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synced 2024-12-19 09:12:34 +03:00
Merge pull request #3120 from andrevidela/autobind
[ feature ] Typebind & autobind using Pi-like syntax
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ This CHANGELOG describes the merged but unreleased changes. Please see [CHANGELO
### Language changes
* Autobind and Typebind modifier on operators allow the user to
customise the syntax of operator to look more like a binder.
See [#3113](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/issues/3113).
### Backend changes
#### RefC
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ This is a placeholder, to get set up with readthedocs.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
.. _operators:
Idris2 does not have syntax blocs (like in Idris1) or mixfix operators (like in Agda).
Instead, it expands on the abilities of infix operators to enable library designers
to write Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) while keeping error messages under control.
Because operators are not linked to function definitions, they are also part of the
file namespacing and follow the same rules as other defintions.
.. warning::
Operators can and will make some code less legible. Use with taste and caution.
This document is meant to be mainly used by library authors and advanced users.
If you are on the fence about using operators, err on the side of caution and
avoid them.
Before we jump into the fancy features, let us explain how operators work
for most users.
When you see an expression
.. code-block:: idris
1 + n
It means that there is a function ``(+)`` and a *fixity* declaration
in scope. A fixity for this operator looks like this
.. code-block:: idris
infixl 8 +
It starts with a fixity keyword, you have the choice to use either ``infixl``,
``infixr``, ``infix`` or ``prefix``.
``infixl`` means the operator is left-associative, so that successive applications
of the operator will bracket to the left: ``n + m + 3 + x = (((n + m) + 3) + x)```.
Similarly, ``infixr`` is right-associative, and ``infix`` is non-associative, so the
brackets are mandatory. Here, we chose for ``+`` to be left-associative, hence ``infixl``.
The number after the fixity indicate the *precedence level* of the operator, that is, if it should
be bracketed before, or after, other operators used in the same expression. For example,
we want ``*`` to *take precedence* over ``+`` we write:
.. code-block:: idris
infixl 9 *
This way, the expression ``n + m * x`` is correctly interpreted as ``n + (m * x)``.
Fixity declarations are optional and change how a file is parsed, but you can
use any function defined with operator symbols with parenthesis around it:
.. code-block:: idris
-- those two are the same
n + 3
(+) n 3
Because fixities are separated from the function definitions, a single operator
can have 0 or multiple fixity definitions. In the next section, we explain how to
deal with multiple fixity definitions.
Fixity & Precedence Namespacing
Sometimes it could be that you need to import two libraries that export
conflicting fixities. If that is the case, the compiler will emit a warning
and pick one of the fixities to parse the file. If that happens, you should
hide the fixity definitions that you do not wish to use. For this, use the
``%hide`` directive, just like you would to hide a function definition, but
use the fixity and the operator to hide at the end. Let's work through an
.. code-block:: idris
module A
export infixl 8 -
.. code-block:: idris
module B
export infixr 5 -
.. code-block:: idris
module C
import A
import B
test : Int
test = 1 - 3 - 10
This program will raise a warning on the last line of module ``C`` because
there are two conflicting fixities in scope. Should we parse the expression
as ``(1 - 3) - 10`` or as ``1 - (3 - 10)``? In those cases, you can hide
the extra fixity you do not wish to use by using ``%hide``:
.. code-block:: idris
module C
import A
import B
%hide A.infixl.(-)
test : Int
test = 1 - 3 - 10 -- all good, no error
In which case the program will be parsed as ``1 - (3 - 10)`` and not emit
any errors.
Export modifiers on fixities
Just like other top-level declarations in the language, fixities can be exported
with the ``export`` access modifier, or kept private with ``private``.
A ``private`` fixity will remain in scope for the rest of the file but will not be
visible to users that import the module. Because fixities and operators are
separate, this does not mean you cannot use the functions that have this operator
name, it merely means that you cannot use it in infix position. But you can use
it as a regular function application using brackets. Let us see what this
looks like
.. code-block:: idris
module A
private infixl &&& 8
-- a binary function making use of our fixity definition
(&&&) : ...
.. code-block:: idris
module B
import A
main : IO ()
main = do print (a &&& b) -- won't work
print ((&&&) a b) -- ok
In what follows, we have two examples of programs that benefit from
declaring a fixity ``private`` rather than ``export``.
Private record fixity pattern
Private fixity declarations are useful in conjuction with records. When
you declare a record with operators as fields, it is helpful to write
them in infix position. However, the compiler will also synthesize a
projection function for the field that takes as first argument the
a value of the record to project from. This makes using the operator
as a binary infix operator impossible, since it now has 3 arguments.
.. code-block:: idris
infixl 7 <@>
record SomeRelation (a : Type) where
(<@>) : a -> a -> Type
-- we use the field here in infix position
compose : {x, y, z : a} -> x <@> y -> y <@> z -> x <@> z
lteRel : SomeRelation Nat
lteRel = ...
-- we want to use <@> in infix position here as well but we cannot
natRel : Nat -> Nat -> Type
natRel x y = (<@>) lteRel x y
What we really want to write is ``natRel x y = (<@>) x y`` but
``(<@>)`` now has type ``SomeRelation a -> a -> a -> Type``.
The solution is to define a private field with a private fixity
and a public one which relies on proof search to find the appropriate
.. code-block:: idris
private infixl 7 <!@>
export infixl 7 <@>
record SomeRelation (a : Type) where
(<!@>) : a -> a -> Type
compose : {x, y, z : a} -> x <!@> y -> y <!@> z -> x <!@> z
(<@>) : (rel : SomeRelation a) => a -> a -> Type
x <@> y = (<!@>) rel x y
lteRel : SomeRelation Nat
lteRel = ...
natRel : Nat -> Nat -> Type
natRel x y = x <@> y
We define ``(<@>)`` as a projection function with an implicit parameter
allowing it to be used as a binary operator once again.
Private Local definition
Private fixity definitions are useful when redefining an operator fixity
in a module. This happens when multiple DSLs are imported as the same time
and you do not want to expose conflicting fixity declarations:
.. code-block:: idris
module Coproduct
import Product
-- mark this as private since we don't want to clash
-- with the Prelude + when importing the module
private infixr 5 +
data (+) : a -> a -> Type where
distrib1 : {x, y, z : a} -> x + y + z -> (x + y) + z
Here ``distrib1`` makes explicit use of the operator being defined as
Typebind Operators
In dependently-typed programming, we have the ability define constructors which
first argument is a type and the second is a type indexed over the first argument.
A typical example of this is the dependent linear arrow:
.. code-block:: idris
infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (x : Type) -> (x -> Type) -> Type
(=@) x f = (1 v : x) -> f v
However, when trying to use it in infix position, we have to use a lambda to populate the
second argument:
.. code-block:: idris
linearSingleton : Nat =@ (\x => Singleton x)
linearSingleton = ...
What we really want to write, is something like the dependent arrow ``->`` but
for linear types:
.. code-block:: idris
linearSingleton : (x : Nat) =@ Singleton x
linearSingleton = ...
The above syntax is allowed if the operator is declared as ``typebind``. For
this, simply add the ``typebind`` keyword in front of the fixity declaration.
.. code-block:: idris
typebind infixr 0 =@
``typebind`` is a modifier like ``export`` and both can be used at the same time.
An operator defined as ``typebind`` cannot be used in regular position anymore,
writing ``Nat =@ (\x => Singleton x)`` will raise an error.
This new syntax is purely syntax sugar and converts any instance of
``(name : type) op expr`` into ``type op (\name : type => expr)``
Because of its left-to-right binding structure, typebind operators can
only ever be ``infixr`` with precedence 0.
Autobind Operators
Typebind operators allow to bind a *type* on the left side of an operator, so that is can
be used as the index of the second argument. But sometimes, there is no dependency
between the first and second argument, yet we still want to use binding syntax. For those
cases, we use ``autobind``.
An example of this is a DSL for a dependently-typed programming language
where the constructor for ``Pi`` takes terms on the left and lambdas on the right:
.. code-block:: idris
VPi : Value -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
sig : Value
sig = VPi VStar (\fstTy -> VPi
(VPi fstTy (const VStar)) (\sndTy -> VPi
fstTy (\val1 -> VPi
(sndTy `vapp` val1) (\val2 ->
VSigma fstTy sndTy)))))
We would like to use a custom operator to build values using ``VPi``, but its
signature does not follow the pattern that ``typebind`` uses. Instead, we use
``autobind`` to tell the compiler that the type of the lambda must be inferred.
For this we use ``:=`` instead of ``:``:
.. code-block:: idris
autobind infixr 0 =>>
(=>>) : Value -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
(=>>) = VPi
sig : Value
sig =
(fstTy := VStar) =>>
(sndTy := (_ := fstTy) =>> VStar) =>>
(val1 := fstTy) =>>
(val2 := sndTy `vapp` val1) =>>
VSigma fstTy sndTy
This new syntax is much closer to what the code is meant to look like for users
accustomed to dependently-typed programming languages.
More technically, any ``autobind`` operator is called with the syntax
``(name := expr) op body`` and is desugared into ``expr op (\name : ? => body)``.
If you want, or need, to give the type explicitly, you can still do so by using
the full syntax: ``(name : type := expr) op body`` which is desugared into
``expr op (\name : type => body)``.
Like ``typebind``, ``autobind`` operators cannot be used as regular operators anymore
, additionally an ``autobind`` operator cannot use the ``typebind`` syntax either.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import public Libraries.Utils.Binary
||| version number if you're changing the version more than once in the same day.
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 2023_09_08_00
ttcVersion = 2024_01_23_00
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -796,6 +796,7 @@ HasNames Error where
full gam (BadRunElab fc rho s desc) = BadRunElab fc <$> full gam rho <*> full gam s <*> pure desc
full gam (RunElabFail e) = RunElabFail <$> full gam e
full gam (GenericMsg fc x) = pure (GenericMsg fc x)
full gam (GenericMsgSol fc x y) = pure (GenericMsgSol fc x y)
full gam (TTCError x) = pure (TTCError x)
full gam (FileErr x y) = pure (FileErr x y)
full gam (CantFindPackage x) = pure (CantFindPackage x)
@ -820,6 +821,9 @@ HasNames Error where
full gam (InRHS fc n err) = InRHS fc <$> full gam n <*> full gam err
full gam (MaybeMisspelling err xs) = MaybeMisspelling <$> full gam err <*> pure xs
full gam (WarningAsError wrn) = WarningAsError <$> full gam wrn
full gam (OperatorBindingMismatch {print} fc expected actual opName rhs candidates)
= OperatorBindingMismatch {print} fc expected actual
<$> full gam opName <*> pure rhs <*> pure candidates
resolved gam (Fatal err) = Fatal <$> resolved gam err
resolved _ (CantConvert fc gam rho s t)
@ -887,6 +891,7 @@ HasNames Error where
resolved gam (BadRunElab fc rho s desc) = BadRunElab fc <$> resolved gam rho <*> resolved gam s <*> pure desc
resolved gam (RunElabFail e) = RunElabFail <$> resolved gam e
resolved gam (GenericMsg fc x) = pure (GenericMsg fc x)
resolved gam (GenericMsgSol fc x y) = pure (GenericMsgSol fc x y)
resolved gam (TTCError x) = pure (TTCError x)
resolved gam (FileErr x y) = pure (FileErr x y)
resolved gam (CantFindPackage x) = pure (CantFindPackage x)
@ -911,6 +916,9 @@ HasNames Error where
resolved gam (InRHS fc n err) = InRHS fc <$> resolved gam n <*> resolved gam err
resolved gam (MaybeMisspelling err xs) = MaybeMisspelling <$> resolved gam err <*> pure xs
resolved gam (WarningAsError wrn) = WarningAsError <$> resolved gam wrn
resolved gam (OperatorBindingMismatch {print} fc expected actual opName rhs candidates)
= OperatorBindingMismatch {print} fc expected actual
<$> resolved gam opName <*> pure rhs <*> pure candidates
HasNames Totality where
@ -1123,6 +1131,9 @@ getFieldNames ctxt recNS
-- Find similar looking names in the context
getSimilarNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
-- Predicate run to customise the behavior of looking for similar names
-- Sometime we might want to hide names that we know make no sense.
{default Nothing keepPredicate : Maybe ((Name, GlobalDef) -> Core Bool)} ->
Name -> Core (Maybe (String, List (Name, Visibility, Nat)))
getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
Nothing => pure Nothing
@ -1137,6 +1148,9 @@ getSimilarNames nm = case show <$> userNameRoot nm of
| False => pure Nothing
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact nm (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure Nothing -- should be impossible
let predicate = fromMaybe (\_ => pure True) keepPredicate
True <- predicate (nm, def)
| False => pure Nothing
pure (Just (collapseDefault $ visibility def, dist))
kept <- NameMap.mapMaybeM @{CORE} test (resolvedAs (gamma defs))
pure $ Just (str, toList kept)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.Vect
import Libraries.Data.IMaybe
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Doc
import Libraries.Data.Tap
import public Data.IORef
@ -162,6 +163,10 @@ data Error : Type where
FC -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> (description : String) -> Error
RunElabFail : Error -> Error
GenericMsg : FC -> String -> Error
GenericMsgSol : FC -> (message : String) -> (solutions : List String) -> Error
OperatorBindingMismatch : {a : Type} -> {print : a -> Doc ()} ->
FC -> (expectedFixity : BacktickOrOperatorFixity) -> (use_site : OperatorLHSInfo a) ->
(opName : Name) -> (rhs : a) -> (candidates : List String) -> Error
TTCError : TTCErrorMsg -> Error
FileErr : String -> FileError -> Error
CantFindPackage : String -> Error
@ -350,6 +355,7 @@ Show Error where
show (BadRunElab fc env script desc) = show fc ++ ":Bad elaborator script " ++ show script ++ " (" ++ desc ++ ")"
show (RunElabFail e) = "Error during reflection: " ++ show e
show (GenericMsg fc str) = show fc ++ ":" ++ str
show (GenericMsgSol fc msg sols) = show fc ++ ":" ++ msg ++ " Solutions: " ++ show sols
show (TTCError msg) = "Error in TTC file: " ++ show msg
show (FileErr fname err) = "File error (" ++ fname ++ "): " ++ show err
show (CantFindPackage fname) = "Can't find package " ++ fname
@ -394,6 +400,12 @@ Show Error where
(n ::: []) => ": " ++ n ++ "?"
_ => " any of: " ++ showSep ", " (map show (forget ns)) ++ "?"
show (WarningAsError w) = show w
show (OperatorBindingMismatch fc (DeclaredFixity expected) actual opName rhs _)
= show fc ++ ": Operator " ++ show opName ++ " is " ++ show expected
++ " but used as a " ++ show actual ++ " operator"
show (OperatorBindingMismatch fc Backticked actual opName rhs _)
= show fc ++ ": Operator " ++ show opName ++ " has no declared fixity"
++ " but used as a " ++ show actual ++ " operator"
getWarningLoc : Warning -> FC
@ -459,6 +471,7 @@ getErrorLoc (BadImplicit loc _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (BadRunElab loc _ _ _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (RunElabFail e) = getErrorLoc e
getErrorLoc (GenericMsg loc _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (GenericMsgSol loc _ _) = Just loc
getErrorLoc (TTCError _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc (FileErr _ _) = Nothing
getErrorLoc (CantFindPackage _) = Nothing
@ -483,6 +496,7 @@ getErrorLoc (InLHS _ _ err) = getErrorLoc err
getErrorLoc (InRHS _ _ err) = getErrorLoc err
getErrorLoc (MaybeMisspelling err _) = getErrorLoc err
getErrorLoc (WarningAsError warn) = Just (getWarningLoc warn)
getErrorLoc (OperatorBindingMismatch fc _ _ _ _ _) = Just fc
killWarningLoc : Warning -> Warning
@ -547,6 +561,7 @@ killErrorLoc (BadImplicit fc x) = BadImplicit emptyFC x
killErrorLoc (BadRunElab fc x y description) = BadRunElab emptyFC x y description
killErrorLoc (RunElabFail e) = RunElabFail $ killErrorLoc e
killErrorLoc (GenericMsg fc x) = GenericMsg emptyFC x
killErrorLoc (GenericMsgSol fc x y) = GenericMsgSol emptyFC x y
killErrorLoc (TTCError x) = TTCError x
killErrorLoc (FileErr x y) = FileErr x y
killErrorLoc (CantFindPackage x) = CantFindPackage x
@ -571,6 +586,9 @@ killErrorLoc (InLHS fc x err) = InLHS emptyFC x (killErrorLoc err)
killErrorLoc (InRHS fc x err) = InRHS emptyFC x (killErrorLoc err)
killErrorLoc (MaybeMisspelling err xs) = MaybeMisspelling (killErrorLoc err) xs
killErrorLoc (WarningAsError wrn) = WarningAsError (killWarningLoc wrn)
killErrorLoc (OperatorBindingMismatch {print} fc expected actual opName rhs candidates)
= OperatorBindingMismatch {print} emptyFC expected actual opName rhs candidates
-- Core is a wrapper around IO that is specialised for efficiency.
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Decidable.Equality
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Libraries.Text.Bounded
import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
import Libraries.Data.SnocList.SizeOf
@ -101,6 +102,136 @@ Ord Visibility where
compare Public Private = GT
compare Public Export = GT
public export
data Fixity = InfixL | InfixR | Infix | Prefix
Show Fixity where
show InfixL = "infixl"
show InfixR = "infixr"
show Infix = "infix"
show Prefix = "prefix"
Interpolation Fixity where
interpolate = show
Eq Fixity where
InfixL == InfixL = True
InfixR == InfixR = True
Infix == Infix = True
Prefix == Prefix = True
_ == _ = False
public export
data BindingModifier = NotBinding | Autobind | Typebind
Eq BindingModifier where
NotBinding == NotBinding = True
Autobind == Autobind = True
Typebind == Typebind = True
_ == _ = False
Show BindingModifier where
show NotBinding = "regular"
show Typebind = "typebind"
show Autobind = "autobind"
Interpolation BindingModifier where
interpolate = show
-- A record to hold all the information about a fixity
public export
record FixityInfo where
constructor MkFixityInfo
fc : FC
vis : Visibility
bindingInfo : BindingModifier
fix : Fixity
precedence : Nat
Show FixityInfo where
show fx = "fc: \{show fx.fc}, visibility: \{show fx.vis}, binding: \{show fx.bindingInfo}, fixity: \{show fx.fix}, precedence: \{show fx.precedence}"
Eq FixityInfo where
x == y = x.fc == y.fc
&& x.vis == y.vis
&& x.bindingInfo == y.bindingInfo
&& x.fix == y.fix
&& x.precedence == y.precedence
||| Whenever we read an operator from the parser, we don't know if it's a backticked expression with no fixity
||| declaration, or if it has a fixity declaration. If it does not have a declaration, we represent this state
||| with `Backticked`.
||| Note that a backticked expression can have a fixity declaration, in which case it is represented with
||| `DeclaredFixity`.
public export
data BacktickOrOperatorFixity = Backticked | DeclaredFixity FixityInfo
-- Left-hand-side information for operators, carries autobind information
-- an operator can either be
-- - not autobind, a regular operator
-- - binding types, such that `(nm : ty) =@ fn nm` desugars into `(=@) ty (\(nm : ty) => fn nm)`
-- - binding expressing with an inferred type such that
-- `(nm := exp) =@ fn nm` desugars into `(=@) exp (\(nm : ?) => fn nm)`
-- - binding both types and expression such that
-- `(nm : ty := exp) =@ fn nm` desugars into `(=@) exp (\(nm : ty) => fn nm)`
public export
data OperatorLHSInfo : tm -> Type where
-- Traditional operator wihtout binding, carries the lhs
NoBinder : (lhs : tm) -> OperatorLHSInfo tm
-- (nm : ty) =@ fn x
BindType : (name : tm) -> (ty : tm) -> OperatorLHSInfo tm
-- (nm := exp) =@ fn nm
BindExpr : (name : tm) -> (expr : tm) -> OperatorLHSInfo tm
-- (nm : ty := exp) =@ fn nm
BindExplicitType : (name : tm) -> (type, expr : tm) -> OperatorLHSInfo tm
Show (OperatorLHSInfo tm) where
show (NoBinder lhs) = "regular"
show (BindType name ty) = "type-binding (typebind)"
show (BindExpr name expr) = "automatically-binding (autobind)"
show (BindExplicitType name type expr) = "automatically-binding (autobind)"
%name OperatorLHSInfo opInfo
Functor OperatorLHSInfo where
map f (NoBinder lhs) = NoBinder $ f lhs
map f (BindType nm lhs) = BindType (f nm) (f lhs)
map f (BindExpr nm lhs) = BindExpr (f nm) (f lhs)
map f (BindExplicitType nm ty lhs) = BindExplicitType (f nm) (f ty) (f lhs)
(.getLhs) : OperatorLHSInfo tm -> tm
(.getLhs) (NoBinder lhs) = lhs
(.getLhs) (BindExpr _ lhs) = lhs
(.getLhs) (BindType _ lhs) = lhs
(.getLhs) (BindExplicitType _ _ lhs) = lhs
(.getBoundPat) : OperatorLHSInfo tm -> Maybe tm
(.getBoundPat) (NoBinder lhs) = Nothing
(.getBoundPat) (BindType name ty) = Just name
(.getBoundPat) (BindExpr name expr) = Just name
(.getBoundPat) (BindExplicitType name type expr) = Just name
(.getBinder) : OperatorLHSInfo tm -> BindingModifier
(.getBinder) (NoBinder lhs) = NotBinding
(.getBinder) (BindType name ty) = Typebind
(.getBinder) (BindExpr name expr) = Autobind
(.getBinder) (BindExplicitType name type expr) = Autobind
public export
data TotalReq = Total | CoveringOnly | PartialOK
%name TotalReq treq
@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ mkPrec InfixR = AssocR
mkPrec Infix = NonAssoc
mkPrec Prefix = Prefix
-- This is used to print the error message for fixities
[interpName] Interpolation ((Name, BacktickOrOperatorFixity), b) where
interpolate ((x, _), _) = show x
[showWithLoc] Show ((Name, BacktickOrOperatorFixity), b) where
show ((x, DeclaredFixity y), _) = show x ++ " at " ++ show y.fc
show ((x, Backticked), _) = show x
-- Check that an operator does not have any conflicting fixities in scope.
-- Each operator can have its fixity defined multiple times across multiple
-- modules as long as the fixities are consistent. If they aren't, the fixity
@ -113,39 +121,43 @@ mkPrec Prefix = Prefix
checkConflictingFixities : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(isPrefix : Bool) ->
FC -> Name -> Core OpPrec
FC -> Name -> Core (OpPrec, BacktickOrOperatorFixity)
checkConflictingFixities isPrefix exprFC opn
= do syn <- get Syn
let op = nameRoot opn
let foundFixities : List (Name, FixityInfo) = lookupName (UN (Basic op)) (fixities syn)
= do let op = nameRoot opn
foundFixities <- getFixityInfo op
let (pre, inf) = partition ((== Prefix) . fix . snd) foundFixities
case (isPrefix, pre, inf) of
-- If we do not find any fixity for this operator we check that it uses operator
-- characters, if not, it must be a backticked expression.
(_, [], []) => if any isOpChar (fastUnpack op)
then throw (GenericMsg exprFC "Unknown operator '\{op}'")
else pure (NonAssoc 1) -- Backticks are non associative by default
else pure (NonAssoc 1, Backticked) -- Backticks are non associative by default
(True, ((fxName, fx) :: _), _) => do
-- in the prefix case, remove conflicts with infix (-)
let extraFixities = pre ++ (filter (\(nm, _) => not $ nameRoot nm == "-") inf)
unless (isCompatible fx extraFixities) $ warnConflict fxName extraFixities
pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence)
-- Could not find any prefix operator fixities, there may be infix ones
pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence, DeclaredFixity fx)
-- Could not find any prefix operator fixities, there may still be conflicts with
-- the infix ones.
(True, [] , _) => throw (GenericMsg exprFC $ "'\{op}' is not a prefix operator")
(False, _, ((fxName, fx) :: _)) => do
-- In the infix case, remove conflicts with prefix (-)
let extraFixities = (filter (\(nm, _) => not $ nm == UN (Basic "-")) pre) ++ inf
unless (isCompatible fx extraFixities) $ warnConflict fxName extraFixities
pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence)
pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence, DeclaredFixity fx)
-- Could not find any infix operator fixities, there may be prefix ones
(False, _, []) => throw (GenericMsg exprFC $ "'\{op}' is not an infix operator")
-- Fixities are compatible with all others of the same name that share the same fixity and precedence
-- Fixities are compatible with all others of the same name that share the same
-- fixity, precedence, and binding information
isCompatible : FixityInfo -> (fixities : List (Name, FixityInfo)) -> Bool
isCompatible fx
= all (\fx' => fx.fix == fx'.fix && fx.precedence == fx'.precedence) . map snd
= all (\fx' => fx.fix == fx'.fix
&& fx.precedence == fx'.precedence
&& fx.bindingInfo == fx'.bindingInfo) . map snd
-- Emits a warning using the fixity that we picked and the list of all conflicting fixities
warnConflict : (picked : Name) -> (conflicts : List (Name, FixityInfo)) -> Core ()
@ -157,18 +169,77 @@ checkConflictingFixities isPrefix exprFC opn
For example: %hide \{show fxName}
toTokList : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
checkConflictingBinding : Ref Ctxt Defs =>
Ref Syn SyntaxInfo =>
FC -> Name -> (foundFixity : BacktickOrOperatorFixity) ->
(usage : OperatorLHSInfo PTerm) -> (rhs : PTerm) -> Core ()
checkConflictingBinding fc opName foundFixity use_site rhs
= if isCompatible foundFixity use_site
then pure ()
else throw $ OperatorBindingMismatch
{print = byShow} fc foundFixity use_site opName rhs !candidates
isCompatible : BacktickOrOperatorFixity -> OperatorLHSInfo PTerm -> Bool
isCompatible Backticked (NoBinder lhs) = True
isCompatible Backticked _ = False
isCompatible (DeclaredFixity fixInfo) (NoBinder lhs) = fixInfo.bindingInfo == NotBinding
isCompatible (DeclaredFixity fixInfo) (BindType name ty) = fixInfo.bindingInfo == Typebind
isCompatible (DeclaredFixity fixInfo) (BindExpr name expr) = fixInfo.bindingInfo == Autobind
isCompatible (DeclaredFixity fixInfo) (BindExplicitType name type expr)
= fixInfo.bindingInfo == Autobind
keepCompatibleBinding : BindingModifier -> (Name, GlobalDef) -> Core Bool
keepCompatibleBinding compatibleBinder (name, def) = do
fixities <- getFixityInfo (nameRoot name)
let compatible = any (\(_, fx) => fx.bindingInfo == use_site.getBinder) fixities
pure compatible
candidates : Core (List String)
candidates = do let DeclaredFixity fxInfo = foundFixity
| _ => pure [] -- if there is no declared fixity we can't know what's
-- supposed to go there.
Just (nm, cs) <- getSimilarNames {keepPredicate = Just (keepCompatibleBinding fxInfo.bindingInfo)} opName
| Nothing => pure []
ns <- currentNS <$> get Ctxt
pure (showSimilarNames ns opName nm cs)
checkValidFixity : BindingModifier -> Fixity -> Nat -> Bool
-- If the fixity declaration is not binding, there are no restrictions
checkValidFixity NotBinding _ _ = True
-- If the fixity declaration is not binding, either typebind or autobind
-- the fixity can only be `infixr` with precedence `0`. We might want
-- to revisit that in the future, but as of right now we want to be
-- conservative and avoid abuse.
-- having multiple precedence levels would mean that if
-- =@ has higher precedence than -@
-- the expression (x : a) =@ b -@ (y : List a) =@ List b
-- would be bracketed as ((x : a) =@ b) -@ (y : List a) =@ List b
-- instead of (x : a) =@ (b -@ ((y : List a) =@ List b))
checkValidFixity _ InfixR 0 = True
-- If it's binding but not infixr precedence 0, raise an error
checkValidFixity _ _ _ = False
parameters (side : Side)
toTokList : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PTerm -> Core (List (Tok OpStr PTerm))
toTokList (POp fc opFC opn l r)
= do precInfo <- checkConflictingFixities False fc opn
PTerm -> Core (List (Tok ((OpStr, BacktickOrOperatorFixity), Maybe (OperatorLHSInfo PTerm)) PTerm))
toTokList (POp fc opFC l opn r)
= do (precInfo, fixInfo) <- checkConflictingFixities False fc opn
unless (side == LHS) -- do not check for conflicting fixity on the LHS
-- This is because we do not parse binders on the lhs
-- and so, if we check, we will find uses of regular
-- operator when binding is expected.
(checkConflictingBinding opFC opn fixInfo l r)
rtoks <- toTokList r
pure (Expr l :: Op fc opFC opn precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC opn arg)
= do precInfo <- checkConflictingFixities True fc opn
pure (Expr l.getLhs :: Op fc opFC ((opn, fixInfo), Just l) precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC opn arg)
= do (precInfo, fixInfo) <- checkConflictingFixities True fc opn
rtoks <- toTokList arg
pure (Op fc opFC opn precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList t = pure [Expr t]
pure (Op fc opFC ((opn, fixInfo), Nothing) precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList t = pure [Expr t]
record BangData where
constructor MkBangData
@ -308,12 +379,16 @@ mutual
[apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "~=~")) [l', r']]
desugarB side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugarB side ps e
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc opFC op l r)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC l op r)
= do ts <- toTokList side (POp fc opFC l op r)
tree <- parseOps @{interpName} @{showWithLoc} ts
unop <- desugarTree side ps (mapFst (\((x, _), y) => (x, y)) tree)
desugarB side ps unop
desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
= do ts <- toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
= do ts <- toTokList side (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
tree <- parseOps @{interpName} @{showWithLoc} ts
unop <- desugarTree side ps (mapFst (\((x, _), y) => (x, y)) tree)
desugarB side ps unop
desugarB side ps (PSectionL fc opFC op arg)
= do syn <- get Syn
-- It might actually be a prefix argument rather than a section
@ -322,12 +397,12 @@ mutual
[] =>
desugarB side ps
(PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc opFC op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
(POp fc opFC (NoBinder (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))) op arg))
(prec :: _) => desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
desugarB side ps (PSectionR fc opFC arg op)
= desugarB side ps
(PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc opFC op arg (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
(POp fc opFC (NoBinder arg) op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
desugarB side ps (PSearch fc depth) = pure $ ISearch fc depth
desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (BI x))
= case !fromIntegerName of
@ -714,27 +789,48 @@ mutual
rule' <- desugarDo side ps ns rule
pure $ IRewrite fc rule' rest'
-- Replace all operator by function application
desugarTree : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Side -> List Name -> Tree OpStr PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc eqFC (UN $ Basic "=") l r) -- special case since '=' is special syntax
Side -> List Name -> Tree (OpStr, Maybe $ OperatorLHSInfo PTerm) PTerm ->
Core PTerm
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc eqFC (UN $ Basic "=", _) l r) -- special case since '=' is special syntax
= pure $ PEq eqFC !(desugarTree side ps l) !(desugarTree side ps r)
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc _ (UN $ Basic "$", _) l r) -- special case since '$' is special syntax
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
r' <- desugarTree side ps r
pure (IAlternative loc FirstSuccess
[apply (IVar eqFC eqName) [l', r'],
apply (IVar eqFC heqName) [l', r']])
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc _ (UN $ Basic "$") l r) -- special case since '$' is special syntax
pure (PApp loc l' r')
-- normal operators
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC (op, Just (NoBinder lhs)) l r)
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
r' <- desugarTree side ps r
pure (IApp loc l' r')
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC op l r)
pure (PApp loc (PApp loc (PRef opFC op) l') r')
-- (x : ty) =@ f x ==>> (=@) ty (\x : ty => f x)
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC (op, Just (BindType pat lhs)) l r)
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
r' <- desugarTree side ps r
pure (IApp loc (IApp loc (IVar opFC op) l') r')
body <- desugarTree side ps r
pure $ PApp loc (PApp loc (PRef opFC op) l')
(PLam loc top Explicit pat l' body)
-- (x := exp) =@ f x ==>> (=@) exp (\x : ? => f x)
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC (op, Just (BindExpr pat lhs)) l r)
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
body <- desugarTree side ps r
pure $ PApp loc (PApp loc (PRef opFC op) l')
(PLam loc top Explicit pat (PInfer opFC) body)
-- (x : ty := exp) =@ f x ==>> (=@) exp (\x : ty => f x)
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC (op, Just (BindExplicitType pat ty expr)) l r)
= do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
body <- desugarTree side ps r
pure $ PApp loc (PApp loc (PRef opFC op) l')
(PLam loc top Explicit pat ty body)
desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC (op, Nothing) _ r)
= throw $ InternalError "illegal fixity: Parsed as infix but no binding information"
-- negation is a special case, since we can't have an operator with
-- two meanings otherwise
@ -742,7 +838,7 @@ mutual
-- Note: In case of negated signed integer literals, we apply the
-- negation directly. Otherwise, the literal might be
-- truncated to 0 before being passed on to `negate`.
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") $ Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-", _) $ Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
= let newFC = fromMaybe EmptyFC (mergeFC loc fc)
continue = desugarTree side ps . Leaf . PPrimVal newFC
in case c of
@ -756,16 +852,16 @@ mutual
-- not a signed integer literal. proceed by desugaring
-- and applying to `negate`.
_ => do arg' <- desugarTree side ps (Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
pure (PApp loc (PRef opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") arg)
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-", _) arg)
= do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
pure (PApp loc (PRef opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC op arg)
desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (op, _) arg)
= do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC op) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Leaf t) = desugarB side ps t
pure (PApp loc (PRef opFC op) arg')
desugarTree side ps (Leaf t) = pure t
desugarType : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -1109,8 +1205,14 @@ mutual
NS ns (DN str (MN ("__mk" ++ str) 0))
mkConName n = DN (show n) (MN ("__mk" ++ show n) 0)
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc vis fix prec opName)
= do ctx <- get Ctxt
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc vis binding fix prec opName)
= do unless (checkValidFixity binding fix prec)
(throw $ GenericMsgSol fc
"Invalid fixity, \{binding} operator must be infixr 0."
[ "Make it `infixr 0`: `\{binding} infixr 0 \{show opName}`"
, "Remove the binding keyword: `\{fix} \{show prec} \{show opName}`"
ctx <- get Ctxt
-- We update the context of fixities by adding a namespaced fixity
-- given by the current namespace and its fixity name.
-- This allows fixities to be stored along with the namespace at their
@ -1118,7 +1220,7 @@ mutual
let updatedNS = NS (mkNestedNamespace (Just ctx.currentNS) (show fix))
(UN $ Basic $ nameRoot opName)
update Syn { fixities $= addName updatedNS (MkFixityInfo fc vis fix prec) }
update Syn { fixities $= addName updatedNS (MkFixityInfo fc vis binding fix prec) }
pure []
desugarDecl ps d@(PFail fc mmsg ds)
= do -- save the state: the content of a failing block should be discarded
@ -1230,4 +1332,5 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugar s ps tm = desugarDo s ps Nothing tm
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ getDecl AsType (PRecord fc doc vis mbtot (MkPRecord n ps _ _ _))
mkRecType : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm) -> PTerm
mkRecType [] = PType fc
mkRecType ((n, c, p, t) :: ts) = PPi fc c p (Just n) t (mkRecType ts)
getDecl AsType d@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _) = Just d
getDecl AsType d@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _ _) = Just d
getDecl AsType d@(PDirective _ _) = Just d
getDecl AsType d = Nothing
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ getDecl AsDef (PClaim _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef d@(PData _ _ _ _ (MkPLater _ _ _)) = Just d
getDecl AsDef (PInterface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef d@(PRecord _ _ _ _ (MkPRecordLater _ _)) = Just d
getDecl AsDef (PFixity _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef (PFixity _ _ _ _ _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef (PDirective _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef d = Just d
@ -458,6 +458,55 @@ namespaceblock = vcat $
You can use `export` or `public export` to control whether a function
declared in a namespace is available outside of it.
autobindDoc : Doc IdrisDocAnn
autobindDoc = """
`autobind` is a modifier for operator precedence and fixity declaration.
It tells the parser that this operator behaves like a binding operator,
allowing you to give a name to the left-hand-side of the operator and
use it on the right-hand-side.
`autobind` differs from `typebind` in the syntax it allows and the way
it desugars. Delcaring an operator as `autobind infixr 0 =|>` allows
you to use it with the syntax `(x := e) =|> f x`, `(x : t := e) =|> f x`.
You will need to use `autobind` instead of `typebind` whenever the
type of the lambda of the function called by the operator has a type
that is not equal to the argument given on the left side of the operator.
`autobind` only applies to `infixr` operators and cannot be used as
operator sections.
`autobind` operators are desugared as a lambda:
`(x := expr) =|> fn x` -> `(expr =|> (\x : ? => fn x))`
`(x : ty := expr) =|> fn x` -> `(expr =|> (\x : ty => fn x))`
typebindDoc : Doc IdrisDocAnn
typebindDoc = """
`typebind` is a modifier for operator precedence and fixity declaration.
It tells the parser that this operator behaves like a binding operator,
allowing you to give a name to the left-hand-side of the operator and
use it on the right-hand-side.
A typical example of a typebind operator is `(**)` the type constructor
for dependent pairs. It is used like this: `(x : Nat) ** Vect x String`
If you declare a new operator to be typebind you can use it the same
Start by defining `typebind infixr 0 =@`, and then you can use it
like so: `(n : Nat) =@ f n`
`typebind` only applies to `infixr` operators and cannot be used as
operator sections.
`typebind` operators are desugared as a lambda:
`(x : ty) =@ fn x` -> `ty =@ (\x : ty =@ fn x)`
rewriteeq : Doc IdrisDocAnn
rewriteeq = vcat $
@ -487,8 +536,7 @@ withabstraction = vcat $
If we additionally need to remember that the link between the patterns and
the intermediate computation we can use the `proof` keyword to retain an
equality proof.
""", "",
In the following example we want to implement a `filter` function that not
only returns values that satisfy the input predicate but also proofs that
they do. The `with (p x)` construct introduces a value of type `Bool`
@ -564,6 +612,8 @@ keywordsDoc =
:: "else" ::= ifthenelse
:: "forall" ::= forallquantifier
:: "rewrite" ::= rewriteeq
:: "typebind" ::= autobindDoc
:: "autobind" ::= autobindDoc
:: "using" ::= ""
:: "interface" ::= interfacemechanism
:: "implementation" ::= interfacemechanism
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ Eq Error where
BadRunElab fc1 rho1 s1 d1 == BadRunElab fc2 rho2 s2 d2 = fc1 == fc2 && d1 == d2
RunElabFail e1 == RunElabFail e2 = e1 == e2
GenericMsg fc1 x1 == GenericMsg fc2 x2 = fc1 == fc2 && x1 == x2
GenericMsgSol fc1 x1 y1 == GenericMsgSol fc2 x2 y2 = fc1 == fc2 && x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
TTCError x1 == TTCError x2 = x1 == x2
FileErr x1 y1 == FileErr x2 y2 = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
CantFindPackage x1 == CantFindPackage x2 = x1 == x2
@ -619,6 +620,89 @@ perrorRaw (BadRunElab fc env script desc)
perrorRaw (RunElabFail e)
= pure $ reflow "Error during reflection" <+> colon <++> !(perrorRaw e)
perrorRaw (GenericMsg fc str) = pure $ pretty0 str <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perrorRaw (GenericMsgSol fc header solutions)
= pure $ pretty0 header <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
<+> line
<+> "Possible solutions:" <+> line
<+> indent 1 (vsep (map (\s => "-" <++> pretty0 s) solutions))
perrorRaw (OperatorBindingMismatch fc {print=p} expected actual opName rhs candidates)
= pure $ "Operator" <++> pretty0 !(getFullName opName) <++> "is"
<++> printBindingInfo expected
<++> "operator, but is used as" <++> printBindingModifier actual.getBinder
<++> "operator."
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
<+> "Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different"
<++> "syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type)" <++> pretty0 opName
<++> "expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr)" <++> pretty0 opName
<++> "expr'."
<+> line <+> line
<+> "Possible solutions:" <+> line
<+> indent 1 (vsep (map ("-" <++>)
(expressionDiagnositc ++ [fixityDiagnostic, moduleDiagnostic] ++ spellingCandidates)))
spellingCandidates : List (Doc IdrisAnn)
spellingCandidates = case candidates of
[] => []
[x] => ["Did you mean" <++> enclose "'" "'" (pretty0 x) <++> "?"]
xs => ["Did you mean either of:" <++> hcat (punctuate ", "
(map (enclose "'" "'" . pretty0) xs)) <++> "?"]
moduleDiagnostic : Doc IdrisAnn
moduleDiagnostic = case expected of
Backticked => "Import a module that exports a suitable fixity."
(DeclaredFixity a) => "Hide or remove the fixity at" <++> byShow a.fc
<++> "and import a module that exports a compatible fixity."
infixOpName : Doc IdrisAnn
infixOpName = case expected of
Backticked => enclose "`" "`" (byShow opName)
_ => byShow opName
displayFixityInfo : FixityInfo -> BindingModifier -> Doc IdrisAnn
displayFixityInfo (MkFixityInfo fc1 vis _ fix precedence) NotBinding
= byShow vis <++> byShow fix <++> byShow precedence <++> pretty0 opName
displayFixityInfo (MkFixityInfo _ vis _ fix precedence) usedBinder
= byShow vis <++> byShow usedBinder <++> byShow fix <++> byShow precedence <++> pretty0 opName
printE : ? -> Doc IdrisAnn
printE x = reAnnotate (const Code) (p x)
expressionDiagnositc : List (Doc IdrisAnn)
expressionDiagnositc = case expected of
Backticked => []
(DeclaredFixity e) => let sentence = "Write the expression using" <++> byShow e.bindingInfo <++> "syntax:"
in pure $ sentence <++> enclose "'" "'" (case e.bindingInfo of
NotBinding =>
printE actual.getLhs <++> infixOpName <++> printE rhs
Autobind =>
parens (maybe "_" printE actual.getBoundPat <++> ":="
<++> printE actual.getLhs)
<++> infixOpName <++> printE rhs
Typebind =>
parens (maybe "_" printE actual.getBoundPat <++> ":"
<++> printE actual.getLhs)
<++> infixOpName <++> printE rhs
) <+> dot
fixityDiagnostic : Doc IdrisAnn
fixityDiagnostic = case expected of
Backticked => "Define a new fixity:" <++> "infixr 0" <++> infixOpName
(DeclaredFixity fix) =>
"Change the fixity defined at" <++> pretty0 fix.fc <++> "to"
<++> enclose "'" "'" (displayFixityInfo fix actual.getBinder)
<+> dot
printBindingModifier : BindingModifier -> Doc IdrisAnn
printBindingModifier NotBinding = "a regular"
printBindingModifier Typebind = "a type-binding (typebind)"
printBindingModifier Autobind = "an automatically-binding (autobind)"
printBindingInfo : BacktickOrOperatorFixity -> Doc IdrisAnn
printBindingInfo Backticked = "a regular"
printBindingInfo (DeclaredFixity x) = printBindingModifier x.bindingInfo
perrorRaw (TTCError msg)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Error in TTC file" <+> colon <++> byShow msg)
<++> parens "the most likely case is that the ./build directory in your current project contains files from a previous build of idris2 or the idris2 executable is from a different build than the installed .ttc files"
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ pnoeq = { eqOK := False }
pdef : ParseOpts
pdef = MkParseOpts True True
pdef = MkParseOpts {eqOK = True, withOK = True}
pnowith : ParseOpts
pnowith = MkParseOpts True False
pnowith = MkParseOpts {eqOK = True, withOK = False}
plhs : ParseOpts
plhs = MkParseOpts False False
plhs = MkParseOpts {eqOK = False, withOK = False}
%hide Prelude.(>>)
%hide Prelude.(>>=)
@ -325,15 +325,51 @@ mutual
decoratedSymbol fname "]"
pure (map (\ n => (boundToFC fname n, n.val)) $ forget ns)
opExpr : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExpr q fname indents
-- The different kinds of operator bindings `x : ty` for typebind
-- x := e and x : ty := e for autobind
opBinderTypes : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> WithBounds PTerm -> Rule (OperatorLHSInfo PTerm)
opBinderTypes fname indents boundName =
do decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
decoratedSymbol fname ":="
exp <- expr pdef fname indents
pure (BindExplicitType boundName.val ty exp)
<|> do decoratedSymbol fname ":="
exp <- expr pdef fname indents
pure (BindExpr boundName.val exp)
<|> do decoratedSymbol fname ":"
ty <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
pure (BindType boundName.val ty)
opBinder : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (OperatorLHSInfo PTerm)
opBinder fname indents
= do boundName <- bounds (expr plhs fname indents)
opBinderTypes fname indents boundName
autobindOp : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
autobindOp q fname indents
= do binder <- bounds $ parens fname (opBinder fname indents)
continue indents
op <- bounds iOperator
e <- bounds (expr q fname indents)
pure (POp (boundToFC fname $ mergeBounds binder e)
(boundToFC fname op)
opExprBase : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExprBase q fname indents
= do l <- bounds (appExpr q fname indents)
(if eqOK q
then do r <- bounds (continue indents *> decoratedSymbol fname "=" *> opExpr q fname indents)
then do r <- bounds (continue indents
*> decoratedSymbol fname "="
*> opExprBase q fname indents)
pure $
let fc = boundToFC fname (mergeBounds l r)
opFC = virtualiseFC fc -- already been highlighted: we don't care
in POp fc opFC (UN $ Basic "=") l.val r.val
in POp fc opFC (NoBinder l.val) (UN $ Basic "=") r.val
else fail "= not allowed")
(do b <- bounds $ do
@ -346,9 +382,13 @@ mutual
(op, r) <- pure b.val
let fc = boundToFC fname (mergeBounds l b)
let opFC = boundToFC fname op
pure (POp fc opFC op.val l.val r))
pure (POp fc opFC (NoBinder l.val) op.val r))
<|> pure l.val
opExpr : ParseOpts -> OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
opExpr q fname indents = autobindOp q fname indents
<|> opExprBase q fname indents
dpairType : OriginDesc -> WithBounds t -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
dpairType fname start indents
= do loc <- bounds (do x <- UN . Basic <$> decoratedSimpleBinderName fname
@ -654,8 +694,11 @@ mutual
binderName = Basic <$> unqualifiedName
<|> symbol "_" $> Underscore
PiBindList : Type
PiBindList = List (RigCount, WithBounds (Maybe Name), PTerm)
pibindList : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, WithBounds (Maybe Name), PTerm))
Rule PiBindList
pibindList fname indents
= do params <- pibindListName fname indents
pure $ map (\(rig, n, ty) => (rig, map Just n, ty)) params
@ -981,6 +1024,7 @@ mutual
<|> defaultImplicitPi fname indents
<|> forall_ fname indents
<|> implicitPi fname indents
<|> autobindOp pdef fname indents
<|> explicitPi fname indents
<|> lam fname indents
@ -1825,16 +1869,23 @@ definition fname indents
= do nd <- bounds (clause 0 Nothing fname indents)
pure (PDef (boundToFC fname nd) [nd.val])
operatorBindingKeyword : OriginDesc -> EmptyRule BindingModifier
operatorBindingKeyword fname
= (decoratedKeyword fname "autobind" >> pure Autobind)
<|> (decoratedKeyword fname "typebind" >> pure Typebind)
<|> pure NotBinding
fixDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List PDecl)
fixDecl fname indents
= do vis <- exportVisibility fname
binding <- operatorBindingKeyword fname
b <- bounds (do fixity <- decorate fname Keyword $ fix
prec <- decorate fname Keyword $ intLit
ops <- sepBy1 (decoratedSymbol fname ",") iOperator
pure (fixity, prec, ops))
(fixity, prec, ops) <- pure b.val
pure (map (PFixity (boundToFC fname b) vis fixity (fromInteger prec)) (forget ops))
pure (map (PFixity (boundToFC fname b) vis binding fixity (fromInteger prec)) (forget ops))
directiveDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
directiveDecl fname indents
@ -332,7 +332,19 @@ mutual
prettyPrec d (PDotted _ p) = dot <+> prettyPrec d p
prettyPrec d (PImplicit _) = "_"
prettyPrec d (PInfer _) = annotate Hole $ "?"
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ op x y) =
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ (BindType nm left) op right) =
group $ parens (prettyPrec d nm <++> ":" <++> pretty left)
<++> prettyOp op
<++> pretty right
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ (BindExpr nm left) op right) =
group $ parens (prettyPrec d nm <++> ":=" <++> pretty left)
<++> prettyOp op
<++> pretty right
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ (BindExplicitType nm ty left) op right) =
group $ parens (prettyPrec d nm <++> ":" <++> pretty ty <++> ":=" <++> pretty left)
<++> prettyOp op
<++> pretty right
prettyPrec d (POp _ _ (NoBinder x) op y) =
parenthesise (d >= App) $
group $ pretty x
<++> prettyOp op
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mkOp tm@(PApp fc (PApp _ (PRef opFC kn) x) y)
-- to know if the name is an operator or not, it's enough to check
-- that the fixity context contains the name `(++)`
let rootName = UN (Basic (nameRoot raw))
let asOp = POp fc opFC kn (unbracketApp x) (unbracketApp y)
let asOp = POp fc opFC (NoBinder (unbracketApp x)) kn (unbracketApp y)
if not (null (lookupName rootName (infixes syn)))
then pure asOp
else case dropNS raw of
@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ cleanPTerm ptm
cleanNode : IPTerm -> Core IPTerm
cleanNode (PRef fc nm) =
PRef fc <$> cleanKindedName nm
cleanNode (POp fc opFC op x y) =
(\ op => POp fc opFC op x y) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (POp fc opFC abi op y) =
(\ op => POp fc opFC abi op y) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (PPrefixOp fc opFC op x) =
(\ op => PPrefixOp fc opFC op x) <$> cleanKindedName op
cleanNode (PSectionL fc opFC op x) =
@ -29,44 +29,6 @@ import Parser.Lexer.Source
%default covering
public export
data Fixity = InfixL | InfixR | Infix | Prefix
Show Fixity where
show InfixL = "infixl"
show InfixR = "infixr"
show Infix = "infix"
show Prefix = "prefix"
Eq Fixity where
InfixL == InfixL = True
InfixR == InfixR = True
Infix == Infix = True
Prefix == Prefix = True
_ == _ = False
-- A record to hold all the information about a fixity
public export
record FixityInfo where
constructor MkFixityInfo
fc : FC
vis : Visibility
fix : Fixity
precedence : Nat
Show FixityInfo where
show fx = "fc: \{show fx.fc}, visibility: \{show fx.vis}, fixity: \{show fx.fix}, precedence: \{show fx.precedence}"
Eq FixityInfo where
x == y = x.fc == y.fc
&& x.vis == y.vis
&& x.fix == y.fix
&& x.precedence == y.precedence
public export
OpStr' : Type -> Type
OpStr' nm = nm
@ -136,7 +98,9 @@ mutual
-- Operators
POp : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
POp : (full, opFC : FC) ->
(lhsInfo : OperatorLHSInfo (PTerm' nm)) ->
OpStr' nm -> (rhs : PTerm' nm) -> PTerm' nm
PPrefixOp : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
PSectionL : (full, opFC : FC) -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm
PSectionR : (full, opFC : FC) -> PTerm' nm -> OpStr' nm -> PTerm' nm
@ -470,7 +434,7 @@ mutual
PFail : FC -> Maybe String -> List (PDecl' nm) -> PDecl' nm
PMutual : FC -> List (PDecl' nm) -> PDecl' nm
PFixity : FC -> Visibility -> Fixity -> Nat -> OpStr -> PDecl' nm
PFixity : FC -> Visibility -> BindingModifier -> Fixity -> Nat -> OpStr -> PDecl' nm
PNamespace : FC -> Namespace -> List (PDecl' nm) -> PDecl' nm
PTransform : FC -> String -> PTerm' nm -> PTerm' nm -> PDecl' nm
PRunElabDecl : FC -> PTerm' nm -> PDecl' nm
@ -489,7 +453,7 @@ mutual
getPDeclLoc (PRecord fc _ _ _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PMutual fc _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PFail fc _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PFixity fc _ _ _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PFixity fc _ _ _ _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PNamespace fc _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PTransform fc _ _ _) = fc
getPDeclLoc (PRunElabDecl fc _) = fc
@ -806,7 +770,14 @@ parameters {0 nm : Type} (toName : nm -> Name)
showPTermPrec d (PDotted _ p) = "." ++ showPTermPrec d p
showPTermPrec _ (PImplicit _) = "_"
showPTermPrec _ (PInfer _) = "?"
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ op x y) = showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d y
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ (NoBinder left) op right)
= showPTermPrec d left ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d right
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ (BindType nm left) op right)
= "(" ++ showPTermPrec d nm ++ " : " ++ showPTermPrec d left ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d right ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ (BindExpr nm left) op right)
= "(" ++ showPTermPrec d nm ++ " := " ++ showPTermPrec d left ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d right ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (POp _ _ (BindExplicitType nm ty left) op right)
= "(" ++ showPTermPrec d nm ++ " : " ++ showPTermPrec d ty ++ ":=" ++ showPTermPrec d left ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d right ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (PPrefixOp _ _ op x) = showOpPrec d op ++ showPTermPrec d x
showPTermPrec d (PSectionL _ _ op x) = "(" ++ showOpPrec d op ++ " " ++ showPTermPrec d x ++ ")"
showPTermPrec d (PSectionR _ _ x op) = "(" ++ showPTermPrec d x ++ " " ++ showOpPrec d op ++ ")"
@ -999,9 +970,9 @@ initSyntax
initFixities : ANameMap FixityInfo
initFixities = fromList
[ (UN $ Basic "-", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export Prefix 10)
, (UN $ Basic "negate", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export Prefix 10) -- for documentation purposes
, (UN $ Basic "=", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export Infix 0)
[ (UN $ Basic "-", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export NotBinding Prefix 10)
, (UN $ Basic "negate", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export NotBinding Prefix 10) -- for documentation purposes
, (UN $ Basic "=", MkFixityInfo EmptyFC Export NotBinding Infix 0)
initDocStrings : ANameMap String
@ -1034,6 +1005,13 @@ removeFixity :
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} -> Fixity -> Name -> Core ()
removeFixity _ key = update Syn ({fixities $= removeExact key })
||| Return all fixity declarations for an operator name
getFixityInfo : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} -> String -> Core (List (Name, FixityInfo))
getFixityInfo nm = do
syn <- get Syn
pure $ lookupName (UN $ Basic nm) (fixities syn)
Show PTypeDecl where
@ -81,19 +81,33 @@ TTC Import where
nameAs <- fromBuf b
pure (MkImport loc reexport path nameAs)
TTC BindingModifier where
toBuf b NotBinding = tag 0
toBuf b Typebind = tag 1
toBuf b Autobind = tag 2
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure NotBinding
1 => pure Typebind
2 => pure Autobind
_ => corrupt "binding"
TTC FixityInfo where
toBuf b fx
= do toBuf b fx.fc
toBuf b fx.vis
toBuf b fx.bindingInfo
toBuf b fx.fix
toBuf b fx.precedence
fromBuf b
= do fc <- fromBuf b
vis <- fromBuf b
binding <- fromBuf b
fix <- fromBuf b
prec <- fromBuf b
pure $ MkFixityInfo fc vis fix prec
pure $ MkFixityInfo fc vis binding fix prec
@ -99,9 +99,29 @@ mapPTermM f = goPTerm where
>>= f
goPTerm t@(PImplicit _) = f t
goPTerm t@(PInfer _) = f t
goPTerm (POp fc opFC x y z) =
POp fc opFC x <$> goPTerm y
<*> goPTerm z
goPTerm (POp fc opFC (NoBinder left) op right) =
POp fc opFC
<$> (NoBinder <$> goPTerm left)
<*> pure op
<*> goPTerm right
>>= f
goPTerm (POp fc opFC (BindType nm left) op right) =
POp fc opFC
<$> (BindType <$> goPTerm nm <*> goPTerm left)
<*> pure op
<*> goPTerm right
>>= f
goPTerm (POp fc opFC (BindExpr nm left) op right) =
POp fc opFC
<$> (BindExpr nm <$> goPTerm left)
<*> pure op
<*> goPTerm right
>>= f
goPTerm (POp fc opFC (BindExplicitType nm ty left) op right) =
POp fc opFC
<$> (BindExplicitType <$> goPTerm nm <*> goPTerm ty <*> goPTerm left)
<*> pure op
<*> goPTerm right
>>= f
goPTerm (PPrefixOp fc opFC x y) =
PPrefixOp fc opFC x <$> goPTerm y
@ -265,7 +285,7 @@ mapPTermM f = goPTerm where
pure $ PRecord fc doc v tot (MkPRecordLater n !(go4TupledPTerms nts))
goPDecl (PFail fc msg ps) = PFail fc msg <$> goPDecls ps
goPDecl (PMutual fc ps) = PMutual fc <$> goPDecls ps
goPDecl p@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _) = pure p
goPDecl p@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _ _) = pure p
goPDecl (PNamespace fc strs ps) = PNamespace fc strs <$> goPDecls ps
goPDecl (PTransform fc n a b) = PTransform fc n <$> goPTerm a <*> goPTerm b
goPDecl (PRunElabDecl fc a) = PRunElabDecl fc <$> goPTerm a
@ -434,8 +454,8 @@ mapPTerm f = goPTerm where
= f $ PDotted fc $ goPTerm x
goPTerm t@(PImplicit _) = f t
goPTerm t@(PInfer _) = f t
goPTerm (POp fc opFC x y z)
= f $ POp fc opFC x (goPTerm y) (goPTerm z)
goPTerm (POp fc opFC autoBindInfo opName z)
= f $ POp fc opFC (map f autoBindInfo) opName (goPTerm z)
goPTerm (PPrefixOp fc opFC x y)
= f $ PPrefixOp fc opFC x $ goPTerm y
goPTerm (PSectionL fc opFC x y)
@ -533,7 +553,7 @@ mapPTerm f = goPTerm where
= PRecord fc doc v tot (MkPRecordLater n (go4TupledPTerms nts))
goPDecl (PFail fc msg ps) = PFail fc msg $ goPDecl <$> ps
goPDecl (PMutual fc ps) = PMutual fc $ goPDecl <$> ps
goPDecl p@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _) = p
goPDecl p@(PFixity _ _ _ _ _ _) = p
goPDecl (PNamespace fc strs ps) = PNamespace fc strs $ goPDecl <$> ps
goPDecl (PTransform fc n a b) = PTransform fc n (goPTerm a) (goPTerm b)
goPDecl (PRunElabDecl fc a) = PRunElabDecl fc $ goPTerm a
@ -618,7 +638,7 @@ substFC fc = mapPTerm $ \case
PDotted _ x => PDotted fc x
PImplicit _ => PImplicit fc
PInfer _ => PInfer fc
POp _ _ x y z => POp fc fc x y z
POp _ _ ab nm r => POp fc fc ab nm r
PPrefixOp _ _ x y => PPrefixOp fc fc x y
PSectionL _ _ x y => PSectionL fc fc x y
PSectionR _ _ x y => PSectionR fc fc x y
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ getFnArgs embed fts = go fts [] where
go (PAutoApp fc f t) = go f . (Auto fc t ::)
go (PNamedApp fc f n t) = go f . (Named fc n t ::)
go (PBracketed fc f) = go f
go (POp fc opFC op l r) = (PRef opFC op,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
-- we don't care about the binder info here
go (POp fc opFC leftSide op r) = (PRef opFC op,) . (Explicit fc leftSide.getLhs ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
go (PEq fc l r) = (PRef fc $ embed eqName,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
-- ambiguous, picking the type constructor here
go (PPair fc l r) = (PRef fc $ embed pairname,) . (Explicit fc l ::) . (Explicit fc r ::)
@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ data OpPrec
-- Tokens are either operators or already parsed expressions in some
-- higher level language
public export
data Tok op a
= ||| The second FC is for the operator alone
Op FC FC op OpPrec
| Expr a
data Tok : (op, a : Type) -> Type where
Op : (expressionLoc : FC) -> (operatorLoc : FC) -> (operatorInfo : op) -> OpPrec -> Tok op a
Expr : a -> Tok op a
-- The result of shunting is a parse tree with the precedences made explicit
-- in the tree.
@ -41,6 +40,12 @@ data Tree op a = Infix FC FC op (Tree op a) (Tree op a)
| Pre FC FC op (Tree op a)
| Leaf a
public export
Bifunctor Tree where
bimap f g (Infix fc fc1 x y z) = Infix fc fc1 (f x) (bimap f g y) (bimap f g z)
bimap f g (Pre fc fc1 x y) = Pre fc fc1 (f x) (bimap f g y)
bimap f g (Leaf x) = Leaf (g x)
(Show op, Show a) => Show (Tree op a) where
show (Infix _ _ op l r) = "(" ++ show op ++ " " ++ show l ++ " " ++ show r ++ ")"
@ -85,25 +90,27 @@ isLAssoc : OpPrec -> Bool
isLAssoc (AssocL _) = True
isLAssoc _ = False
-- Return whether the first operator should be applied before the second,
-- assuming
higher : Show op => FC -> op -> OpPrec -> op -> OpPrec -> Core Bool
-- Return whether the first operator should be applied before the second.
-- Interpolation to show the operator naked, show to print the operator with its location
higher : Interpolation op => (showLoc : Show op) => FC -> op -> OpPrec -> op -> OpPrec -> Core Bool
higher loc opx op opy (Prefix p) = pure False
higher loc opx (NonAssoc x) opy oy
= if x == getPrec oy
then throw (GenericMsg loc ("Operator '" ++ show opx ++
"' is non-associative"))
then throw (GenericMsgSol loc ( "Operator \{opx} is non-associative")
[ "Add brackets around every use of \{opx}"
, "Change the fixity of \{show opx} to `infixl` or `infixr`"])
else pure (x > getPrec oy)
higher loc opx ox opy (NonAssoc y)
= if getPrec ox == y
then throw (GenericMsg loc ("Operator '" ++ show opy ++
"' is non-associative"))
then throw (GenericMsgSol loc ( "Operator \{opy} is non-associative")
[ "Add brackets around every use of \{opy}"
, "Change the fixity of \{show opy} to `infixl` or `infixr`"])
else pure (getPrec ox > y)
higher loc opl l opr r
= pure $ (getPrec l > getPrec r) ||
((getPrec l == getPrec r) && isLAssoc l)
processStack : Show op => {auto o : Ref Out (List (Tree op a))} ->
processStack : Interpolation op => (showLoc : Show op) => {auto o : Ref Out (List (Tree op a))} ->
List (FC, FC, op, OpPrec) -> op -> OpPrec ->
Core (List (FC, FC, op, OpPrec))
processStack [] op prec = pure []
@ -113,7 +120,7 @@ processStack (x@(loc, opFC, opx, sprec) :: xs) opy prec
processStack xs opy prec
else pure (x :: xs)
shunt : Show op => {auto o : Ref Out (List (Tree op a))} ->
shunt : Interpolation op => (showLoc : Show op) => {auto o : Ref Out (List (Tree op a))} ->
(opstk : List (FC, FC, op, OpPrec)) ->
List (Tok op a) -> Core (Tree op a)
shunt stk (Expr x :: rest)
@ -132,7 +139,7 @@ shunt stk []
mkOp (loc, opFC, op, prec) = Op loc opFC op prec
parseOps : Show op => List (Tok op a) -> Core (Tree op a)
parseOps : Interpolation op => (showLoc : Show op) => List (Tok op a) -> Core (Tree op a)
parseOps toks
= do o <- newRef {t = List (Tree op a)} Out []
shunt [] toks
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ keywords : List String
keywords = ["data", "module", "where", "let", "in", "do", "record",
"auto", "default", "implicit", "failing", "mutual", "namespace",
"parameters", "with", "proof", "impossible", "case", "of",
"if", "then", "else", "forall", "rewrite",
"if", "then", "else", "forall", "rewrite", "typebind", "autobind",
"using", "interface", "implementation", "open", "import",
"public", "export", "private"] ++
fixityKeywords ++
@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ idrisTestsReflection = testsInDir "idris2/reflection" "Quotation and Reflection"
idrisTestsWith : IO TestPool
idrisTestsWith = testsInDir "idris2/with" "With abstraction"
idrisTestsOperators : IO TestPool
idrisTestsOperators = testsInDir "idris2/operators" "Operator and fixities"
idrisTestsIPKG : IO TestPool
idrisTestsIPKG = testsInDir "idris2/pkg" "Package and .ipkg files"
@ -216,6 +219,7 @@ main = runner $
, !idrisTestsSchemeEval
, !idrisTestsReflection
, !idrisTestsWith
, !idrisTestsOperators
, !idrisTestsDebug
, !idrisTestsIPKG
, testPaths "idris2/misc" idrisTests
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Main> Couldn't parse any alternatives:
1 | :t (3 : Nat)
... (54 others)
... (56 others)
Main> Expected string begin.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module Test
import Data.Vect
typebind infixr 0 =@
infixr 0 -@
-- typebind infixr 1 =@@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
0 (=@@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
(-@) : (a, b : Type) -> Type
(-@) a b = (1 _ : a) -> b
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
Mk2 : (x : ty) =@ (y : ty) =@ S (x, y)
Mk3 : (x : ty) =@ ty -@ S x
Mk4 : ty -@ (x : ty) =@ S x
-- map : (x : a) =@@ b -@ (y : List a) =@ List b
map2 : ((x : a) =@ b) -@ (y : List a) =@ List b
map3 : (x : a) =@ b -@ (y : List a) =@ List b
map4 : (x : a) =@ (b -@ (y : List a) =@ List b)
-- this could be possible if we allowed binding operators
-- with higher precedences
-- test : Test.map === Test.map2
-- failing
-- test2 : Test.map === Test.map3
test3 : Test.map3 === Test.map4
typebind infixr 0 *>
-- (*>) : (ty : Type) -> (ty -> Type) -> Type
-- (*>) = DPair
-- testCompose : (x : Nat) *> (y : Nat) *> Vect (n + m) String
-- testCompose = (1 ** 2 ** ["hello", "world", "!"])
autobind infixr 0 `MyLet`
MyLet : (val) -> (val -> rest) -> rest
MyLet arg fn = fn arg
program : Nat
program = (n := 3) `MyLet` 2 + n
program2 : Nat
program2 = (n : Nat := 3) `MyLet` 2 + n
typebind infixr 0 |>
record Container where
constructor (|>)
shape : Type
position : shape -> Type
typebind infixr 0 @@
record (@@) (x : Type) (y : x -> Type) where
constructor PairUp
fst : x
snd : y fst
compose : Container -> Container -> Container
compose (a |> a') (b |> b') =
(x : (y : a) @@ (a' y -> b)) |>
(y : a' x.fst) @@
b' (x.snd y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
typebind infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
wrongId : {0 a : Type} -> a =@ a
wrongId x = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
typebind infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x := ty) =@ S x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
autobind infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
wrongId : {0 a : Type} -> a =@ a
wrongId x = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
typebind infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
wrongId : {0 a : Type} -> a =@ a
wrongId x = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
infixr 0 =@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x := ty) =@ S x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import Data.Vect
typebind infixr 0 =@
infixr 0 -@
0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
(=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
(-@) : (a, b : Type) -> Type
(-@) a b = (1 _ : a) -> b
data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
Mk2 : (x : ty) =@ (y : ty) =@ S (x, y)
Mk3 : (x : ty) =@ ty -@ S x
Mk4 : ty -@ (x : ty) =@ S x
Chain : (x : ty =@ y : ty =@ S (x, y))
typebind infixr 0 *>
-- (*>) : (ty : Type) -> (ty -> Type) -> Type
-- (*>) = DPair
-- testCompose : (x : Nat) *> (y : Nat) *> Vect (n + m) String
-- testCompose = (1 ** 2 ** ["hello", "world", "!"])
autobind infixr 7 `MyLet`
MyLet : (val) -> (val -> rest) -> rest
MyLet arg fn = fn arg
program : Nat
program = (n := 3) `MyLet` 2 + n
program2 : Nat
program2 = (n : Nat := 3) `MyLet` 2 + n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
1/1: Building Errors (Errors.idr)
Error: Operator =@ is a type-binding (typebind) operator, but is used as an automatically-binding (autobind) operator.
4 | 0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
5 | (=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
6 |
7 | data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
8 | MkS : (x := ty) =@ S x
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) =@ expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) =@ expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using typebind syntax: '(x : ty) =@ S x'.
- Change the fixity defined at Errors:2:10--2:21 to 'export autobind infixr 0 =@'.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Errors:2:10--2:21 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
1/1: Building Errors2 (Errors2.idr)
Error: Operator =@ is an automatically-binding (autobind) operator, but is used as a regular operator.
3 |
4 | 0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
5 | (=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
6 |
7 | wrongId : {0 a : Type} -> a =@ a
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) =@ expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) =@ expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using autobind syntax: '(_ := a) =@ a'.
- Change the fixity defined at Errors2:2:10--2:21 to 'export infixr 0 =@'.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Errors2:2:10--2:21 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
1/1: Building Errors3 (Errors3.idr)
Error: Operator =@ is a type-binding (typebind) operator, but is used as a regular operator.
3 |
4 | 0 (=@) : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type
5 | (=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
6 |
7 | wrongId : {0 a : Type} -> a =@ a
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) =@ expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) =@ expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using typebind syntax: '(_ : a) =@ a'.
- Change the fixity defined at Errors3:2:10--2:21 to 'export infixr 0 =@'.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Errors3:2:10--2:21 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
1/1: Building Errors4 (Errors4.idr)
Error: Operator =@ is a regular operator, but is used as a type-binding (typebind) operator.
5 | (=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
6 |
7 |
8 | data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
9 | MkS : (x : ty) =@ S x
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) =@ expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) =@ expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using regular syntax: 'ty =@ S x'.
- Change the fixity defined at Errors4:2:1--2:12 to 'export typebind infixr 0 =@'.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Errors4:2:1--2:12 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
1/1: Building Errors5 (Errors5.idr)
Error: Operator =@ is a regular operator, but is used as an automatically-binding (autobind) operator.
06 | (=@) a f = (1 x : a) -> f x
07 |
08 |
09 | data S : {ty : Type} -> (x : ty) -> Type where
10 | MkS : (x := ty) =@ S x
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) =@ expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) =@ expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using regular syntax: 'ty =@ S x'.
- Change the fixity defined at Errors5:3:1--3:12 to 'export autobind infixr 0 =@'.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Errors5:3:1--3:12 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Errors.idr
check Errors2.idr
check Errors3.idr
check Errors4.idr
check Errors5.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module Error1
typebind infixl 0 =@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module Error2
typebind infixr 3 =@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module Error3
typebind infixl 3 =@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1/1: Building Error1 (Error1.idr)
Error: Invalid fixity, typebind operator must be infixr 0.
1 | module Error1
2 |
3 | typebind infixl 0 =@
Possible solutions:
- Make it `infixr 0`: `typebind infixr 0 =@`
- Remove the binding keyword: `infixl 0 =@`
1/1: Building Error2 (Error2.idr)
Error: Invalid fixity, typebind operator must be infixr 0.
1 | module Error2
2 |
3 | typebind infixr 3 =@
Possible solutions:
- Make it `infixr 0`: `typebind infixr 0 =@`
- Remove the binding keyword: `infixr 3 =@`
1/1: Building Error3 (Error3.idr)
Error: Invalid fixity, typebind operator must be infixr 0.
1 | module Error3
2 |
3 | typebind infixl 3 =@
Possible solutions:
- Make it `infixr 0`: `typebind infixr 0 =@`
- Remove the binding keyword: `infixl 3 =@`
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Error1.idr
check Error2.idr
check Error3.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
infix 5 -:-
infix 5 :-:
(-:-) : a -> List a -> List a
(-:-) = (::)
(:-:) : a -> List a -> List a
(:-:) = (::)
test : List Nat
test = 4 -:- 3 :-: []
test2 : List Nat
test2 = 4 :-: 3 -:- []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Error: Operator -:- is non-associative
09 | (:-:) : a -> List a -> List a
10 | (:-:) = (::)
11 |
12 | test : List Nat
13 | test = 4 -:- 3 :-: []
Possible solutions:
- Add brackets around every use of -:-
- Change the fixity of -:- at Test:2:1--2:12 to `infixl` or `infixr`
Error: Operator :-: is non-associative
12 | test : List Nat
13 | test = 4 -:- 3 :-: []
14 |
15 | test2 : List Nat
16 | test2 = 4 :-: 3 -:- []
Possible solutions:
- Add brackets around every use of :-:
- Change the fixity of :-: at Test:4:1--4:12 to `infixl` or `infixr`
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import Data.String
typebind infixr 0 :-
autobind infixr 0 `for`
record Container where
constructor (:-)
a1 : Type
a2 : a1 -> Type
const : Type -> Type -> Container
const a b = (_ : a) :- b
test : Maybe (List Double)
test = (_ := ["1", "two", "3"]) `for` Just 3
test2 : Maybe (List Double)
test2 = (_ : String := ["1", "two", "3"]) `for` Just 3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import Data.Fin
autobind infixr 0 `bind`
bind : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
bind = (>>=)
both : Maybe (Nat, Nat) -> Maybe Nat
both m = (MkPair x y := m) `bind` Just (x + y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import Data.Fin
autobind infixr 0 >>
(>>) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) = (>>=)
both : Maybe (Nat, Nat) -> Maybe Nat
both m = (MkPair x y := m) >>= Just (x + y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import Data.Fin
autobind infixr 0 >>
autobind infixr 0 >=
(>>) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) = (>>=)
(>=) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>=) = (>>=)
both : Maybe (Nat, Nat) -> Maybe Nat
both m = (MkPair x y := m) >>= Just (x + y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1/1: Building Test (Test.idr)
Error: Operator >>= is a regular operator, but is used as an automatically-binding (autobind) operator.
06 | (>>) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
07 | (>>) = (>>=)
08 |
09 | both : Maybe (Nat, Nat) -> Maybe Nat
10 | both m = (MkPair x y := m) >>= Just (x + y)
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) >>= expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) >>= expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using regular syntax: 'm >>= Just (x + y)'.
- Change the fixity defined at Prelude.Ops:20:1--20:37 to 'export autobind infixl 1 >>='.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Prelude.Ops:20:1--20:37 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
- Did you mean '>>' ?
1/1: Building Test2 (Test2.idr)
Error: Operator >>= is a regular operator, but is used as an automatically-binding (autobind) operator.
10 | (>=) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
11 | (>=) = (>>=)
12 |
13 | both : Maybe (Nat, Nat) -> Maybe Nat
14 | both m = (MkPair x y := m) >>= Just (x + y)
Explanation: regular, typebind and autobind operators all use a slightly different syntax, typebind looks like this: '(name : type) >>= expr', autobind looks like this: '(name := expr) >>= expr'.
Possible solutions:
- Write the expression using regular syntax: 'm >>= Just (x + y)'.
- Change the fixity defined at Prelude.Ops:20:1--20:37 to 'export autobind infixl 1 >>='.
- Hide or remove the fixity at Prelude.Ops:20:1--20:37 and import a module that exports a compatible fixity.
- Did you mean either of: '>=', '>>' ?
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
check Test2.idr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Test
import Test2
%hide Test2.infixr.(@>)
infixl 9 @>
(@>) : a -> b -> (a, b)
(@>) = MkPair
test : 3 @> 2 @> 1 === (3 @> 2) @> 1
test = Refl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module Test2
export autobind infixr 0 @>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1/2: Building Test2 (Test2.idr)
2/2: Building Test (Test.idr)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
. ../../../testutils.sh
check Test.idr
Reference in New Issue
Block a user