Merge branch 'master' of into ide-protocol-holes

This commit is contained in:
Ohad Kammar 2020-05-25 11:51:39 +01:00
commit f4797be529
18 changed files with 682 additions and 41 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ idris2docs_venv
# Editor/IDE Related
.\#* # Emacs swap file
*~ # Vim swap file

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Contributing to Idris 2
Contributions are welcome! The most important things needed at this stage,
beyond work on the language core, are (in no particular order):
* CI integration.
* Documentation string support (at the REPL and IDE mode).
* Generating HTML documentation from documentation strings (and possibly other
@ -22,8 +21,6 @@ beyond work on the language core, are (in no particular order):
- (Not really part of Idris 2, but an editing mode for vim would be lovely!)
* Some parts of the Idris 1 Prelude are not yet implemented and should be
added to base/
* Partial evaluation, especially for specialisation of interface
* The lexer and parser are quite slow, new and faster versions with better
errors would be good.
- In particular, large sections commented out with {- -} can take a while
@ -47,8 +44,6 @@ notably:
- This will necessarily be slightly different from Idris 1 since the
elaborator works differently. It would also be nice to extend it with
libraries and perhaps syntax for deriving implementations of interfaces.
* `%default` directives, since coverage and totality checking have not been well
tested yet.
Other contributions are also welcome, but I (@edwinb) will need to be
confident that I'll be able to maintain them!
@ -74,11 +69,6 @@ behaviour might be useful in a proof (so very small definitions) are
Some syntax that hasn't yet been implemented but will be:
* Idiom brackets
* !-notation [needs some thought about the exact rules]
Some things from Idris 1 definitely won't be implemented:
* `%access` directives, because it's too easy to export things by accident

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Exceptions and State
``Control.App`` is primarily intended to make it easier to manage the common
cases of applications with exceptions and state. We can throw and catch
exceptions listed in the environment (the ``e`` parameter to ``App``) and
introduce new global state.
The ``Environment`` is a list of error types, usable via the
``Exception`` interface defined in ``Control.App``:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Exception err e where
throw : err -> App e a
catch : App e a -> (err -> App e a) -> App e a
We can use ``throw`` and ``catch`` for some exception type
``err`` as long as the exception type exists in the environment. This is
checked with the ``HasErr`` predicate, also defined in ``Control.App``:
.. code-block:: idris
data HasErr : Type -> Environment -> Type where
Here : HasErr e (e :: es)
There : HasErr e es -> HasErr e (e' :: es)
HasErr err e => Exception err e where ...
Note the ``HasErr`` constraint on ``Exception``: this is one place
where it is notationally convenient that the ``auto`` implicit mechanism
and the interface resolution mechanism are identical in Idris 2.
Finally, we can introduce new exception types via ``handle``, which runs a
block of code which might throw, handling any exceptions:
.. code-block:: idris
handle : App (err :: e) a -> (onok : a -> App e b) ->
(onerr : err -> App e b) -> App e b
Adding State
Applications will typically need to keep track of state, and we support
this primitively in ``App`` using a ``State`` type, defined in
.. code-block:: idris
data State : (tag : a) -> Type -> Environment -> Type
The ``tag`` is used purely to distinguish between different states,
and is not required at run-time, as explicitly stated in the types of
``get`` and ``put``, which are used to access and update a state:
.. code-block:: idris
get : (0 tag : a) -> State tag t e => App {l} e t
put : (0 tag : a) -> State tag t e => t -> App {l} e ()
These use an ``auto``-implicit to pass around
a ``State`` with the relevant ``tag`` implicitly, so we refer
to states by tag alone. In ``helloCount`` earlier, we used an empty type
\texttt{Counter} as the tag:
.. code-block:: idris
data Counter : Type where -- complete definition
The environment ``e`` is used to ensure that
states are only usable in the environment in which they are introduced.
States are introduced using ``new``:
.. code-block:: idris
new : t -> (1 p : State tag t e => App {l} e a) -> App {l} e a
Note that the type tells us ``new`` runs the program with the state
exactly once.
Rather than using ``State`` and ``Exception`` directly, however,
we typically use interfaces to constrain the operations which are allowed
in an environment. Internally, ``State`` is implemented via an
``IORef``, primarily for performance reasons.

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@ -46,4 +46,11 @@ We begin by introducing ``App``, with some small example
programs, then show how to extend it with exceptions, state, and other
[To be continued...]
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
Defining Interfaces
The only way provided by ``Control.App`` to run an ``App`` is
via the ``run`` function, which takes a concrete environment
All concrete extensions to this environment are via either ``handle``,
to introduce a new exception, or ``new``, to introduce a new state.
In order to compose ``App`` programs effectively, rather than
introducing concrete exceptions and state in general, we define interfaces for
collections of operations which work in a specific environment.
Example: Console I/O
We have seen an initial example using the ``Console`` interface,
which is declared as follows, in ``Control.App.Console``:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Console e where
putStr : String -> App {l} e ()
getStr : App {l} e String
It provides primitives for writing to and reading from the console, and
generalising the path parameter to ``l`` means that neither can
throw an exception, because they have to work in both the ``NoThrow``
and ``MayThrow`` contexts.
To implement this for use in a top level ``IO``
program, we need access to primitive ``IO`` operations.
The ``Control.App`` library defines a primitive interface for this:
.. code-block:: idris
interface PrimIO e where
primIO : IO a -> App {l} e a
fork : (forall e' . PrimIO e' => App {l} e' ()) -> App e ()
We use ``primIO`` to invoke an ``IO`` function. We also have a ``fork``
primitive, which starts a new thread in a new environment supporting
``PrimIO``. Note that ``fork`` starts a new environment ``e'`` so that states
are only available in a single thread.
There is an implementation of ``PrimIO`` for an environment which can
throw the empty type as an exception. This means that if ``PrimIO``
is the only interface available, we cannot throw an exception, which is
consistent with the definition of ``IO``. This also allows us to
use ``PrimIO`` in the initial environment ``Init``.
.. code-block:: idris
HasErr Void e => PrimIO e where ...
Given this, we can implement \texttt{Console} and run our \texttt{hello}
program in ``IO``. It is implemented as follows in ``Control.App.Console``:
.. code-block:: idris
PrimIO e => Console e where
putStr str = primIO $ putStr str
getStr = primIO $ getLine
Example: File I/O
Console I/O can be implemented directly, but most I/O operations can fail.
For example, opening a file can fail for several reasons: the file does not
exist; the user has the wrong permissions, etc. In Idris, the ``IO``
primitive reflects this in its type:
.. code-block:: idris
openFile : String -> Mode -> IO (Either FileError File)
While precise, this becomes unwieldy when there are long sequences of
``IO`` operations. Using ``App``, we can provide an interface
which throws an exception when an operation fails, and guarantee that any
exceptions are handled at the top level using ``handle``.
We begin by defining the ``FileIO`` interface, in ``Control.App.FileIO``:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Has [Exception IOError] e => FileIO e where
withFile : String -> Mode -> (onError : IOError -> App e a) ->
(onOpen : File -> App e a) -> App e a
fGetStr : File -> App e String
fPutStr : File -> String -> App e ()
fEOF : File -> App e Bool
We use resource bracketing - passing a function to ``withFile`` for working
with the opened file - rather than an explicit ``open`` operation,
to open a file, to ensure that the file handle is cleaned up on
One could also imagine an interface using a linear resource for the file, which
might be appropriate in some safety critical contexts, but for most programming
tasks, exceptions should suffice.
All of the operations can fail, and the interface makes this explicit by
saying we can only implement ``FileIO`` if the environment supports
throwing and catching the ``IOError`` exception. ``IOError`` is defined
in ``Control.App``.
For example, we can use this interface to implement ``readFile``, throwing
an exception if opening the file fails in ``withFile``:
.. code-block:: idris
readFile : FileIO e => String -> App e String
readFile f = withFile f Read throw $ \h =>
do content <- read [] h
pure (concat content)
read : List String -> File -> App e (List String)
read acc h = do eof <- fEOF h
if eof then pure (reverse acc)
else do str <- fGetStr h
read (str :: acc) h
Again, this is defined in ``Control.App.FileIO``.
To implement ``FileIO``, we need access to the primitive operations
via ``PrimIO``, and the ability to throw exceptions if any of the
operations fail. With this, we can implement ``withFile`` as follows,
for example:
.. code-block:: idris
Has [PrimIO, Exception IOError] e => FileIO e where
withFile fname m onError proc
= do Right h <- primIO $ openFile fname m
| Left err => onError (FileErr (toFileEx err))
res <- catch (proc h) onError
pure res
Given this implementation of ``FileIO``, we can run ``readFile``,
provided that we wrap it in a top level ``handle`` function to deal
with any errors thrown by ``readFile``:
.. code-block:: idris
readMain : String -> App Init ()
readMain fname = handle (readFile fname)
(\str => putStrLn $ "Success:\n" ++ show str)
(\err : IOError => putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
Introducing App
``App`` is declared as below, in a module ``Control.App``, which is part of
the ``base`` libraries.
It is parameterised by an implicit
``Path`` (which states whether the program's execution path
is linear or might throw
exceptions), which has a ``default`` value that the program
might throw, and an ``Environment``
(which gives a list of exception types which can be thrown, and is
a synonym for ``List Type``):
.. code-block:: idris
data App : {default MayThrow l : Path} ->
(e : Environment) -> Type -> Type
It serves the same purpose as ``IO``, but supports throwing and catching
exceptions, and allows us to define more constrained interfaces parameterised
by the environment ``e``.
e.g. a program which supports console IO:
.. code-block:: idris
hello : Console e => App e ()
hello = putStrLn "Hello, App world!"
We can use this in a complete program as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
module Main
import Control.App
import Control.App.Console
hello : Console e => App e ()
hello = putStrLn "Hello, App world!"
main : IO ()
main = run hello
Or, a program which supports console IO and carries an ``Int`` state,
labelled ``Counter``:
.. code-block:: idris
data Counter : Type where
helloCount : (Console e, State Counter Int e) => App e ()
helloCount = do c <- get Counter
put Counter (c + 1)
putStrLn "Hello, counting world"
c <- get Counter
putStrLn ("Counter " ++ show c)
To run this as part of a complete program, we need to initialise the state.
.. code-block:: idris
main : IO ()
main = run (new 93 helloCount)
For convenience, we can list multiple interfaces in one go, using a function
``Has``, defined in ``Control.App``, to compute the interface constraints:
.. code-block:: idris
helloCount : Has [Console, State Counter Int] e => App e ()
0 Has : List (a -> Type) -> a -> Type
Has [] es = ()
Has (e :: es') es = (e es, Has es' es)
The purpose of ``Path`` is to state whether a program can throw
exceptions, so that we can know where it is safe to reference linear
resources. It is declared as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
data Path = MayThrow | NoThrow
The type of ``App`` states that ``MayThrow`` is the default.
We expect this to be the most
common case. After all, realistically, most operations have possible failure
modes, especially those which interact with the outside world.
The ``0`` on the declaration of ``Has`` indicates that it can only
be run in an erased context, so it will never be run at run-time.
To run an ``App`` inside ``IO``, we use an initial
environment ``Init`` (recall that an ``Environment`` is a
``List Type``):
.. code-block:: idris
Init : Environment
Init = [Void]
run : App {l} Init a -> IO a
Generalising the ``Path`` parameter with ``l``
means that we can invoke ``run`` for any application, whether the ``Path``
is ``NoThrow`` or ``MayThrow``. But, in practice, all applications
given to ``run`` will not throw at the top level, because the only
exception type available is the empty type ``Void``. Any exceptions
will have been introduced and handled inside the ``App``.

docs/source/app/linear.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
Linear Resources
We have introduced ``App`` for writing
interactive programs, using interfaces to constrain which operations are
permitted, but have not yet seen the ``Path`` parameter in action.
Its purpose is to constrain when programs can throw exceptions,
to know where linear resource usage is allowed. The bind operator
for ``App`` is defined as follows (not via ``Monad``):
.. code-block:: idris
data SafeBind : Path -> (l' : Path) -> Type where
SafeSame : SafeBind l l
SafeToThrow : SafeBind NoThrow MayThrow
(>>=) : SafeBind l l' =>
App {l} e a -> (a -> App {l=l'} e b) -> App {l=l'} e b
The intuition behind this type is that, when sequencing two ``App``
* if the first action might throw an exception, then the whole program might
* if the first action cannot throw an exception, the second action can still
throw, and the program as a whole can throw.
* if neither action can throw an exception, the program as a whole cannot
The reason for the detail in the type is that it is useful to be able to
sequence programs with a different ``Path``, but in doing so, we must
calculate the resulting ``Path`` accurately.
Then, if we want to sequence subprograms with linear variables,
we can use an alternative bind operator which guarantees to run the
continuation exactly once:
.. code-block:: idris
bindL : App {l=NoThrow} e a ->
(1 k : a -> App {l} e b) -> App {l} e b
To illustrate the need for ``bindL``, we can try writing a program which
tracks the state of a secure data store, which requires logging in before
reading the data.
Example: a data store requiring a login
Many software components rely on some form of state, and there may be
operations which are only valid in specific states. For example, consider
a secure data store in which a user must log in before getting access to
some secret data. This system can be in one of two states:
* ``LoggedIn``, in which the user is allowed to read the secret
* ``LoggedOut``, in which the user has no access to the secret
We can provide commands to log in, log out, and read the data, as illustrated
in the following diagram:
The ``login`` command, if it succeeds, moves the overall system state from
``LoggedOut`` to ``LoggedIn``. The ``logout`` command moves the state from
``LoggedIn`` to ``LoggedOut``. Most importantly, the ``readSecret`` command
is only valid when the system is in the ``LoggedIn`` state.
We can represent the state transitions using functions with linear types.
To begin, we define an interface for connecting to and disconnecting from
a store:
.. code-block:: idris
interface StoreI e where
connect : (1 prog : (1 d : Store LoggedOut) ->
App {l} e ()) -> App {l} e ()
disconnect : (1 d : Store LoggedOut) -> App {l} e ()
Neither ``connect`` nor ``disconnect`` throw, as shown by
generalising over ``l``. Once we
have a connection, we can use the following functions to
access the resource directly:
.. code-block:: idris
data Res : (a : Type) -> (a -> Type) -> Type where
(@@) : (val : a) -> (1 resource : r val) -> Res a r
login : (1 s : Store LoggedOut) -> (password : String) ->
Res Bool (\ok => Store (if ok then LoggedIn else LoggedOut))
logout : (1 s : Store LoggedIn) -> Store LoggedOut
readSecret : (1 s : Store LoggedIn) ->
Res String (const (Store LoggedIn))
``Res`` is defined in ``Control.App`` since it is commonly useful. It is a
dependent pair type, which associates a value with a linear resource.
We'll leave the other definitions abstract, for the purposes of this
introductory example.
The following listing shows a complete program accessing the store, which
reads a password, accesses the store if the password is correct and prints the
secret data. It uses ``let (>>=) = bindL`` to redefine
``do``-notation locally.
.. code-block:: idris
storeProg : Has [Console, StoreI] e => App e ()
storeProg = let (>>=) = bindL in
do putStr "Password: "
password <- getStr
connect $ \s =>
do let True @@ s = login s password
| False @@ s => do putStrLn "Wrong password"
disconnect s
let str @@ s = readSecret s
putStrLn $ "Secret: " ++ show str
let s = logout s
disconnect s
If we omit the ``let (>>=) = bindL``, it will use the default
``(>>=)`` operator, which allows the continuation to be run multiple
times, which would mean that ``s`` is not guaranteed to be accessed
linearly, and ``storeProg`` would not type check.
We can safely use ``getStr`` and ``putStr`` because they
are guaranteed not to throw by the ``Path`` parameter in their types.
.. |login| image:: ../image/login.png
:width: 500px
App1: Linear Interfaces
Adding the ``bindL`` function to allow locally rebinding the
``(>>=)`` operator allows us to combine existing linear resource
programs with operations in ``App`` - at least, those that don't throw.
It would nevertheless be nice to interoperate more directly with ``App``.
One advantage of defining interfaces is that we can provide multiple
implementations for different contexts, but our implementation of the
data store uses primitive functions (which we left undefined in any case)
to access the store.
To allow control over linear resources, ``Control.App`` provides an alternative
parameterised type ``App1``:
.. code-block:: idris
data App1 : {default One u : Usage} ->
(e : Environment) -> Type -> Type
There is no need for a ``Path`` argument, since linear programs can
never throw. The ``Usage`` argument states whether the value
returned is to be used once, or has unrestricted usage, with
the default in ``App1`` being to use once:
.. code-block:: idris
data Usage = One | Any
The main difference from ``App`` is the ``(>>=)`` operator, which
has a different multiplicity for the variable bound by the continuation
depending on the usage of the first action:
.. code-block:: idris
Cont1Type : Usage -> Type -> Usage -> Environment ->
Type -> Type
Cont1Type One a u e b = (1 x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
Cont1Type Any a u e b = (x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
(>>=) : {u : _} -> (1 act : App1 {u} e a) ->
(1 k : Cont1Type u a u' e b) -> App1 {u=u'} e b
``Cont1Type`` returns a continuation which uses the argument linearly,
if the first ``App1`` program has usage ``One``, otherwise it
returns a continuation where argument usage is unrestricted. Either way,
because there may be linear resources in scope, the continuation is
run exactly once and there can be no exceptions thrown.
Using ``App1``, we can define all of the data store operations in a
single interface, as shown in the following listing.
Each operation other than ``disconnect`` returns a `linear` resource.
.. code-block:: idris
interface StoreI e where
connect : App1 e (Store LoggedOut)
login : (1 d : Store LoggedOut) -> (password : String) ->
App1 e (Res Bool (\ok => Store (if ok then LoggedIn
else LoggedOut))
logout : (1 d : Store LoggedIn) -> App1 e (Store LoggedOut)
readSecret : (1 d : Store LoggedIn) ->
App1 e (Res String (const (Store LoggedIn)))
disconnect : (1 d : Store LoggedOut) -> App {l} e ()
We can explicitly move between ``App`` and ``App1``:
.. code-block:: idris
app : (1 p : App {l=NoThrow} e a) -> App1 {u=Any} e a
app1 : (1 p : App1 {u=Any} e a) -> App {l} e a
We can run an ``App`` program using ``app``, inside ``App1``,
provided that it is guaranteed not to throw. Similarly, we can run an
``App1`` program using ``app1``, inside ``App``, provided that
the value it returns has unrestricted usage. So, for example, we can
.. code-block:: idris
storeProg : Has [Console, StoreI] e => App e ()
storeProg = app1 $ do
store <- connect
app $ putStr "Password: "
This uses ``app1`` to state that the body of the program is linear,
then ``app`` to state that the ``putStr`` operation is in
``App``. We can see that ``connect`` returns a linear resource
by inspecting the hole ``what_next``, which also shows that we are
running inside ``App1``:
.. code-block:: idris
0 e : List Type
1 store : Store LoggedOut
what_next : App1 e ()
For completeness, one way to implement the interface is as follows, with
hard coded password and internal data:
.. code-block:: idris
Has [Console] e => StoreI e where
= do app $ putStrLn "Connect"
pure1 (MkStore "xyzzy")
login (MkStore str) pwd
= if pwd == "Mornington Crescent"
then pure1 (True @@ MkStore str)
else pure1 (False @@ MkStore str)
logout (MkStore str) = pure1 (MkStore str)
readSecret (MkStore str) = pure1 (str @@ MkStore str)
disconnect (MkStore _)
= putStrLn "Door destroyed"
Then we can run it in ``main``:
.. code-block:: idris
main : IO ()
main = run storeProg

docs/source/image/login.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.9 KiB

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ modules =

src/Data/List/Extra.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Data.List.Extra
%default covering
||| Fetches the element at a given position.
||| Returns `Nothing` if the position beyond the list's end.
public export
elemAt : List a -> Nat -> Maybe a
elemAt [] _ = Nothing
elemAt (l :: _) Z = Just l
elemAt (_ :: ls) (S n) = elemAt ls n

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@ -19,19 +19,22 @@ import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Strings
import System.File
%default covering
getLine : Nat -> List String -> Maybe String
getLine Z (l :: ls) = Just l
getLine (S k) (l :: ls) = getLine k ls
getLine _ [] = Nothing
||| A series of updates is a mapping from `RawName` to `String`
||| `RawName` is currently just an alias for `String`
||| `String` is a rendered `List SourcePart`
Updates : Type
Updates = List (RawName, String)
||| Convert a RawImp update to a SourcePart one
toStrUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
(Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
(Name, RawImp) -> Core Updates
toStrUpdate (UN n, term)
= do clause <- pterm term
pure [(n, show (bracket clause))]
@ -46,38 +49,30 @@ toStrUpdate (UN n, term)
bracket tm = PBracketed emptyFC tm
toStrUpdate _ = pure [] -- can't replace non user names
dump : SourcePart -> String
dump (Whitespace str) = str
dump (Name n) = n
dump (HoleName n) = "?" ++ n
dump LBrace = "{"
dump RBrace = "}"
dump Equal = "="
dump (Other str) = str
data UPD : Type where
doUpdates : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List (String, String) -> List SourcePart ->
Defs -> Updates -> List SourcePart ->
Core (List SourcePart)
doUpdates defs ups [] = pure []
doUpdates defs ups (LBrace :: xs)
= case dropSpace xs of
= let (ws, nws) = spanSpace xs in map (LBrace :: ws ++) $
case nws of
Name n :: RBrace :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
pure (Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: RBrace :: rest)))
Name n :: Equal :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
pure (Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups rest))
_ => pure (LBrace :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
_ => doUpdates defs ups xs
dropSpace : List SourcePart -> List SourcePart
dropSpace [] = []
dropSpace (RBrace :: xs) = RBrace :: xs
dropSpace (Whitespace _ :: xs) = dropSpace xs
dropSpace (x :: xs) = x :: dropSpace xs
spanSpace : List SourcePart -> (List SourcePart, List SourcePart)
spanSpace [] = ([], [])
spanSpace (RBrace :: xs) = ([], RBrace :: xs)
spanSpace (w@(Whitespace _) :: xs) = mapFst (w ::) (spanSpace xs)
spanSpace (x :: xs) = map (x ::) (spanSpace xs)
doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: xs)
= case lookup n ups of
Nothing => pure (Name n :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
@ -94,20 +89,20 @@ doUpdates defs ups (x :: xs)
-- Update the token list with the string replacements for each match, and return
-- the newly generated strings.
updateAll : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List (List (String, String)) ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List Updates ->
Core (List String)
updateAll defs l [] = pure []
updateAll defs l (rs :: rss)
= do l' <- doUpdates defs rs l
rss' <- updateAll defs l rss
pure (concat (map dump l') :: rss')
pure (concatMap toString l' :: rss')
-- Turn the replacements we got from 'getSplits' into a list of actual string
-- replacements
getReplaces : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List (Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
List (Name, RawImp) -> Core Updates
getReplaces updates
= do strups <- traverse toStrUpdate updates
pure (concat strups)
@ -135,7 +130,7 @@ updateCase splits line col
Just f =>
do Right file <- coreLift $ readFile f
| Left err => throw (FileErr f err)
let thisline = getLine (integerToNat (cast line)) (lines file)
let thisline = elemAt (lines file) (integerToNat (cast line))
case thisline of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "File too short!")
Just l =>

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@ -4,16 +4,38 @@ module Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine
import Parser.Lexer.Source
import Text.Lexer
public export
RawName : Type
RawName = String
public export
data SourcePart
= Whitespace String
| Name String
| Name RawName
| HoleName String
| LBrace
| RBrace
| Equal
| Other String
-- Printer
toString : SourcePart -> String
toString (Whitespace str) = str
toString (Name n) = n
toString (HoleName n) = "?" ++ n
toString LBrace = "{"
toString RBrace = "}"
toString Equal = "="
toString (Other str) = str
-- Parser
holeIdent : Lexer
holeIdent = is '?' <+> identNormal

View File

@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ recoverable defs (NApp _ (NRef _ f) fargs) (NApp _ (NRef _ g) gargs)
recoverable defs (NTCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) _ = pure True
recoverable defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y) = pure (x == y)
recoverable defs (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) (NPrimVal _ _) = pure False
recoverable defs (NPrimVal _ _) (NDCon _ _ _ _ _) = pure False
recoverable defs x y = pure False

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ idrisTests
"interactive001", "interactive002", "interactive003", "interactive004",
"interactive005", "interactive006", "interactive007", "interactive008",
"interactive009", "interactive010", "interactive011", "interactive012",
-- Literate
"literate001", "literate002", "literate003", "literate004",
"literate005", "literate006", "literate007", "literate008",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module Spacing
id : {n : Nat} -> Nat
id { n} = ?a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Spacing (Spacing.idr)
Spacing> id { n = 0} = ?a_1
id { n = (S k)} = ?a_2
Bye for now!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:cs 4 6 n

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --no-banner Spacing.idr < input
rm -rf build