Main> : Nat -> Nat -> Nat Add two natural numbers. @ x the number to case-split on @ y the other numberpublic export Totality: total Main> Prelude.Nat : Type Natural numbers: unbounded, unsigned integers which can be pattern matched. Totality: total Constructors: Z : Nat Zero. S : Nat -> Nat Successor. Main> Prelude.List : Type -> Type Generic lists. Totality: total Constructors: Nil : List a Empty list (::) : a -> List a -> List a A non-empty list, consisting of a head element and the rest of the list. Main> Prelude.Show : Type -> Type Things that have a canonical `String` representation. Parameters: ty Methods: show : (x : ty) -> String Convert a value to its `String` representation. @ x the value to convert showPrec : (d : Prec) -> (x : ty) -> String Convert a value to its `String` representation in a certain precedence context. A value should produce parentheses around itself if and only if the given precedence context is greater than or equal to the precedence of the outermost operation represented in the produced `String`. *This is different from Haskell*, which requires it to be strictly greater. `Open` should thus always produce *no* outermost parens, `App` should always produce outermost parens except on atomic values and those that provide their own bracketing, like `Pair` and `List`. @ d the precedence context. @ x the value to convert Implementations: Show Int Show Integer Show Bits8 Show Bits16 Show Bits32 Show Bits64 Show Double Show Char Show String Show Nat Show Bool Show () (Show a, Show b) => Show (a, b) (Show a, Show (p y)) => Show (DPair a p) Show a => Show (List a) Show a => Show (Maybe a) (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) Main> : Show ty => ty -> String Convert a value to its `String` representation. @ x the value to convert Totality: total Main> Prelude.Monad : (Type -> Type) -> Type Parameters: m Constraints: Applicative m Methods: (>>=) : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b Also called `bind`. join : m (m a) -> m a Also called `flatten` or mu. Implementations: Monad IO Monoid a => Monad (Pair a) Monad Maybe Monad (Either e) Monad List Main> 1 : Integer Primitive Main> Bye for now!