Including appropriate casts, and Num/Eq/Ord/Show implementations.
Also includes new primitives in Data.Buffer, and calls to foreign
functions in C as 'unsigned'.
Add %runElab and start on scripts, although all they can do so far is
check a term. This does gives us, sort of, "template Idris" (as
demonstrated in test reflection002)
- %inline in a few places, which helps especially when it's known at
compile time whether something consumes
- a little bit of reordering so that the most likely alternative is
tried first
- (not really much effect, but...) use fastPack from the Prelude for
building tokens
Still a couple of things to resolve in coverage and totality checking
before we can switch on %default, so don't expect quite the right
behaviour just yet. More progress though!
Also working on this has caught a few totality errors in the Idris 2
code base that Idris 1 missed... so these are fixed on the way.