module Data.DPair %default total namespace DPair public export curry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> ((x : a ** p x) -> c) -> (x : a) -> p x -> c curry f x y = f (x ** y) public export uncurry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> ((x : a) -> p x -> c) -> (x : a ** p x) -> c uncurry f s = f s.fst s.snd public export bimap : {0 p : a -> Type} -> {0 q : b -> Type} -> (f : a -> b) -> (forall x. p x -> q (f x)) -> (x : a ** p x) -> (y : b ** q y) bimap f g (x ** y) = (f x ** g y) namespace Exists ||| A dependent pair in which the first field (witness) should be ||| erased at runtime. ||| ||| We can use `Exists` to construct dependent types in which the ||| type-level value is erased at runtime but used at compile time. ||| This type-level value could represent, for instance, a value ||| required for an intrinsic invariant required as part of the ||| dependent type's representation. ||| ||| @type The type of the type-level value in the proof. ||| @this The dependent type that requires an instance of `type`. public export record Exists {0 type : _} this where constructor Evidence 0 fst : type snd : this fst public export curry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> (Exists {type=a} p -> c) -> ({0 x : a} -> p x -> c) curry f = f . Evidence _ public export uncurry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> ({0 x : a} -> p x -> c) -> Exists {type=a} p -> c uncurry f ex = f ex.snd export evidenceInjectiveFst : Evidence x p = Evidence y q -> x = y evidenceInjectiveFst Refl = Refl export evidenceInjectiveSnd : Evidence x p = Evidence x q -> p = q evidenceInjectiveSnd Refl = Refl public export bimap : (0 f : a -> b) -> (forall x. p x -> q (f x)) -> Exists {type=a} p -> Exists {type=b} q bimap f g (Evidence x y) = Evidence (f x) (g y) namespace Subset ||| A dependent pair in which the second field (evidence) should not ||| be required at runtime. ||| ||| We can use `Subset` to provide extrinsic invariants about a ||| value and know that these invariants are erased at ||| runtime but used at compile time. ||| ||| @type The type-level value's type. ||| @pred The dependent type that requires an instance of `type`. public export record Subset type pred where constructor Element fst : type 0 snd : pred fst public export curry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> (Subset a p -> c) -> (x : a) -> (0 _ : p x) -> c curry f x y = f $ Element x y public export uncurry : {0 p : a -> Type} -> ((x : a) -> (0 _ : p x) -> c) -> Subset a p -> c uncurry f s = f s.fst s.snd export elementInjectiveFst : Element x p = Element y q -> x = y elementInjectiveFst Refl = Refl export elementInjectiveSnd : Element x p = Element x q -> p = q elementInjectiveSnd Refl = Refl public export bimap : (f : a -> b) -> (0 _ : forall x. p x -> q (f x)) -> Subset a p -> Subset b q bimap f g (Element x y) = Element (f x) (g y)