined name n at:
9 parameters (Foo : Vect n Nat)
UnboundImplicits.idr:14:25--14:26:While processing constructor Foo at UnboundImplicits.idr:14:1--15:12:
9 | parameters (Foo : Vect n Nat)
UnboundImplicits.idr:14:25--14:26:While processing
constructor Foo at UnboundImplicits.idr:14:1--15:12:
Undefined name n at:
14 interface Foo (a : Vect n Nat) where
UnboundImplicits.idr:17:30--17:31:While processing type of Functor implementation at UnboundImplicits.idr:17:1--18:1 at UnboundImplicits.idr:17:1--18:1:
14 | interface Foo (a : Vect n Nat) where
UnboundImplicits.idr:17:30--17:31:While processing type
of Functor implementation at UnboundImplicits.idr:17:1--18:1 at UnboundImplicits.idr:17:1--18:1:
Undefined name n at:
17 implementation Functor (Vect n) where
17 | implementation Functor (Vect n) where
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building anyfail (anyfail.idr)
anyfail.idr:21:1--21:48:showing (MkEvenMoreComplicated (MkMoreComplicated (MkComplicated (PtrAndSize addr len)))) SomethingVeryComplicatedIs is not a valid impossible case at:
21 showing _ SomethingVeryComplicatedIs impossible
anyfail.idr:21:1--21:48:showing (MkEvenMoreComplicated (MkMoreComplicated (MkComplicated (PtrAndSize addr len)))) SomethingVeryComplicatedIs is
not a valid impossible case at:
21 | showing _ SomethingVeryComplicatedIs impossible
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building lammult (lammult.idr)
lammult.idr:2:15--2:24:While processing right hand side of badmap at lammult.idr:2:1--3:1:
lammult.idr:2:15--2:24:While processing right hand side
of badmap at lammult.idr:2:1--3:1:
When unifying (0 _ : ?a) -> ?b and ?a -> ?b
Mismatch between:
(0 _ : ?a) -> ?b
(0 _ : ?a) -> ?b
?a -> ?b
?a -> ?b
2 badmap = map (\0 x => 2)
2 | badmap = map (\0 x => 2)
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
1/1: Building lazybug (lazybug.idr)
lazybug.idr:5:22--5:34:While processing right hand side of main at lazybug.idr:5:1--7:1:
lazybug.idr:5:22--5:34:While processing right hand side
of main at lazybug.idr:5:1--7:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
Lazy Bool
Lazy Bool
5 main = printLn $ or (map id bools)
lazybug.idr:8:23--8:42:While processing right hand side of main2 at lazybug.idr:8:1--10:1:
5 | main = printLn $ or (map id bools)
lazybug.idr:8:23--8:42:While processing right hand side
of main2 at lazybug.idr:8:1--10:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
Lazy Bool
Lazy Bool
8 main2 = printLn $ or (map (\x => x) bools)
lazybug.idr:14:22--14:27:While processing right hand side of main4 at lazybug.idr:14:1--15:1:
8 | main2 = printLn $ or (map (\x => x) bools)
lazybug.idr:14:22--14:27:While processing right hand side
of main4 at lazybug.idr:14:1--15:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
Lazy Bool
Lazy Bool
14 main4 = printLn $ or bools
14 | main4 = printLn $ or bools
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
1/1: Building boom (boom.idr)
boom.idr:23:42--23:66:While processing right hand side of with block in eraseVar at boom.idr:23:3--24:3:
boom.idr:23:42--23:66:While processing right hand side
of with block in eraseVar at boom.idr:23:3--24:3:
Can't solve constraint between:
S (countGreater thr xs)
S (countGreater thr xs)
countGreater thr xs
countGreater thr xs
23 eraseVar thr (x :: xs) (FS i) | True = FS <$> eraseVar thr xs i
23 | eraseVar thr (x :: xs) (FS i) | True = FS <$> eraseVar thr xs i
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
1/1: Building partial (partial.idr)
partial.idr:5:1--6:19:foo is not covering at:
5 total
6 foo : Maybe a -> a
5 | total
6 | foo : Maybe a -> a
Missing cases:
foo Nothing
foo Nothing
partial.idr:13:1--14:37:qsortBad is not total:
possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad
possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad
13 total
14 qsortBad : Ord a => List a -> List a
13 | total
14 | qsortBad : Ord a => List a -> List a
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building partial (partial.idr)
partial.idr:11:1--13:1:foo is not covering at:
11 Foo (Maybe Int) where
12 foo Nothing = ()
11 | Foo (Maybe Int) where
12 | foo Nothing = ()
Missing cases:
foo (Just _)
foo (Just _)
@ -1,83 +1,77 @@
1/1: Building Main (Main.idr)
Main> (interactive):1:66--1:81:Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
Main> (interactive):1:66--1:81:Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All
If Prelude.>>=: Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
If Prelude.>>=: When unifying ?_ -> IO () and IO ?b
Mismatch between:
?_ -> IO ()
?_ -> IO ()
IO ?b
IO ?b
1 do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
If Main.Other.>>=: When unifying ?_ -> IO () and IO ?b
Mismatch between:
?_ -> IO ()
?_ -> IO ()
IO ?b
IO ?b
1 do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
If Main.Other.>>=: Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
If Prelude.>>=: When unifying ?_ -> IO () and IO ?b
Mismatch between:
?_ -> IO ()
?_ -> IO ()
IO ?b
IO ?b
1 do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
If Main.Other.>>=: Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
If Prelude.>>=: When unifying ?_ -> IO () and IO ?b
Mismatch between:
?_ -> IO ()
?_ -> IO ()
IO ?b
IO ?b
1 do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
If Main.Other.>>=: When unifying ?_ -> IO () and IO ?b
Mismatch between:
?_ -> IO ()
?_ -> IO ()
IO ?b
IO ?b
1 do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
Main> (interactive):1:61--1:66:Can't find an implementation for Num () at:
1 with Prelude.(>>=) do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
1 | with Prelude.(>>=) do myPrintLn "foo"; myPrintLn "boo"; map (+1) (myPrintLn "woo"); myPrintLn "goo"; myPrintLn "foo"
Main> (interactive):1:4--1:6:Ambiguous elaboration at:
1 :t []
1 | :t []
Possible correct results:
Main> [] : Vect 0 ?elem
Main> [] : List ?a
Main> (interactive):1:34--1:41:When unifying Vect 0 ?elem and List ?a
Mismatch between:
Vect 0 ?elem
Vect 0 ?elem
List ?a
List ?a
1 :t with [Vect.Nil, Prelude.(::)] [1,2,3]
1 | :t with [Vect.Nil, Prelude.(::)] [1,2,3]
Main> the (Maybe Integer) (pure 4) : Maybe Integer
Main> Parse error: Unrecognised command (next tokens: [identifier t, with, symbol [, symbol ], literal 4, end of input])
Main> Bye for now!
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ Main> Main.strangeId':
strangeId' _
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building TypeCase2 (TypeCase2.idr)
TypeCase2.idr:5:14--5:17:While processing left hand side of strangeId at TypeCase2.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at
5 strangeId {a=Nat} x = x+1
TypeCase2.idr:9:5--9:8:While processing left hand side of foo at TypeCase2.idr:9:1--10:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at
9 foo Nat = "Nat"
TypeCase2.idr:5:14--5:17:While processing left hand side
of strangeId at TypeCase2.idr:5:1--6:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at:
5 | strangeId {a=Nat} x = x+1
TypeCase2.idr:9:5--9:8:While processing left hand side
of foo at TypeCase2.idr:9:1--10:1:
Can't match on Nat (Erased argument) at:
9 | foo Nat = "Nat"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1/1: Building DLFail (DLFail.idr)
DLFail.idr:3:20--3:29:While processing left hand side of describe_list_end at DLFail.idr:3:1--4:1:
Can't match on ?xs ++ [?x] (Not a constructor application or primitive) at
3 describe_list_end (xs ++ [x]) = "Non-empty, initial portion = " ++ show xs
DLFail.idr:3:20--3:29:While processing left hand side
of describe_list_end at DLFail.idr:3:1--4:1:
Can't match on ?xs ++ [?x] (Not a constructor application or primitive) at:
3 | describe_list_end (xs ++ [x]) = "Non-empty, initial portion = " ++ show xs
1/13: Building DataStore (DataStore.idr)
2/13: Building DescribeList (DescribeList.idr)
3/13: Building DescribeList2 (DescribeList2.idr)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user