module Data.Vect.Quantifiers import Data.DPair import Data.Vect %default total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Types and basic properties namespace Any ||| A proof that some element of a vector satisfies some property ||| ||| @ p the property to be satsified public export data Any : (0 p : a -> Type) -> Vect n a -> Type where ||| A proof that the satisfying element is the first one in the `Vect` Here : {0 xs : Vect n a} -> p x -> Any p (x :: xs) ||| A proof that the satsifying element is in the tail of the `Vect` There : {0 xs : Vect n a} -> Any p xs -> Any p (x :: xs) export implementation Uninhabited (Any p Nil) where uninhabited (Here _) impossible uninhabited (There _) impossible export implementation {0 p : a -> Type} -> Uninhabited (p x) => Uninhabited (Any p xs) => Uninhabited (Any p $ x::xs) where uninhabited (Here y) = uninhabited y uninhabited (There y) = uninhabited y ||| Eliminator for `Any` public export anyElim : {0 xs : Vect n a} -> {0 p : a -> Type} -> (Any p xs -> b) -> (p x -> b) -> Any p (x :: xs) -> b anyElim _ f (Here p) = f p anyElim f _ (There p) = f p ||| Given a decision procedure for a property, determine if an element of a ||| vector satisfies it. ||| ||| @ p the property to be satisfied ||| @ dec the decision procedure ||| @ xs the vector to examine public export any : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Dec (Any p xs) any _ Nil = No uninhabited any p (x::xs) with (p x) any p (x::xs) | Yes prf = Yes (Here prf) any p (x::xs) | No prf = case any p xs of Yes prf' => Yes (There prf') No prf' => No (anyElim prf' prf) export mapProperty : (f : forall x. p x -> q x) -> Any p l -> Any q l mapProperty f (Here p) = Here (f p) mapProperty f (There p) = There (mapProperty f p) export toExists : Any p xs -> Exists p toExists (Here prf) = Evidence _ prf toExists (There prf) = toExists prf namespace All ||| A proof that all elements of a vector satisfy a property. It is a list of ||| proofs, corresponding element-wise to the `Vect`. public export data All : (0 p : a -> Type) -> Vect n a -> Type where Nil : All p Nil (::) : {0 xs : Vect n a} -> p x -> All p xs -> All p (x :: xs) ||| If there does not exist an element that satifies the property, then it is ||| the case that all elements do not satisfy. export negAnyAll : {xs : Vect n a} -> Not (Any p xs) -> All (Not . p) xs negAnyAll {xs=Nil} _ = Nil negAnyAll {xs=(x::xs)} f = (f . Here) :: negAnyAll (f . There) export notAllHere : {0 p : a -> Type} -> {xs : Vect n a} -> Not (p x) -> Not (All p (x :: xs)) notAllHere _ Nil impossible notAllHere np (p :: _) = np p export notAllThere : {0 p : a -> Type} -> {xs : Vect n a} -> Not (All p xs) -> Not (All p (x :: xs)) notAllThere _ Nil impossible notAllThere np (_ :: ps) = np ps ||| Given a decision procedure for a property, decide whether all elements of ||| a vector satisfy it. ||| ||| @ p the property ||| @ dec the decision procedure ||| @ xs the vector to examine public export all : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Dec (All p xs) all _ Nil = Yes Nil all d (x::xs) with (d x) all d (x::xs) | No prf = No (notAllHere prf) all d (x::xs) | Yes prf = case all d xs of Yes prf' => Yes (prf :: prf') No prf' => No (notAllThere prf') export Either (Uninhabited $ p x) (Uninhabited $ All p xs) => Uninhabited (All p $ x::xs) where uninhabited @{Left _} (px::pxs) = uninhabited px uninhabited @{Right _} (px::pxs) = uninhabited pxs export mapProperty : (f : forall x. p x -> q x) -> All p l -> All q l mapProperty f [] = [] mapProperty f (p::pl) = f p :: mapProperty f pl public export imapProperty : {0 a : Type} -> {0 p,q : a -> Type} -> (0 i : a -> Type) -> (f : {0 x : a} -> i x => p x -> q x) -> {0 as : Vect n a} -> All i as => All p as -> All q as imapProperty _ _ [] = [] imapProperty i f @{ix :: ixs} (x::xs) = f @{ix} x :: imapProperty i f @{ixs} xs public export forget : All (const p) {n} xs -> Vect n p forget [] = [] forget (x::xs) = x :: forget xs export zipPropertyWith : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x -> r x) -> All p xs -> All q xs -> All r xs zipPropertyWith f [] [] = [] zipPropertyWith f (px :: pxs) (qx :: qxs) = f px qx :: zipPropertyWith f pxs qxs export All (Show . p) xs => Show (All p xs) where show pxs = "[" ++ show' "" pxs ++ "]" where show' : String -> All (Show . p) xs' => All p xs' -> String show' acc @{[]} [] = acc show' acc @{[_]} [px] = acc ++ show px show' acc @{_ :: _} (px :: pxs) = show' (acc ++ show px ++ ", ") pxs export All (Eq . p) xs => Eq (All p xs) where (==) [] [] = True (==) @{_ :: _} (h1::t1) (h2::t2) = h1 == h2 && t1 == t2 %hint allEq : All (Ord . p) xs => All (Eq . p) xs allEq @{[]} = [] allEq @{_ :: _} = %search :: allEq export All (Ord . p) xs => Ord (All p xs) where compare [] [] = EQ compare @{_ :: _} (h1::t1) (h2::t2) = case compare h1 h2 of EQ => compare t1 t2 o => o export All (Semigroup . p) xs => Semigroup (All p xs) where (<+>) [] [] = [] (<+>) @{_ :: _} (h1::t1) (h2::t2) = (h1 <+> h2) :: (t1 <+> t2) %hint allSemigroup : All (Monoid . p) xs => All (Semigroup . p) xs allSemigroup @{[]} = [] allSemigroup @{_ :: _} = %search :: allSemigroup export All (Monoid . p) xs => Monoid (All p xs) where neutral @{[]} = [] neutral @{_::_} = neutral :: neutral ||| A heterogeneous vector of arbitrary types public export HVect : Vect n Type -> Type HVect = All id ||| Take the first element. export head : All p (x :: xs) -> p x head (y :: _) = y ||| Take all but the first element. export tail : All p (x :: xs) -> All p xs tail (_ :: ys) = ys ||| Drop the first n elements given knowledge that ||| there are at least n elements available. export drop : {0 m : _} -> (n : Nat) -> {0 xs : Vect (n + m) a} -> All p xs -> All p (the (Vect m a) (Vect.drop n xs)) drop 0 ys = ys drop (S k) (y :: ys) = drop k ys ||| Drop up to the first l elements, stopping early ||| if all elements have been dropped. export drop' : {0 k : _} -> {0 xs : Vect k _} -> (l : Nat) -> All p xs -> All p (Vect.drop' l xs) drop' 0 ys = rewrite minusZeroRight k in ys drop' (S k) [] = [] drop' (S k) (y :: ys) = drop' k ys