mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 15:08:00 +03:00
Merge pull request #379 from edwinb/interface-type
Record implicit parameters of interfaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Data.Buffer
-- TTC files can only be compatible if the version number is the same
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 34
ttcVersion = 35
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nu
-- 2. Elaborate top level function types for this interface
defs <- get Ctxt
fns <- topMethTypes [] impName methImps impsp (params cdata)
fns <- topMethTypes [] impName methImps impsp
(implParams cdata) (params cdata)
(map fst (methods cdata))
(methods cdata)
traverse_ (processDecl [] nest env) (map mkTopMethDecl fns)
@ -316,11 +317,11 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nu
-- in later method types (specifically, putting implicits in)
topMethType : List (Name, RawImp) ->
Name -> List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
List String -> List Name -> List Name ->
List String -> List Name -> List Name -> List Name ->
(Name, RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core ((Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, RawImp),
List (Name, RawImp))
topMethType methupds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths (mn, c, treq, (d, mty_in))
topMethType methupds impName methImps impsp imppnames pnames allmeths (mn, c, treq, (d, mty_in))
= do -- Get the specialised type by applying the method to the
-- parameters
n <- inCurrentNS (methName mn)
@ -335,9 +336,23 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nu
-- parameters are passed through to any earlier methods which
-- appear in the type
let mty_in = substNames vars methupds mty_in
-- Substitute _ in for the implicit parameters, then
-- substitute in the explicit parameters.
let mty_iparams
= substBindVars vars
(map (\n => (n, Implicit fc False)) imppnames)
let mty_params
= substNames vars (zip pnames ps) mty_iparams
log 5 $ "Substitute implicits " ++ show imppnames ++
" parameters " ++ show (zip pnames ps) ++
" " ++ show mty_in ++ " is " ++
show mty_params
let mbase = bindImps methImps $
bindConstraints fc AutoImplicit cons $
substNames vars (zip pnames ps) mty_in
let ibound = findImplicits mbase
mty <- bindTypeNamesUsed ibound vars mbase
@ -358,13 +373,14 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis opts_in pass env nest is cons iname ps impln nu
topMethTypes : List (Name, RawImp) ->
Name -> List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
List String -> List Name -> List Name ->
List String ->
List Name -> List Name -> List Name ->
List (Name, RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core (List (Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, RawImp))
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths [] = pure []
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths (m :: ms)
= do (m', newupds) <- topMethType upds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths m
ms' <- topMethTypes (newupds ++ upds) impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths ms
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp imppnames pnames allmeths [] = pure []
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp imppnames pnames allmeths (m :: ms)
= do (m', newupds) <- topMethType upds impName methImps impsp imppnames pnames allmeths m
ms' <- topMethTypes (newupds ++ upds) impName methImps impsp imppnames pnames allmeths ms
pure (m' :: ms')
mkTopMethDecl : (Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, RawImp) -> ImpDecl
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Core.Unify
import Core.Value
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
@ -230,13 +231,13 @@ mkCon loc n
updateIfaceSyn : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Name -> Name -> List Name -> List RawImp ->
Name -> Name -> List Name -> List Name -> List RawImp ->
List (Name, RigCount, List FnOpt, (Bool, RawImp)) -> List (Name, List ImpClause) ->
Core ()
updateIfaceSyn iname cn ps cs ms ds
updateIfaceSyn iname cn impps ps cs ms ds
= do syn <- get Syn
ms' <- traverse totMeth ms
let info = MkIFaceInfo cn ps cs ms' ds
let info = MkIFaceInfo cn impps ps cs ms' ds
put Syn (record { ifaces $= addName iname info } syn)
findSetTotal : List FnOpt -> Maybe TotalReq
@ -250,6 +251,13 @@ updateIfaceSyn iname cn ps cs ms ds
= do let treq = findSetTotal opts
pure (n, c, treq, t)
-- Read the implicitly added parameters from an interface type, so that we
-- know to substitute an implicit in when defining the implementation
getImplParams : Term vars -> List Name
getImplParams (Bind _ n (Pi _ Implicit _) sc)
= n :: getImplParams sc
getImplParams _ = []
elabInterface : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -267,6 +275,7 @@ elabInterface : {vars : _} ->
Core ()
elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
= do fullIName <- getFullName iname
ns_iname <- inCurrentNS fullIName
let conName_in = maybe (mkCon fc fullIName) id mcon
-- Machine generated names need to be qualified when looking them up
conName <- inCurrentNS conName_in
@ -282,9 +291,13 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
ns_meths <- traverse (\mt => do n <- inCurrentNS (fst mt)
pure (n, snd mt)) meth_decls
ns_iname <- inCurrentNS fullIName
defs <- get Ctxt
Just ty <- lookupTyExact ns_iname (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc iname)
let implParams = getImplParams ty
updateIfaceSyn ns_iname conName
(map fst params) (map snd constraints)
implParams (map fst params) (map snd constraints)
ns_meths ds
nameCons : Int -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Name, RawImp)
@ -593,6 +593,7 @@ public export
record IFaceInfo where
constructor MkIFaceInfo
iconstructor : Name
implParams : List Name
params : List Name
parents : List RawImp
methods : List (Name, RigCount, Maybe TotalReq, Bool, RawImp)
@ -601,8 +602,9 @@ record IFaceInfo where
TTC IFaceInfo where
toBuf b (MkIFaceInfo ic ps cs ms ds)
toBuf b (MkIFaceInfo ic impps ps cs ms ds)
= do toBuf b ic
toBuf b impps
toBuf b ps
toBuf b cs
toBuf b ms
@ -610,11 +612,12 @@ TTC IFaceInfo where
fromBuf b
= do ic <- fromBuf b
impps <- fromBuf b
ps <- fromBuf b
cs <- fromBuf b
ms <- fromBuf b
ds <- fromBuf b
pure (MkIFaceInfo ic ps cs ms ds)
pure (MkIFaceInfo ic impps ps cs ms ds)
-- If you update this, update 'extendAs' in Desugar to keep it up to date
-- when reading imports
@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ findAllNames env (IWithApp fc fn av)
= findAllNames env fn ++ findAllNames env av
findAllNames env (IAs fc _ n pat)
= n :: findAllNames env pat
findAllNames env (IAs fc _ n pat)
= findAllNames env pat
findAllNames env (IMustUnify fc r pat)
= findAllNames env pat
findAllNames env (IDelayed fc r t)
@ -137,97 +135,117 @@ findIBindVars (IAlternative fc u alts)
findIBindVars tm = []
substNames : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
substNames bound ps (IVar fc n)
-- Substitute for either an explicit variable name, or a bound variable name
substNames' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
substNames' False bound ps (IVar fc n)
= if not (n `elem` bound)
then case lookup n ps of
Just t => t
_ => IVar fc n
else IVar fc n
substNames bound ps (IPi fc r p mn argTy retTy)
substNames' True bound ps (IBindVar fc n)
= if not (UN n `elem` bound)
then case lookup (UN n) ps of
Just t => t
_ => IBindVar fc n
else IBindVar fc n
substNames' bvar bound ps (IPi fc r p mn argTy retTy)
= let bound' = maybe bound (\n => n :: bound) mn in
IPi fc r p mn (substNames bound ps argTy)
(substNames bound' ps retTy)
substNames bound ps (ILam fc r p mn argTy scope)
IPi fc r p mn (substNames' bvar bound ps argTy)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps retTy)
substNames' bvar bound ps (ILam fc r p mn argTy scope)
= let bound' = maybe bound (\n => n :: bound) mn in
ILam fc r p mn (substNames bound ps argTy)
(substNames bound' ps scope)
substNames bound ps (ILet fc r n nTy nVal scope)
ILam fc r p mn (substNames' bvar bound ps argTy)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps scope)
substNames' bvar bound ps (ILet fc r n nTy nVal scope)
= let bound' = n :: bound in
ILet fc r n (substNames bound ps nTy)
(substNames bound ps nVal)
(substNames bound' ps scope)
substNames bound ps (ICase fc y ty xs)
= ICase fc (substNames bound ps y) (substNames bound ps ty)
(map (substNamesClause bound ps) xs)
substNames bound ps (ILocal fc xs y)
ILet fc r n (substNames' bvar bound ps nTy)
(substNames' bvar bound ps nVal)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps scope)
substNames' bvar bound ps (ICase fc y ty xs)
= ICase fc (substNames' bvar bound ps y) (substNames' bvar bound ps ty)
(map (substNamesClause' bvar bound ps) xs)
substNames' bvar bound ps (ILocal fc xs y)
= let bound' = definedInBlock [] xs ++ bound in
ILocal fc (map (substNamesDecl bound ps) xs)
(substNames bound' ps y)
substNames bound ps (IApp fc fn arg)
= IApp fc (substNames bound ps fn) (substNames bound ps arg)
substNames bound ps (IImplicitApp fc fn y arg)
= IImplicitApp fc (substNames bound ps fn) y (substNames bound ps arg)
substNames bound ps (IWithApp fc fn arg)
= IWithApp fc (substNames bound ps fn) (substNames bound ps arg)
substNames bound ps (IAlternative fc y xs)
= IAlternative fc y (map (substNames bound ps) xs)
substNames bound ps (ICoerced fc y)
= ICoerced fc (substNames bound ps y)
substNames bound ps (IAs fc s y pattern)
= IAs fc s y (substNames bound ps pattern)
substNames bound ps (IMustUnify fc r pattern)
= IMustUnify fc r (substNames bound ps pattern)
substNames bound ps (IDelayed fc r t)
= IDelayed fc r (substNames bound ps t)
substNames bound ps (IDelay fc t)
= IDelay fc (substNames bound ps t)
substNames bound ps (IForce fc t)
= IForce fc (substNames bound ps t)
substNames bound ps tm = tm
ILocal fc (map (substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps) xs)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps y)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IApp fc fn arg)
= IApp fc (substNames' bvar bound ps fn) (substNames' bvar bound ps arg)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IImplicitApp fc fn y arg)
= IImplicitApp fc (substNames' bvar bound ps fn) y (substNames' bvar bound ps arg)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IWithApp fc fn arg)
= IWithApp fc (substNames' bvar bound ps fn) (substNames' bvar bound ps arg)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IAlternative fc y xs)
= IAlternative fc y (map (substNames' bvar bound ps) xs)
substNames' bvar bound ps (ICoerced fc y)
= ICoerced fc (substNames' bvar bound ps y)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IAs fc s y pattern)
= IAs fc s y (substNames' bvar bound ps pattern)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IMustUnify fc r pattern)
= IMustUnify fc r (substNames' bvar bound ps pattern)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IDelayed fc r t)
= IDelayed fc r (substNames' bvar bound ps t)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IDelay fc t)
= IDelay fc (substNames' bvar bound ps t)
substNames' bvar bound ps (IForce fc t)
= IForce fc (substNames' bvar bound ps t)
substNames' bvar bound ps tm = tm
substNamesClause : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpClause -> ImpClause
substNamesClause bound ps (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
substNamesClause' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpClause -> ImpClause
substNamesClause' bvar bound ps (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
= let bound' = map UN (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
++ bound in
PatClause fc (substNames [] [] lhs)
(substNames bound' ps rhs)
substNamesClause bound ps (WithClause fc lhs wval flags cs)
PatClause fc (substNames' bvar [] [] lhs)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps rhs)
substNamesClause' bvar bound ps (WithClause fc lhs wval flags cs)
= let bound' = map UN (map snd (findBindableNames True bound [] lhs))
++ bound in
WithClause fc (substNames [] [] lhs)
(substNames bound' ps wval) flags cs
substNamesClause bound ps (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
= ImpossibleClause fc (substNames bound [] lhs)
WithClause fc (substNames' bvar [] [] lhs)
(substNames' bvar bound' ps wval) flags cs
substNamesClause' bvar bound ps (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
= ImpossibleClause fc (substNames' bvar bound [] lhs)
substNamesTy : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
substNamesTy' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpTy -> ImpTy
substNamesTy bound ps (MkImpTy fc n ty)
= MkImpTy fc n (substNames bound ps ty)
substNamesTy' bvar bound ps (MkImpTy fc n ty)
= MkImpTy fc n (substNames' bvar bound ps ty)
substNamesData : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpData -> ImpData
substNamesData bound ps (MkImpData fc n con opts dcons)
= MkImpData fc n (substNames bound ps con) opts
(map (substNamesTy bound ps) dcons)
substNamesData bound ps (MkImpLater fc n con)
= MkImpLater fc n (substNames bound ps con)
substNamesData' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpData -> ImpData
substNamesData' bvar bound ps (MkImpData fc n con opts dcons)
= MkImpData fc n (substNames' bvar bound ps con) opts
(map (substNamesTy' bvar bound ps) dcons)
substNamesData' bvar bound ps (MkImpLater fc n con)
= MkImpLater fc n (substNames' bvar bound ps con)
substNamesDecl : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp ) ->
substNamesDecl' : Bool -> List Name -> List (Name, RawImp ) ->
ImpDecl -> ImpDecl
substNamesDecl bound ps (IClaim fc r vis opts td)
= IClaim fc r vis opts (substNamesTy bound ps td)
substNamesDecl bound ps (IDef fc n cs)
= IDef fc n (map (substNamesClause bound ps) cs)
substNamesDecl bound ps (IData fc vis d)
= IData fc vis (substNamesData bound ps d)
substNamesDecl bound ps (INamespace fc ns ds)
= INamespace fc ns (map (substNamesDecl bound ps) ds)
substNamesDecl bound ps d = d
substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps (IClaim fc r vis opts td)
= IClaim fc r vis opts (substNamesTy' bvar bound ps td)
substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps (IDef fc n cs)
= IDef fc n (map (substNamesClause' bvar bound ps) cs)
substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps (IData fc vis d)
= IData fc vis (substNamesData' bvar bound ps d)
substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps (INamespace fc ns ds)
= INamespace fc ns (map (substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps) ds)
substNamesDecl' bvar bound ps d = d
substNames : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
substNames = substNames' False
substBindVars : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
substBindVars = substNames' True
substNamesClause : List Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
ImpClause -> ImpClause
substNamesClause = substNamesClause' False
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ idrisTests
"reg001", "reg002", "reg003", "reg004", "reg005", "reg006", "reg007",
"reg008", "reg009", "reg010", "reg011", "reg012", "reg013", "reg014",
"reg015", "reg016", "reg017", "reg018", "reg019", "reg020", "reg021",
"reg022", "reg023", "reg024", "reg025",
"reg022", "reg023", "reg024", "reg025", "reg026",
-- Totality checking
"total001", "total002", "total003", "total004", "total005",
"total006", "total007", "total008",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Meh
import public Control.WellFounded
public export
interface Argh (rel : a -> a -> Type) where
argh : (x : a) -> Accessible rel x
data Meh : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
implementation Argh Meh where
argh x = ?foo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Meh (Meh.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --check Meh.idr
rm -rf build
Reference in New Issue
Block a user