Warn about unreachable default clauses (#1942)

* so much experimentation

* tests that show preliminary evidence the new stuff is working.

* small amount of cleanup

* more cleanup of various troubleshooting code.

* new test case added.

* only log unreachable indices if there are any.

* when traversing deeper simply skip over defaults since they have already been reviewed.

* Remove fallback clause that the changes in this PR correctly identified as unreachable.

* tidying up more.

* move some common functions to a new Core.Case.Util module.

* refer to case builder and case tree under new parent module.

* update imports to look for CaseTree in new submodule.

* update api ipkg

* remove unneeded application operators.

* remove or comment out unreachable default clauses caught by the changes in this PR.

* a bit of code documentation and renaming for clarity.

* bump previous version in CI.

* fix API usage of Util module.

* Add issue 1079 test cases.

* forgot to add new test cases file.

* remove commented-out lines by request of RefC author.

* Use a SortedSet instead of nubbing a list.

* update new case tree import.

* Update src/Core/Case/Util.idr

Co-authored-by: G. Allais <guillaume.allais@ens-lyon.org>

* remove function with nothing to offer above and beyond a differently named copy of the same code.

* replace a large tuple with a record; discover not all of the tuple's fields were needed.

* fix shadowing warning.

Co-authored-by: G. Allais <guillaume.allais@ens-lyon.org>
This commit is contained in:
Mathew Polzin 2021-10-02 04:55:21 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3536f8dab5
commit fa06e9936b
No known key found for this signature in database
43 changed files with 343 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ modules =

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Compiler.CompileExpr
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import public Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Env

View File

@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ cName (Nested i n) = "n__" ++ cCleanString (show i) ++ "_" ++ cName n
cName (CaseBlock x y) = "case__" ++ cCleanString (show x) ++ "_" ++ cCleanString (show y)
cName (WithBlock x y) = "with__" ++ cCleanString (show x) ++ "_" ++ cCleanString (show y)
cName (Resolved i) = "fn__" ++ cCleanString (show i)
cName n = assert_total $ idris_crash ("INTERNAL ERROR: Unsupported name in C backend " ++ show n)
-- not really total but this way this internal error does not contaminate everything else
escapeChar : Char -> String
escapeChar c = if isAlphaNum c || isNL c
@ -135,8 +133,6 @@ cConstant Bits8Type = "Bits8"
cConstant Bits16Type = "Bits16"
cConstant Bits32Type = "Bits32"
cConstant Bits64Type = "Bits64"
cConstant n = assert_total $ idris_crash ("INTERNAL ERROR: Unknonw constant in C backend: " ++ show n)
-- not really total but this way this internal error does not contaminate everything else
extractConstant : Constant -> String
extractConstant (I x) = show x

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
module Core.Binary
import public Core.Binary.Prims
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Core.CaseBuilder
module Core.Case.CaseBuilder
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Case.Util
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core
@ -10,9 +11,10 @@ import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import Libraries.Data.LengthMatch
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
import Libraries.Data.LengthMatch
import Libraries.Data.SortedSet
import Decidable.Equality
@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ data Group : List Name -> -- variables in scope
show (ConstGroup c cs) = "Const " ++ show c ++ ": " ++ show cs
data GroupMatch : ConType -> List Pat -> Group vars todo -> Type where
ConMatch : LengthMatch ps newargs ->
ConMatch : {tag : Int} -> LengthMatch ps newargs ->
GroupMatch (CName n tag) ps
(ConGroup {newargs} n tag (MkPatClause pvs pats pid rhs :: rest))
DelayMatch : GroupMatch CDelay []
@ -1226,16 +1228,90 @@ simpleCase fc phase fn ty def clauses
defs <- get Ctxt
patCompile fc fn phase ty ps def
findReached : CaseTree ns -> List Int
findReached (Case _ _ _ alts) = concatMap findRAlts alts
findReachedAlts : CaseAlt ns' -> List Int
findReachedAlts (ConCase _ _ _ t) = findReached t
findReachedAlts (DelayCase _ _ t) = findReached t
findReachedAlts (ConstCase _ t) = findReached t
findReachedAlts (DefaultCase t) = findReached t
findReached : CaseTree ns -> List Int
findReached (Case _ _ _ alts) = concatMap findReachedAlts alts
findReached (STerm i _) = [i]
findReached _ = []
-- Replace a default case with explicit branches for the constructors.
-- This is easier than checking whether a default is needed when traversing
-- the tree (just one constructor lookup up front).
-- Unreachable defaults are those that when replaced by all possible constructors
-- followed by a removal of duplicate cases there is one _fewer_ total case alts.
identifyUnreachableDefaults : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (SortedSet Int)
-- Leave it alone if it's a primitive type though, since we need the catch
-- all case there
identifyUnreachableDefaults fc defs (NPrimVal _ _) cs = pure empty
identifyUnreachableDefaults fc defs (NType _) cs = pure empty
identifyUnreachableDefaults fc defs nfty cs
= do cs' <- traverse rep cs
let (cs'', extraClauseIdxs) = dropRep (concat cs') empty
let extraClauseIdxs' =
if (length cs == (length cs'' + 1))
then extraClauseIdxs
else empty
-- if a clause is unreachable under all the branches it can be found under
-- then it is entirely unreachable.
when (not $ null extraClauseIdxs') $
log "compile.casetree.clauses" 25 $
"Marking the following clause indices as unreachable under the current branch of the tree: " ++ (show extraClauseIdxs')
pure extraClauseIdxs'
findRAlts : CaseAlt ns' -> List Int
findRAlts (ConCase _ _ _ t) = findReached t
findRAlts (DelayCase _ _ t) = findReached t
findRAlts (ConstCase _ t) = findReached t
findRAlts (DefaultCase t) = findReached t
findReached (STerm i _) = [i]
findReached _ = []
rep : CaseAlt vars -> Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
rep (DefaultCase sc)
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (map (mkAlt fc sc) allCons)
rep c = pure [c]
dropRep : List (CaseAlt vars) -> SortedSet Int -> (List (CaseAlt vars), SortedSet Int)
dropRep [] extra = ([], extra)
dropRep (c@(ConCase n t args sc) :: rest) extra
-- assumption is that there's no defaultcase in 'rest' because
-- we've just removed it
= let (filteredClauses, extraCases) = partition (not . tagIs t) rest
extraClauses = extraCases >>= findReachedAlts
(rest', extra') = dropRep filteredClauses $ fromList extraClauses
in (c :: rest', extra `union` extra')
dropRep (c :: rest) extra
= let (rest', extra') = dropRep rest extra
in (c :: rest', extra')
||| Find unreachable default paths through the tree for each clause.
||| This is accomplished by expanding default clases into all concrete constructions
||| and then listing the clauses reached.
||| This list of clauses can be substracted from the list of "reachable" clauses
||| and if it turns out that the number of unreachable ways to use a clause is equal
||| to the number of ways to reach a RHS for that clause then the clause is totally
||| superfluous (it will never be reached).
findExtraDefaults : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
FC -> Defs -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (List Int)
findExtraDefaults fc defs ctree@(Case {name = var} idx el ty altsIn)
= do let fenv = mkEnv fc _
nfty <- nf defs fenv ty
extraCases <- identifyUnreachableDefaults fc defs nfty altsIn
extraCases' <- concat <$> traverse findExtraAlts altsIn
pure (SortedSet.toList extraCases ++ extraCases')
findExtraAlts : CaseAlt vars -> Core (List Int)
findExtraAlts (ConCase x tag args ctree') = findExtraDefaults fc defs ctree'
findExtraAlts (DelayCase x arg ctree') = findExtraDefaults fc defs ctree'
findExtraAlts (ConstCase x ctree') = findExtraDefaults fc defs ctree'
-- already handled defaults by elaborating them to all possible cons
findExtraAlts (DefaultCase ctree') = pure []
findExtraDefaults fc defs ctree = pure []
-- Returns the case tree, and a list of the clauses that aren't reachable
@ -1263,7 +1339,11 @@ getPMDef fc phase fn ty clauses
logC "compile.casetree.getpmdef" 20 $
pure $ "Compiled to: " ++ show !(toFullNames t)
let reached = findReached t
pure (_ ** (t, getUnreachable 0 reached clauses))
log "compile.casetree.clauses" 25 $
"Reached clauses: " ++ (show reached)
extraDefaults <- findExtraDefaults fc defs t
let unreachable = getUnreachable 0 (reached \\ extraDefaults) clauses
pure (_ ** (t, unreachable))
getUnreachable : Int -> List Int -> List Clause -> List Clause
getUnreachable i is [] = []

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Core.CaseTree
module Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.TT

src/Core/Case/Util.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module Core.Case.Util
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Value
public export
record DataCon where
constructor MkDataCon
name : Name
tag : Int
arity : Nat
||| Given a normalised type, get all the possible constructors for that
||| type family, with their type, name, tag, and arity.
getCons : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
Defs -> NF vars -> Core (List DataCon)
getCons defs (NTCon _ tn _ _ _)
= case !(lookupDefExact tn (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ cons _) =>
do cs' <- traverse addTy cons
pure (catMaybes cs')
_ => throw (InternalError "Called `getCons` on something that is not a Type constructor")
addTy : Name -> Core (Maybe DataCon)
addTy cn
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cn (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
case (gdef.definition, gdef.type) of
(DCon t arity _, ty) =>
pure . Just $ MkDataCon cn t arity
_ => pure Nothing
getCons defs _ = pure []
emptyRHS : FC -> CaseTree vars -> CaseTree vars
emptyRHS fc (Case idx el sc alts) = Case idx el sc (map emptyRHSalt alts)
emptyRHSalt : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars
emptyRHSalt (ConCase n t args sc) = ConCase n t args (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DelayCase c arg sc) = DelayCase c arg (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (ConstCase c sc) = ConstCase c (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DefaultCase sc) = DefaultCase (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHS fc (STerm i s) = STerm i (Erased fc False)
emptyRHS fc sc = sc
mkAlt : {vars : _} ->
FC -> CaseTree vars -> DataCon -> CaseAlt vars
mkAlt fc sc (MkDataCon cn t ar)
= ConCase cn t (map (MN "m") (take ar [0..]))
(weakenNs (map take) (emptyRHS fc sc))
tagIs : Int -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
tagIs t (ConCase _ t' _ _) = t == t'
tagIs t (ConstCase _ _) = False
tagIs t (DelayCase _ _ _) = False
tagIs t (DefaultCase _) = True

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Context
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import public Core.Context.Context
import public Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Context.Context
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Env
import Core.Hash

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Core.Coverage
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Case.Util
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Data.String.Extra
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
%hide Data.String.lines
%hide Data.String.lines'
@ -149,50 +150,6 @@ isEmpty defs env (NTCon fc n t a args)
_ => pure False
isEmpty defs env _ = pure False
-- Need this to get a NF from a Term; the names are free in any case
freeEnv : FC -> (vs : List Name) -> Env Term vs
freeEnv fc [] = []
freeEnv fc (n :: ns) = PVar fc top Explicit (Erased fc False) :: freeEnv fc ns
-- Given a normalised type, get all the possible constructors for that
-- type family, with their type, name, tag, and arity
getCons : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{vars : _} ->
Defs -> NF vars -> Core (List (NF [], Name, Int, Nat))
getCons defs (NTCon _ tn _ _ _)
= case !(lookupDefExact tn (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ cons _) =>
do cs' <- traverse addTy cons
pure (mapMaybe id cs')
_ => throw (InternalError "Called `getCons` on something that is not a Type constructor")
addTy : Name -> Core (Maybe (NF [], Name, Int, Nat))
addTy cn
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cn (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
case (definition gdef, type gdef) of
(DCon t arity _, ty) =>
pure (Just (!(nf defs [] ty), cn, t, arity))
_ => pure Nothing
getCons defs _ = pure []
emptyRHS : FC -> CaseTree vars -> CaseTree vars
emptyRHS fc (Case idx el sc alts) = Case idx el sc (map emptyRHSalt alts)
emptyRHSalt : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars
emptyRHSalt (ConCase n t args sc) = ConCase n t args (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DelayCase c arg sc) = DelayCase c arg (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (ConstCase c sc) = ConstCase c (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHSalt (DefaultCase sc) = DefaultCase (emptyRHS fc sc)
emptyRHS fc (STerm i s) = STerm i (Erased fc False)
emptyRHS fc sc = sc
mkAlt : {vars : _} ->
FC -> CaseTree vars -> (Name, Int, Nat) -> CaseAlt vars
mkAlt fc sc (cn, t, ar)
= ConCase cn t (map (MN "m") (take ar [0..]))
(weakenNs (map take) (emptyRHS fc sc))
altMatch : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
altMatch _ (DefaultCase _) = True
altMatch (DelayCase _ _ t) (DelayCase _ _ t') = True
@ -230,7 +187,7 @@ getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts
logNF "coverage.missing" 20 "Getting constructors for" (mkEnv fc _) nfty
allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (filter (noneOf alts)
(map (mkAlt fc (Unmatched "Coverage check") . snd) allCons))
(map (mkAlt fc (Unmatched "Coverage check")) allCons))
-- Return whether the alternative c matches none of the given cases in alts
noneOf : List (CaseAlt vars) -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
@ -274,12 +231,6 @@ addNot v t ((v', ts) :: xs)
then ((v', t :: ts) :: xs)
else ((v', ts) :: addNot v t xs)
tagIs : Int -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
tagIs t (ConCase _ t' _ _) = t == t'
tagIs t (ConstCase _ _) = False
tagIs t (DelayCase _ _ _) = False
tagIs t (DefaultCase _) = True
tagIsNot : List Int -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
tagIsNot ts (ConCase _ t' _ _) = not (t' `elem` ts)
tagIsNot ts (ConstCase _ _) = True
@ -304,7 +255,7 @@ replaceDefaults fc defs nfty cs
rep : CaseAlt vars -> Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
rep (DefaultCase sc)
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (map (mkAlt fc sc . snd) allCons)
pure (map (mkAlt fc sc) allCons)
rep c = pure [c]
dropRep : List (CaseAlt vars) -> List (CaseAlt vars)
@ -332,7 +283,7 @@ buildArgs fc defs known not ps cs@(Case {name = var} idx el ty altsIn)
-- to the tag we already know. Otherwise, add missing cases and filter out
-- the ones it can't possibly be (the 'not') because a previous case
-- has matched.
= do let fenv = freeEnv fc _
= do let fenv = mkEnv fc _
nfty <- nf defs fenv ty
alts <- replaceDefaults fc defs nfty altsIn
let alts' = alts ++ !(getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts)
@ -353,8 +304,8 @@ buildArgs fc defs known not ps cs@(Case {name = var} idx el ty altsIn)
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs l ((MkVar el, t) :: known))
(weakenNs l not') ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (DelayCase t a sc)
= let l = mkSizeOf [t, a] in
let ps' = map (substName var (TDelay fc LUnknown
= let l = mkSizeOf [t, a]
ps' = map (substName var (TDelay fc LUnknown
(Ref fc Bound t)
(Ref fc Bound a))) ps in
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs l known) (weakenNs l not')

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module Core.GetType
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.TT
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
%default covering

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Core.Hash
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.TT
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.List1

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.LinearCheck
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import public Core.Normalise.Convert
import public Core.Normalise.Eval
import public Core.Normalise.Quote
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Core.Normalise.Convert
import public Core.Normalise.Eval
import public Core.Normalise.Quote
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Normalise.Eval
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Normalise.Quote
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Advanced TODO (possibly not worth it...):
import Algebra.ZeroOneOmega
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Directory

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Core.TTC
import Core.Binary.Prims
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Termination
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Core.Unify
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Core.UnifyState
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.TTC
import Core.Value
import Libraries.Utils.Binary
import Libraries.Data.IntMap
import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.IntMap
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Utils.Binary
%default covering

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Idris.Error
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Core
import Core.Context
import Core.Env

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Compiler.RefC.RefC
import Compiler.Inline
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Idris.REPL.FuzzySearch
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import Core.LinearCheck
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.Termination
import Core.TT
import Core.Termination
import Core.Unify
import Idris.Desugar

View File

@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ export
Ord k => Monoid (SortedSet k) where
neutral = empty
Show k => Show (SortedSet k) where
show = show . SortedSet.toList
keySet : SortedMap k v -> SortedSet k
keySet = SetWrapper . map (const ())

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.App
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Case
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Delayed
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -491,7 +491,6 @@ checkPolyConstraint (MkPolyConstraint fc env arg x y)
throw (MatchTooSpecific fc env arg)
else pure ()
_ => pure ()
checkPolyConstraint _ = pure ()
solvePolyConstraint :
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Local
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Utils
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Env

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module TTImp.Interactive.ExprSearch
-- depth.
import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import Core.LinearCheck
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.Unify
import Core.TT
import Core.Unify
import Core.Value
import TTImp.Elab.Check

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.PartialEval
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.List
import Libraries.Data.Fin as Libs
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Core
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module TTImp.ProcessDef
import Core.CaseBuilder
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseBuilder
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module TTImp.Unelab
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Case.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Env
@ -268,9 +268,6 @@ mutual
unelabTy' umode nest env (PrimVal fc c) = pure (IPrimVal fc c, gErased fc)
unelabTy' umode nest env (Erased fc _) = pure (Implicit fc True, gErased fc)
unelabTy' umode nest env (TType fc) = pure (IType fc, gType fc)
unelabTy' umode nest _ tm
= let fc = getLoc tm in
pure (Implicit fc False, gErased fc)
unelabPi : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ idrisTestsCoverage = MkTestPool "Coverage checking" [] Nothing
idrisTestsCasetree : TestPool
idrisTestsCasetree = MkTestPool "Case tree building" [] Nothing
-- Case tree building
["casetree001", "casetree002"]
idrisTestsWarning : TestPool
idrisTestsWarning = MkTestPool "Warnings" [] Nothing

View File

@ -26,5 +26,4 @@ main = do
pclose fh
putStrLn "closed"
let (idris2 ::: _) = split ((==) ',') output
| _ => printLn "Unexpected result"
putStrLn idris2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
%default total
data MyBit = A | B
fullCoverage : MyBit -> Int
fullCoverage A = 1
fullCoverage B = 2
extraDefault : MyBit -> Int
extraDefault A = 1
extraDefault B = 2
extraDefault _ = 3
usefulDefault : MyBit -> Int
usefulDefault A = 1
usefulDefault _ = 2
earlyDefault : MyBit -> Int
earlyDefault _ = 1
earlyDefault A = 2
onlyDefault : MyBit -> Int
onlyDefault _ = 1
nestedFullCoverage : MyBit -> MyBit -> Int
nestedFullCoverage A A = 1
nestedFullCoverage A B = 2
nestedFullCoverage B A = 3
nestedFullCoverage B B = 4
nestedExtraDefault : MyBit -> MyBit -> Int
nestedExtraDefault A A = 1
nestedExtraDefault A B = 2
nestedExtraDefault B A = 3
nestedExtraDefault B B = 4
nestedExtraDefault _ _ = 5
nestedUsefulDefault : MyBit -> MyBit -> Int
nestedUsefulDefault A A = 1
nestedUsefulDefault A B = 2
nestedUsefulDefault B A = 3
nestedUsefulDefault _ _ = 4
nestedEarlyDefault : MyBit -> MyBit -> Int
nestedEarlyDefault A A = 1
nestedEarlyDefault A B = 2
nestedEarlyDefault B A = 3
nestedEarlyDefault _ _ = 4
nestedEarlyDefault B B = 5

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
%default total
g3 : (Nat, Nat) -> Nat
g3 (x, y) = x
g3 _ = 6
f : Monad m => m (Nat, Nat)
h3 : Monad m => m Nat
h3 = do
(x, y) <- f
| _ => pure 5
pure x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
1/1: Building DefaultCases (DefaultCases.idr)
Warning: Unreachable clause: extraDefault _
08 |
09 | extraDefault : MyBit -> Int
10 | extraDefault A = 1
11 | extraDefault B = 2
12 | extraDefault _ = 3
Warning: Unreachable clause: earlyDefault A
16 | usefulDefault _ = 2
17 |
18 | earlyDefault : MyBit -> Int
19 | earlyDefault _ = 1
20 | earlyDefault A = 2
Warning: Unreachable clause: nestedExtraDefault _ _
32 | nestedExtraDefault A A = 1
33 | nestedExtraDefault A B = 2
34 | nestedExtraDefault B A = 3
35 | nestedExtraDefault B B = 4
36 | nestedExtraDefault _ _ = 5
Warning: Unreachable clause: nestedEarlyDefault B B
45 | nestedEarlyDefault A A = 1
46 | nestedEarlyDefault A B = 2
47 | nestedEarlyDefault B A = 3
48 | nestedEarlyDefault _ _ = 4
49 | nestedEarlyDefault B B = 5
1/1: Building Issue1079 (Issue1079.idr)
Warning: Unreachable clause: g3 _
1 | %default total
2 |
3 | g3 : (Nat, Nat) -> Nat
4 | g3 (x, y) = x
5 | g3 _ = 6
Warning: Unreachable clause: case _ of
{(x, y) => pure x;
_ => pure 5}
08 |
09 | h3 : Monad m => m Nat
10 | h3 = do
11 | (x, y) <- f
12 | | _ => pure 5

tests/idris2/casetree002/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
rm -rf build
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --check DefaultCases.idr
$1 --no-color --console-width 0 --no-banner --check Issue1079.idr