module Data.Stream import Data.List import public Data.Zippable %default total ||| Drop the first n elements from the stream ||| @ n how many elements to drop public export drop : (n : Nat) -> Stream a -> Stream a drop Z xs = xs drop (S k) (x::xs) = drop k xs ||| An infinite stream of repetitions of the same thing public export repeat : a -> Stream a repeat x = x :: repeat x ||| Generate an infinite stream by repeatedly applying a function ||| @ f the function to iterate ||| @ x the initial value that will be the head of the stream public export iterate : (f : a -> a) -> (x : a) -> Stream a iterate f x = x :: iterate f (f x) public export unfoldr : (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Stream a unfoldr f c = let (a, n) = f c in a :: unfoldr f n ||| Get the nth element of a stream public export index : Nat -> Stream a -> a index Z (x::xs) = x index (S k) (x::xs) = index k xs --------------------------- -- Zippable -- --------------------------- export Zippable Stream where zipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = f x y :: zipWith f xs ys zipWith3 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) = f x y z :: zipWith3 f xs ys zs unzipWith f xs = unzip (map f xs) unzip xs = (map fst xs, map snd xs) unzipWith3 f xs = unzip3 (map f xs) unzip3 xs = (map (\(x, _, _) => x) xs, map (\(_, x, _) => x) xs, map (\(_, _, x) => x) xs) ||| Return the diagonal elements of a stream of streams export diag : Stream (Stream a) -> Stream a diag ((x::xs)::xss) = x :: diag (map tail xss) ||| Produce a Stream of left folds of prefixes of the given Stream ||| @ f the combining function ||| @ acc the initial value ||| @ xs the Stream to process export scanl : (f : a -> b -> a) -> (acc : a) -> (xs : Stream b) -> Stream a scanl f acc (x :: xs) = acc :: scanl f (f acc x) xs ||| Produce a Stream repeating a sequence ||| @ xs the sequence to repeat ||| @ ok proof that the list is non-empty export cycle : (xs : List a) -> {auto 0 ok : NonEmpty xs} -> Stream a cycle (x :: xs) = x :: cycle' xs where cycle' : List a -> Stream a cycle' [] = x :: cycle' xs cycle' (y :: ys) = y :: cycle' ys public export partial takeUntil : (n -> Bool) -> Stream n -> List n takeUntil p (x :: xs) = if p x then [x] else x :: takeUntil p xs public export partial takeBefore : (n -> Bool) -> Stream n -> List n takeBefore p (x :: xs) = if p x then [] else x :: takeBefore p xs export Applicative Stream where pure = repeat (<*>) = zipWith apply export Monad Stream where s >>= f = diag (map f s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Properties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lengthTake : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Stream a) -> length (take n xs) = n lengthTake Z _ = Refl lengthTake (S n) (x :: xs) = cong S (lengthTake n xs)