Refactor Core.Directory

This commit is contained in:
andylokandy 2020-05-27 18:21:29 +08:00
parent 40401b53ec
commit e8b1d54e0a
6 changed files with 50 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ filter p (x :: xs)
then x :: filter p xs
else filter p xs
||| Find the first element of the list that satisfies the predicate.
public export
find : (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) -> Maybe a
find p [] = Nothing
find p (x::xs) = if p x then Just x else find p xs
||| Find associated information in a list using a custom comparison.
public export
lookupBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> List (a, b) -> Maybe b

View File

@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ compileExpr : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
compileExpr makeitso c execDir tm outfile
= do let appDirRel = outfile ++ "_app" -- relative to build dir
let appDirGen = execDir </> appDirRel -- relative to here
coreLift $ mkdirs (splitDir appDirGen)
coreLift $ mkdirAll appDirGen
Just cwd <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")
let outSsFile = appDirRel </> outfile <.> "ss"

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@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ compileExpr : Bool -> Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
compileExpr mkexec c execDir tm outfile
= do let appDirRel = outfile ++ "_app" -- relative to build dir
let appDirGen = execDir </> appDirRel -- relative to here
coreLift $ mkdirs (splitDir appDirGen)
coreLift $ mkdirAll appDirGen
Just cwd <- coreLift currentDir
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't get current directory")

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Utils.Path
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.File
@ -16,18 +17,6 @@ import System.Info
%default covering
fullPath : String -> List String
fullPath fp = filter (/="") $ split (==sep) fp
dropExtension : String -> String
dropExtension fname
= case span (/= '.') (reverse fname) of
(all, "") => -- no extension
reverse all
(ext, root) =>
-- assert that root can't be empty
reverse (assert_total (strTail root))
-- Return the name of the first file available in the list
firstAvailable : List String -> Core (Maybe String)
firstAvailable [] = pure Nothing
@ -73,7 +62,7 @@ nsToPath : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
nsToPath loc ns
= do d <- getDirs
let fnameBase = joinPath (reverse ns)
let fs = map (\p => p </> fnameBase ++ ".ttc")
let fs = map (\p => p </> fnameBase <.> "ttc")
((build_dir d </> "ttc") :: extra_dirs d)
Just f <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => pure (Left (ModuleNotFound loc ns))
@ -88,7 +77,7 @@ nsToSource loc ns
= do d <- getDirs
let fnameOrig = joinPath (reverse ns)
let fnameBase = maybe fnameOrig (\srcdir => srcdir </> fnameOrig) (source_dir d)
let fs = map (\ext => fnameBase ++ ext)
let fs = map (\ext => fnameBase <.> ext)
[".idr", ".lidr", ".yaff", ".org", ".md"]
Just f <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => throw (ModuleNotFound loc ns)
@ -99,51 +88,27 @@ nsToSource loc ns
pathToNS : String -> Maybe String -> String -> List String
pathToNS wdir sdir fname
= let wsplit = splitSep wdir
ssplit = maybe [] splitSep sdir
fsplit = splitSep fname
wdrop = dropDir wsplit fsplit fsplit
dropDir ssplit wdrop wdrop
dropDir : List String -> List String -> List String -> List String
dropDir dir orig [] = []
dropDir dir orig (x :: xs)
= if dir == xs
then [x]
else x :: dropDir dir orig xs
= let sdir = fromMaybe "" sdir in
case stripPrefix sdir fname of
Nothing => []
Just p => map show $ reverse $ (parse (p <.> "")).body
splitSep : String -> List String
splitSep fname
= case span (/=sep) fname of
(end, "") => [dropExtension end]
(mod, rest) => assert_total (splitSep (strTail rest)) ++ [mod]
dirExists : String -> IO Bool
dirExists dir = do Right d <- openDir dir
| Left _ => pure False
closeDir d
pure True
-- Create subdirectories, if they don't exist
mkdirs : List String -> IO (Either FileError ())
mkdirs [] = pure (Right ())
mkdirs ("." :: ds) = mkdirs ds
mkdirs ("" :: ds) = mkdirs ds
mkdirs (d :: ds)
= do ok <- changeDir d
if ok
then do mkdirs ds
changeDir ".."
pure (Right ())
else do Right _ <- createDir d
| Left err => pure (Left err)
ok <- changeDir d
mkdirs ds
changeDir ".."
pure (Right ())
isDirSep : Char -> Bool
isDirSep c = cast c == dirSep
splitDir : String -> List String
splitDir = split isDirSep
mkdirAll : String -> IO (Either FileError ())
mkdirAll dir = do exist <- dirExists dir
if exist
then pure (Right ())
else do case parent dir of
Just parent => mkdirAll parent
Nothing => pure (Right ())
createDir dir
-- Given a namespace (i.e. a module name), make the build directory for the
-- corresponding ttc file
@ -152,13 +117,11 @@ makeBuildDirectory : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List String -> Core ()
makeBuildDirectory ns
= do d <- getDirs
let bdir = splitDir $ build_dir d
let ndirs = case ns of
[] => []
(n :: ns) => ns -- first item is file name
let fname = joinPath (reverse ndirs)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs (bdir ++ "ttc" :: reverse ndirs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr (build_dir d </> fname) err)
let bdir = build_dir d </> "ttc"
let ns = reverse $ fromMaybe [] (tail' ns) -- first item is file name
let ndir = joinPath ns
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll (bdir </> ndir)
| Left err => throw (FileErr (build_dir d </> ndir) err)
pure ()
@ -166,8 +129,7 @@ makeExecDirectory : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core ()
= do d <- getDirs
let edir = splitDir $ exec_dir d
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs edir
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll (exec_dir d)
| Left err => throw (FileErr (exec_dir d) err)
pure ()
@ -181,7 +143,7 @@ getTTCFileName inp ext
-- Get its namespace from the file relative to the working directory
-- and generate the ttc file from that
let ns = pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) inp
let fname = joinPath (reverse ns) ++ ext
let fname = joinPath (reverse ns) <.> ext
let bdir = build_dir d
pure $ bdir </> "ttc" </> fname
@ -207,42 +169,23 @@ dirEntries dir
closeDir d
pure (Right ds)
findIpkg : List String -> Maybe String
findIpkg [] = Nothing
findIpkg (f :: fs)
= if isSuffixOf ".ipkg" f
then Just f
else findIpkg fs
allDirs : String -> List String -> List (String, List String)
allDirs path [] = []
allDirs path ("" :: ds) = (dirSep, ds) ::allDirs path ds
allDirs "" (d :: ds)
= let d' = if isWindows then d ++ dirSep else strCons sep d in
(d', ds) :: allDirs d' ds
allDirs path (d :: ds)
= let d' = path ++ strCons sep d in
(d', ds) :: allDirs d' ds
-- Find an ipkg file in any of the directories above this one
-- returns the directory, the ipkg file name, and the directories we've
-- gone up
findIpkgFile : IO (Maybe (String, String, List String))
findIpkgFile : IO (Maybe (String, String, String))
= do Just dir <- currentDir
| Nothing => pure Nothing
-- 'paths' are the paths to look for an .ipkg, in order
let paths = reverse (allDirs "" (splitDir dir))
res <- firstIpkg paths
res <- findIpkgFile' dir ""
pure res
firstIpkg : List (String, List String) ->
IO (Maybe (String, String, List String))
firstIpkg [] = pure Nothing
firstIpkg ((d, up) :: ds)
= do Right files <- dirEntries d
| Left err => pure Nothing
let Just f = findIpkg files
| Nothing => firstIpkg ds
pure $ Just (d, f, up)
findIpkgFile' : String -> String -> IO (Maybe (String, String, String))
findIpkgFile' dir up
= do Right files <- dirEntries dir
| Left err => pure Nothing
let Just f = find (\f => extension f == Just "ipkg") files
| Nothing => case splitParent dir of
Just (parent, end) => findIpkgFile' parent (end </> up)
Nothing => pure Nothing
pure $ Just (dir, f, up)

View File

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ installFrom pname builddir destdir ns@(m :: dns)
let ttcPath = builddir </> "ttc" </> ttcfile <.> "ttc"
let destPath = destdir </> joinPath (reverse dns)
let destFile = destdir </> ttcfile <.> "ttc"
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs (reverse dns)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll $ joinPath (reverse dns)
| Left err => throw (InternalError ("Can't make directories " ++ show (reverse dns)))
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Installing " ++ ttcPath ++ " to " ++ destPath
Right _ <- coreLift $ copyFile ttcPath destFile
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ install pkg
"idris2-" ++ showVersion False version
True <- coreLift $ changeDir installPrefix
| False => throw (InternalError ("Can't change directory to " ++ installPrefix))
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs [name pkg]
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirAll (name pkg)
| Left err => throw (InternalError ("Can't make directory " ++ name pkg))
True <- coreLift $ changeDir (name pkg)
| False => throw (InternalError ("Can't change directory to " ++ name pkg))
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ findIpkg fname
case fname of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just src =>
do let src' = joinPath (up ++ [src])
do let src' = up </> src
setSource src'
opts <- get ROpts
put ROpts (record { mainfile = Just src' } opts)

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@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ startWith base full = (parse base) `elem` (iterate parent' (parse full))
||| If base is not a prefix of full (i.e., startWith returns false),
||| returns Nothing.
stripPrefix : (base : String) -> (full : String) -> Maybe String
stripPrefix base full
= do let MkPath vol1 root1 body1 _ = parse base