Copy more files over from Idris2

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-05-20 11:23:04 +01:00
parent d3fab2d28f
commit fd55e629ee
47 changed files with 8470 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Contributing to Idris 2
Contributions are welcome! The most important things needed at this stage,
beyond work on the language core, are (in no particular order):
* CI integration.
* Documentation string support (at the REPL and IDE mode).
* Generating HTML documentation from documentation strings (and possibly other
* A better REPL, including:
- `it` and `:let`
- readline and tab completion
- `:search` and `:apropos`
- help commands
- code colouring
- it'd be nice if Ctrl-C didn't quit the whole system!
* IDE mode improvements
- Syntax highlighting support for output
- Several functions from the version 1 IDE protocol are not yet implemented,
and I haven't confirmed it works in everything.
- (Not really part of Idris 2, but an editing mode for vim would be lovely!)
* Some parts of the Idris 1 Prelude are not yet implemented and should be
added to base/
* Partial evaluation, especially for specialisation of interface
* The lexer and parser are quite slow, new and faster versions with better
errors would be good.
- In particular, large sections commented out with {- -} can take a while
to lex!
* An alternative, high performance, back end. OCaml seems worth a try.
* JS and Node back ends would be nice.
The default Prelude describes the rationale for what gets included and what
doesn't. Mostly what is there is copied from Idris 1, but it's not impossible
I've made some silly mistakes on the way. If you find any, please let me know
(or even better, submit a PR and a test case!).
Some language extensions from Idris 1 have not yet been implemented. Most
* Type providers
- Perhaps consider safety - do we allow arbitrary IO operations, or is
there a way to restrict them so that they can't, for example, delete
files or run executables.
* Elaborator reflection
- This will necessarily be slightly different from Idris 1 since the
elaborator works differently. It would also be nice to extend it with
libraries and perhaps syntax for deriving implementations of interfaces.
* `%default` directives, since coverage and totality checking have not been well
tested yet.
Other contributions are also welcome, but I (@edwinb) will need to be
confident that I'll be able to maintain them!
If you're editing the core system, or adding any features, please keep an
eye on performance. In particular, check that the libraries build and tests
run in approximately the same amount of time before and after the change.
(Although running faster is fine as long as everything still works :))
Further library support would be very welcome, but unless it's adding something
that was in `prelude/` or `base/` in Idris 1, please add it initially into
`contrib/`. (We'll reorganise things at some point, but it will need some
thought and discussion).
Think about whether definitions should be `export` or `public export`. As
a general rule so far, type synonyms and anything where the evaluation
behaviour might be useful in a proof (so very small definitions) are
`public export` and everything else which is exported is `export`.
Some syntax that hasn't yet been implemented but will be:
* Idiom brackets
* !-notation [needs some thought about the exact rules]
Some things from Idris 1 definitely won't be implemented:
* `%access` directives, because it's too easy to export things by accident
* Uniqueness types (instead, Idris 2 is based on QTT and supports linearity)
* Some esoteric syntax experiments, such as match applications
* Syntax extensions (at least in the unrestricted form from Idris 1)
* DSL blocks (probably) unless someone has a compelling use case that can't
be done another way

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Thanks to the following for their help and contributions to Idris 2:
Abdelhakim Qbaich
Alex Gryzlov
Alex Silva
Andre Kuhlenschmidt
André Videla
Arnaud Bailly
Brian Wignall
Christian Rasmussen
David Smith
Edwin Brady
Fabián Heredia Montiel
George Pollard
Guillaume Allais
Ilya Rezvov
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
Johann Rudloff
Kamil Shakirov
Bryn Keller
Kevin Boulain
Marc Petit-Huguenin
Marshall Bowers
Matthew Wilson
Matus Tejiscak
Michael Morgan
Milan Kral
Molly Miller
Mounir Boudia
Nicolas Biri
Niklas Larsson
Ohad Kammar
Peter Hajdu
Rohit Grover
Rui Barreiro
Simon Chatterjee
Theo Butler
Tim Süberkrüb
Timmy Jose

docs/LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#+TITLE: Licensing Information
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, /The
Idris Community/ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:

docs/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile

docs/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Documentation for the Idris Language.
This manual has been prepared using ReStructured Text and the [Sphinx Documentation Generator]( for future inclusion on [Read The Docs](
## Dependencies
To build the manual the following dependencies must be met. We assume that you have standard build automation tools already install i.e. `make`.
### Sphinx-Doc
Python should be installed by default on most systems.
Sphinx can be installed either through your hosts package manager or using pip/easy_install.
Recommended way is to use virtual environment for building documentation.
*Note* [ReadTheDocs]( works with Sphinx
`v1.2.2`. If you install a more recent version of sphinx then
'incorrectly' marked up documentation may get passed the build system
of readthedocs and be ignored. In the past we had several code-blocks
disappear because of that.
The ReadTheDocs theme can be installed in virtual environment using pip as follows:
python3 -m venv idris2docs_venv
source idris2docs_venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
### LaTeX
LaTeX can be install either using your systems package manager or direct from TeXLive.
## Build Instructions
cd docs
make html
make latexpdf
## Contributing
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, /The
Idris Community/ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
When contributing material to the manual please bear in mind that the work will be licensed as above.

docs/make.bat Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set SOURCEDIR=source
set BUILDDIR=build
if "%1" == "" goto help
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
goto end

docs/source/app/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
.. _app-index:
Structuring Idris 2 Applications
A tutorial on structuring Idris 2 applications using ``Control.App``.
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Idris applications have ``main : IO ()`` as an entry point. A type ``IO a`` is
a description of interactive actions which produce a value of type ``a``. This
is fine for primitives, but ``IO`` does not support exceptions so we have to be
explicit about how an operation handles failure. Also, if we do
want to support exceptions, we also want to explain how exceptions and linearity
(see Section :ref:`sect-multiplicities`) interact.
In this tutorial, we describe a parameterised type ``App`` and a related
parameterised type ``App1``, which together allow us to structure larger
applications, taking into account both exceptions and linearity. The aims of
``App`` and ``App1`` are that they should:
* make it possible to express what interactions a function does, in its type,
without too much notational overhead.
* have little or no performance overhead compared to writing in *IO*.
* be compatible with other libraries and techniques for describing effects,
such as algebraic effects or monad transformers.
* be sufficiently easy to use and performant that it can be the basis of
*all* libraries that make foreign function calls, much as *IO*
is in Idris 1 and Haskell
* be compatible with linear types, meaning that they should express whether a
section of code is linear (guaranteed to execute exactly once without
throwing an exception) or whether it might throw an exception.
We begin by introducing ``App``, with some small example
programs, then show how to extend it with exceptions, state, and other
[To be continued...]

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Chez Scheme Code Generator
The Chez Scheme code generator is the default, or it can be accessed via a REPL
Main> :set cg chez
By default, therefore, to run Idris programs you will need to install
`Chez Scheme <>`_. Chez Scheme is open source, and
available via most OS package managers.
You can compile an expression ``expr`` of type ``IO ()`` to an executable as
follows, at the REPL:
Main> :c execname expr
...where ``execname`` is the name of the executable file. This will generate
the following:
* A shell script ``build/exec/execname`` which invokes the program
* A subdirectory ``build/exec/execname_app`` which contains all the data necessary
to run the program. This includes the Chez Scheme source (````),
the compiled Chez Scheme code (````) and any shared libraries needed
for foreign function definitions.
The executable ``execname`` is relocatable to any subdirectory, provided that
``execname_app`` is also in the same subdirectory.
You can also execute an expression directly:
Main> :exec expr
Again, ``expr`` must have type ``IO ()``. This will generate a temporary
executable script ``_tmpchez`` in the ``build/exec`` directory, and execute
Chez Scheme is the default code generator, so if you invoke ``idris2`` with the
``-o execname`` flag, it will generate an executable script
``build/exec/execname``, again with support files in ``build/exec/execname_app``.

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Gambit Scheme Code Generator
The Gambit Scheme code generator can be accessed via the REPL command:
Main> :set cg gambit
Ergo, to run Idris programs with this generator, you will need to install
`Gambit Scheme <>`_. Gambit Scheme is free software,
and available via most pacakge managers.
You can compile an expression ``expr`` of type ``IO ()`` to an executable as
follows, at the REPL:
Main> :c execname expr
...where ``execname`` is the name of the executable file. This will generate
the following:
* An executable binary ``build/exec/execname`` of the program.
* A Gambit Scheme source file ``build/exec/execname.scm``, from which the
binary is generated.
You can also execute an expression directly:
Main> :exec expr
Again, ``expr`` must have type ``IO ()``. This will generate a temporary
Scheme file, and execute the Gambit interpreter on it.

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
.. _sect-execs:
Compiling to Executables
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
Idris 2 (the language) is designed to be independent of any specific code
generator. Still, since the point of writing a program is to be able to run it,
it's important to know how to do so! By default, Idris compiles to executables
via `Chez Scheme <>`_.
You can compile to an executable as follows, at the REPL:
Main> :c execname expr
...where ``execname`` is the name of the executable file to generate, and
``expr`` is the Idris expression which will be executed. ``expr`` must have
type ``IO ()``. This will result in an executable file ``execname``, in a
directory ``build/exec``, relative to the current working directory.
You can also execute expressions directly:
Main> :exec expr
Again, ``expr`` must have type ``IO ()``.
There are three code generators provided in Idris 2, and (later) there will be
a system for plugging in new code generators for a variety of targets. The
default is to compile via Chez Scheme, with an alternative via Racket or Gambit.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Racket Code Generator
The Racket code generator is accessed via a REPL command:
Main> :set cg racket
[More details TODO]

docs/source/ Normal file
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# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
# Idris Manual documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Apr 13, 2020.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
# list see the documentation:
# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
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# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
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# General information about the project.
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# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
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# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
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# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
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# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# The master toctree document.
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# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
# # Read The Docs Themes specific settings
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# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
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# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
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# the title page.
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# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
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# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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(master_doc, 'IdrisManual', u'Idris Manual Documentation',
author, 'IdrisManual', 'One line description of project.',
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#texinfo_domain_indices = True
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# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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# If false, no index is generated.
#epub_use_index = True

docs/source/faq/faq.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Idris 2 compile itself?
Not yet. Although it is written in Idris, there are several changes to the
language which are not fully backwards compatible (see Section
:ref:`updates-index`) so, although we hope to get there fairly soon - especially
since we are resisting using any of the more sophisticated language features -
it's not automatically the case that it will be able to compile itself.

docs/source/ffi/ffi.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
FFI Overview
Foreign functions are declared with the ``%foreign`` directive, which takes the
following general form:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign [specifiers]
name : t
The specifier is an Idris ``String`` which says in which language the foreign
function is written, what it's called, and where to find it. There may be more
than one specifier, and a code generator is free to choose any specifier it
understands - or even ignore the specifiers completely and use their own
approach. In general, a specifier has the form "Language:name,library". For
example, in C:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign "C:puts,libc"
puts : String -> PrimIO Int
It is up to specific code generators to decide how to locate the function and
the library. In this document, we will assume the default Chez Scheme code
generator (the examples also work with the Racket or Gambit code generator) and
that the foreign language is C.
As a running example, we are going to work with a small C file. Save the
following content to a file ``smallc.c``
#include <stdio.h>
int add(int x, int y) {
return x+y;
int addWithMessage(char* msg, int x, int y) {
printf("%s: %d + %d = %d\n", msg, x, y, x+y);
return x+y;
Then, compile it to a shared library with::
cc -shared smallc.c -o
We can now write an Idris program which calls each of these. First, we'll
write a small program which uses ``add`` to add two integers:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign "C:add,libsmall"
add : Int -> Int -> Int
main : IO ()
main = printLn (add 70 24)
The ``%foreign`` declaration states that ``add`` is written in C, with the
name ``add`` in the library ``libsmall``. As long as the run time is able
to locate ```` (in practice it looks in the current directory and
the system library paths) we can run this at the REPL:
Main> :exec main
Note that it is the programmer's responsibility to make sure that the
Idris function and C function have corresponding types. There is no way for
the machine to check this! If you get it wrong, you will get unpredictable
Since ``add`` has no side effects, we've given it a return type of ``Int``.
But what if the function has some effect on the outside world, like
``addWithMessage``? In this case, we use ``PrimIO Int`` to say that it
returns a primitive IO action:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign "C:addWithMessage,libsmall"
prim_addWithMessage : String -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
Internally, ``PrimIO Int`` is a function which takes the current (linear)
state of the world, and returns an ``Int`` with an updated state of the world.
We can convert this into an ``IO`` action using ``primIO``:
.. code-block:: idris
primIO : PrimIO a -> IO a
So, we can extend our program as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
addWithMessage : String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
addWithMessage s x y = primIO $ prim_addWithMessage s x y
main : IO ()
= do printLn (add 70 24)
addWithMessage "Sum" 70 24
pure ()
It is up to the programmer to declare which functions are pure, and which have
side effects, via ``PrimIO``. Executing this gives:
Main> :exec main
Sum: 70 + 24 = 94
We have seen two specifiers for foreign functions:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign "C:add,libsmall"
%foreign "C:addWithMessage,libsmall"
These both have the same form: ``"C:[name],libsmall"`` so instead of writing
the concrete ``String``, we write a function to compute the specifier, and
use that instead:
.. code-block:: idris
libsmall : String -> String
libsmall fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ",libsmall"
%foreign (libsmall "add")
add : Int -> Int -> Int
%foreign (libsmall "addWithMessage")
prim_addWithMessage : String -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
.. _sect-ffi-string:
Primitive FFI Types
The types which can be passed to and returned from foreign functions are
restricted to those which it is reasonable to assume any back end can handle.
In practice, this means most primitive types, and a limited selection of
others. Argument types can be any of the following primitives:
* ``Int``
* ``Char``
* ``Double`` (as ``double`` in C)
* ``String`` (as ``char*`` in C)
* ``Ptr t`` and ``AnyPtr`` (both as ``void*`` in C)
Return types can be any of the above, plus:
* ``()``
* ``PrimIO t``, where ``t`` is a valid return type other than a ``PrimIO``.
Handling ``String`` leads to some complications, for a number of reasons:
* Strings can have multiple encodings. In the Idris run time, Strings are
encoded as UTF-8, but C makes no assumptions.
* It is not always clear who is responsible for freeing a ``String`` allocated
by a C function.
* In C, strings can be ``NULL``, but Idris strings always have a value.
So, when passing ``String`` to and from C, remember the following:
* A ``char*`` returned by a C function will be copied to the Idris heap, and
the Idris run time immediately calls ``free`` with the returned ``char*``.
* If a ``char*`` might be ``NULL`` in ``C``, use ``Ptr String`` rather than
When using ``Ptr String``, the value will be passed as a ``void*``, and
therefore not accessible directly by Idris code. This is to protect against
accidentally trying to use ``NULL`` as a ``String``. You can nevertheless
work with them and convert to ``String`` via foreign functions of the following
char* getString(void *p) {
return (char*)p;
void* mkString(char* str) {
return (void*)str;
int isNullString(void* str) {
return str == NULL;
For an example, see the sample :ref:`sect-readline` bindings.
Additionally, foreign functions can take *callbacks*, and take and return
C ``struct`` pointers.
.. _sect-callbacks:
It is often useful in C for a function to take a *callback*, that is a function
which is called after doing some work. For example, we can write a function
which takes a callback that takes a ``char*`` and an ``int`` and returns a
``char*``, in C, as follows (added to ``smallc.c`` above):
typedef char*(*StringFn)(char*, int);
char* applyFn(char* x, int y, StringFn f) {
printf("Applying callback to %s %d\n", x, y);
return f(x, y);
Then, we can access this from Idris by declaring it as a ``%foreign``
function and wrapping it in ``IO``, with the C function calling the Idris
function as the callback:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (libsmall "applyFn")
prim_applyFn : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> String) -> PrimIO String
applyFn : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> String) -> IO String
applyFn c i f = primIO $ prim_applyFn c i f
For example, we can try this as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
pluralise : String -> Int -> String
pluralise str x
= show x ++ " " ++
if x == 1
then str
else str ++ "s"
main : IO ()
= do str1 <- applyFn "Biscuit" 10 pluralise
putStrLn str1
str2 <- applyFn "Tree" 1 pluralise
putStrLn str2
As a variant, the callback could have a side effect:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (libsmall "applyFn")
prim_applyFnIO : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> PrimIO String) ->
PrimIO String
This is a little more fiddly to lift to an ``IO`` function, due to the callback,
but we can do so using ``toPrim : IO a -> PrimIO a``:
.. code-block:: idris
applyFnIO : String -> Int -> (String -> Int -> IO String) -> IO String
applyFnIO c i f = primIO $ prim_applyFnIO c i (\s, i => toPrim $ f s i)
For example, we can extend the above ``pluralise`` example to print a message
in the callback:
.. code-block:: idris
pluralise : String -> Int -> IO String
pluralise str x
= do putStrLn "Pluralising"
pure $ show x ++ " " ++
if x == 1
then str
else str ++ "s"
main : IO ()
= do str1 <- applyFnIO "Biscuit" 10 pluralise
putStrLn str1
str2 <- applyFnIO "Tree" 1 pluralise
putStrLn str2
Many C APIs pass around more complex data structures, as a ``struct``.
We do not aim to be completely general in the C types we support, because
this will make it harder to write code which is portable across multiple
back ends. However, it is still often useful to be able to access a ``struct``
directly. For example, add the following to the top of ``smallc.c``, and
rebuild ````:
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} point;
point* mkPoint(int x, int y) {
point* pt = malloc(sizeof(point));
pt->x = x;
pt->y = y;
return pt;
void freePoint(point* pt) {
We can define a type for accessing ``point`` in Idris by importing
``System.FFI`` and using the ``Struct`` type, as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
Point : Type
Point = Struct "point" [("x", Int), ("y", Int)]
%foreign (libsmall "mkPoint")
mkPoint : Int -> Int -> Point
%foreign (libsmall "freePoint")
prim_freePoint : Point -> PrimIO ()
freePoint : Point -> IO ()
freePoint p = primIO $ prim_freePoint p
The ``Point`` type in Idris now corresponds to ``point*`` in C. Fields can
be read and written using the following, also from ``System.FFI``:
.. code-block:: idris
getField : Struct s fs -> (n : String) ->
FieldType n ty fs => ty
setField : Struct s fs -> (n : String) ->
FieldType n ty fs => ty -> IO ()
Notice that fields are accessed by name, and must be available in the
struct, given the constraint ``FieldType n ty fs``, which states that the
field named ``n`` has type ``ty`` in the structure fields ``fs``.
So, we can display a ``Point`` as follows by accessing the fields directly:
.. code-block:: idris
showPoint : Point -> String
showPoint pt
= let x : Int = getField pt "x"
y : Int = getField pt "y" in
show (x, y)
And, as a complete example, we can initialise, update, display and
delete a ``Point`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
main : IO ()
main = do let pt = mkPoint 20 30
setField pt "x" (the Int 40)
putStrLn $ showPoint pt
freePoint pt
The field types of a ``Struct`` can be any of the following:
* ``Int``
* ``Char``
* ``Double`` (``double`` in C)
* ``Ptr a`` or ``AnyPtr`` (``void*`` in C)
* Another ``Struct``, which is a pointer to a ``struct`` in C
Note that this doesn't include ``String`` or function types! This is primarily
because these aren't directly supported by the Chez back end. However, you can
use another pointer type and convert. For example, assuming you have, in C:
typedef struct {
char* name;
point* pt;
} namedpoint;
You can represent this in Idris as:
NamedPoint : Type
= Struct "namedpoint"
[("name", Ptr String),
("pt", Point)]
That is, using a ``Ptr String`` instead of a ``String`` directly. Then you
can convert between a ``void*`` and a ``char*`` in C:
char* getString(void *p) {
return (char*)p;
...and use this to convert to a ``String`` in Idris:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (pfn "getString")
getString : Ptr String -> String

docs/source/ffi/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Foreign Function Interface
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
Idris 2 is designed to support multiple code generators. The default target is
Chez Scheme, with Racket and Gambit code generators also supported. However, the
intention is, as with Idris 1, to support multiple targets on multiple platforms,
including e.g. JavaScript, JVM, .NET, and others yet to be invented.
This makes the design of a foreign function interface (FFI), which calls
functions in other languages, a little challenging, since ideally it will
support all possible targets!
To this end, the Idris 2 FFI aims to be flexible and adaptable, while still
supporting most common requirements without too much need for "glue" code in
the foreign language.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
.. _sect-readline:
Example: Minimal Readline Bindings
In this section, we'll see how to create bindings for a C library (the `GNU
Readline <>`_ library) in
Idris, and make them available in a package. We'll only create the most minimal
bindings, but nevertheless they demonstrate some of the trickier problems in
creating bindings to a C library, in that they need to handle memory allocation
of ``String``.
You can find the example in full in the Idris 2 source repository,
in `samples/FFI-readline
<>`_. As a
minimal example, this can be used as a starting point for other C library
We are going to provide bindings to the following functions in the Readline
API, available via ``#include <readline/readline.h>``:
char* readline (const char *prompt);
void add_history(const char *string);
Additionally, we are going to support tab completion, which in the Readline
API is achieved by setting a global variable to a callback function
(see Section :ref:`sect-callbacks`) which explains how to handle the
typedef char *rl_compentry_func_t (const char *, int);
rl_compentry_func_t * rl_completion_entry_function;
A completion function takes a ``String``, which is the text to complete, and
an ``Int``, which is the number of times it has asked for a completion so far.
In Idris, this could be a function ``complete : String -> Int -> IO String``.
So, for example, if the text so far is ``"id"``, and the possible completions
are ``idiomatic`` and ``idris``, then ``complete "id" 0`` would produce the
string ``"idiomatic"`` and ``complete "id" 1`` would produce ``"idris"``.
We will define *glue* functions in a C file ``idris_readline.c``, which compiles
to a shared object ``libidrisreadline``, so we write a function for locating
the C functions:
.. code-block:: idris
rlib : String -> String
rlib fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ",libidrisreadline"
Each of the foreign bindings will have a ``%foreign`` specifier which locates
functions via ``rlib``.
Basic behaviour: Reading input, and history
We can start by writing a binding for ``readline`` directly. It's interactive,
so needs to return a ``PrimIO``:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (rlib "readline")
prim_readline : String -> PrimIO String
Then, we can write an ``IO`` wrapper:
.. code-block:: idris
readline : String -> IO String
readline prompt = primIO $ readline prompt
Unfortunately, this isn't quite good enough! The C ``readline`` function
returns a ``NULL`` string if there is no input due to encountering an
end of file. So, we need to handle that - if we don't, we'll get a crash
on encountering end of file (remember: it's the Idris programmer's responsibility
to give an appropriate type to the C binding!)
Instead, we need to use a ``Ptr`` to say that it might be a ``NULL``
pointer (see Section :ref:`sect-ffi-string`):
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (rlib "readline")
prim_readline : String -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
We also need to provide a way to check whether the returned ``Ptr String`` is
``NULL``. To do so, we'll write some glue code to convert back and forth
between ``Ptr String`` and ``String``, in a file ``idris_readline.c`` and a
corresponding header ``idris_readline.h``. In ``idris_readline.h`` we have:
int isNullString(void* str); // return 0 if a string in NULL, non zero otherwise
char* getString(void* str); // turn a non-NULL Ptr String into a String (assuming not NULL)
void* mkString(char* str); // turn a String into a Ptr String
void* nullString(); // create a new NULL String
Correspondingly, in ``idris_readline.c``:
int isNullString(void* str) {
return str == NULL;
char* getString(void* str) {
return (char*)str;
void* mkString(char* str) {
return (void*)str;
void* nullString() {
return NULL;
Now, we can use ``prim_readline`` as follows, with a safe API, checking
whether the result it returns is ``NULL`` or a concrete ``String``:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (rlib "isNullString")
prim_isNullString : Ptr String -> Int
isNullString : Ptr String -> Bool
isNullString str = if prim_isNullString str == 0 then False else True
readline : String -> IO (Maybe String)
readline s
= do mstr <- primIO $ prim_readline s
if isNullString mstr
then pure $ Nothing
else pure $ Just (getString mstr)
We'll need ``nullString`` and ``mkString`` later, for dealing with completions.
Once we've read a string, we'll want to add it to the input history. We can
provide a binding to ``add_history`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (rlib "add_history")
prim_add_history : String -> PrimIO ()
addHistory : String -> IO ()
addHistory s = primIO $ prim_add_history s
In this case, since Idris is in control of the ``String``, we know it's not
going to be ``NULL``, so we can add it directly.
A small ``readline`` program that reads input, and echoes it, recording input
history for non-empty inputs, can be written as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
echoLoop : IO ()
= do Just x <- readline "> "
| Nothing => putStrLn "EOF"
putStrLn ("Read: " ++ x)
when (x /= "") $ addHistory x
if x /= "quit"
then echoLoop
else putStrLn "Done"
This gives us command history, and command line editing, but Readline becomes
much more useful when we add tab completion. The default tab completion, which
is available even in the small example above, is to tab complete file names
in the current working directory. But for any realistic application, we probably
want to tab complete other commands, such as function names, references to
local data, or anything that is appropriate for the application.
Readline has a large API, with several ways of supporting tab completion,
typically involving setting a global variable to an appropriate completion
function. We'll use the following:
typedef char *rl_compentry_func_t (const char *, int);
rl_compentry_func_t * rl_completion_entry_function;
The completion function takes the prefix of the completion, and the number
of times it has been called so far on this prefix, and returns the next
completion, or ``NULL`` if there are no more completions. An Idris equivalent
would therefore have the following type:
.. code-block:: idris
setCompletionFn : (String -> Int -> IO (Maybe String)) -> IO ()
The function returns ``Nothing`` if there are no more completions, or
``Just str`` for some ``str`` if there is another one for the current
We might hope that it's a matter of defining a function to assign the
completion function...
void idrisrl_setCompletion(rl_compentry_func_t* fn) {
rl_completion_entry_function = fn;
...then defining the Idris binding, which needs to take into account that
the Readline library expects ``NULL`` when there are no more completions:
.. code-block:: idris
%foreign (rlib "idrisrl_setCompletion")
prim_setCompletion : (String -> Int -> PrimIO (Ptr String)) -> PrimIO ()
setCompletionFn : (String -> Int -> IO (Maybe String)) -> IO ()
setCompletionFn fn
= primIO $ prim_setCompletion $ \s, i => toPrim $
do mstr <- fn s i
case mstr of
Nothing => pure nullString // need to return a Ptr String to readline!
Just str => pure (mkString str)
So, we turn ``Nothing`` into ``nullString`` and ``Just str`` into ``mkString
str``. Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work. To see what goes wrong, let's
try it for the most basic completion function that returns one completion no
matter what the input:
.. code-block:: idris
testComplete : String -> Int -> IO (Maybe String)
testComplete text 0 = pure $ Just "hamster"
testComplete text st = pure Nothing
We'll try this in a small modification of ``echoLoop`` above, setting a
completion function first:
.. code-block :: idris
main : IO ()
main = do setCompletionFn testComplete
We see that there is a problem when we try running it, and hitting TAB before
entering anything:
Main> :exec main
> free(): invalid pointer
The Idris code which sets up the completion is fine, but there is a problem
with the memory allocation in the C glue code.
This problem arises because we haven't thought carefully enough about which
parts of our program are responsible for allocating and freeing strings.
When Idris calls a foreign function that returns a string, it copies the
string to the Idris heap and frees it immediately. But, if the foreign
library also frees the string, it ends up being freed twice. This is what's
happening here: the callback passed to ``prim_setCompletion`` frees the string
and puts it onto the Idris heap, but Readline also frees the string returned
by ``prim_setCompletion`` once it has processed it. We can solve this
problem by writing a wrapper for the completion function which reallocates
the string, and using that in ``idrisrl_setCompletion`` instead.
rl_compentry_func_t* my_compentry;
char* compentry_wrapper(const char* text, int i) {
char* res = my_compentry(text, i); // my_compentry is an Idris function, so res is on the Idris heap,
// and freed on return
if (res != NULL) {
char* comp = malloc(strlen(res)+1); // comp is passed back to readline, which frees it when
// it is finished with it
strcpy(comp, res);
return comp;
else {
return NULL;
void idrisrl_setCompletion(rl_compentry_func_t* fn) {
rl_completion_entry_function = compentry_wrapper;
my_compentry = fn; // fn is an Idris function, called by compentry_wrapper
So, we define the completion function in C, which calls the Idris completion
function then makes sure the string returned by the Idris function is copied
to the C heap.
We now have a primitive API that covers the most fundamental features of the
readline API:
.. code-block:: idris
readline : String -> IO (Maybe String)
addHistory : String -> IO ()
setCompletionFn : (String -> Int -> IO (Maybe String)) -> IO ()

docs/source/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
.. Idris Manual documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Sat Feb 28 20:41:47 2015.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Documentation for the Idris 2 Language
.. note::
The documentation for Idris 2 has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
$ idris hello.idr
____ __ _ ___
/ _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version 0.1.0
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/ Type :? for help
Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!
Main> :t main
Main.main : IO ()
Main> :c hello main
compiling with output to
File written
Main> :q
Bye for now!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
$ idris2 interp.idr
____ __ _ ___
/ _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version 0.1.0
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/ Type :? for help
Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!
Main> :exec main
Enter a number: 6

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$ idris2
____ __ _ ___
/ _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version 0.1.0
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/ Type :? for help
Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Before we discuss the details of theorem proving in Idris, we will describe
some fundamental concepts:
- Propositions and judgments
- Boolean and constructive logic
- Curry-Howard correspondence
- Definitional and propositional equalities
- Axiomatic and constructive approaches
Propositions and Judgments
Propositions are the subject of our proofs. Before the proof, we can't
formally say if they are true or not. If the proof is successful then the
result is a 'judgment'. For instance, if the ``proposition`` is,
| 1+1=2 |
When we prove it, the ``judgment`` is,
| 1+1=2 true |
Or if the ``proposition`` is,
| 1+1=3 |
we can't prove it is true, but it is still a valid proposition and perhaps we
can prove it is false so the ``judgment`` is,
| 1+1=3 false |
This may seem a bit pedantic but it is important to be careful: in mathematics
not every proposition is true or false. For instance, a proposition may be
unproven or even unprovable.
So the logic here is different from the logic that comes from boolean algebra.
In that case what is not true is false and what is not false is true. The logic
we are using here does not have this law, the "Law of Excluded Middle", so we
cannot use it.
A false proposition is taken to be a contradiction and if we have a
contradiction then we can prove anything, so we need to avoid this. Some
languages, used in proof assistants, prevent contradictions.
The logic we are using is called constructive (or sometimes intuitional)
because we are constructing a 'database' of judgments.
Curry-Howard correspondence
So how do we relate these proofs to Idris programs? It turns out that there is
a correspondence between constructive logic and type theory. They have the same
structure and we can switch back and forth between the two notations.
The way that this works is that a proposition is a type so...
.. code-block:: idris
Main> 1 + 1 = 2
2 = 2
Main> :t 1 + 1 = 2
(fromInteger 1 + fromInteger 1) === fromInteger 2 : Type a proposition and it is also a type. The
following will also produce an equality type:
.. code-block:: idris
Main> 1 + 1 = 3
2 = 3
Both of these are valid propositions so both are valid equality types. But how
do we represent a true judgment? That is, how do we denote 1+1=2 is true but not
1+1=3? A type that is true is inhabited, that is, it can be constructed. An
equality type has only one constructor 'Refl' so a proof of 1+1=2 is
.. code-block:: idris
onePlusOne : 1+1=2
onePlusOne = Refl
Now that we can represent propositions as types other aspects of
propositional logic can also be translated to types as follows:
| | propositions | example of possible type |
| A | x=y | |
| B | y=z | |
| and | A /\ B | Pair(x=y,y=z) |
| or | A \/ B | Either(x=y,y=z) |
| implies | A -> B | (x=y) -> (y=x) |
| for all | y=z | |
| exists | y=z | |
And (conjunction)
We can have a type which corresponds to conjunction:
.. code-block:: idris
AndIntro : a -> b -> A a b
There is a built in type called 'Pair'.
Or (disjunction)
We can have a type which corresponds to disjunction:
.. code-block:: idris
data Or : Type -> Type -> Type where
OrIntroLeft : a -> A a b
OrIntroRight : b -> A a b
There is a built in type called 'Either'.
Definitional and Propositional Equalities
We have seen that we can 'prove' a type by finding a way to construct a term.
In the case of equality types there is only one constructor which is ``Refl``.
We have also seen that each side of the equation does not have to be identical
like '2=2'. It is enough that both sides are *definitionally equal* like this:
.. code-block:: idris
onePlusOne : 1+1=2
onePlusOne = Refl
Both sides of this equation normalise to 2 and so Refl matches and the
proposition is proved.
We don't have to stick to terms; we can also use symbolic parameters so the
following type checks:
.. code-block:: idris
varIdentity : m = m
varIdentity = Refl
If a proposition/equality type is not definitionally equal but is still true
then it is *propositionally equal*. In this case we may still be able to prove
it but some steps in the proof may require us to add something into the terms
or at least to take some sideways steps to get to a proof.
Especially when working with equalities containing variable terms (inside
functions) it can be hard to know which equality types are definitionally equal,
in this example ``plusReducesL`` is *definitionally equal* but ``plusReducesR`` is
not (although it is *propositionally equal*). The only difference between
them is the order of the operands.
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesL : (n:Nat) -> plus Z n = n
plusReducesL n = Refl
plusReducesR : (n:Nat) -> plus n Z = n
plusReducesR n = Refl
Checking ``plusReducesR`` gives the following error:
.. code-block:: idris
Proofs.idr:21:18--23:1:While processing right hand side of Main.plusReducesR at Proofs.idr:21:1--23:1:
Can't solve constraint between:
plus n Z
So why is ``Refl`` able to prove some equality types but not others?
The first answer is that ``plus`` is defined by recursion on its first
argument. So, when the first argument is ``Z``, it reduces, but not when the
second argument is ``Z``.
If an equality type can be proved/constructed by using ``Refl`` alone it is known
as a *definitional equality*. In order to be definitionally equal both sides
of the equation must normalise to the same value.
So when we type ``1+1`` in Idris it is immediately reduced to 2 because
definitional equality is built in
.. code-block:: idris
Main> 1+1
In the following pages we discuss how to resolve propositional equalities.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.. _proofs-index:
Theorem Proving
A tutorial on theorem proving in Idris 2.
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
.. _sect-inductive:
Inductive Proofs
Before embarking on proving ``plus_commutes`` in Idris itself, let us
consider the overall structure of a proof of some property of natural
numbers. Recall that they are defined recursively, as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
data Nat : Type where
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
A *total* function over natural numbers must both terminate, and cover
all possible inputs. Idris checks functions for totality by checking that
all inputs are covered, and that all recursive calls are on
*structurally smaller* values (so recursion will always reach a base
case). Recalling ``plus``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus Z m = m
plus (S k) m = S (plus k m)
This is total because it covers all possible inputs (the first argument
can only be ``Z`` or ``S k`` for some ``k``, and the second argument
``m`` covers all possible ``Nat``) and in the recursive call, ``k``
is structurally smaller than ``S k`` so the first argument will always
reach the base case ``Z`` in any sequence of recursive calls.
In some sense, this resembles a mathematical proof by induction (and
this is no coincidence!). For some property ``P`` of a natural number
``x``, we can show that ``P`` holds for all ``x`` if:
- ``P`` holds for zero (the base case).
- Assuming that ``P`` holds for ``k``, we can show ``P`` also holds for
``S k`` (the inductive step).
In ``plus``, the property we are trying to show is somewhat trivial (for
all natural numbers ``x``, there is a ``Nat`` which need not have any
relation to ``x``). However, it still takes the form of a base case and
an inductive step. In the base case, we show that there is a ``Nat``
arising from ``plus n m`` when ``n = Z``, and in the inductive step we
show that there is a ``Nat`` arising when ``n = S k`` and we know we can
get a ``Nat`` inductively from ``plus k m``. We could even write a
function capturing all such inductive definitions:
.. code-block:: idris
nat_induction :
(prop : Nat -> Type) -> -- Property to show
(prop Z) -> -- Base case
((k : Nat) -> prop k -> prop (S k)) -> -- Inductive step
(x : Nat) -> -- Show for all x
prop x
nat_induction prop p_Z p_S Z = p_Z
nat_induction prop p_Z p_S (S k) = p_S k (nat_induction prop p_Z p_S k)
Using ``nat_induction``, we can implement an equivalent inductive
version of ``plus``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_ind : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus_ind n m
= nat_induction (\x => Nat)
m -- Base case, plus_ind Z m
(\k, k_rec => S k_rec) -- Inductive step plus_ind (S k) m
-- where k_rec = plus_ind k m
To prove that ``plus n m = plus m n`` for all natural numbers ``n`` and
``m``, we can also use induction. Either we can fix ``m`` and perform
induction on ``n``, or vice versa. We can sketch an outline of a proof;
performing induction on ``n``, we have:
- Property ``prop`` is ``\x => plus x m = plus m x``.
- Show that ``prop`` holds in the base case and inductive step:
- | Base case: ``prop Z``, i.e.
| ``plus Z m = plus m Z``, which reduces to
| ``m = plus m Z`` due to the definition of ``plus``.
- | Inductive step: Inductively, we know that ``prop k`` holds for a specific, fixed ``k``, i.e.
| ``plus k m = plus m k`` (the induction hypothesis). Given this, show ``prop (S k)``, i.e.
| ``plus (S k) m = plus m (S k)``, which reduces to
| ``S (plus k m) = plus m (S k)``. From the induction hypothesis, we can rewrite this to
| ``S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)``.
To complete the proof we therefore need to show that ``m = plus m Z``
for all natural numbers ``m``, and that ``S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)``
for all natural numbers ``m`` and ``k``. Each of these can also be
proved by induction, this time on ``m``.
We are now ready to embark on a proof of commutativity of ``plus``
formally in Idris.

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@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
Pattern Matching Proofs
In this section, we will provide a proof of ``plus_commutes`` directly,
by writing a pattern matching definition. We will use interactive
editing features extensively, since it is significantly easier to
produce a proof when the machine can give the types of intermediate
values and construct components of the proof itself. The commands we
will use are summarised below. Where we refer to commands
directly, we will use the Vim version, but these commands have a direct
mapping to Emacs commands.
|Command | Vim binding | Emacs binding | Explanation |
| Check type | ``\t`` | ``C-c C-t`` | Show type of identifier or hole under the cursor. |
| Proof search | ``\s`` | ``C-c C-a`` | Attempt to solve hole under the cursor by applying simple proof search. |
| Make new definition | ``\a`` | ``C-c C-s`` | Add a template definition for the type defined under the cursor. |
| Make lemma | ``\l`` | ``C-c C-e`` | Add a top level function with a type which solves the hole under the cursor. |
| Split cases | ``\c`` | ``C-c C-c`` | Create new constructor patterns for each possible case of the variable under the cursor. |
Creating a Definition
To begin, create a file ``pluscomm.idr`` containing the following type
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
To create a template definition for the proof, press ``\a`` (or the
equivalent in your editor of choice) on the line with the type
declaration. You should see:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes n m = ?plus_commutes_rhs
To prove this by induction on ``n``, as we sketched in Section
:ref:`sect-inductive`, we begin with a case split on ``n`` (press
``\c`` with the cursor over the ``n`` in the definition.) You
should see:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes Z m = ?plus_commutes_rhs_1
plus_commutes (S k) m = ?plus_commutes_rhs_2
If we inspect the types of the newly created holes,
``plus_commutes_rhs_1`` and ``plus_commutes_rhs_2``, we see that the
type of each reflects that ``n`` has been refined to ``Z`` and ``S k``
in each respective case. Pressing ``\t`` over
``plus_commutes_rhs_1`` shows:
.. code-block:: idris
m : Nat
plus_commutes_rhs_1 : m = plus m Z
Similarly, for ``plus_commutes_rhs_2``:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
m : Nat
plus_commutes_rhs_2 : (S (plus k m)) = (plus m (S k))
It is a good idea to give these slightly more meaningful names:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes Z m = ?plus_commutes_Z
plus_commutes (S k) m = ?plus_commutes_S
Base Case
We can create a separate lemma for the base case interactively, by
pressing ``\l`` with the cursor over ``plus_commutes_Z``. This
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes Z m = plus_commutes_Z m
plus_commutes (S k) m = ?plus_commutes_S
That is, the hole has been filled with a call to a top level
function ``plus_commutes_Z``, applied to the variable in scope ``m``.
Unfortunately, we cannot prove this lemma directly, since ``plus`` is
defined by matching on its *first* argument, and here ``plus m Z`` has a
concrete value for its *second argument* (in fact, the left hand side of
the equality has been reduced from ``plus Z m``.) Again, we can prove
this by induction, this time on ``m``.
First, create a template definition with ``\d``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes_Z m = ?plus_commutes_Z_rhs
Now, case split on ``m`` with ``\c``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes_Z Z = ?plus_commutes_Z_rhs_1
plus_commutes_Z (S k) = ?plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2
Checking the type of ``plus_commutes_Z_rhs_1`` shows the following,
which is provable by ``Refl``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z_rhs_1 : Z = Z
For such immediate proofs, we can let write the proof automatically by
pressing ``\s`` with the cursor over ``plus_commutes_Z_rhs_1``.
This yields:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes_Z Z = Refl
plus_commutes_Z (S k) = ?plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2
For ``plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2``, we are not so lucky:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2 : S k = S (plus k Z)
Inductively, we should know that ``k = plus k Z``, and we can get access
to this inductive hypothesis by making a recursive call on k, as
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes_Z Z = Refl
plus_commutes_Z (S k)
= let rec = plus_commutes_Z k in
For ``plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2``, we now see:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
rec : k = plus k Z
plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2 : S k = S (plus k Z)
So we know that ``k = plus k Z``, but how do we use this to update the goal to
``S k = S k``?
To achieve this, Idris provides a ``replace`` function as part of the
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :t replace
Builtin.replace : (0 rule : x = y) -> p x -> p y
Given a proof that ``x = y``, and a property ``p`` which holds for
``x``, we can get a proof of the same property for ``y``, because we
know ``x`` and ``y`` must be the same. Note the multiplicity on ``rule``
means that it's guaranteed to be erased at run time.
In practice, this function can be
a little tricky to use because in general the implicit argument ``p``
can be hard to infer by unification, so Idris provides a high level
syntax which calculates the property and applies ``replace``:
.. code-block:: idris
rewrite prf in expr
If we have ``prf : x = y``, and the required type for ``expr`` is some
property of ``x``, the ``rewrite ... in`` syntax will search for all
occurrences of ``x``
in the required type of ``expr`` and replace them with ``y``. We want
to replace ``plus k Z`` with ``k``, so we need to apply our rule
``rec`` in reverse, which we can do using ``sym`` from the Prelude
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :t sym
Builtin.sym : (0 rule : x = y) -> y = x
Concretely, in our example, we can say:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z (S k)
= let rec = plus_commutes_Z k in
rewrite sym rec in ?plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2
Checking the type of ``plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2`` now gives:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
rec : k = plus k Z
plus_commutes_Z_rhs_2 : S k = S k
Using the rewrite rule ``rec``, the goal type has been updated with ``plus k Z``
replaced by ``k``.
We can use proof search (``\s``) to complete the proof, giving:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_Z : (m : Nat) -> m = plus m Z
plus_commutes_Z Z = Refl
plus_commutes_Z (S k)
= let rec = plus_commutes_Z k in
rewrite sym rec in Refl
The base case of ``plus_commutes`` is now complete.
Inductive Step
Our main theorem, ``plus_commutes`` should currently be in the following
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes Z m = plus_commutes_Z m
plus_commutes (S k) m = ?plus_commutes_S
Looking again at the type of ``plus_commutes_S``, we have:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
m : Nat
plus_commutes_S : S (plus k m) = plus m (S k)
Conveniently, by induction we can immediately tell that
``plus k m = plus m k``, so let us rewrite directly by making a
recursive call to ``plus_commutes``. We add this directly, by hand, as
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n + m = m + n
plus_commutes Z m = plus_commutes_Z
plus_commutes (S k) m = rewrite plus_commutes k m in ?plus_commutes_S
Checking the type of ``plus_commutes_S`` now gives:
.. code-block:: idris
k : Nat
m : Nat
plus_commutes_S : S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)
The good news is that ``m`` and ``k`` now appear in the correct order.
However, we still have to show that the successor symbol ``S`` can be
moved to the front in the right hand side of this equality. This
remaining lemma takes a similar form to the ``plus_commutes_Z``; we
begin by making a new top level lemma with ``\l``. This gives:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_S : (k : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)
Again, we make a template definition with ``\a``:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_S : (k : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)
plus_commutes_S k m = ?plus_commutes_S_rhs
Like ``plus_commutes_Z``, we can define this by induction over ``m``, since
``plus`` is defined by matching on its first argument. The complete definition
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes_S : (k : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> S (plus m k) = plus m (S k)
plus_commutes_S k Z = Refl
plus_commutes_S k (S j) = rewrite plus_commutes_S k j in Refl
All holes have now been solved.
The ``total`` annotation means that we require the final function to
pass the totality checker; i.e. it will terminate on all possible
well-typed inputs. This is important for proofs, since it provides a
guarantee that the proof is valid in *all* cases, not just those for
which it happens to be well-defined.
Now that ``plus_commutes`` has a ``total`` annotation, we have completed the
proof of commutativity of addition on natural numbers.

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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
Running example: Addition of Natural Numbers
Throughout this tutorial, we will be working with the following
function, defined in the Idris prelude, which defines addition on
natural numbers:
.. code-block:: idris
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus Z m = m
plus (S k) m = S (plus k m)
It is defined by the above equations, meaning that we have for free the
properties that adding ``m`` to zero always results in ``m``, and that
adding ``m`` to any non-zero number ``S k`` always results in
``S (plus k m)``. We can see this by evaluation at the Idris REPL (i.e.
the prompt, the read-eval-print loop):
.. code-block:: idris
Main> \m => plus Z m
\m => m
Idris> \k,m => plus (S k) m
\k => \m => S (plus k m)
Note that unlike many other language REPLs, the Idris REPL performs
evaluation on *open* terms, meaning that it can reduce terms which
appear inside lambda bindings, like those above. Therefore, we can
introduce unknowns ``k`` and ``m`` as lambda bindings and see how
``plus`` reduces.
The ``plus`` function has a number of other useful properties, for
- It is *commutative*, that is for all ``Nat`` inputs ``n`` and ``m``,
we know that ``plus n m = plus m n``.
- It is *associative*, that is for all ``Nat`` inputs ``n``, ``m`` and
``p``, we know that ``plus n (plus m p) = plus (plus m n) p``.
We can use these properties in an Idris program, but in order to do so
we must *prove* them.
Equality Proofs
Idris defines a propositional equality type as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
data Equal : a -> b -> Type where
Refl : Equal x x
As syntactic sugar, ``Equal x y`` can be written as ``x = y``.
It is *propositional* equality, where the type states that any two
values in different types ``a`` and ``b`` may be proposed to be equal.
There is only one way to *prove* equality, however, which is by
reflexivity (``Refl``).
We have a *type* for propositional equality here, and correspondingly a
*program* inhabiting an instance of this type can be seen as a proof of
the corresponding proposition [1]_. So, trivially, we can prove that
``4`` equals ``4``:
.. code-block:: idris
four_eq : 4 = 4
four_eq = Refl
However, trying to prove that ``4 = 5`` results in failure:
.. code-block:: idris
four_eq_five : 4 = 5
four_eq_five = Refl
The type ``4 = 5`` is a perfectly valid type, but is uninhabited, so
when trying to type check this definition, Idris gives the following
When unifying 4 = 4 and (fromInteger 4) = (fromInteger 5)
Mismatch between:
Type checking equality proofs
An important step in type checking Idris programs is *unification*,
which attempts to resolve implicit arguments such as the implicit
argument ``x`` in ``Refl``. As far as our understanding of type checking
proofs is concerned, it suffices to know that unifying two terms
involves reducing both to normal form then trying to find an assignment
to implicit arguments which will make those normal forms equal.
When type checking ``Refl``, Idris requires that the type is of the form
``x = x``, as we see from the type of ``Refl``. In the case of
``four_eq_five``, Idris will try to unify the expected type ``4 = 5``
with the type of ``Refl``, ``x = x``, notice that a solution requires
that ``x`` be both ``4`` and ``5``, and therefore fail.
Since type checking involves reduction to normal form, we can write the
following equalities directly:
.. code-block:: idris
twoplustwo_eq_four : 2 + 2 = 4
twoplustwo_eq_four = Refl
plus_reduces_Z : (m : Nat) -> plus Z m = m
plus_reduces_Z m = Refl
plus_reduces_Sk : (k, m : Nat) -> plus (S k) m = S (plus k m)
plus_reduces_Sk k m = Refl
Heterogeneous Equality
Equality in Idris is *heterogeneous*, meaning that we can even propose
equalities between values in different types:
.. code-block:: idris
idris_not_php : Z = "Z"
The type ``Z = "Z"`` is uninhabited, and one might wonder why it is useful to
be able to propose equalities between values in different types. However, with
dependent types, such equalities can arise naturally. For example, if two
vectors are equal, their lengths must be equal:
.. code-block:: idris
vect_eq_length : (xs : Vect n a) -> (ys : Vect m a) ->
(xs = ys) -> n = m
In the above declaration, ``xs`` and ``ys`` have different types because
their lengths are different, but we would still like to draw a
conclusion about the lengths if they happen to be equal. We can define
``vect_eq_length`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
vect_eq_length xs xs Refl = Refl
By matching on ``Refl`` for the third argument, we know that the only
valid value for ``ys`` is ``xs``, because they must be equal, and
therefore their types must be equal, so the lengths must be equal.
Alternatively, we can put an underscore for the second ``xs``, since
there is only one value which will type check:
.. code-block:: idris
vect_eq_length xs _ Refl = Refl
Properties of ``plus``
Using the ``(=)`` type, we can now state the properties of ``plus``
given above as Idris type declarations:
.. code-block:: idris
plus_commutes : (n, m : Nat) -> plus n m = plus m n
plus_assoc : (n, m, p : Nat) -> plus n (plus m p) = plus (plus n m) p
Both of these properties (and many others) are proved for natural number
addition in the Idris standard library, using ``(+)`` from the ``Num``
interface rather than using ``plus`` directly. They have the names
``plusCommutative`` and ``plusAssociative`` respectively.
In the remainder of this tutorial, we will explore several different
ways of proving ``plus_commutes`` (or, to put it another way, writing
the function.) We will also discuss how to use such equality proofs, and
see where the need for them arises in practice.
.. [1]
This is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence.

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
This page attempts to explain some of the techniques used in Idris to prove
propositional equalities.
Proving Propositional Equality
We have seen that definitional equalities can be proved using ``Refl`` since they
always normalise to values that can be compared directly.
However with propositional equalities we are using symbolic variables, which do
not always normalse.
So to take the previous example:
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesR : (n : Nat) -> plus n Z = n
In this case ``plus n Z`` does not normalise to n. Even though both sides of
the equality are provably equal we cannot claim ``Refl`` as a proof.
If the pattern match cannot match for all ``n`` then we need to
match all possible values of ``n``. In this case
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesR : (n : Nat) -> plus n Z = n
plusReducesR Z = Refl
plusReducesR (S k)
= let rec = plusReducesR k in
rewrite sym rec in Refl
we can't use ``Refl`` to prove ``n = plus n 0`` for all ``n``. Instead, we call
it for each case separately. So, in the second line for example, the type checker
substitutes ``Z`` for ``n`` in the type being matched, and reduces the type
This implements the 'indiscernability of identicals' principle, if two terms
are equal then they have the same properties. In other words, if ``x=y``, then we
can substitute y for x in any expression. In our proofs we can express this as:
if x=y
then prop x = prop y
where prop is a pure function representing the property. In the examples below
prop is an expression in some variable with a type like this: ``prop: n -> Type``
So if ``n`` is a natural number variable then ``prop`` could be something
like ``\n => 2*n + 3``.
To use this in our proofs there is the following function in the prelude:
.. code-block:: idris
||| Perform substitution in a term according to some equality.
replace : forall x, y, prop . (0 rule : x = y) -> prop x -> prop y
replace Refl prf = prf
If we supply an equality (x=y) and a proof of a property of x (``prop x``) then we get
a proof of a property of y (``prop y``).
So, in the following example, if we supply ``p1 x`` which is a proof that ``x=2`` and
the equality ``x=y`` then we get a proof that ``y=2``.
.. code-block:: idris
p1: Nat -> Type
p1 n = (n=2)
testReplace: (x=y) -> (p1 x) -> (p1 y)
testReplace a b = replace a b
In practice, ``replace`` can be
a little tricky to use because in general the implicit argument ``prop``
can be hard to infer for the machine, so Idris provides a high level
syntax which calculates the property and applies ``replace``.
Example: again we supply ``p1`` which is a proof that ``x=2`` and the equality
``x=y`` then we get a proof that ``y=2``.
.. code-block:: idris
p1: Nat -> Type
p1 x = (x=2)
testRewrite2: (x=y) -> (p1 y) -> (p1 x)
testRewrite2 a b = rewrite a in b
We can think of ``rewrite`` as working in this way:
* Start with a equation ``x=y`` and a property ``prop : x -> Type``
* Search for ``x`` in ``prop``
* Replaces all occurrences of ``x`` with ``y`` in ``prop``.
That is, we are doing a substitution.
Symmetry and Transitivity
In addition to 'reflexivity' equality also obeys 'symmetry' and 'transitivity'
and these are also included in the prelude:
.. code-block:: idris
||| Symmetry of propositional equality
sym : forall x, y . (0 rule : x = y) -> y = x
sym Refl = Refl
||| Transitivity of propositional equality
trans : forall a, b, c . (0 l : a = b) -> (0 r : b = c) -> a = c
trans Refl Refl = Refl
Heterogeneous Equality
Also included in the prelude:
.. code-block:: idris
||| Explicit heterogeneous ("John Major") equality. Use this when Idris
||| incorrectly chooses homogeneous equality for `(=)`.
||| @ a the type of the left side
||| @ b the type of the right side
||| @ x the left side
||| @ y the right side
(~=~) : (x : a) -> (y : b) -> Type
(~=~) x y = (x = y)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. _ref-sect-envvars:
Environment Variables
[TODO: Fill in the environment variables recognised by Idris 2]

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Idris2 Reference Guide
.. note::
The documentation for Idris 2 has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
This is a placeholder, to get set up with readthedocs.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
.. _ref-sect-literate:
Literate Programming
Idris2 supports several types of literate mode styles.
The unlit'n has been designed based such that we assume that we are parsing markdown-like languages
The unlit'n is performed by a Lexer that uses a provided literate style to recognise code blocks and code lines.
Anything else is ignored.
A literate style consists of:
+ a list of String encoded code block deliminators;
+ a list of line indicators; and
+ a list of valid file extensions.
Lexing is simple and greedy in that when consuming anything that is a code blocks we treat everything as code until we reach the closing deliminator.
This means that use of verbatim modes in a literate file will also be treated as active code.
In future we should add support for literate ``LaTeX`` files, and potentially other common document formats.
But more importantly, a more intelligent processing of literate documents using a pandoc like library in Idris such as: `Edda <>` would also be welcome.
Bird Style Literate Files
Bird notation is a classic literate mode found in Haskell, (and Orwell) in which code lines begin with ``>``.
Other lines are treated as documentation.
We treat files with an extension of ``.lidr`` as bird style literate files.
Embedding in Markdown-like documents
While Bird Style literate mode is useful, it does not lend itself well
to more modern markdown-like notations such as Org-Mode and CommonMark.
Idris2 also provides support for recognising both 'visible' and 'invisible' code blocks and lines in both CommonMark and OrgMode documents.
+ Org mode source blocks for idris are recognised as visible code blocks,
+ Comment blocks that begin with ``#+COMMENT: idris`` are treated as invisible code blocks.
+ Invisible code lines are denoted with ``#+IDRIS:``.
We treat files with an extension of ``.org`` as org-mode style literate files.
Only code blocks denoted by standard code blocks labelled as idris are recognised.
We treat files with an extension of ``.md`` and ``.markdown`` as org-mode style literate files.

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
.. _ref-sect-packages:
Idris includes a simple system for building packages from a package
description file. These files can be used with the Idris compiler to
manage the development process of your Idris programmes and packages.
Package Descriptions
A package description includes the following:
+ A header, consisting of the keyword package followed by the package
name. Package names can be any valid Idris identifier. The iPKG
format also takes a quoted version that accepts any valid filename.
+ Fields describing package contents, ``<field> = <value>``
At least one field must be the modules field, where the value is a
comma separated list of modules. For example, a library test which
has two modules ``Foo.idr`` and ``Bar.idr`` as source files would be
written as follows::
package test
modules = Foo, Bar
Other examples of package files can be found in the ``libs`` directory
of the main Idris repository, and in `third-party libraries <>`_.
The `iPKG` format supports additional metadata associated with the package.
The added fields are:
+ ``brief = "<text>"``, a string literal containing a brief description
of the package.
+ ``version = "<text>""``, a version string to associate with the package.
+ ``readme = "<file>""``, location of the README file.
+ ``license = "<text>"``, a string description of the licensing
+ ``authors = "<text>"``, the author information.
+ ``maintainers = "<text>"``, Maintainer information.
+ ``homepage = "<url>"``, the website associated with the package.
+ ``sourceloc = "<url>"``, the location of the DVCS where the source
can be found.
+ ``bugtracker = "<url>"``, the location of the project's bug tracker.
Common Fields
Other common fields which may be present in an ``ipkg`` file are:
+ ``executable = <output>``, which takes the name of the executable
file to generate. Executable names can be any valid Idris
identifier. the iPKG format also takes a quoted version that accepts
any valid filename.
Executables are placed in ``build/exec``, relative to the top level
source directory.
+ ``main = <module>``, which takes the name of the main module, and
must be present if the executable field is present.
+ ``opts = "<idris options>"``, which allows options to be passed to
+ ``depends = <pkg name> (',' <pkg name>)+``, a comma separated list of
package names that the Idris package requires.
Package files support comments using the standard Idris singleline ``--`` and multiline ``{- -}`` format.
Using Package files
Given an Idris package file ``test.ipkg`` it can be used with the Idris compiler as follows:
+ ``idris2 --build test.ipkg`` will build all modules in the package
+ ``idris2 --install test.ipkg`` will install the package, making it
accessible by other Idris libraries and programs. Note that this doesn't
install any executables, just library modules.
+ ``idris2 --clean test.ipkg`` will clean the intermediate build files.
Once the test package has been installed, the command line option
``--package test`` makes it accessible (abbreviated to ``-p test``).
For example::
idris -p test Main.idr

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
Dot syntax for records
.. role:: idris(code)
:language: idris
Long story short, ``.field`` is a postfix projection operator that binds
tighter than function application.
Lexical structure
* ``.foo`` is a valid name, which stands for record fields (new ``Name``
constructor ``RF "foo"``)
* ```` starting with uppercase ``F`` is one lexeme, a namespaced
identifier: ``NSIdent ["baz", "bar", "Foo"]``
* ```` starting with lowercase ``f`` is three lexemes: ``foo``,
``.bar``, ``.baz``
* ```` is three lexemes: ``.foo``, ``.bar``, ``.baz``
* If you want ``Constructor.field``, you have to write ``(Constructor).field``.
* All module names must start with an uppercase letter.
New syntax of ``simpleExpr``
Expressions binding tighter than application (``simpleExpr``), such as variables or parenthesised expressions, have been renamed to ``simplerExpr``, and an extra layer of syntax has been inserted.
.. code-block:: idris
simpleExpr ::= (.field)+ -- parses as PRecordProjection
| simplerExpr (.field)+ -- parses as PRecordFieldAccess
| simplerExpr -- (parses as whatever it used to)
* ``(.foo)`` is a name, so you can use it to e.g. define a function called
``.foo`` (see ``.squared`` below)
* ``(`` is a parenthesised expression
Desugaring rules
* ``(.field1 .field2 .field3)`` desugars to ``(\x => .field3 (.field2 (.field1
* ``(simpleExpr .field1 .field2 .field3)`` desugars to ``((.field .field2
.field3) simpleExpr)``
Record elaboration
* there is a new pragma ``%undotted_record_projections``, which is ``on`` by
* for every field ``f`` of a record ``R``, we get:
* projection ``f`` in namespace ``R`` (exactly like now), unless
``%undotted_record_projections`` is ``off``
* projection ``.f`` in namespace ``R`` with the same definition
Example code
.. code-block:: idris
record Point where
constructor MkPoint
x : Double
y : Double
This record creates two projections:
* ``.x : Point -> Double``
* ``.y : Point -> Double``
Because ``%undotted_record_projections`` are ``on`` by default, we also get:
* ``x : Point -> Double``
* ``y : Point -> Double``
To prevent cluttering the ordinary global name space with short identifiers, we can do this:
.. code-block:: idris
%undotted_record_projections off
record Rect where
constructor MkRect
topLeft : Point
bottomRight : Point
For ``Rect``, we don't get the undotted projections:
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :t topLeft
(interactive):1:4--1:11:Undefined name topLeft
Main> :t .topLeft
\{rec:0} => .topLeft rec : ?_ -> Point
Let's define some constants:
.. code-block:: idris
pt : Point
pt = MkPoint 4.2 6.6
rect : Rect
rect =
(MkPoint 1.1 2.5)
(MkPoint 4.3 6.3)
User-defined projections work, too. (Should they?)
.. code-block:: idris
(.squared) : Double -> Double
(.squared) x = x * x
Finally, the examples:
.. code-block:: idris
main : IO ()
main = do
-- desugars to (.x pt)
-- prints 4.2
printLn $ pt.x
-- prints 4.2, too
-- maybe we want to make this a parse error?
printLn $ pt .x
-- prints 10.8
printLn $ pt.x + pt.y
-- works fine with namespacing
-- prints 4.2
printLn $ (
-- the LHS can be an arbitrary expression
-- prints 4.2
printLn $ (MkPoint pt.y pt.x).y
-- user-defined projection
-- prints 17.64
printLn $ pt.x.squared
-- prints [1.0, 3.0]
printLn $ map (.x) [MkPoint 1 2, MkPoint 3 4]
-- .topLeft.y desugars to (\x => .y (.topLeft x))
-- prints [2.5, 2.5]
printLn $ map (.topLeft.y) [rect, rect]
-- desugars to (.topLeft.x rect + .bottomRight.y rect)
-- prints 7.4
printLn $ rect.topLeft.x + rect.bottomRight.y
-- qualified names work, too
-- all these print 4.2
printLn $ Main.Point.(.x) pt
printLn $ Point.(.x) pt
printLn $ (.x) pt
printLn $ .x pt
-- haskell-style projections work, too
printLn $ Main.Point.x pt
printLn $ Point.x pt
printLn $ (x) pt
printLn $ x pt
-- record update syntax uses dots now
-- prints 3.0
printLn $ (record { topLeft.x = 3 } rect).topLeft.x
-- but for compatibility, we support the old syntax, too
printLn $ (record { topLeft->x = 3 } rect).topLeft.x
-- prints 2.1
printLn $ (record { topLeft.x $= (+1) } rect).topLeft.x
printLn $ (record { topLeft->x $= (+1) } rect).topLeft.x
Parses but does not typecheck:
.. code-block:: idris
-- parses as: map.x [MkPoint 1 2, MkPoint 3 4]
-- maybe we should disallow spaces before dots?
printLn $ map .x [MkPoint 1 2, MkPoint 3 4]

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
.. _sect-concs:
Further Reading
Further information about Idris programming, and programming with
dependent types in general, can be obtained from various sources:
* `Type-Driven Development with Idris <>`_
by Edwin Brady, available from `Manning <>`_.
* The Idris web site ( and by asking
questions on the mailing list.
* The IRC channel ``#idris``, on
` <>`__.
* The wiki ( has further
user provided information, in particular:
* Examining the prelude and exploring the ``samples`` in the
distribution. The Idris 2 source can be found online at:
* Existing projects on the ``Idris Hackers`` web space:
* Various papers (e.g. [#BradyHammond2012]_, [#Brady]_, and [#BradyHammond2010]_). Although these mostly
describe older versions of Idris.
.. [#BradyHammond2012] Edwin Brady and Kevin Hammond. 2012. Resource-Safe systems
programming with embedded domain specific languages. In
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Practical
Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'12), Claudio Russo and
Neng-Fa Zhou (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
242-257. DOI=10.1007/978-3-642-27694-1_18
.. [#Brady] Edwin C. Brady. 2011. IDRIS ---: systems programming meets full
dependent types. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on
Programming languages meets program verification (PLPV
'11). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
43-54. DOI=10.1145/1929529.1929536
.. [#BradyHammond2010] Edwin C. Brady and Kevin Hammond. 2010. Scrapping your
inefficient engine: using partial evaluation to improve
domain-specific language implementation. In Proceedings of the
15th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional
programming (ICFP '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
297-308. DOI=10.1145/1863543.1863587

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
.. _tutorial-index:
A Crash Course in Idris 2
This is a crash course in Idris 2 (sort of a tutorial, but rather less
gentle I'm afraid!).
It provides a brief introduction to programming in the Idris Language.
It covers the core language features, assuming some experience with an
existing functional programming language such as Haskell or OCaml.
This has been revised and updated from the Idris 1 tutorial. For details of
changes since Idris 1, see :ref:`updates-index`.
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
.. _sect-interactive:
Interactive Editing
By now, we have seen several examples of how Idris dependent type
system can give extra confidence in a functions correctness by giving
a more precise description of its intended behaviour in its *type*. We
have also seen an example of how the type system can help with embedded DSL
development by allowing a programmer to describe the type system of an
object language. However, precise types give us more than verification
of programs — we can also use the type system to help write programs which
are *correct by construction*, interactively.
The Idris REPL provides several commands for inspecting and
modifying parts of programs, based on their types, such as case
splitting on a pattern variable, inspecting the type of a
hole, and even a basic proof search mechanism. In this
section, we explain how these features can be exploited by a text
editor, and specifically how to do so in `Vim
<>`_. An interactive mode
for `Emacs <>`_ is also
available (though not yet updated for Idris 2).
Editing at the REPL
The REPL provides a number of commands, which we will describe
shortly, which generate new program fragments based on the currently
loaded module. These take the general form:
:command [line number] [name]
That is, each command acts on a specific source line, at a specific
name, and outputs a new program fragment. Each command has an
alternative form, which *updates* the source file in-place:
:command! [line number] [name]
It is also possible to invoke Idris in a mode which runs a REPL command,
displays the result, then exits, using ``idris2 --client``. For example:
$ idris2 --client ':t plus' : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
$ idris2 --client '2+2'
A text editor can take advantage of this, along with the editing
commands, in order to provide interactive editing support.
Editing Commands
The ``:addclause n f`` command, abbreviated ``:ac n f``, creates a
template definition for the function named ``f`` declared on line
``n``. For example, if the code beginning on line 94 contains:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith : (a -> b -> c) ->
Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
then ``:ac 94 vzipWith`` will give:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith f xs ys = ?vzipWith_rhs
The names are chosen according to hints which may be given by a
programmer, and then made unique by the machine by adding a digit if
necessary. Hints can be given as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
%name Vect xs, ys, zs, ws
This declares that any names generated for types in the ``Vect`` family
should be chosen in the order ``xs``, ``ys``, ``zs``, ``ws``.
The ``:casesplit n x`` command, abbreviated ``:cs n x``, splits the
pattern variable ``x`` on line ``n`` into the various pattern forms it
may take, removing any cases which are impossible due to unification
errors. For example, if the code beginning on line 94 is:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith : (a -> b -> c) ->
Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
vzipWith f xs ys = ?vzipWith_rhs
then ``:cs 96 xs`` will give:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith f [] ys = ?vzipWith_rhs_1
vzipWith f (x :: xs) ys = ?vzipWith_rhs_2
That is, the pattern variable ``xs`` has been split into the two
possible cases ``[]`` and ``x :: xs``. Again, the names are chosen
according to the same heuristic. If we update the file (using
``:cs!``) then case split on ``ys`` on the same line, we get:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith f [] [] = ?vzipWith_rhs_3
That is, the pattern variable ``ys`` has been split into one case
``[]``, Idris having noticed that the other possible case ``y ::
ys`` would lead to a unification error.
The ``:addmissing n f`` command, abbreviated ``:am n f``, adds the
clauses which are required to make the function ``f`` on line ``n``
cover all inputs. For example, if the code beginning on line 94 is:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith : (a -> b -> c) ->
Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
vzipWith f [] [] = ?vzipWith_rhs_1
then ``:am 96 vzipWith`` gives:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = ?vzipWith_rhs_2
That is, it notices that there are no cases for empty vectors,
generates the required clauses, and eliminates the clauses which would
lead to unification errors.
The ``:proofsearch n f`` command, abbreviated ``:ps n f``, attempts to
find a value for the hole ``f`` on line ``n`` by proof search,
trying values of local variables, recursive calls and constructors of
the required family. Optionally, it can take a list of *hints*, which
are functions it can try applying to solve the hole. For
example, if the code beginning on line 94 is:
.. code-block:: idris
vzipWith : (a -> b -> c) ->
Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
vzipWith f [] [] = ?vzipWith_rhs_1
vzipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = ?vzipWith_rhs_2
then ``:ps 96 vzipWith_rhs_1`` will give
.. code-block:: idris
This works because it is searching for a ``Vect`` of length 0, of
which the empty vector is the only possibility. Similarly, and perhaps
surprisingly, there is only one possibility if we try to solve ``:ps
97 vzipWith_rhs_2``:
.. code-block:: idris
f x y :: vzipWith f xs ys
This works because ``vzipWith`` has a precise enough type: The
resulting vector has to be non-empty (a ``::``); the first element
must have type ``c`` and the only way to get this is to apply ``f`` to
``x`` and ``y``; finally, the tail of the vector can only be built
The ``:makewith n f`` command, abbreviated ``:mw n f``, adds a
``with`` to a pattern clause. For example, recall ``parity``. If line
10 is:
.. code-block:: idris
parity (S k) = ?parity_rhs
then ``:mw 10 parity`` will give:
.. code-block:: idris
parity (S k) with (_)
parity (S k) | with_pat = ?parity_rhs
If we then fill in the placeholder ``_`` with ``parity k`` and case
split on ``with_pat`` using ``:cs 11 with_pat`` we get the following
.. code-block:: idris
parity (S (plus n n)) | even = ?parity_rhs_1
parity (S (S (plus n n))) | odd = ?parity_rhs_2
Note that case splitting has normalised the patterns here (giving
``plus`` rather than ``+``). In any case, we see that using
interactive editing significantly simplifies the implementation of
dependent pattern matching by showing a programmer exactly what the
valid patterns are.
Interactive Editing in Vim
The editor mode for Vim provides syntax highlighting, indentation and
interactive editing support using the commands described above.
Interactive editing is achieved using the following editor commands,
each of which update the buffer directly:
- ``\a`` adds a template definition for the name declared on the
current line (using ``:addclause``).
- ``\c`` case splits the variable at the cursor (using
- ``\m`` adds the missing cases for the name at the cursor (using
- ``\w`` adds a ``with`` clause (using ``:makewith``).
- ``\s`` invokes a proof search to solve the hole under the
cursor (using ``:proofsearch``).
There are also commands to invoke the type checker and evaluator:
- ``\t`` displays the type of the (globally visible) name under the
cursor. In the case of a hole, this displays the context
and the expected type.
- ``\e`` prompts for an expression to evaluate.
- ``\r`` reloads and type checks the buffer.
Corresponding commands are also available in the Emacs mode. Support
for other editors can be added in a relatively straightforward manner
by using ``idris2 -client``.
More sophisticated support can be added by using the IDE protocol (yet to
be documented for Idris 2, but which mostly extends to protocol documented for
`Idris 1 <>`_.

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@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
.. _sect-interfaces:
We often want to define functions which work across several different
data types. For example, we would like arithmetic operators to work on
``Int``, ``Integer`` and ``Double`` at the very least. We would like
``==`` to work on the majority of data types. We would like to be able
to display different types in a uniform way.
To achieve this, we use *interfaces*, which are similar to type classes in
Haskell or traits in Rust. To define an interface, we provide a collection of
overloadable functions. A simple example is the ``Show``
interface, which is defined in the prelude and provides an interface for
converting values to ``String``:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Show a where
show : a -> String
This generates a function of the following type (which we call a
*method* of the ``Show`` interface):
.. code-block:: idris
show : Show a => a -> String
We can read this as: “under the constraint that ``a`` has an implementation
of ``Show``, take an input ``a`` and return a ``String``.” An implementation
of an interface is defined by giving definitions of the methods of the interface.
For example, the ``Show`` implementation for ``Nat`` could be defined as:
.. code-block:: idris
Show Nat where
show Z = "Z"
show (S k) = "s" ++ show k
Main> show (S (S (S Z)))
"sssZ" : String
Only one implementation of an interface can be given for a type — implementations may
not overlap. Implementation declarations can themselves have constraints.
To help with resolution, the arguments of an implementation must be
constructors (either data or type constructors) or variables
(i.e. you cannot give an implementation for a function). For
example, to define a ``Show`` implementation for vectors, we need to know
that there is a ``Show`` implementation for the element type, because we are
going to use it to convert each element to a ``String``:
.. code-block:: idris
Show a => Show (Vect n a) where
show xs = "[" ++ show' xs ++ "]" where
show' : forall n . Vect n a -> String
show' Nil = ""
show' (x :: Nil) = show x
show' (x :: xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ show' xs
Note that we need the explicit ``forall n .`` in the ``show'`` function
because otherwise the ``n`` is already in scope, and fixed to the value of
the top level ``n``.
Default Definitions
The Prelude defines an ``Eq`` interface which provides methods for
comparing values for equality or inequality, with implementations for all of
the built-in types:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Eq a where
(==) : a -> a -> Bool
(/=) : a -> a -> Bool
To declare an implementation for a type, we have to give definitions of all
of the methods. For example, for an implementation of ``Eq`` for ``Nat``:
.. code-block:: idris
Eq Nat where
Z == Z = True
(S x) == (S y) = x == y
Z == (S y) = False
(S x) == Z = False
x /= y = not (x == y)
It is hard to imagine many cases where the ``/=`` method will be
anything other than the negation of the result of applying the ``==``
method. It is therefore convenient to give a default definition for
each method in the interface declaration, in terms of the other method:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Eq a where
(==) : a -> a -> Bool
(/=) : a -> a -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
x == y = not (x /= y)
A minimal complete implementation of ``Eq`` requires either
``==`` or ``/=`` to be defined, but does not require both. If a method
definition is missing, and there is a default definition for it, then
the default is used instead.
Extending Interfaces
Interfaces can also be extended. A logical next step from an equality
relation ``Eq`` is to define an ordering relation ``Ord``. We can
define an ``Ord`` interface which inherits methods from ``Eq`` as well as
defining some of its own:
.. code-block:: idris
data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT
.. code-block:: idris
interface Eq a => Ord a where
compare : a -> a -> Ordering
(<) : a -> a -> Bool
(>) : a -> a -> Bool
(<=) : a -> a -> Bool
(>=) : a -> a -> Bool
max : a -> a -> a
min : a -> a -> a
The ``Ord`` interface allows us to compare two values and determine their
ordering. Only the ``compare`` method is required; every other method
has a default definition. Using this we can write functions such as
``sort``, a function which sorts a list into increasing order,
provided that the element type of the list is in the ``Ord`` interface. We
give the constraints on the type variables left of the fat arrow
``=>``, and the function type to the right of the fat arrow:
.. code-block:: idris
sort : Ord a => List a -> List a
Functions, interfaces and implementations can have multiple
constraints. Multiple constraints are written in brackets in a comma
separated list, for example:
.. code-block:: idris
sortAndShow : (Ord a, Show a) => List a -> String
sortAndShow xs = show (sort xs)
Constraints are, like types, first class objects in the language. You can
see this at the REPL:
Main> :t Ord
Prelude.Ord : Type -> Type
So, ``(Ord a, Show a)`` is an ordinary pair of ``Types``, with two constraints
as the first and second element of the pair.
Note: Interfaces and ``mutual`` blocks
Idris is strictly "define before use", except in ``mutual`` blocks.
In a ``mutual`` block, Idris elaborates in two passes: types on the first
pass and definitions on the second. When the mutual block contains an
interface declaration, it elaborates the interface header but none of the
method types on the first pass, and elaborates the method types and any
default definitions on the second pass.
Functors and Applicatives
So far, we have seen single parameter interfaces, where the parameter
is of type ``Type``. In general, there can be any number of parameters
(even zero), and the parameters can have *any* type. If the type
of the parameter is not ``Type``, we need to give an explicit type
declaration. For example, the ``Functor`` interface is defined in the
.. code-block:: idris
interface Functor (f : Type -> Type) where
map : (m : a -> b) -> f a -> f b
A functor allows a function to be applied across a structure, for
example to apply a function to every element in a ``List``:
.. code-block:: idris
Functor List where
map f [] = []
map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs
Idris> map (*2) [1..10]
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] : List Integer
Having defined ``Functor``, we can define ``Applicative`` which
abstracts the notion of function application:
.. code-block:: idris
infixl 2 <*>
interface Functor f => Applicative (f : Type -> Type) where
pure : a -> f a
(<*>) : f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
.. _monadsdo:
Monads and ``do``-notation
The ``Monad`` interface allows us to encapsulate binding and computation,
and is the basis of ``do``-notation introduced in Section
:ref:`sect-do`. It extends ``Applicative`` as defined above, and is
defined as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Applicative m => Monad (m : Type -> Type) where
(>>=) : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Inside a ``do`` block, the following syntactic transformations are
- ``x <- v; e`` becomes ``v >>= (\x => e)``
- ``v; e`` becomes ``v >>= (\_ => e)``
- ``let x = v; e`` becomes ``let x = v in e``
``IO`` has an implementation of ``Monad``, defined using primitive functions.
We can also define an implementation for ``Maybe``, as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= k = Nothing
(Just x) >>= k = k x
Using this we can, for example, define a function which adds two
``Maybe Int``, using the monad to encapsulate the error handling:
.. code-block:: idris
m_add : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add x y = do x' <- x -- Extract value from x
y' <- y -- Extract value from y
pure (x' + y') -- Add them
This function will extract the values from ``x`` and ``y``, if they
are both available, or return ``Nothing`` if one or both are not ("fail fast"). Managing the
``Nothing`` cases is achieved by the ``>>=`` operator, hidden by the
``do`` notation.
Main> m_add (Just 82) (Just 22)
Just 94
Main> m_add (Just 82) Nothing
Pattern Matching Bind
Sometimes we want to pattern match immediately on the result of a function
in ``do`` notation. For example, let's say we have a function ``readNumber``
which reads a number from the console, returning a value of the form
``Just x`` if the number is valid, or ``Nothing`` otherwise:
.. code-block:: idris
import Data.Strings
readNumber : IO (Maybe Nat)
readNumber = do
input <- getLine
if all isDigit (unpack input)
then pure (Just (stringToNatOrZ input))
else pure Nothing
If we then use it to write a function to read two numbers, returning
``Nothing`` if neither are valid, then we would like to pattern match
on the result of ``readNumber``:
.. code-block:: idris
readNumbers : IO (Maybe (Nat, Nat))
readNumbers =
do x <- readNumber
case x of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just x_ok => do y <- readNumber
case y of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just y_ok => pure (Just (x_ok, y_ok))
If there's a lot of error handling, this could get deeply nested very quickly!
So instead, we can combine the bind and the pattern match in one line. For example,
we could try pattern matching on values of the form ``Just x_ok``:
.. code-block:: idris
readNumbers : IO (Maybe (Nat, Nat))
= do Just x_ok <- readNumber
Just y_ok <- readNumber
pure (Just (x_ok, y_ok))
There is still a problem, however, because we've now omitted the case for
``Nothing`` so ``readNumbers`` is no longer total! We can add the ``Nothing``
case back as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
readNumbers : IO (Maybe (Nat, Nat))
= do Just x_ok <- readNumber
| Nothing => pure Nothing
Just y_ok <- readNumber
| Nothing => pure Nothing
pure (Just (x_ok, y_ok))
The effect of this version of ``readNumbers`` is identical to the first (in
fact, it is syntactic sugar for it and directly translated back into that form).
The first part of each statement (``Just x_ok <-`` and ``Just y_ok <-``) gives
the preferred binding - if this matches, execution will continue with the rest
of the ``do`` block. The second part gives the alternative bindings, of which
there may be more than one.
In many cases, using ``do``-notation can make programs unnecessarily
verbose, particularly in cases such as ``m_add`` above where the value
bound is used once, immediately. In these cases, we can use a
shorthand version, as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
m_add : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add x y = pure (!x + !y)
The notation ``!expr`` means that the expression ``expr`` should be
evaluated and then implicitly bound. Conceptually, we can think of
``!`` as being a prefix function with the following type:
.. code-block:: idris
(!) : m a -> a
Note, however, that it is not really a function, merely syntax! In
practice, a subexpression ``!expr`` will lift ``expr`` as high as
possible within its current scope, bind it to a fresh name ``x``, and
replace ``!expr`` with ``x``. Expressions are lifted depth first, left
to right. In practice, ``!``-notation allows us to program in a more
direct style, while still giving a notational clue as to which
expressions are monadic.
For example, the expression:
.. code-block:: idris
let y = 94 in f !(g !(print y) !x)
is lifted to:
.. code-block:: idris
let y = 94 in do y' <- print y
x' <- x
g' <- g y' x'
f g'
Monad comprehensions
The list comprehension notation we saw in Section
:ref:`sect-more-expr` is more general, and applies to anything which
has an implementation of both ``Monad`` and ``Alternative``:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Applicative f => Alternative (f : Type -> Type) where
empty : f a
(<|>) : f a -> f a -> f a
In general, a comprehension takes the form ``[ exp | qual1, qual2, …,
qualn ]`` where ``quali`` can be one of:
- A generator ``x <- e``
- A *guard*, which is an expression of type ``Bool``
- A let binding ``let x = e``
To translate a comprehension ``[exp | qual1, qual2, …, qualn]``, first
any qualifier ``qual`` which is a *guard* is translated to ``guard
qual``, using the following function:
.. code-block:: idris
guard : Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
Then the comprehension is converted to ``do`` notation:
.. code-block:: idris
do { qual1; qual2; ...; qualn; pure exp; }
Using monad comprehensions, an alternative definition for ``m_add``
would be:
.. code-block:: idris
m_add : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add x y = [ x' + y' | x' <- x, y' <- y ]
Idiom brackets
While ``do`` notation gives an alternative meaning to sequencing,
idioms give an alternative meaning to *application*. The notation and
larger example in this section is inspired by Conor McBride and Ross
Patersons paper “Applicative Programming with Effects” [#ConorRoss]_.
First, let us revisit ``m_add`` above. All it is really doing is
applying an operator to two values extracted from ``Maybe Int``. We
could abstract out the application:
.. code-block:: idris
m_app : Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
m_app (Just f) (Just a) = Just (f a)
m_app _ _ = Nothing
Using this, we can write an alternative ``m_add`` which uses this
alternative notion of function application, with explicit calls to
.. code-block:: idris
m_add' : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add' x y = m_app (m_app (Just (+)) x) y
Rather than having to insert ``m_app`` everywhere there is an
application, we can use idiom brackets to do the job for us.
To do this, we can give ``Maybe`` an implementation of ``Applicative``
as follows, where ``<*>`` is defined in the same way as ``m_app``
above (this is defined in the Idris library):
.. code-block:: idris
Applicative Maybe where
pure = Just
(Just f) <*> (Just a) = Just (f a)
_ <*> _ = Nothing
Using ``<*>`` we can use this implementation as follows, where a function
application ``[| f a1 …an |]`` is translated into ``pure f <*> a1 <*>
… <*> an``:
.. code-block:: idris
m_add' : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
m_add' x y = [| x + y |]
An error-handling interpreter
Idiom notation is commonly useful when defining evaluators. McBride
and Paterson describe such an evaluator [#ConorRoss]_, for a language similar
to the following:
.. code-block:: idris
data Expr = Var String -- variables
| Val Int -- values
| Add Expr Expr -- addition
Evaluation will take place relative to a context mapping variables
(represented as ``String``\s) to ``Int`` values, and can possibly fail.
We define a data type ``Eval`` to wrap an evaluator:
.. code-block:: idris
data Eval : Type -> Type where
MkEval : (List (String, Int) -> Maybe a) -> Eval a
Wrapping the evaluator in a data type means we will be able to provide
implementations of interfaces for it later. We begin by defining a function to
retrieve values from the context during evaluation:
.. code-block:: idris
fetch : String -> Eval Int
fetch x = MkEval (\e => fetchVal e) where
fetchVal : List (String, Int) -> Maybe Int
fetchVal [] = Nothing
fetchVal ((v, val) :: xs) = if (x == v)
then (Just val)
else (fetchVal xs)
When defining an evaluator for the language, we will be applying functions in
the context of an ``Eval``, so it is natural to give ``Eval`` an implementation
of ``Applicative``. Before ``Eval`` can have an implementation of
``Applicative`` it is necessary for ``Eval`` to have an implementation of
.. code-block:: idris
Functor Eval where
map f (MkEval g) = MkEval (\e => map f (g e))
Applicative Eval where
pure x = MkEval (\e => Just x)
(<*>) (MkEval f) (MkEval g) = MkEval (\x => app (f x) (g x)) where
app : Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
app (Just fx) (Just gx) = Just (fx gx)
app _ _ = Nothing
Evaluating an expression can now make use of the idiomatic application
to handle errors:
.. code-block:: idris
eval : Expr -> Eval Int
eval (Var x) = fetch x
eval (Val x) = [| x |]
eval (Add x y) = [| eval x + eval y |]
runEval : List (String, Int) -> Expr -> Maybe Int
runEval env e = case eval e of
MkEval envFn => envFn env
For example:
InterpE> runEval [("x", 10), ("y",84)] (Add (Var "x") (Var "y"))
Just 94
InterpE> runEval [("x", 10), ("y",84)] (Add (Var "x") (Var "z"))
Named Implementations
It can be desirable to have multiple implementations of an interface for the
same type, for example to provide alternative methods for sorting or printing
values. To achieve this, implementations can be *named* as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
[myord] Ord Nat where
compare Z (S n) = GT
compare (S n) Z = LT
compare Z Z = EQ
compare (S x) (S y) = compare @{myord} x y
This declares an implementation as normal, but with an explicit name,
``myord``. The syntax ``compare @{myord}`` gives an explicit implementation to
``compare``, otherwise it would use the default implementation for ``Nat``. We
can use this, for example, to sort a list of ``Nat`` in reverse.
Given the following list:
.. code-block:: idris
testList : List Nat
testList = [3,4,1]
We can sort it using the default ``Ord`` implementation, by using the ``sort``
function available with ``import Data.List``, then we can try with the named
implementation ``myord`` as follows, at the Idris prompt:
Main> show (sort testList)
"[1, 3, 4]"
Main> show (sort @{myord} testList)
"[4, 3, 1]"
Sometimes, we also need access to a named parent implementation. For example,
the prelude defines the following ``Semigroup`` interface:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Semigroup ty where
(<+>) : ty -> ty -> ty
Then it defines ``Monoid``, which extends ``Semigroup`` with a “neutral”
.. code-block:: idris
interface Semigroup ty => Monoid ty where
neutral : ty
We can define two different implementations of ``Semigroup`` and
``Monoid`` for ``Nat``, one based on addition and one on multiplication:
.. code-block:: idris
[PlusNatSemi] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) x y = x + y
[MultNatSemi] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) x y = x * y
The neutral value for addition is ``0``, but the neutral value for multiplication
is ``1``. It's important, therefore, that when we define implementations
of ``Monoid`` they extend the correct ``Semigroup`` implementation. We can
do this with a ``using`` clause in the implementation as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
[PlusNatMonoid] Monoid Nat using PlusNatSemi where
neutral = 0
[MultNatMonoid] Monoid Nat using MultNatSemi where
neutral = 1
The ``using PlusNatSemi`` clause indicates that ``PlusNatMonoid`` should
extend ``PlusNatSemi`` specifically.
Determining Parameters
When an interface has more than one parameter, it can help resolution if the
parameters used to find an implementation are restricted. For example:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Monad m => MonadState s (m : Type -> Type) | m where
get : m s
put : s -> m ()
In this interface, only ``m`` needs to be known to find an implementation of
this interface, and ``s`` can then be determined from the implementation. This
is declared with the ``| m`` after the interface declaration. We call ``m`` a
*determining parameter* of the ``MonadState`` interface, because it is the
parameter used to find an implementation.
.. [#ConorRoss] Conor McBride and Ross Paterson. 2008. Applicative programming
with effects. J. Funct. Program. 18, 1 (January 2008),
1-13. DOI=10.1017/S0956796807006326

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@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
.. _sect-interp:
Example: The Well-Typed Interpreter
In this section, well use the features weve seen so far to write a
larger example, an interpreter for a simple functional programming
language, with variables, function application, binary operators and
an ``if...then...else`` construct. We will use the dependent type
system to ensure that any programs which can be represented are
Representing Languages
First, let us define the types in the language. We have integers,
booleans, and functions, represented by ``Ty``:
.. code-block:: idris
data Ty = TyInt | TyBool | TyFun Ty Ty
We can write a function to translate these representations to a concrete
Idris type — remember that types are first class, so can be
calculated just like any other value:
.. code-block:: idris
interpTy : Ty -> Type
interpTy TyInt = Integer
interpTy TyBool = Bool
interpTy (TyFun a t) = interpTy a -> interpTy t
We're going to define a representation of our language in such a way
that only well-typed programs can be represented. We'll index the
representations of expressions by their type, **and** the types of
local variables (the context). The context can be represented using
the ``Vect`` data type, so we'll need to import ``Data.Vect`` at the top of our
source file:
.. code-block:: idris
import Data.Vect
Expressions are indexed by the types of the local
variables, and the type of the expression itself:
.. code-block:: idris
data Expr : Vect n Ty -> Ty -> Type
The full representation of expressions is:
.. code-block:: idris
data HasType : (i : Fin n) -> Vect n Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Stop : HasType FZ (t :: ctxt) t
Pop : HasType k ctxt t -> HasType (FS k) (u :: ctxt) t
data Expr : Vect n Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Var : HasType i ctxt t -> Expr ctxt t
Val : (x : Integer) -> Expr ctxt TyInt
Lam : Expr (a :: ctxt) t -> Expr ctxt (TyFun a t)
App : Expr ctxt (TyFun a t) -> Expr ctxt a -> Expr ctxt t
Op : (interpTy a -> interpTy b -> interpTy c) ->
Expr ctxt a -> Expr ctxt b -> Expr ctxt c
If : Expr ctxt TyBool ->
Lazy (Expr ctxt a) ->
Lazy (Expr ctxt a) -> Expr ctxt a
The code above makes use of the ``Vect`` and ``Fin`` types from the
base libraries. ``Fin`` is available as part of ``Data.Vect``. Throughout,
``ctxt`` refers to the local variable context.
Since expressions are indexed by their type, we can read the typing
rules of the language from the definitions of the constructors. Let us
look at each constructor in turn.
We use a nameless representation for variables — they are *de Bruijn
indexed*. Variables are represented by a proof of their membership in
the context, ``HasType i ctxt T``, which is a proof that variable ``i``
in context ``ctxt`` has type ``T``. This is defined as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
data HasType : (i : Fin n) -> Vect n Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Stop : HasType FZ (t :: ctxt) t
Pop : HasType k ctxt t -> HasType (FS k) (u :: ctxt) t
We can treat *Stop* as a proof that the most recently defined variable
is well-typed, and *Pop n* as a proof that, if the ``n``\ th most
recently defined variable is well-typed, so is the ``n+1``\ th. In
practice, this means we use ``Stop`` to refer to the most recently
defined variable, ``Pop Stop`` to refer to the next, and so on, via
the ``Var`` constructor:
.. code-block:: idris
Var : HasType i ctxt t -> Expr ctxt t
So, in an expression ``\x. \y. x y``, the variable ``x`` would have a
de Bruijn index of 1, represented as ``Pop Stop``, and ``y 0``,
represented as ``Stop``. We find these by counting the number of
lambdas between the definition and the use.
A value carries a concrete representation of an integer:
.. code-block:: idris
Val : (x : Integer) -> Expr ctxt TyInt
A lambda creates a function. In the scope of a function of type ``a ->
t``, there is a new local variable of type ``a``, which is expressed
by the context index:
.. code-block:: idris
Lam : Expr (a :: ctxt) t -> Expr ctxt (TyFun a t)
Function application produces a value of type ``t`` given a function
from ``a`` to ``t`` and a value of type ``a``:
.. code-block:: idris
App : Expr ctxt (TyFun a t) -> Expr ctxt a -> Expr ctxt t
We allow arbitrary binary operators, where the type of the operator
informs what the types of the arguments must be:
.. code-block:: idris
Op : (interpTy a -> interpTy b -> interpTy c) ->
Expr ctxt a -> Expr ctxt b -> Expr ctxt c
Finally, ``If`` expressions make a choice given a boolean. Each branch
must have the same type, and we will evaluate the branches lazily so
that only the branch which is taken need be evaluated:
.. code-block:: idris
If : Expr ctxt TyBool ->
Lazy (Expr ctxt a) ->
Lazy (Expr ctxt a) ->
Expr ctxt a
Writing the Interpreter
When we evaluate an ``Expr``, we'll need to know the values in scope,
as well as their types. ``Env`` is an environment, indexed over the
types in scope. Since an environment is just another form of list,
albeit with a strongly specified connection to the vector of local
variable types, we use the usual ``::`` and ``Nil`` constructors so
that we can use the usual list syntax. Given a proof that a variable
is defined in the context, we can then produce a value from the
.. code-block:: idris
data Env : Vect n Ty -> Type where
Nil : Env Nil
(::) : interpTy a -> Env ctxt -> Env (a :: ctxt)
lookup : HasType i ctxt t -> Env ctxt -> interpTy t
lookup Stop (x :: xs) = x
lookup (Pop k) (x :: xs) = lookup k xs
Given this, an interpreter is a function which
translates an ``Expr`` into a concrete Idris value with respect to a
specific environment:
.. code-block:: idris
interp : Env ctxt -> Expr ctxt t -> interpTy t
The complete interpreter is defined as follows, for reference. For
each constructor, we translate it into the corresponding Idris value:
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (Var i) = lookup i env
interp env (Val x) = x
interp env (Lam sc) = \x => interp (x :: env) sc
interp env (App f s) = interp env f (interp env s)
interp env (Op op x y) = op (interp env x) (interp env y)
interp env (If x t e) = if interp env x then interp env t
else interp env e
Let us look at each case in turn. To translate a variable, we simply look it
up in the environment:
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (Var i) = lookup i env
To translate a value, we just return the concrete representation of the
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (Val x) = x
Lambdas are more interesting. In this case, we construct a function
which interprets the scope of the lambda with a new value in the
environment. So, a function in the object language is translated to an
Idris function:
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (Lam sc) = \x => interp (x :: env) sc
For an application, we interpret the function and its argument and apply
it directly. We know that interpreting ``f`` must produce a function,
because of its type:
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (App f s) = interp env f (interp env s)
Operators and conditionals are, again, direct translations into the
equivalent Idris constructs. For operators, we apply the function to
its operands directly, and for ``If``, we apply the Idris
``if...then...else`` construct directly.
.. code-block:: idris
interp env (Op op x y) = op (interp env x) (interp env y)
interp env (If x t e) = if interp env x then interp env t
else interp env e
We can make some simple test functions. Firstly, adding two inputs
``\x. \y. y + x`` is written as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
add : Expr ctxt (TyFun TyInt (TyFun TyInt TyInt))
add = Lam (Lam (Op (+) (Var Stop) (Var (Pop Stop))))
More interestingly, a factorial function ``fact``
(e.g. ``\x. if (x == 0) then 1 else (fact (x-1) * x)``),
can be written as:
.. code-block:: idris
fact : Expr ctxt (TyFun TyInt TyInt)
fact = Lam (If (Op (==) (Var Stop) (Val 0))
(Val 1)
(Op (*) (App fact (Op (-) (Var Stop) (Val 1)))
(Var Stop)))
To finish, we write a ``main`` program which interprets the factorial
function on user input:
.. code-block:: idris
main : IO ()
main = do putStr "Enter a number: "
x <- getLine
printLn (interp [] fact (cast x))
Here, ``cast`` is an overloaded function which converts a value from
one type to another if possible. Here, it converts a string to an
integer, giving 0 if the input is invalid. An example run of this
program at the Idris interactive environment is:
.. _factrun:
.. literalinclude:: ../listing/idris-prompt-interp.txt
Aside: ``cast``
The prelude defines an interface ``Cast`` which allows conversion
between types:
.. code-block:: idris
interface Cast from to where
cast : from -> to
It is a *multi-parameter* interface, defining the source type and
object type of the cast. It must be possible for the type checker to
infer *both* parameters at the point where the cast is applied. There
are casts defined between all of the primitive types, as far as they
make sense.

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
.. _sect-intro:
In conventional programming languages, there is a clear distinction
between *types* and *values*. For example, in `Haskell
<>`_, the following are types, representing
integers, characters, lists of characters, and lists of any value
- ``Int``, ``Char``, ``[Char]``, ``[a]``
Correspondingly, the following values are examples of inhabitants of
those types:
- ``42``, ``a``, ``"Hello world!"``, ``[2,3,4,5,6]``
In a language with *dependent types*, however, the distinction is less
clear. Dependent types allow types to “depend” on values — in other
words, types are a *first class* language construct and can be
manipulated like any other value. The standard example is the type of
lists of a given length [#fn1]_, ``Vect n a``, where ``a`` is the element
type and ``n`` is the length of the list and can be an arbitrary term.
When types can contain values, and where those values describe
properties, for example the length of a list, the type of a function
can begin to describe its own properties. Take for example the
concatenation of two lists. This operation has the property that the
resulting list's length is the sum of the lengths of the two input
lists. We can therefore give the following type to the ``app``
function, which concatenates vectors:
.. code-block:: idris
app : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
This tutorial introduces Idris, a general purpose functional
programming language with dependent types. The goal of the Idris
project is to build a dependently typed language suitable for
verifiable general purpose programming. To this end, Idris is a compiled
language which aims to generate efficient executable code. It also has
a lightweight foreign function interface which allows easy interaction
with external libraries.
Intended Audience
This tutorial is intended as a brief introduction to the language, and
is aimed at readers already familiar with a functional language such
as `Haskell <>`_ or `OCaml <>`_.
In particular, a certain amount of familiarity with Haskell syntax is
assumed, although most concepts will at least be explained
briefly. The reader is also assumed to have some interest in using
dependent types for writing and verifying software.
For a more in-depth introduction to Idris, which proceeds at a much slower
pace, covering interactive program development, with many more examples, see
`Type-Driven Development with Idris <>`_
by Edwin Brady, available from `Manning <>`_.
Example Code
This tutorial includes some example code, which has been tested
against Idris 2. These files are available with the Idris 2 distribution,
so that you can try them out easily. They can be found under
``samples``. It is, however, strongly recommended that you type
them in yourself, rather than simply loading and reading them.
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#fn1] Typically, and perhaps confusingly, referred to in the dependently
typed programming literature as "vectors".

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
.. _sect-misc:
In this section we discuss a variety of additional features:
+ auto, implicit, and default arguments;
+ literate programming; and
+ the universe hierarchy.
Implicit arguments
We have already seen implicit arguments, which allows arguments to be
omitted when they can be inferred by the type checker [#IdrisType]_, e.g.
.. code-block:: idris
index : forall a, n . Fin n -> Vect n a -> a
Auto implicit arguments
In other situations, it may be possible to infer arguments not by type
checking but by searching the context for an appropriate value, or
constructing a proof. For example, the following definition of ``head``
which requires a proof that the list is non-empty:
.. code-block:: idris
isCons : List a -> Bool
isCons [] = False
isCons (x :: xs) = True
head : (xs : List a) -> (isCons xs = True) -> a
head (x :: xs) _ = x
If the list is statically known to be non-empty, either because its
value is known or because a proof already exists in the context, the
proof can be constructed automatically. Auto implicit arguments allow
this to happen silently. We define ``head`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
head : (xs : List a) -> {auto p : isCons xs = True} -> a
head (x :: xs) = x
The ``auto`` annotation on the implicit argument means that Idris
will attempt to fill in the implicit argument by searching for a value
of the appropriate type. In fact, internally, this is exactly how interface
resolution works. It will try the following, in order:
- Local variables, i.e. names bound in pattern matches or ``let`` bindings,
with exactly the right type.
- The constructors of the required type. If they have arguments, it will
search recursively up to a maximum depth of 100.
- Local variables with function types, searching recursively for the
- Any function with the appropriate return type which is marked with the
``%hint`` annotation.
In the case that a proof is not found, it can be provided explicitly as normal:
.. code-block:: idris
head xs {p = ?headProof}
Default implicit arguments
Besides having Idris automatically find a value of a given type, sometimes we
want to have an implicit argument with a specific default value. In Idris, we can
do this using the ``default`` annotation. While this is primarily intended to assist
in automatically constructing a proof where auto fails, or finds an unhelpful value,
it might be easier to first consider a simpler case, not involving proofs.
If we want to compute the n'th fibonacci number (and defining the 0th fibonacci
number as 0), we could write:
.. code-block:: idris
fibonacci : {default 0 lag : Nat} -> {default 1 lead : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> Nat
fibonacci {lag} Z = lag
fibonacci {lag} {lead} (S n) = fibonacci {lag=lead} {lead=lag+lead} n
After this definition, ``fibonacci 5`` is equivalent to ``fibonacci {lag=0} {lead=1} 5``,
and will return the 5th fibonacci number. Note that while this works, this is not the
intended use of the ``default`` annotation. It is included here for illustrative purposes
only. Usually, ``default`` is used to provide things like a custom proof search script.
Literate programming
Like Haskell, Idris supports *literate* programming. If a file has
an extension of ``.lidr`` then it is assumed to be a literate file. In
literate programs, everything is assumed to be a comment unless the line
begins with a greater than sign ``>``, for example:
.. code-block:: literate-idris
> module literate
This is a comment. The main program is below
> main : IO ()
> main = putStrLn "Hello literate world!\n"
An additional restriction is that there must be a blank line between a
program line (beginning with ``>``) and a comment line (beginning with
any other character).
Since values can appear in types and *vice versa*, it is natural that
types themselves have types. For example:
*universe> :t Nat
Nat : Type
*universe> :t Vect
Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type
But what about the type of ``Type``? If we ask Idris it reports:
*universe> :t Type
Type : Type 1
If ``Type`` were its own type, it would lead to an inconsistency due to
`Girards paradox <>`_,
so internally there is a *hierarchy* of types (or *universes*):
.. code-block:: idris
Type : Type 1 : Type 2 : Type 3 : ...
Universes are *cumulative*, that is, if ``x : Type n`` we can also have
that ``x : Type m``, as long as ``n < m``. The typechecker generates
such universe constraints and reports an error if any inconsistencies
are found. Ordinarily, a programmer does not need to worry about this,
but it does prevent (contrived) programs such as the following:
.. code-block:: idris
myid : (a : Type) -> a -> a
myid _ x = x
idid : (a : Type) -> a -> a
idid = myid _ myid
The application of ``myid`` to itself leads to a cycle in the universe
hierarchy — ``myid``\ s first argument is a ``Type``, which cannot be
at a lower level than required if it is applied to itself.
.. [#IdrisType]

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@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
.. _sect-namespaces:
Modules and Namespaces
An Idris program consists of a collection of modules. Each module
includes an optional ``module`` declaration giving the name of the
module, a list of ``import`` statements giving the other modules which
are to be imported, and a collection of declarations and definitions of
types, interfaces and functions. For example, the listing below gives a
module which defines a binary tree type ``BTree`` (in a file
.. code-block:: idris
module BTree
public export
data BTree a = Leaf
| Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)
insert : Ord a => a -> BTree a -> BTree a
insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x Leaf
insert x (Node l v r) = if (x < v) then (Node (insert x l) v r)
else (Node l v (insert x r))
toList : BTree a -> List a
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node l v r) = BTree.toList l ++ (v :: BTree.toList r)
toTree : Ord a => List a -> BTree a
toTree [] = Leaf
toTree (x :: xs) = insert x (toTree xs)
The modifiers ``export`` and ``public export`` say which names are visible
from other namespaces. These are explained further below.
Then, this gives a main program (in a file
``bmain.idr``) which uses the ``BTree`` module to sort a list:
.. code-block:: idris
module Main
import BTree
main : IO ()
main = do let t = toTree [1,8,2,7,9,3]
print (BTree.toList t)
The same names can be defined in multiple modules: names are *qualified* with
the name of the module. The names defined in the ``BTree`` module are, in full:
+ ``BTree.BTree``
+ ``BTree.Leaf``
+ ``BTree.Node``
+ ``BTree.insert``
+ ``BTree.toList``
+ ``BTree.toTree``
If names are otherwise unambiguous, there is no need to give the fully
qualified name. Names can be disambiguated either by giving an explicit
qualification, or according to their type.
There is no formal link between the module name and its filename,
although it is generally advisable to use the same name for each. An
``import`` statement refers to a filename, using dots to separate
directories. For example, ``import`` would import the file
``foo/bar.idr``, which would conventionally have the module declaration
``module``. The only requirement for module names is that the
main module, with the ``main`` function, must be called
``Main`` — although its filename need not be ``Main.idr``.
Export Modifiers
Idris allows for fine-grained control over the visibility of a
namespace's contents. By default, all names defined in a namespace are kept
private. This aids in specification of a minimal interface and for
internal details to be left hidden. Idris allows for functions,
types, and interfaces to be marked as: ``private``, ``export``, or
``public export``. Their general meaning is as follows:
- ``private`` meaning that it is not exported at all. This is the default.
- ``export`` meaning that its top level type is exported.
- ``public export`` meaning that the entire definition is exported.
A further restriction in modifying the visibility is that definitions must not
refer to anything within a lower level of visibility. For example, ``public
export`` definitions cannot use ``private`` or ``export`` names, and ``export``
types cannot use ``private`` names. This is to prevent private names leaking
into a module's interface.
Meaning for Functions
- ``export`` the type is exported
- ``public export`` the type and definition are exported, and the
definition can be used after it is imported. In other words, the
definition itself is considered part of the module's interface. The
long name ``public export`` is intended to make you think twice
about doing this.
.. note::
Type synonyms in Idris are created by writing a function. When
setting the visibility for a module, it is usually a good idea to
``public export`` all type synonyms if they are to be used outside
the module. Otherwise, Idris won't know what the synonym is a
synonym for.
Since ``public export`` means that a function's definition is exported,
this effectively makes the function definition part of the module's API.
Therefore, it's generally a good idea to avoid using ``public export`` for
functions unless you really mean to export the full definition.
Meaning for Data Types
For data types, the meanings are:
- ``export`` the type constructor is exported
- ``public export`` the type constructor and data constructors are exported
Meaning for Interfaces
For interfaces, the meanings are:
- ``export`` the interface name is exported
- ``public export`` the interface name, method names and default
definitions are exported
Propagating Inner Module API's
Additionally, a module can re-export a module it has imported, by using
the ``public`` modifier on an ``import``. For example:
.. code-block:: idris
module A
import B
import public C
The module ``A`` will export the name ``a``, as well as any public or
abstract names in module ``C``, but will not re-export anything from
module ``B``.
Explicit Namespaces
Defining a module also defines a namespace implicitly. However,
namespaces can also be given *explicitly*. This is most useful if you
wish to overload names within the same module:
.. code-block:: idris
module Foo
namespace X
test : Int -> Int
test x = x * 2
namespace Y
test : String -> String
test x = x ++ x
This (admittedly contrived) module defines two functions with fully
qualified names ``Foo.X.test`` and ``Foo.Y.test``, which can be
disambiguated by their types:
*Foo> test 3
6 : Int
*Foo> test "foo"
"foofoo" : String
The export rules, ``public export`` and ``export``, are *per namespace*,
not *per file*, so the two ``test`` definitions above need the ``export``
flag to be visible outside their own namespaces.
Parameterised blocks
Groups of functions can be parameterised over a number of arguments
using a ``parameters`` declaration, for example:
.. code-block:: idris
parameters (x : Nat, y : Nat)
addAll : Nat -> Nat
addAll z = x + y + z
The effect of a ``parameters`` block is to add the declared parameters
to every function, type and data constructor within the
block. Specifically, adding the parameters to the front of the
argument list. Outside the block, the parameters must be given
explicitly. The ``addAll`` function, when called from the REPL, will
thus have the following type signature.
*params> :t addAll
addAll : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
and the following definition.
.. code-block:: idris
addAll : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> Nat
addAll x y z = x + y + z
Parameters blocks can be nested, and can also include data declarations,
in which case the parameters are added explicitly to all type and data
constructors. They may also be dependent types with implicit arguments:
.. code-block:: idris
parameters (y : Nat, xs : Vect x a)
data Vects : Type -> Type where
MkVects : Vect y a -> Vects a
append : Vects a -> Vect (x + y) a
append (MkVects ys) = xs ++ ys
To use ``Vects`` or ``append`` outside the block, we must also give the
``xs`` and ``y`` arguments. Here, we can use placeholders for the values
which can be inferred by the type checker:
Main> show (append _ _ (MkVects _ [1,2,3] [4,5,6]))
"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
.. _sect-multiplicities:
Idris 2 is
based on `Quantitative Type Theory (QTT)
<>`_, a core language
developed by Bob Atkey and Conor McBride. In practice, this means that every
variable in Idris 2 has a *quantity* associated with it. A quantity is one of:
* ``0``, meaning that the variable is *erased* at run time
* ``1``, meaning that the variable is used *exactly once* at run time
* *Unrestricted*, which is the same behaviour as Idris 1
We can see the multiplicities of variables by inspecting holes. For example,
if we have the following skeleton definition of ``append`` on vectors...
.. code-block:: idris
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append xs ys = ?append_rhs
...we can look at the hole ``append_rhs``:
Main> :t append_rhs
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
ys : Vect m a
xs : Vect n a
append_rhs : Vect (plus n m) a
The ``0`` next to ``m``, ``a`` and ``n`` mean that they are in scope, but there
will be ``0`` occurrences at run-time. That is, it is **guaranteed** that they
will be erased at run-time.
Multiplicities can be explicitly written in function types as follows:
* ``ignoreN : (0 n : Nat) -> Vect n a -> Nat`` - this function cannot look at
``n`` at run time
* ``duplicate : (1 x : a) -> (a, a)`` - this function must use ``x`` exactly
once (so good luck implementing it, by the way. There is no implementation
because it would need to use ``x`` twice!)
If there is no multiplicity annotation, the argument is unrestricted.
If, on the other hand, a name is implicitly bound (like ``a`` in both examples above)
the argument is erased. So, the above types could also be written as:
* ``ignoreN : {0 a : _} -> (0 n : Nat) -> Vect n a -> Nat``
* ``duplicate : {0 a : _} -> (1 x : a) -> (a, a)``
This section describes what this means for your Idris 2 programs in practice,
with several examples. In particular, it describes:
* :ref:`sect-erasure` - how to know what is relevant at run time and what is erased
* :ref:`sect-linearity` - using the type system to encode *resource usage protocols*
* :ref:`sect-pmtypes` - truly first class types
The most important of these for most programs, and the thing you'll need to
know about if converting Idris 1 programs to work with Idris 2, is erasure_.
The most interesting, however, and the thing which gives Idris 2 much more
expressivity, is linearity_, so we'll start there.
.. _sect-linearity:
The ``1`` multiplicity expresses that a variable must be used exactly once.
First, we'll see how this works on some small examples of functions and
data types, then see how it can be used to encode `resource protocols`_.
Above, we saw the type of ``duplicate``. Let's try to write it interactively,
and see what goes wrong. We'll start by giving the type and a skeleton
definition with a hole
.. code-block:: idris
duplicate : (1 x : a) -> (a, a)
duplicate x = ?help
Checking the type of a hole tells us the multiplicity of each variable in
scope. If we check the type of ``?help`` we'll see that we can't
use ``a`` at run time, and we have to use ``x`` exactly once::
Main> :t help
0 a : Type
1 x : a
help : (a, a)
If we use ``x`` for one part of the pair...
.. code-block:: idris
duplicate : (1 x : a) -> (a, a)
duplicate x = (x, ?help)
...then the type of the remaining hole tells us we can't use it for the other::
Main> :t help
0 a : Type
0 x : a
help : a
The same happens if we try defining ``duplicate x = (?help, x)`` (try it!)
The intution behind multiplicity ``1`` is that if we have a function with
a type of the following form...
.. code-block:: idris
f : (1 x : a) -> b
...then the guarantee given by the type system is that *if* ``f x`` *is used
exactly once, then* ``x`` *is used exactly once*. So, if we insist on
trying to define ``duplicate``...::
duplicate x = (x, x)
...then Idris will complain::
pmtype.idr:2:15--8:1:While processing right hand side of Main.duplicate at pmtype.idr:2:1--8:1:
There are 2 uses of linear name x
A similar intuition applies for data types. Consider the following types,
``Lin`` which wraps an argument that must be used once, and ``Unr`` which
wraps an argument with unrestricted use
.. code-block:: idris
data Lin : Type -> Type where
MkLin : (1 x : a) -> Lin a
data Unr : Type -> Type where
MkUnr : (x : a) -> Unr a
If ``MkLin x`` is used once, then ``x`` is used once. But if ``MkUnr x`` is
used once, there is no guarantee on how often ``x`` is used. We can see this a
bit more clearly by starting to write projection functions for ``Lin`` and
``Unr`` to extract the argument
.. code-block:: idris
getLin : (1 val : Lin a) -> a
getLin (MkLin x) = ?howmanyLin
getUnr : (1 val : Unr a) -> a
getUnr (MkUnr x) = ?howmanyUnr
Checking the types of the holes shows us that, for ``getLin``, we must use
``x`` exactly once (Because the ``val`` argument is used once,
by pattern matching on it as ``MkLin x``, and if ``MkLin x`` is used once,
``x`` must be used once)::
Main> :t howmanyLin
0 a : Type
1 x : a
howmanyLin : a
For ``getUnr``, however, we still have to use ``val`` once, again by pattern
matching on it, but using ``MkUnr x`` once doesn't place any restrictions on
``x``. So, ``x`` has unrestricted use in the body of ``getUnr``::
Main> :t howmanyUnr
0 a : Type
x : a
howmanyUnr : a
If ``getLin`` has an unrestricted argument...
.. code-block:: idris
getLin : (val : Lin a) -> a
getLin (MkLin x) = ?howmanyLin
...then ``x`` is unrestricted in ``howmanyLin``::
Main> :t howmanyLin
0 a : Type
x : a
howmanyLin : a
Remember the intuition from the type of ``MkLin`` is that if ``MkLin x`` is
used exactly once, ``x`` is used exactly once. But, we didn't say that
``MkLin x`` would be used exactly once, so there is no restriction on ``x``.
Resource protocols
One way to take advantage of being able to express linear usage of an argument
is in defining resource usage protocols, where we can use linearity to ensure
that any unique external resource has only one instance, and we can use
functions which are linear in their arguments to represent state transitions on
that resource. A door, for example, can be in one of two states, ``Open`` or
.. code-block:: idris
data DoorState = Open | Closed
data Door : DoorState -> Type where
MkDoor : (doorId : Int) -> Door st
(Okay, we're just pretending here - imagine the ``doorId`` is a reference
to an external resource!)
We can define functions for opening and closing the door which explicitly
describe how they change the state of a door, and that they are linear in
the door
.. code-block:: idris
openDoor : (1 d : Door Closed) -> Door Open
closeDoor : (1 d : Door Open) -> Door Closed
Remember, the intuition is that if ``openDoor d`` is used exactly once,
then ``d`` is used exactly once. So, provided that a door ``d`` has
multiplicity ``1`` when it's created, we *know* that once we call
``openDoor`` on it, we won't be able to use ``d`` again. Given that
``d`` is an external resource, and ``openDoor`` has changed it's state,
this is a good thing!
We can ensure that any door we create has multiplicity ``1`` by
creating them with a ``newDoor`` function with the following type
.. code-block:: idris
newDoor : (1 p : (1 d : Door Closed) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
That is, ``newDoor`` takes a function, which it runs exactly once. That
function takes a door, which is used exactly once. We'll run it in
``IO`` to suggest that there is some interaction with the outside world
going on when we create the door. Since the multiplicity ``1`` means the
door has to be used exactly once, we need to be able to delete the door
when we're finished
.. code-block:: idris
deleteDoor : (1 d : Door Closed) -> IO ()
So an example correct door protocol usage would be
.. code-block:: idris
doorProg : IO ()
= newDoor $ \d =>
let d' = openDoor d
d'' = closeDoor d' in
deleteDoor d''
It's instructive to build this program interactively, with holes along
the way, and see how the multiplicities of ``d``, ``d'`` etc change. For
.. code-block:: idris
doorProg : IO ()
= newDoor $ \d =>
let d' = openDoor d in
Checking the type of ``?whatnow`` shows that ``d`` is now spent, but we
still have to use ``d'`` exactly once::
Main> :t whatnow
0 d : Door Closed
1 d' : Door Open
whatnow : IO ()
Note that the ``0`` multiplicity for ``d`` means that we can still *talk*
about it - in particular, we can still reason about it in types - but we
can't use it again in a relevant position in the rest of the program.
It's also fine to shadow the name ``d`` throughout
.. code-block:: idris
doorProg : IO ()
= newDoor $ \d =>
let d = openDoor d
d = closeDoor d in
deleteDoor d
If we don't follow the protocol correctly - create the door, open it, close
it, then delete it - then the program won't type check. For example, we
can try not to delete the door before finishing
.. code-block:: idris
doorProg : IO ()
= newDoor $ \d =>
let d' = openDoor d
d'' = closeDoor d' in
putStrLn "What could possibly go wrong?"
This gives the following error::
Door.idr:15:19--15:38:While processing right hand side of Main.doorProg at Door.idr:13:1--17:1:
There are 0 uses of linear name d''
There's a lot more to be said about the details here! But, this shows at
a high level how we can use linearity to capture resource usage protocols
at the type level. If we have an external resource which is guaranteed to
be used linearly, like ``Door``, we don't need to run operations on that
resource in an ``IO`` monad, since we're already enforcing an ordering on
operations and don't have access to any out of date resource states. This is
similar to the way interactive programs work in
`the Clean programming language <>`_, and in
fact is how ``IO`` is implemented internally in Idris 2, with a special
``%World`` type for representing the state of the outside world that is
always used linearly
.. code-block:: idris
public export
data IORes : Type -> Type where
MkIORes : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
data IO : Type -> Type where
MkIO : (1 fn : (1 x : %World) -> IORes a) -> IO a
Having multiplicities in the type system raises several interesting
questions, such as:
* Can we use linearity information to inform memory management and, for
example, have type level guarantees about functions which will not need
to perform garbage collection?
* How should multiplicities be incorporated into interfaces such as
``Functor``, ``Applicative`` and ``Monad``?
* If we have ``0``, and ``1`` as multiplicities, why stop there? Why not have
``2``, ``3`` and more (like `Granule
* What about multiplicity polymorphism, as in the `Linear Haskell proposal <>`_?
* Even without all of that, what can we do *now*?
.. _sect-erasure:
The ``1`` multiplicity give us many possibilities in the kinds of
properties we can express. But, the ``0`` multiplicity is perhaps more
important in that it allows us to be precise about which values are
relevant at run time, and which are compile time only (that is, which are
erased). Using the ``0`` multiplicity means a function's type now tells us
exactly what it needs at run time.
For example, in Idris 1 you could get the length of a vector as follows
.. code-block:: idris
vlen : Vect n a -> Nat
vlen {n} xs = n
This is fine, since it runs in constant time, but the trade off is that
``n`` has to be available at run time, so at run time we always need the length
of the vector to be available if we ever call ``vlen``. Idris 1 can infer whether
the length is needed, but there's no easy way for a programmer to be sure.
In Idris 2, we need to state explicitly that ``n`` is needed at run time
.. code-block:: idris
vlen : {n : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Nat
vlen xs = n
(Incidentally, also note that in Idris 2, names bound in types are also available
in the definition without explicitly rebinding them.)
This also means that when you call ``vlen``, you need the length available. For
example, this will give an error
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : Vect m a -> Vect n a —> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = vlen xs + vlen ys
Idris 2 reports::
vlen.idr:7:20--7:28:While processing right hand side of Main.sumLengths at vlen.idr:7:1--10:1:
m is not accessible in this context
This means that it needs to use ``m`` as an argument to pass to ``vlen xs``,
where it needs to be available at run time, but ``m`` is not available in
``sumLengths`` because it has multiplicity ``0``.
We can see this more clearly by replacing the right hand side of
``sumLengths`` with a hole...
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : Vect m a -> Vect n a -> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = ?sumLengths_rhs
...then checking the hole's type at the REPL::
Main> :t sumLengths_rhs
0 n : Nat
0 a : Type
0 m : Nat
ys : Vect n a
xs : Vect m a
sumLengths_rhs : Nat
Instead, we need to give bindings for ``m`` and ``n`` with
unrestricted multiplicity
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : {m, n : _} -> Vect m a -> Vect n a —> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = vlen xs + vlen xs
Remember that giving no multiplicity on a binder, as with ``m`` and ``n`` here,
means that the variable has unrestricted usage.
If you're converting Idris 1 programs to work with Idris 2, this is probably the
biggest thing you need to think about. It is important to note,
though, that if you have bound implicits, such as...
.. code-block:: idris
excitingFn : {t : _} -> Coffee t -> Moonbase t
...then it's a good idea to make sure ``t`` really is needed, or performance
might suffer due to the run time building the instance of ``t`` unnecessarily!
One final note on erasure: it is an error to try to pattern match on an
argument with multiplicity ``0``, unless its value is inferrable from
elsewhere. So, the following definition is rejected
.. code-block:: idris
badNot : (0 x : Bool) -> Bool
badNot False = True
badNot True = False
This is rejected with the error::
badnot.idr:2:1--3:1:Attempt to match on erased argument False in
The following, however, is fine, because in ``sNot``, even though we appear
to match on the erased argument ``x``, its value is uniquely inferrable from
the type of the second argument
.. code-block:: idris
data SBool : Bool -> Type where
SFalse : SBool False
STrue : SBool True
sNot : (0 x : Bool) -> SBool x -> Bool
sNot False SFalse = True
sNot True STrue = False
Experience with Idris 2 so far suggests that, most of the time, as long as
you're using unbound implicits in your Idris 1 programs, they will work without
much modification in Idris 2. The Idris 2 type checker will point out where you
require an unbound implicit argument at run time - sometimes this is both
surprising and enlightening!
.. _sect-pmtypes:
Pattern Matching on Types
One way to think about dependent types is to think of them as "first class"
objects in the language, in that they can be assigned to variables,
passed around and returned from functions, just like any other construct.
But, if they're truly first class, we should be able to pattern match on
them too! Idris 2 allows us to do this. For example
.. code-block:: idris
showType : Type -> String
showType Int = "Int"
showType (List a) = "List of " ++ showType a
showType _ = "something else"
We can try this as follows::
Main> showType Int
Main> showType (List Int)
"List of Int"
Main> showType (List Bool)
"List of something else"
Pattern matching on function types is interesting, because the return type
may depend on the input value. For example, let's add a case to
.. code-block:: idris
showType (Nat -> a) = ?help
Inspecting the type of ``help`` tells us::
Main> :t help
a : Nat -> Type
help : String
So, the return type ``a`` depends on the input value of type ``Nat``, and
we'll need to come up with a value to use ``a``, for example
.. code-block:: idris
showType (Nat -> a) = "Function from Nat to " ++ showType (a Z)
Note that multiplicities on the binders, and the ability to pattern match
on *non-erased* types mean that the following two types are distinct
.. code-block:: idris
id : a -> a
notId : {a : Type} -> a -> a
In the case of ``notId``, we can match on ``a`` and get a function which
is certainly not the identity function
.. code-block:: idris
notId {a = Int} x = x + 1
notId x = x
Main> notId 93
Main> notId "???"
There is an important consequence of being able to distinguish between relevant
and irrelevant type arguments, which is that a function is *only* parametric in
``a`` if ``a`` has multiplicity ``0``. So, in the case of ``notId``, ``a`` is
*not* a parameter, and so we can't draw any conclusions about the way the
function will behave because it is polymorphic, because the type tells us it
might pattern match on ``a``.
On the other hand, it is merely a coincidence that, in non-dependently typed
languages, types are *irrelevant* and get erased, and values are *relevant*
and remain at run time. Idris 2, being based on QTT, allows us to make the
distinction between relevant and irrelevant arguments precise. Types can be
relevant, values (such as the ``n`` index to vectors) can be irrelevant.
For more details on multiplicities,
see `Idris 2: Quantitative Type Theory in Action <>`_.

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
.. _sect-packages:
Idris includes a simple build system for building packages and executables
from a named package description file. These files can be used with the
Idris compiler to manage the development process.
Package Descriptions
A package description includes the following:
+ A header, consisting of the keyword ``package`` followed by a package
name. Package names can be any valid Idris identifier. The iPKG
format also takes a quoted version that accepts any valid filename.
+ Fields describing package contents, ``<field> = <value>``.
At least one field must be the modules field, where the value is a
comma separated list of modules. For example, given an idris package
``maths`` that has modules ``Maths.idr``, ``Maths.NumOps.idr``,
``Maths.BinOps.idr``, and ``Maths.HexOps.idr``, the corresponding
package file would be:
package maths
modules = Maths
, Maths.NumOps
, Maths.BinOps
, Maths.HexOps
Other examples of package files can be found in the ``libs`` directory
of the main Idris repository, and in `third-party libraries
Using Package files
Idris itself is aware about packages, and special commands are
available to help with, for example, building packages, installing
packages, and cleaning packages. For instance, given the ``maths``
package from earlier we can use Idris as follows:
+ ``idris2 --build maths.ipkg`` will build all modules in the package
+ ``idris2 --install maths.ipkg`` will install the package, making it
accessible by other Idris libraries and programs.
+ ``idris2 --clean maths.ipkg`` will delete all intermediate code and
executable files generated when building.
Once the maths package has been installed, the command line option
``--package maths`` makes it accessible (abbreviated to ``-p maths``).
For example:
idris2 -p maths Main.idr
Package Dependencies Using Atom
If you are using the Atom editor and have a dependency on another package,
corresponding to for instance ``import Lightyear`` or ``import Pruviloj``,
you need to let Atom know that it should be loaded. The easiest way to
accomplish that is with a .ipkg file. The general contents of an ipkg file
will be described in the next section of the tutorial, but for now here is
a simple recipe for this trivial case:
- Create a folder myProject.
- Add a file myProject.ipkg containing just a couple of lines:
.. code-block:: idris
package myProject
pkgs = pruviloj, lightyear
- In Atom, use the File menu to Open Folder myProject.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
.. _sect-starting:
Getting Started
You need a C compiler (default is clang), and optionally Idris 1.3.2 to build
from source. You will also need:
- `Chez Scheme <>`_
- The `GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library <>`_ (GMP)
Both are available from MacPorts/Homebrew and all major Linux distributions.
**Note**: If you install ChezScheme from source files, building it locally, make sure
you run ``./configure --threads`` to build multithreading support in.
Downloading and Installing
You can download the Idris 2 source from the `Idris web site
This includes the Idris 2 source code (written in Idris 1) and the C
code generated from that. Once you have unpacked the source, you can
install it as follows:
* If you have Idris 1.3.2 installed::
make install
* If not, you can install directly from the generated C::
make install-fromc
This will, by default, install into ``${HOME}/.idris2``. You can change this
by editing the options in ````. For example,
to install into ``/usr/local``, you can edit the ``PREFIX`` as follows::
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
To check that installation has succeeded, and to write your first
Idris program, create a file called ``hello.idr`` containing the
following text:
.. code-block:: idris
module Main
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello world"
If you are familiar with Haskell, it should be fairly clear what the
program is doing and how it works, but if not, we will explain the
details later. You can compile the program to an executable by
entering ``idris2 hello.idr -o hello`` at the shell prompt. This will,
by default, create an executable called ``hello``, which invokes a generated
and compiled Chez Schem program, in the destination directory ``build/exec``
which you can run:
$ idris2 hello.idr -o hello
compiling with output to
$ ./build/exec/
Hello world
Please note that the dollar sign ``$`` indicates the shell prompt!
Some useful options to the Idris command are:
- ``-o prog`` to compile to an executable called ``prog``.
- ``--check`` type check the file and its dependencies without starting the interactive environment.
- ``--package pkg`` add package as dependency, e.g. ``--package contrib`` to make use of the contrib package.
- ``--help`` display usage summary and command line options.
You can find out more about compiling to executables in
Section :ref:`sect-execs`.
The Interactive Environment
Entering ``idris2`` at the shell prompt starts up the interactive
environment. You should see something like the following:
.. literalinclude:: ../listing/idris-prompt-start.txt
This gives a ``ghci`` style interface which allows evaluation of, as
well as type checking of, expressions; theorem proving, compilation;
editing; and various other operations. The command ``:?`` gives a list
of supported commands. Below, we see an example run in
which ``hello.idr`` is loaded, the type of ``main`` is checked and
then the program is compiled to the executable file ``hello``,
available in the destination directory ``build/exec/``. Type
checking a file, if successful, creates a bytecode version of the file (in this
case ``build/ttc/hello.ttc``) to speed up loading in future. The bytecode is
regenerated if the source file changes.
.. _run1:
.. literalinclude:: ../listing/idris-prompt-helloworld.txt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
.. _sect-theorems:
Theorem Proving
Idris allows propositional equalities to be declared, allowing theorems about
programs to be stated and proved. An equality type is defined as follows in the
.. code-block:: idris
data Equal : a -> b -> Type where
Refl : Equal x x
As a notational convenience, ``Equal x y`` can be written as ``x = y``.
Equalities can be proposed between any values of any types, but the only
way to construct a proof of equality is if values actually are equal.
For example:
.. code-block:: idris
fiveIsFive : 5 = 5
fiveIsFive = Refl
twoPlusTwo : 2 + 2 = 4
twoPlusTwo = Refl
If we try...
.. code-block:: idris
twoPlusTwoBad : 2 + 2 = 5
twoPlusTwoBad = Refl
...then we'll get an error:
Proofs.idr:8:17--10:1:While processing right hand side of Main.twoPlusTwoBad at Proofs.idr:8:1--10:1:
When unifying 4 = 4 and (fromInteger 2 + fromInteger 2) = (fromInteger 5)
Mismatch between:
.. _sect-empty:
The Empty Type
There is an empty type, ``Void``, which has no constructors. It is therefore
impossible to construct a canonical element of the empty type. We can therefore
use the empty type to prove that something is impossible, for example zero is
never equal to a successor:
.. code-block:: idris
disjoint : (n : Nat) -> Z = S n -> Void
disjoint n prf = replace {p = disjointTy} prf ()
disjointTy : Nat -> Type
disjointTy Z = ()
disjointTy (S k) = Void
Don't worry if you don't get all the details of how this works just yet -
essentially, it applies the library function ``replace``, which uses an
equality proof to transform a predicate. Here we use it to transform a
value of a type which can exist, the empty tuple, to a value of a type
which cant, by using a proof of something which cant exist.
Once we have an element of the empty type, we can prove anything.
``void`` is defined in the library, to assist with proofs by
.. code-block:: idris
void : Void -> a
Proving Theorems
When type checking dependent types, the type itself gets *normalised*.
So imagine we want to prove the following theorem about the reduction
behaviour of ``plus``:
.. code-block:: idris
plusReduces : (n:Nat) -> plus Z n = n
Weve written down the statement of the theorem as a type, in just the
same way as we would write the type of a program. In fact there is no
real distinction between proofs and programs. A proof, as far as we are
concerned here, is merely a program with a precise enough type to
guarantee a particular property of interest.
We wont go into details here, but the Curry-Howard correspondence [#Timothy]_
explains this relationship. The proof itself is immediate, because
``plus Z n`` normalises to ``n`` by the definition of ``plus``:
.. code-block:: idris
plusReduces n = Refl
It is slightly harder if we try the arguments the other way, because
plus is defined by recursion on its first argument. The proof also works
by recursion on the first argument to ``plus``, namely ``n``.
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesZ : (n:Nat) -> n = plus n Z
plusReducesZ Z = Refl
plusReducesZ (S k) = cong S (plusReducesZ k)
``cong`` is a function defined in the library which states that equality
respects function application:
.. code-block:: idris
cong : (f : t -> u) -> a = b -> f a = f b
To see more detail on what's going on, we can replace the recursive call to
``plusReducesZ`` with a hole:
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesZ (S k) = cong S ?help
Then inspecting the type of the hole at the REPL shows us:
Main> :t help
k : Nat
help : k = (plus k Z)
We can do the same for the reduction behaviour of plus on successors:
.. code-block:: idris
plusReducesS : (n:Nat) -> (m:Nat) -> S (plus n m) = plus n (S m)
plusReducesS Z m = Refl
plusReducesS (S k) m = cong S (plusReducesS k m)
Even for small theorems like these, the proofs are a little tricky to
construct in one go. When things get even slightly more complicated, it
becomes too much to think about to construct proofs in this “batch
Idris provides interactive editing capabilities, which can help with
building proofs. For more details on building proofs interactively in
an editor, see :ref:`proofs-index`.
.. _sect-parity:
Theorems in Practice
The need to prove theorems can arise naturally in practice. For example,
previously (:ref:`sec-views`) we implemented ``natToBin`` using a function
.. code-block:: idris
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
We provided a definition for ``parity``, but without explanation. We might
have hoped that it would look something like the following:
.. code-block:: idris
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
parity Z = Even {n=Z}
parity (S Z) = Odd {n=Z}
parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
parity (S (S (j + j))) | Even = Even {n=S j}
parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | Odd = Odd {n=S j}
Unfortunately, this fails with a type error:
With.idr:26:17--27:3:While processing right hand side of Main.with block in 2419 at With.idr:24:3--27:3:
Can't solve constraint between:
plus j (S j)
S (plus j j)
The problem is that normalising ``S j + S j``, in the type of ``Even``
doesn't result in what we need for the type of the right hand side of
``Parity``. We know that ``S (S (plus j j))`` is going to be equal to
``S j + S j``, but we need to explain it to Idris with a proof. We can
begin by adding some *holes* (see :ref:`sect-holes`) to the definition:
.. code-block:: idris
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
parity Z = Even {n=Z}
parity (S Z) = Odd {n=Z}
parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
parity (S (S (j + j))) | Even = let result = Even {n=S j} in
parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | Odd = let result = Odd {n=S j} in
Checking the type of ``helpEven`` shows us what we need to prove for the
``Even`` case:
j : Nat
result : Parity (S (plus j (S j)))
helpEven : Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
We can therefore write a helper function to *rewrite* the type to the form
we need:
.. code-block:: idris
helpEven : (j : Nat) -> Parity (S j + S j) -> Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
helpEven j p = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in p
The ``rewrite ... in`` syntax allows you to change the required type of an
expression by rewriting it according to an equality proof. Here, we have
used ``plusSuccRightSucc``, which has the following type:
.. code-block:: idris
plusSuccRightSucc : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> S (left + right) = left + S right
We can see the effect of ``rewrite`` by replacing the right hand side of
``helpEven`` with a hole, and working step by step. Beginning with the following:
.. code-block:: idris
helpEven : (j : Nat) -> Parity (S j + S j) -> Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
helpEven j p = ?helpEven_rhs
We can look at the type of ``helpEven_rhs``:
.. code-block:: idris
j : Nat
p : Parity (S (plus j (S j)))
helpEven_rhs : Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
Then we can ``rewrite`` by applying ``plusSuccRightSucc j j``, which gives
an equation ``S (j + j) = j + S j``, thus replacing ``S (j + j)`` (or,
in this case, ``S (plus j j)`` since ``S (j + j)`` reduces to that) in the
type with ``j + S j``:
.. code-block:: idris
helpEven : (j : Nat) -> Parity (S j + S j) -> Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
helpEven j p = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in ?helpEven_rhs
Checking the type of ``helpEven_rhs`` now shows what has happened, including
the type of the equation we just used (as the type of ``_rewrite_rule``):
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :t helpEven_rhs
j : Nat
p : Parity (S (plus j (S j)))
helpEven_rhs : Parity (S (plus j (S j)))
Using ``rewrite`` and another helper for the ``Odd`` case, we can complete
``parity`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
helpEven : (j : Nat) -> Parity (S j + S j) -> Parity (S (S (plus j j)))
helpEven j p = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in p
helpOdd : (j : Nat) -> Parity (S (S (j + S j))) -> Parity (S (S (S (j + j))))
helpOdd j p = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in p
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
parity Z = Even {n=Z}
parity (S Z) = Odd {n=Z}
parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
parity (S (S (j + j))) | Even = helpEven j (Even {n = S j})
parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | Odd = helpOdd j (Odd {n = S j})
Full details of ``rewrite`` are beyond the scope of this introductory tutorial,
but it is covered in the theorem proving tutorial (see :ref:`proofs-index`).
.. _sect-totality:
Totality Checking
If we really want to trust our proofs, it is important that they are
defined by *total* functions — that is, a function which is defined for
all possible inputs and is guaranteed to terminate. Otherwise we could
construct an element of the empty type, from which we could prove
.. code-block:: idris
-- making use of 'hd' being partially defined
empty1 : Void
empty1 = hd [] where
hd : List a -> a
hd (x :: xs) = x
-- not terminating
empty2 : Void
empty2 = empty2
Internally, Idris checks every definition for totality, and we can check at
the prompt with the ``:total`` command. We see that neither of the above
definitions is total:
Void> :total empty1
Void.empty1 is not covering due to call to function empty1:hd
Void> :total empty2
Void.empty2 is possibly not terminating due to recursive path Void.empty2
Note the use of the word “possibly” — a totality check can never be certain due
to the undecidability of the halting problem. The check is, therefore,
conservative. It is also possible (and indeed advisable, in the case of proofs)
to mark functions as total so that it will be a compile time error for the
totality check to fail:
.. code-block:: idris
total empty2 : Void
empty2 = empty2
Reassuringly, our proof in Section :ref:`sect-empty` that the zero and
successor constructors are disjoint is total:
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :total disjoint
Main.disjoint is Total
The totality check is, necessarily, conservative. To be recorded as
total, a function ``f`` must:
- Cover all possible inputs
- Be *well-founded* — i.e. by the time a sequence of (possibly
mutually) recursive calls reaches ``f`` again, it must be possible to
show that one of its arguments has decreased.
- Not use any data types which are not *strictly positive*
- Not call any non-total functions
Directives and Compiler Flags for Totality
[NOTE: Not all of this is implemented yet for Idris 2]
By default, Idris allows all well-typed definitions, whether total or not.
However, it is desirable for functions to be total as far as possible, as this
provides a guarantee that they provide a result for all possible inputs, in
finite time. It is possible to make total functions a requirement, either:
- By using the ``--total`` compiler flag.
- By adding a ``%default total`` directive to a source file. All
definitions after this will be required to be total, unless
explicitly flagged as ``partial``.
All functions *after* a ``%default total`` declaration are required to
be total. Correspondingly, after a ``%default partial`` declaration, the
requirement is relaxed.
Finally, the compiler flag ``--warnpartial`` causes to print a warning
for any undeclared partial function.
Totality checking issues
Please note that the totality checker is not perfect! Firstly, it is
necessarily conservative due to the undecidability of the halting
problem, so many programs which *are* total will not be detected as
such. Secondly, the current implementation has had limited effort put
into it so far, so there may still be cases where it believes a function
is total which is not. Do not rely on it for your proofs yet!
Hints for totality
In cases where you believe a program is total, but Idris does not agree, it is
possible to give hints to the checker to give more detail for a termination
argument. The checker works by ensuring that all chains of recursive calls
eventually lead to one of the arguments decreasing towards a base case, but
sometimes this is hard to spot. For example, the following definition cannot be
checked as ``total`` because the checker cannot decide that ``filter (< x) xs``
will always be smaller than ``(x :: xs)``:
.. code-block:: idris
qsort : Ord a => List a -> List a
qsort [] = []
qsort (x :: xs)
= qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++
(x :: qsort (filter (>= x) xs))
The function ``assert_smaller``, defined in the prelude, is intended to
address this problem:
.. code-block:: idris
assert_smaller : a -> a -> a
assert_smaller x y = y
It simply evaluates to its second argument, but also asserts to the
totality checker that ``y`` is structurally smaller than ``x``. This can
be used to explain the reasoning for totality if the checker cannot work
it out itself. The above example can now be written as:
.. code-block:: idris
qsort : Ord a => List a -> List a
qsort [] = []
qsort (x :: xs)
= qsort (assert_smaller (x :: xs) (filter (< x) xs)) ++
(x :: qsort (assert_smaller (x :: xs) (filter (>= x) xs)))
The expression ``assert_smaller (x :: xs) (filter (<= x) xs)`` asserts
that the result of the filter will always be smaller than the pattern
``(x :: xs)``.
In more extreme cases, the function ``assert_total`` marks a
subexpression as always being total:
.. code-block:: idris
assert_total : a -> a
assert_total x = x
In general, this function should be avoided, but it can be very useful
when reasoning about primitives or externally defined functions (for
example from a C library) where totality can be shown by an external
.. [#Timothy] Timothy G. Griffin. 1989. A formulae-as-type notion of
control. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT
symposium on Principles of programming languages (POPL
'90). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 47-58. DOI=10.1145/96709.96714

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.. _sec-views:
Views and the “``with``” rule
Dependent pattern matching
Since types can depend on values, the form of some arguments can be
determined by the value of others. For example, if we were to write
down the implicit length arguments to ``(++)``, wed see that the form
of the length argument was determined by whether the vector was empty
or not:
.. code-block:: idris
(++) : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
(++) {n=Z} [] ys = ys
(++) {n=S k} (x :: xs) ys = x :: xs ++ ys
If ``n`` was a successor in the ``[]`` case, or zero in the ``::``
case, the definition would not be well typed.
.. _sect-nattobin:
The ``with`` rule — matching intermediate values
Very often, we need to match on the result of an intermediate
computation. Idris provides a construct for this, the ``with``
rule, inspired by views in ``Epigram`` [#McBridgeMcKinna]_, which takes account of
the fact that matching on a value in a dependently typed language can
affect what we know about the forms of other values. In its simplest
form, the ``with`` rule adds another argument to the function being
We have already seen a vector filter function. This time, we define it
using ``with`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
filter : (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> (p ** Vect p a)
filter p [] = ( _ ** [] )
filter p (x :: xs) with (filter p xs)
filter p (x :: xs) | ( _ ** xs' ) = if (p x) then ( _ ** x :: xs' ) else ( _ ** xs' )
Here, the ``with`` clause allows us to deconstruct the result of
``filter p xs``. The view refined argument pattern ``filter p (x ::
xs)`` goes beneath the ``with`` clause, followed by a vertical bar
``|``, followed by the deconstructed intermediate result ``( _ ** xs'
)``. If the view refined argument pattern is unchanged from the
original function argument pattern, then the left side of ``|`` is
extraneous and may be omitted:
.. code-block:: idris
filter p (x :: xs) with (filter p xs)
| ( _ ** xs' ) = if (p x) then ( _ ** x :: xs' ) else ( _ ** xs' )
``with`` clauses can also be nested:
.. code-block:: idris
foo : Int -> Int -> Bool
foo n m with (n + 1)
foo _ m | 2 with (m + 1)
foo _ _ | 2 | 3 = True
foo _ _ | 2 | _ = False
foo _ _ | _ = False
If the intermediate computation itself has a dependent type, then the
result can affect the forms of other arguments — we can learn the form
of one value by testing another. In these cases, view refined argument
patterns must be explicit. For example, a ``Nat`` is either even or
odd. If it is even it will be the sum of two equal ``Nat``.
Otherwise, it is the sum of two equal ``Nat`` plus one:
.. code-block:: idris
data Parity : Nat -> Type where
Even : {n : _} -> Parity (n + n)
Odd : {n : _} -> Parity (S (n + n))
We say ``Parity`` is a *view* of ``Nat``. It has a *covering function*
which tests whether it is even or odd and constructs the predicate
accordingly. Note that we're going to need access to ``n`` at run time, so
although it's an implicit argument, it has unrestricted multiplicity.
.. code-block:: idris
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
Well come back to the definition of ``parity`` shortly. We can use it
to write a function which converts a natural number to a list of
binary digits (least significant first) as follows, using the ``with``
.. code-block:: idris
natToBin : Nat -> List Bool
natToBin Z = Nil
natToBin k with (parity k)
natToBin (j + j) | Even = False :: natToBin j
natToBin (S (j + j)) | Odd = True :: natToBin j
The value of ``parity k`` affects the form of ``k``, because the
result of ``parity k`` depends on ``k``. So, as well as the patterns
for the result of the intermediate computation (``Even`` and ``Odd``)
right of the ``|``, we also write how the results affect the other
patterns left of the ``|``. That is:
- When ``parity k`` evaluates to ``Even``, we can refine the original
argument ``k`` to a refined pattern ``(j + j)`` according to
``Parity (n + n)`` from the ``Even`` constructor definition. So
``(j + j)`` replaces ``k`` on the left side of ``|``, and the
``Even`` constructor appears on the right side. The natural number
``j`` in the refined pattern can be used on the right side of the
``=`` sign.
- Otherwise, when ``parity k`` evaluates to ``Odd``, the original
argument ``k`` is refined to ``S (j + j)`` according to ``Parity (S
(n + n))`` from the ``Odd`` constructor definition, and ``Odd`` now
appears on the right side of ``|``, again with the natural number
``j`` used on the right side of the ``=`` sign.
Note that there is a function in the patterns (``+``) and repeated
occurrences of ``j`` - this is allowed because another argument has
determined the form of these patterns.
Defining ``parity``
The definition of ``parity`` is a little tricky, and requires some knowledge of
theorem proving (see Section :ref:`sect-theorems`), but for completeness, here
it is:
.. code-block:: idris
parity : (n : Nat) -> Parity n
parity Z = Even {n = Z}
parity (S Z) = Odd {n = Z}
parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
parity (S (S (j + j))) | Even
= rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in Even {n = S j}
parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | Odd
= rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j in Odd {n = S j}
For full details on ``rewrite`` in particular, please refer to the theorem
proving tutorial, in Section :ref:`proofs-index`.
.. [#McBridgeMcKinna] Conor McBride and James McKinna. 2004. The view from the
left. J. Funct. Program. 14, 1 (January 2004),

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.. _typedd-index:
Type Driven Development with Idris: Updates Required
The code in the book `Type-Driven Development with Idris
<>`_ by Edwin
Brady, available from `Manning <>`_, will mostly work
in Idris 2, with some small changes as detailed in this document. The updated
code is also [going to be] part of the test suite (see `tests/typedd-book
<>`_ in the Idris
2 source).
If you are new to Idris, and learning from the book, we recommend working
through the first 3-4 chapters with Idris 1, to avoid the need to worry about
the changes described here. After that, refer to this document for any
necessary changes.
Chapter 1
No changes necessary
Chapter 2
The Prelude is smaller than Idris 1, and many functions have been moved to
the base libraries instead. So:
In ``Average.idr``, add:
.. code-block:: idris
import Data.Strings -- for `words`
import Data.List -- for `length` on lists
In ``AveMain.idr`` and ``Reverse.idr`` add:
.. code-block:: idris
import System.REPL -- for 'repl'
Chapter 3
Unbound implicits have multiplicity 0, so we can't match on them at run-time.
Therefore, in ``Matrix.idr``, we need to change the type of ``createEmpties``
and ``transposeMat`` so that the length of the inner vector is available to
match on:
.. code-block:: idris
createEmpties : {n : _} -> Vect n (Vect 0 elem)
transposeMat : {n : _} -> Vect m (Vect n elem) -> Vect n (Vect m elem)
Chapter 4
For the reasons described above:
+ In ``DataStore.idr``, add ``import System.REPL`` and ``import Data.Strings``
+ In ``SumInputs.idr``, add ``import System.REPL``
+ In ``TryIndex.idr``, add an implicit argument:
.. code-block:: idris
tryIndex : {n : _} -> Integer -> Vect n a -> Maybe a
Chapter 5
There is no longer a ``Cast`` instance from ``String`` to ``Nat``, because its
behaviour of returing Z if the ``String`` wasn't numeric was thought to be
confusing and potentially error prone. Instead, there is ``stringToNatOrZ`` in
``Data.Strings`` which at least has a clearer name. So:
In ``Loops.idr`` and ``ReadNum.idr`` add ``import Data.Strings`` and change ``cast`` to
Chapter 6
In ``DataStore.idr`` and ``DataStoreHoles.idr``, add ``import Data.Strings`` and
``import System.REPL``. Also in ``DataStore.idr``, the ``schema`` argument to
``display`` is required for matching, so change the type to:
.. code-block:: idris
display : {schema : _} -> SchemaType schema -> String
In ``TypeFuns.idr`` add ``import Data.Strings``
Chapter 7
``Abs`` is now a separate interface from ``Neg``. So, change the type of ``eval``
to include ``Abs`` specifically:
.. code-block:: idris
eval : (Abs num, Neg num, Integral num) => Expr num -> num
Also, take ``abs`` out of the ``Neg`` implementation for ``Expr`` and add an
implementation of ``Abs`` as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
Abs ty => Abs (Expr ty) where
abs = Abs
Chapter 8
In ``AppendVec.idr``, add ``import Data.Nat`` for the ``Nat`` proofs
``cong`` now takes an explicit argument for the function to apply. So, in
``CheckEqMaybe.idr`` change the last case to:
.. code-block:: idris
checkEqNat (S k) (S j) = case checkEqNat k j of
Nothing => Nothing
Just prf => Just (cong S prf)
A similar change is necessary in ``CheckEqDec.idr``.
In ``ExactLength.idr``, the ``m`` argument to ``exactLength`` is needed at run time,
so change its type to:
.. code-block:: idris
exactLength : {m : _} ->
(len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a)
A similar change is necessary in ``ExactLengthDec.idr``. Also, ``DecEq`` is no
longer part of the prelude, so add ``import Decidable.Equality``.
In ``ReverseVec.idr``, add ``import Data.Nat`` for the ``Nat`` proofs.
Chapter 9
+ In ``ElemType.idr``, add ``import Decidable.Equality``
In ``Hangman.idr``:
+ Add ``import Decidable.Equality`` and ``import Data.Strings``
+ ``removeElem`` pattern matches on ``n``, so it needs to be written in its
.. code-block:: idris
removeElem : {n : _} ->
(value : a) -> (xs : Vect (S n) a) ->
{auto prf : Elem value xs} ->
Vect n a
+ ``letters`` is used by ``processGuess``, because it's passed to ``removeElem``:
.. code-block:: idris
processGuess : {letters : _} ->
(letter : Char) -> WordState (S guesses) (S letters) ->
Either (WordState guesses (S letters))
(WordState (S guesses) letters)
+ ``guesses`` and ``letters`` are implicit arguments to ``game``, but are used by the
definition, so add them to its type:
.. code-block:: idris
game : {guesses : _} -> {letters : _} ->
WordState (S guesses) (S letters) -> IO Finished
In ``RemoveElem.idr``
+ ``removeElem`` needs to be updated as above.
Chapter 10
Lots of changes necessary here, at least when constructing views, due to Idris
2 having a better (that is, more precise and correct!) implementation of
unification, and the rules for recursive ``with`` application being tightened up.
In ``MergeSort.idr``, add ``import Data.List``
In ``MergeSortView.idr``, add ``import Data.List``, and make the arguments to the
views explicit:
.. code-block:: idris
mergeSort : Ord a => List a -> List a
mergeSort input with (splitRec input)
mergeSort [] | SplitRecNil = []
mergeSort [x] | SplitRecOne x = [x]
mergeSort (lefts ++ rights) | (SplitRecPair lefts rights lrec rrec)
= merge (mergeSort lefts | lrec)
(mergeSort rights | rrec)
In ``SnocList.idr``, in ``my_reverse``, the link between ``Snoc rec`` and ``xs ++ [x]``
needs to be made explicit. Idris 1 would happily decide that ``xs`` and ``x`` were
the relevant implicit arguments to ``Snoc`` but this was little more than a guess
based on what would make it type check, whereas Idris 2 is more precise in
what it allows to unify. So, ``x`` and ``xs`` need to be explicit arguments to
.. code-block:: idris
data SnocList : List a -> Type where
Empty : SnocList []
Snoc : (x, xs : _) -> (rec : SnocList xs) -> SnocList (xs ++ [x])
Correspondingly, they need to be explicit when matching. For example:
.. code-block:: idris
my_reverse : List a -> List a
my_reverse input with (snocList input)
my_reverse [] | Empty = []
my_reverse (xs ++ [x]) | (Snoc x xs rec) = x :: my_reverse xs | rec
Similar changes are necessary in ``snocListHelp`` and ``my_reverse_help``. See
tests/typedd-book/chapter10/SnocList.idr for the full details.
Also, in ``snocListHelp``, ``input`` is used at run time so needs to be bound
in the type:
.. code-block:: idris
snocListHelp : {input : _} ->
(snoc : SnocList input) -> (rest : List a) -> SnocList (input +
It's no longer necessary to give ``{input}`` explicitly in the patterns for
``snocListHelp``, although it's harmless to do so.
In ``IsSuffix.idr``, the matching has to be written slightly differently. The
recursive with application in Idris 1 probably shouldn't have allowed this!
.. code-block:: idris
isSuffix : Eq a => List a -> List a -> Bool
isSuffix input1 input2 with (snocList input1, snocList input2)
isSuffix [] input2 | (Empty, s) = True
isSuffix input1 [] | (s, Empty) = False
isSuffix (xs ++ [x]) (ys ++ [y]) | (Snoc xsrec, Snoc ysrec)
= if x == y
then isSuffix xs ys | (xsrec, ysrec)
else False
This doesn't yet get past the totality checker, however, because it doesn't
know about looking inside pairs.
In ``DataStore.idr``: Well this is embarrassing - I've no idea how Idris 1 lets
this through! I think perhaps it's too "helpful" when solving unification
problems. To fix it, add an extra parameter ``schema`` to ``StoreView``, and change
the type of ``SNil`` to be explicit that the ``empty`` is the function defined in
``DataStore``. Also add ``entry`` and ``store`` as explicit arguments to ``SAdd``:
.. code-block:: idris
data StoreView : (schema : _) -> DataStore schema -> Type where
SNil : StoreView schema DataStore.empty
SAdd : (entry, store : _) -> (rec : StoreView schema store) ->
StoreView schema (addToStore entry store)
Since ``size`` is as explicit argument in the ``DataStore`` record, it also needs
to be relevant in the type of ``storeViewHelp``:
.. code-block:: idris
storeViewHelp : {size : _} ->
(items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)) ->
StoreView schema (MkData size items)
In ``TestStore.idr``:
+ In ``listItems``, ``empty`` needs to be ``DataStore.empty`` to be explicit that you
mean the function
+ In ``filterKeys``, there is an error in the ``SNil`` case, which wasn't caught
because of the type of ``SNil`` above. It should be:
.. code-block:: idris
filterKeys test DataStore.empty | SNil = []
Chapter 11
In ``Streams.idr`` add ``import Data.Stream`` for ``iterate``.
In ``Arith.idr`` and ``ArithTotal.idr``, the ``Divides`` view now has explicit
arguments for the dividend and remainder, so they need to be explicit in
.. code-block:: idris
bound : Int -> Int
bound x with (divides x 12)
bound ((12 * div) + rem) | (DivBy div rem prf) = rem + 1
In ``ArithCmd.idr``, update ``DivBy`` as above. Also add ``import Data.Strings`` for
In ``ArithCmd.idr``, update ``DivBy`` and ``import Data.Strings`` as above. Also,
since export rules are per-namespace now, rather than per-file, you need to
export ``(>>=)`` from the namespaces ``CommandDo`` and ``ConsoleDo``.
Chapter 12
For reasons described above: In ``ArithState.idr``, add ``import Data.Strings``.
Also the ``(>>=)`` operators need to be set as ``export`` since they are in their
own namespaces, and in ``getRandom``, ``DivBy`` needs to take additional
arguments ``div`` and ``rem``.
Chapter 13
In ``StackIO.idr``:
+ ``tryAdd`` pattern matches on ``height``, so it needs to be written in its
.. code-block:: idris
tryAdd : {height : _} -> StackIO height
+ ``height`` is also an implicit argument to ``stackCalc``, but is used by the
definition, so add it to its type:
.. code-block:: idris
stackCalc : {height : _} -> StackIO height
+ In ``StackDo`` namespace, export ``(>>=)``:
.. code-block:: idris
namespace StackDo
(>>=) : StackCmd a height1 height2 ->
(a -> Inf (StackIO height2)) -> StackIO height1
(>>=) = Do
In ``Vending.idr``:
+ Add ``import Data.Strings`` and change ``cast`` to ``stringToNatOrZ`` in ``strToInput``
+ In ``MachineCmd`` type, add an implicit argument to ``(>>=)`` data constructor:
.. code-block:: idris
(>>=) : {state2 : _} ->
MachineCmd a state1 state2 ->
(a -> MachineCmd b state2 state3) ->
MachineCmd b state1 state3
+ In ``MachineIO`` type, add an implicit argument to ``Do`` data constructor:
.. code-block:: idris
data MachineIO : VendState -> Type where
Do : {state1 : _} ->
MachineCmd a state1 state2 ->
(a -> Inf (MachineIO state2)) -> MachineIO state1
+ ``runMachine`` pattern matches on ``inState``, so it needs to be written in its
.. code-block:: idris
runMachine : {inState : _} -> MachineCmd ty inState outState -> IO ty
+ In ``MachineDo`` namespace, add an implicit argument to ``(>>=)`` and export it:
.. code-block:: idris
namespace MachineDo
(>>=) : {state1 : _} ->
MachineCmd a state1 state2 ->
(a -> Inf (MachineIO state2)) -> MachineIO state1
(>>=) = Do
+ ``vend`` and ``refill`` pattern match on ``pounds`` and ``chocs``, so they need to be written in
their type:
.. code-block:: idris
vend : {pounds : _} -> {chocs : _} -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs)
refill: {pounds : _} -> {chocs : _} -> (num : Nat) -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs)
+ ``pounds`` and ``chocs`` are implicit arguments to ``machineLoop``, but are used by the
definition, so add them to its type:
.. code-block:: idris
machineLoop : {pounds : _} -> {chocs : _} -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs)
Chapter 14
In ``ATM.idr``:
+ Add ``import Data.Strings`` and change ``cast`` to ``stringToNatOrZ`` in ``runATM``
In ``ATM.idr``, add:
.. code-block:: idris
import Data.Strings -- for `toUpper`
import Data.List -- for `nub`
+ In ``Loop`` namespace, export ``GameLoop`` type and its data constructors:
.. code-block:: idris
namespace Loop
public export
data GameLoop : (ty : Type) -> GameState -> (ty -> GameState) -> Type where
(>>=) : GameCmd a state1 state2_fn ->
((res : a) -> Inf (GameLoop b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)) ->
GameLoop b state1 state3_fn
Exit : GameLoop () NotRunning (const NotRunning)
+ ``letters`` and ``guesses`` are used by ``gameLoop``, so they need to be written in its type:
.. code-block:: idris
gameLoop : {letters : _} -> {guesses : _} ->
GameLoop () (Running (S guesses) (S letters)) (const NotRunning)
+ In ``Game`` type, add an implicit argument ``letters`` to ``InProgress`` data constructor:
.. code-block:: idris
data Game : GameState -> Type where
GameStart : Game NotRunning
GameWon : (word : String) -> Game NotRunning
GameLost : (word : String) -> Game NotRunning
InProgress : {letters : _} -> (word : String) -> (guesses : Nat) ->
(missing : Vect letters Char) -> Game (Running guesses letters)
+ ``removeElem`` pattern matches on ``n``, so it needs to be written in its type:
.. code-block:: idris
removeElem : {n : _} ->
(value : a) -> (xs : Vect (S n) a) ->
{auto prf : Elem value xs} ->
Vect n a
Chapter 15

View File

@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
.. _updates-index:
Changes since Idris 1
Idris 2 is mostly backwards compatible with Idris 1, with some minor
exceptions. This document describes the changes, approximately in order of
likelihood of encountering them in practice. New features are described at
the end, in Section :ref:`sect-new-features`.
The Section :ref:`typedd-index` describes how these changes affect the code
in the book `Type-Driven Development with Idris <>`_
by Edwin Brady, available from `Manning <>`_.
.. note::
The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative
Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, *The
Idris Community* has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to Documentation for Idris.
More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:
New Core Language: Quantities in Types
Idris 2 is based on `Quantitative Type Theory (QTT)
<>`_, a core language
developed by Bob Atkey and Conor McBride. In practice, this means that every
variable in Idris 2 has a *quantity* associated with it. A quantity is one of:
* ``0``, meaning that the variable is *erased* at run time
* ``1``, meaning that the variable is used *exactly once* at run time
* *Unrestricted*, which is the same behaviour as Idris 1
For more details on this, see Section :ref:`sect-multiplicities`. In practice,
this might cause some Idris 1 programs not to type check in Idris 2 due to
attempting to use an argument which is erased at run time.
In Idris, names which begin with a lower case later are automatically bound
as implicit arguments in types, for example in the following skeleton
definition, ``n``, ``a`` and ``m`` are implicitly bound:
.. code-block:: idris
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append xs ys = ?append_rhs
One of the difficulties in compiling a dependently typed programming language
is deciding which arguments are used at run time and which can safely be
erased. More importantly, it's one of the difficulties when programming: how
can a programmer *know* when an argument will be erased?
In Idris 2, a variable's quantity tells us whether it will be available at
run time or not. We can see the quantities of the variables in scope in
``append_rhs`` by inspecting the hole at the REPL:
Main> :t append_rhs
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
ys : Vect m a
xs : Vect n a
append_rhs : Vect (plus n m) a
The ``0`` next to ``m``, ``a`` and ``n`` mean that they are in scope, but there
will be ``0`` occurrences at run-time. That is, it is *guaranteed* that they
will be erased at run-time.
This does lead to some potential difficulties when converting Idris 1 programs,
if you are using implicit arguments at run time. For example, in Idris 1 you
can get the length of a vector as follows:
.. code-block:: idris
vlen : Vect n a -> Nat
vlen {n} xs = n
This might seem like a good idea, since it runs in constant time and takes
advantage of the type level information, but the trade off is that ``n`` has to
be available at run time, so at run time we always need the length of the
vector to be available if we ever call ``vlen``. Idris 1 can infer whether the
length is needed, but there's no easy way for a programmer to be sure.
In Idris 2, we need to state explicitly that ``n`` is needed at run time
.. code-block:: idris
vlen : {n : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Nat
vlen xs = n
(Incidentally, also note that in Idris 2, names bound in types are also available
in the definition without explicitly rebinding them.)
This also means that when you call ``vlen``, you need the length available. For
example, this will give an error
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : Vect m a -> Vect n a —> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = vlen xs + vlen ys
Idris 2 reports::
vlen.idr:7:20--7:28:While processing right hand side of Main.sumLengths at vlen.idr:7:1--10:1:
m is not accessible in this context
This means that it needs to use ``m`` as an argument to pass to ``vlen xs``,
where it needs to be available at run time, but ``m`` is not available in
``sumLengths`` because it has multiplicity ``0``.
We can see this more clearly by replacing the right hand side of
``sumLengths`` with a hole...
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : Vect m a -> Vect n a -> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = ?sumLengths_rhs
...then checking the hole's type at the REPL::
Main> :t sumLengths_rhs
0 n : Nat
0 a : Type
0 m : Nat
ys : Vect n a
xs : Vect m a
sumLengths_rhs : Nat
Instead, we need to give bindings for ``m`` and ``n`` with
unrestricted multiplicity
.. code-block:: idris
sumLengths : {m, n : _} -> Vect m a -> Vect n a —> Nat
sumLengths xs ys = vlen xs + vlen xs
Remember that giving no multiplicity on a binder, as with ``m`` and ``n`` here,
means that the variable has unrestricted usage.
If you're converting Idris 1 programs to work with Idris 2, this is probably the
biggest thing you need to think about. It is important to note,
though, that if you have bound implicits, such as...
.. code-block:: idris
excitingFn : {t : _} -> Coffee t -> Moonbase t
...then it's a good idea to make sure ``t`` really is needed, or performance
might suffer due to the run time building the instance of ``t`` unnecessarily!
One final note on erasure: it is an error to try to pattern match on an
argument with multiplicity ``0``, unless its value is inferrable from
elsewhere. So, the following definition is rejected
.. code-block:: idris
badNot : (0 x : Bool) -> Bool
badNot False = True
badNot True = False
This is rejected with the error::
badnot.idr:2:1--3:1:Attempt to match on erased argument False in
The following, however, is fine, because in ``sNot``, even though we appear
to match on the erased argument ``x``, its value is uniquely inferrable from
the type of the second argument
.. code-block:: idris
data SBool : Bool -> Type where
SFalse : SBool False
STrue : SBool True
sNot : (0 x : Bool) -> SBool x -> Bool
sNot False SFalse = True
sNot True STrue = False
Experience with Idris 2 so far suggests that, most of the time, as long as
you're using unbound implicits in your Idris 1 programs, they will work without
much modification in Idris 2. The Idris 2 type checker will point out where you
require an unbound implicit argument at run time - sometimes this is both
surprising and enlightening!
Full details on linear arguments with multiplicity ``1`` are given in Section
:ref:`sect-multiplicities`. In brief, the intuition behind multiplicity ``1`` is
that if we have a function with a type of the following form...
.. code-block:: idris
f : (1 x : a) -> b
...then the guarantee given by the type system is that *if* ``f x`` *is used
exactly once, then* ``x`` *is used exactly once* in the process.
Prelude and ``base`` libraries
The Prelude in Idris 1 contained a lot of definitions, many of them rarely
necessary. The philosophy in Idris 2 is different. The (rather vaguely
specified) rule of thumb is that it should contain the basic functions
required by almost any non-trivial program.
This is a vague specification since different programmers will consider
different things absolutely necessary, but the result is that it contains:
- Anything the elaborator can desugar to (e.g. tuples, ``()``, ``=``)
- Basic types ``Bool``, ``Nat``, ``List``, ``Stream``, ``Dec``, ``Maybe``,
- The most important utility functions: ``id``, ``the``, composition, etc
- Interfaces for arithmetic and implementations for the primitives and
basic types
- Basic ``Char`` and ``String`` manipulation
- ``Show``, ``Eq``, ``Ord``, and implementations for all types in the prelude
- Interfaces and functions for basic proof (``cong``, ``Uninhabited``, etc)
- ``Semigroup``, ``Monoid``
- ``Functor``, ``Applicative``, ``Monad`` and related functions
- ``Foldable``, ``Alternative`` and ``Traversable``
- ``Enum``, for list range syntax
- Console ``IO``
Anything which doesn't fit in here has been moved to the ``base`` libraries.
Among other places, you can find some of the functions which used to be
in the prelude in:
- ``Data.List`` and ``Data.Nat``
- ``Data.Maybe`` and ``Data.Either``
- ``System.File`` and ``System.Directory``, (file management was previously
part of the prelude)
- ``Decidable.Equality``
Smaller Changes
Ambiguous Name Resolution
Idris 1 worked very hard to resolve ambiguous names, by type, even if this
involved some complicated interaction with interface resolution. This could
sometimes be the cause of long type checking times. Idris 2 simplifies this, at
the cost of sometimes requiring more programmer annotations on ambiguous
As a general rule, Idris 2 will be able to disambiguate between names which
have different concrete return types (such as data constructors), or which have
different concrete argument types (such as record projections). It may struggle
to resolve ambiguities if one name requires an interface to be resolved.
It will postpone resolution if a name can't be resolved immediately, but unlike
Idris 1, it won't attempt significant backtracking. If you have deeply nested
ambiguous names (beyond a small threshold, default 3) Idris 2 will report an
error. You can change this threshold with a directive, for example:
.. code-block:: idris
%ambiguity_depth 10
However, in such circumstances it is almost certainly a better idea to
disambiguate explicitly.
Indeed in general, if you get an ambiguous name error, the best approach is to
give the namespace explicitly. You can also rebind names locally:
.. code-block:: idris
Main> let (::) = Prelude.(::) in [1,2,3]
[1, 2, 3]
One difficulty which remains is resolving ambiguous names where one possibility
is an interface method, and another is a concrete top level function.
For example, we may have:
.. code-block:: idris
Prelude.(>>=) : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
LinearIO.(>>=) : (1 act : IO a) -> (1 k : a -> IO b) -> IO b
As a pragmatic choice, if type checking in a context where the more concrete
name is valid (``LinearIO.(>>=)`` here, so if type checking an expression known
to have type ``IO t`` for some ``t``), the more concrete name will be chosen.
This is somehow unsatisfying, so we may revisit this in future!
Modules, namespaces and export
The visibility rules, as controlled by the ``private``, ``export`` and
``public export`` modifiers, now refer to the visibility of names from
other *namespaces*, rather than other *files*.
So if you have the following, all in the same file...
.. code-block:: idris
namespace A
aHidden : Int -> Int
aHidden x = x * 2
aVisible : Int -> Int
aVisibile x = aHidden x
mamespace B
bVisible : Int -> Int
bVisible x = aVisible (x * 2)
...then ``bVisible`` can access ``aVisible``, but not ``aHidden``.
Records are, as before, defined in their own namespace, but fields are always
visible from the parent namespace.
Also, module names must now match the filename in which they're defined, with
the exception of the module ``Main``, which can be defined in a file with
any name.
``%language`` pragmas
There are several ``%language`` pragmas in Idris 1, which define various
experimental extensions. None of these are available in Idris 2, although
extensions may be defined in the future.
``let`` bindings
``let`` bindings, i.e. expressions of the form ``let x = val in e`` have
slightly different behaviour. Previously, you could rely on the computational
behaviour of ``x`` in the scope of ``e``, so type checking could take into
account that ``x`` reduces to ``val``. Unfortunately, this leads to complications
with ``case`` and ``with`` clauses: if we want to preserve the computational
behaviour, we would need to make significant changes to the way ``case`` and
``with`` are elaborated.
So, for simplicity and consistency (and, realistically, because I don't have
enough time to resolve the problem for ``case`` and ``with``) the above
expression ``let x = val in e`` is equivalent to ``(\x => e) val``.
So, ``let`` now effectively generalises a complex subexpression.
If you do need the computational behaviour of a definition, it is now possible
using local function definitions instead - see Section :ref:`sect-local-defs`
``auto``-implicits and Interfaces
Interfaces and ``auto``-implicit arguments are similar, in that they invoke an
expression search mechanism to find the value of an argument. In Idris 1,
they were implemented separately, but in Idris 2, they use the same mechanism.
Consider the following *total* definition of ``fromMaybe``:
.. code-block:: idris
data IsJust : Maybe a -> Type where
ItIsJust : IsJust (Just val)
fromMaybe : (x : Maybe a) -> {auto p : IsJust x} -> a
fromMaybe (Just x) {p = ItIsJust} = x
Since interface resolution and ``auto``-implicits are now the same thing,
the type of ``fromMaybe`` can be written as:
.. code-block:: idris
fromMaybe : (x : Maybe a) -> IsJust x => a
So now, the constraint arrow ``=>`` means that the argument will be found
by ``auto``-implicit search.
When defining a ``data`` type, there are ways to control how ``auto``-implicit
search will proceed, by giving options to the data type. For example:
.. code-block:: idris
data Elem : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) -> Type where
[search x]
Here : Elem x (x :: xs)
There : Elem x xs -> Elem x (y :: xs)
The ``search x`` option means that ``auto``-implicit search for a value of
type ``Elem t ts`` will start as soon as the type checker has resolved the
value ``t``, even if ``ts`` is still unknown.
By default, ``auto``-implicit search uses the constructors of a data type
as search hints. The ``noHints`` option on a data type turns this behaviour
You can add your own search hints with the ``%hint`` option on a function.
For example:
.. code-block:: idris
data MyShow : Type -> Type where
MkMyShow : (myshow : a -> String) -> MyShow a
showBool : MyShow Bool
showBool = MkMyShow (\x => if x then "True" else "False")
myShow : MyShow a => a -> String
myShow @{MkMyShow myshow} = myshow
In this case, searching for ``MyShow Bool`` will find ``showBool``, as we
can see if we try evaluating ``myShow True`` at the REPL:
Main> myShow True
In fact, this is how interfaces are elaborated. However, ``%hint`` should be
used with care. Too many hints can lead to a large search space!
Totality and Coverage
``%default covering`` is now the default status [Actually still TODO, but
planned soon!]
Build artefacts
This is not really a language change, but a change in the way Idris saves
checked files, and still useful to know. All checked modules are now saved in a
directory ``build/ttc``, in the root of the source tree, with the directory
structure following the directory structure of the source. Executables are
placed in ``build/exec``.
.. _sect-new-features:
New features
As well as the change to the core language to use quantitative type theory,
described above, there are several other new features.
.. _sect-local-defs:
Local function definitions
Functions can now be defined locally, using a ``let`` block. For example,
``greet`` in the following example, which is defined in the scope of a local
variable ``x``:
.. code-block:: idris
chat : IO ()
= do putStr "Name: "
x <- getLine
let greet : String -> String
greet msg = msg ++ " " ++ x
putStrLn (greet "Hello")
putStrLn (greet "Bye")
These ``let`` blocks can be used anywhere (in the middle of ``do`` blocks
as above, but also in any function, or in type declarations).
``where`` blocks are now elaborated by translation into a local ``let``.
However, Idris no longer attempts to infer types for functions defined in
``where`` blocks, because this was fragile. This may be reinstated, if we can
come up with a good, predictable approach.
Scope of implicit arguments
Implicit arguments in a type are now in scope in the body of a definition.
We've already seen this above, where ``n`` is in scope automatically in the
body of ``vlen``:
.. code-block:: idris
vlen : {n : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Nat
vlen xs = n
This is important to remember when using ``where`` blocks, or local definitions,
since the names in scope will also be in scope when declaring the *type* of
the local definition. For example, the following definition, where we attempt
to define our own version of ``Show`` for ``Vect``, will fail to type check:
.. code-block:: idris
showVect : Show a => Vect n a -> String
showVect xs = "[" ++ showBody xs ++ "]"
showBody : Vect n a -> String
showBody [] = ""
showBody [x] = show x
showBody (x :: xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ showBody xs
This fails because ``n`` is in scope already, from the type of ``showVect``,
in the type declaration for ``showBody``, and so the first clause ``showBody
[]`` will fail to type check because ``[]`` has length ``Z``, not ``n``. We can
fix this by locally binding ``n``:
.. code-block:: idris
showVect : Show a => Vect n a -> String
showVect xs = "[" ++ showBody xs ++ "]"
showBody : forall n . Vect n a -> String
Or, alternatively, using a new name:
.. code-block:: idris
showVect : Show a => Vect n a -> String
showVect xs = "[" ++ showBody xs ++ "]"
showBody : Vect n' a -> String
Idris 1 took a different approach here: names which were parameters to data
types were in scope, other names were not. The Idris 2 approach is, we hope,
more consistent and easier to understand.
Better inference
In Idris 1, holes (that is, unification variables arising from implicit
arguments) were local to an expression, and if they were not resolved while
checking the expression, they would not be resolved at all. In Idris 2,
they are global, so inference works better. For example, we can now say:
.. code-block:: idris
test : Vect ? Int
test = [1,2,3,4]
Main> :t test
Main.test : Vect (S (S (S (S Z)))) Int
The ``?``, incidentally, differs from ``_`` in that ``_`` will be bound as
an implicit argument if unresolved after checking the type of ``test``, but
``?`` will be left as a hole to be resolved later. Otherwise, they can be
used interchangeably.
Dependent case
``case`` blocks were available in Idris 1, but with some restrictions. Having
better inference means that ``case`` blocks work more effectively in Idris 2,
and dependent case analysis is supported.
.. code-block:: idris
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append xs ys
= case xs of
[] => ys
(x :: xs) => x :: append xs ys
The implicit arguments and original values are still available in the body of
the ``case``. Somewhat contrived, but the following is valid:
.. code-block:: idris
info : {n : _} -> Vect n a -> (Vect n a, Nat)
info xs
= case xs of
[] => (xs, n)
(y :: ys) => (xs, n)
Record updates
Dependent record updates work, provided that all relevant fields are updated
at the same time. Dependent record update is implemented via dependent ``case``
blocks rather than by generating a specific update function for each field as
in Idris 1, so you will no longer get mystifying errors when trying to update
dependent records!
For example, we can wrap a vector in a record, with an explicit length
.. code-block:: idris
record WrapVect a where
constructor MkVect
purpose : String
length : Nat
content : Vect length a
Then, we can safely update the ``content``, provided we update the ``length``
.. code-block:: idris
addEntry : String -> WrapVect String -> WrapVect String
addEntry val = record { length $= S,
content $= (val :: ) }
Generate definition
A new feature of the IDE protocol supports generating complete definitions from
a type signature. You can try this at the REPL, for example, given our
favourite introductory example...
.. code-block:: idris
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
...assuming this is defined on line 3, you can use the ``:gd`` command as
.. code-block:: idris
Main> :gd 3 append
append [] ys = ys
append (x :: xs) ys = x :: append xs ys
This works by a fairly simple brute force search, which tries searching for a
valid right hand side, and case splitting on the left if that fails, but is
remarkably effective in a lot of situations. Some other examples which work:
.. code-block:: idris
my_cong : forall f . (x : a) -> (y : a) -> x = y -> f x = f y
my_curry : ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
my_uncurry : (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
lappend : (1 xs : List a) -> (1 ys : List a) -> List a
zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
This is available in the IDE protocol via the ``generate-def`` command.
Chez Scheme target
The default code generator is, for the moment, `Chez Scheme
<>`_. Racket and Gambit code generators are also
available. There is not yet a way to plug in code generators as in Idris 1,
but this is coming.
To change the code generator, you can use the ``:set cg`` command:
Main> :set cg racket
Early experience shows that both are much faster than the Idris 1 C code
generator, in both compile time and execution time (but we haven't done any
formal study on this yet, so it's just anecdotal evidence).