1/1: Building boom (boom.idr) Error: While processing right hand side of with block in eraseVar. Can't solve constraint between: S (countGreater thr xs) and countGreater thr xs. boom:23:42--23:44 19 | eraseVar : (thr : Int) -> (ctx : Vect n Int) -> Fin n -> Maybe (Fin (countGreater thr ctx)) 20 | eraseVar thr (x :: xs) j with (x .<=. thr) 21 | eraseVar thr (x :: xs) FZ | True = Nothing 22 | eraseVar thr (x :: xs) FZ | False = Just FZ 23 | eraseVar thr (x :: xs) (FS i) | True = FS <$> eraseVar thr xs i ^^