||| ||| ||| foldr is the unique solution to the equation: ||| ||| h f e [] = e ||| h f e (x :: xs) = x `h` (foldr f e xs) ||| ||| (This fact is called 'the universal property of foldr'.) ||| ||| Since the prelude defines foldr tail-recursively, this fact isn't immediate ||| and we need some lemmata to prove it. module Data.Vect.Properties.Foldr import Data.Vect import Data.Vect.Elem import Data.Fin import Data.Nat import Data.Nat.Order import Syntax.PreorderReasoning import Syntax.PreorderReasoning.Generic import Control.Order ||| Sum implemented with foldr public export sumR : (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a sumR = foldr (+) 0 %transform "sumR/sum" sumR = sum ||| A function H : forall n. Vect n A -> B preserving the structure of vectors over A public export record VectHomomorphismProperty {0 A, B : Type} (F : A -> B -> B) (E : B) (H : forall n . Vect n A -> B) where constructor ShowVectHomomorphismProperty nil : H [] = E cons : {0 n : Nat} -> (x : A) -> (xs : Vect n A) -> H (x :: xs) = x `F` (H xs) ||| There is an extensionally unique function preserving the vector structure export nilConsInitiality : (f : a -> b -> b) -> (e : b) -> (h1, h2 : forall n . Vect n a -> b) -> (prf1 : VectHomomorphismProperty f e h1) -> (prf2 : VectHomomorphismProperty f e h2) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> h1 xs = h2 xs nilConsInitiality f e h1 h2 prf1 prf2 [] = Calc $ |~ h1 [] ~~ e ...(prf1.nil) ~~ h2 [] ...(sym prf2.nil) nilConsInitiality f e h1 h2 prf1 prf2 (x :: xs) = Calc $ |~ h1 (x :: xs) ~~ (x `f` (h1 xs)) ...(prf1.cons _ _) ~~ (x `f` (h2 xs)) ...(cong (x `f`) $ nilConsInitiality f e h1 h2 prf1 prf2 xs) ~~ h2 (x :: xs) ...(sym $ prf2.cons _ _) ||| extensionality is a congruence with respect to Data.Vect.foldrImpl foldrImplExtensional : (f : a -> b -> b) -> (e : b) -> (go1, go2 : b -> b) -> ((y : b) -> go1 y = go2 y) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> foldrImpl f e go1 xs = foldrImpl f e go2 xs foldrImplExtensional f e go1 go2 ext [] = ext e foldrImplExtensional f e go1 go2 ext (x :: xs) = foldrImplExtensional f e _ _ (\y => ext (f x y)) xs ||| foldrImpl f e x : (b -> -) -> - is natural foldrImplNaturality : (f : a -> b -> b) -> (e : b) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> (go1, go2 : b -> b) -> foldrImpl f e (go1 . go2) xs = go1 (foldrImpl f e go2 xs) foldrImplNaturality f e [] go1 go2 = Refl foldrImplNaturality f e (x :: xs) go1 go2 = foldrImplNaturality f e xs go1 (go2 . (f x)) ||| Our tail-recursive foldr preserves the vector structure export foldrVectHomomorphism : VectHomomorphismProperty f e (foldr f e) foldrVectHomomorphism = ShowVectHomomorphismProperty { nil = Refl , cons = \x, xs => Calc $ |~ foldr f e (x :: xs) ~~ foldrImpl f e (id . (f x)) xs ...(Refl) ~~ foldrImpl f e ((f x) . id) xs ...(foldrImplExtensional f e _ _ (\y => Refl) xs) ~~ f x (foldrImpl f e id xs) ...(foldrImplNaturality f e xs (f x) _) ~~ f x (foldr f e xs) ...(Refl) } ||| foldr is the unique function preserving the vector structure export foldrUniqueness : (h : forall n . Vect n a -> b) -> VectHomomorphismProperty f e h -> (xs : Vect n a) -> h xs = foldr f e xs foldrUniqueness {f} h prf xs = irrelevantEq $ nilConsInitiality f e h (foldr f e) prf foldrVectHomomorphism xs ||| Each summand is `LTE` the sum export sumIsGTEtoParts : {x : Nat} -> (xs : Vect n Nat) -> (x `Elem` xs) -> sumR xs `GTE` x sumIsGTEtoParts (x :: xs) Here = CalcWith $ |~ x ~~ x + 0 ...(sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral _) <~ x + (sumR xs) ...(plusLteMonotoneLeft x 0 _ LTEZero) ~~ sumR (x :: xs) ...(sym $ (foldrVectHomomorphism {f = plus} {e = 0}).cons _ _) sumIsGTEtoParts {x} (y :: xs) (There later) = CalcWith $ |~ x <~ sumR xs ...(sumIsGTEtoParts {x} xs later) ~~ 0 + sumR xs ...(Refl) <~ y + (sumR xs) ...(plusLteMonotoneRight (sumR xs) 0 y LTEZero) ~~ sumR (y :: xs) ...(sym $ (foldrVectHomomorphism {f = plus} {e = 0}).cons _ _) ||| `sumR : Vect n Nat -> Nat` is monotone export sumMonotone : {n : Nat} -> (xs, ys : Vect n Nat) -> (prf : (i : Fin n) -> index i xs `LTE` index i ys) -> (sumR xs `LTE` sumR ys) sumMonotone [] [] prf = LTEZero sumMonotone (x :: xs) (y :: ys) prf = let prf' = sumMonotone xs ys (\i => prf (FS i)) in CalcWith $ |~ sumR (x :: xs) ~~ x + sumR xs ...((foldrVectHomomorphism {f = plus} {e = 0}).cons x xs) <~ y + sumR ys ...(plusLteMonotone (prf 0) prf') ~~ sumR (y :: ys) ...(sym $ (foldrVectHomomorphism {f = plus} {e = 0}).cons y ys)