import Data.String VendState : Type VendState = (Nat, Nat) data Input = COIN | VEND | CHANGE | REFILL Nat strToInput : String -> Maybe Input strToInput "insert" = Just COIN strToInput "vend" = Just VEND strToInput "change" = Just CHANGE strToInput x = if all isDigit (unpack x) then Just (REFILL (stringToNatOrZ x)) else Nothing export data MachineCmd : Type -> VendState -> VendState -> Type where InsertCoin : MachineCmd () (pounds, chocs) (S pounds, chocs) Vend : MachineCmd () (S pounds, S chocs) (pounds, chocs) GetCoins : MachineCmd () (pounds, chocs) (Z, chocs) Refill : (bars : Nat) -> MachineCmd () (Z, chocs) (Z, bars + chocs) Display : String -> MachineCmd () state state GetInput : MachineCmd (Maybe Input) state state Pure : ty -> MachineCmd ty state state (>>=) : {state2 : _} -> MachineCmd a state1 state2 -> (a -> MachineCmd b state2 state3) -> MachineCmd b state1 state3 export data MachineIO : VendState -> Type where Do : {state1 : _} -> MachineCmd a state1 state2 -> (a -> Inf (MachineIO state2)) -> MachineIO state1 runMachine : {inState : _} -> MachineCmd ty inState outState -> IO ty runMachine InsertCoin = putStrLn "Coin inserted" runMachine Vend = putStrLn "Please take your chocolate" runMachine {inState = (pounds, _)} GetCoins = putStrLn (show pounds ++ " coins returned") runMachine (Display str) = putStrLn str runMachine (Refill bars) = putStrLn ("Chocolate remaining: " ++ show bars) runMachine {inState = (pounds, chocs)} GetInput = do putStrLn ("Coins: " ++ show pounds ++ "; " ++ "Stock: " ++ show chocs) putStr "> " x <- getLine pure (strToInput x) runMachine (Pure x) = pure x runMachine (cmd >>= prog) = do x <- runMachine cmd runMachine (prog x) namespace MachineDo export (>>=) : {state1 : _} -> MachineCmd a state1 state2 -> (a -> Inf (MachineIO state2)) -> MachineIO state1 (>>=) = Do export (>>) : {state1 : _} -> MachineCmd a state1 state2 -> Inf (MachineIO state2) -> MachineIO state1 ma >> mb = ma >>= const mb data Fuel = Dry | More (Lazy Fuel) partial forever : Fuel forever = More forever ignore : IO a -> IO () ignore mx = do x <- mx; pure () run : Fuel -> MachineIO mstate -> IO () run (More fuel) (Do c f) = do res <- runMachine c run fuel (f res) run Dry p = pure () mutual vend : {pounds, chocs : _} -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs) vend {pounds = (S p)} {chocs = (S c)} = do Vend Display "Enjoy!" machineLoop vend {pounds = Z} = do Display "Insert a coin" machineLoop vend {chocs = Z} = do Display "Out of stock" machineLoop refill: {pounds, chocs : _} -> (num : Nat) -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs) refill {pounds = Z} num = do Refill num machineLoop refill _ = do Display "Can't refill: Coins in machine" machineLoop machineLoop : {pounds, chocs : _} -> MachineIO (pounds, chocs) machineLoop = -- Do (Display "Foo") (\x => machineLoop) do Just x <- GetInput | Nothing => do Display "Invalid input" machineLoop case x of COIN => do InsertCoin machineLoop VEND => vend CHANGE => do GetCoins Display "Change returned" machineLoop REFILL num => refill num main : IO () main = run forever (machineLoop {pounds = 0} {chocs = 1})