module Data.SnocList.Quantifiers import Data.DPair import Data.SnocList import Data.SnocList.Elem %default total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Types and basic properties namespace Any ||| A proof that some element of a snoclist satisfies some property ||| ||| @ p the property to be satisfied public export data Any : (0 p : a -> Type) -> SnocList a -> Type where ||| A proof that the rightmost element in the `SnocList` satisfies p Here : {0 xs : SnocList a} -> p x -> Any p (xs :< x) ||| A proof that there is an element the tail of the `SnocList` satisfying p There : {0 xs : SnocList a} -> Any p xs -> Any p (xs :< x) export Uninhabited (Any p Lin) where uninhabited (Here _) impossible uninhabited (There _) impossible export {0 p : a -> Type} -> Uninhabited (p x) => Uninhabited (Any p xs) => Uninhabited (Any p (xs :< x)) where uninhabited (Here y) = uninhabited y uninhabited (There y) = uninhabited y ||| Modify the property given a pointwise function export mapProperty : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x) -> Any p l -> Any q l mapProperty f (Here p) = Here (f p) mapProperty f (There p) = There (mapProperty f p) ||| Given a decision procedure for a property, determine if an element of a ||| list satisfies it. ||| ||| @ p the property to be satisfied ||| @ dec the decision procedure ||| @ xs the list to examine export any : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> Dec (Any p xs) any _ Lin = No uninhabited any p (xs :< x) with (p x) any p (xs :< x) | Yes px = Yes (Here px) any p (xs :< x) | No npx = case any p xs of Yes pxs => Yes (There pxs) No npxs => No $ \case Here px => npx px There pxs => npxs pxs ||| Forget the membership proof export toExists : Any p xs -> Exists p toExists (Here prf) = Evidence _ prf toExists (There prf) = toExists prf namespace All ||| A proof that all elements of a list satisfy a property. It is a list of ||| proofs, corresponding element-wise to the `List`. public export data All : (0 p : a -> Type) -> SnocList a -> Type where Lin : All p [<] (:<) : All p xs -> p x -> All p (xs :< x) public export length : All p xs -> Nat length [<] = 0 length (xs :< x) = S (length xs) public export (++) : All p xs -> All p ys -> All p (xs ++ ys) pxs ++ [<] = pxs pxs ++ (pys :< py) = (pxs ++ pys) :< py export lengthUnfold : (pxs : All p xs) -> length pxs === length xs lengthUnfold [<] = Refl lengthUnfold (pxs :< _) = cong S (lengthUnfold pxs) export Either (Uninhabited (p x)) (Uninhabited (All p xs)) => Uninhabited (All p (xs :< x)) where uninhabited @{Left _} (pxs :< px) = uninhabited px uninhabited @{Right _} (pxs :< px) = uninhabited pxs ||| Modify the property given a pointwise function export mapProperty : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x) -> All p l -> All q l mapProperty f [<] = [<] mapProperty f (pxs :< px) = mapProperty f pxs :< f px ||| Modify the property given a pointwise interface function public export imapProperty : (0 i : Type -> Type) -> (f : {0 a : Type} -> i a => p a -> q a) -> {0 types : SnocList Type} -> All i types => All p types -> All q types imapProperty i f @{[<]} [<] = [<] imapProperty i f @{ixs :< ix} (xs :< x) = imapProperty i f @{ixs} xs :< f @{ix} x ||| Forget property source for a homogeneous collection of properties public export forget : All (const type) types -> SnocList type forget [<] = [<] forget (xs :< x) = forget xs :< x ||| Given a decision procedure for a property, decide whether all elements of ||| a list satisfy it. ||| ||| @ p the property ||| @ dec the decision procedure ||| @ xs the list to examine export all : (dec : (x : a) -> Dec (p x)) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> Dec (All p xs) all _ Lin = Yes Lin all d (xs :< x) with (d x) all d (xs :< x) | No npx = No $ \(_ :< px) => npx px all d (xs :< x) | Yes px = case all d xs of Yes pxs => Yes (pxs :< px) No npxs => No $ \(pxs :< _) => npxs pxs export zipPropertyWith : (f : {0 x : a} -> p x -> q x -> r x) -> All p xs -> All q xs -> All r xs zipPropertyWith f [<] [<] = [<] zipPropertyWith f (pxs :< px) (qxs :< qx) = zipPropertyWith f pxs qxs :< f px qx export All Show (map p xs) => Show (All p xs) where show pxs = concat ("[<" :: show' pxs ["]"]) where show' : All Show (map p xs') => All p xs' -> List String -> List String show' @{[<]} [<] = id show' @{[<_]} [ Not (Any p xs) -> All (Not . p) xs negAnyAll {xs=[<]} _ = [<] negAnyAll {xs=xs :< x} f = negAnyAll (f . There) :< (f . Here) ||| If there exists an element that doesn't satify the property, then it is ||| not the case that all elements satisfy it. export anyNegAll : Any (Not . p) xs -> Not (All p xs) anyNegAll (Here npx) (_ :< px) = npx px anyNegAll (There npxs) (pxs :< _) = anyNegAll npxs pxs ||| If none of the elements satisfy the property, then not any single one can. export allNegAny : All (Not . p) xs -> Not (Any p xs) allNegAny [<] pxs = absurd pxs allNegAny (npxs :< npx) (Here px) = absurd (npx px) allNegAny (npxs :< npx) (There pxs) = allNegAny npxs pxs ||| Given a proof of membership for some element, extract the property proof for it public export indexAll : Elem x xs -> All p xs -> p x indexAll Here (_ :< px) = px indexAll (There e) (pxs :< _) = indexAll e pxs ||| If any `a` either satisfies p or q then given a Snoclist of as, ||| either all values satisfy p ||| or at least one of them sastifies q public export decide : ((x : a) -> Either (p x) (q x)) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> Either (All p xs) (Any q xs) decide dec [<] = Left [<] decide dec (xs :< x) = case dec x of Left px => case decide dec xs of Left pxs => Left (pxs :< px) Right pxs => Right (There pxs) Right px => Right (Here px)