1/1: Building Eta (Eta.idr) Error: While processing right hand side of etaBad. When unifying \x, y => MkTest x y = \x, y => MkTest x y and MkTest = \x, y => MkTest x y. Mismatch between: Nat and Integer. Eta:14:10--14:14 10 | etaGood3: (f : a -> b) -> f = (\x => f x) 11 | etaGood3 f = Refl 12 | 13 | etaBad : MkTest = (\x : Nat => \y => MkTest ? ?) 14 | etaBad = Refl ^^^^ 1/1: Building Eta2 (Eta2.idr) Error: While processing right hand side of test. When unifying \x => S x = \x => S x and S = \x => S x. Mismatch between: a and Nat. Eta2:2:8--2:12 1 | test : Builtin.Equal S (\x : a => S ?) 2 | test = Refl ^^^^ Error: While processing right hand side of test2. When unifying \x => S x = \x => S x and S = \x => S x. Mismatch between: a and Nat. Eta2:5:44--5:48 1 | test : Builtin.Equal S (\x : a => S ?) 2 | test = Refl 3 | 4 | test2 : ? 5 | test2 = {a : _} -> the (S = \x : a => S _) Refl ^^^^