import Data.List.Alternating main : IO () main = do let xs = the (Odd Double String) [1, "Hello", 2, "world", 3] let ys = the (Odd Double String) [1, "Hello", 0, "world", 3] printLn xs printLn $ xs == xs printLn $ xs == ys printLn $ compare xs xs == EQ printLn $ compare xs ys == GT printLn $ bimap (+ 1) (++ "!") xs printLn $ bifoldr (mapFst . avg) (mapSnd . join) (0, "") xs printLn $ bifoldl (flip $ mapFst . avg) (flip $ mapSnd . (flip join)) (0, "") xs ignore $ bitraverse printLn printLn xs printLn $ map (++ "!") xs printLn $ the (Odd Double String) $ [1, "Hello"] ++ [2, "world", 3] printLn $ the (Odd Double String) $ [1, "Hello", 2] ++ ["world", 3] let us = the (Odd String Double) ["Hello", 0, "world", 1, "!"] let vs = the (Odd String Double) ["Lorem", 1, "ipsum"] printLn $ us <+> vs printLn $ us +> "!" printLn $ "Oh, " <+ us printLn $ the (Odd String Double) neutral printLn $ foldr avg 0 us printLn $ foldl avg 0 us printLn $ the (Odd String Double) $ pure 1 printLn $ the (Odd String Double) $ ["Hello", (+1), "world", (+10), "!"] <*> ["Lorem", 1, "ipsum", 2, "."] printLn $ the (Odd String Double) empty printLn $ us <|> vs printLn $ x <- the (Odd String Double) ["Hello", 1, "world", 2, "!"] [",", x + 1, " "] printLn $ x <- the (Odd String Double) ["Hello", 1, "world", 2, "!"] ["Um,", 3, x] ignore $ traverse printLn us printLn $ odds xs printLn $ evens xs printLn $ the (List String) $ forget $ mapFst show xs where avg : Double -> Double -> Double avg x y = (x + y) / 2 join : String -> String -> String join "" t = t join s "" = s join s t = s ++ " " ++ t