We stored them as equations between terms, I think because terms are
easy to re-evaluate with new information, and because I thought we might
want to save them out. It's not usually a problem to do that. However...
Going back and forth between terms and values can be expensive if
we're stuck in the middle of a complicated unification problem, the like
of which can turn up a lot if your types are complicated. So, we need to
be able to handle this.
Now store the postponed problems as NF, rather than Term, and add a
fuction to resume evaluating a NF with an updated context.
helps with readability since these, especially named-IPi, come up a lot
didn't change everything that could need it like PiInfo or BindMode
PiInfo rarely has DefImplicit (so far) and BindMode hasn't come up a lot (so far)
reduced indentation for TTImp Show implementation