1/1: Building Test (Test.idr) 2/2: Building Import (Import.idr) Error: Unknown operator '~:>' Import:9:1--9:8 5 | (|>) : (s : HasComp x) => {0 a, b, c : x} -> a ~> b -> b ~> c -> a ~> c 6 | a |> b = comp s a b 7 | 8 | (~:>) : Type -> Type -> Type 9 | a ~:> b = Pair a b ^^^^^^^ 1/3: Building Prefix (Prefix.idr) Error: While processing right hand side of test. When unifying: Either ((!!) a) ((!!) b) and: Either a ?b -> Void Mismatch between: Either ((!!) a) ((!!) b) and Either a ?b -> Void. Prefix:12:17--12:27 08 | (!!) = Not 09 | 10 | export 11 | test : Either (!! a) (!! b) -> !! (a, b) 12 | test f (x, y) = f (Left x) ^^^^^^^^^^