More improvements

- More migrations from String to Doc
- File context in parser errors
This commit is contained in:
Giuseppe Lomurno 2020-08-12 00:27:52 +02:00 committed by G. Allais
parent 607352a191
commit f658ce357f
33 changed files with 195 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ data Error : Type where
GenericMsg : FC -> String -> Error
TTCError : TTCErrorMsg -> Error
FileErr : String -> FileError -> Error
ParseFail : Show token =>
ParseFail : (Show token, Pretty token) =>
FC -> ParseError token -> Error
ModuleNotFound : FC -> List String -> Error
CyclicImports : List (List String) -> Error

View File

@ -611,11 +611,11 @@ export
Show PartialReason where
show NotStrictlyPositive = "not strictly positive"
show (BadCall [n])
= "possibly not terminating due to call to " ++ show n
= "possibly not terminating due to call to " ++ show n
show (BadCall ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to calls to " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to calls to " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
show (RecPath ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to recursive path " ++ showSep " -> " (map show ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to recursive path " ++ showSep " -> " (map show ns)
Pretty PartialReason where

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Idris.Pretty
import Parser.Source
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Stream
@ -23,9 +24,13 @@ import Data.String.Extra
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import System.File
import Utils.String
%default covering
joinNs : List String -> Doc (IdrisAnn)
joinNs ns = concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns)
pshow : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -48,21 +53,83 @@ ploc : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
FC -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
ploc EmptyFC = pure emptyDoc
ploc fc@(MkFC fn s e) = do
let sr = fromInteger $ cast $ fst s
let sc = fromInteger $ cast $ snd s
let er = fromInteger $ cast $ fst e
let ec = fromInteger $ cast $ snd e
let (sr, sc) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) s
let (er, ec) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) e
let nsize = length $ show (er + 1)
let head = annotate FileCtxt (pretty fc)
let firstRow = annotate FileCtxt (spaces (cast $ nsize + 2) <+> pipe)
source <- lines <$> getCurrentElabSource
if sr == er
then do
let firstRow = annotate FileCtxt (spaces (cast $ nsize + 2) <+> pipe)
let line = (annotate FileCtxt pipe) <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr)
let emph = (annotate FileCtxt pipe) <++> spaces (cast sc) <+> annotate Error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec `minus` sc) '^'))
pure $ vsep [emptyDoc, head, firstRow, annotate FileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line, emph]), emptyDoc]
else pure $ vsep (emptyDoc :: head :: addLineNumbers nsize sr (pretty <$> extractRange sr (Prelude.min er (sr + 5)) source)) <+> line
bimap : (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
bimap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
extractRange : Nat -> Nat -> List String -> List String
extractRange s e xs = take ((e `minus` s) + 1) (drop s xs)
pad : Nat -> String -> String
pad size s = replicate (size `minus` length s) '0' ++ s
addLineNumbers : Nat -> Nat -> List (Doc IdrisAnn) -> List (Doc IdrisAnn)
addLineNumbers size st xs =
snd $ foldl (\(i, s), l => (S i, snoc s (space <+> annotate FileCtxt (pretty (pad size $ show $ i + 1) <++> pipe) <++> l))) (st, []) xs
-- Assumes the two FCs are sorted
ploc2 : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
FC -> FC -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
ploc2 fc EmptyFC = ploc fc
ploc2 EmptyFC fc = ploc fc
ploc2 (MkFC fn1 s1 e1) (MkFC fn2 s2 e2) =
do let (sr1, sc1) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) s1
let (sr2, sc2) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) s2
let (er1, ec1) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) e1
let (er2, ec2) = bimap (fromInteger . cast) e2
if (er2 > er1 + 5)
then pure $ !(ploc (MkFC fn1 s1 e1)) <+> line <+> !(ploc (MkFC fn2 s2 e2))
else do let nsize = length $ show (er2 + 1)
let head = annotate FileCtxt (pretty $ MkFC fn1 s1 e2)
let firstRow = annotate FileCtxt (spaces (cast $ nsize + 2) <+> pipe)
source <- lines <$> getCurrentElabSource
case (sr1 == er1, sr2 == er2, sr1 == sr2) of
(True, True, True) => do
let line = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr1)
let emph = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc1) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec1 `minus` sc1) '^'))
<+> spaces (cast $ sc2 `minus` ec1) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec2 `minus` sc2) '^'))
pure $ vsep [emptyDoc, head, firstRow, fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr1 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line, emph]), emptyDoc]
(True, True, False) => do
let line1 = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr1)
let emph1 = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc1) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec1 `minus` sc1) '^'))
let line2 = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr2)
let emph2 = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc2) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec2 `minus` sc2) '^'))
let numbered = if (sr2 `minus` er1) == 1
then []
else addLineNumbers nsize (sr1 + 1) (pretty <$> extractRange (sr1 + 1) er1 source)
pure $ vsep $ [emptyDoc, head, firstRow, fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr1 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line1, emph1])]
++ numbered
++ [fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr2 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line2, emph2]), emptyDoc]
(True, False, _) => do
let line = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr1)
let emph = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc1) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec1 `minus` sc1) '^'))
pure $ vsep $ [emptyDoc, head, firstRow, fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr1 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line, emph])]
++ addLineNumbers nsize (sr1 + 1) (pretty <$> extractRange (sr1 + 1) (Prelude.max er1 er2) source)
++ [emptyDoc]
(False, True, True) => do
let line = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr1)
let emph = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc1) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec1 `minus` sc1) '^'))
pure $ vsep $ [emptyDoc, head, firstRow, fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr1 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line, emph])]
++ addLineNumbers nsize (sr1 + 1) (pretty <$> extractRange (sr1 + 1) (Prelude.max er1 er2) source)
++ [emptyDoc]
(False, True, False) => do
let top = addLineNumbers nsize (sr1 + 1) (pretty <$> extractRange (sr1 + 1) er1 source)
let line = fileCtxt pipe <++> maybe emptyDoc pretty (elemAt source sr1)
let emph = fileCtxt pipe <++> spaces (cast sc2) <+> error (pretty (Extra.replicate (ec2 `minus` sc2) '^'))
pure $ vsep $ [emptyDoc, head, firstRow] ++ top ++ [fileCtxt (space <+> pretty (sr2 + 1)) <++> align (vsep [line, emph]), emptyDoc]
(_, _, _) => pure $ vsep (emptyDoc :: head :: addLineNumbers nsize sr1 (pretty <$> extractRange sr1 er2 source)) <+> line
bimap : (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
bimap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
extractRange : Nat -> Nat -> List String -> List String
extractRange s e xs = take ((e `minus` s) + 1) (drop s xs)
pad : Nat -> String -> String
@ -90,15 +157,22 @@ perror (CantSolveEq fc env l r)
, code !(pshow env r) <+> dot
]) <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (PatternVariableUnifies fc env n tm)
= pure $ errorDesc (hsep [ reflow "Pattern variable"
= do let (min, max) = order fc (getLoc tm)
pure $ errorDesc (hsep [ reflow "Pattern variable"
, code (prettyVar n)
, reflow "unifies with" <+> colon
, code !(pshow env tm) <+> dot
]) <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
]) <+> line <+> !(ploc2 min max) <+> line
<+> reflow "Suggestion: Use the same name for both pattern variables, since they unify."
prettyVar : Name -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyVar (PV n _) = prettyVar n
prettyVar n = pretty n
order : FC -> FC -> (FC, FC)
order EmptyFC fc2 = (EmptyFC, fc2)
order fc1 EmptyFC = (fc1, EmptyFC)
order fc1@(MkFC _ sr1 sc1) fc2@(MkFC _ sr2 sc2) =
if sr1 < sr2 then (fc1, fc2) else if sr1 == sr2 && sc1 < sc2 then (fc1, fc2) else (fc2, fc1)
perror (CyclicMeta fc env n tm)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Cycle detected in solution of metavariable" <++> meta (pretty !(prettyName n)) <++> equals
<++> code !(pshow env tm)) <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
@ -114,7 +188,7 @@ perror (UndefinedName fc x)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Undefined name" <++> code (pretty x) <+> dot) <++> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (InvisibleName fc n (Just ns))
= pure $ errorDesc ("Name" <++> code (pretty n) <++> reflow "is inaccessible since"
<++> code (concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns)) <++> reflow "is not explicitly imported.")
<++> code (joinNs ns) <++> reflow "is not explicitly imported.")
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
<+> line <+> reflow "Suggestion: add an explicit" <++> keyword "export" <++> "or" <++> keyword ("public" <++> "export")
<++> reflow "modifier. By default, all names are" <++> keyword "private" <++> reflow "in namespace blocks."
@ -134,7 +208,7 @@ perror (NotCovering fc n (MissingCases cs))
= pure $ errorDesc (code (pretty !(prettyName n)) <++> reflow "is not covering.")
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line
<+> reflow "Missing cases" <+> colon <+> line
<+> indent 4 (vsep !(traverse (pshow []) cs))
<+> indent 4 (vsep !(traverse (pshow []) cs)) <+> line
perror (NotCovering fc n (NonCoveringCall ns))
= pure $ errorDesc (pretty !(prettyName n) <++> reflow "is not covering.")
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line
@ -244,7 +318,7 @@ perror (TryWithImplicits fc env imps)
tshow env (n, ty) = pure $ pretty n <++> colon <++> code !(pshow env ty)
perror (BadUnboundImplicit fc env n ty)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Can't bind name" <++> code (pretty (nameRoot n)) <++> reflow "with type" <++> code !(pshow env ty)
<+> colon) <+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line <+> reflow "Suggestion: try binding explicitly."
<+> colon) <+> line <+> !(ploc fc) <+> line <+> reflow "Suggestion: try an explicit bind."
perror (CantSolveGoal fc env g)
= let (_ ** (env', g')) = dropEnv env g in
pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Can't find an implementation for" <++> code !(pshow env' g')
@ -264,7 +338,7 @@ perror (DeterminingArg fc n i env g)
<+> reflow "since I can't infer a value for argument" <++> code (pretty n) <+> dot)
<+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (UnsolvedHoles hs)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "unsolved holes" <+> colon) <+> line <+> !(prettyHoles hs)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Unsolved holes" <+> colon) <+> line <+> !(prettyHoles hs)
prettyHoles : List (FC, Name) -> Core (Doc IdrisAnn)
prettyHoles [] = pure emptyDoc
@ -332,14 +406,11 @@ perror (TTCError msg)
perror (FileErr fname err)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "File error in" <++> pretty fname <++> colon) <++> pretty (show err)
perror (ParseFail _ err)
= pure $ pretty (show err)
perror (ModuleNotFound _ ns)
= pure $ errorDesc (concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns) <++> reflow "not found")
= pure $ pretty err
perror (ModuleNotFound fc ns)
= pure $ errorDesc ("Module" <++> annotate FileCtxt (joinNs ns) <++> reflow "not found") <+> line <+> !(ploc fc)
perror (CyclicImports ns)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Module imports form a cycle" <+> colon) <++> concatWith (surround (pretty " -> ")) (prettyMod <$> ns)
prettyMod : List String -> Doc IdrisAnn
prettyMod ns = concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> reverse ns)
= pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Module imports form a cycle" <+> colon) <++> concatWith (surround (pretty " -> ")) (joinNs <$> ns)
perror ForceNeeded = pure $ errorDesc (reflow "Internal error when resolving implicit laziness")
perror (InternalError str) = pure $ errorDesc (reflow "INTERNAL ERROR" <+> colon) <++> pretty str
perror (UserError str) = pure $ errorDesc (pretty "Error" <+> colon) <++> pretty str

View File

@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ ProofFound x)
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ Missed cases)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ showSep "\n"
$ map handleMissing cases
$ map handleMissing' cases
displayIDEResult outf i (REPL $ CheckedTotal xs)
= printIDEResult outf i
$ StringAtom $ showSep "\n"

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import System.Directory
import System.File
import Text.Parser
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Utils.Binary
import Utils.String
import Utils.Path

View File

@ -32,10 +32,18 @@ colorAnn Keyword = color Red
colorAnn Pragma = color BrightMagenta
colorAnn Meta = color Green
error : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
error = annotate Error
errorDesc : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
errorDesc = annotate ErrorDesc
fileCtxt : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
fileCtxt = annotate FileCtxt
keyword : Doc IdrisAnn -> Doc IdrisAnn
keyword = annotate Keyword

View File

@ -913,13 +913,23 @@ mutual
prompt Execute = "[exec] "
handleMissing : MissedResult -> String
handleMissing (CasesMissing x xs) = show x ++ ":\n" ++ showSep "\n" xs
handleMissing (CallsNonCovering fn ns) = (show fn ++ ": Calls non covering function"
handleMissing' : MissedResult -> String
handleMissing' (CasesMissing x xs) = show x ++ ":\n" ++ showSep "\n" xs
handleMissing' (CallsNonCovering fn ns) = (show fn ++ ": Calls non covering function"
++ (case ns of
[f] => " " ++ show f
_ => "s: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)))
handleMissing (AllCasesCovered fn) = show fn ++ ": All cases covered"
handleMissing' (AllCasesCovered fn) = show fn ++ ": All cases covered"
handleMissing : MissedResult -> Doc IdrisAnn
handleMissing (CasesMissing x xs) = pretty x <+> colon <++> vsep (code . pretty <$> xs)
handleMissing (CallsNonCovering fn ns) =
pretty fn <+> colon <++> reflow "Calls non covering"
<++> (case ns of
[f] => "function" <++> code (pretty f)
_ => "functions:" <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (code . pretty <$> ns))
handleMissing (AllCasesCovered fn) = pretty fn <+> colon <++> reflow "All cases covered"
handleResult : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -951,7 +961,7 @@ mutual
displayResult CompilationFailed = printError (reflow "Compilation failed")
displayResult (Compiled f) = printResult (pretty "File" <++> pretty f <++> pretty "written")
displayResult (ProofFound x) = printResult (prettyTerm x)
displayResult (Missed cases) = printResult $ pretty $ showSep "\n" $ map handleMissing cases -- FIXME
displayResult (Missed cases) = printResult $ vsep (handleMissing <$> cases)
displayResult (CheckedTotal xs) = printResult (vsep (map (\(fn, tot) => pretty fn <++> pretty "is" <++> pretty tot) xs))
displayResult (FoundHoles []) = printResult (reflow "No holes")
displayResult (FoundHoles [x]) = printResult (reflow "1 hole" <+> colon <++> pretty

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import public Parser.Lexer.Common
import public Text.Lexer
import public Text.Parser
import public Text.Bounded
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Data.List
import Data.List1
@ -33,6 +34,16 @@ Show Token where
show Space = "Space"
show (StringLit s) = "StringLit: " ++ s
public export
Pretty Token where
pretty (Comment str) = "Comment:" <++> pretty str
pretty EndOfInput = "EndOfInput"
pretty Equals = "Equals"
pretty (DotSepIdent dsid) = "DotSepIdentifier:" <++> concatWith (surround dot) (pretty <$> List1.toList dsid)
pretty Separator = "Separator"
pretty Space = "Space"
pretty (StringLit s) = "StringLit:" <++> pretty s
equals : Lexer
equals = is '='

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.List.Views
import Data.Strings
import Parser.Unlit
import System.File
@ -35,7 +36,12 @@ Show tok => Show (ParseError tok) where
Pretty tok => Pretty (ParseError tok) where
pretty (ParseFail err loc toks)
= reflow "Parse error:" <++> pretty err <++> parens (reflow "next tokens:" <++> pretty (take 10 toks))
= reflow "Parse error" <+> prettyLine loc <+> ":" <+> line <+> pretty err <++> parens (reflow "next tokens:"
<++> brackets (align $ concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (pretty <$> take 10 toks)))
prettyLine : Maybe (Int, Int) -> Doc ann
prettyLine Nothing = emptyDoc
prettyLine (Just (r, c)) = space <+> "at" <++> "line" <++> pretty (r + 1) <+> ":" <+> pretty (c + 1)
pretty (LexFail (c, l, str))
= reflow "Lex error at" <++> pretty (c, l) <++> pretty "input:" <++> pretty str
pretty (FileFail err)

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
1/1: Building TypeCase (TypeCase.idr)
Main> Main> Main.strangeId is total
Main> Main.strangeId':
strangeId' _
Main> Main.strangeId': strangeId' _
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building TypeCase2 (TypeCase2.idr)
Error: While processing left hand side of strangeId. Can't match on Nat (Erased argument).

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building NoInfer (NoInfer.idr)
Error: unsolved holes:
Error: Unsolved holes:
Main.{_:1} introduced at:

View File

@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ Dots2.idr:2:7--2:8
1/1: Building Dots3 (Dots3.idr)
Error: While processing left hand side of addBaz. Pattern variable z unifies with: ?y [no locals in scope].
5 | addBaz (x + y) (AddThings x z) = x + y
| ^
| ^ ^
Suggestion: Use the same name for both pattern variables, since they unify.

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Main> [1, 2, 3, 4]
Main> [4, 3, 2, 1]
Main> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Main> [100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91]
Main> Parse error: Invalid list range syntax (next tokens: [end of input])
Main> Parse error: Invalid list range syntax (next tokens: [end of input])
Main> Parse error at line 1:12:
Invalid list range syntax (next tokens: [end of input])
Main> Parse error at line 1:7:
Invalid list range syntax (next tokens: [end of input])
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Vect (Vect.idr)
Main> Main.append:
append (_ :: _) _
Main> Main.append: append (_ :: _) _
Main> Main.lookup: All cases covered
Main> All cases covered
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Vect (Vect.idr)
Main> Main.append: All cases covered
Main> Main.funny: All cases covered
Main> Main.notFunny:
notFunny (False :: (False :: (True :: (True :: _))))
Main> Main.notFunny: notFunny (False :: (False :: (True :: (True :: _))))
notFunny (False :: (True :: (True :: (True :: _))))
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ Cover.idr:16:1--16:7
16 | badBar Z = Z
| ^^^^^^
foo (0, S _)
Main> foo (0, S _)
foo (S _, _)
bar _
Main> bar _
Main> Main.cty: All cases covered
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Cover.idr:14:1--14:4
14 | bad (Just 0) _ = False
| ^^^
Main> Main.okay:
okay (S _) IsNat
Main> Main.okay: okay (S _) IsNat
okay False IsBool
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
Error: DoesntExist not found
Error: Module DoesntExist not found
1 | import DoesntExist
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ Main> "test"
Main> Imported module Data.Strings
Main> "hello"
Main> True
Main> Error loading module DoesNotExists: DoesNotExists not found
Main> Error loading module DoesNotExists: Module DoesNotExists not found
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Expected ')' (next tokens: [identifier bar, identifier x, symbol =, let, identifier y, symbol =, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +])
Error: Parse error at line 5:1:
Expected ')' (next
tokens: [identifier bar, identifier x, symbol =, let, identifier y, symbol =, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Expected ')' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])
Error: Parse error at line 7:1:
Expected ')' (next
tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end
of input])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Expected 'case', 'if', 'do', application or operator expression (next tokens: [symbol (, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +, identifier x, identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->])
Error: Parse error at line 5:17:
Expected 'case', 'if', 'do', application or operator expression (next
tokens: [symbol (, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +, identifier x, identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Wrong number of 'with' arguments (next tokens: [symbol =, identifier x, identifier foo, identifier x, identifier y, symbol |, identifier True, symbol |, identifier True, symbol =])
Error: Parse error at line 4:33:
Wrong number of 'with' arguments (next
tokens: [symbol =, identifier x, identifier foo, identifier x, identifier y, symbol |, identifier True, symbol |, identifier True, symbol =])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Expected 'in' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])
Error: Parse error at line 7:1:
Expected 'in' (next
tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end
of input])

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
Error: Parse error: Expected 'else' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])
Error: Parse error at line 7:1:
Expected 'else' (next
tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, identifier Int, symbol ->, identifier Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end
of input])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
1/1: Building void (void.idr)
void.idr:18:19--18:20:While processing left hand side of Calc at void.idr:18:1--20:1:
Can't match on ?y [no locals in scope] (Non linear pattern variable) at
18 Calc {y} ((~~) {z=y} {y=y} der (MkDPair y Refl)) = Calc der
Error: While processing left hand side of Calc. Can't match on ?y [no locals in scope] (Non linear pattern variable).
18 | Calc {y} ((~~) {z=y} {y=y} der (MkDPair y Refl)) = Calc der
| ^

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$1 --check void.idr
$1 --no-color --check void.idr
rm -rf build

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Total (Total.idr)
Main> Main.lookup: All cases covered
Main> Main.lookup':
lookup' FZ _
Main> Main.lookup': lookup' FZ _
Main> Main.lookup'': Calls non covering function Main.lookup'
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building Total (Total.idr)
Main> Main.onlyOne:
onlyOne _
Main> Main.onlyOne: onlyOne _
Main> Main.covered: All cases covered
Main> Main.matchInt: All cases covered
Main> Main.matchInt':
matchInt' _ _ _
Main> Main.matchInt': matchInt' _ _ _
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ partial.idr:5:1--7:4
Missing cases:
foo Nothing
Error: qsortBad is not total, possibly not terminating due to recursive
path Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad -> Main.qsortBad

View File

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ partial.idr:11:1--13:1
Missing cases:
foo (Just _)

View File

@ -71,5 +71,6 @@ Mismatch between: Vect 0 ?elem and List ?a.
| ^^^^^^^
Main> the (Maybe Int) (pure 4) : Maybe Int
Main> Parse error: Unrecognised command (next tokens: [identifier t, with, symbol [, symbol ], literal 4, end of input])
Main> Parse error at line 1:2:
Unrecognised command (next tokens: [identifier t, with, symbol [, symbol ], literal 4, end of input])
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
1/1: Building TypeCase (TypeCase.idr)
Main> Main> Main.strangeId is total
Main> Main.strangeId':
strangeId' _
Main> Main.strangeId': strangeId' _
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building TypeCase2 (TypeCase2.idr)
Error: While processing left hand side of strangeId. Can't match on Nat (Erased argument).